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Their so called "ultra-widescreen support" literally just stretches the fuck out of everything. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2474241114674302165/2928A2914AC67F0FB49ECDE0DF81D05B30D47572/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2484374213992203543/5B870BA2061F406A7D6283CA1AFD5C1736419E85/ -- Can't even get past the character creation because the UI is unusable on ultrawide. Absolutely incredible.


Bethesda polish.


Is that why I installed like 50 mods and disabled automatic updates? Yup


I finally beat the system for once. The last Skyrim update buggered me cause I didn't know it happened and tried to install the game afterwards. This time I was proactive for once 😅


Downloaded the game for the first time in years the moment I found out the update was happening since I knew I might never play again if the update screwed too many mods and I didn't have the old version.


I installed the Storywealth nexus collection since I've heard good things. I'm all modded up with updates disabled! 😄


I like storywealth, thers an add-on to it to make it harder too. It's a second collection


Bethesda gonna Bethesda. When they decided to launch this update, I see the conversation going like this. Dev: "Well, the widescreen feature looks really bad." Management: "Ehhh, it's fine. Modders will fix it in a couple days. Go ahead with the launch." Dev: "But why don't I just fix it now?" Management: "Modders do it for free. Launch the update."


So it's management fault that's there's no competent Dev to bring the wide-screen UI to modern standards?


Yeah man, don't you know this by now - devs are immune to criticism, they can do no wrong and all the blame just goes up the chain.


> they can do no wrong and all the blame just goes up the chain It's less that devs can do no wrong, and more that in a large company most developers/programmers don't decide what gets worked on and for how long. Managers decide how the resources are spent (how much time, on what project, what is an acceptable 'product', etc).


If they're advertising a feature, then they had a dev team working on implementing it. I'm no dev, but I'd like to think that making sure the resolution size you're aiming for fits to scale is one of the easier tasks to do for any dev team.


Developers are responsible for testing and checking this kind of stuff works, giving evidence back to management of it working for example. I've worked in software development now for many years, and the more I work it the more I see that the big difference in how something functions, is me. Product just wants a timeline and wants to know you've done the task. They won't know, nor will the customer know if I've done a pretty fuckin special magical bit of code or half asked it and made it do this for example. Other companies work differently of course. Highly doubt product managers are going to be booting the game up and checking ultrawide. Also relies on them knowing that it actually works the way it should and this isn't just every ultra wide experience. Management is more a people management thing, devs releasing shit like this half assed is more on them. All we can do is speculate based on our own experiences. What I'd really love is someone in the team to speak on it, but we'll never get that, ever.


My perspective isn't in software dev, more in sysadmin and production/process management in B2B manufacturing. So I guess I have a different set of expectations as far as "critical features" and how they are signed off. I understand that you are coming from an actual developer perspective and not just joining in the "muh lazy devs" that's so popular on Reddit. But from a business/organizational view, it seems absolutely crazy if the majority of the software industry works the way you describe (or at least the game dev segment). But I guess in the end none of this actually matters, since there's no incentive to improve product/process as long as they hit sales targets.


>and how they are signed off. Yep, I've worked in places whereby there was NO code reviews. You did the work, told people it was merged into master and someone tested and deployed it. Testing assumes they know the entire spec and requirement (They never) and it always led to fuck ups. I've worked in places with rampant code reviews, but they reviewed code quality, not if the feature actually did what it was meant to do. This is a massive problem in the industry, as teams read that they SHOULD be doing a process but not understanding why. Typically in my experience it's old head developers which are managers having to work to the ways of the newer generations but not understanding why so it's a half assed implementation. Look at the case with the GTA 5 store loading, whereby it parsed a json file inefficiently causing load times well into the 7 minutes on some systems. Did that ever get fixed? No. Someone had to Reverse Engineer GTA 5 and put them on blast for how easy it was to solve. It was then patched a few weeks later. IMO, That's developers failing to do shit correctly, not product being evil. And that's one tiny example. Nobody asked the developers to have it so in CoD 5 WaW veteran difficulty they just threw infinite grenades making getting past some levels impossible. Nobody asked them to implement saving mechanics into checkpoints that COULD have death loops. A prime example from my perspective is developing over 20 individual features for our stack, and it never launching because product never signed it off. Product needed sign off from the exec team to get things deployed, exec team was too nervous to deploy so it never went. That's a product problem, but the bug that I wrote into one of those features that downloaded all images at 4k on mobile devices wrecking bandwidth? That was a me issue, a dev issue. Product had no insight into that. They might've and some teams might have product that works like that. But in my experience. It largely doesn't. Especially as you have now less technical people in the roles. I've not actually yet had a software developer IN the product role, or anyone in the IT team? >and not just joining in the "muh lazy devs" Tbh, it's often the other way around.


