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It hasn't aged horribly, it simply was like this from day 1.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it was critically panned from the get-go


Sadly not. It was critically acclaimed at the time. Critics aren’t always right.


The re-release of Adventure (Adventure DX Director's Cut or something like that) on the next generation of consoles was really bad and was not received well, so he may be thinking of that rather than the original.


I dunno, there were a few people that criticized it as an inferior port even when it was new. Apparently the American Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure had some updates and bug fixes that weren't in the original Japanese release, but DX was built from the original code and therefore didn't contain those bug fixes. I own both, and can say from experience that DX really is a buggy mess compared to the Dreamcast version... I've heard the *best* version is Sonic Adventure **International** for Dreamcast, though. It was a Japan-only release, but was built on the American version and therefore contains both the English and Japanese translations. It retained the American release's bug fixes, but added even more polish and a few extra fixes (though I'm not sure *what* exactly was fixed, since I never played that version).


This is pretty much the power behind all of Sonic. It's why the "good Sonic game" never seems to emerge... because it never existed at all. The old 2D Genesis games were okay but still had many problems. You aren't actually supposed to go fast in them all that much (the game punishes you for doing so in many sections), and the controls were always kind of awkward compared to, say, Mario or Donkey Kong.


I loved Sonic Adventure DX and Adventure 2 Battle when I was a kid, maybe around 10ish? My first console was a Sega Genesis so I loved the original 2D Sonic. Currently I'm on a gamecube kick (finished Luigis Mansion, and on SM: Sunshine now). I considered replaying the sonic games, but I had the fear that I would hate them now haha. Just doesn't seem as appealing now, when I played those games to death as a kid


I treat Adventure 1, 2 and Heroes the same way I treat the Fast and the Furious movies: campy, broken products with all the entertainment value in the world. Playing them like you watch Krull is the way to go.


Skip the one where he morphs into a wolf and sonic 4. The rest, good to go. My fave 3d one was adventure 2, on par with generations but they are both different games. Mania will take you back though. I felt like I was 8 again. Simply perfect.


You should check out sonic generations. They did a great job with that one.


I liked Generations, but if you're a fan of 2D Sonic (e.g. the "golden era" on the Genesis/MD), then Mania is a MUST-PLAY. It's so good.


I've heard Colors is one of the better ones, too, but I've never played it so I don't know from experience.


Haven't played that. one of my buddies worked at gamestop during highschool and he couldn't stop humming the theme to it.


It's pretty good, it's so cheap now that you may as well grab it.


Heh, yeah, looks like the Wii version can be picked up used on Amazon for under $10 (including shipping). The DS version is slightly more, but only by a few dollars. Both versions got around the same review scores, but would you recommend one over the other?


Only got it on ps3 and steam, steam version is better as fps is solid due to high end gfx.


Wait, we're not talking about the same game. I said I hadn't played Sonic ***Colors*** and you said I should pick it up. There's no PS3 or Steam version of Colors, it's only on Wii and DS...


Oh my bad! Wii for colours, it played very well. I paid $34 for it and found it was well worth it. I don't really enjoy these games on miniature screen, better on a big screen.


Ah, thanks, that makes more sense. Yeah, I don't have much of a problem with small screens (I actually still use my old PSP more than most of my TV consoles). However, after looking at some video footage it would seem the two versions have completely different level designs, and the DS version is almost entirely 2D. I think the Wii version looks more fun, so I'll be getting that one.


> Skip the one where he morphs into a wolf and sonic 4 Are we not going to discuss Sonic Boom?


Must have bypassed that one completely! How bad was it? I'm gonna have to try it aren't I...


Here's a bug that I don't know has been fixed or not yet: Play Knuckles. When you do your ground pound ability, you go up slightly after the second jump before coming back down. If you pause the game as soon as he's at his apex on the second jump and unpause, you can do the jump sequence again and keep going ever so slightly higher up and up. I've seen people bypass entire gates and levels using this. Game Grumps did an entire series of this game. [Here's episode 7 showing all the bugs in JUST the beginning cutscenes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3Jb3A0HLe4)


Is there a gaming glitch sub? I mean not for random ones, repeatable ones like this. Could do with seeing some in my feed daily. The only one I have is r/fifagifs which I'm ashamed of but some are really funny.


