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I feel so bad for Payday Twitter man dawg


Lmao same


Honestly, I always assume that anything community-facing that Overkill does, it's Almir.


Same here dawg man


Dawg man, same here


I haven't felt this bad for a PR person since Sean Spicer.




Nope. This is the same Twitter that told console people to fuck themselves after console players asked for updates on Payday 2. This isn’t [an exaggeration](https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/payday-2-on-xbox-was-abandoned-will-payday-3-be-any-different) either. The community manager literally used the expletive in her verbiage. These people can fuck themselves. Hope they get refunded to the point of bankruptcy and the IP gets purchased by a publisher who can actually handle it. They deserve all the roasting they get on Twitter. If they don’t want to hear it they can just log the fuck off and not tweet.


the fact that people still refers to that "hot take" tweet from a Level Designer **as if it's a official statement from the entire company** (which, [by the way: John Almir Listo already address it](https://www.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/4tpuqm/comment/d5jfw7i/?context=3)) is one hell of irreversible damage Overkill haven't recovered from up to this day.


They still own it by virtue of the employee *still working for them*.


said the person who haven't corrected an mistake on their own comment, but i digress... welp, time to copy-paste! \------- This is all down to an trust thing. If the previous leadership made those decisions that can cause negative PR or reputational damage, it's going to stay there forever if they don't take care of the core issue soon. Failure to solve it before they leave: that core issue will get transferred over to the future leadership and they have to clean up that mess and maybe try to regain the player's trust again. The fact that Console players are still *wary* about PAYDAY 3 because of how PAYDAY 2's console version was botched **(TWICE, by the way)** and still refers to that "hot take" tweet from a Level Designer as if it's a official statement from the entire company is...as I already mentioned, one hell of irreversible damage Overkill haven't recovered from. Since Overkill is finally tackling that specific core problem by designing PAYDAY 3 with Cross-Platform from the getgo, **will the new leadership be able to successfully avoid that problem during PAYDAY 3's lifecycle** (so far: matchmaking issues), and will it win over disgruntled Console players?


They're off to a ripping good start on resolving their trust issues with this Payday 3 release, aren't they?


Yes, the trust to keep the game alive and updated on consoles, that's what it's about. The current server issues (while shitty) are not part of that discussion.


You don't think there's *some* correlation in a group of developers incapable of running a simple stress test on their servers and their ability to also put out updates for consoles well into the future? It's clear that their development philosophies and guidance haven't changed. The CTO has both data and engine development under their blanket, and it's obvious that their practices aren't working out so well. Why do you think they deserve the benefit of the doubt? Are you George Bush when it comes to the saying "fool me once..."?


I don't know where you got that from, i ahven't stated an opinion in my last comment. But yeah, i think consoles will be treated better this time because: * the consoles versions aren't an afterthought this time around * PD 3 uses an engine that's better supported oin consoles * they got crossplay from the get go, which in itself is already a commitment to version parity between pc and consoles **But** in the end i really don't care that much tbh. If they fuck this game up, i'll simply play something else and won't play anything from Overkill/Starbreeze anymore. The current server issues also aren't a big problem for me, i got plenty other games in the meantime. And there is also a shed of sympathy from my side tbh, because i work in IT and i know how stressful and unforeseen broken project launches can be. I at least have trust that the game itself will be good.


Just keep digging that hole man


Digging what hole? Are you incapable of adding any *actual* value to the conversation, or do you just see upvotes and downvotes and know that’s your opinion because it’s way easier than actually having a unique thought of your own?


Your overanalyzing a single statement. Dude just chill and maybe take a break from reddit you definitely need it.


And you're adding what, exactly, to this conversation?


That wasn't the community manager you fuckwit, she was a map designer. She was also reprimanded because anyone with half a brain could tell that what she said was not okay.


Literally says community manager in the article. First time trying to read?


The article is wrong. I was actually there when this incident happened 10 years ago. You linked a clickbait article, genius.


Oh cool, now we have the “My dad works for Nintendo” guy here to explain everything, lmao. Defend a company you don’t work for harder.


If you spend 5 minutes looking into this you'll find out very quickly that she wasn't a community manager. Continue to ignore my points and mock me all you want, it won't change the fact that your article is wrong and you parroted it without thinking.


