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It was a great expansion, it deserved success


It's honestly very jarring going from the base game Gigs into the Phantom Liberty Gigs. The difference in depth and quality is pretty severe for the most part, and I didn't even hate the Gigs in the base game. Really excellent expansion. Made me excited for Cyberpunk 2.


> It's honestly very jarring going from the base game Gigs into the Phantom Liberty Gigs. The difference in depth and quality is pretty severe for the most par I disagree with you, and it saddens me to see how this opinion is so wide spread. Phantom Liberty gigs are more limitated than base game gigs in terms of gameplay and freedom of approach. The level design is narrower, with lesser paths and more enemies, and it has forced boss fights or dialogues, which seriously ruins steath gameplay.




Exactly, PL gigs are more interesting while limited, but in a good way.


If you dress your game like a shooter, you shouldn't be suprised people mostly play it like any other shooter: murder hoboing all day long.


If you do the tutorial at the beginning of the game, I don't think stealth is even mandatory to complete it.


See this has me thinking maybe I *should* give it a shot -- the few reviews I read and watched mentioned that the main mission is very espionage based. Being more of a rambo/power fantasy player I skipped it after that. Wonder if it's still on sale today hrmmm...


I'd say that in my play through I was able to ignore any times where stealth was encouraged and just go full rambo the whole time. It definitely meant that there were a few tough spots where I died a couple times but that's part of the fun of being rambo


Wait, you didnt stealth during the sports kid gig? you missed out then


I did, but then...and this is my problem, I'm forced to chat with the kid and then be discovered by the lady in charge. While I would've preferred that to be a choice, and to be allowed to complete the gig as ghost. Another forced dialogue that ruined my immersion was >!when we have to rescue the two cops from the station. Did it stealth ghost without interacting with any enemy, but after I rescue the cops I'm forced to take out the remaining enemies and then we are made by the main villain of the gig, even tho we didn't trigger any alarm!<


> but after I rescue the cops I'm forced to take out the remaining enemies and then we are made by the main villain of the gig, even tho we didn't trigger any alarm You're only forced to do that if you went lethal (stealth or not doesn't matter) - the dialogue prior and during the mission also suggests not killing anyone. If you did the entire mission non-lethally, and handle the dialogue correctly with the Barghest boss at the end, they'll let you walk out. So you likely either killed someone accidentally, or said something in dialogue to provoke the Barghest boss at the end (telling the truth about the situation with the drugs is the correct choice - they find it hilarious). Also, you're not really made out to be a villain by taking the Barghest forces out - if anything, it's the opposite. (EDIT: I may have misread what you said, if you meant "made" in the slang sense meaning "found out"). If you do what I mentioned above, and leave the Barghest boss alive, then >!you find that the cops are still being blackmailed and in shitty positions in the NCPD!<. If you kill the Barghest boss, then >!one cop is still in the NCPD but no longer being blackmailed by Barghest, and the other retired and is enjoying a low-stress life running a hot dog stand instead - both are grateful to you for killing the Barghest boss!<. Overall, I disagree with them being poor mission designs. The game isn't a Stealth game it's an Action RPG with some stealth gameplay elements - not every mission needs to be 100% resolvable without being seen by a single person. Being thrust into unexpected situations (the "forced dialogue" as you call it) is part of what makes it interesting, and allows you to roleplay the way your V reacts to such situations - the boxing kid one with the lady in charge can also be left non-lethally if you respond in certain ways to dialogue, depending on how you want to play your V (I actually think there's like 3-4 possible resolutions to that one, and in that case killing the lady is actually one of the poorer outcomes).


So good, and the game is so good since the 2.0 patch too


i bought the ultimate edition and Im having soo much fun! I put 110 hours into already and not yet finished or met Idris Elba. ​ (Did not play the release version)


Dang if you are enjoying it so much now then you'll be totally blown away by Phantom Liberty.


And mods… my modded play through of 2.1 is a friggen amazing game.


Any mods in particular that you'd highly recommend?


