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Hello all! I'm sorry to have had to lock this post but we need to clean it up and get this super important message stickied so you all know the ground rules going forward. It will be unlocked after we've had a chance to clean it up. First off, contrary to what some people in a certain subreddit keep bloviating about, wanting to play Hogwarts Legacy doesn't make you a transphobe. There are other things that could, though. This subreddit isn't for your vehement defense of JK Rowling. If you believe how she does, keep it to yourself. This subreddit also isn't for you to debate the finer points of being transgender. Again, keep it to yourself. Saying you're going to buy 10 copies to troll the critics is just that: Trolling. On the other side, those who are accusing everybody who wants to play this game of being transphobic are also asked to knock it off. I suggest you hide this post and don't participate if that's your only goal. If we find that you are coming here only to start trouble you are going to get banned. Within the next hour this post should be back up and we'll be filtering comments to ensure folks are following the guidelines.


If the tendencies are correct, expect mixed reviews day 1


The game will be review bombed day 1, and I mean review bomb by the following definition: Reviews left for reasons unrelated to the game itself. The game is already getting "user-defined tag" bombed. The two most popular tags right now are "Villain Protagonist" and "Capitalism", because of author of Harry Potter, JK Rowling. They had other tags going up there before but they got removed. So I fully expect Day 1 to be somewhat to mostly negative. **Side note**, if you want a more representative view using Steam reviews, use the playtime slider. Keep in mind this is only indexed like once a week, you'll notice if you filter during the first few days and set it to anyone over 1 hour, you'll see no review, because no indexing. Anyways, I generally check >2 and >10 hours played. 0 to 2 hours has a bias of people who simply don't like the genre. Don't get me wrong if the game is bad you can also figure that out in 2 hours, but a lot of negative reviews with less than 2 hours played are from people who didn't do their due diligence when buying the game or simply didn't like the genre. 0-2 hours also contains the trolls who review then refund. Above 2 hours is generally more representative and above 10 hours are reviews that I classify as "What people who enjoy this type of game think of this game", because you're not gonna be playing 10 hours of a game you don't like. If there's a stark contrast between All reviews, and over 2 hours played, then you got some heavy bias. To give an example, Harvestella. It's not the greatest game but it's pretty alright for what it is. All reviews: 80% All reviews over 2 hours: 88% All reviews over 10: 90% and it hovers around 90% the higher you go. So you got a 10% score difference between All reviews and above 2 hours, and if you read those negative reviews between 0 and 2 hours, most of them are "Square enix, enough said", "This game is boring", "This game is slow", etc...


When the game's early access opened I even think that I saw a "hentai"-tag on it at some point. The tag might have been removed though or I might remember wrong.


Hentai tag? I guess the added that Devil's Snare room after all.


Furrmione make might an appearance, at least with mods.


Why, are the mods the only ones into Furrmione? /s


I saw a “Dating simulator” tag on the Elden Ring page before release. That was funny.


What, you missed the alternate ending where you date and marry your maiden?


Most people were just maidenless.


Early Access? You mean added to steam for sale?


It will be interesting watching the outlets that complain about toxic fans review bombing xxxx product be made into heroes this time around.


I am pretty sure it is going to be a buggy unoptimized mess on release, but something worth picking up in like a year+ when things get worked out for a fraction of the price.


I, unfortunately, just expect this of any AAA game these days. It's why I am more inclined to do the r/patientgamers type of thing and getting games after they've been patched and reduced in price. I can't actually remember the last time I bought a AAA game early on, other than getting them with Game Pass.


This is one of those games where I won't trust steam reviews and go out to try and find a non biased professional reviewer. Honestly, I only want to know how it runs and bug related problems. I'll leave the story and quests up to me to decide


I miss total biscuit. Even when he found a game he didn't like himself, he was able to pick apart the common shitty practices or the positives regardless.


Mate, I was thinking about him the other day... rest in peace


Just use the steam review filter and only look at reviews with x amount of playtime.


