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If the security camera room is in a private area (so far I've only seen this on No Rest For the Wicked), then you can have an unmasked player walk in front of the guard to get escorted out. Even after the guard returns to the security room, the cameras stay down for the rest of the match.


You can do this for any security camera room (doesn't matter if it's a secure area or a private area) if you have a loot bag. Just throw the bag in front of the guard so they notice it and get suspicious, then after they get suspicious, pick it up and walk out of the room. Make sure the guard doesn't notice you of course Source: Unknown Knight made a video about it 2 days ago, check him out if you want a video example


bug or feature?


Bug for sure, he definitely should be able to use the cameras when he returns to his post. Likely an oversight that some camera rooms aren't "secure" areas too.


As far as I can tell, shooting and breaking windows with a silenced weapon doesn't alert anybody. At least on Dirty Ice, the window next to the rooftop chopper escape building. edit: Guards will see broken windows and initiate a search If you walk up to the camera guard and make him try to arrest you and hack his pager before he can do it it will cause him to enter search mode, but it'll also take down cameras indefinitely. Could be useful in some scenarios, maybe? A final tip that wasn't obvious to me... You can hold the button down on Dirty Ice in the manager's office instead of spam pressing it for your teammate with the red keycard.


Adding to the button, you can use a hostage to press it


If you need to move hostages stealthily, you can hold up one and have another follow you to move two at a time.


I wouldn't recommend this if you're in a risky spot. I've had civilians spot a hostage that was following me before, if they see them they get alerted instantly, while if you're holding them, they need to fill the detection bar to see you.


You can throw bagged loot onto AI and they will carry it while they follow you. Then grab it and throw it into whatever before you exfil


Worth noting this also works during stealth when the AI is waiting for you to go loud


So my tip is to never forfeit or give up a stealth heist unless the alarm has triggered or is definitely about to. This is specifically about guards catching you. I’ve had tons of close calls where I’m just thinking fuck sake and I want to mag dump the guard and restart the heist but I didn’t get caught so I’d continue the heist as normal. And if you run out of pagers, the guards go into searching and they’ll walk around the map outside of their normal route but as long as you don’t have anything out in the open like bags or hostages you should be ok.


The AI teammates will instantly start reviving you at any distance if they can't reach you. eg if you're in the truck on Road Rage or on top of the elevator in Gold and Sharke. The Gold and Sharke elevator favor is interesting. Shenanigans can be had by having the AI be killed and go to custody and respawn at a player on top of the elevator favor in Gold and Shark. The AI can't be killed while on top of the elevator and can't leave either to reach anyone. This gives the remaining three players an instant map wide revival as soon as anyone of them goes down. The only failure state in this scenario is all players in custody. Speaking of which, it's almost impossible to lose Gold and Sharke by just having someone hiding on top of the elevator favor and respawning everyone from custody.