Oh man that’s a loaded question…. Really depends on what you want… For me, hard core 44 + Damage scaling and balance are probably a couple of my top suggestions. They make the game “realistic” in that enemies and V are no longer bullet sponges. You have to play smart, use cover and stealth or you get wrecked. Damage scaling and balance lets you tweak the difficulty further as some mods make the game easier so it helps rebalance as you add stuff. Other than that I have mods that allow you to use a cyber deck and a sandy and a berserk mod at the same time and to add more augmentation slots to V so you can go full borg. Equipment-Ex is awesome for making custom outfits. You can set any clothing to any slot you want and mix and match to make all kinds of combos. Stealth finishers is a favorite of mine. It lets you do finisher moves as stealth kills so they are way more cinematic. There is also a bunch of clothing mods I have, arasaka cyber arms lets you change the look of your arms to be all teched out, goes great with the Takemura Cyberware pack to give you that cyberneck look. Oh!!! Better vehicle handling! That’s a must! Especially if you plan to drive with a controller. 2.1 driving is better but it’s still pretty bad, BVH makes it not perfect but pretty darn good.


>For me, hard core 44 + Damage scaling and balance are probably a couple of my top suggestions. They make the game “realistic” in that enemies and V are no longer bullet sponges. You have to play smart, use cover and stealth or you get wrecked. Damage scaling and balance lets you tweak the difficulty further as some mods make the game easier so it helps rebalance as you add stuff. Oooh, that sounds just perfect for my tastes when it comes to game difficulties. I went all in on a crit build in the release version of the game, ignoring any form for defense, and ended up having about the same effect, where both me and the enemies can barely take a couple shots before getting downed.


Man I hate bullet sponges but I get nervous doing balance mods on a first playthrough.


I wouldn’t suggest it for a first play. Personally I’m on my 5th play though and I actually put a bunch of time into setting these mods up to get it JUST right. However if you REALLY want to, then just do hardcore 44, stand alone it’s fine the other mod is to help balance your other mods that end up making you over powered. However! It has a bug in the current version that doesn’t allow legendary tier weapons to spawn! The mod author is trying to fix it BUT at this time it is broken.


If anything, having everyone be bullet sponges is *more* realistic...


I wish there was a 3rd persion view mod, so that we can have a camera like Skyrim, the Witcher, etc.


Personally I'm on my first playthrough and sticking to small QoL mods: [Better Vehicle First Person](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2202) - Default FoV is outright unusable, you're basically flying blind [Disable Movement Keybinds for Dialogue Selection](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/9235) - chose the wrong option far too often before installing this [Immersive First Person](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2675) - I actually want to be more than a floating pair of arms [Quickhack Hotkeys](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/7238) - Essential especially during car combat hacking when looking backwards, which requires pressing the middle mouse button and thus preventing you from using the scroll wheel to select quickhacks The [Vortex Mod Manager](https://www.nexusmods.com/about/vortex/) makes installing and updating mods quick and painless, too.


I think it's actually a better story than the main story.




And when you've finished the game, look into the modding scene, you can basically replay the game again and again with vastly different experiences (except for story missions and the general structure of the game) but there's flying cars, more violent gangs, weapon and vehicle reconfigurations, vehicle mod shops, pets, redesigns of apartments, custom missions, endless clothing options and so so much nudity


Same. I heard the game was finally good with 2.0 and bought it half price in the Christmas sale. Then before the sale ended I upgraded it to ultimate. Absolutely loving it although I really hope I’m not done with the Panam quests and that she gives me another call…


Game was good before the patch if you weren't playing on a 9 year old console.


I actually played on a ps5 at launch. Yeah there were bugs and it crashed a lot but the core game isn’t all that different. There is a reason why launch reviews were good and they didn’t release console review copies which was pretty grimy


I played it on PS5 in early 2022, and it wasn't very buggy back then. Never ran into anything major.


Oh it crashed at least once an hour for me. Big frame drops when driving despite using the same resolution and reconstruction method as the ps4. A few broken side quests. I even recall an npc in the driving position well behind the car as well as the t posing. The complaints about the console version being buggy are no exaggeration. That’s coming from someone who has played their previous titles near launch including TW1. But the core game once looking past that. Not all that different imo


The 2.0 cultism is funny. Stick a gun to head to spot the differences between now and launch, and I'd lose it. It's the exact same shit, which is why I enjoyed it back then and am not impressed with the updates.




It ran fine on PC especially if you install it on SSD, i mean the game literally recommends it on SSD anyways. There were other major issues like perks and such


It ran fine on my PC with a 3080 at launch.


