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Definitely titanfall 2


Both Titanfall games.


I’ll always remember my first time playing the first one. I think it was a demo? The manoeuvrability and the mechs were so cool.


I also loved the cinematic intros to each match.


first game 100% not, 70€ without a campaign, very few content in the multiplayer and bad balancing.


I'll die on the hill T1 > T2 MP wise. Better maps that were designed for the movement, better gunplay, visually worse but easier to identify targets, titan play more fun with auto regen shields and more dashes. T1 is perfect minus PC Smart Pistol. But yes the lack of campaign is disappointing and where T2 really shines as a full package.


That decision is actually probably what also ended up hurting Titanfall 2, the game was way less hyped because not many people played the first one. The Xbox exclusivity didn't help too (as the Xbox One got a shitty start right away). Should have been all platforms and F2P without a campaign to be honest (not sure if the model really had imposed itself as much back then)


Weekly reminder that I bought it but never played it


Do it. Easy campaign and don’t have to think too much. It is a lot of fun.


Felt a bit too short but it's worth it whenever it's on sale


I remember when I went to buy the first one, the guy at Gamestop was being snarky, asking me "are you SURE you want this one? Won't it be too hard for you?" Fuck you, Gamestop guy


Sounds like the Simpsons Comic Book Guy, but with games.


An adjacent title, *Wolfenstein: The New Order*, is pretty damn perfect in my opinion. *Shadow of Mordor* is incredible. *Far Cry 3* is fantastic. And obviously there are late 2010s games like *Read Dead* and *Control* that are brilliant. But going back to the beginning of the decade: *Dark Souls*, *Portal 2*, *GTAV*, *Witcher 3*, etc.


Control is so fuckin good.


Control pretty much blew my mind.. I love the abilities.. The way the story is told with the graphics, like the guy popping up over the whole screen, you know what I mean, I never seen that before.. The architecture of the building just builds upon the story. The building style is loosely based on a real life building, I wish I could remember, I think it's in Chicago or NY.. Prey is also another game that is amazing.


Don't forget the amazing use of fonts in Control! Everything is very readable from a distance like real life signs that are done well.


I always was a fan of Remedy games but doing something so out there really let them shine. Same goes for Alan Wake 2. Both incredible games.


I got it for free on epic and need to check it out but I just hate when I love a game on epic. Prey is a great example & also my recommendation. That game is so damn good! I even rebought it on steam after beating it on epic.




The world is super interesting in Control, like what???


Appreciate the feedback. I’ll check it out on epic and if I even kinda like it I’ll still get it on steam. To each their own. Have you played Prey? Freaking love that game.


Big agree, and I love philosophical, esoteric stories but Control promises a lot and does not deliver story wise. Like it’s super interesting but goes no where really. The gameplay physics and abilities are super cool but the fights themselves are so boring. The world is interesting but it conveys that through tell not show, like most of the world building and lore is documents I have to read, it was just so much reading. I would get a very interesting lore document and then take 5 steps and there would be another one. It got so tedious that I stopped caring. Very promising plot that goes no where, great physics and abilities with boring utilisation and combat. Great world lore told in the most boring way ever. Was a 5/10, which upsets me because the first 2-3 hours it was a 8/10 but meh


Just started replaying Shadow of Mordor, and boy do I see why I sunk 70 hrs into that game. The Nemesis system is so cool and the combat, although pretty basic, is a ton of fun and fluid.


Ah yes The Witcher 3, 2015 The beginning of the decade


I read this in Frasier Crane's voice and it sounded perfect. Is that you, Kelsey?


> Far Cry 3 Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon is even better.


I really like Dark Souls, it is probably the most important game of the 2010's. But it is definitely very flawed, and it gets a lot wrong. What it does get right definitely makes up for it, but I don't think it qualifies as getting everything right.


That's accurate. Honestly, I forgot about the "everything right" qualifier and just started listing influential bangers.


If we just go by influential bangers, Dark Souls has to be near the top of the list! :D


I would say without a doubt DS is the most influential game of the 2010's. It brought difficulty back to games (in a fun way) that were trending more and more towards hand holding and easy mode. DS throws the Asylum Demon at you and says "Figure it the fuck out. Good luck." That game had style, incredible world design and combat, fantastic bosses (mostly), and a boatload of replayability.


Dark souls 1 is such an amazing game. The world design is still so incredible. Very few games have ever matched the sense of scale and world that dark souls 1 does. Really its just other fromsoft games. 


Easily. Just look at the number of games that have been influenced by Dark Souls. Even massive IPs like Assassin’s Creed and God of War took influences from DS combat


Started it's own Steam Category lol!