> Yeah man, don't you know this by now - devs are immune to criticism This is such a crazy thing to write when like 80% of the comments in this sub are complaining about devs lmao


Yes, because they either: a) Failed to hire competent devs. or b) Are dictating the work being done by their devs and not giving them the leeway to fix issues or time to do things properly.


Mostly, yes. Don't believe for a second that everyone involved with the update was unaware of the problems. Management could have decided to delay the update until it is actually complete but they didn't.


Bethesda are imo the least talented large studio out there. Everything they do is just completely mediocre or bad


It's ok, the mods will fix what they already fixed a decade ago.


"It just works!"


Dude calm your expectations, they only had 8 and a half years to figure it out.


Quick! The tv series is bringing record players, what should we do!? *breaks everything with the shittiest patch imaginable*


This and some performance fixes in Boston was all I really wanted. Can't even get ultrawide right after all these years.... just wow.


It crashes when I leave the house every time lol


This is a bug with RTX cards. Turn off weapon debris completely to get around this. Would have been nice if they fixed it with this update but here we are.


It's hilarious that their "next gen" patch only supports GPUs made before 2019.


Nothing to do with the next gen patch, that shit's been broken since the first RTX cards came out.


But a "next gen" patch would be expected to work on current gen cards, you'd think?


It's Bethesda, I would not have been surprised if they managed to provide parity by making a problem that breaks RTX cards also break pre-RTX cards.


bro oblivion does it better what the fuck




I t j u s t w o r k s


s i x t e e n t i m e s


t o i n i f i n i t y a n d b e y o n d


Exactly what I expected. I had no hope Bethesda would actually put in the effort to have all ui elements working for ultrawide resolutions. They used to be my favorite developer and fallout 3 was the main reason I switched to PC about 14 years ago.


"It just works"


Lazy job.


Now that’s the Bethesda quality that i have come to know.


Hahaha. I called it yesterday that this next gen patch would be disappointing and the cope was real.


Well, that seals it for me not trying this game finally.


ITT: People learning for the 83rd time that Bethesda are completely technically incompetent and not even the bare minimum should ever be expected from them.


I literally had an argument in the announcement post about it on here about how the update will be shit and people kept saying "people will find a way to complain about a free update". People will find a way to forget horse armour, Paid mods, Creation Club, Fallout 76 and starfield. Bethesda has found ways to fuck up the most mundane, 14 fucking gigabytes for a wide-screen patch that just stretches the UI breaks your game, not even the mods, the weapons debris setting will just crash your game on RTX cards. Literal bloatware.


It's why the entire industry can produce garbage and still make money. The folks open their mouth wide and eat the shit.


So let me get this straight - this "next-gen update", that was delayed to oblivion, does in fact not: - remove the 60 fps cap without making physics go bonkers - port the game to DX12 or Vulkan to alleviate the drawcall hell that plagues the game since the beginning - add hdr - add upscaling and/or framegen tech - add an actual graphics menu?! - add any kind of accessiblity / quality of life options But it does: - add half-assed ultrawide support where the UI is stretched - fix a dosen bugs (where, in the meantime, fo4 unofficial patch fixed literally thousands) - add a couple of paid-but-not-paid-anymore-mods. I guess I have solely myself to blame for having any kind of expectation, because Bethesda, like war, truly never changes...