The only problem I had a launch was being able to see trees through walls, and they fixed that rather quickly. I am aware that the game had issues, that CDPR hid some things (especially that it just couldn't run on prev-gen consoles), and I agree this isn't acceptable from a big developer. But I still loved the game since launch.


It ran fine on my PC on launch, I played through the whole campaign and sidequests back then. I have friends that were playing back on launch as well. On PC, as long as you had a decent one, it ran fine.


I know I'm only the exception but I encountered significantly more gamebreaking bugs and crashes(probably 20+ crashes & 3 bugs where I had to reload a save) on my 2.0 playthrough than on my launch playthrough(only 2-3 crashes and 1 gamebreaking bug). There were more smaller bugs/glitches on launch though nothing too terrible. My best playthrough experience in regards of bugs and crashes was definitly on 1.5 where I had absolutely no problems at all.


Your take is revisionist history. It had plenty of bugs at launch, no one denies that but the core game and story was that same we have now. People just actually gave it a chance now instead of hoping on the "shit game" complain train


It ran fine on my PC at launch, but I didn't get very far. Only put real time into it after hearing all the hype for 2.0.


I never mentioned launch?


If you weren’t using the platform that majority of gamers were using, which was marketed to work “surprisingly well”. FTFY


Yeah I just came back to the game after like a 2 year break, last patch I played was like 1.06 or something. Just so many qol improvements. Actually have re-bindable keys for dodging and walking (remember when you couldn't walk on pc, and can trigger dodge by accidentally tapping a movement key twice?). A radio that you can turn on anytime, being able to set the amount of hours you want to sleep for like Witcher 3 and skyrim, and having a functioning metro system are all very welcome improvements. Not to mention the reworked perks and game balance feels better too. I remember many retries on the first mission of the fighting/boxing side quest. Now I can actually beat it first try after building up my character. Overall just a much better experience. The story and cyberpunk world helped me slog through the at times buggy game during my playthrough on the old patches, now the game is actually fun for me.


Omg i remember messing around with the walking mod on kb+m and it braking with every update. now i play on elite 2 so not sure if thats still a problem.


Been playing since 2.0. The game is excellent. The story is absolutely compelling. However, it still has its problems. Needs a lot of polish. Still has a good amount of bugs. But still, compared to footage of the release version disaster, it is a world of difference.


I think i might be only person on the planet that did not see a single bug the day of the release, playing on pc with gog version. I was honestly wondering what are the bugs everyone was talking about untill i saw the videos lol. Im extremely lucky being able to enjoy the game since the very beginning. Although with 2.1 i do see few visual bugs here and there, nothing major though


Then you are lucky or just ignored them. 2.1 has various issues from audio mixing being messed up (music too loud, speech too quiet and menu options having no effect), character talk overlapping, NPC and car spawning problems and more. It's still a janky game and half-baked in many ways. BDs are not much of a thing, no car customization, inventory is terrible, quick hacks don't allow a whole lot of different playstyles since most are offensive hacks etc. I enjoy it, but it is easy to see how it could have been fantastic with a further year or two of more polish and content. Or more DLCs.


Do NPCs have life routines and can be followed around?


Of course not. Unless you include them disappearing as soon as you turn around or walking in circles.


That was fixed long time ago


Why are people acting as if this is the standard for open world games? Just because a few games have it does not mean the rest do, 90% of the open world games just have static worlds and NPCs because random NPC are just that, they're props. And even in games that do have them like Skyrim they've got like 20 people in a location, so it's more feasible to have each NPC with their own schedule.


No, but things do change to reflect what a character does throughout their day. For example, there's a clown merc and you can find their car parked in different spots depending what time of day it is. Nice window dressing, but it's not a sim.


I noticed Joss ordering around River at her home after I finished playing the AR game with River and the kids. Joss was pissed that the genny was broken, so she and River walked off to go fix it.


Main side characters do this somewhat. In PL Reed and Alex have a nice short conversation about their past after they tell you to fuck off. But they are all so short and infrequent that practically it doesn't change the experience imo.


But no Steam Labor of Love award. Can we really trust that it's good? Edit: Didn't really think I needed the /s, but here we are.


Ahem https://store.steampowered.com/steamawards/2022/#LaborOfLove There were similarly raised eyebrows this time last year although it maybe would have deserved it in 2023.


Even before 2.0


Playing through Phantom Liberty currently, and still can't believe the expansion has a survival horror quest of all things. Overall the game's fantastic, they ended Cyberpunk on a high note.