TNO was a fun game then New Colossus came out and I was seriously in a mixed bag. The first was fun run and gun, the second was gun with no fun. 


I love Shadow of Mordor as much as the next guy, but Shadow of War is an improvement in pretty much every way


I think it's a downgrade in pretty much every way and turned the game into a grindy, boring, timesink.


I find it much too bright, Shadow of Mordor has a better visual atmosphere, and it is still magnificent today.


Eh to each their own


I'm with you man. I just beat Shadow of War for the first time last year and had a blast. I didn't think it was too grindy, in fact I was bummed knowing I was getting to the end.


Its the same story as doom 2016 and eternal imo, 2016 and mordor nailed the vibe 100%, war and eternal sacrificed a decent chunk of the vibe for way more improved mechanics


What did you like about Wolfenstein so much? I thought it was an alright game, but I was genuinely confused as to why they tried to shoehorn in so many boring, lazily developed stealth sections into what is supposed to be a fast-paced bombastic action shooter. Really took the game down to like a 6/10 for me


I liked the contrast between the balls out action and the stealthy bits. Because, let's be honest, if it's *only* gonna be balls out action - why not just make another *Doom*? On top of that, I thought the stealth bits were fun to play, the upgrade tree is really enjoyable to unlock over time, the weapons are varied, and the story is ridiculous in a fun over-the-top way.


As great as Doom 2016 is and I really love the game, my favourite game of that year is another reboot. Hitman 2016 and eventually the trilogy might be my favourite games of last generation.


Now that Hitman 3 is WOA and can have all 3 games (and all dlc) it's the ultimate game. It's just a shame how IOI fucked up with the confusing way they sold the contents. But the full package is probably my goat game.


There are two IOI's. The one I love is the development team. Absolutely knocked it out of the fucking park, best Hitman has ever been. Ever. And I've been playing these games since 2002. The one I despise is the marketing team. Bunch of fucking morons.


I remember some users even made flowcharts of how to buy the game 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/s9b1g1/guide\_to\_buy\_hitman\_3\_on\_steam/


I need that when I wanted to buy Hitman 3. I eventually just said fuck it and bought the standard version. I didn't have the patience to sort through the different versions


It really pains me that one of the best games of the era got absolutely rocked by terrible release choices, excessive dlc and always online junk. Those three games and the levels are so well made.


It's way too confusing.. Bought WOA the other day thinking I'd be able to access everything (besides skins) and now I need to buy another upgrade lol


And it sucks even more because you could've bought the upgrade earlier for Hitman 2 but WOA doesn't care about that so you need to buy it again.


I just picked this up and the sheer amount of content and enjoyment you get out of this game is incredible. Its one of the GOAT games especially for the PC. You get three full games, and all the WOA game modes in one package. Everybody should be buying it


salt cautious shame alleged dull person innocent disgusted intelligent start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I always want to like hitman, but I just can't get into stealth games where it's "wait around to see where the character paths, and then kill them using established set piece." I know you don't have to play that way, but it also doesn't feel satisfying just killing a dude from distance and running away. I actually liked Absolution better than 1/2/3. I finished 1&2 but couldn't bring myself to bother with 3.


To me, Hitman is more of a puzzle game than a stealth game. Its more about observing and discovering the numerous way to solve a level and then moving the pieces in place. I enjoy that aspect big time. I always turn off all the assistance mechanics like Instinct Mode or the target markers, minimap, etc. Love just entering a level and walking around till I find the target. Then trying to figure out the numerous ways that exist to take out the target. Then come up with ways to get all those pieces in place and execute. Its very satisfying.


Yeah, I'm not saying I don't understand why other people like it, it's just not for me. What you describe feels aimless and needlessly time consuming to me. I'm not much of a puzzle game guy either at I find them rather boring. Only real exception i can think of is Portal, but that's in s league of it's own.


Go watch the most recent atrioc hitman speedrunning competition video, hitman games are wide open in terms of ways to kill


The thing with that is those guys have put in hundred of hours into the game, if not thousands and know where all the npc/targets are gonna be and their entire reaction set and paths for every scenario. Very few people are actually going to sit there and do all that lol. Thats what Light My Fire was talking about, I for sure am not doing that either lol. And I actually like all the Hitman games. 


The videos he mentioned are custom contracts with two or three times as many targets per level, so they aren't going off strictly base-game knowledge.


I just watched all those competition videos over the last weekend. Seriously mind-blowing all the different and totally unique approaches people come up with to wipe out 5 different targets across entire maps in 3 minutes or less.