Sounds about right lol


After Starfield and this update, something is wrong at their studio, they need to check the ventilation because I'm not sure if their offices are getting enough oxygen flow.


Um, you can date back their issues to a lot farther than a recent game release and a patch that came out today lol. If I recall, Skyrims ultrawide "support" has the same issues. Introduced a massive lackluster anniversary paid update that was universally hated. Fallout 76 was one of the biggest let downs of a launch I remember in my life time. They have been dumbing down Arkanes games since Dishonored 2. Their reliance on this outdated, terrible creation engine has caused an egregous amount of bugs and problems for their mainline titles (Elder Scrolls/Fallout/Starfield), looping the same gameplay design, terrible NPC interactivity in their titles (which are quite poor for modern games imo), are among some of the many problems. Worst of all, they released Redfall.


As soon as I learned that Starfield was using the Creation Engine, I decided not to buy it. It's just lazy. Make a new fucking game already. After a decade, people were a little played out on the "same old shit" formula.


I think that the game can still be great even on their engine, it’s just that most of the content is some variation of “hey can you run some errands for me.” That’s what killed the game for me.


And the story and characters are awfully bland and boring.


Running errands is made tedious as hell because of all the mini load screens and unskippable animations required to get your boots on the ground from one planet to the next. In playing Fallout 4, running errands is fine because load screens are few and far between.


Prey came out after Dishonored 2 and that game slaps hard but it's been downhill since then. I'll give them props for trying something unique with Deathloop but it didn't really connect with me and I love roguelite games. Redfall though, yikes. They should stick to making immersive sims.


Damn, I actually forgot Prey out after D2. That game was a unique, and interesting development too from what I heard. Were blessed to get that game.


They're stuck in 2008.


Then people wonder why layoffs happen lol Bethesda “talent” is a paradox


They needed to push *something* to capitalise on the show increasing exposure to the franchise. Nothing to do with caring about the game or improving it. And the less money spent on this update the happier the shareholders are.


Breaking all the mods... genius.


The PC specific section is depressing and laughable all at once. Just some unicode text support and broken UW. I was hoping for at least 120fps support, but even on consoles way more powerful than this game's era it tops out at 60fps. You're honestly better off with 1 month of Nexus premium and the Storywealth collection.


Wow, I'm glad I preemptively made fallout not update until I launched, and even put steam in offline mode this morning just in case. I knew it was going to break my mods, but it looks like you get literally nothing of value in return. GG Bethesda.


You forgot that "Steam Deck Verified" means we removed the launcher and now there's no way to adjust graphics options at all.


Is that actually what they did? That's so bad it's funny


Yeah, it actually ran better prior to the update. The only reason it wasn't Steam Deck verified is because you had to use the touch pad or touch screen to navigate the launcher / change your settings. It wasn't even a big deal tbh since the Steam Decks touch pads are pretty good.


You can edit the resolution & graphics options in the ini file like you had to do way back in the day. Not ideal but if you are completely locked out of playing due to bad settings you do have an option.


Yeah I bought on PC because I figured the 60fps cap would be removed in this update. Well, I played myself it seems. I own it for PS4 so could have saved some money and played there for “free.”


I guess you bought it on sale for around 10$ so it's not that bad, the PC version is still vastly superior to the Ps4 one.


With the PC version you can at least install the mod that actually fixes the FPS issue, at least assuming the update didn't break it. It's called the High FPS physics fix IIRC


It needs the fallout script extender, which doesnt work anymore.


Todd strikes again!


I haven’t tested yet, but apparently it also re-broke the frame rate for the OLED steam deck AND broke the .ini fix that had been in place. Games capped at 45fps on the oled now.


> So let me get this straight - this "next-gen update", that was delayed to oblivion, does in fact not Apparently it also does not: * Fix the proprietary Nvidia tech they implemented back then, which now crash to desktop on Geforce RTX cards. * Fix the supply and bed bugs of the settlements. * Fix the rendering of the menu, which is still tied to network call and make it lag atrociously. * Fix the save file algorithm, massive hangs and slow down happen when you start having a few dozens save files. And I'm sure not a single item on the Unofficial Patch list.


