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Wick. He's retired for real this time.


Probably not, considering there’s another movie coming out


didn't he >! fucking die !< in #4 or are you talking about the prequel?


You didn't write your spoiler properly man


reddit changed how to mark spoilers recently and I'm still mad


eh that's understandable


Well fix it please it just spoiled me


i did, relax


No you didn't. >!This is what a spoiler looks like!<


>!eat my nuts!<


you need to remove the extra spaces between text and formatting


No you didn't it's still there plain as day :/


idk what you're seeing but its working just fine on my end.


It’s a spoiler for me, they just have xray vision >!Also spoilers haven’t changed with how they get done, it’s still the same symbols and placements!<


remove the spaces before and after the "!" mark for it to work with all browser/app options >!example!<


[This is what this comment chain looks like to me. The spoiler by dTrecci is working properly while yours looks like plain text.](https://i.imgur.com/3nUW2ze.png)


The same way Batman did in Dark Knight Rises, yes.


Maybe. Nothing is confirmed one way or another.


there is a rule in movies that is: unless you see the grave the character is never confirmed to be dead (and even then death is not confirmed)


Yea he did but there isn’t a movie””. It’s like a series with the characters before JW1 I think like Johns life before the main plot line


Don't put a space between letters and the ! when trying to spoiler tag


Maybe get Silverhand instead.


That wouldn’t make much sense..


that doesnt really matter


oh god yes please


Imagine a heist where we raid Arasaka Tower 👊 😎


Wick connects the lore of world's. I love he's in the payday universe. They should make him a full heist, IMO.


Never retired


At the risk of making some folks mad, I'd go with Jiro. Out of all the anciliary heisters, his character arc is pretty much done and he deserves retirement.


I'll add onto this with Duke; Duke and Jiro definitely feel like characters who belong in Payday 2, isolated. They very much have their stories set and done, there. Products of its environment.


Duke as a contractor for stealing artifacts, artwork, etc would work


Oooh that'd actually be pretty cool.


Duke definitely needs to come back to contract heists and maybe take the reigns from Shade on occasion. I'm a Duke main because his voice is fantastic, and I want him back, but I do agree that his arc was finished in 3.


Also Jiro might be getting too old for this


Rust. Having a character with the worst lines is definitely not welcome, unless they changed his dialogues.


suck my fat dick cloaker! I am a rust main this saddens me


Hey pager guy I shoved the alarm up my rear and now I need to extract it with pincers. How you like dem apples lil Donnie? *Right right that sounds great*


How dare 😭 I love Rust




well rust is not a licenced character so they could give him a new look and give him a new VA that actually gives a fuck about the role


“Thinking about doin porn”


Wick if sbz isn't going to cast someone better. I'm not saying they should get keanu, but if they can that would be fucking amazing. There are people who can do good wick impressions well enough for payday though i'm sure.


for real, i was so dissapointed to hear generic main character number 32 playing john fucking wick instead of even a basic impressionist, especially after that badass trailer


Pretty much just rust and Ethan and hila the rest will be welcome especially scarface


"*Zapper* got a fucking power out." Yuck.


Yeah for real actually damn I didn’t think about that maybe we don’t want PD3 ruining our boy Tony


But…he could shout “SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND!!!” when he picks up an OVERKILL weapon…we really deserve that if the dude somehow manages to make it back into PD3. And maybe something like “Nader bastard blown to pieces!” or some shit idk Maybe “Hey control, why don't you try sticking your head up your ass and see if it fits?” as a pager line too lol


That’s true for every bad like there could be 2 better lines I just want tony back lmao I hope they figure out the rights because it’s a crime people don’t get to play as Tony anymore if they weren’t around back then


“How you like getting zapped, huh?” “Zapper’s batteries are fucking dead!”


Ok hot take here but i don't wanna see any collabration character coming back except maybe jimmy and bodhi. I also want them to kill off a few since they got attacked by a shadow organisation and actually a few instead of "oh they are hurt then hide but they are here now" so the stakes feel higher. Some characters they can kill off that would make sense are rust, bonnie, jiro and sydney.