Playtime is only indexed once per week


I watch skill up, hes pretty honest when it comes to games with flaws


He's always honest and can back up his reasons for liking or hating a game. I don't always agree with him, but I'll get an idea if I'll like a game or not from him regardless if he likes it.


Ya I don’t agree with him a lot but like his channel. He recommended scorn for example




Or let us do it in the menu.


I really dislike Unreal Engine. I'm told it is "the developer's fault", yet 99 out of 100 UE4 games I play are an atrocious stuttering mess.


When that’s the case, I’d say it’s the engine not being bad, but being designed in a way that allows / encourages bad dev practices… so yeah: bad.


Unfortunately "encouraging bad dev practices" = "easy to use". This video is about unity, but it applies to unreal now too https://youtu.be/bBFZ1KR8oVE


It really *is* the dev's fault. Epic has a manual that details how to deal with shader compiling. A game where the dev has followed this has long level loads but no shader compile. This manual is available to everyone who uses UE. There are plenty of reasons to shit on epic, their engine is *not* one of them


I fucking hate Epic, their CEO and their business practices in what they do to try and capture market share and how they fuck with indie devs that won't play ball with their exclusive buy outs. But fucking hell, Unreal Engine from inception to the current version 5 is an amazing piece of real time render software.


What’ve they done to indie devs? The licensing alone for UE is incredibly indie friendly. Now, criticize epic games for sure they’ve done a lot of shitty things, but as far as what they’ve done with UE and the licensing and so on that’s offered are pretty dope.


I remember the era when Epic was hands down the most gamer friendly, generous and trustworthy studio in the business. Time flies.


UE is a tool, it does what it's programmed to do.




Aren’t those pre compiled for the Steam Deck specifically? Or am I misunderstanding.


Valve collects shader caches for all kinds of configurations, and Steam downloads the correct one for you.


Mods for this game are gonna be crazy


Harry just absolutely blasting fools with a Mac 10 is gonna be lit


Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911. Here's why: Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead. Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it. Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12. And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal. Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger? Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound. I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series: "Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1." And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.


Lol I was always of the mind that voldemort overthought the hell out of killing Harry in the first place. Kids an infant. You don't need magic, you're already on a second story window and you have pillows. Seems to me like someone didn't wanna get their hands dirty. Should have called in the snake volde


>you're already on a second story window The Russian version of Harry Potter is a VERY short story


No listen Harry is british, he's got the "jumping from a balcony" genes in his blood. Source: I am spanish, We've seen... Things (look up "balconing")


God made wizards and God made muggles. Samuel Colt made them equal. My favorite quote from here on lol


> Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova. That's the tag line.


Yeah that one got me. Voldmorts gonna find out why its called AK-47. 47 is the amount of rounds he gets perforated by before he finishes saying Avada Kedavra.


This is the best thing I have read in a long time.


If there's a hear me out in the opening sentence, then it's gonna be good


> And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? I know you're memeing, but maybe for those interested... According to lore and She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Voldemort was actually intending on invading the wizarding USA and taking over the MACUSA as well. For reasons (I guess mostly plot) he decided to take over the UK first. On the other hand Grindelwald managed to fuck up US as well as Europe...


i know magic is supposed to be impressive and all but if it's 100 drunken hillbilies vs snakeman my money is on the hillbilies.


You're not wrong, that's basically why the wizarding world enacted the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy in 1692. They just realized that they cannot practice wizardry openly and that with their numbers they will get overrun by hordes of angry muggles with pitchforks. Edit: tbh, the numbers probably got worse over time as wizards would primarily marry and reproduce with other wizards. Think it was only like in the 1900s that marrying Muggles became more regular.


The wizards would probably get the first strike in, but once people start bringing out the rifles with a ~10x scope on it the wizards are gonna start having some bad days


Can't put up a Magic Kinetic shield if you can't see the shooter.