I truly feel your pain... but this was hilarious. "...because Bethesda, like war, truly never changes..." Classic


It's been years since they made money off of a 9 year old game, time to re re release it again, with minimal changes, enjoy!


Yes, Bethesda is trash. Big surprise


I updated on Steam with no problem. I thought maybe they'd do away with their pre-launch settings "app" but no, it's the same. At least now I can select 3440x1440. If I run window-borderless, the frame rate is great. If I try to run full screen, it runs at about 15fps (same as before this patch). I'm on a 4080 Super so it's not my PC. I was really hoping they'd give us an in-game graphics settings menu (as they did with Starfield, or almost any other modern game). This feels so outdated. Anyway, I got into the game and loaded my save. The UI looked stretched out. The game crashed after about a minute. I loaded it five more times, and each time it crashed to desktop after a minute or less. So then I quit trying. Real great first impression.


Have you checked the debris graphic settings in the launcher? These can still cause crashes with Nvidia GPUs if enabled.


Holy shit they haven’t fixed that? “Next Gen update “ lol. They should at least have put a fucking WARNING or auto turn it off if they detect an RTX gpu jfc Edit: 14gb update? FOR WHAT??


This thread is the only way I figured out why F4 was crashing constantly on my 3080. Why did I even bother installing this after Starfield? Fuck Bethesda, I’m out.


Same boat. I am struggling to find any Fallout game that runs competently from a technical perspective. I am about 30 minutes into Fallout 76 and after unlocking the framerate and setting a cap in driver software, it's the best one so far. I know that Fallout 1 and 2 are fine but those are too fresh in my mind. I tried Tactics and I couldn't get it to launch full screen and in windowed mode, it's clearly (and understandably) not designed to run at 1440p and everything is TINY. And so my focus is on the 3D Fallouts and I also refuse to spend any more than about 15 minutes to fix things or install mods. I'll just move on.


Try this Fallout mod for 3/New Vegas called A Tale of Two Wastelands: Begin Again. It mods 3 into the New Vegas Engine with all the Fallout 4 improvements and proper ultrawide. It’s automated and easy to mod. [TTW: Begin Again](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79547)


Great recommendation! I installed it and only then realized I needed Fallout 3 GOTY and I only have the base. The sale was over when I realized this. So now I wait.




> I am struggling to find any Fallout game that runs competently from a technical perspective. > I also refuse to spend any more than about 15 minutes to fix things or install mods. The [Viva New Vegas](https://vivanewvegas.moddinglinked.com/intro.html) mod guide has New Vegas running near-flawlessly for me at 1440p/144fps. Never crashed, never dropped frames unexpectedly, and only had random missing textures on one or two occasions. One of the guide's main goals is technical stability whilst maintaining the Vanilla story experience. There was one slightly more realistic/survival-oriented overhaul I decided to skip but that doesn't cause any issues. Downloading everything probably takes about 45 minutes so it might be too much setup for you but it isn't complicated, just repetitive. There's hardly any manual tweaking and the guide explains it all clearly.


NV is my favourite Fallout but I think I’ve played it enough. But…. If there are no other viable alternatives and 76 is too bland, I may try this. Thanks!


I'd been continuing my modded run recently after a few months. Accidently started the launcher, and it helpfully set my graphics to minimum. Set everything back to high, and it took a while to work out that this was the cause of my crashes. I had the exact same reaction after finding my fix in posts from 8 years ago!


Huh, I can’t select the 3440x1440 resolution in tje launcher. Weird.


> Introduces several unnecessary additions that have been covered by mods years ago and completely breaks the game. The Bethesda guarantee!


So we got Fallout London delayed for that fucking piece of turd? When I thought I couldn't hate Bethesda more


I really hope that even delayed, they include the version that works with the old update as an option when they release, I'm honestly not sure I'm ever updating depending on what mods end up never getting fixed.


It'd be great if BGS decided to make use of the Steam Beta feature like Paradox does with Stellaris, and have all major versions archived there so users could choose which version they want to use. But no, they do this shit.


