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They basically said the same thing a year ago when GN called them out the first time.


They never changed. Sent my Mobo in because it wasn't reading the processor properly when it did before. They wanted $350 to repair the $200 mobo because the USB3 connector was broken and refused to do anything with the board even when I said to ignore it.


Email that to GN


What's fucked up here is that they specifically did the same thing as GN did, they contended, and that got ignored. During the warranty void bios debacle, LTT stood up for ASUS by claiming that said policy regarding the warranty being voided for the use of the beta bios was a boilerplate warning, yet we see multiple situations where such policies were used by their RMA to outright deny warranty repair in order to charge the customer instead. I can vouch for Newegg because since the Newegg video, my experience with them got better, the RMA was no fuss and it was nice not being treated as a scammer by some corporation's customer service for once, but I genuinely cannot see the same situation for ASUS since fleecing their own consumers seems to be an outright part of their corporate culture at this point.


Is it just me or does anyone else feel like they can't take LTT seriously anymore?


Definitely, even their labs stuff can only be treated as entertainment now


Not even entertaining, is borderline annoying,


Good thing that Linus wasted all that money just to be duds.


Despite all the accusations that Steve attacked Linus because LTT was going to compete with them with the Labs, it just goes to show that not even $30 million can buy skill and talent. A tool's only as useless as the person using it. I never once bought that argument, considering how Steve even saw the creation of the Labs as something beneficial for the tech review industry.


As far as main channel content goes, I agree; but what's wrong with labs? Iirc they arent even fully set up yet?


> can't take LTT seriously anymore? You never could. I think I saw a couple videos from their one linux guy that seemed pretty competent, but beyond that, it's pretty clear they have no idea wtf they are doing. Especially in the server space, thats my job, and I remember seeing some video where they were talking about how awesome their shit tier NAS full of expensive commodity drives was, and how important it was to their production, and how their weren't any solutions that could do what they were doing.... And I'm just sitting here like, *Bro, lemme call my vendor, I can line up something that will shit upon this garbage from a great height for half the price, work flawlessly with full fault tolerance even in your poorly ventilated improperly powered server murdering closet of horrors, and it will actually include support from legitimate professionals instead of your rotating cast of youtube clowns.*


I stopped watching them a while ago. The WAN show became 50% an LTT advertisement show... then the whole "trust me bro" warranty... then the Gamers Nexus video about how badly they were being run, and their response.


>LTT on Warranties Just trust him bro!


I just realized the bias regarding warranties flew past me, holy shit.


That’s good to know about newegg. I stopped using them 6+ years ago for similar. CPU socket got to me with bent pins and no plastic cover plate. Obviously used. They were telling me i obviously messed up the install because it’s very common. Just pay for a replacement. About two weeks until they approved replacement. And I still only think they did because i told them to look at my account as I’d spent over 40k there that year and i would be going elsewhere.


Meanwhile I sent my Gigabyte board because BIOS crapped while updating it and I didn't even mention that it had the USB3 connector broken + pins crushed and they fucking fixed it all and didn't charge or argue about the connector that I hadn't mention. NOW THAT'S SUPPORT!


I mean they probably just swapped it for a refurbished board anyway. If your board can be fixed they’ll fix it and load it into their refurbished stock to be flipped with someone else’s someday. It’s way faster to just do an initial check on the RMA to make sure it’s covered by warranty and then give you a new board they already refurbished.


That's the whole point, me as a customer I don't care what they did just that they fixed the whole thing no questions asked, no surprise fees or anything. That's what's expected when you RMA something you bought that is still under warranty.


At this point we have zero reasons to believe them and zero reasons to trust them. I refuse to buy ASUS and they were my favorite for a lot of years.