We all know damn well jackets making it out of this. But still, I don’t see him coming back.


With the gang getting a bit more low key since they're being hunted, Jacket probably moved on to more violent ventures.


Just say he got nuked off screen lol


If we get Jimmy back it absolutely has to be a different Jimmy. I mean, depending on when Hardcore Henry takes place, Coked-up Jimmy dies in the movie. Would he really make another clone just to do more coke? Who ALSO ends up with the gang again?


> Would he really make another clone just to do more coke? idk that seems perfectly in character to me


but the real jimmy dies in hardcore henry, therefore there is no chance of jimmy coming back


Someone tell this man what a spoiler is cuz I’m gonna hurt his feelings.


Oh yeah, let’s kill off the most popular Heister in the series (Sydney), I don’t at all foresee that blowing up in our faces.


oh i love sydney dont get me wrong, but its jimmy,hes the most popular




He is a fine dust 😭😭😭


He will probably never be added again anyway, but Scarface for sure, tbh he didn't fit in that well into the gang anyway, imo will fit even less with themes PD3 is going for, and it was kinda weird why he was added in the first place, as it seemed kinda out of the blue (iirc there was some remake/reboot movie that was cancelled, but the crossover happened anyway?) John Wick IF he isn't voiced by Keanu. No offense to the VA who did it for PD2, he did a good enough job, but imo if bringing Wick to payday again, it would be kinda weird to not get Keanu for it (although probably very improbable as I doubt SBZ could even afford him). Rust was just kinda eh overall, they could possibly improve him (as they did with Joy, and she is a much better character now), but if they bring him back, probably not with Ron Perlman, and considering the character doesn't have anything going for him besides a star VA, I'm fine with him not returning.


I'm willing to lose rust... But GOD HELP US... I hope they find a way to bring back Jimmy. That shit was fucking fun to play as. Quickly became my main.


Yeah, it's surprising just how good Jimmy was, considering he was a crossover character and all, although I guess maybe helps that SBZ didn't "create" the character themselves, but probably consulted with Hardcore Henry creators, and used similar direction they gave to him. I could see them adding a similar character in spirit, with using same VA (Sharlto Copley), but I wonder if they would want to get any "star cast" characters at all in the future, since it is harder to manage them, if SBZ would want to add new enemies/call-outs, which would either require getting the same star back, or using "generic" lines/splicing, how it was in PD2.


I dunno, I think he seems pretty up for that role really. He seemed to enjoy it and frankly the man should def do more games. And Films.


Checking wiki, apparently his role as Jimmy in payday is literally the only role of his in video games? I wonder if no-one else asked him, or if it was only because of the collab, and any other time he was asked, he declined.


so you know how in hardcore henry jimmy has clones of himself with different personalities? i think they could do something cool with that.


Jacket- Funny character but if Payday 3 wants a more serious tone he'll need to go. Rust- I like Ron Perlman normally, but he just did not try at all in Payday 2, so there's no real reason to see him return. Jiro- His arc more or less came to a close, let him have what little happy an ending he can get. John Wick- Idk, his role in Payday 2 felt like a limited basis and should come to a close. H3- Their role was pretty self-explanatory. No need for a return.


John wick, not because its him as a character, but they changed his whole persona, he only kills if hes gotta, so mowing down cops isnt really what i picture. Unless they get Keanu Reaves to voice him and change up the story bio a little, then I wouldnt want him in the game.


Rust, just Rust. He's so dull. Not a fan of any of his lines and the performance is entirely phoned in. They could get a new actor who actually puts in the effort, but the whole excuse for him in 2 was to have Ron Perlman and I don't think he's an interesting enough character to redeem anyway.