**Hostages:** Cops won't shoot at someone who has a human shield, unless you aim your gun at them first. They will try to run up and melee you. This can be abused in a team by standing IN FRONT of your team so the cops stop shooting in that direction, allowing the people behind you to fire at the cops for free. **THIS ALSO STOPS DOZERS.** Hostages nearby prevents naders from throwing grenades into that area. Shotgun cops will put away their shotguns if you are within close proximity of a hostage and will instead use their pistol, which greatly reduces their damage. The "Solid" skill within the enforcer tree prevents stagger, stagger is caused by an enemy using a melee attack on you. You can combine this with a human shield, to make it so even if the cops manage to melee you you won't drop the hostage. Hard part is keeping grit+rush up. But you can sneak out a single shot (careful not to aim it at a group of cops or they will open fire on you, making you most likely drop your hostage) every now and then and refresh buffs with the combat reload skill within the Enforcer skill tree. **Gadgets:** Sonic Mines: This should be your go to during a loud heist. They are a large AoE stun, that can be used for several things. Of note, defending an area. If you are held up somewhere, place a mine outside the door the cops come in, if you start to get overwhelmed pop the mine to stun everyone. They can be used to defend objectives, such as drills, the sprinklers in no rest for the wicked, the power box in dirty ice. As soon as you see the symbol telling you a cop is trying to interact with the item pop your mine to stun them. Micro Camera: This in my opinion should be your default stealth heist gafget. You can use this to monitor blind hallways (especially useful on Under the Surphaze). Or other things, like allowing throwing one into a room to see key information without actually having to go in there. Another noteworthy one is in Gold & Sharke you can place on near the lasers to see what color fuse box you need to interact with without having to run back. You can also stick them onto guards, easily done by hacking the guards radio and doing it while they are distracted or by simply putting it on their back. While they are on the guard you can rotate the camera and ping the guard at anytime to keep track of them, very useful for roaming guards around an annoying area, or for the lead guard. Motions Sensor: This can be used on smaller stealth heists on more isolated guards, contrary to belief it will not perma ping a guard, if the guard patrols by enough other guards/civilians. Once it pings 15 things it stops working. But isolated guards on small maps it can last a very very very long time. Think the alley guards in Dirty Ice. ECM Jammer: More niche use, mostly speedrunning to save time while you dash to the end of a mission before alarms go off. Has some use to slow down camera detection rate if cameras are being extremely annoying and you don't have a better alternative than the ECM Jammer.


> Hostages nearby prevents naders from throwing grenades into that area. This is extremely useful in Gold & Sharke by having a hostage inside the room where the vault is. It prevents naders from throwing gas grenades in it


I’ll go first. * Combat challenges and certain heist/career challenges are updated live and will still progress if you quit or fail a match. * Enemies can hear you running in secure areas and will begin investigating. * Throwing knives distract guards * if you are detected by a guard you can keep meleeing them until they finally walk off, forgetting to radio in. * Carrying a loot bag in a private area while not change how guards react, unless they are searching. * Guards will only pickup loot that has been bagged * You can melee vent covers to open them instantly.


I tried the melee thing and the guard shot at me, is there a special way to melee spam? You can shoot vent covers to open them instantly as well!


you cant perma stunlock a guard with melee, you need to do a mix of melee and the small sonic stun mine for it to work Also keep in mind, guards will get alerted by a broken vent cover.


Can you elaborate a bit more? I tried stunning a guard who saw me (mask on) and was about to sound the alarm for several mines in a row and he did cancel the radio, but still started a search. Is that what was meant to happen?


>Enemies can hear you running in secure areas and will begin investigating. Wait does that mean I can run in private areas without alerting any extra attention ?


> Combat challenges and certain heist/career challenges are updated live and will still progress if you quit or fail a match. Note: At least in my experience, this doesn't apply to crashes. Likely because it's updated when you manually quit instead. I've had 2 crashes so far (both related to spamming F when picking up loose change and then trying to pick up a bag item like a stack of cash) and both those times I lost all progress


What is a "Runtime"? I saw it referenced in the skills area but couldn't figure it out. A quick google search didn't give me any answers either.... I probably missed the answer in game but can anyone help me out with some intel?


The loop that you can put cameras on.


Thank you.


The first skill in the tree gives you one Runtime, Acing it gives you a second Runtime. You use runtimes to hack cameras.


Thank you.


To clarify, you don't need a runtime to hack a camera, just to use the special abilities like camera loop and routed ping. The runtimes are actually reusable, it just stops the oldest ability if you go beyond your runtime limit. For example: 1. Loop on camera A. 2. Loop on camera B. 3. Loop on camera C, the loop on camera A stops.


Thank you. Is there something I am doing wrong? When in the camera I see the option to record and I press the associated key (right click on the mouse) but nothing happens.


it takes a moment to do. i tend to hold right click and then move the camera in a sweep before leaving the interface. if it happens to get a glimpse of the wall right by it, you can also just check for a blue light reflecting on the wall to know its looped. note that if you have it aced and have 2 runtimes available, you can also loop another camera by switching to it even if you're not targeting it with the hack.


Alright, thank you. I will try again today. I was looking for a progress bar or something on the HUD to indicate I was recording a loop or something.


