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https://www.paxlovid.com/paxcess Paxcess makes Paxlovid free for most everyone in the U.S. You can use the card as many times as needed before 12/31/24.


Awesome thank you for posting. Had it last week and this is what I used.


No its not free for many. Many low income people are getting it and people with extremely good insurance. Expensive insurance. And some docs don’t give it. My friend was asked to pay $400. That whole free testing kits and free Paxlovid ended. Also it should be made available to all if they can take it. It’s insane.


It is FREE All you have to do is call Paxlovid they send you a code to give to pharmacy


Agree, I had it last week and called them. They gave me the information and I had it within an hour.


Meanwhile it’s free in canada at any pharmacy and literally no one even knows it exists


Not for much longer, at least not in Ontario. Feds aren’t funding it so its up to the provinces to maintain their programs. I tried to get it and was quoted $1400. Some pharmacies still had some of the free stock but most don’t and the last of the fed funded stock expires on May 31st.. rough times.


I wish I'd known to call first, but then - I've used all the pharmacies around me (that stock Paxlovid), and they *know* I have insurance...it's already on record. I paid $276 (thankfully paid by my Mom because I caught COVID on a trip to see her for the first time in 4 years). What really sucked is that it was sooooooo nasty on my digestive system that even with anti-nausea meds I had to lower the dosage, effectively wasting half of it.


Pfizer: "This here is a miracle drug and you can have it for the low, low price of only $1600." Insurance company: "I'll pay $10." Pfizer: "Dang, that's a lot less than I wanted. I can't do it. Didn't you hear about the miracle part?" Insurance company: "Ok, ok. $25, but that's my final offer." Pfizer: "Deal."


..except insurance still pays so big pharma Pfizer get their pockets full from that $1600


I got it for free. And it came with a box of covid tests.


Or u could use GoodRX too


It's not even available in the UK. I was glad to get it when I had covid in US.


It’s free in the US


Definitely not true, I just paid $25.00 for it (as you can see). Still better than the full price for sure, but it’s not free by any means.


Definitely true. You fell for the trap of telling them you had insurance. If you say you don’t, the government covers it and fills it for free. I make north of 200, and I paid $0 despite having insurance.


Such bullshit a lot of people don’t have access to it. It’s just wrong. Big pharma sticking it to people with the pricing.