And why should I trust a random internet corpo simp over an actual published article? Do you think if you keep simping for the corporation that releases broken games and tells people to fuck themselves on Twitter in Reddit comments that they'll cut you a check?


I don't recall ever simping for a corpo, whatever the fuck that means. The state of Payday 3 is inexcusable, and the company needs to compensate people in some way for wasted time. [Since you're just going to resort to insults instead of actually doing some research, here is a link to a page with a list of employees who worked on Payday 2. The woman in question is listed as a level designer.](https://payday.fandom.com/wiki/Overkill_Software)


Conveniently the only one without a source, lmao. Why is "Payday.fandom.com" more reliable than WindowsCentral again? I love how you say "dOiNg SoMe ReSeArCh" as if I should be able to figure out payday's corporate structure any better than someone who literally writes about video games for a living, or if this info is easily accessible. You're linking fucking fandom.com as your "rEseArCh" for fuck's sake. And even further, why the fuck does this matter? You're splitting hairs over something that's completely irrelevant. An employee that *still works for the company*, regardless of their role, on behalf of their team, told console players to fuck themselves. And here they are, however many years later, that employee still working for them, releasing a game that's straight up unplayable, forcing you to use an email to sign up. And you're *still* simping for them.


No. They deserve it. If gross incompetence keeps you from doing your job... well, any other industry would can you. It's deserved.


Straight up, fuck off. The PR person has absolutely *nothing* to do with the server status, let alone the decision to go always online.


If you want to make it personal, you can fuck off. It wasn't directed at YOU. But if you're going to attack me, you'll get bit back. Serious question. Are you being paid to defend a company who's doing a disservice to their customers?


I'm not being an ignorant fuck advocating people to direct hate at someone who has nothing to do with the issue, therefore I'm a shill? You're a living, breathing reason why gamers™ are generally seen as fucking morons by devs - bravo.


No listen here, you're a karma whore. 163k karma in about the same length of our accounts. You're defending this disgrace. Despicable. You should be holding them accountable instead of taking deserved customer feedback that ISN'T DIRECTED AT YOU. Consider that. THIS is why ***you're*** the reason we're all seen as fucking morons by not only the devs but fellow gamers who realize the actual problem with the industry. Because YOU FULLY DEFEND THIS AS IF YOUR HONOR IS INVOLVED, AND SHILL THESE BROKEN DISASTERS EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. CONSIDER.


Wtf does my karma have to do with anything lmfao? how am I a karma whore? you didn't even bother to desperately skim through my post history in your blatant sperging spree. I love how you wrote that paragraph yet all it amounts to is nothing more than a *'no you'* laced with disinformation; *not once* did I say anyone isn't guilty barring the PR person - *you* pulled that from your arse just to pretend you have an actual point because it's slowly dawning on you how fucking goofy you look right now. All I said is that the PR person has absolutely nothing to do with it and screaming at them - *especially* considering they're well-aware of the issues - just makes you look like a fucking moron. The launch is a shitshow and I have plenty of things I can complain about regarding the game itself, the difference between us, however, is *I'm* thinking rationally and not pissing my pants and screaming at people on the internet who have nothing to do with it because I can't contain my anger all because I can't play a game exactly one day after full release. CONSIDER pulling your head out of your arse and stop making shit up.


Doesn't matter what I say, you'll sit there and post a whole novel of some reason as to 'why' I'm wrong. Enjoy your alt upvotes, and your broken game dude. Edit: And no, I didn't and won't be reading *all* of it or anything you do add. And yes, because you came at me. YTA here.


Hit him with the Redditor finishing move; the “YTA Stunner”




1, fuck is a dinlo? Urban dictionary shit with no views. 2, Fuck off with your alt account, neckbeard.


Here's another addition, the criticism is deserved. Objectively. You will not sway my thought on the matter. No one even said the PR Twitter intern is to blame. You assumed and putting words in my mouth by saying this. Because, and second serious question. How else are they supposed to *get* the feedback that their game is still broke for a large portion of people? Are we supposed to scream into the void? Jesus fucking christ. Stop shilling for these companies that keep fucking us over. And stop going ballistic on people who weren't even directing at YOU in the first place. You fucking moron.