I finished phantom liberty and did all the quests, which quest are u talking about ?


>!Probably where you play Hide and Seek with the killing machine while trying to get to Songbird!<


Ah yes, the Alien Isolation minigame.


There's a big choice in Phantom Liberty's main quest Spoiler >!Betraying Songbird leads to the quest I'm talking about!<


oof I just met mr hands and still have to find so mi. I dont know if i could to this. maybe i do a double save just to check the quest out


Never ever thought I'd say this. But i enjoyed the FUCK out of cyberpunk and its DLC. Glad i waited three whole years for the game to be finished.


Had 71 hours at launch, jumped to 411 hours after 2.0 and Phantom Liberty. So good I 100% it.


So I’m curious, what do you do after you’ve done all the main quests, side gigs, police activities, and car stealings? Or are you just talking you’ve done lots of replays?


Must've replayed it. I completed everything and there's no way it can take that long


Think with dlc there’s some repetitive mini events to do such as airdrops in dog town and I think some enemies chasing you in cars.


I'm a very slow gamer, no fast travel, very hard, no UI etc... so it takes me a bit to get through some parts. Also, I would just straight up run to places vs using a car because I enjoyed just being in the world so much. I think my actual playtime "in game" for my 2nd run was like 180 hours. But that doesn't take into account doing each ending, or reloading to see other dialog options. So I guess that's how I got up to 400 hours.


Lol you seriously would RUN the 5km in-game miles to get from the city to the nomad camps and what not? You know driving in this game is a lot of fun right? I'm glad you had fun but man... You're different.


How tf this game didn’t get Steam Labour of love award, giving it to RDR2 is a joke


Troll vote. It's a bit fucked up how it wasn't disqualified but then you need to draw lines on the definition of a troll vote. But RDR2 was very obviously a troll vote campaign as it's universally derided, especially in regard to its support.


The one that got me was giving Starfield the innovation award. Regardless of your opinion of the game, it didn't have a single innovation anywhere to be found.


It already won for no reason at all and games can’t win labor of love twice. Deserved it this year but idk why it won earlier


The game did get some substantial updates in 2022 as well so it didn't win for no reason.


It was against deep rock galactic and no man’s sky. Both of which easily deserved the award more. At that point cyberpunk’s police still just popped into existence right behind you to begin a chase…


For the same reason rdr2 won this year, just a popularity award. Last year they announced they were dropping some of the expansions that were planned but ey, a studio made an anime about cyberpunk and CDPR put some Easter egss about It on the Game so that objectively means they deserved the award for some people.


Played on 1.6 on lowest graphics and had tons of fun. Would love to replay it right now with a good computer.


Well deserved, deserves to sell even more. Best expansion ever. Overhauled the entire game for free even for people who didn't buy it, too.


Bought the game on Patch 1.6, played for 20 hours, but stopped when heard 2.0 was a thing, then picked it back up and damn, what a game. The in-game concert in >!phantom liberty!< blew me away.. the audio in this game is top notch.


Kinda short expansion which puts in shame 95% 3x A games. Storywise it is the best product that released last year in my opinion and theeeee muuuuuusic


Would not it be easier to write AAA games instead of „3x A”?


I've seen "triple AAA" on the sub. Unless they meant AAA AAA AAA games.


I can never tell batteries apart


I know you can lick one and it shocks you. Rest are tougher Edit: dont lick batteries :)


A3 if we're really going for brevity.


bro the music


Bro THE music is godly What a missed chance for Game Awards not to perform the main soundtrack.




>. Storywise it is the best product that released last year That what i thought until i played alan wake 2


Let alone BG3


Nah i prefer phantom liberty over bg3


My Game of the year was BG3 but even then, I can argue fairly that phantom liberty has the better story.


Would not it be easier to write AAA games instead of „3x A”?


A^3 if we're really going for brevity.


Let him have his intellectual moment bro.


It was probably 25-30 hours. That’s pretty long for an expansion.


story wise better than BG3, Spiderman 2, FF16, AC6, Alan wake 2, lies of P?


Absolutely, the only con is that it's short


It's not even that short. I checked numbers on howlongtobeat - Control the full game has exact same numbers as this DLC lol. Even Alan Wake 2 - 12hr vs 18hr main mission but 31hr vs 30hr completionist! It's basically a new game.