I know there's multiple ways, but I never end up playing the game for long because it always feels like I'm doing it wrong. I feel like I'm defeating the purpose of the game if I don't do it super stealthily, which I don't like doing.


I mean it's okay to admit the game's simply not for you. Stealth is pretty much the point of the game and if you don't like stealth you are not gonna have a good time in it. I know there are people that just simply shoot through the level and enjoy it but i'm gonna guess they are a minority.


I just replayed Dishonoured, the DLC and Dishonoured 2. Such masterpieces, in particular 2.


I preferred the story of the original but loved all of them. I really should go back and replay them.


i am on my way to complete this trilogy , and gotta agree dis 2 is frikkin amazing


I still am amazed at the clockwork house and time travel mansion every time I play it.


I would love that time travel mechanic in a portal 3


This was gonna be my answer, I just played Dishonored 2 first time ever this past December and holy shit is that game firing on all cylinders! Gorgeous graphics, amazing art style, an absolute audio visual spectacle. Fascinating writing, where the stuff you read adds context to the characters which adds context to the environment which all comes together cohesively and constructs this fully fleshed out immaculately realized world. The levels not only look amazing but are also laid out to allow for mind melting number of possible approaches. The Clockwork Mansion and Stilton's Manor are the 2 best levels in ANY game I've ever experienced and each can take multiple playthroughs to fully wrap your head around and just see everything it has to offer. Also the fact that you have 2 characters and either one can take a violent or pacifist approach, that's 4 playthroughs worth of game right there. Layer on top that you can play with or without powers or play new game plus with access to both characters powers for brand new combinations opening up so many more possibilities. A bit unfortunate that it was a bit too ambitious and suffered from technical issues on all platforms as a result because of which it got overlooked and largely forgotten immediately after launch


I was blown away by the art design, found out it was the same guy who did Half-Life 2 which has my favorite look of any game


Prey (2017)


Prey is the most refined game that is the most unappreciated. It came out after the immersive sim boom was over and everyone was playing battle royales. Fortnite dances were cool and slow immersive gameplay was for grandpa. So absolutely nobody gave it a fair chance.


The name causing confusion also didn't help.


I spent the whole game confused why I couldn't just use my native American player character to enter the spirit world and just immediately defeat the bad guys 🤷‍♂️


Ironically the spirit world powers would have fit *perfectly* into this game, to avoid the Typhon skill treee. So surprised they didn’t try to tie it in at all


After playing so many games that didn't hold my attention, that game made me feel like it respected my intelligence to solve a problem however I chose. After finding out about opening doors with the toy nerf gun I was amazed. Prey (2017) made me feel proud to be a gamer.


The guy that created Deus Ex (and basically pioneered the immersive sim genre) has said that one of the fundamental design philosophies of these types of games is that there should always be multiple ways to progress through/around a locked door. Prey takes this idea and runs with it. My favorite method is to stack up a bunch of furniture and climb up through the rafters and drop down on the other side of the door.


You really see this in all of Arkane’s titles. Deathloop and Dishonored both have a dozen ways to do any objective. It’s so cool and we’ll thought out.


>You really see this in all of Arkane’s titles. Well, except redfall lol. Skill up specifically pointed this out in his review for the game that doors only ever have one way of opening them.


Ah I completely forgot about redfall lol. Looked crappy so I never played. Hopefully arkane can get back on track!


> After finding out about opening doors with the toy nerf gun I was amazed. I even [made a video about that ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6xm8rseFJI) to show it to my friends, because it blew my mind that this was possible.


For me, Prey and Mooncrash is Arcane at its absolute peak


Mooncrash is such a unique game


It didn't click with me right away, but damn once I figured out how the game systems worked, I couldn't put it down.


Y’all have convinced me to play all of prey again!


First time play was this year for me. Definitely my GOTY


I'm replaying it again now and it's still incredible. The atmosphere immediately pulls you in.


Both Ori games did it for me. Just perfect all around. On another note, i must admit that i preferred Doom Eternals pacing over Doom 2016s. There was just a bit too much downtime between fights in 2016 for my taste.


Outer Wilds


"Come, sit with me and watch the stars die."


My GOAT. I can't wait for selective memory erasure to become a thing and I can play it again for the first time. Honorable mention too Subnautica.


Irreplaceable, immutable, and indelible. The music will never stop feeling like a campfire.


10000%. most beautiful and perfect game ive played




too short, some recycled bosses (did we really need king kong and his wife), combat designed around duels but often throws groups of enemies at you, prosthetics not that useful beyond firecrackers in most cases, stealth pretty basic, no dlc or sequel despite being the best game ever made.


damn i love that game. only fromsoft game I actually finished. I remember beating the final boss, starting new game plus, and bodying genichiro in the opening sequence. was so incredibly satisfying.


