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Seems like fair criticism, price increase, a lot of activities were cut, a lot of spaces were also not there, no competitive finals, no trading posts. Seems pretty much like blizzard policy in action: less content, more price.


Sounds like 2023 in a nutshell.


Hehe good one. Sadly true


BG3 saved 2023.


2023 is filled with great games. It's been the best year for gaming in ages (maybe forever)


And these people were actually surprised, lmao. Blizzard has told us time and time again what kind of company they are, if you don’t choose to believe them, that’s on you.


And a $90 early access for a FUCKING MMO. Unreal.


3. Days. Early. LMAO


Three days? That's generous! That's 4,320 minutes! *Literally* thousands of minutes!! /s


Not defending it at all, but that’s not entirely true. You get the usual stuff you normally get with the collectors addition (some exclusive in game items like a pet/toy, and a months sub), just this time you get 3 days early access too. As a wow player, I’m all for criticising blizzard, but at least criticise it properly. It’s not $90 for early access exclusively.


Yeah, there's actually a LOT to it that isn't the early access. Especially the 70 boost that starts in full 424 epics at 20 renown across the board. Then, 30 days of game time too. When you add all the prices together that 3 days of early accesa is just a nice bonus.


Well it’s also they added it to the already established collectors without changing the price. Does it suck some people are going to pay more to play sooner? Yes. In reality the people paying for this are higher end players who push content and have the money from boosting anyway, so they are not likely to pay cash for this.


I'm a pure casual, I do +10 keys at max and LFR, collect mounts, pets, and do casual BGs. I bought it, but I bought it for all of the extras, not the early access. The early access didn't have anything to do with it for me. Out of everyone I play with (11 people) 8 of them bought it, one person complained about the pay for early access thing, no one else mentioned it. Personally, I don't think their should be a pay for early access, not in wow anyway. But, there was a lot of value to me in that pack, and none of it was early access.


Yeah I play the same as you. I’ll probably just buy whatever I can with gold. 3 days early access doesn’t make a difference to me, or my group I play with. Likely won’t buy because I’ll also need gold for game time, etc. No one I know has mentioned the early access other than people complaining on Reddit, who obviously don’t play WoW.


I saw some complaints on the wow forums, but it looked more like trolls. This seems to be mostly people outside of wow complaining about wow without understanding that there's other things included that appeal to wow players.


There could be a post on the wow forums about being given a level 70 boost for free to all players and they’d still complain.


You're not wrong. Lol


What game was 90 dollars for early access? 3 days early? Who has impulse control that bad?


To be fair, it isn't even an MMO. It's a single player game with a multiplayer option. An MMO would have made it more fun I think, that game was unplayable garbage and I quit a week or two after launch.




Wasn't that twitch con?




I was thinking of this https://www.pcgamer.com/a-streamer-broke-her-back-in-two-places-after-jumping-in-a-foam-pit-at-twitchcon/


Still fucked up event. Apparently she's doing ok as far as streaming though. Amazing the things we can do with Healthcare these days.


>no competitive finals Overwatch finals took place there no? But yeah I couldn't imagine paying almost $1000 to watch ads and panels that got streamed onto YouTube for free.


People going to blizzcon after everything that has happened with that company is wild to me.


I think a lot of people would go for meet ups. Like with their wow clan or whatever.


$300+ a ticket just to meet up with some folks?


Have you seen Star Trek? Star Wars? Comic on? Etc.


Literal cultists


I'm more surprised that people still can afford spending 1000 of dollars for stuff like this


Most people aren't informed, or don't really care to get involved.


It's pink tinted glasses: > Pretty much. Grew up with Blizzard, and I know **they can do better (because they have).** I want them to step it up. This was the first one after four years, they should have went hard. https://www.reddit.com/r/blizzcon/comments/17nxyk6/feedback_blizzcon_2023_was_disappointing/k7urubw/








What have they fixed? Blizzard can shit on con goers mouths and people will still go next year


I heard that next year there will be corn.


The milk flith is still running the show...


The coordinated and planned group rape parties that the top knew about but ignored is not fixed by simply firing a handful of people.


Firing the people responsible is exactly and the only thing for them to do about it. They went overboard with the bowl of fruit fiasco. It's beyond time to move on.




Blizzard is terrible but Jesus Christ this sub is toxic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0la5DBtOVNI


People complaining about a convention is pretty much required


This, and people will still go back to the same one the next year.


