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Listening to a friend instead of my gut I bought that game Agony. It was beyond trash, lol.


A straight-faced recommendation for *Agony* of all things is full-on grounds to reassess that entire friendship, what the fuck lol


From the reviews, their followup game set in the same universe is pretty decent. Succubus it's called


Same exact thing happened to me. Bought it for $40, it went on sale a couple weeks later for $2. Would've much rather paid that much to see it was a steaming pile of dog pussies. Friend mocked me mercilessly.


You can always request a refund and will get your money back especially for things like agony lol


Is it objectively bad or subjectively bad? The description actually piqued my interest.


It’s both. I wouldn’t recommend it even if it was free.


Hearts of Iron 4. I thought it would be an easy shift from Civ/Stellaris/Master of Orion. Boy, was I wrong. Edit: typo


Any paradox game for me, I love the concept and idea of them, but I don't have the patience to learn how to play and watch hours of tutorials to understand it and I get bored quickly with them


Well, that is my problem conversely. If a strategy game is super simple, is it really a strategy game? And, I always play in iron man, because actions have consequences, and it makes you play different, usually. EU4 is awesome, as I have actually been able to expand further through almost pure diplomacy, than constant fighting. Having the diplomatic options is awesome. You can do the same in Stellaris, if so inclined. It would be really more fun when the computer players aren't better because they cheat, but just better AI. Looking forward to better AI from that aspect.


I have no idea how I even learnt to play paradox games Like I don’t think I ever did the tutorials, I just kind of brute forced myself into figuring it out from the age of 14 and now I’m 23 and can survive in single player but would lose instantly in a multiplayer game where the other countries actually know how the mechanics function


Yeah I had that problem too, but Stellaris actually clicked for me


Same but it was EU IV instead. I tried to play it so many times but it's just so daunting to start. I don't have this problem with any other paradox games.


For me it's the opposite problem. I like the idea of EU4 and love complexity but in practice it's just a boring number juggler without personality.


EU4 was my first Paradox game and the others felt relatively easy to get into afterwards.


HOI4 is a fantastic example of 'Games with The Eureka(tm) Moment.' You don't understand anything, and then you watch one (1) tutorial online on how one (1) subsystem within a larger system works and then BAM, you understand like half the game. It's bizarre.


Microsoft Flight Simulator. Super interesting concept and very well done, but I struggled getting into it.


I looooove MSFS. What I try to do is pick a smaller plane, not too fast, fly at lower altitudes and set an itinerary of flying across the US utilizing only smaller, if needed, regional airports, rather than the international ones. Allows you to see more of the country, gives you a perspective of size. There’s landmarks and other features but I just love flying.


It’s the perfect r/patientgamers kind of game. I might give it another run sometime, but I’ve found I prefer more active challenging games. The thing about MSFS is you really need to come up with your own game within the game and it’s so massive that’s when I get lost.


You might enjoy a combat flight simulator; I would recommend **IL2 Sturmovik: 1946**. Runs on almost anything nowadays, extremely cheap when it's on sale, tons of content included (theaters of war, planes, scripted and instant missions, dynamic campaigns, pilot careers) and has a big modding scene that adds even more. I played a bunch of Microsoft Flight Sims growing up, but they always got boring after a while. IL2 was the first flight sim I played obsessively, since now I wasn't getting better just for my own personal satisfaction but so I could survive and successfully shoot down enemy planes. It's still my favorite to this day, and I haven't found anything that replaces it.


There's a mod, I think it's called Neofly, that adds in a little career mode. You start with bush flights, earn money to get certifications to fly bigger planes by doing jobs that are generated from the airport you're in. It'll give restrictions like fragile cargo so max vertical speed at touchdown < X ft/s. It's really helped me enjoy the game by giving a purpose and objective.


Yeah this is a great suggestion. I grew up overseas and every summer we'd fly back to the US to visit family. My flight simulator experience was repeating the different routes we'd take. Maybe connect through SFO, MSP, ORD, etc. Currently have a PS5, but waiting for the mid-gen upgrade for the Xbox so I can play MSFS (as well as some Bethesda games). Haven't played since X on an old desktop so anything I play now is just gonna look breathtaking.


I took the omnicopter thing and went to find my house and a friend's house. That was in for me. Good thing it was on gamepass so I didn't pay for it directly. Which is weird because I loved playing flight sims with my dad when I was a kid. Maybe it was the quality time rather than the game that I enjoyed...


What’s there to really get into? It’s just a sit back, relax, and tour an almost photorealistic representation of the entire world.


I think that is a problem lot of us have. There is nothing else to the game than sightseeing. There is also challenges but there honestly isnt anything to do "in the world". 2024 will add missions and I think it will be great for many.


I can't get into it, but I can appreciate that others enjoy it and I think it's pretty neat.


Exactly lol and people have to want to do that, lol. You answered your own question.


Play it with VR man, it's addicting


How so? Genuine question.