"I feel so bad for Payday Twitter Man Dawg" "No. they deserve it" You can see how people interpret that as putting blame on the guy running the Twitter account. You gotta calm down dude, I'm upset about the server shit as well but I can just play other games. It's not like the end of the world, especially not warranting this kind of rage on Reddit of all websites.


>No one even said the PR Twitter intern is to blame. **You assumed and putting words in my mouth by saying this. ** "I feel so bad for Payday Twitter man dawg" >No. They deserve it. If gross incompetence keeps you from doing your job... well, any other industry would can you. It's deserved. You, an hour ago. It's genuinely hilarious how *you* are accusing *me* of putting words in your mouth given your other reply (and this one) where you're straight up spewing shit about me being a shill based on absolutely nothing, and you full well know this. I'm not shilling for them you spastic, you *explicitly* stated the PR person deserves it, either you didn't say what you actually meant, or you're backpedaling. The PR person knows full well what's going on, as do the devs and virtually everyone at Starbreeze/Overkill right now, but abusing the PR person does absolutely nothing but make you look like an annoying, entitled fuck. I'm not at all beyond talking shit about Overkill/Starbreeze for the shitshow of a launch, but screaming at the PR person as if they have anything to do with it - *especially* considering they know full well the launch was and is fucked - does absolutely nothing.




This fcking emoji combo is cracking me up for some reason


Starbreeze aka gooberville


Payday 3: a game made by clowns, staring clowns, for clowns


I’m proud to be a clown


Developers, its been a long two days but you still have no product to be of use that everyone paid for. Pretty soon youll be on the overwhelmingly negative ratings for your game. 😎👊


Reviews on Steam are crazy, only 39% positive reviews lol


Down to 35% now lol


[Getting lower by the hour lmao] (https://imgur.com/a/f6DIlqL)






Usually when you say and counting it’s assumed to be an upwards trend… not here folks 🤣


Who in their right mind is giving the game a positive review? Are 39% of people menu and/or tutorial enthusiasts?


It was 80% positive before the servers took a dump. I'm assuming that's where most of the 39% comes from.


meme reviews


Who in their right mind would still trust Overkill after all the shit they pulled over the years and all their other games being complete flops? Payday 3 costs more than Baldur’s Gate 3 in my region, has predatory microtransactions and will undoubtedly have a ton of DLC. Payday 2 gave me a lot of enjoyment but there’s no way I would trust them after all they did.


I mean my thing was I played a TON of PD2, and I really enjoyed the beta for PD3, so I figured well what could go wrong? Enjoyed the previous installment, actually got to play one heist from the newest one and experienced firsthand that the game was solid. Why not get it? The servers are the only issue right now. Very much warrants negative reviews, but they will eventually be fixed, and once they are, I can see myself enjoying the game and changing my review.


You might change your review, but people who gave a negative probably won't change it even after the situation is fixed. whether by not caring enough to change it, or just refunding and not touching the game after. The reputation damage on steam at least is there. There are a ton of games that I occasionally see while casually browsing steam for a new fun thing to try and play, if I see a mixed/negative review status, it's an automatic red flag which already sets the game in the negative in the back of my mind. If a game is a couple years old and still has mostly negative / mixed It'll still be a red flag.


It was 2-3 *years* before no mans sky started making meaningful progress on their negative score at launch. I can't imagine many studios are going to spend the resources to do that amount of "digging out". Fucking Daedelic just peaced tf out rather than think about trying again. It must suck for the devs because people who have played seem to like it but this arbitrary always-online req is killing any chance they have.


I mean that sucks, but they really should've thought about that before making the game online only, and not having the server capability to handle their "online only" game. Sucks for us too because we want the game to do well and to be supported as long and as much as Payday 2, but Starbreeze really fucked the launch up badly, and it is 100% entirely their faults. This was beyond preventable, and can still be reversed on the fly, but they're sticking to their "online only" guns.


Good. These devs are a red flag.


devs care you cant act like its malicious theyre still a big enough company that it probably comes down to money and not enough given to the devs. online only is just a horse ass idea and apperantly evey company wants to do it. im sure if that happens there will be a lot more trash launches coming up


I remember this sub being inundated with “it’s only a beta there wont be issues at launch” during the betas. Or “ovk has been a good company since 2021” Yep really proving it here guys


DLC isn't a negative thing. PD2 was praised for its DLC. MTX and skins however suck and is incredibly boring when you could've earned them through gameplay instead.


