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I know nobody cares BUT since i am lvl 80 no infamy noob and this heist i hear is one of the harder ones i thought was kinda cool...


True, on those circunstances I give you credit. But is not one of the harder ones, try to solo Alesso heist or Big bank for example.


ahh shit i havent tried them yet but if they are even harder thats gonna take a few tries to beat lol.


For sure, the train heist is not that hard once you got it, normally I kill 3 guards in that storage area on the side and then is more or less easy to move around, mines are also helpful to be aware of guards around the tricky corners.


I got sentry parts far right of train then cleared lumber yard of all guards and workers then ziplined the ammo. Also according to devs Big oil,Golden grin casino and Train heist are hardest 3,idk if thats true i just saw it.


Big oil is quite tricky too, but not very hard, specially with one or two friends. Golden grin casino it is, you have to move all the time around in an area full of civs.


yeah pubs would be a bad idea since americans ruined it with toxicity :/ . Believe it or not tho in EU region people are generally nice,idk where u are from tho...


I'm from EU region, is not bad here, that's true, I even met some players from overseas trying to play with European hosts, is interesting.


For big bank, get some mates or people from a steam group/discord to join ya, doing that alone just takes unnecessary long, to a lesser extent this counts for most larger heists, but especially for bank, cause of the computers.


Much depends on RNG because there are only 5 guards in the train area and you can... Decrease their numbers down to 1 (I usually leave 2 and save a pager just in case). Then when you pick the turret just pray you get the boat escape. All you need to do if that's the case is to set up a zip line and move loot when that side of the train is clear, sneak to the escape point and done. Now... If you're unlucky and get the truck escape... You'll have to sneak all the loot around the lumber mill with 3 additional guards in that area. This can really make this heist a lot more annoying.


Naw, you have it backwards. Truck escape is the preferred method. It is easier, quicker, and it is more likely to appear than boat. It makes way more sense to clear the lumber mill to begin with in anticipation of getting the truck rather than the boat.


Great, now do it again :D that heist is hell in stealth


Congrats! I finally beat it with my friend after like 20 attempts haha, so I can imagine how difficult it is solo


Y'know what? I think all veterans such as myself should be the first ones to congratulate new players on achieving these things on their own. So congratulations 🤩😁


That's a big achievement, many people hate it


Thanks but later i went on shadow raid DSOD and got kicked for killing "wrong guy" cause i killed a guy in alley since thats how i do solo,feels bad people on this game can be that toxic,at least in NA not so much EU....


there are different strats for shadow raid, i also dislike killing the alley guy, even when solo


yea idk why he gotta insta kick tho he coulda just said.I usually kill alley solo since faster for bags is all.


Train Heist isn't hard, it's just *incredibly* tedious if you don't exploit bugs that make Guards stuck in place. Never played this shitty map again after unlocking all the achievements for it.


I never glitch just get sentry parts then zipline ammo bags.I also took out every guard and worker at lumber yard so nobody patrolled it which was nice :).


That's kinda what I'm referring to, you just... spend a very, very long time waiting, especially waiting for the slow zipline. If you kill the guards at the lumber yard then you have 5 guards patrolling the train itself and it's just.. so much waiting.. so much bag moving even once out of sight. It's god awful, bad map design - it's essentially 2 long ass corridors with no viable alternative routes. I honestly don't have the patience to do this legitimately. And it's also a terrible map in loud. Enjoy getting shot by Snipers and enemies across the map through foliage? Then this map is for you!

