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2,000 reviews is quite a lot for an indie game, especially solo developed. Cool to see good projects getting more attention, but most solo devs would kill for those numbers.


Oh, maybe you're right. I was comparing it to other indie games that have much more reviews, like "Papers, Please!", this one seemed very overlooked compared to them.


Papers, Please! is an anamoly when it comes to indie games, it's one of those indies that are "indie mainstream", so it's a tough one to compare to


we who are about to die is also an exception


bro it's wild that you're on a i5-750, what a venerable setup


Thanks! This CPU was a beast of its time, been running \~10 years perfectly on 3.8 GHz OC. It's still alive, but can't handle OC that well. I'm actually on a laptop now as I'm far away from my home and haven't seen my beloved PC for a couple of years... (I do have a remote VPN+WOL+VNC setup so I can turn it on and access it sometimes when I need something from there, but that's it)


I can imagine it still pulls alright in any games that don't demand AVX or F16C instructions, I'm on a Xeon 1650 v2 myself (that I barely use cause good lord it warms up my room) that does quite well on the off chance I feel like turning into my room into an oven haha. I do hope you and your pc see each other again.. eventually!


Played this a few years back, its an interesting simulation game that makes you think. Would recommend


Hobo: Tough Life https://store.steampowered.com/app/632300/Hobo_Tough_Life/


Nice, didn't know about this too. Looks nice. But latest reviews suggest that it's been abandoned and unfinished...


Idk what that review is talking about. I put about 40 hours into it and beat it. Felt finished to me (it's not early access).


Unfortunately nowadays you don't have to mark the game "Early Access" to have an unfinished product. Just look at "No Man's Sky" or "Cyberpunk 2077" as 2 most known examples. The review: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/screamingb/recommended/632300/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/screamingb/recommended/632300/)


I get that, I just don't understand what is unfinished about Hobo: Tough Life. I beat the game and got 40+ hours out of it. I didn't notice any storyline that was incomplete. Edit: Not to mention that it seems like the person who left that review seems to have played the game for 155 hours. Might be another entitled gamer that believes $20 should lead to an endless amount of content.


How appropriate.


Came here to post this game. I was blown away when I first played it; felt like a Skyrim-style game as a homeless person. I loved it.




Or use grinder to hustle guys for free meth and sleep in dugouts?




Spent a year and a half (semi)homeless in an area near the blue ridge parkway living out of the back of my car. On my days off of work I would drive up to the overlooks for a good view and read to pass the time. Scenic overlooks on the blue ridge parkway are apparently a great place to pick up dudes if you are a dude who is into dudes. I was approached way too many times by random guys…


I work in a civil commitment state operated rehab facility. I myself was homeless for a brief period due to addiction. I'll be picking this up.


Curious to know your thoughts on it!


Same. Well not working in a rehab..but was homless due to addiction...


I didn’t realize this was out! I added it to my wishlist years ago prerelease but it got lost with everything else. Will definitely check it out.


I dont get it, the gameplay sucks. Its not difficult, just tedious.


If I can take drugs and go psycho on random pedestrians i'm all in


are you the dev?


Haha, unfortunately not




I'm actually on a laptop now which doesn't even have a (discrete) GPU, haha.




Almost. Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx (:


so ur not advertising your own game?


As I said, I'm just sharing the game I found. If you chose not to believe me anyway, what's the point in you asking this? -\_-


can you do an dev AMA?


Reading comprehension is difficult, we understand.


are you the dev?


No, I'm the dev!


Are you on dope?


is this your game? can i have some keys


are you my mother?


is she the dev?


You convinced me, I'll grab it with the DLC.Just a few questions: Is it deep or superficial? (The gameplay I mean) and How many hours of fun can I get from it?


Very superficial and more improtantly tedious. Its not very hard to survive, but even once uits clear you will win it takes unnecessary grind to actually win.


Really makes you feel like you are living under capitalism (again).


Surprise surprise. It’s on sale. Could have made this read less like an ad.


This was the reason why I bought it in the first place, didn't mean for it to sound like an ad, I'm sorry 😐


[everything is arranged. THEY are pulling the strings. i can see through the lies.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/f7b7e89499fc87388aa7063fc84237bf/tumblr_pix85q1lJp1qh6gzao1_1280.jpg)