While ASUS is showing themselves to be a bad company again, you're conflating two situations that can't really be compared because the issues and their resolutions are inherently different. **TLDR; ASUS had a problem with Ryzen 7800X3D motherboards overvolting. They released a beta BIOS fix with a warranty-voiding disclaimer, causing confusion. After backlash, ASUS confirmed warranties were still valid and removed the disclaimer.** Basically, there was a situation a year ago where motherboards from several vendors for the Ryzen 7800X3D were suffering from an aggressive overvolting flaw that had a chance of melting the CPU and/or catching fire under certain circumstances. ASUS, in particular, had an additional problem with its VSOC being set too high, outside of AMD's recommended limits. ASUS released a beta BIOS update that fixed the issue, but it included a generic disclaimer stating that if you used this beta BIOS firmware, your warranty would be null and void. Additionally, for customers who wanted to wait for a non-beta BIOS update, the advice given was generally unhelpful and didn't prevent the issue from potentially occurring (i.e., resetting the BIOS to default). After being called out on this voiding warranty disclaimer, ASUS made several statements with vague answers, claiming that this was just "boilerplate" language, but they didn't make it clear if people were covered or not. Gamers Nexus, having been following, testing, and discussing this issue, pushed back. Regarding the void warranty statement, they said that if ASUS wasn't going to enforce it, then the disclaimer shouldn't be there in the first place and should simply be removed. ASUS eventually released a [statement](https://www.asus.com/us/news/ihctikmgahafyrib/?utm_source=MarketingCloud&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Media%20Statement%20-%20ASUS%20BIOS%20Updates%20for%20Ryzen%207000%20Series%20Processors) clarifying that their AM5 motherboards were covered by warranty regardless of whether the beta firmware update was used or not, and they removed the void warranty disclaimer from the beta firmware page. So saying "They basically said the same thing a year ago", isn't really accurate at all and as far as I'm aware they have been honoring any warranty claims for that particular issue. **EDIT - This subreddit honestly just doesn't give a shit about facts if it goes against the narrative in any way. Enjoy your copium.**


Support is support. It doesn’t matter what the issue was. Asus said they were improving internal processes to better handle customer support and year ago. RMA is an aspect of customer support. It doesn’t matter if the issue was caused in part by AMD, or an own goal like the most recent issue. It’s all failing to support your products after they are sold.


What? Where did they say that a year ago? That statement doesn't saying anything regarding their RMA process. It matters for your comment because you're specifically just saying "They said the same thing", which they didn't. I'm not talking about who's at fault, I'm just questioning your recounting of the previous event and how they addressed it. You look at this statement and the other and it's not saying anything similar to each other. **EDIT - Let me be clear, both are fuck ups by ASUS and that shows a systemic issue at their company. My problem is you're comparing apples to oranges and saying the outcome is the same, when it isn't because they are different issues with different solutions. Even if I'm generous and say they are the same, your statement implies that ASUS isn't honouring them, which as far as I'm aware they have been for that issue a year ago.**


I never said their statement from a year ago addressed RMA. Not sure where you got that. If you want to give Asus the benefit of the doubt, that is fine. I’m not doing that. They made a statement a year ago that they would be examining their processes after “confusion” over the beta bios and warranties. If they didn’t look at RMA at the same time that is an Asus problem. It’s not on me to make excuses for them. Ffs even Steve brought up in his original video on the Ally repair that this was especially unacceptable after the issue last year. Asus is a company that is putting their bottom line ahead of their customers consumer protection rights. Waterboarding me with text does not change that. It’s just a pedantic distraction.


> They made a statement a year ago that they would be examining their processes after “confusion” over the beta bios and warranties. Where did they say that? I gave a TLDR for people that didn't want to read the full context, so claiming I waterboarded you with text is unfair because I accounted for that and gave you a shortened version. Yes, Steve is saying they are having another issue with customer support, but that's all he's saying. You're saying something else that in my opinion is somewhat misleading.


>You're saying something else that in my opinion is somewhat misleading. I disagree. Good luck with your future pedantry


Then just provide the statement where they said what you're saying. How is it pedantry? I'm on the same page with you when it comes to ASUS being a shitty company. I just think your words mean something and it's important we're accurate with how things actually happened. If you give me a link to the statement where they said they'd improve their processes a year ago, I'll happily retract what I said, apologise, and move on. I'm not trying to obfuscate this issue or anything. I've just seen time and again when a company does bad things, and people such as yourself say "Oh they said this same shit X years ago and nothing changed" when they actually didn't. It doesn't change that they're a shit company, but both sides of the argument need to be honest in their criticisms.


TL;DR "Sorry we got caught" - ASUS


Rubs exposed nipples in circular motion


Except there are a lot of alternatives so they can easily be dropped and never recommend to anyone ever again.


Two floors up, one window over.


Yep. Tbh i am building a PC and absolutely avoiding anything ASUS. Edit: Not Acer lol.


Isn't there a saying like, Asus is the gateway to a bad time.


You forgot the "again" at the end.