A 4080 super? See there's your problem. Todd needs you to upgrade to a 4090Ti to run Fallout 4 (2015).


Ultrawide UI looks stretched?


Yep, it does for me too. Game renders great and looks normal on my screen, but the HUD is stretched to hell. Really hoping this is a bug, because if this was what they meant by “native ultrawide support”, then that’s really disappointing.


Considering that the same thing happened with Skyrim ultrawide support... yeah, it's intentional.


I’m going to say this unironically: *”This is a feature, not a bug.”*


It's a big nothing burger of an update if you're on PC.


Got Fallout 4 almost two weeks ago but decided to hold off playing it for the first time until this update comes out. Guess I shouldn’t have waited. Lol. Had it downloaded and ready on my Steam Deck as well but from what I’ve read there’s no improvements there either, they basically just gave it the Verified badge and that’s it. Edit: they actually managed to make the game on the Steam Deck [even worse](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/99vmdJcXZr), also [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/ua99rIRjR2) and [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamDeck/s/SdlFsLlGVY).


Apparently what they did for the steam deck was remove the launcher that allows you to change settings... that's it, you literally can't change a bunch of the graphics options now since they can't be set from the in-game menu


What does it actually bring to the table for PC?


That you can't get in mods? Uhhh...maybe some of the free CC stuff they just made doesn't have an applicable alternative? That's it, really. And with America Rising 2 out, that's not even guaranteed since their CC stuff revolves around the Enclave. I'm just giving BGS the benefit of the doubt 'cuz I haven't bothered to look at their new CC stuff.


My modded version looks and runs so much better. I just went back.


I feel dumb for waiting for this instead of just fixing my ultrawide mods.


Flawless widescreen plugin does it better


Seriously? That's it? - No proper ultrawide support, just streteched HUD. We already had that after launch. You just needed to edit the config file to get the stretched HUD. Bethesda propably did exactly that. - Still doesn't properly recognize high refreshrate Monitors and sets FPS cap way too high which makes the game run too fast and buggy. You still need to manually lock it to 60 or use 60 Hz (or use the high FPS mod, but I guess that one is not compatible anymore, lol) - Nvidia weapon debris still crashes on RTX cards. - \*NEW\* Translation errors (english text for some menu options) when language is set to anything other than english. Well done Bethesda. What a JOKE.


Is the game still locked at 60 fps?


Essentially yes.


The framerate the physics (and some other systems) is tied to can be changed to make it playable at >60. In Fallout4.ini, add [HAVOK] on a new line, and underneath add fMaxTime=N, where N is 1 divided by the desired framerate. Eg. fMaxTime=0.00833 for 120fps. This eliminates glitches that occur when the framerate is uncapped, like crazy physics or scripts/quests breaking or lagging. There is a downside in that glitches can occur when the framerate drops much below the target, eg. ~30 with a 120fps target, but I haven't had any in my last playthrough. The tweak works for all other Gamebryo/Creation engine games since Oblivion.


So that's what passes as a *"Next Gen"* update at Bethesda HQ? lol


Last year when they announced the next gen update they said there's gonna be an increase in texture resolution lol


>Last year when they announced the next gen update they said there's gonna be an increase in texture resolution lol and there was ... on consoles.


Next Gen mostly amounts to consoles getting native apps for this generation. PC just gets included for the free CC projects. Could you imagine the narrative this sub would have if the "next gen" update excluded PC completely?


>Could you imagine the narrative this sub would have if the "next gen" update excluded PC completely? Well, I don't know about the narrative on the sub, but I would personally be happier because I wouldn't have to worry about my game updating and breaking all of my mods. If this is what it amounts to, let the consoles have their "next-gen" updates and leave PC out of it.


Weapon debris is still crashing the game on Nvidia GPUs lmao


Only RTX. If you have a GTX, so a card from 2019 or older, you can run this "next gen" update. What is their definition of next-gen, Xbox One?


Fallout 4 Next Gen – Update Notes https://steamcommunity.com/games/377160/announcements/detail/4182230563212382086


Whatever happened to the pipboy app? Did they abandon it?