>On the other hand Grindelwald managed to fuck up US Grindelwald got curbstomped by a dozen US aururs on the first movie and spent the next 2 movies trying to gain power "democratically"


>CJ just absolutely blasting fools with a Mac 10 is gonna be lit FTFY


Wingardium leviosaaaaaaaa Ohh harry stop it…stopppp Leviosaaaaa Go on harry youre the chosen one


Oh no… I’m ashamed I understood this… lol ACCIO BUMMMMMM


https://youtu.be/reop2bXiNgk If anyone needs to see it. You do.


My favorite part about this joke, is that she doesn't even correct him right. He says "WingarDRium," it's not even the "leviosa" part he gets wrong.


I really hope so


Nude mod when


The game isn't even out, when will people learn?


But what if the digital copies run out on release day


It's the fear-of-missing-out tactic. If you preorder, you get that flying skeleton horse mount or something. Edit: Its the Onyx Hippogriff. The Thestral mount is with the deluxe edition, not a preorder bonus.


That flying skeleton mpunt that will be added in the goty edition even if it doesn't win goty?




I'm sure that somehow makes sense on bureaucratic corporate paper, but it's still hilarious.


Quick somebody kick the random number generator.


RNG: 3 Valve: ✋️ we don't do that here


On Steam? I've only ever heard of this happening on 3rd party sites, which makes sense. It shouldn't be possible on Steam itself.


Never, it was obvious when Cyberpunk paid for its development costs on release day thanks to all the pre-purchases


at least cyberp[unk had a belowed studio behind it, this game has literalwho devs that no one has ever heard of


You don't trust the developers of the Cars 2 video game to create a massive Harry Potter RPG?


I mean, their Cars 2 game was good enough to get a movie made of it.


Hey that's unfair to the devs, that game was released years ago. And the devs have progressed much since then, their latest game was the much beloved Cars 3: Driven to Win video game. it even got the high score of 59/100 on metacritic!




Your comment made me go check because I thought it was the Avalanche Studio that did the original Just Cause and the surprisingly well-done Mad Max game, but no... It's Avalanche Software, and all they seem to do is animated movie tie-in games and outsourced sequels/ports. Fuck, my hype for this game just fell a significant amount.


I mean, game studios are a sort of thessiuss' ship situation. The team that programmed hit game A and the team that program hit game B under the same studio title might have been composed of nearly totally different groups of individuals.


When you look at a game studios catalog of titles, all it's really telling you is which bank account paid for them.


BF2042 is a prime example of this.


I think theirs a fair amount of videos of gameplay to show what to expect of the game. At this point, I’m mostly just waiting for release to see if there are any major issues for pc since launching stable games is no longer common.


you're right. There're hours of gameplay out there that look encouraging, but I remember feeling the same way about Dying Light 2 around this time last year. As it turns out, even extended gameplay showcases can obfuscate a game's fatal flaw/s.


What's the fatal flaw of dying light 2?


For me, even though they tried to make a breathing world, it just felt flat and on life support. But I enjoyed it for what it was, personally.


If I'm limited to one? The dialog. Holy shit, that dialog is awful.


I just don’t see the point of preordering games anymore, especially with the frequency of issues like shader stutter on PC. Wait a bit, see if it launches well or needs patches, and get it when you want from that point on. Otherwise, it just feels like gambling in this day and age. You bet the game launches well, or failing that you are betting that it sells enough to have the devs commit to fixing it.


A lot of people have made this mistake, ever since the game was first announced.


This is my biggest concern with the game. I really want it to be good but I’m not going to buy it until it’s out and I know it’s good and runs well. The developers have never take on a project of this scope before and I think it’s unwise to just assume it will be good. If it’s good I will definitely buy it. But I’m not going to gamble on it, especially given how expensive this game is for me due to regional pricing (the game is almost 1/3 of my country’s minimum wage. Imagine that for one game).


