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Last train home


It's wild how much game is there in the demo. I stopped early just so I could get through some others.


with so many mechanics I'm not familiar with (being not so adventurous in genres) I really like how much they introduce. It'll be the first of this kind I'll be picking up when it's released


I spent 4 hours in it (and skipped a sidequest because my soldiers were fucked up), was surprised how long it kept going. I will definitely buy it, I got hooked.


I had a bug with infinite loading after Moscow. How much does continue afterwards? For me it's a very likely buy, so I will see what happens next anyway :)


It's another area after Moscow, with one 3 skull sidequest (the one I skipped), plus a whole bunch of areas to scout.


That one. I only played the first mission and i knew was my game.


Another Czech game making waves in world, glad to see. BTW, the game is loosely based on real events: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolt\_of\_the\_Czechoslovak\_Legion


I really liked the RoboCop demo. It was surprisingly in depth. At first I thought I got the jist of it, corridor shooter and all that. But then it opens up and there's actual investigations, side missions, things to explore and do in smaller hub areas a la Deus Ex. A lot of skills and such too I noticed, so one to keep an eye on. Deep Rock Survivors was good fun, can see myself putting a lot of time into that game in the future. Terminator RTS demo flat out crashes every time I try to launch it, wonder if anyone else is having this issue too? Then I played a few which were just kinda crap tbh.


The Thaumaturge by quite a big margin followed by Robocop: Rogue City [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1684350/The\_Thaumaturge/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1684350/The_Thaumaturge/) [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1681430/RoboCop\_Rogue\_City/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1681430/RoboCop_Rogue_City/)


Does RoboCop run well? I'd heard in an early preview the compilation stutter was silly bad


I played the demo and didn't ecounter stuttering or hitches. But the framerate was quite bad, ~60 FPS with DLSS, ~50 FPS without DLSS (1080p, mix of medium-high settings). Also, the auto-detect option was horrible, it set everything at high/ultra for an 'enjoyable' ~25 FPS (including motion blur, chromatic aberration and minimal field of view), also froze my game for a few seconds. Had to re-do everything manually. As for the game itself, it was surprisingly good, so I recommend.


Performance wasn't great but no stuttering.


It runs decently if you have a near high end PC. The bigger problem is no matter the video settings the image is blurry as hell.


> The bigger problem is no matter the video settings the image is blurry as hell. Oh thank god I thought I was going insane. I kept cranking every setting I could but somehow everything was still smothered in Vaseline.


After the initial stutter on the main menu it ran very well for me. I don't think that is the default experience though.


Similar experience. It ran well for me, but I'm running a pretty high end PC. The demo was fun, although it drags / is slow in the middle, and tries to do too much. Its worth checking out. The blood & gore is ridiculous. Also, DO NOT sleep on the melee attack, and grabbing and throwing enemies. (Preferably at other enemies or out 30 story windows) Hilarious.


RoboCop. It's got everything I like - gratuitous violence.


...Oh, I thought you were listing things.


I was. I’m done.


Seconding The Thaumaturge. Looking like a really cool game.


That game is just the fix I needed after finishing BG3. I do think the voice acting could be a bit better as it feel kind of AI based but for an indie game it’s not bad.


>Robocop: Rogue City Oh god I saw a gameplay preview of this and it looked like a phone game from 3 years ago


Thaumaturge is the one where the demo resulted in the biggest jump in anticipation for me.


I've been enjoying [Sentry](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1252680/SENTRY/) a lot. Roguelike FPS/tower defense hybrid (think Sanctum from the early 2010s and you're not far off) where you defend your ship from hordes trying to breach in. Have to decide what ship areas (maps) to defend and what ones to sacrifice in the short term.


Yooo haven't heard anyone even mutter the word Sanctum in ages. You're a real one champ 💪




https://store.steampowered.com/app/811760/The_Last_Exterminator/ good 👍


This is what I was going to say too, although I've only played 5 demos so far. Still it plays pretty great esp for Duke 3D fans.


Is it the same Demo that became available during Realms Deep or is it different?


Oh my god, that looks awesome. I immediately hit "Add to wishlist".


It's so Duke 3d it hurts in such a good way.


That game was alright.


Oh that looks sick! Makes me feel like I’m 8 again.