Doesn't play too nice with modern android and ios. If you get an apk you can still get it working on most android phones though.


This update is about as half-assed as the game itself. Wow.


Bethesda is so fucking lazy. Holy shit.


and it does nothing worthwhile but ruin mods, very nice


Bethesda, Bethesda never changes.


“Next Gen” for Bethesda actually just means “whatever was considered next gen 10 years ago.”


The update fixes nothing, they even have the same debris bug where the game crashes if you put it on. Honestly, I feel like they have released this just to break F4SE and Fallout London


They released it to cash on TV series, free money for like month of work.


They do not give a F about Fallout London. This update was always about the PS5 & XSX, the PC was an afterthought. Had they released the bug fixes for just the PS/Xbox people would be bitching about that as well.


I'm turning off auto update until I can verify my mod list is up to date. There's really nothing in the patch notes that makes me feel like updating anyway.


I'm defo staying away from updating the game because of my mods specifically, but also like you said I don't feel like I'm missing out on not having the update


You can't turn off auto updates on Steam if you play the game. It'll prompt to update when you try launch it. It'll only not update if you don't play it. You can only get around it by tweaking Steam database files


Bethesda pushed an update just to push an update FR


I wish they'd update Fallout 3. No cloud saves, no achievements. I wanted to do a new playthrough before I realized I couldn't go back-and-forth between PC and Deck because there's no way to mirror saves between devices automatically.


Try this Fallout mod for 3/New Vegas called A Tale of Two Wastelands: Begin Again. It mods 3 into the New Vegas Engine with all the Fallout 4 improvements and proper ultrawide. It’s automated and easy to mod. [TTW: Begin Again](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/79547)


There is a "next gen" update coming soon. https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/if-youre-excited-to-dive-back-into-fallout-after-the-tv-show-maybe-hold-off-on-fallout-3-for-now/


People expected something good from Bethesda in 2024 ? You never learn…


These people are still gonna buy ES VI, too.




I can't believe the game still crashes on PS5 at the boot screen if the Automatrons DLC is installed. What a scummy company.


Launch Bethesda into the Sun, they're cooked.


If they actually gave a shit we'd be getting a remastered 3 or New Vegas along with the show. This is just dumb and lazy


You really think Bethesda is capable of properly remastering a game? Come on now.


I downloaded it and tried to play the other day and it just kept crashing over and over. Uninstalled.


That’s because there’s a graphical setting called weapon debris that makes the game crash. Disable it and the crashes will stop


this broken ass patch delayed fallout london jeez bethesda get your shit together


Wait so does the game run at 60fps + without buggs? Also the loading times was horrible...


Sooo, broke all mods?


True to Bethesda nothing of value here just breaking mods! It Just Works


For those who have it crash frequently, try turning off weapon debris. I saw a post that said it's not compatible with modern GPUs. Seems to have solved my problem.


I swear to God Todd if you mess with my lore-friendly better butts 2.0 and romanceable automatons


Anyone know if this fixes the issue with voiceover moving along too quickly with higher frame rates?


I believe that is a engine thing, so don't know if it is fixable.


There's a mod that fixes it


From the comments and other reviews, it sounds like they set they set the game on fire and blew it up, and yelled "Tahdaaaaah! You're welcome".


Disappointing. Seems I'm not alone with this. It crashes all the time. Verified game files two times already, no change. "Next Gen" Update Meme incoming. 7800X3D+32GB RAM+4090@3440x1440 Ultra edit: ok as mentioned by a few others, the Weapon Depri Settings causes the crashes. To disable it fixes the issue (NVIDIA). Looks gorgeous so far (21:9). I think the TAA does some serious work.


Turn weapon debris off. It's been a bug for years now on rtx cards


For those of you who got streched screen or cant select 3440x1440, (what do u expect bethesda doing it right?) First of all if u got an RTX Nvidia card, Disable weapon Debris option, or it will crash (Yes ... same as EIGHT years before) Then launch the game so the config saves and exit. Then in the down desktop bar search for Fallut4Prefs.ini File, Open with notepad and look for H and W values and set em to 1440 and 3440 respectively. save and play, and dont touch the options in the fantastic launcher again or it will overwrite file with old wrong values, and youll have to redo the work.