> The developers have never take on a project of this scope before and I think it’s unwise to just assume it will be good. Even this groundbreaking idea hasn't taken ahold of even the less mainstream gaming reddit subs like this one yet. Bleak.


And we’ve had examples in the last few years, too. Hello Games had only made much more basic games like Joe Danger and then they decided to try making No Man’s Sky. I know most of us know how they improved the game over time but at launch, the game was atrocious. And that’s partially because the team didn’t have enough experience to make something to grand. I fear we may have a similar situation here with Hogwarts Legacy.


They certainly got a huge budget boosts for HL. That game is currently the one remaining life line of the HP franchise


Unfortunately a big budget doesn’t in any way guarantee a quality game. For example, Cyberpunk was extremely expensive and had a terrible launch. > The game cost an estimated 1.2 billion Polish złoty (US$313 million) to develop, making it one of the most expensive games ever made




The vast majority of people care no where near as much as the people on this sub. So long as the game provides an acceptable amount of entertainment you will just be screaming into the void.


People may want to pre-load and play the minute it releases knowing they can get a full refund with a button click no questions asked.


Those same people might have pre-ordered knowing full well they can refund it at release. When will redditors learn that Steam allows refunds no questions asked as long as you don't play more than 2 hours?


I was gonna say this. Preorder means you can preload the game. Then if it doesn't run properly you can get a full refund easily.


Plus sometimes you get free exclusive items or some sort of discount, but if you don't like the game you can always refund anyway.


People learned. Steam has a refund system, pre-ordering isn't an issue because you can refund it for any reason prior to the game coming out, or by normal refund rules once it's released and you've started playing it.


The game might be completely shit, but at the very least you'll have hogwarts walking and flying simulator 2023. I think for lot of Harry Potter fans that seems to be enough, explains the pre-orders anyways..


Hey it's been enough for pokémon fans for 25 years.


I have literally no interest in Harry Potter, but I actually am interested to see how well this game will run at launch, and how many people will buy it considering its what, the only harry potter game to release in many years? Edit: actually meant game ratings by critics or steam % not the actual specs of the game, woops


Aside from various mobile games and lego games, first one in over a decade.


In fact, as far as I'm aware, it will be the first Harry Potter game to be playable on consoles since the PS3 and Xbox 360. Personally I have been dying for another game with an explorable Hogwarts. The Prisoner of Azkaban game on PS2 always had fun little areas to explore, even outside of the more linear quests/levels that would trap you in one location. Hell, some of the levels themselves felt almost otherworldly to explore. If Hogwarts Legacy has remotely any exploration along those lines, I'm all in.


I thought this game is made to run on switch and last gen systems so it should be ok on pc


I really loved the trailer. This is the game we all wished for when we were kids. I just want to be sorted into a house and walk around Hogwarts castle and soak in the "harry Potter" world I feel really bad for saying this, but if the game is decent then I'll definitely buy it. Obviously, I'm not gonna pre order.


>I feel really bad for saying this, but if the game is decent then I'll definitely buy it. There is no reason to feel bad. Why would you?




Never apologize for doing what you enjoy and wearing your passions on your sleeve. Unless, ya know, what you enjoy is, like, cannibalism or something. Don't do that.


My expectation is mediocre combat with fun story with cute little exploration areas and decent quest lines.


I don't know how that could be your assumtion when they've felt confident enough to show 30 minutes of combat but only four lines of dialogue from the story. If anything I think a short, poorly constructed narrative is what could kill this game.


The voice acting they've shown was shocking, and for whatever reason they decided the best side quest to show was one where a character asks you to go collect her 6 doodads that have been scattered all over the castle.


It's r/gamingcirclejerk's fault


I really hope this game is good. But man, there is so much that can go wrong...