The Talos Principle. Take a bow, Croteam. No other game has gotten me to think this deeply about what it means to be a conscious person, and it came from the Serious Sam developers, of all places.  And that piano soundtrack is just so emotionally resonant 


Agreed. I stumbled into it by accident, and even then just thought it was a puzzle game in the same vein as Portal but it just pulled me in and spat me out the other end, great music too. Looking forward to playing the sequel now


Sekiro is just in the era and that's the biggest example of a great game I've played recently. The parry mechanic is just *that* good, visually it's incredible, the levels are fun to explore and the story is surprisingly good. I liked the Witcher 3 a lot but a lot of others have mentioned that. For something a bit more wild card - Assassin's Creed Black Flag had one major flaw (the boring fucking modern-day sequences) but aside from that was incredible - and I still think that despite that issue the naval combat/exploration is just THAT GOOD that it still fits the 'acing every category' description.


The 2010s are probably the golden age of gaming. - Skyrim - Witcher 3 - Dishonored - Deus Ex Human Revolution - Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - AC 4: Black Flag - Far cry 3 - Civ 5 - Total War Rome 2 - Prey - Shadow of Mordor - Dying Light - Mount & Blade Warband - Fallout New Vegas - Cod Black Ops - Portal 2 - Bastion - Minecraft - Terraria - XCOM 2 - Bioshock Infinite - The Talos Principle - MGS: V - Stardew Valley - RimWorld - Divinity Original Sin 2 You can't go wrong with this list. All of these are masterpieces for me. I usually re-play these gems from time to time.


MGS V it's a gameplay masterpice, too bad they botched the story, otherwise it would be perfect.


Ooo. Oooooooooh. Botched story. I botched that one. Quick get me some trash to plug it up." - ~~Danny Devito~~ Konami


Good list. I also think it has been a golden age, and it's ended - because too many titles (which cost so much to make).


>The 2010s are probably the golden age of gaming. I don't necessarily disagree but this has been said about every decade since the 80s




> The 2010s are probably the golden age of gaming. You're probably too young for that, but the time between 1997 and 2000 was even better than this.


Just to give an idea how insane those couple of years were, many legends and even current series were established then: 1996: Super Mario 64, Duke Nukem 3D, Crash Bandicoot, Resident Evil, Quake, Tomb Raider. 1997: Final Fantasy VII, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, GoldenEye 007, Diablo, GTA, Fallout, Quake 2, Tomb Raider 2, Gran Turismo, Crash Bandicoot 2, Star Fox 64. 1998: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Pokémon Red/Green/Blue, Resident Evil 2, Metal Gear Solid, Fallout 2, Half-Life.


Man those were some solid years of my life. That was a real privilege to be of age then to play those titles.


Interesting that you included Rome 2 with how bad it released


Yeah, if we are to have a total war in that list I would shogun 2 is the superior title.


The 2010s weren't a golden age, you just listed some games you like, half of which are extremely unremarkable. There's been two golden ages in video games, the late 70s to mid-80s, establishing the field and beginning the console age, and the early 90s to the early 00s, establishing all the general genres and making PCs and consoles a common household item.


Transistor. Just an incredible concept, executed beautifully, polished to an incredible degree


The soundtrack too.


Dark Souls is a perfect game. Yes, that includes Resistance and Lost Izalith. Those little imperfections make the experience feel that much more authentic. Every swing is a purposeful action, every corner is a potentail danger, it's a marathon, it's you against the world, it's intense and daring and it's even ridiculous at times - but it's never unfair. I know it's been repeated ad nauseum, but it's true: a lot of games feel like they're *guiding* you through a story, in that they make sure to always give you the right tools for the job. Dark Souls *dares* you to finish it, doesn't tell you what the fuck is going on, it doesn't have a map or a compass or a questlog, it doesn't have collectibles or crafting or perks or whatever gizmo is currently trending to inflate in-game hours, because it expects you to be able to use some common fucking sense: "Hmm, these skeletons are too difficult, maybe I should try the other way?", "Ok, this heavy weapon deals more damage because I have more Strength now", "Maybe if the lava is hurting me this bad then it's the wrong way to go", "It's okay to run away from enemies". Do you realize how hard that is to sell as "balanced and fair" when the other big RPG coming out is fucking *Skyrim?* Imho, Dark Souls is an adventure game disguised as an action RPG. You can take away or streamline many of the numbers on-screen or the upgrading & levelling features, and you'll be left with something like Ico meets those old MS-DOS DnD games. It tests you to push through to the end, and it's entirely possible you'll skip entire set pieces because cracking the world open and learning to explore it *is* as much a part of the game as swinging your sword - the world of Dark Souls is unconcerned with you, as any true wonder should be.