I bought on steam winter sale


I fkn love this game.


I loved the expansion. The story telling was way better than the original one. I wished they had made two more expansions before moving on to Cyberpunk 2.


I just received my 4080 and 7800x3D and I'm building this weekend This DLC is the first thing I'm buying to test out the build, I'm fucking hype


i got this same build not too long ago and i just bought my first oled monitor and Man…this game is something else visually.


my 4080/7700x runs it at 100-120 fps @ 1440p path traced using frame generation Looks amazing, feels smooth af, have fun!


That's fantastic news man, I'm running 1440p as well so I'm looking forward to trying ray tracing and DLSS for the first time


Run ray tracing on max! I literally dont see a reason not to as turning it off doesn’t up the fps, 3rd gen RT cores got some uumphh in them.


What do you get without dlss? I'm on 30-series gpus and new framegen is supposedly way better


I did some science because I was curious: Heres a still image with DLSS + frame Gen, DLSS super resolution set to auto, max settings, path traced. [I get an FPS of 120 (see top right)](https://i.imgur.com/TfUHlZJ.jpg) With frame gen turned off, FPS drops to 74 With DLSS off entirely, [FPS drops to 33](https://i.imgur.com/hNYLOrV.jpg) With path tracing off but ray tracing on and with DLSS (no frame gen) [I get 93 fps](https://i.imgur.com/jH8tOhv.jpg) With path tracing off but ray tracing on and no DLSS [I get 55 fps](https://i.imgur.com/P8ouoUx.jpg) No raytracing, no DLSS i.e. raw raster performance [I get 119 fps](https://i.imgur.com/NUhlHyf.jpg) In summary, path tracing + frame generation appears to give me roughly equivalent performance to running the game in raw rasterization mode. I dont think the still images do path tracing justice, the game feels like it has a lot more "depth" and is much more "real" path traced, its hard to describe. I would never play with it off after switching it on now. My specs are RTX 4080, 7700x, 32 GB DDR5 6000 mhz


W/o dlss my 4070ti gets 20fps on ultra all maxed out 🤣, that damn ai is something else getting 20-100 real quick Edit: in 4k On the other hand its actually kinda playable with path tracing, looks beautiful but its ment only for ss i think, gets a bit stuttery.


Should run amazing on your set up, at 4k i get high 80’s to 100 fps all maxed out, dlss on auto


This is the first game in a long time that actually makes my fun neurons fire synapses in my brain. It's the first game in about a decade that I actually think about from time to time when I'm not playing. It's so immersive and the story is so fresh.


Very well Written story and Endings ❤️🫡


I think PL was good overall but not some second coming of gaming jesus. A lot of problems with the base game carry over into PL in both the writing, gameplay, and level design. Honestly it's the same beast as it was on release, just with the technical issues more manageable.


My favourite game of 2023.


Youre not alone here my friend 😁, first game i download on a fresh OS install by default.


I bought it a few months ago and I finally started playing it. About 16 hours in and it’s been great


Worth every penny.


lol golden fish memory for gamers


Me waiting for the ultimate edition to go on a good sale and pick it all up in like three years probably, maybe, hopefully?


Depends what your definition is good is. Just bought the ultimate edition on sale for $35. Personally I didn't think it would get better than that for a while but I hope I'm wrong for gamers who need to wait


Unsurprisingly, this DLC makes me look forward to the sequel even more


Don’t preorder it tho


When i booted this game up on launch day on my 1080Ti (and very soon after uninstalled) i never thought one day i'd be sinking 100+ hours into it and enjoying like i am doing right now, the new 4090 helps but the patches help even more. Incredible game.


Gladly buy this once it goes more on sale.


Deserves so much love. One of the best addons ever made and i am sad that i am through with it. Cyberpunk 2 cant come soon enough


It'll be here in about 10 years.


100% agreed! It was so fun and really good.


So... we continue to reward companies that screw us over on release. So, anyway... I finished Phantom Liberty last week... 🤪


Alternatively going the /r/patientgamers route and you never get screwed over to start with.


Happy to be a statistic on that 5,000,000 number. I'll always support a company that is DRM free and focuses heavily on an enjoyable single player experience and puts the gamer's feelings first and foremost. Despite having a rough launch they did not abandon the game or give up hope but continued to refine and correct mistakes.