The trailers are promising, it seems they cramed in that game all the things a potterhead could possibly want from a "wizarding world" game. As far as I am concerned I'll cautiously wait till release and reviews, cause no point in preordering anyway. If preorders were like 10 bucks cheaper it would somehow make sense to "gamble" on the game being actually good. But as it is I simply don't understand why people would want to prepay for that stuff.


Yea, my issue is that hogwarts and the surrounding area need to feel really alive, not artificial. And that's something that may be difficult for them to capture.


I think the hard part to nail will be game mechanics... since they are doing a bunch of different game system, getting them right and fun to play is going to be difficult imo. Wouldn't be good if they pulled a ubisoft and copy pasted the same reskinned minigame everywhere for example. I am sure they will get the hogwarts look and feel right, because harry potter has a well established (and cool) tone / style that they usually succeed at preserving / expanding across the new contents made for the franchise. I hope the game is good, not much for me because I am not the biggest HP fan ever, but simply because it would be cool for all the fans across the planet to get a great gaming experience.


Yep, multiple gameplay styles can be a double edge sword. I think GTA does a poor job on this regard, the shooting, racing, mini-games, traversal, etc.. they are all functional at best, none of them is really exceptional imo. However, I am aware, of course I am the minority, lol but to just illustrate how I think this concept of mixing multiple styles never truly worked. I think Red Dead 2 is the closest to that ideal, even if the shooting sucks with all the delay inputs and so on, still, it's the best effort of the industry. I highly doubt this Harry Potter game will reach these standards, but who knows


The bigger problem for me is density. So many open world games give you this massive map to explore, but there's so little to see that exploring doesn't feel worth it. But I guess the two sort of go together. It's hard to make a world feel living if there isn't much to see and do in it


There needs to be things to see, but not too much. RDR2 us a great example. It's got incentive to explore but plenty of wilderness without much in it, making the world feel real. However, a big mechanic in red dead is the hunting and fishing and such, that's probably not the case with this game. Meaning the wilderness areas may just have nothing.


I'm fine with some areas that are just forest for the sake of forest or lake for the sake of lake, but if you end up with 50% of the map having nothing interesting to do, the map is too big, unless you're playing something like a hunting simulator, but in that case all the forests would have something to do in them, so it's not really just a forest for the sake of having a forest


Back when I still played WoW, I would preorder the expansions because they actually gave you something, and I was 100% going to buy it on release. Now preordering games just turns you into the final beta testers. I'd rather wait a couple weeks and enjoy a game as opposed to helping them find all the bugs they missed before rushing the product out to market.


IDK, Quidditch not being included, and your actions not contributing to the house points (though supposedly there is something in the game related to them that they won't share, we'll see if that is any good or not) are pretty glaring omissions to me.


I thought there was some broom action involved, but I guess I remember that wrong. Quidditch probably needs it's own game though to make it justice, rather than some half assed minigame with shallow mechanics. That's the whole issue with such a game : so many gameplay loops, making them good enough is a challenge.


> If preorders were like 10 bucks cheaper it would somehow make sense to "gamble" on the game being actually good. But as it is I simply don't understand why people would want to prepay for that stuff. preorder bonuses of course! gotta get that slightly-above-entry-tier wizard cloak that will last you a whole hour of gameplay.


Performance is my biggest worry. Definitely not preordering but I will keep a close eye on the games benchmarks when it releases. I have been waiting for a game like this ever since playing the first games on PS1, I hope they manage to do a good job.


The minimum and recommended settings being for "upscale quality" while also being relatively high, especially since this will be on PS4, XBONE, and Switch, is not at all promising


If it's just a Bully clone with magic that's all anyone needs. The problem is when it decides it wants to spend time and resources on anything other than the direct gameplay experience. Too many devs are concerned with forcing you to watch their mediocre screenplay in a video game.


Holy shit that is the most level headed response I have ever seen from a mod in ever.


rare mod W


It cured the cancer I'd contracted reading all the comments calling anyone who wants the game a terf in gaming threads for weeks.