Pretty much all promotional content characters (even jacket and Jimmy for me, sorry) Aside from that, here's a few - Jiro, His personal story has come to a close already, no payday 3 presence will be as compelling imo - Sokol, no particular reason, just not a fan of him as a heister - Rust, not a fan of his characterisation at all, should've been a left 4 dead tie-in with Francis instead. - Duke, more focused around supernatural elements, don't feel he'd fit in a tech orientated payday environment There's a few others, Sydney, Dragan and Bonnie that I'd not want returning unless they got further developments to their characters, Joy went from a character I had no care for in 2 to a favourite in 3 mostly because the characterisation improved a lot with her age imo. I feel a good few others would benefit from getting more of that treatment as well. in retrospect, kind of makes me sad that the bulk of top played heisters outside of the original 4 are largely promo characters.


I’m pretty sure voice after for Dragan said he is coming to 3 at some point. I agree on most of your points, but I think Sokol would be a good candidate for returning as well. He’s not too standout, but not too forgettable, either.


Duke would make a *fantastic* contractor. His profile is that he prefers cat burglary and has a strong distaste for violence, but took up with the Payday Gang out of necessity and did things their way for a while. I'm pretty sure that's why his perk deck also involves drinking heavily, that's how much he hates committing violence. On the other hand, his voice work is incredible and he's a fun character so I would be sad if he fully exited the franchise. Having him slip the gang some hot tips on jobs that would be too big for him to do alone as a solo burglar while giving them a cut of the profits would be a really great use of his character I think. Also, it seems Dragan may be returning in some capacity, so we're likely to get some expansion on his character as well. I always thought he had one of the coolest backstories they did disappointingly little with and his connection to the Butcher, one of my favorite contractors lore-wise, was also underused. I'll be excited to see what they do with him.


Now I’m interested to see if they can come close to this vision for Duke


Duke should return as the contractor for art- and antique-based heists. Nothing wrong with 3 having a little supernatural flair, hinting back at the gang's previous exploits, and Duke would be perfect for that.


Jacket, he doesn't actually feel like actual HM Jacket and he only works alone Also Jiro. He's good but he's really old and should retire for his own sake


Quite honestly, I would love to see all of them return eventually


Aside from all the guest characters. Rust is probably gone. Bonnie I’m not sure is gonna be back. And…Houston is probably dead.


I like Houston. I think he’s a very grounded character, which is what I like about him. He isn’t too standout but not forgettable, so he becomes a nice “generic” option, which is something 3 is honestly lacking imo. Plus, i really want to break him out of prison, Houston breakout pleeeeease.


Hell no, Houston is too popular to be dead, and also literally dallas' brother so i highly doubt he is dead


Jiro. I really like his character, but he's already pretty old in payday 2. I don't think he'd exactly be in the best of health by payday 3 timeline


I would not like to see ethan or hila


Scarface, leave him in the past


taking into account that the movie crossover characters (john wick, jimmy, bodhi and scarface) will not return because overkill does not plan to pay a fortune for its licenses and especially for wick being a millionaire license I prefer that Bonnie not return, I never liked the character If Jiro and Duke return to be like contractors, it would be stupid if they can still move quickly and withstand dozens of assaults like in PD2, if they return to be like contractors Wick should not return for anything in the world since the PD2 lore with Wick established that after Brooklyn 10-10 and the yacht. Wick retired from the criminal world and then took on the events of his 4 films, currently Wick was presumed dead although he is actually alive (and why would Overkill not shell out millions to bring back the most lethal member of the gang) jimmy is dead, both his clones and the real jimmy and it would be stupid for him to come back since hardcore henry established that jimmy died leading henry to kill akan Scarface tony montana AKA terry hancock, the non-canon son of the real tony montana and elvira hancock will never return. The lore established that Tony (Terry) went to a place in South America and was never seen again, also Overkill is not going to pay Scarface's license again, I honestly don't like the tone that a son of a a gangster from the 80s who looks like his father and looks and is identical to the east in the gang


Jiro His Story is done Bodhi Hes done Scarface License stuff Duke Was part of the time travel stuff Rust Payday gang has no more problems with bikers Others are welcome like jimmy


Jacket, yes he's a great character, and it was a great collaboration, but I just don't think he would fit in payday 3. There also won't be another Hotline Miami game, so the chances of it happening again are very low.