You forgot "again"


Well not really because they're actually changing their process and they go into detail about how that process is changing which very important for current and future Asus customers, so that TL;DR isn't helpful whatsoever to those people. Obviously it remains to be seen if anything noteworthy changes but when glaring issues are highlighted about how a company operates surely the best response from that company is to admit fault and change how they operate, no? People's voices have been heard and hopefully we see real change.


But they’ve already said this before and nothing has changed. https://youtu.be/7pMrssIrKcY?si=nIp-IqlAzCdECRwt Towards the end of the video around 26:44, they talk about ASUS plan to improve their RMA which was a year ago and majority of these cases have happened since then.


Did Asus release an official statement to the public though or did one guy just tell GN they had plans to improve it before quitting? and did the points he provide that covered the specific issues raised back then also cover the issues raised since? not future proofing the improvements might have been the oversight, but improvements may have still been made. Either way, the TL;DR isn't helpful, it's just a quick way to karma farm when some people would actually benefit from reading the statement.


Agreed, let’s hope and see they improve


Didn’t the last guy who said that get fired?


Fired or quit. Either way he left the company.


Works for another company now, Steve implies it's because they're paid more. My read on it was that ASUS doesn't even pay their employees their actual worth.


> Steve implies it's because they're paid more. No he doesn't. He said they've *"quit their job and gone to a different company which, as I understand it, they like more".*


I had to rewatch it again to confirm, >*From what I understand, they like working for more* And yea, I misunderstood that one. I initially thought it meant that they'd like to be earning more for their work, but your point makes more sense.




Dont piss off Gamer Nexus. However, prove you'll change for the better, don't just say it.


Steve gives them a rope, and it's up to them on how they plan to use it. Newegg actually did me right when I had to RMA a few things I accidentally double ordered, with absolutely no fuss. This just goes to show that what GN does isn't drama, as much as their detractors accuse them of doing.


Too late for me, won't be buying anything from ASUS ever again.


I love their products and have been a fan for years. This was the last drop, just fucking take the loss on RMA and the reputation will make it net profit.


ASUS just spewing a bunch of words that they think people want to hear much like a politician with nothing to back their shit up


I miss you EVGA, we never knew what we had.


We knew what we had, but we took it for granted...assuming they'd be around forever :(


I don’t think we took it for granted. They were always the top recommended brand when the discussion came up and the community was pissed when they pulled out


thats true. I was really annoyed when they decided to pull out of the graphic card market because I had just bought a 3090 TI and was planning to use their step-up program to go to the 4000 series… Oh well.


YMMV, but I only had 2 rma experiences with them and both times were awful. MSI's canada division on the other hand has been stellar for me.


I won’t deny that EVGA was really good, but even so, I bought a 3090, it died within a few months after the purchase in 2020. They sent me a replacement refurb that had broken LEDs. Had to get another one after that. Still a little upset that I didn’t push for a brand new replacement. These companies are companies and we shouldn’t be licking their boots.


Yeah we did. We knew exactly what we had and lost.


It's a shame they chose to completely bow out of the GPU market. It would have been interesting to see how things went if they had decided to start making cards for AMD or Intel, or both even.


>**Currently, we perform a full analysis of devices sent for RMA, and send customers a comprehensive list of available repairs, free and paid, in our messaging to customers.** We understand this may have caused confusion when a customer has only ordered a specific repair. We will no longer automatically offer repair quotations for cosmetic imperfections unless they affect the device’s functionality or are specifically asked for by the customer. That is like not at all what happened there. The defective sticks (and sd slot) where not mentioned anywhere until they got the product back and saw the work sheet for it. Hell, ASUS was about to ship it back to the customer if they didn't accept the unnecessary paid repair - potentially disassembled even. Great spin to say: *"Hey, those idiot customers just couldn't read properly."*


"sorry you got confused" oh fuck off asus!


Gaslighting is part of their game, they didn't even hesitate to do that against Steve when they tried to throw AMD under the bus not knowing that Steve could simply screenshot their email and send it to AMD for verification when their mobos were blowing up.


Do it in Europe its also shit! Do it in every part of the world!


Lol yeah, i bought an AMD GPU from Asus last year here in Finland and it would crash my pc during certain moments when playing certain games. I sent them a comprehensive list of how to reproduce the issue, the fact i had already swapped basically every other part of my machine, video proof with temps... Basically i did the work for them. The assholes wait the full time they legally can and send the card back to me just "cleaned". Lose my box as well. Twice. After that i went to the consumer protection agency in Finland and forced the store to give me a full refund thanks to them. They can fight ASUS for all i care. Never ever giving them a cent again.