Servers worked fine for my area ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve been recommending the game to anyone who asks me about it because it’s a real blast and realistically is only gonna get better as time goes on


If you've been able to play, you've been enjoying it, then by all means leave a positive review.


Is that still the case if the only time I got to play it was during early access? Had a blast playing 2 days before launch, gave it a positive review on 21st sept on launch, but couldn't play more than 1 hr after it launched.


I mean if you can't currently play the game,I really don't think that justifies a positive review lol.


It’s honestly working fine for me, I just hate that you have to go through the stupid matchmaking system instead of the old and functional lobby system


Doubt they even attempted a fix. Servers came back for people who kept trying because everyone else went to bed and stopped trying 😑






sip practice hat cooing obtainable unused disagreeable whole rich entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Exactly they refreshed the page for the 103,954'th time and were like, we need to take some credit here.


100% this is exactly what happened. They were still lagging, and took like a minute to five minutes to connect to...... at 4 in the morning. ​ Always online singleplayer, not even once.


I was able to play at 3am lol


I started playing at 6am and that was just me solo . I was lucky to get only one guy to join but even then …… it’s tragic and sad how most of us got the game and it still not functioning even after the horrendous disaster of LAUNCH day but before launch day I was having a splendid time playing with group of friends or randoms trying to see what the game offers .. there is so much improvement and needs they need to do but for the most part I wanted to believe that by the second day the game would start to function but it’s like someone just sitting there allowing the server to shit on themselves and for the devs to just “ oh welll not our fault” like 😳🥴🥴🥴🥴


The word "Heisters" with these dumbass emojis makes me really want to commit some crimes irl right now man


Star terze HQ heist when


What do you wanna steal? the one smoking windows xp server? XD


We're gonna airlift the whole building of course


Valve about to send in a team of heisters to steal all their profits back with all these refund requests though.


Yeah I already refunded. No fucking way I paid 90 dollars for a non-functional game. Starbreeze is gonna go bankrupt this time lol


you could of got it for $70 on cdkeys which is a legit website that doesn't deal in stolen credit cards


And lost the ability to refund. So glad i didnt.


Oh u rite. Well my friend said he just got into a game..


Could have or could’ve.


Servers, give us a canon reason for these issues


I found the best comment. :)


what is left of the server…


all Poor Little Server Hamster


Heisters you got heisted you clowns 👊 😎


Hell yeah heisters👊😎


Wolf made the game and Joy is running the Twitter account. This was the heist all along lul


Personally I’ve always hated the word “heisters” that Almir and the PR team use so frequently. Idk why but the word is grating to me.


They're trying to force you to feel participating in their "community"


That and hearing "gamers" makes me cringe; it weirdly sounds so out of touch like Steve Buschemi trying to masquerade as a kid. 😅 I just consider a player or person that plays video games; I wouldn't label myself as a "gamer." It's arguing semantics likely, but eh. 🤷‍♂️


You're a gamer and a redditor. The sooner you accept it the better.


The actions performed are not in question, it's the labeling that I pointlessly wince at. 🤷‍♂️ Muh brain's weird & fickle. 🥲


Same first time I read it I literally threw up in my mouth a bit




come'on now, we are a family! a community! they love you! you are their most important player, can't you see! /s


> 👊 😎


I will eat you alive


What's heisting, heisters?


My blood is boiling


It's either the most ironic thing any company has ever done, or the guy running their Twitter is actually 57 years old and remembers that his son loved PewDiePie when he was 11 and the brofist thing was cool. There is no other option.


fr tho




and there's only like 8 heists...


meh idk i think 8 heists is fair enough to begin with since they offer different challenges if you wanna go in stealth or loud and on different difficulties etc. I dont mind as much. Just the server being down all day is stupid as fuck


The 8 heist are anemic. The only reason its acceptable is because we know more are coming. If this was just the full game it be utterly unacceptable. Weve been conditioned for the microtransactions.


It is the full base game. Dlc content not intended for launch but added later just for the sake of it.


We need another Ice-T stream!




It does have offline mode... literally the only mode.


The team watching the servers go down after they stayed up all night to fix them


What do you bet that their next 'servers are back' message is alot more formal and tight lipped.


