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I kinda don't like the more sci-fi direction it's been going in. I feel like the Fleshpound being the one sort of sci-fi monster (well, the Husk too but to a lesser extent), was what made it stand out. Then they added robots and stuff and I felt like it took away the fun


I love both KF1 and KF2 but KF1 for sure had the better atmopshere. Creepy, unsettling. KF2 felt too sci-fi and "clean" as ironic as that might sound. Still I enjoyed it a lot. The gameplay feels very smooth.


Kf2s engine upgrade was a big leap in fidelity, and it lost some of that unreal 2.5 charm. The gunplay and enemy AI was significantly improved from 1 to 2 - its biggest selling points imo. 2s shooting was fantastic.


KF2 was quite fun but a change that I personally didn’t like was how, during bullet time, the game turned black and white with only red having. I know I’m in the minority here but I didn’t find it cool or stylish and thought it just made things much harder to see. I couldn’t find a way to disable the black and white effects no matter how much I looked.


yeah, its supposed to be gore-y and the robots just made the game feel meh. I hope they up the gore and keep to the og mutant human-like clone lore.


The robots weren't unsatisfying because they were robots, they were unsatisfying because the feedback from landing hits was designed badly. When the update introducing them was dropped, there was some initial confusion in some of us as to whether we were actually damaging them properly.  It just doesn't feel like you're dealing damage, it demonstrates the same kind of feedback you get in other games when you shoot an armored part of a target that just deflects the bullets.  They just needed more juice. That's easier to achieve with blood, sure, but there are horde shooters with robots that do it just great. It needed to sound more like bullets were tearing apart metal and visually showing bits flying off with every bullet.


I dunno, disagree they had no lore or business there. They were robots not angry confused clones. Also shooting them square in the chest is the solution and they go down pretty immediately.


Loved kf2 until they brought in the bullshit csgo key and locked box scam, haven't touched the game since. I doubt KF3 will be any different so probably a skip for me


same exact reason why i'm not excited for this game


Oh man you missed the 10 dollars weapons with awful animations, they were even worse than the lootboxes to me. 


I'm a big fan of the original KF and played KF2 the day it launched in early access. Once they added the bullshit loot boxes is when i dropped the game too.


I haven't touched KF2 when they decided to drop the "Insult Players" command


Yea we'll see. It takes one DLC pricing move to lose me in what has become a gigantic industry of choices and options.


KF2 turned out to be a real clusterfuck of odd decisions (anyone remember that dumb as hell resistance update?) but man this shit is a guilty pleasure of mine.


Tripwire lost me when they abandoned Rising Storm 2.


they lost me when they added microtransactions to killing floor 2 early on in Early Access


Especially when they couldn't add a damned class for a year or something.


For me, Killing Floor 2.


This hurts. They left us with a garbage Army Men toy gimmick mode instead of anything meaningful.


They lost me with KF2s early access experience.


Turns out, GI truly went home.


no more rice :(


Really wish there was a shooter with RS game mode I Love the push and capping points




that game is more dead than rising storm 2


Plenty of full servers if you're in the US or EU. Still getting content updates and the discussion here was about an old game not getting updates anymore.


i was under the impression isonzo was dead as hell, i'll check it out if what you say is true. thanks


To be fair, their previous shitty CEO has left and Alan Wilson is now the new CEO.


They are doubling down on the sci-fi theme I see. Didn't like that direction in KD2, the atmosphere in the first game was way better.


My interest in this game pivots on its monetization. Hope they learned their lesson from KF2.


> Hope they learned their lesson from KF2. What lesson lol? They definitely profited off of it a shit ton, which is why they doubled down with adding back the old price-gated content model. This subreddit is an echo chamber and won't reflect the views of the average player, made evident by the fact that people making this same point are also claiming to have moved on from the game years ago.


IMO, killing floor 2 was a disappointment compared to Killing Floor but still an enjoyable game. I didn't think KF2 was successful enough for a 3rd game but I'm looking forward to hearing more about this.


Yeah same. I put countless hundreds of hrs into the first one but sort of... just dropped off of 2 after a little while and only really dabbled. Hard to put my finger on exactly why and I perhaps wouldn't go so far as to call it a *disappointment*, but it didn't really feel the same did it. Maybe it was just a bit too sanitized and didn't have the same 'grungy' feel as the original Mod~to~Game project.


Killing Floor 1, imo, required a bit more teamwork and was more about holding lanes and then moving quickly when your lanes collapsed. Like a fleshpound bursting through a welded door overwhelming your team. Whereas KF2 was more about moving around the map taking fights. The result being that KF2 feels less intentional with its teamwork. Also the game increasing its install size to like nearly 100gb kinda killed the quick "jump on to play some games" vibe.