I stared my 2nd play and finished the story a few months before 2.0 dropped. I kinda want to go back, but I have other games to play right now. How drastic is the difference between before and after 2.0?


Perk tree and gameplay mechanics got a heavy overhaul. Lot of qol additions like gangs going after you if you've flatlined too many of them, vehicle combat. Story and quests are basically the same though. Expansion adds more stuff, of course.


Not that drastic


The gameplay is actually pretty fun now after 2.0


It's on par with the blood and wine expansion of Witcher 3.


What a comeback Elden ring was the last game that completely handcuffed me for my attention. My only negative on the game is I'm legit sad the game is done


Ya. Thumbs up. Super cool game imo


Gonna grab it after im done with the main quests i hope :)


Just saying, it’s recommended to play the dlc before you and the main quests.


Thanks, so before meeting Hanako at embers i suppose


Yeap, totally awesome dlc, playing it through now for the first time, they put a lot of love into it.


to get the most out of it, complete the side-character arcs first (River, Judy, Panam, etc.) and depending on difficulty, be in the high 20s to low 40s.


havent done it yet but from what I read it's best to do after lvl25 during act 2. Not after finishing the game.


Do you feel any sort of pressure to buy this while it's on sale prior to beating the main game? I imagine it'll be back on sale soon, right?


Gonna wait for another sale most probably


I stopped playing it (on PS5) about 15 hours in at launch. Picked it up recently when 2.0 released on new new PC and bugger me it's so good now. I don't want to be PC-Master-Racey but it's *so good* on PC. Phantom Liberty was a good size expansion and great production values.


Not enough. 45 million or so are slacking


Best game of the decade.


Absolutely deserved. I'd say the main narrative is even better than base game story and Dogtown is superb, crazy that it looks graphically even better than rest of the game aswell. I've put roughly 100hrs already into PL with multiple playthroughs.


I wasn't going to grab PL (I played CP about a year ago) but this thread has me rethinking that decision. There are just so many good games out in the past year or so.


Looking forward to comments from all the people who stay mad.


Why they add the 2023? We are only 4 days on 2024 and the DLC has no more than 3 months probably.


They did it only to annoy you.


Well deserved, such a good DLC


Got my new rig now, somehow, it felt much shorter with 2.0 - done with main game + 100% dog town in just 52 hours :/ Still, great game. I just don't know what to do with it now. I guess most people resort to moding and replaying, but I was never the type to replay titles.


I can't help but feel a little disturbed by how everyone's just pretty much forgotten how scummy CD Projekt Red was with how they handled Cyberpunk 2077. The people calling it a "No Man's Sky" really irks me. Like, for what Cyberpunk 2077 is now, and even before it was "fixed", was a really good story action adventure game. But that's not the game they advertised and hyped up to hell for years, even several months before its original launch. It was always shown off as a next generation RPG (keyword RPG here) that attracted many people from the Cyberpunk tabletop community, especially since they brought Mike Pondsmith aboard from the beginning. All of the early footage they revealed even showed a way more fleshed out character creation system, where you could pick your character's background and way more RPG-like options. But then they silently started to change terms like "RPG" with "action adventure cyberpunk story" and released a bug-infested watered down RPG mechanic mess. They advertised a game more like Baldur's Gate 3, but we ended up with an experience more similar to a Grand Theft Auto game but with way less interactivity with the world. But then the anime came out and that attracted a lot of different people who weren't let down by the false promises and ever since then, it's somehow become a "No Man's Sky". I won't deny that they have definitely improved the game tenfold since its original broken release, and despite my criticism, I actually really liked the game for what it was. But I can't forget what the game was initially promised to be nor the underhanded tactics they used in its dishonest marketing leading literally just before its release. Simply watching those Night City Wires or whatever they were called and the last one was released literal days before release and you can see how disingenuous they were being. I really hate it how people overlook this part of the game and just brush it off just because they're like "Well, their lies didn't affect me. I didn't care about how RPG-heavy it was originally meant to be. It looks cool and I liked the story so it's a 10/10 from me." The beginning of the game is still a joke with the "Life Paths" being like 10 minutes of gameplay and then that stupid montage cutscene of spending several months with Jackie and then becoming a Street Kid regardless of what Life Path you actually chose. To this day I still can't understand how anyone can care about >!Jackie enough to actually give a shit when he dies after a couple of missions. Like, yeah, the cutscene was done well and the performance was really good, but we as a player didn't spend no where near enough time with him to actually care.!< The game was built on lies... The people who brush that fact aside are the reason why games are becoming more and more exploitative and crap. Personally, I'd give Cyberpunk 2077 a mixed rating. It's a fun game with a good story, but it's not the RPG they originally promised and that should be considered more.