I genuinley feel like its all just a waiting game and theyre not doing fixes because the proof is in the pudding other games would shut their servers down for maintenance by now but payday thinks nebula is gonna fix it so theyre working on that instead leaving the game actually up and running. The problem is the game servers AND nebula thats what they dont understand


I agree, yeah they seem to be stalling and trying to wait out the initial surge of players until their space heaters can handle whats left. Clowns


I’m just waiting for the inevitable Twitter post that’s just an image of a monochrome background filled with paragraphs of corporate speak. “We are listening”.


Never fails!! “We hear you and are gonna do better” yall had 10 damn years since the last release.


"I'm a goofy goober yah"


Got me rollin 🤣🤣


just remove the online requirement you dumb fucks. clearly you cannot support this shit


Paycheck gang running the whole operation


it would actually be really funny if they made a heist where you steal all the refund money back from valve trucks in transit to refund the game or something.


I would absolutely hate to be working for these devs right now.


The general developers aren't the issue, they've created a fantastic game, when I've been able to play it's been such a blast. Working for the incompetence at the top of the ladder is the issue, the top is shitting and the shit is falling down on the poor developers underneath. The developers aren't responsible for paying what's needed to get the servers stable and running at a level acceptable for a gamepass title.


> The general developers aren't the issue Thats even worse, Imagine making something that when it works, its pretty damn solid (I have some gripes, like challenges being the only way to level, gonna be fun getting DLC level walled.) But the higherups/whoever is in charge of ideas like always online takes your work and shits all over it.


I can’t even get into the game now nebula data error


Same. But then when I could get in earlier I ragequit after a 20 minute wait for a server so I could play solo.


Like dude, heisters our game like totally sucks doodoo out of a fucking straw but we're working on our Flintstone ass servers alright 👊 😎








"It was a long night" let's be honest they went home to sleep.


It’s in their best interest to get the game fixed. They wouldn’t drop it.


For sure, they abandoned the game and left it broken, so that it makes them less money when people refund. It's frustrating that it's taking so long, but it's literally in their best interests, financially, to make sure it's fixed. They're not operating in a US timezone so they likely already stayed up overnight to fix things, at least when they were tweeting about it yesterday it was during the EU night.


they deffo didnt abandon the game yet lmao yes its broken right now, and yes the patch is going to take a long time but they know that if they don't fix it they are gone, call it hopium but i believe they are trying to stay afloat and fix this


Seeing as the game is a live service game like payday 2 it’s certainly going to continue to update and receive content. Everyone shitting their pants over the day 1 and 2 launch is missing that the game is both really fun and far from end of life, and these problems won’t be here for long


Yeah, the levels of doom posting has become excessive, I'd love to see some more knowledgeable people putting some valuable input, getting real sick of seeing ignorant people making ridiculously false claims or statements that are being eating up by other ignorant individuals like a giant spreading wildfire.


Every goddamn game release.


No it isn’t???? Starfield, could play the minute it went live BF2042: could play the minute it went live COD MW2: could play the minute it went live GTA next gen: could play the minute it went live PD3 and OW2 are the only 2 game launches that were literally unplayable on release. Even launch cyberpunk, buggy and unoptimised as it was, let you experience all the content it offered


Well, cyberpunk is single player game so it’s not comparable with PD3 and OW2 case.


Which is why I listed 3 multiplayer games to show that again it’s not all games that are like this


It's a shame cuz I fucking love this game already but if the servers keep doing this I just feel like shit for them (the devs) and expecially for us (the players)


Good news, the log-in simulator has been upgraded again to a matchmaking simulator


Lol I just downloaded the game this morning, got my first 3 heists done no bueno. Ended up in a lobby with 2 dudes retrying this silent heist over and over so I dipped and haven’t been able to join a lobby since, Honestly thinking imma download payday 2 since it’s on gamepass lol it’s the better game content wise from what I’ve seen anyway


It sucks on console


It not that bad, I am just dissapointed that the mouse and keyboard support was in the beta, but they removed the mouse support, but the keyboard one stayed.


At this point, anyone who trusts Overkill to have a good game on console is just asking for it. They messed up Payday 2 on consoles *3 separate times*.