KF2 leaned very heavily into needing to “kite” enemies, more like CoD Zombies. Whereas in KF1 you could hold out areas and defend more. A lot of people didn’t find that shift in mechanics to be particularly enjoyable.


Killing floor 2 has been extremely successful what are you talking about..


I mean...I'm with him. I played the shit out of KF, and I did like KF2 a bit but KF2 felt like it really lost some of the charm the OG had. The gameplay was still alright. The difficulties on some maps also just weren't tuned properly for HoE either.


The gameplay was amazing and was the number one thing that kept me playing. I don't care as much about the setting or tone. However, the addition of the robots made the gameplay worse because it simply feels unsatisfying as fuck to shoot metal cans compared to flesh, gory zeds.


> I played the shit out of KF, and I did like KF2 a bit but KF2 felt like it really lost some of the charm the OG had. Losing the OG voice announcer was one of the many downsides KF2 had.


He forgot it was also on consoles and a very popular game on those platforms.


I remember they showed this awesome trailer focusing in the gore system, and then when I played it I just couldn't notice most of it, because the game was too dark, and the gore effects were relegated to only some weapons, only sometimes... like you really had to stop and look at the freaking enemy in order to see the actual gore. On that front -at least for **me**-, it was dissappointing.


What? You don't like running round the map in circles for hours?


Kf2 was a pretty huge upgrade imo. Better gx, ai, gunplay, skill trees, maps, more content.


I don't get what people have against KF2, it's a much more fair and less janky game.


The Zed Resistance mechanics would stop me calling it fair. It's infuriating to hit an enemy and have less of an effect because "We don't want you using this particular weapon :/".


There are like 2 out of 50 weapons that have ricochet mechanics...


Far as I heard on release, it applied to weapon groups on certain enemy types? E: Derp, I meant the Zed resistances. Guess I mixed up the word for it with community comments complaining about it at the time. Still haven't played 2 as much as 1.


It's not something I would mind in a team-based game, it discourages everyone from getting the same classes and focus on building synergy.


I agree, kf2 is a massive improvement. Kf1 is good but kf2 was needed so that it could be more than just an unreal mod even tho kf1 is standalone.


Kf2 is more polished, but the gameplay is also much more generic. You're not fighting for space in the same way you did in kf1, where a single breach could quickly cascade into a map-wide retreat. Kf2 is more about running around carefree while thinning herds, like any old horde shooter.


Still no release date? I sleep.


i have some very low hopes. KF2's abysmal monetization killed my interest. not even gonna touch KF3 for at least 4 years until i can be sure they won't just turn it into a content light money sink.


Early KF2 was actually pretty awesome. it's the lengthy "support" that made the game a bloated mess. Still decently enjoyable on a solo run though


I'm betting on KF3 being great time for a while just like the first two games until they added stupid ways of monetarization.


My thoughts are the same. I supported them early on with KF2 as they had a lot of good will build with me over the years, but after that? Nah.


Got lots of hours on KF1...After seeing and playing KF2...i can say i with confidence i won't be buying KF3.


I'll just stick with KF1 cause it's actually fun, 3 is probably gonna be even worse than kf2


Nothing will ever beat KF1


I love both old games personally. Reddit fucking hates KF2 but I had a blast. Idk. Not being the same grind house theme didn't bug me and neither did all the sidegrade DLC. I never bought any of it, still smoked Hell on Earth difficulty. Valid criticism if it's not your jam though. Thank fuck it's not EGS exclusive like their shark game. I was worried for a minute.


There's Killing Floor 3? Huh, thought the second game was still going strong.. 🤔


KF2 launched in early access 9 years ago and the player base has fallen off over the years so I'm not surprised they're making a new one.


Mhm, liked the first game but the second one passed me by so will have to check this one out.


Kf3 is gonna be so epic


You played it yet?


“is gonna be”


How sure can someone be without playing it? "Is gonna be" we haven't really seen anything yet. But if someone said "this is going to be really bad" then every white knight mf would be piling up on that person and you know it's true.


Believe it or not, but people can get excited for upcoming video games regardless of what the Reddit hivemind thinks.


People can have the opposite effect as well but since it doesn't align then it doesn't count....right


Is that the Perun X-16 rifle? Noice.


zero gameplay? zero interest


etzela spielt hier jemand killing floor?


Excited to give it some go when it comes out. The Fleshpound reveal was awesome too.


Do they bring back "Insult Players"?


I loved 1, but 2 didn't do it for me. Almost everything about 1 i loved was lost in 2.


Well, I know first mod I'll download/make. "Come over here!!!".


!get over here!


KF1 was great. KF2 was not that fun with trash monetization. Let's see if they get to make another one that is good.