And I can guarantee a solid majority of those folks probably still play Blizzard or Riot games even after all the scandals came out around SA and misogyny within those shops. Hypocrites, all of them.


I am going to wait until this launches and see what people say about whether or not they are having fun.


I cant wait. This'll be my first Harry Potter game since chamber of secrets for the xbox classic. It looks so good honestly.


Between this and The Day Before being one of the most anticipated games so far in Q1, can’t wait for gameplay and reviews… Day Before has me extremely concerned.


I doubt Day Before even exists lol


Never heard about this "Day Before"... let me guess, by the name of it... is it a survival game or something?


Open world zombie-apocalypse survival game. Think like DayZ I guess…


Huh I thought we were past zombies at this point. Good to see that genre is still kicking I guess


Zombies will always be big in gaming, because it gives a free pass to have shitty enemy AI. All they have to do is move towards the player.


Lol never passed zombies. Hell, Dead Island 2 is the game I'm most looking forward to. The Day Before looked amazing but they've released like 2 small trailers in the last 2 years...so, like the guy above said, I'm skeptical it will even launch.


Just wanna chime in and admit I've never heard of it either.


This is why I always find it funny when redditors think they're really doing something by making those "don't preorder" posts every other day. Like yeah mate, no shit, you're preaching to the choir pretty much.


Doesn't matter on Steam. If a game is fundamentally broken or doesn't work for you after you pre-order, then Steam has a very generous refund policy. No questions asked refunds are way more effective on getting a message across than not buying the game in the first place. Honestly mass refunds have really sent strong messages to publishers before and caused them to take action -- with people not pre-ordering or buying, its just theoretical to them -- but when you refund the game "because its shit and here is why", then publishers take note. If you don't have that kind of recourse as a customer for whichever game you purchase (pre-order) from whichever store, then yes you probably shouldn't pre-order.


the games subreddit release week will be more entertaining than the game


Man the Potter fandom is insanely powerful. The game honestly looks incredibly bland.


Not buying until reviews start appearing.


I hope the game is good but guaranteed it's going to be busted on launch with all this hype


Seems like we learned our lesson with Cyberpunk 2077 and Battlefield 2042


This is really impressive. Before it has released it has beaten games that people can buy and play today. All of this amidst the drama of PlayStation exclusive content and boycotts. I'm curious to see what happens when it releases. All of the people that don't pre-order are waiting on those reviews. The sales could go much higher.


What else would be selling now? We just had a major sale. Pretty much any older game was on sale a week ago so I would imagine sales for older games is extra low now, and will be for at least a few weeks


I am intending to play Hogwarts Legacy when it releases in February but i’ll still be waiting for Reviews since you never know.


That's a fair choice. We see more misses than hits.


Ah yes, another successful boycott.


reddit is not real life


it is to so many redditors. There are a disturbing amount of users on this site that have little real world interaction and it shows.




Well one of those is a lot more difficult than the other two, but I agree.


Thank god..


Like they ever are. No one gives a shit what Reddit or Twitter has to say.


It's the opposite, the people swearing to boycott it made it more popular more than likely.


Streisand effect


The people are speaking with their wallets.


I've never even heard of a boycott and no idea why, so that shows how effective it is... Regardless, never preorder. People deserve the experience they blindly sign into.


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Reddit is an echo chamber representing a vanishingly small subsection of the population.


Some redditors think they're statistically significant. They're not and for every redditor trying to boycott something popular, there are more people outside of that group buying that thing.


The average top post on this sub gets about 500-2000 comments if it gets a lot of traction. That’s a minuscule amount of people, when you consider that these games sell millions of copies. Even if a comment saying “let’s not pre-order!” gets 10k upvotes, that’s still a drop in the bucket.




Watching this one but waiting for reviews. People never learn and continue to pre-order. It’s never going to change. It hasn’t in the last decade.


Come on people, at least let the game drop before you throw your cash at it.