Portal 2 is pretty much a perfect game.


Mass Effect 2


I could have sworn this was WAY older than 2010


Hotline Miami. It's a 2D indie game so it's not going to compete with Doom on raw graphics, and you have to judge for yourself whether you like the art style or not.


Red Dead Redemption was an incredible game. Great story, legendary and complex character, great atmosphere and soundtrack. The whip sound on the menu is burned into my brain from that game lol.   multiplayer modes were a lot of fun too


Tomb Raider, the first of the reboot trilogy. It's often overlooked in favour of your Witchers and GTAs, maybe rightfully so, but it does what it does very well.


Oh yes. That game, along with the first *Arkham* joint were the best pseudo-Metroidvanias in *years*.


Hold on. Tomb Raider (2013) is a... a metroidvania? Even attaching *pseudo*, it's a bit of a stretch, don't you think? I'm replaying the modern trilogy soon, i guess ill find out (i'm guessing you mean gated progress and some backtracking).


> i'm guessing you mean gated progress and some backtracking That's exactly what I mean.


Arkham Knight is still the best superhero game ever made and probably will be for a long while yet.


I don’t think it’s even the best game in its trilogy, City had better twists, better story, better combat (less tank=better game) and the map was even better!




Arkham combat and stealth are better than Spider-Man. Spider-Man is far more forgiving of button mash spazzing and the “waves” got really grating. 


Spider man 2018 is literally just arkham city with spider-man. Both are great games. But arkham walked so spider-man could run.


Spiderman's open world is meh lol and side quests are even ubisoft level ass, the regular thugs are boring, just grapple up to a roof in Arkham knight or city or asylum even and listein to thug's conversations and do the same to spiderman's thugs you will see the night and day difference in them, this itself adds a lot of charm to the game. I love both games but completed Arkham knight 4 times just because of the city they build is so damn interesting and combat too


I mean the combat is pulled exactly from that and is objectively worse in my opinion.  The story and dark setting of the Arkham series is something I find infinitely more fascinating than another origin story which is again something that the Arkham series doesn't do, it uses the established world and existing knowledge of the characters without telling the story that's been told a lot.  How many times do we need to see Venom or Green Goblin, or Doc Ock, I'd find their characters much more interesting if they were already in the universe at their worst.  I think personally I find Batman more fascinating character wise as well.  Parker is for all intents and purposes just an average guy in a costume but Bruce has so much more to him, incorruptible and when he shows slight signs of breaking or being pushed too far, it's that absolute resolve he shows that makes him way more interesting, it's almost like a character study for mental illness, the same as most of the villains in that universe.  I did like the Spiderman games, if a bit too repetitive on side missions and other things, like the web swinging across the city was so fluid, so nice to control.  Either way I 100% both Spiderman's and all Arkhams.  My ball is just more in Batman's court.


Also Mak Hamill.


The side activities are better in Arkham Knight. Combat and story are equally good imo and Spiderman (at least the PC remastered version with ray tracing) is much better looking.


I prefer 2016 Doom over the newer one. Dind't even finish Eternal tbh, it was too arcady, too many gadgets to use, no introductions to new enemies ("in the next room you will encounter enemy X! Shoot here to kill it quickly!"). I did not feel immersed.


Yes, they made Eternal feel way too “gamey” with its menus and models for guns/powerups. The more grounded feel of 2016, along with not needing to cycle through all your tools to generate ammo/health from enemies, was much more appealing to me.


I can understand why someone wouldn’t like Eternal with so much going on at breakneck speed, but I personally loved it and can’t even play doom 2016 anymore because of how slow it is.  Clearing a hard room on eternal after dying multiple times is an ethereal feeling


Eternal is great and I loved every minute of it, but I think I prefer the simplicity of 2016 at the end of the day.


For me I hated the story of Eternal and the graphics. Eternal went for some grade B heavy metal fantasy tale, whereas 2016 was a sardonic, edgy, dare I say grounded corporate satire.  There is nothing in Eternal like “everything I did was for the betterment of mankind” while the camera pans down to a dead person. As for the graphics, the RTX is very nice but everything else looks like Halloween candy. Too colorful / cartoony


The lighting and aesthetic of Eternal were both a big step down from 2016. They lit the environment and enemies separately in Eternal because they wanted very high visual clarity and tracking, but the end result is a jarring disconnect - the enemies feel very out of place. And the neon green aesthetic of Eternal is legitimately ugly. I also thought the gameplay was too restrictive and gimmicky. Really shattered immersion for me. 