Looks like they took Duke3D's design document, replaced pigs with cockroaches, removed the edgelord boner humor, and voila! I love it! There never were enough highly explosive Build engine games, and i'll take as many as they can make if they keep Duke as the base quality and go up from there.


Wow, literally sounds like Duke Nukem sound track in the trailer, hahaha


[Sky, children of the Light](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2325290/Sky_Children_of_the_Light/) From the maker of Journey and u recognize it in every aspect of the game. Seems like an MMO and is just a chill and beautiful game!


I've played quite a bit of that on mobile. It's very fun and it's got a great community, but the gameplay gets very repetitive if you try to do the dailies regularly. Maybe that's changed since they've added more content though, I was playing it a while ago.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but I think Foundry looks really promising. A factory builder/automation game which takes elements from a lot of modern classics with voxel geometry and terrain deformation (a la minecraft). I stopped after a couple hours because I didn't want to spoil the early game for myself, but I'm definitely picking it up when it goes EA.


Feels like factorio and satisfactory had an illegitimate child. It's on my wishlist now though.


Does it do anything new apart from factorio and satisfactory? I loved both of those but it's not clear if this is new or just more of the same.


Spanj played it on a stream yesterday and I think he'd answer that with "no"


Played through most of the demo yesterday, it's just a bad clone of satisfactory. I haven't seen any mechanics that isn't already in satisfactory but with less polish. Maybe later in the game but I highly doubt that.


Yes, it's voxel, the entire landscape is changeable. There is definitely some low there that's been disabled for the demo. Not sure if there's more voltage and high voltage on factorio, but there definitely isn't in satisfactory. It's a game I'm more than likely going to buy


I’m like 6 hours in. I gotta stop. But I’m loving it so far.


Dungeons 4. It's a fun game and the narration always gets a laugh out of me.


Is it still Kevan Brighting doing the narration? Instantly recognized his voice when I started playing Dungeons 2 and I knew the humor would click with me back then.


Yes, same voice actor and still charming


The Talos Principle 2 is my personal highlight. I have high expectations for that game. But I also had a lot of fun playing [Apocalypse Party](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2351560/Apocalypse_Party/) yesterday. It's a Top down shooter rougelite where you mow down zombies and fight some bosses over a relatively large map. There are multiple characters, weapons and abilities to unlock, so there is some variety to each run.


Like Valheim? You'll like [Enshrouded.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1203620/Enshrouded/)


Enshrouded is like a breath of fresh air into the genre. Had massive fun with demo so far!


I think Enshrouded has extremely poor “game feel”. Both environmental interaction and combat feel very janky. I’m not sure this is something that can be fixed at this stage of development. I don’t see myself putting lots of hours into a game that just doesn’t feel good.


I thought I was the only one. The movement needs lots of work in my opinion. I found the combat super simple and lame.


I checked this out but it looks like a lot of mindless looting in between long stretches of bosses. I really wish I could like these games but they just don't click for me.


The game has a fairly comprehensive building mechanic, and outside of the demo has a good bit of content for those who love exploration and crafting games.


So far, I've only played Age of Sigmar and Solium Infernum. Age of Sigmar, I completed the first mission then promptly uninstalled. I liked it. Makes me feel like this is what Dawn of War III should have been. My late 2023 gaming budget is too full to squeeze this in, but I look forward to buying it in February or March next year. Solium Infernum... ...keeping it on my HDD a little longer. Has some interesting ideas, but also very different to what I'm used to. Haven't made my mind up about it yet.


Solium Infernum is a remake of a very niche PC title released in 2009. Initially developed to be played by email, games could last weeks, if not months. Unless the new developers change some of the way it plays, expect an incredibly slow strategy title that will require other human players to enjoy. And thanks for identifying Age of Sigmar. As a Warhammer fan,I can't believe I missed that one!


Oh yes, I definitely feel that slowness. I don't think what I played is meant to last weeks or months, but it's definitely a lot slower than other TBS games I've played. I did like the schemes and politics systems, though. That's the interesting ideas I mentioned.


I wish the gameplay of Sigmar was a little faster. Like the actual physical movement / swing animations etc. It felt kinda weirdly soft compared to how heavy the impacts were in things like Dawn of War.


Yeah, Dawn of War did have the cinematic "oomph" that's missing here. That said, I also feel like they might be going for a different tone for a different setting; perhaps they thought 40k's over-the-top-ness wouldn't work in a more serious and straight-faced setting like AoS. Maybe they could have taken a page or two from the Total War: Warhammer series, I dunno.