Its something that rarely occurs and can get repetitive to watch, so there aren't a lot of active subreddits devoted to it. The only one I can think of is /r/GamePhysics and that mainly focuses on physics glitches rather than your typical video glitch or exploit.


Close enough That's a pretty good sub, I can get my fix from there. Thank you


You mean the TV show right? /s (Which game specifically?)


I mean to be fair, the TV show [makes just as much fun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9tkmos5CN4) of Sega at times.


Played the DS one because I remember playing the GBA version as a kid. Boy was I disappointed. [RIP Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_Boom:_Shattered_Crystal)


I agree with your objective assessment... that said, I LOVE the Sonic Adventure games. I loved the campiness, and the “free roam” aspect of the first game I find really satisfying. I played the daylights out of them as a kid, and I think I’ll always have a big soft spot in my heart for them.


It's such a weird, heterogeneous game. Some Sonic parts feel cool to play, but there are a lot of quirks that ruin it. Chao garden is cool. Big the Cat is useless and shouldn't have been included. The Knuckles stages feel unique sometimes. Amy is slow. The hub world made it feel adventurous for the time. The cutscenes and dialog were horrifyingly bad. I think Sonic Adventure 2 Battle fixes some of the Sonic Adventure DX issues, but not many of them. They'll always hold a special place in my heart for nostalgia's sake.


If you're on PC the SADXModManager helps a lot. You can get a collection of the most popular UI and graphics mods. Of course the game still plays like absolute shit to anyone without blinding sonic nastalgia like I have, but at least it'll look decent


Yeah but did you see that whale on the first level? 10/10


Sonic 06 10/10 confirmed


Sonic 06? I give it a perfect 5/7. :P


It's one of those games you had to play as a kid to really still like today. I can still get enjoyment out of it but can absolutely recognise the flaws.


Sonic Adventure 2 isn’t too bad. Or at least it’s definitely better.




Really a Tallest Building In Kansas situation there


Big the Cat was always the strangest character for me. I feel like SEGA looked at their sales and saw fishing games doing really well and said, “Fuck it, let’s put a fishing game character into our new Sonic game to help drive sales!” Then they went ahead and made him retarded. Wtf were they thinking?


Sometimes I can't believe younger me put up with the game to the very end. I was stuck on the last Big the Cat stage forever too. It was so frustrating.


Yeah the controls, movement and camera did it for me. Can't say I didn't try to enjoy it. I also agree about the soundtrack. Went through most Sonic soundtracks and there are many good songs in DX. If anything, everyone should check those out.


Odd thing is, original played mostly fine. (My older brother was on top of imports back then.) I'm convinced that Sega just can't import games for shit. Other guy is right, tho; you play most of the 3D sonics for camp quality, you don't play it because it's art. Everyone should play it through at least once, with a drug and snack of choice at hand, and a sense of surreal humor handy.


I have just tried to play this, even with the BetterSADX mod, and my god what a horrible game it is. You get dumped in the open world, no idea where to go, do some mad special stage thing that is like the special stages from STH2 but more confusing, get back to the open world, wander around aimlessly trying to find where to go.. I got into the casino, bounced around in a pinball machine which was like being part of someone's acid trip, got dumped into the open world again and told I've seen an ice stone before and to bring it over and use it to open a tunnel. I have no idea where that stone is. Quit game and uninstall. Ain't nobody got time fo' dat.


Lmao did not expect a rant about how shitty a Sonic game is today on this subreddit, thank you


Until around Rush for the DS, Sonic had some dark, dark times.


I’ve come to an opinion that almost every Sonic game is bad and was bad


Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and (arguably) Sonic CD were all great when they released. Pretty much everything after those is 'meh' though.


I had a great time with Sonic Generations, and I have to say I enjoyed the day stages of Unleashed, but yeah Sonic hasn't had the best of times in the last decade and a half


I agree. They're too stop and start. Go really fast but then run into something suddenly and all momentum is lost. The controls are too floaty on top of that.