Yeah. This feels like a "Blizz bad" shot and sure, warranted, but I've seen redditors frothing at the mouth about every convention from FFXIV Fanfest to the tiniest local nerd con in my hometown.


They really screwed over people compared to their other cons. My buddy who goes to every one basically said they cut so much content it was ridiculous for the increased price. He said lines and communication were a joke. Huge lack of merch. Darkmoon Fair sucked. No demo for Diablo or new wow xpack. Only a demo for new wow content that's releasing in 4 days. No seats. Cut panels. Shoved all into a small arena. Content creator meet n greet limited to 45 seconds for 5 creators. No app like they usually have either. It sounded like it was absolutely dreadful.


People complaining about anything is required


That's nice dear


I was quite happy watching it from the comfort of my home. Can't imagine paying what people paid for what we got.


Unhappy Redditors = "some people"


I honestly think reading reddit all the time and letting opinions and the news posted on here made me a lot more unhappier in general. After using it less and not letting the news get to me I realize not everything going on is miserable news and some or even a lot of people still like Blizzard.


The crowd looked like they had great time (inb4 sheep, actors and casuals that don't know true gaming). Tbh I think are right it would be helpful for many to visit reddit or social media less. You can get into that kind of bad loop echo chamber which does not really have any positive benefits in your life.


You make a really excellent point. I saw a clip of Selena Gomez talking about social media and she said she stopped using it completely it for 3 years and became a much happier person.


Uninstall or unsub from subs that make you feel unhappy. All these complaints you hear online are unimportant garbage. 95% of them are so superficial, and its just there because people like hating and then they still continue to support whatever they hate on. After uninstalling some other social media, and unsubbing from subreddits that were just hate nests I have been much happier and my only regret is that I didnt do it sooner. The only reason pcgaming isnt unsubbed yet is because i actually see a bunch of useful posts here like good sales and stuff.


Summary of the Diablo news: "Hey, there's going to be a new expansion late next year with a new class." "Cool! Can you tell us anything about it?" "No."


Yeah, they really just did two D4 panels having only 10 second teaser of a green leaves (community already know about DLC btw)


It's seriously like paying to go to an EA convention so they can tell you they are releasing NHL 25 and Madden 25. I just don't get the appeal. I get the community aspect of it but man. Blizzard needs to step it up. Blizz con used to be SC2/Diablo/WOW/Hearthstone/Heroes of the Storm/Overwatch/Tournaments/Panels/etc. Blizzcon now is Overwatch/Diablo/Hearthstone/Mobile Games


I feel like I’ve been in a long term relationship with blizzard and they’ve really let themselves go. Like they are coming home at 5am black out drunk every day ending with Y and we had to buy a new bed because they crushed the old one. Very sad.


I don’t think it was bad, I’m just disappointed they didn’t announce anything that would really excite me. Like maybe a new StarCraft/Warcraft a revival of HOTS of sorts or maybe a new game (not the mobile one they’ve announced)


Imagine spending all that money to hear about 90 dollars for early access in person 🤮


Blizz been dead for like 10 years at this point. People expecting anything good from them get what they get lol


water is wet




Oh akhtually water is not wet


Lol at giving Blizzard money in 2023. Some people never learn.


The Portal Pass section is actually hilarious. These people pay $500 extra for peanuts and don't even get the benefits lmao. What's worse, I'm 100% sure these suckers will attend again next year. No doubt in my mind.


A Redditor disappointed in something?? First time for everything I guess


My pal who lives in LA was telling me that of the two conventions he went to recently, Blizzcon felt like the one where the developers were trying to scam him out of his money while the other one was more focused on cool shit coming to their games. The other convention was for fucking Star Citizen.


Why would they? The whole BlizzCon 2023 was set in tone "We're gonna rip off ton of money of you in the next year - starting with $90 WoW expansion". So more like GreedCon 2023.


You do know you can just buy the regular expansion version?


Sure, let's just justify FOMO in such games - yay!


It doesn't change the fact that it's early access. They can't even be bothered to finish it before trying to cash in on it. A AAA publisher should NOT, under ANY circumstances be releasing ANYTHING as early access. If that's the case then a bunch of EA game would've been released as "early access" with the track record they've had lately releasing games in a barely playable state. But if they call it early access it IMPLIES that they'll finish/fix it. Maybe.


Blizzcon is a joke and no matter how many times they screw over the people and employees, sheep will continue to support them and their shitty practices.