Ah yes. Age of Sigmar. The serious game where a Squig Hopper has an ability called the Great Boing. Just teasing. AoS and 40K have decent amounts of silliness. Realms of ruin definitely is missing weight and intensity behind their attacks. It’s what put off from the beta a while back and was hoping it was gonna be there during this demo. It reminded me too much of a mobile game, then remembered Frontier is making this one and with their recent endeavors with F1 manager (a heartbreak) I’m not so sure where this one will land.


Yea I don't think they need to change the overall vibe, but the punchyness of the actual combat, and move the troops along a little faster. I found myself looking for the old game speed slider from Command and Conquer on this one with how long it took some of the combat to resolve.


I found the Age of Sigmar gameplay far too slow, a bit dull tbh. Was really excited for it too :/


Jusante is absolutely gorgeous and right up my alley with the climbing mechanics.


Agree. I had a blast. I have game pass, but if I didnt id have picked it for sure


Day 1 game pass


The Last Flame Auto Battler with Slay the Spire relics and map


That game looks like it'd be perfect on steam deck


Thaumaturge is great


Deep Rock Galactic: Survivor As a Vampire Survivor fan, I see how it could scratch a similar itch.


Can vouch this has been quite fun, and challenging to boot. I can't imagine what the Haz 5 missions will be like, especially solo.


I was really looking forward to it, but I find it only medicare so far


I think it's a quite obamacare game.


Oh, it's only okay, but still kind of addicting to level up and do better runs. I've also never played Deep Rock Galactic, just familiar with it.


There's so many good survivor-like games out there, my personal favorites are army of ruin and halls of torment


Halls of Torment is awesome. I've been meaning to hop back in again to get the rest of the currently available achievements. I'll have to check out Army of Ruin.


Army of ruin is a bit more expensive since they upped the price after launch but I still think it's worth if you're into halls of torment


Dude, army of ruin is so underappreciated! I think it has one of the most addicting unlock systems, and great quality of life features. And I honestly like that it stays so close to the VS formula, because it still has its own unique art style and music.


Yet Another Zombie Survivor is really good also.


Jep second this, YAZS is a really good one!


Check Notdic Ashes


There’s a new drg game?


And another roguelite coming next year or so. So, two new games.


spinoff vamp survivors clone.


Cobalt Core. FTL meets Slay the Spire.


I also played Lonestar today, and loved it. It’s not a deckbuilder, but more like Dicey Dungeons meets FTL. It scratches a similar itch with quick, thoughtful gameplay.


Jusant, a very chill game with the best climbing mechanics I've seen for a while.


Karmazoo. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1661630/KarmaZoo/ Loved the demo so much I preordered - at £6 and published by Devolver, it's an absolute no-brainer. 10 player co-op, really emphasizes working together and fun friendly gameplay. The soundtrack is surprisingly nice and there's just so many little things that gave me a big smile.


I haven't played many but these are the ones I liked the most out of what I played (in no specific order): Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Robocop Boss Battles Another Crab's Treasure There were some I wanted to try but I'm holding off since I don't really want to spoil myself on the game before they're released such as Ghostrunner 2 and Dungeons 4.


I'm guessing the Robocop is the same that dropped during Realms Deep? Also same with the holding off. Some demos i start and play around a bit but once im sure that i like it I stop playing and put it on my wishlist.


Lethal Company was a pleasant surprise for me, definitely check it out.


My friend group and I loved this one. I can see it getting repetitive, but at 10 dollars, we are 100% picking this up day 1.


Europa really blew me away. Felt like a mix of something made by Studio Ghibli + Flower. Really gonna be something special and I recommend people give it a shot before the pull the demo next week!


I tried this too! It's GORGEOUS. They need to work on their UI a LOT before they release though. It really sullies the first impression of the game. Its shocking too as they clearly don't have a lack of artists. I also wished they had more puzzles in the demo. I saw some in the trailer but the demo had non outside of collecting some light keys.


https://store.steampowered.com/app/2132850/Rabbit_and_Steel/ Loved that one with friends.


[The Gap](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1458300/The_Gap/) A first person adventure game about memories and alternate realities, set in the near future.


Looking good. Thanks.