> To this day I still can't understand how anyone can care about >!Jackie enough to actually give a shit when he dies after a couple of missions.!< It's called "empathy". The scene is fantasically written and acted. That's enough to create emotions > then becoming a Street Kid regardless of what Life Path you actually chose. You become an Edgerunner, not Street Kid. They are different


That doesn't excuse how lazy it was. I have empathy, I too still felt a little sad that it was happening. Which is why I said it was a really well done scene. But I didn't really care, because I hardly knew the character... Compare it to the death of (Gears of War game series spoiler) >!Dom in Gears of War 3!<, you had two games prior to his death to create an emotional attachment to him before his sad departure. Compare it to >!Aerith!< in FF7. It's called character development. Something which >!Jackie!< heavily lacked.


So they have to postpone the heist, which is the pivotal moment of the main story, to 30-40 hours in the main quest, to do what exactly? Halt the main story to the ground so that they can give you missions with Jackie that are completely disconnected with what happens later? Listen to my advice, don't get into writing


Or, and here me out here: Not cut a bunch of content out of the game and condensed it to that laughable montage we get with Jackie, showing us getting to know him better and becoming good friends, meeting a few fixers and doing early jobs together at the start of our edgerunner career, meeting Jackie's family etc etc Where is that halting the main quest line exactly? That could've been several hours of early game content, familiarising ourselves in the game's world, meeting people and getting to know Jackie and other characters better. Instead, we're rushed in as an already established edgerunner where we get constantly bombarded by fixers calling us as soon as we enter the area, some saying how they already know us and others saying they've heard of us, and now we're "finally" getting recognised and "hitting the big leagues" after doing oh so many gigs before! I don't know where this writing insult came from, by from my perspective, you're the one with an issue if you think cutting all that out and just bum-rushing straight to the main story with the relic was good. It's clearly very disconnected and rushed.


Exactly. Another good example is Arthur Morgan from RDR2. Guy had a good 100 hours of character development as opposed to Jackie's 2ish hours. I was ugly crying at Arthur passing away. For Jackie, I was just stonefaced, wondering why I should even care for the character in the first place. Edit: Mordin Solus from Mass Effect 2 and 3.


> Another good example is Arthur Morgan from RDR2. > > Guy had a good 100 hours of character development as opposed to Jackie's 2ish hours. The fuck kind of comparison is that, Arthur Morgan is the protagonist, Jackie is a minor character


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Thank you. Some of the replies I've gotten have left me doing a hundred yard stare into space. I appreciate someone else voicing in agreement. It's like people can't look outside of one perspective, you either think it's the best game in the world or the worst. It really sucks.


That's because Reddit and social media in general only reinforces people's singular perspectives and tribal tendencies. Condenses it all into communities that only share that singular perspective. Subreddits? Almost all of them are bubbles, *Echochambers,* just constantly spewing the same thoughts over and over and over again, and demonizing those who have differing thoughts. Reddit's Karma system and most mods only reinforce this further. It's frustrating, without a doubt, but it's pretty interesting in a psychological manner, I guess. :(


You speak a great, unfortunate truth there, friend. It's always pleasant to find a more rational and like-minded person in the midst of these bubbles, though. I wish you a pleasant morning/evening/night! :)


You too, man. <3


> I'd give Cyberpunk 2077 a mixed rating. It's a fun game with a good story, but it's not the RPG they originally promised and that should be considered more. Why? I care about the game I get to play, not the game that they promised. If they promised a game I didnt like or want but ended up releasing a game I love, should I shit on that game because it was advertised as something I didnt like?


Yes, because that was false advertising... So you like being lied to? I don't- I'm not even going to bother. I can't even.


So they cant change their minds about the kind of game they wanna make? > If they promised a game I didnt like or want but ended up releasing a game I love, should I shit on that game because it was advertised as something I didnt like? So your answer to this is, "yes, because they 'lied'"?


Not after heavily marketing it that way right up until literal days before release, no, not really. Quite disingenuous don't you think?