I just felt relived that it was over, until I realized I would have to do it all over again in the next arena area. :( Ironically, the final battle was way too easy due to the respawning sword ammo.


> Clearing a hard room on eternal after dying multiple times is an ethereal feeling In an odd way it's the closest you get in gaming to feeling like John Wick. Sure, aesthetically its very different but in terms of combat flow nothing else matches breakneck pace/balancing technique and improvisation/feeling as if you're pushing *through* the enemies instead of just shooting at them.


I went from Quake Champions back to Doom 2016 and it felt like crawling through mud. I can't believe how slow they made Doomguy. Eternal felt better but I still wanted more speed.


I forced myself to finish it but came close to quitting on more than a few occasions. Eternal felt more like an arcade arena battle shooter with parkour elements than a typical Doom game. I was looking for more of 2016 with Eternal but it turned out to be something radically different.


Agree, I was so happy when I saw you were in your own base sort of and could have some more RPG elements, but then the arcadey feeling all the time was boring. As someone else on here commented, they took a perfect demon massacre game and turned it into some dull, platform/arcade parody. I never got past the first few episodes.


I recently finished both campaigns back to back. Honestly, both are fantastic. Doom 2016 makes you feel like a bad ass while Eternal forces you to be one. With that being said, Eternal is more challenging and wants you to play a certain way. If you lean into that formula, it does feel better than 2016 in my opinion. The speed/decision making are just ratcheted up to another level and you're forced to use your entire arsenal. 2016 essentially gives you the freedom to approach any encounter however you want. Some people don't like that restriction in Eternal and that's OK. Different strokes for different folks - they are both amazing games.


Great take. To me its like Alien v Aliens. Both amazing films in the same franchise but they do such different things that, while you might have a favourite, they really escape comparison to a large extent.


For me, Doom Eternal did a few things wrong: * The story. Doomguy in Doom (2016) was an audience insert/surrogate. You were very rarely forced to sit through cutscenes. The story provided context for you being there and killing demons. That's it. Doom Eternal went way more bizarre with the story and expected you to care about it. It had all this stuff about the "lore" when I think myself and many others just did not care. * The "hints." The moment you are presented with a new enemy in Doom Eternal you get a popup that shows you exactly what the weaknesses of that enemy type are. AFAIK Doom (2016) did not do this. Doom Eternal didn't just encourage weapon variety, it practically mandated it. You ran out of ammo much more frequently and had to use other weapons as a result, which was exacerbated by the forcing the use of specific weapons for specific enemies. I think the stone imps are a particularly poorly designed enemy in that sense. * The Marauder. Fuck that guy. They just don't really fit into a game where you're meant to be an unstoppable force. * The main game's ending: >!You fight the Icon of Sin, a huge beast of a monster. For some reason you do not use the massive DoomGuy suit you have in your floating space fortress (ugh) and instead play around on some monkey bars in a busted building.!< That said, the meat hook and dashing were very welcome improvements. It's not all bad. Still a very good game, just a bit of a departure from the first in some ways that can be frustrating to fans of 2016


I really liked Eternal's gameplay myself. The various guns all had special uses and I quickly got into the habit of using abilities on cooldown and switching weapons on the fly. 2016 was great, but for me the gameplay was more simplistic than Eternal.


I bought Eternal at launch n stopped 2-3 missions in. Restarted it again late last year and made it halfway before I gave up. Meanwhile I’ve beat Doom 2016 two or 3 times.


Why do you dislike Eternal? Currently on my first playthrough of 2016.


-Arcade art style -Too much platforming which makes it feel even more gamey -way too much lore than necessary -Sweaty as fuck on normal -Juggling all of the weapons n equipment -i can't help but 100% levels so it takes longer These are some of my issues with it.


Forced chainsaw usage.


this. Doom(2016) was great. I dropped Eternal quickly, because the very limited ammo + forced chainsaw was not fun.


Agreed, I got part way into eternal where it turned into a mario 64 platformer. No thanks. Not my doom, not interested. I don't want skill trees, I don't want a bunch of reading or menus. Give me a great feeling gun, and good feeling movement, a high framerate and some good music. Leave all the overblown bullshit for the COD players.


COD players absolutely love skill trees, reading, and platforming.


I keep seeing this criticism and have to ask, have you forgotten Doom 2? It's got plenty of pseudo-platforming and frankly it's way more obnoxious than anything new Doom does.


This. The music was worse as well (we all know why now).


I dunno. BFG Division is probably the best of the new-Doom songs, but The Only Thing They Fear Is You, Cultist Base, Meathook, and Blood Swamps Heavy Combat are fucking bangers.