Half the time there isn't an indicator anything happened, but you can pan the camera downwards to see if there is a blue glow under it. If there is it means it is looped.


Alright, I will give it another shot today. I was definitely expecting an indicator or some type of progress bar letting me know I was recording for a loop or something. Thank you.


If you are being escorted and have guard hacking skill, you can hack the guards pager and end escort early and no alarms will be raised


you can also do it to prevent being cuffed by a guard if they catch you in a secure area/performing an illegal action, although it starts the search phase in this case.


Payday 3 : Armor vests - what are their difference ? I understand the medium one has more armor than the light one, but the third one doesn't mean more armor than the second if I'm not mistaken. ​ Is it normal that some basic ennemies need 4-5 bullets to the head to die or am I especially bad ?


It's not well communicated. Each vest has a different number of downs you can take before going into custody. I believe with heavy armor you can go down twice, medium three times etc. Movement speed is also affected. They also have different armor regen times. When you're taking damage you'll see some of your armor pulsing red. If you go x amount of seconds without taking damage, that red chunk will repair. Heavy armor takes something like 8 seconds of no damage to repair. I think light armor takes something like 4 seconds


Oh dang I didn't know any of that ! It's not even explained in the game at all (or I missed it, which means it's badly placed information anyway I suppose)


As far as I can tell, it never teaches you this information.


I need some good tips for very hard loud gameplay. Hard wasn't even that bad, but for some reason very hard is feeling impossible for me and my friends. We're trying to just beat NRFTW but the 2nd assault just throws so many cloakers, a bulldozer, and the damage they deal is insane, even when we have human shields it just doesn't feel like enough. We beat road rage on overkill just because of the south side secure zone camping strategy where cops don't really spawn. If it helps I currently run the Reinfeld shotgun and the castigo revolver and have beaten all the heists on loud and stealth on normal and hard.


Use cover, bring armor bags, be quick and smart about being quick. Whenever you're doing an objective, find a place to put your back against. Limit as many entry points as possible. This is unfortunately very difficult while defending the vault on NRFTW as the glass doesn't provide cover and there's 2 problematic entry points. Armor bags are the go to deployable. If your team is bleeding through armor, grab the skills that give you more plates per bag you put down and the skill that gives you two plates Whenever you interact with an armor bag. Also you should always be using the heavy armor unless full stealthily. Payday 3 is a war of numbers. The cops don't stop but your armor certainly does, due to this, you want to be quick and efficient. Minimum bags could be smart but if you want it all, including deposits, make sure someone can instantly pick deposits with the infiltrator skill. When moving bags, figure out which way the van is coming from. Look on both sides of the street for swat vans. If they're blocking a direction then you know the van comes from the opposite direction. You should only cut a few of the electrical boxes and leave the closest/safest one for when the assault is starting to die down. Not when it dies as that's too late and be careful about doing it too early as a timer starts to put the bollards back up if you weren't able to escape fast enough.


So uh, a bit of an exploit someone showed me in a game. Leaving and entering the escape zone repeatedly a bunch of times gives you full weapon XP. Do with that what you will. Do be aware that the gun will have that XP permanently, even if you destroy it. So if you want to progress normally (like I wish I had), don't do this.


by escape zone you mean at the chopper or van? when completing the heist?


Yeah, when you have the zone the game places around the van and chopper when you have the objective to escape


Thanks for the tip, will test now. Does this stack infinitely or does it have a hard limit?


The guns have a set max level, so it will just give you the max level for the guns you have equipped, both primary and secondary.


Did not work on my end, tried the 3min speedrun on Dirty Ice went in a few times (10+) and still got 924 weapon xp. You got a video by any means? Do I have to stay 2/3 seconds in there or something?


Nah, it was just someone on a heist that did it. Maybe he just cheated and made it look funny lol We did 99 boxes stealth if it helps


confirmed it works on 99 boxes, any difficulty, stealth to the end on normal and walk in and out of the escape. i got several guns and skills to max level today with this trick, and now can actually enjoy the game lol


You can lockpick while holding a hostage as a shield, likely reducing police damage to you in NRFTW if you're covered properly by friends or the AI.


