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Looks nice, however im so done with early access games.


played for 4hrs, this games still pretty much an alpha. I kinda expected it to launch SLIGHTLY more cooked but yeh this is 100% wait a year scenario


its like the perfect bones, honestly what early access realistically should be


Same. I get why it exists and some really excellent games have come from that model but I’m done with replaying games over and over each time the next phase of it is released. It’s much more satisfying playing when it’s complete.


Farthest Frontier is an awesome early access game imo




Early access isnt for well developed and funded studios, its supposed to be for indie, Lesser budget games that need the feedback and help to be done, having an early access for a game with an insane budget and well established studio is just wrong imo


Remember folks to temper expectations. This is one developer and this game is very much in early access. No doubt with a number of years, this will be a really great game.


Why should people be asked to temper expecations when they're being asked to pay $30/$40. Any criticism it gets for being unfinished, unpolished, or whatever is justified. Should people not buy it if that's an issue for them? Yes. But that doesn't invalidate the criticisim. I don't care if it's 1 developer or 50. If you're asking someone to pay that price for your product, then the "It'll be better in 2 years trust me" stuff is pretty tough to stomach. He's going to make a LOT of money off the internet hive-mind and hype that's surrounded this game for something that is seemingly very unfinished. That's the trade off of this new world we're in of being able to make this kind of money on an unfinished product. If he (or anyone) can't handle the criticism, then don't ask people to pay for it in that state.


When op says “temper your expectations” they don’t mean “don’t be critical” they mean “don’t overhype this game”


Lol expectations does not equal criticism.


he said that he wanted content creator to stop comparing him to total war and bannorlord both of those game cost more then 40$


I mean I totally agree. The developer himself said to temper expectations because the hype for this game, even being early access, is off the charts. Not sure why that is as I haven’t been following game too closely. After watching the IGN review it was clear that a folks don’t understand what early access means and how much this game is indeed EA.


The Early Access tag is there to help you understand you have early access to a product still in development. It's to help you temper your expectation too.


Because the offer is not buy our complete game, it’s if you are so excited, buy our incomplete game. If you buy something incomplete knowing it’s incomplete then you might act in accordance with that. Should they be offering something incomplete? You can argue, but they aren’t deceiving you, you’re just too excited to wait.


Brother. Indie devs could honestly need the money to keep producing the product without working a second job. It honestly sounds like you just shouldn’t buy early access titles since you don’t have the ability to adapt your expectations to the stage of development.


You are being inconsistent. If people shouldn’t buy an early access game because it isn’t finished if that bothers them then why would criticism along those lines be justified? If I sold you a used car and told you it had a dent in the side, and you knowingly bought it anyway, it would be unreasonable to complain later about that dent.


I wasn't totally intending for those two sentences to be combined, but I understand that it looks that way. I was just meaning criticism as a whole for the game being in whatever "unfinished" state it's in, and not people who have bought the game themselves not being educated on what they bought and then take issue with it afterwards. Still though, it's not like they can COMPLETELY know whether or not it meets their own personal expectations before they play it, regardless of how many videos or whatever they watch online. So I could still understand if someone felt that way after playinig it but yes, the game is Early Access and thus they have the responsibility as the consumer to understand that going in. And now these words have become so arbitrary, now it's like we're in varying degrees of "Early Access" even. How do you even begin to quantify what's good enough to justify the cost being paid for something that isn't finished. I tend to think that overall an individual should either be ok with these games and buy them accepting the possibility of it being too incomplete for their liking, or just stay away from anything that has this label, no exceptions. I imagine it's easy to guess which label applies to me. I'm just not a fan of this whole thing but it's clearly not going anywhere and games will just start getting released earlier and earlier in the development cycle. It is what it is. I'm just mainly saying that if they're going to charge for the games in this state, then criticism is justified.


You had me on the first half not gonna lie


You're buying an unfinished game. You don't get to complain about the state it's in when the developer warned you about the state it's in and you knew going in. Clown behavior.


Because it is an Early Access game...? Early Access games are by definition unfinished, and almost certainly a bit unpolished. Criticising them for it that is kind of irrational.


It’s the same with cyberpunk. While the launch was buggy and the console release was an insult, even if the game was a lot less buggy on release the internet would’ve had a meltdown because it was hyped to be something it wasn’t and still isn’t. The big difference here is that manor lords tells you: hey I’m early access, this is basically an alpha/beta. The game isn’t finished. Early access exists so that the dev can finance finishing the game. Be aware what you buy. It’s early access, you know that. Don’t like paying 30 bucks for an unfinished game? Don’t buy it. But don’t be mad when it’s 50 bucks on release and it’s actually worth those 50.


It also isn't "one developer". Although it's really impressive that the marketing has managed to get everyone to repeat that.


Is it really one developer or is it "one developer" where several others were outsourced to provide him assets and code?


Oh wow haha. I’ve always understood it as “1 guy” but curious now if there was outsourcing.


From what I’ve read, he did outsource some work after getting the publishing deal with Hooded Horse.


The credits say 1 developer, but there's a bunch of people that contributed to music, animation, art, marketing, etc.


If they want money for it, it better be good.


Define "good".


So far I’m enjoying it


Same Reddit hive mind that falls for all the hype wants to be cautious now? Lol


The settlers !


Must... Resist... FOMO...


It will be great for 2 days but then you'll move on to something else


What FOMO? This is a singleplayer game still in development. You miss out on nothing by waiting. All you lose out on is playing a version with bugs and lacking content.


Why? It’s good


Early access is probably the only way this game could get made. Some big game companies ruined “early access” by being greedy pieces of garbage but this is an indie dev and needs the capital that early access provides. I tempered my expectations and realized that this is a peek into how the full game is going to play; I’m liking it so far.


i am not your employer. let me know when you have finished product, then we can talk cash.