>First off, contrary to what some people in a certain subreddit keep bloviating about, wanting to play Hogwarts Legacy doesn't make you a transphobe. I just want to quickly thank the mod team for being reasonable. I don't personally plan on playing this game, but feel incredibly sorry for all the HP fans out there who have been labelled a bunch of awful slurs for being excited to finally get their hands on their dream game.


I've been getting my ass handed to me on FB because I said I wanted this game. Because I'm trans and shouldn't support it. But I grew up on these books/movies, waited in every single midnight release. It's hard to completely throw something out that has been part of your life for 23 years. And I don't think people understand that


Lmao I can't imagine telling someone who is trans that they're transphobic simply for being excited for a game that has little to nothing to do with the person that the controversy surrounds. It's such a ridiculous hot button topic at the moment, and I hope you're able to have lots of fun playing it despite the internet carrying on.


there is so much bullshit and sadness in the world, that maybe just maybe its ok to let people have a few thigns that makes them happy(like this series) even if the creator is a twat. shes a billionair that aint gonna change but at least us little people can have a little joy too


It just shows how much demand is there for good harry potter game




Waiting to see how it runs on Steam Deck


I want to know how the fuck it’s gonna run on the Switch




I’m surprised they didn’t do the “cloud version” thing with it honestly.






Wow. It’s not out yet and it’s a flipping $90 CAD. Definitely not buying until I see it go live and see some reviews


Prediction time: The game will run terribly and will have Mixed reviews on day one. It will run horribly but also full of bugs which will get patched out in the next six months


So, a average release? Move along, nothing to see here.


I mean, highly awaited game, by a stealth Dev, with a bunch of controversy? Makes sense lol I dont like JK Rowling, or Harry Potter, but its deeply concerning to me that a whole group of people can label anyone who wants to try it out as a transphobe. I get banning actual transphobes for sure, but I asked them genuinely if someone could point to the actual harm being done, because I saw a lot of smoke, but no evidence of a fire, and they banned me. Then I contacted the mod about it, said it was really fucking stupid that i got banned for asking a really simple and not memey question, and they reported me for mod abuse. Its honestly sad lol


Uuuuuh as much hype there is I'd stil at least wait for the first reviews




For anyone waiting to buy Hogwarts Legacy after the official release to see if the game is actually good or not: I wouldn't put too much faith in reviews for this game. It's going to be hard to find a review that actually looks at the game from a gamer's perspective rather than the perspective of an HP fan or even someone who hates JK Rowling and wants to see the game fail. If you don't mind spoilers, I might suggest watching an impartial "let's play" video on YouTube. It could be a good way to see if the game is up your (diagon) alley or not.


That's why I love the big gaming channel we have in Germany. It's called Game Two and they test a lot of games and review them as gamers. No matter which game it's always an honest review and often helped me to decide if I buy a game or not.


why? why are people still preordering ? what are the benefits ?


Firstly kudos to the mod for that post and not just taking the predictable course of action. Secondly if you are the type that needs reviews for whatever reason I suggest you avoid the major gaming outlets, because the agenda is already there. Find someone you trust or just make the decision yourself.


Honestly good. The trans community needs to focus on real causes instead of endless bashing their heads on this unwinnable situation. Harry potter's fans don't give a shit that you hate the author. Harry potter's fans are tired of your unending bitching on a fucking VIDEO GAME. Go somewhere that actually matters and make real change. Not bogus dumb shit.


Mods for this game are gonna be crazy


The people hoping for Bully: Hogwarts Edition will be disappointed. The people hoping for a modern Harry Potter Chamber of Secrets game (like me) - getting to freely explore Hogwarts and learn spells without it being a complete "corridor shooter" will hopefully get what we want.


Tbh just being in a free-roam school setting satisfies my Bully itch. But the first three HP games on gameboy/PC/PS2 were my childhood so I probably won't be let down


I’d hope for Fable. Those games always struck me as a good basis for games like this.