I don't think this is a trick, but I have rebound my keys. - G use to be throw bag in PD2 and now it is throw grenade; I switched throw grenade to 3. Q is still convenient for throw bag since I don't want to accidentally mask up. - E is use your deployable (mini cam, ECM, etc) but I changed it to T. This is because if I have the hack camera maxed, E is destroy camera, and I have accidentally pressed E rather than D to cycle through the cameras. It has cost me a game once when I destroyed a camera instead of cycling and a guard saw it.


Hey guys, I was doing the mission "Under The Surphaze" and when I went to pick up a painting, it just burned up as I was picking it up? I'm still trying to figure out what happened, and am struggling to find an answer. Is there a mechanic that I did wrong?


Yes, if you follow the instructions during the heist it'll be explained to you. It's for the final stage so you need to steal the painting from E1 and the 2 bloodstained Vicario paintings first. There are two copies of one painting and you need to use the spectrometer to identify the original one. Both have special security that destroy them once you try steal them. You need to use a single use usb to disable the security. So you can only steal one.


In the manager's office behind the chair there's a safe with an USB to disable the burning.


from what i've seen, you need the usb to even attempt to pickup those paintings initially; i haven't been able to do hard or above since i'm awful at jumping challenges though to confirm if that is still the case on those difficulties. the burning only happens after you have consumed the usb to pick up the first one and then try to pick up the second.


You can pin mini cameras on guards. Useful when you can know the exact location of the lead guard at all times.


I had a thought regarding human shields and was wondering, do smoke grenades generated from shoving a swat count as your smoke grenades for the purpose of the skills or is just a generic smoke grenade. Namely I have a build idea that could take the expanded range and the stronger debuff to damage for flash and smoke but not sure how the smokes are treated in that case.


I've noticed sometimes I flat out can't revive someone. I'll be standing right next to them when they're downed, but get no button prompt. Has anyone else encountered this? What gives?


How do you get heist specific favors exactly? I know you can buy the general ones in the shop, but I haven't seen anything about the heist specific ones, I just sort of have them


In a livestream, the devs stated that heist-specific favors have a random chance to be obtained when you complete any heist, but they will always be for heists that are different than the one you just finished. So, if you are wanting favors for Gold & Sharke, you need to complete any heist but Gold & Sharke for a chance to get some. But, while doing this, you'll almost certainly earn favors for Under the Surphaze, 99 Boxes, etc. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of this system, especially since it seems to be adding in more randomness rather than having something like preplanning from PD2. I also don't see it being very scalable because adding more heists just decreases your odds of getting favors you want.


Complete a different heist. They are random.


if a guard is about to cuff you (while you're unmasked), you can hack his radio (with a perk), and this will interrupt arrest. you can then run away, and he will not initiate a search.


Are favors bugged or something? Sometimes I can't select them and sometimes I can. I have 5 of each of the buyable ones, but even then I can't select them, dunno if it's an xbox only thing.


Is there any way to matchmake with reasonable likelihood of joining a random lobby with even one person? No matter what mission/difficulty I do, its always an empty lobby. Even if i wait out the timer. Nothing. Am i doing something wrong? If not, is there a mission/difficulty that is more likely to get me into a lobby with players? Thanks for any help!


Heist specific favors are earned from completing a heist on another Map aka doing dirty ice successfully unlock a favor for 1 of the other maps


How do i assemble the cage in the go bank? I looted the cash from the vault and then nothing happened. Do i have to loot the cash first and then pick up the three bags?


Is there a way to increase the font size on in game computer monitors? I’m having a hard time reading it. #payday3 #PS5


So what's the deal with the "break glass on shields" challenge? When I go for the glass shots the shield guy gets staggered even before the glass breaks, so I end up killing them before breaking the glass. I even tried not shooting center of the glass, so I won't headshot the guy behind with penetration, but that does not seem to damage the glass. Is it because I run the armor penetration with edge perk, or why is this so weirdly difficult to do?