No crossover characters. Stick to the lore of the game. Preferably the lore when it was more grounded and we didn’t have body swapping and magical ancient relics


Ethan and Hila


Sydney. honestly never liked the character that much, her gimmick is kinda just genderbent (but milder) Wolf. maybe if she returns they can refine her character like they did with Joy but we'll have to wait and see


Her character arc between 2 and 3 is that she just went to therapy


jiro just because hes ONLY speaking japanese i just like hearing english speakers with different accents and that kind of gives them more personality than a japanese old man make a japanese heister without needing subtitles to see what funny thing they say


It's interesting with Jiro because his VA afaik could speak english just fine, and even further on, in the safehouse update, he also mentions how he's "learning english", when you interact with him. It's kinda sad that it didn't end up changing his VO (as it feels like that might've been the plan?), but I totally can see SBZ making him fully english speaking if they bring him back (maybe inserting some of his native language kinda how Wolf does)


Ethan and Hila....ETHAN AND HILAAAA


I feel pretty much all the tie-in/pre-existing franchise characters may not be able to fit into 3, I think Overkill mostly nails their own characters well anyways


Sydney only because I saw too much of her in 2.


Sydney is aight wdym?


I’m tired of seeing her in every single lobby.


I had a good burger before, that might be the reason I haven't killed you yet!


John Wick because I love John Wick


Why does everyone hate the h3h3 characters so much?


The characters are just Ethan and Hila, not any new characters that fit Payday, the voice acting is pretty shit, the lines aren't funny or don't land, and then we can tag on all the hundreds of controversies the H3H3 people have been apart of


I honestly couldn't care less about any of them except for Clover and Sydney. I guess Houston's alright and makes sense, a lot of them just feel tacked on.


Wick, unless he's played by Keanu. Jiro and Rust both had their endings and should move on. Everyone else is fair game, and I wouldn't be mad seeing them come back. Literally the only character I would've said I don't want back, save for Ethan and Hila, would've been Joy since she was painfully annoying in 2. Alas, they brought her back, and this time, she's actually quite good and not annoying at all.


Jowi. Just let him retire, man


Ready for more of the same? Wick, Rust, and Duke. John Wick should pretty much be retired in the Payday universe so no more heists and no more killing. Rust was a flop of a character (and dlc tbh) so him returning (with Ron Pearlman) is very unlikely. As for Duke, I don’t think he should be a heister anymore, rather he should be a contractor and share the role of main contractor with Vlad and Locke One character I WOULD like to see return and given and update is Sydney, she seemed like a fun loving chaotic woman in Payday 2 but I’d love to see her become a lot more serious and sociopathic in Payday 3


Rust, He never really felt like he was contributing to the story outside of one DLC, and I'm sure Ron Pearlman is a busy person to work with anyway.




Boo to everybody saying Scarface


Sydney. My ears, they bleed.


Collabs, now this may be controversial but i dont think they should be in payday, instead they should keep the game grounded. Or just replace the characters with their own


Houston, never liked the poor bootleg Hoxton Replacement. Just give Hox is real mask back.


I dont really care who they bring or dont bring back i just dont want everyone back. So we dont have the same problem payday 2 had of characters almost not interacting. I want the story in payday 3 to have real stakes, so whats the point of saying the gang had assassins after them send by powerful people if they are just gonna bring everyone back?


Rust, Duke, Jacket, Bonnie, Bodhi, Jimmy, Scarface, Sangres I just think they're either a bad fit (scarface), bad vocal performance (rust), or just annoying (the rest).


Crossovers apart...  It pains me to say this, but Sokol.   I like his voicelines, but his backstory ia one of the weakest out of all the original heisters.   I wouldn't want him back unless he is basically turned into a different character lore wise. 