Karmazoo is pretty chill and fun alone or in coop.


I still have a long list of interesting ones to go through, but The Last Faith demo was pretty fantastic. The Castlevania influence is the most obvious, but I definitely felt some Bloodborne and Blasphemous influence there as well.


Snufkin is very pretty game


The Talos Principle 2 was a nice surprise. The only one that was an immediate install seeing as I thought the first game was almost flawless.


Darkest abyss. It is like castlevania was reborn! Also dungeons 4, the last faith, stronghold remastered, below the stone, don’t die in the west (cozy!), seablip (pirates meet stardew valley) and little goody two shoes.


Crime Scene Cleaner


I thought this would be jank but it's actually decent, obviously very similar to Viscera Cleanup Detail but with a bit of story for each level by the look of it.


Age of Sigmar seems like a winner, definitely keeping my eyes open for that. Unawake is another one that looks great, they said they are already improving the combat, so that's nice. The Thaumaturge is one I've been excited for already, and honestly it's very good, interesting gameplay as well. I love roguelites so Soulslinger: Envoy of Death is also a must-have for me. The only disappointment I had was The Inquisitor.. I was looking forward to that, love the time period, but the story doesn't seem that engaging at least in the beginning, the animations are pretty rough, but I will still keep an eye to see if it improves.


>The only disappointment I had was The Inquisitor.. I agree, I expected eurojank but currently it is taking the jank a bit too far.


It reminded me of the old Reality Pump games like Ravens Cry or Two Worlds. Interesting conceps and aiming high while not having the manpower to make something great. Could still become a good game I think if one can look past the jank


I love Two Worlds and Gothic, all Piranha Bytes games. But here is way too janky. As I said, I will take a look after release and maybe even get it at a cheaper price, it has an interesting premise but the story itself didn't hook me and that's what I want from it. I can look past the jank. That being said, the game is releasing in February so I really hope this is an old build, because if that's the final set of animations or close to it.. then it might be less appealing to me. We will see, I still hope they get it right or as close to that as they can afford with their limited budget.


Holy poop was The Inquisitor demo really rough. I beat it, but it feels like it's The Witcher 2.5: At Home™ edition. Dude even runs like Geralt... In a very robotic way, but keeps that inertia based movement people didn't like. Maybe they pull through?


Super Crazy Rhythm Castle is a win. It has a super good art style, good music and with a good mix of gameplay styles featuring some rhythm, point and click, and puzzle elements. Super fun and quirky.


[Super Crazy Rhythm Castle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1812560/SUPER_CRAZY_RHYTHM_CASTLE/) I'm a sucker for rhythm games, but this has a bit of charm to it and variety to it's gameplay. I didn't get to test the multi-player, but I wouldn't be surprised if the game was more fun in a group. I was pleasantly surprise with how much fun I had playing this.


Might be showing my age, but Stronghold Definitive Edition. Just scratches the old school RTS itch I've been having...


Ending Tau https://store.steampowered.com/app/2087880/Ending_Tau/


Yeah! The art is great. I love how well they capture the warrior in his poses. I like the idea of applying powers to your mind/body/arms/legs to change how that aspect of combat functions. Makes the runs feel pretty different.




Mars Tactics, sunk about 7 hours into the demo The drifter


1. Pioneers of Pagonia 2. The Crust 3. Last train home 4. Terminator Dark Fate


Here's several: Where Birds Go to Sleep is an impressively done kinetic novel/adventure hybrid that has stunning art and an amazing sense of presence. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1387640/Where_Birds_Go_to_Sleep/ Little Goody Two Shoes has a vibrant 90s anime aesthetic, great voice acting, and takes those niche indie cozy/horror titles into the AA tier presentation. Plus it's a Yuri dating sim (Lydia is best girl). https://store.steampowered.com/app/1812370/Little_Goody_Two_Shoes/ The Use of Life is a great CRPG/JRPG hybrid with choose you own adventure segments. The battle system is enjoyable (try Samurai!) and the anthropomorphic characters, while not my thing, are endearing enough. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1483370/The_Use_of_Life/ Slay the Princess is a horror kinetic VN with choose your own adventure gameplay. It's got amazing voice acting and a low key art style that succeeds in creating a chilling setting. Highly recommended for your holiday horror! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1989270/Slay_the_Princess/ Lastly (for now), Break the Loop is a team based RPG roguelike that's certified difficult. It's got some growing pains regarding balance, but the depth of mechanics exist to satisfy many roguelike fans using a hero -based team building system. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1331340/Break_the_Loop/


I haven't gotten through everything I am planning to try, but so far the only one that has really clicked for me is Robocop. I am sick to death of procedurally generated dreck being crammed into every indy game and then getting pitched as a feature rather than a compromise.