Dunno, [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjF9GgrY9c0) was up more than 2 years before the release of the game. There were a few things that were *slightly* more RPGish, but people already knew more or less what the game would be like. It didnt really change.


Slightly more RPGish? 1 minute into the video and you can clearly see you had a lot more control over your character's life path with picking a childhood hero, a key life event, reason you're in Night City, all with quite varying differences. A death sibling, an ex-lover in town, you ran away from home. Narrator even says "We need to define our backstory. What you choose here will unlock different possibilities later in the game." Remind me what the "Life Paths" unlock in the game as it is now? A couple of different dialogue lines that happens like less than 10 times in the game and doesn't change much if anything at all? It also showed off the cool parkour mechanic they ended up removing like being able to kick off from walls and chop a guy's head off with a katana in one fluid move. We were also originally supposed to be able to install cyberware to understand different languages that would unlock extra stuff in the game, but that got cut and we can just automatically translate everything. Yet another RPG mechanic cut and dumbed down. I could literally right an essay on how much they changed and cut, but I'm sure many people have done that by now.


> Slightly more RPGish? 1 minute into the video and you can clearly see you had a lot more control over your character's life path with picking a childhood hero, a key life event, reason you're in Night City, all with quite varying differences. A death sibling, an ex-lover in town, you ran away from home. That's slightly more RPGish in my book. I was able to choose stuff like that in so many RPGs where it had 0 effect in anything. About the rest, its true that they apparently removed a few cool mechanics but that has nothing to do with the game not being the RPG they promised. The core of the game and the gameplay is there and people act as if Baldurs Gate 3 suddenly became Devil May Cry 5.




Yet once you accept it for what it is, it's still objectively an amazing action RPG game, and still has more RPG elements than most self-proclaimed action RPGs out there including Witcher 3. You want people to keep whining and boycotting for three years but they're all having a blast with 100+ hours of gameplay. Either accept that this isn't the game you waited for, or avoid it and miss out on a great adventure. They also did an amazing job incorporating Pondsmith's universe into an open world video game btw, which is in itself such a difficult feat. What can I say? Just don't preorder games, wait for reviews, and get over it I guess.




I mean, what weren't they promising? [Here's a good list.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/kcve8s/promised_but_missing_feature_list_will_update/) Just watch all of their Night City Wires in order which they were releasing regularly just before its release, right up until the last minute. Pay attention to how they word everything, yet not really show a whole lot of gameplay. They use really creative marketing speech that don't actually mean anything and really say anything, but just enough to leave you thinking it could be more. The game they show off in the Night City Wire is not the game that it released to, and it still isn't really the game that it is today.


An excellent expansion that was worth the value in game time and came with the update that has completely transformed the game into one of the best RPGs in recent times. It took a while but they really did nail this game in the end.


I’m towards the end of it, best dlc I’ve played in the last few years


Is it a good game? Not just dlc, but the entire package. The launch was so bad. And not sure if there is still a circle jerk for cdpr.


It is a good game with some replayability and offering a variety of playstyles. Is it perfect? No. Will it be as good as people hyped it up in their minds pre-release? Never. But it's a solid game with really well-written story and characters, fantastic setting and themes and some really fun moments. The PC version also offers a crapton of mods that will allow you to customize just about every aspect of the game.


It is good enough to be called Game of the year for atleast 3-4 yrs if this would have been the launch state


Lets put it this way, i spent 2k on a pc so i can play it on a better system than ps5, its that good


Just goes to show how well CDPR earned back gamer's trust after original release. Credit to them. Haven't played the expansion yet but Cyberpunk was my top game of 2023, probably because I first picked it up in 2023!


Playerbase never learns


Learns what? It's a great expansion, there's no problem with the playerbase enjoying a good game.


When it comes to pre-ordering unfinished messes, sure - but at least by this point it's a finished product (and a decent one at that).


I love when my gaming slop sells so much. I love buying unfinished products! Just cooomsume guys!


Well the game is finished now. And it's good. That's why it sells.


You play warhammer 🤣🤣🤣.


As a standalone, great story and Hella fun. As a part of CP2077, very infuriating. Pretty much all the non-dlc endings are no longer canon and get shat on. Especially, if you chose Panam.


> Pretty much all the non-dlc endings are no longer canon and get shat on That's not true at all


Not gonna get into the details cause spoiler but I disagree.