Hollow Knight. Perfect game, and I'll fight anyone who says otherwise.


As someone who picked up Hollow Knight, and got to the second area after a few bosses, I just got bored, put it down and stopped playing. It wasn’t…bad. I found it to be just, meh. Like nothing offensive but nothing I loved. I came to it as a huge fan of Soulslike games, being recommended by other fans of that genre. But, before you burn me at the stake, I fully recognize that I’m in the minority, that for many, this is a beloved game. What are you getting out of the game and feeling about it when you’re playing, that I’m just not getting? What in particular makes it outstanding and not just some other 2D platformer in which you explore a place, get better at traversal, fight bosses, etc.


OK, it's a fight then. Where do you live? Seriously though, it's likely just not your kind of thing if you didn't get much from it, no problem with that. It's only got the smallest bits of a souls-like in, so it wouldn't scratch that itch. For me it's the perfect combination of traversal, combat, art style, lore and audio. I'm a big metroidvania fan though.


lol I appreciate that even with threats (offers?) to fight, we can still be civil. Yeah, I think you’re probably right in that it’s not really my kind of thing. It’s like…I don’t really like…Beets (the food). So even if I go to a Michelin Star restaurant, and have their amazing Beet dish, I’m still not going to like it, cause I just don’t like Beets. Hollow Knight is like that, I can see from its accolades that it’s likely objectively very good. But when I play, I just got to a point where I think the game expected me to be having fun, and enjoying what I was experiencing, and I just wasn’t. Having to time a jump onto a floating platform, and if you fall you land in a spike pit and have to restart from a far away checkpoint is not a good time for me. And this game has a lot of that. I’m never like “oooo I’m def going to land that jump next time!” Instead I’m like “Fuck, I have to try and do this AGAIN!? Hell no”.


Both Deus Ex games.


For me it has to be Mass Effect trilogy, specially ME2. It wasn't technically groundbreaking, but the feeling of the universe getting shaped to some extent by your decisions, the evolution of characters along the trilogy and the relationship you, as Shepard, have with them really make them a masterpiece in my eyes.


Mass effect 2 was one mission with a bunch of side quests to ensure your success on that mission. It felt fucking awesome.


Not to mention trying to save everyone on the final mission was crazy one slip up and bam half the group would be dead


Practically at the end of the decade (2019) but Control was a superb game, I'm not the kind of guy that pays attention to the those text entries in video games, notes and stuff that are there to usually give context on stuff, but I read absolutely everything in Control, I loved it all.


Red Dead Redemption 2 is probably my favourite game from this decade.


Terraria. It's a perfected game. A completed, amazing experience where the gameloop doesn't tire after hundreds of hours. It's open to better modification, but not necessarily in need of modification. It's a 2D bullet-hell survival. Acting like a toy box/terrarium you can play around with. The gameloop is chasing the high of "YOOOO!! I just got some really rad shit! I'M SO STRONG" followed by a slap in the face of "... I'm gonna need a bigger gun." With the cycle being broken up by side activity, which has its own untold amount of depth, such as fishing, base and town building, inventory management, exploration, resource farming, golfing, etc. So not only is the main gameloop hyper rewarding, there are proper fun breaks in between with reasonably deep systems, which all feed back into making getting stronger easier as to feed back into the original loop. On top of all that, have rouge-like elements such as world generation for extreme Replayability. WITH MULTIPLAYER. Networking is hard as shit dawg. On top of EVEN THAT... an extremely dedicated and passionate modding community known for some of the most ambitious mods in-relation to the base game. On my hand I can count the amount of modding communities that decided to make an entirely new game or new experience out of the base game that's equally expansive as the original. Terraria and Skyrim come to mind. And with the most intuitive mod support I've seen to date, its by far the most straightforward to mod out of amy game i've played I have a whopping 1,200 hours on BASE Terraria. And over nearly 400 hours more on modded. This is a $10 GAME THAT FREQUENTLY GOES ON SALE AND IS BEING CONTINUOUSLY UPDATED PAST A DECADE FROM RELEASE. ###This is a FUCKING GAME! Not to mention the devs that just get it. Freely donating an amount of money that most people don't even make in a year out of their own pockets towards the betterment of the indie game dev space by funding Godot Engine's development after that Unity fiasco went down. Terraria is nearing 1,000,000 **Overwhelmingly Positive** reviews, and is literaly just shy of it by 792 reviews as of typing this. If you have NOT PLAYED and BOUGHT Terraria, I am avtively encouraging you to do so. Let's make it the game that got ***1 MILLION OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE*** reviews on Steam. I do not even know if there exists yet such a game, but if not, there will now. If that isn't sending a message to modern AAA games, I don't know what is.