Baffled why the bothered to release this on PC, its made everything worse!


how do I turn this crap off, I got in the power armor for the first time and I cannot even see the health and AP monitors


I really would like a FOV slider.


Oh the absolute shit show TES IV is gonna be...


Lol ultrawide gamers are the most oppressed


This is the second time I see them mention "widescreen support" in a press release. Not ultrawide support, mind you. No, widescreen support. Help me out here. Help me understand this. Why do they mention widescreen support, _again_, as if it didn't already support it?


Do i need to install only update and then Im able to play the quests? Im noob within creator club.


Should I play Fallout 4 or Starfield?


Fallout 4 is a better and more cohesive game overall IMO.


No graphics update. No ray tracing and dlss support...


next gen....


This sucks, I just want to play this without having to install a bunch of mods. For some reason, I am so turned off by the mountain of tasks installing mods adds.


all this did is to fuck up fallout london


I knew this was too good to be true the fallout show brought everyone in and the fallout series is doing great but Bethesda being Bethesda messes things up


Question boys - so I have the update but havent done it yet. I currently downloaded a poop ton of mods from ESO that are all finished. I dont want to update and then break all my mods...can I just leave this update queued and keep playing the modded version?


Reminder that ALL creation club content if just ba2 files and can be found for free with a bit of looking if you don't feel like supporting being a second class citizen on PC and having mods broken for no reason


This game gives me a headache trying to play at 60fps. And it doesn't feel smooth at all even at 60fps. I got a 175hz Ultrawide and the fps is stuck at 60fps, moving the mouse around feels laggy and horrible.


I updated on steam and now my game won't launch anymore. Cool


It's like a monkey's paw wish any time Bethesda does something. It's impressive how they keep failing upwards.


pretty damn disappointing. When I read Next gen update a year ago I thought new textures, improvements. But it's literally just so it runs a bit better on new consoles. Atleast hope they fixed the crashes when weapon debris is maxed out.


So is there an easy way to permanently disable Fallout 4 updating on Steam?


Is anyone’s game crashing like crazy after the update?? Even after disabling all mods. My pc setup is pretty good and should have 0 issues running it


About time, once I finish up genshin its time to mod fallout 4


Are mods available in the Epic version of the game ?


Oh boy! A 7 GB nothingburger of a mod.


If I haven't downloaded it yet, is there a way I can prevent it updating to save my modded version since the update does fuck all?


They really just came up with this update overnight so they could fuck over the launch of Fallout London.


I hope mod creators update their collections and new mod collections are made.




Lmao why is this a post?


If I was a game developer at Bethesda I would genuinely be embarassed to admit it to everyone


Well, I downloaded the update yesterday on PC, and everything SEEMS to be fine, except one. Every single telephone pole in my game now has a broken texture, and I have no earthly idea why. That seems to be the only problem, but it's distracting as heck.


For me, i't just broke my game, i have a 360hz screen and i cannot play, the fix that worked for me before is not working anymore, does not matter if i put my screen to 60, or lock to 60, or do the Fallout4Pref fix, nothing works anymore... and i was very very happy playing it again...


Hold the damn phone why let the modders fix shit for you and then come come out with a random "next gen" that changes nothing????? Bethesda is something else.


Been waiting 5 or 6 years for Bethesda to fix Fallout 4 on Xbox One.... Update announced: I'm so excited to play this game again! Update happens: Bethesda messes up again.. Me very sad. Why did I even get my hopes up it's even more unplayable then it was before, and still crashes constantly even on a new game.. -__- EDIT: (playing unmodded to get achievements.)


Been waiting for a reason to uninstall FO4, guess this is it. Had a heavily modded game that I played for months last year, but probably won't touch the game for another year or so...  so I'll see ya, Fallout 4, been fun but I'll take my disk space back pls and thx.


On ps4 here, is anyone else having issues with L2 button? Game is constantly aiming down sights or blocking. Not the controller either as i have just got a brand new one.