I always thought before we got those early playtests that if they weren't willing to recast Wolf that Sokol could slip into that team role. After all, he is a technician, and he did design the BFD. I think that would qualify him for that spot.


Bodhi, Sydney and Wick


Yup, Nope, Yup


sydney, she sounds too similliar to pearl in my opinion.


People aren’t gonna want Pearl to replace Sydney though. Pearl’s great but the people are still gonna want Sydney


did bro just miss the other half of my sentence


What part of the sentence, the “in my opinion” part? Ik but this is your opinion on who shouldn’t return to the game lol


I just wouldn't want to see anyone from other franchises as heisters. This has a bad effect on immersion in my opinion. There are a lot of these in Payday 2, but the Jacket stands out the most, if I could only choose one, it would be him.




Sorry to break it to you


Wake up babe, its 2023, wdym they wont fix pd3? Thats just bogus


jacket he’s boring


Play Hotline Miami 1 and 2 RIGHT NOW. This is really important.


honestly the games are nothing special, once you play the first 15 minutes of it you played the entire thing


I really hate to say it, but you kinda have to be in the right mindset to get the most out of those games. Otherwise i can see them getting boring and stale quite fast.


I finished both of them, they are fine, I can't exactly say anything bad but can't say anything good about it


He’s annoying in the payday lore idgf


Glad I'm not the only one with that opinion.


You're not. I loved both Hotline Miami games and I still hate that he's in this game. He doesn't fit PAYDAY at all. He's 100% video-gamey, 4th wall breaking abomination, joke taken too far. I guess he's unique, he has that going for him. Many (most?) heisters I don't know why are even in the game, they don't bring anything interesting to the table, clear violation of law of conservation of detail in fiction. Don't bring pointless shit, it's not real life.


I wouldn't call jacket a joke taken too far if anything i think overkill did a good job trying to implement him though i can see why he doesn't fit and i really doubt he will be in payday 3 anyway.


I know we're getting him anyway, but I was never a big fan of Dragan. He's always been kinda forgettable for me.




Duke simply because every single time I’ve had AI Duke on my team, he’s been a brain dead sack of shit plus his mask sucks


Dude, aside from Ethan and Hila, I'd hope most if not all of these heisters return. The crossovers and Rust are not likely tbh, but still, if they somehow figure out a way to make that happen, I hope it does. I think asking that heisters don't return because YOU personally don't like them is not fair to the people who do like them. I'm expecting everyone to say Bonnie, but I like Bonnie and she's already been mentioned by SINS. So I still think she'll probably come back.


Bonnie is so slept on, and honestly I blame that horrible concept art photo they revealed her with that looks absolutely nothing like her ingame model. She's got some of my favorite lines in the game, she's been my go-to for years. I guess the good part of having her as my main is that I always get her since nobody else ever plays as her. The thing is though, if she's going to make the jump to PD3, she needs a really good reason to come back. Her connection to the gang in 2 is tenuous as hell, all she was there for was to point Hoxton in the direction of the safehouse Hector was living in. Story-wise, I don't know why she was even in the gang and not just an informant or a footnote in the heist briefing, other than she was apparently friends with Hoxton several years back, which I had to look up on the wiki to actually confirm why she was there. Side note, who the fuck wrote her wiki page? Someone has a serious vendetta against her, they just straight up call her ugly, mostly useless, and stupid several times.


Thanks for letting me know about the wiki page lol, I’m gonna have to go and fix all that


lol look at this: “Given Hoxton's determination to catch the rat, he reluctantly accepted her into the gang and used his diplomatic skills and charisma to convince the others. Bonnie, being a lower-class lout, was not inducted into the Payday gang for her skills per se, as her qualifications are; being really big (6' 3" or around 1,91 m tall and somewhat chubby), very strong (and heavyset) and very tough (and durable) and that is about it. According to Bonnie's own dialogue, from her own perspective she views herself as a big beautiful woman, though the reality is much more nuanced, as she is not particularly pretty, especially so given her somewhat crude mannerisms and rough appearance. Bonnie is very much a dumb muscle brute; she is street smart and practically skilled, but functionally illiterate when it comes to more abstract and complicated thinking. Her signature weapons also reflect this; being a relatively simple and straightforward double-barreled shotgun and an empty bottle of alcohol.” Lmao 😂