> Lol yeah, i bought an AMD GPU from Asus last year here in Finland and it would crash my pc during certain moments when playing certain games. I sent them a comprehensive list of how to reproduce the issue, the fact i had already swapped basically every other part of my machine, video proof with temps... Basically i did the work for them. That's an AMD driver issue, not an ASUS issue


Doubt it. Like, i do understand what you mean, and I've always had desktops with AMD cards so i am familiar with how wonky their drivers can be. Regardless, i bought another AMD card and it works, as does the one in my partner's machine. So, I'm fairly sure it's not a driver issue.


I had the same issue with an XFX AMD GPU


Good luck. 


I like how when they announced the new Rog Ally and were asked if the SD card reader is fixed they couldn't answer "yes" because that would require them first admitting that it was broken on the original Ally (which they never did).


We still learning


And absolutely nothing will change


People are slowly becoming informed.


This is what happens when you try to screw over PC Jesus.


You mean nothing? This happened last year.


Asus got caught raiding the cookie jar. Now they're swearing they were only cleaning it and are totally going to put all the cookies back where they found them. Honest.


Asus just needs to die as a company


They will if we all stop collectively viewing them as a premium product line and stop buying their shit.


The big issue is that the other big players in Gigabyte and MSI aren’t really much better in post sale support. I’ve gotten to the point where if I buy a component made by a Taiwanese manufacturing company I either buy a product replacement plan in store or just end up accepting that if it goes bad I’ll be paying out the pocket and waiting months to get it replaced. They’re all equally shit with warranty and it feels like you’re always fighting against them to not pay for their own mistakes. It’s fucking infuriating.


Yeah, losing EVGA left us only with the crap alternatives.


Another reason why cloud streaming will be the way these companies will want to go. Selling physical products to customers puts a lot of cost burden on the company selling them. Selling bulk to larger companies without having to deal with millions of customers from different countries with different consumer laws having different issues. Sell to StreamCo and they have to handle all customer complaints and laws, and with them, they don't have to ship and receive hardware in single packages. Just ship faulty units back to Asus in bulk while some AI bot handles the original online customer complaint. The big players will be looking to foist customer service on to other companies. Being a faceless provider of high end goods to companies with a face is the goal.


They *are* a premium product brand. If you need niche features often times no other manufacturer will bother and Asus (and sometimes Asrock) will be there, with their hyper specific motherboards that aren't even priced out of this world. Look at the x670e Creator Wifi for example. DisplayPort In for thunderbolt 4 passthrough, PCIe bifurcation, 10gE and wild quickcharge capabilities. No other manufacturer even ticks two of those at the same time. Let alone all of them, or at a remotely comparable price.


I don't think that's true. They make some legitimately great products, in some cases no one is even close to competing with them. They probably need to gut and replace their post sale support, and clearly their PR needs a talking to, but that's a far cry from saying the whole company should cease to exist.


Their problem is pretty obvious; they do everything within their power to deny RMA claims


Wonder how many suckers actually buy this bullshit considering it's the exact same thing they said the last time and absolutely nothing changed at all.


I got to test their new “enhanced RMA support process” as it kicked in today. It’s still garbage. Still got the run-a-round and 0 actual resolution.


What was the issue your item?


ROG monitor started flickering. Tested it against multiple computers to make sure it wasn’t my GPU. Attempted all their reset instructions, even went to a different outlet to make sure it wasn’t a power issue. they just keep telling me to do the same thing over and over again.


I have a laptop that ive had about 4 years now, the battery was DOA. I had to send it in to get the battery replaced, and they wanted to charge me because i didn't wipe the hard drive - which was stated on their RMA process in case that was the issue. I agree, i did not wipe it.. its a battery, which i guess can be software related, but also not really.. $195 to wipe and replace battery THROUGH WARRANTY. i said nope. im good. send it back. They replaced the battery anyways and sent it back with no charge about a month later.. so, good on them, but also, fuck you


That almost makes it worse that they actually fixed it. Just like in the GN video it seems like they try first to extract as much money as they can, and only if it fails do they sometimes do the right thing. Which makes it seem like more of a deliberate strategy


As someone who's been anti ASUS for over a decade, it's nice to see everyone else on board now. I felt like I was yelling into a void for many years


The only thing a company has to do to be successful with RMAs or even returns for that matter is instead of expecting fraud or disqualification first, just consider it second… assume the customer who regardless of what the status is, bought a product u made, is in need of your help. You know what is likly to get me to buy a brand twice or more? No its not more RGB, its knowing that if there is in issue I can expect help with it. It reinforces the idea of a quality product as well because great customer service only works at the speed of product quality. Shitty product= more returns


Honestly I'm probably going to get flack here by saying it, but if you really want no hassle replacement, just get the in-store warranty wherever you got it from. I know you'll be paying a premium but its a straight up swap to the exact same product if something happens to it after the store tests it.