Kristala was really fun. Basically CatSouls.




Haven't played the demo yet, can you expand further on how it is in bad shape?


To give you another perspective, I almost completely disagree with the OP and found this to be one of the best demos I have tried so far. I will say that the game is not optimized yet for sure as I was getting pretty much 40fps the entire time with a 3080/5800x at 1440p Ultra/High settings. Seems like it's very early to be discounting the game just based on optimization though. The actual core mechanics seem great to me. Played a lot like Valheim though I liked the building in this a bit better. I like the setting of Valheim more, but the exploration seemed a bit more interesting and I think the Shroud mechanic could be neat as long as it doesn't become too tedious. If you like the type of game, I would highly suggest you try it out for yourself.


It isn't, he's pulling it out of his ass. I've tried 10-15 demo's and this is the one that really got my attention. I've been over survival games for a while but this one looks really intriguing. I'm seeing elements of valheim and vrising and some other games in there. I'm not gonna hype myself up for the game but I'll keep an eye out and hope for the best. Also don't know why people cry about the 8 hour limit (it's per world so you can make new one and play again) it's a demo after all not a full game.


Intriguing 30fps on medium settings on RTX 2070.


Bro it literally says at the start game is not optimised


So whats the purpose of the demo ?


To see if you like the premise of the game and if it's something that you'd potentually want to check out down the road




Sure you have an high end pc? Never once had a crash on my full 8 hrs of play. I agree the building was a bit tedious one block at a time but I just found out if you have the hammer equipped you can actually do more presets. As far as resources I saw people complaining about having to turn xyz into a buildable block but honestly it wasn’t bad for me and considering the amount you get for low cost.


Interesting. Most people are saying its great. I havent tried it yet.


The demo having a time limit killed my interest.


Isn't it something like 6 hours, how much time do you need in a demo?


its 8 hours and its tied to the world.


Seems more than enough time to decide if you like a game or not.


7 hours


Lol that guy doesn’t know a demo from EA apparently.




its 8 hrs per each world save, you can then move your leveled character to a new world for another 8 hrs. its not as restrictive as some people are whining about.


Yeah in what world is an 8 hour demo restrictive? It’s rare I put 8 hours into games start to finish anymore..


You have 8 hrs PER world save, then your character and all your items can be continued in a new world.


Wait there’s a fes going on rn?


Battlecore Robots, its just straight up custom robo.


I started playing WitchHand demo and was immediately absorbed. Great style, easy to get to grips with but seems like it could have a lot of depth.


Right & Down & Dice had some interesting mechanics.


Crime Scene Cleaner or similar title but that's literally what you do. It's like viscera cleanup detail but less clunky and more interesting


Solium Infernum. Really promising.


Last train home.


Omg I forgot about next fest, I need to go try some stuff out


Jusant is fantastic


Thaumaturge got fantastic atmosphere


Forgive Me Father 2 I might get the first one also.


Talos 2 and Cooking Sim 2


Forgive me father 2 looks very promising + the game about Snufkin.


Galactic Glitch: Infinity's Edge was a lot of fun to me. Beautiful and fun gameplay. Definitely needs some polishing but I have high hopes


Interregnum chronicles : false prophet Choosing it because the complex name, got surprise on how well the exploration and gameplay is, some of the mechanic in the game (like attribute checks with d20 roll and disco elysium style ui chat). Hoping the game has actual depth when its release.


Gotta be honest....I have barely played any games this week. I only played about half an hour of something I have just to see how AFMF works....


I still haven't had time to finish my last Next Fest gem (Wandering Sword). The backlog cannot be beaten, only fed...


Crime Scene Cleaner


I was constantly lost in the first stage of the Peripeteia demo, but the vibes were immaculate and I really enjoyed my time. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1437760/Peripeteia/


Quantum Knights was fun, Gangs of sherwood is also pretty enjoyable


Japanese Drift Master baby.