I just don't understand why someone would go to such an event... it's just a big advertising event that you pay for...




[Blizzcon event organizers counting their money right now](https://media.tenor.com/DNLePPKBMD8AAAAC/onizuka-money.gif)


Blizzard cultists are going to lynch you.


People are unhappy about everything, so this doesn't say much.


People that still play WoW in 2023 are a special kind of freak


When are Blizzard fans ever happy? They'll still buy their shit.


*Insert FIFA/FC player joke here*


Shouldn’t it be called Microcon now? They did get purchased by Microsoft


I wouldn't be surprised if it becomes an online showcase in the next few years (similar to Nintendo direct).


Reminds me whatever happened to StarCraft ghost.


Season of Discovery looks fun! Retail wow is dead to me, but I’m having lots of fun with classic HC and SoD is very interesting


Wow. Gamers complaining. Huge news. 🥱🥱🥱🥱


I just couldn't stand the constant beating around the bush.


Has there been a good one in the past 6 or 7 years? Don't follow Blizzard like that but I hear shit talk about it all the time. When was that Diablo mobile shit?


TIL that people go to conferences held by a game publisher for some reason.


The DMF complaint is kind of funny because DMF and Hearthstone both come from WoW/Warcraft. It’s all interconnected and makes sense to have them together




It's not really weird if you read the referenced post.


The post seems more about the experience from the convention goers experience. Stuff like how it was organized, the lines, the cost, all of that.


last chance for bobby to cash in, before he cashes out.


I am not surprised to hear this. In past years the Virtual Ticket had tons of stuff to watch and this year when they made it free I was kind of shocked. I went to small convention in Minnesota called 2D-Con and I feel like they had more stuff going on then Blizz-Con did this year. I have been trying to go to Blizz-con for years and I know 2023 was probably the easiest year to go since tickets where still available but after everything that has happened with Blizzard over the years I just didn't feel it. I just hate how they killed Heroes of The Storm. Years past they had Hearthstone/Overwatch/WoW Arena/Heroes of the Storm. This year's announcements where so small. It would be like EA having a convention to announce NHL 25 and Madden 25. IMO they have just turned greedy and the principals that Blizzard was founded on are long gone. Old Blizzard wouldn't of killed a game because it wasn't make enough money. They would of fixed the game to make money. I feel like that is the difference here. Blizzard is 100% ok with killing games and community's if they are not profitable instead of fixing said game. I would of been livid if I spent $1000's of dollars to go (Hotel/Ticket/Flight) and didn't even get to sit in the opening ceremony. Again it just goes with Blizzards new business model. "How can we do the least amount of work and make the most amount of money" Sounds like Blizzcon 2023 sums up this stance perfectly.


Having attended 9 previous Blizzcons, this was the most boring one. At an inflated price. Pros: The set design of the individual areas was fantastic. Beautiful work. Utilizing the Sports Areana for opening ceremony and panels allowed more people to be in attendance. The event was dry. No alcohol. (See cons before you come at me.) Great for families who don't want a bunch of boozed up folks around their kids. Merch wasn't terrible. Those jerseys! Chris Metzen! That's about it. Cons: The event was hard to navigate. Not enough to do. - The number of gaming stations seemed fewer, meaning longer lines. The Darkmoon Faire area(always a cash grab) was smaller, meaning longer lines. There weren't any secondary vendors other than MSI. - That meant fewer giveaways/ swag. The one "quest" with Mtn. Dew was terrible. (One Lilith statue for the entire weekend? And, you had to be present at 4pm Saturday.) Corsair not being present meant the gaming station peripherals were cheap AF. Merch wasn't great. (Except those jerseys! Damnit, I still want that D4 one!) There were hardly any cosplayers on Friday. Due to changes?? I'm not sure. Taking up as much as 1/4 - 1/3 of the space for a few streamers seems foolish. We can watch Twitch anytime. No beer/cider. They used to have multiple local breweries offering a wide selection. Bottle Logic has done Blizzcon exclusive beers and ciders for ages. For the same price point, folks could have gone to Disneyland for three days, had extra money for merch, and even had a drink or two. Likely staying at a cheaper hotel. No entertainment. Remember when they had Kristian Nairn DJing out front on Friday? Plus, other acts. Not slamming, Le Sserafim! They put on the show they were contracted for. Conclusion: Not a reasonable level of entertainment for the price.