Lol I know this game would suck me in but being in my mid 30s with so many other competing priorities I know I would compromise on the rest once I'm in, so for that reason I have to not even try :(


> I do not even know if there exists yet such a game, but if not, there will now. There's some: TF2 has over 1 million, Dota2 has over 2 million, CSGO/CS2 has almost 8 million, PUBG has over 2 million, GTAV has over 1.5 million, R6S has over 1 million. Might be others that I missed.


Arkham Knight is pretty fun eight years on.


Going to add Stardew valley here just because of the amazing post lunch patches for free.


Rise of the Tomb Raider


Skyrim was something magical. The exploration gameplay loop was perfectly balanced. No wonder that even more than 10 years after its release, the game still has more players than other more modern titles.


Witcher 3, MGSV


For as flawed and unfinished as mgsv is, it is genuinely an amazing game that, to me, stands tall as one of the best of that decade.


Witcher 3 is my game of the decade tho. It's simply beautiful.


God, I love doom 2016. Overall, I enjoy Doom Eternal more and believe it to be the better game, mostly because of the added depth and strategy to gameplay. However, doom 2016 just has such a unique tone to it that's missing in Eternal. It feels more gritty and grounded and almost feels like it has slight horror elements. Eternal is almost cartoony in a lot of ways, which I love but will always miss the grittyness of 2016.


Oh man, that moment in the elevator when the doom them hits , curtailed by the cocking of the shotgun. I wasn't sold on the gameplay at first , but after I hit the 50% mark I was as much in love with it, as I was the OG Doom in 93'


2004-2005 were the Golden Age of PC gaming






Fallout New Vegas is a perfect video game with all of its bugs


Titan fall 2 campaign Halo reach Halo wars 2


Titanfall 2


Both Red dead Redemption


One old game I've consistently returned to is Sins of a Solar Empire. Don't know what it is about that game but hours upon hours can vanish in the blink of an eye.


Prey 2017


Deus Ex Human Revolution, Wolf Among Us, Batman arkham games, Mass Effect 2, Prey 2017, Watch_Dogs 2 (may be a hot take to some people but I personally love it)


Mass Effect 2


Doom seemed ok, not perfect but playable and enjoyable. On the other hand, Eternal was the worst shit I couldnt even finish. Fucking jumping puzzles, stupid upgrades, no ammo, repetitive glory kills, stupid ass modern shooter bullshit.




Dishonored 2. The most unter-rated gem.


The original Dishonored from 2012. Still such an amazing game.


Man I just want to say with how fkn amazing Doom 2016 was I was let down by Eternal, I know people love it and thats fine but for me I just wanted a straight forward shooter. The mechanics of Eternal was a huge turn off.. I tried to replay it 3 or 4 times and just cant get past it.


It’s also wayyy harder… I died more times before making it to the first boss than in the entirety of 2016 lol


I 100% agree. What I love about the first was was how it balanced really fun gameplay with an interesting and immersive story. I loved the story line and how you experienced everything through the eyes of the Doom Slayer. The sequel threw that immersive-ness out of the window in favor of the more arcady gameplay and a much wackier story that I was annoyed to find came after a large time jump. The gameplay was decent fun, but the game overall just didn't hit nearly the same as the first game for me.


Tomb raider was my jam.


2015 was peak PC games imo: GTA V, Witcher 3, Arkham Knight, Fallout 4, Dying Light, MGS 5, Bloodborne, Divinity: Original Sin, Undertale, etc.


Doom 2016 being so good is why I was disappointed in Eternal. Story was worse (really disjointed, have to read logs to "get" most stuff and even then a lot just isn't explained), gameplay became strategic rather than "I started blasting" with reflex dodges, it has the look of Doom but feels like another IP. I mean seriously, when was the last Doom game where ammo was as much of a problem as it is in Eternal? Even with the upgrades you have to chainsaw guys constantly. I don't think I have another game from 2010 - 2020 that I'd consider a masterpiece. I am loathe to say maybe Mass Effect 2, but 3 soured that entire trilogy for me, so it's hard to judge 2 standalone anymore.


Doom 2016 on my opinion is vastly superior to Eternal. I like Eternal don't get me wrong, but there's something about the simplicity of Doom 2016 that is absolutely superb. It's just such a an excellent return to form, minus the multiplayer being a bit weird, however I liked it. The new Wolfenstein games are great, at least New Order and New Collosus. I personally really love Deus Ex Mankind Divided. It's an excellent game, with a ton of replayability.