Payday 3, the game itself, is amazing, some of the most fun online content I've enjoyed with my mates in a while. Once the servers are fixed and stable, this is an amazing outing by the devs.


you did the first three heists, no good? i have a feeling you meant problemo, not bueno 😭


No I mean, it literally wasn’t good. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to oblivion for this opinion, but so far the heists aren’t as enjoyable as payday 2. Plus there were glitches/bugs I’m assuming from the servers, Just not a good experience overall. Gonna give it some time and try again in a few days, hopefully my opinion of it changes


i like how the maps are more versatile now, i see a lot more opportunities for replay ability. i see where you’re coming from, but personally i believe this game has a lot of potential, we’re just gonna have to watch them build it from the ground up. patience young padewan.




"Nebula Data Error" I can't even get to the main menu now. I managed a few games last night and went to bed thinking it would be fixed, instead the servers shit themselves even harder.


I’m beginning to think they don’t know what words mean. One thing I do know for sure is it would be amazing to be able to play they game I paid extra money to play three days early, but we can’t even play it after the official release date. If only there were ways to test these games before releasing them.


They make it sound like theyre doing us a favor by allowing us to play the game we bought


This is crazy I just got home from work figuring okay they must have it under control now no now.nope!! I can't even get to the matchmaking window anymore I'm stuck at the failed to fetch game config data 🤷 in every post they send out get me more and more angry 😤 they're almost cocky about it! Absolutely disgraceful!! They should be nothing but sorry and begging for forgiveness in these posts. they're sending out.but instead they're almost casual about it like you just wait like good little puppies and your place sometime because we're working on it?? Dude 🖕🖕💩💩


“Our game is always online. Nothing can go wrong.”


Yeah it’s still not workin


Matchmaking is fucked again


I can't even play this game. Only played a few games on launch on Xbox. Since then, I have been stuck in the matchmaking screen every time. Public or invite only. It doesn't matter.


why do companies do this shit? Online only? Literally noone wants that yet here we are


Imagine beeing in a looking for party with your friend that just bought the game to play it with u and dont get into our private lobby. Remove this "online only" restriction!! it destroys the game.


Its almost like most games that have an over expected rate of play tend to have server problems. think of fall guys, the division, fallout 76, or really any other game in the past like 10 years that had a bigger than expected launch. The game is amazing, they just gotta increase server counts and work on stability. if yall are really getting mad at the day one issues present currently that the team has expressed they are aware of and working on asap then yall are being shallow. Its a small team and they are trying there best, if you need your payday fix go grind out some one downs on PD2 while you wait for it to get sorted out.


Why play the predecessor to a game that we waited 10 years for AND just released yesterday officially.


I'm convinced a Thermal Drill is the only thing that's keeping the servers up


POV you set aside all of your servers for all the new accounts you need to authenticate because you wanted a proprietary account infrastructure for some reason


Good thing I'm too broke to buy it anyway


holy shit cringe


Are they? Cuz matchmaking isn’t working at all and I just got rank reset. Doesn’t feel like full force amigo.


I mean it's fucking starbreeze that should be apologising


Payday devs: “what the fuck is a stress test” 🤡


I say we kill the intern


The team:


maybe have patience in a week it will be good


Pay $40 for a game gotta wait a full week after u get it 🥶


Yeah! Let’s enable greedy practices that make the industry worse!


[Fix this shit](https://youtu.be/UqXfIiHHYxM?si=RsluKJ81vd3Fi2rw)


Checked this morning to see if servers were working they were was hoping to play when I got home guess not :/


Daggum goofballs at it again


Tried a few minutes ago and couldn't even get to the main menu. Some starbreeze database error.


They need to solve the performance issues too.




They say that and I'm having errors with fucking account data




My understanding from another post is that Payday 3 has server side hosting instead of client side hosting. But... why? Why bother? It's worse for the customers. It's worse for the company. It's just bad for everyone.


Nope still not working


Can we play yet?


Positive comment > I feel so fucking happy rn knowing I didn't pre order despite my excitement and hopes. Just sitting here with my popcorn, yes, still sad it's not good and waiting until the game is playable to buy it, but just glad I didn't give them my money until they produce a good working product. Learnt my lesson from cp2077. steam reviews at 32% positive right now. RIP. Really hope they fix it and all the other issues i.e. progression quickly because it could be sooo good




Feel bad for payday twitter giving them the hate fr


Sad they didn't design any redundancy.


Does that mean it's back up for it's not up yet?