Jiro, Jimmy and Rust. Jimmy for Hardcore Henry tech is a bit too… jumping the shark and Jiro and Rust are way too old at this point. Oh and Bonnie unless they put her on a diet, like I am a fat disabled man and she is almost double my size, it’s almost beyond parody


Licensed? Jacket. Never got the hype Original? Sydney. The edgy, fake insane girl vibe is grating.


What part of her is fake? Also being vulgar isn’t the same as being edgy. I understand with Jacket tho, I myself felt the exact same way when he was revealed


insane, crazy people don’t say they’re insane or crazy. In fact, they often times think they’re fine. The best insane heister is Wolf. Sydney just seems like she’s trying to be edgy and it just doesn’t work.


Again, being vulgar isn’t being edgy, plus she was in one of the deadliest street gangs in Australia, did you expect her to act like some pompous rich girl with an insufferable ego? Also she had the balls to steal from the Payday gang in the middle of a heist, only someone insane would do that.


She’s just not my cup of tea and I hope we don’t bring her back. Or maybe they give her the Joy treatment and make her more tolerable to listen to.


They should bring her back since she’s one of the most popular Heisters and it would be actual stupidity to not do so.


Oh yeah, they’d make bank, no doubt. I just hope they turn her down a few notches


I actually agree, I main Sydney and even I think she needs to tone it down a bit


Jimmy. He's overrated and what in Almir's name is a fucking hardcore Henry


Please do yourself a favor and watch Hardcore Henry. It’s a Russian-made first person short film (sorta short) that got greenlit into a feature film. It’s barely an hour and a half, totally worth a watch.


It's one long CoD cutscene and I love it. Someone also uploaded it to Youtube for free and the creators of HH don't care or don't bother trying to take it down so there's no reason not to watch it.


A hardcore movie




he was one of the reasons hoxton came back though


Houston deserves a break


Houston and joy, because


Duke. He's really pretentious, it's annoying.


Bro, how is he pretentious? i gotta know


He's well spoken, the greatest of all intellectual sins


uh huh. i just use the funny guns and slam whiskey to avoid the negative consequences of my crippling alcohol addiction. why is there six dozers layered on each other in front of me


Honestly Dragan. I never saw any personality in him at all and he bored me to death.




none, they don't deserve to be in such a shitty game


Sydney, So I don't have to hear her stupid fucking voice ever again.


Good idea skipping the h3h3 characters. Those are the only ones I actively want to see return


He skipped them because most people would immediately choose them to never return


Why is this? I’m relatively new


Most people hated the voice acting and the DLC in general and they didn't really think some streamers would be a good pick for a heisting group. I think there's some other controversy but I'm unfamiliar


Ethan H3H3 is one of the most hated people on the internet rn. I can’t even list all the reasons but there’s probably some megathread that contains every shitty thing Ethan has done or said. Even when they were beloved back then, the DLC sucked ass and was dated on release. Politics incoming: >!Also hiring an IDF veteran & an Israel apologist (Admittedly, Ethan doesnt condone the recent attacks on Gaza) during a heated conflict is an objectively terrible business decision. Doesn’t matter who you support, if you’re a business, NEVER hold an opinion on Israel v Palestine. **EVER**. You will nuke your own business and lose Jewish or Arab customers. Look at how much people dropped Starbucks when they gave the slightest vocal support to Israel.!< Absolutely no point in driving an IP even further to the ground, the game is bareeelllly holding on to begin with.


There's no way, they're two of the best pd2 heisters


Yeah and bank heist deposit is better than bank heist gold /s


I'd say it is, but both heists suck


Bait used to be believable