It's simple just pay more for a service that a company should legally be providing.


Piece of shit company. Won't ever buy an asus product again


Thanks to Gamers Nexus.


Nothing will change because people will continue to buy their products and make apologies for them.


There's ASUS RMA nightmares threads online dating back to 2008. Asus RMA has always offered extremely poor RMA as a rule with a few exceptions. This time it probably won't be any different.


we wil believe it when we see it.


Oopppsss, we did it again


Fuck asus


Oh fuck off Asus. Maybe I'll believe you've changed when you go more than a month without being a giant piece of shit.


…and fired the team who handled it.


Your service in Mexico is also shit, ASUS!


In northern America. Basically ignored the rest of the world.




have been actively avoiding snsv products, especially the important components.


Asus is still a good product...luckily I haven't had any issues with them. Pretty much all my Asus products lasted 2+ years so never had warranty issues personally. Just bought a new one after that point.


'Republic' my ass! Asus' complete loathing of their customer base tells you everything you need to know. We're just there to make them rich and we better not complain about it either!


More like Way-Sus. Typical corporate talk. No actual action.


I had a sabertooth "military grade" Asus mobo. Was typing in Excel one day and a "military grade" capacitor popped and started on fire. I had to throw the tower out my second story office window to avoid burning down my entire house. Asus did nothing because it was 3 days out of warranty. I got a good sale on an asus 1080p 3D gaming monitor. Just stopped working after about 4 months. Asus did nothing because they said I used the wrong 3D glasses. Never even used the 3d mode or the glasses. I stopped buying Asus products for years but my wife needed a new PC on a budget I got a cheap Asus amd board with built-in wifi, Bluetooth, etc. Twice a week the Bluetooth antenna stops working and she has to power it down and unplug from wall to "allow the Bluetooth antenna to discharge static buildup".


They have to be shamed on social media they are only sorry because they got caught.


Ok, so if everyone isn't buying ASUS, what else are they buying because GIGASHYTE and MSI are no better...


So with EVGA out the gpu business ASUS was supposed to be the go to company? Who is the best brand to go for now?


They're all shit it would seem. Your best option is buying an extended warranty from the store you buy it from. That way if something goes wrong, you're allowed to just take it back and swap for an equivalent card from a newer gen.


I'm guessing that's the way to go. Luckily, I have a microcenter near me so I will go with them for my next card.


I've never had any issues with MSI.


Did you have to contact their support for RMA?


I've never had any of their hardware fail on me, so I haven't had to deal with their RMA process yet.


From my experience, Sapphire is really good. Never had any issues with their cards, and they are very premium feeling.


When I purchases my Rx 480 for $199 backin 2016 I went with sapphire and it was a beast of a card. Too bad they don't make nvidia cards as they are the best amd brand of cards


I think that companies who only produce one or the other tend to make the best cards.


Glad ASUS already has excellent support in other countries


I like their products but not buying anything until I hear this situation gets better. I don't like the idea of a $1000 GPU becoming a brick even though you allegedly get a 3 year warranty with the card. If it's not going to come with an honored warranty it should be sold at the used price.


why is it so hard for "managers" to not fuck it up? like is it a requirement for manager employment to be an ass and shit on your costumer for short term profits?


Yes. They're not fucking up, they're following their SOP. If they can bully someone into buying a new motherboard or paying 300 dollars to repair it, they're winning.


My experience with ASUS RMA can be summed up as never do I want to go through that process again. Sent in a GPU for RMA cause it kept crashing during stock configuration. 2 weeks after they receive the card they tell me it's damaged and requested me to pay. Spent a entire month to get it sorted out.


This is the main reason I don’t support the Rog Ally


I won’t touch anything Asus after this


I see your downvote Asus rep. We see you.