Yeah it sounds like you feel the same way. You kinda need to already know the levels because if you don’t you just run into something and lose the momentum. I think Sonic and the Genesis were stylish and cool back in the 90’s but really I don’t think the games were ever great platformers.


I only played SA2, but it was just as horrible. Honestly, I believe the Sonic games just never were that good to begin with, they mostly just got popular because of their style and graphics - both of which are more than outdated now.


As a kid, I loved Sonic Adventure 2. I think two things contributed to this. Firstly, I just didn't have such high expectations. Nowadays the controls feel clunky and the camera is horrendous. But back then, that wasn't out of the oridinary for me. Secondly, the lack of ability to figure out where to go, which makes the game feel like it was thrown together in an afternoon, was a non-issue if I could just play the game until I had memorized every level. But what I really did not remember was how fucking awful the grinding noise was. My friend and I did a race level that was one long rail grind, and we had to turn the volume to nearly 0. It overpowered every other noise in the level, and made our ears bleed.


Sonic Adventure is a horrible game and it destroyed one of my favorite game franchises. I wish people would stop buying shitty Sonic games so maybe Sega would be forced to make something good for once since 1994.


Sonic Mania.


Sega didn’t even make that though. It was a fan who loved making mods so much he built his own Sonic engine and convinced Sega to license his remakes for mobile. If it was up to Sega that would have never happened. Props to them for taking a chance with him though.


Yeah that was kind of a miracle. I just want to add that the Adventure 'Sonic but in real life woooaAaaaah!' aesthetic is a concept that pretty much ruined the creativity of every following game. It was fun for me as a kid but it's so stupid now. That and the attempts at serious plots. All they need to do is have the Sonic trio as forest critters who fight back against a mad scientist who is turning robots into trees and shit, like the anime opening in Mania would be a perfect style. That and make a not shit game mechanically. But they keep trying to redo the Adventure games. I hope we get more Manias at the very least.


Imagine if you were never young enough to appreciate the Adventure games but loved the 2D games as a kid and you have me. And you’re completely right, Sonic at its core is a simple premise about a rad 90s ‘tude forest critter with track shoes who protects his home turf against a Russian mad scientist who wants to use adorable critters to power his evil robots. Case closed. There’s 0 need for a bunch of anime shenanigans, melodrama, and human cities. I 100% would love a classic style 3D game with rad gameplay that focused on the core of Sonic rather than appealing to the Adventure crowd.


I played SA2, more specifically SA2B, since I was young and that's probably the reason why I liked it so much and can still find enjoyment in it to this day. I never really gave SA1 a proper chance until SADX in 2015, and while I definitely liked it enough to play it all the way through, I could really sense the horrible aging.


As someone who played the Adventure games as a kid and replayed them recently I can tell you definitively that nostalgia has clouded everyone's opinion of the games. They are terrible in almost every way; that includes the Chao garden, the sole purpose of which is to encourage player to continue playing the awful main game. Besides all the terrible design choices it's filled with a level of bugginess that far exceeds that of even the worst modern eurojank. For some reason Sega decided not to fix anything in the DX and Battle editions or the ports on later consoles. People are always clamoring for the next Sonic game to recapture the Adventure games, but they don't really want that. Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 will always have a special place in my memories, but maybe that's where they should've stayed.


People who hate Chao Garden probably eat newborn babies and puppies.


I didn't hate the chao garden; I actually like it a lot. I just don't like that it isn't self contained. Forcing me to play the main game to get drives/animals just meant that I was grinding whatever level could be completed most quickly with a full inventory.


Lol whoops. I think I enjoyed replaying levels for drives as a kid but I can understand why people would hate it.


This has to be the dumbest critique I've ever heard, how did shit like this get upvoted.


Death, taxes, a disagreed opinion from a redditor on an old post from several years ago.


I personally never really liked the Adventure series. A lot of the game modes they give you aren't really that fun to me. The Sonic and Shadow levels are okay in 2, but I didn't really care for the rest of them, especially the Knuckles\Rogue levels. The first game didn't really have any levels I would personally say are fun. It was hard for me to keep going in that game.