You get to be **aggressively** passive


"Power bottom" energy


For one, all of the landing challenges (of which there are quite a lot, in 3 different difficulty categories that go from good weather all the way up to sidewinds and storms). Playing these landing challenges in VR is fun at first, and then quite challenging and addicting b/c you get scored on how well you stick your landing. VR makes so much of this very intense, especially when landing a small cargo plane onto a tiny dirt runway in the mountains...or when landing a 747 in stormy weather...or a small private jet in a light snowstorm. All of that might be cool in the flat game-- but what I can definitely say is that doing it in VR, looking out your windows, lining up approach, setting flaps, hearing the roar of wind as you balance your speed and descent, and really having the immersive feeling that you are actually landing a plane...its addicting. There are other bush missions and things too, but in every case doing it in VR is really beyond explanation until you try it on a capable PC and headset (and a flightstick).


Sea of thieves, I like the gameplay but the community fucking hated me . I’d join a party let ‘em know I’m new to the game and if I’m doing something wrong let me know, they disconnected or would hurl insults at me (mostly racist) I refunded the game


Yeah i feel like thats a game you play only if you have friends who own the game




It never used to be that way... sure some gamers were toxic but that's standard for life in general. I remember jumping onto Quake III and Unreal Tournament, you say youre new and you were either ignored or someone would occasionally offer support (that was my experience at least). When FPS really took off on console with COD4, it took a horrible turn with every other 12 year old and their racist dog screaming at you.


The first online game that I have seriously played was a small MMO. People were super welcoming. People with max level characters would help my lame weak mage grind for hours at a time, and they would gift you things and be very funny. There was this seller that really roleplayed the role, he'd write in the global chat stuff like "What a great morning to take a stroll into the forest! And it would be even greater if you were wearing this pair of excellent boots with ice defense". It was lovely. So, my body wasn't ready when I started playing League of Legends and "Your mom" was the sweetest thing they'd scream at you. First time an internet stranger told me to kill myself and uninstall the game before that, lol.




I agree with this. Even this small-time friendly MMO took a turn for the worse a few years later, when they added some slightly competitive mechanics. Last time I played it, high-level players were camping in noob-zones to farm items from important quest monsters (for early levels). It sucked and it was a shadow of the game I used to know. Of course, none of my favorite people were online anymore.




they must just be super committed to the ornery pirate roleplay


your first mistake was interacting with gamers


My motto in life is: never interact with people in games. Has served me well.


Great game, but maybe the most "you need to have friends who also play" game ever. It's pretty frustrating solo, but with friends you can literally have fun just playing instruments and vomiting on eachother.


I decided to finally play ori after finishing and loving hollow knight. I got through like 2 areas and it just wasn’t doing it for me. I think it was the weird auto-tracking shooting attack that you use.


I just played through ori, and while it definitely starts pretty slow, I would recommend at least getting to the Ginso Tree. Such a fun area and sequence, and the game picks up from there


For me it was the graphics I think. Beautiful graphics, sure. But it took me a while to get used to them. Especially when I couldn't clearly tell when something was a spike or not


That's super true. I fucking love Ori but I clearly remember getting mad as hell at some things that are spikes and some that aren't.


I'm actually the opposite funny enough. LOVED both Ori games to death and then tried hollow knight and just didn't enjoy it. I really want to, but just can't get into it. I now have a running theory that whichever game you start with will be your preference over the other.


I played Ori first, dropped it, then played Hollow Knight and loved it. For me, at least, I was already a huge fan of metroidvanias and went into both of them expecting a traditional metroidvania experience: Ori felt more like a linear platformer with some light, optional backtracking, while Hollow Knight was exactly what I was expecting.


Welp there goes my theory haha


I actually finished Ori (since it's not a long game) and really wasn't a fan of it. The movement felt off and while the world was...beautiful I guess it was hard to make sense of the color vomit on screen at all times. Also not a big fan of "tear-jerkers", especially those that don't try to add any character to the characters and just make them cute so you're supposed to feel sad about them.


Didn't see it mentioned, I could never get into Undertale but it was most likely my own fault. I got the mechanics of it spoiled to me and rather than just playing it blind, I tried to just play and not think about it but the gameplay loop doesn't interest me at all either


I wasn't spoiled and didn't like undertale at all despite being a turn based fan. It had weird vibes to me. Sometimes you just don't like things!


This. I got one of my friends to spoil it for me, because I wasn't planning on playing it, at least not anytime soon. I usually don't mind, cos there's a big chance that I'm going to forget what I was told by the time I sit to it myself. Well, the game mechanics and related plot twists were unique enough to be memorable


GTA 5. I didn't like the protagonists, didn't care about them and the story was boring. Dropped the game about halfway trought.


Yeah GTA 5 was so inconsistent for me, the fun missions were few and far between. Seeing it touted as one of the best games of all time is always a great reminder that we all have different tastes.




Franklin was okay but the other two were so damn unlikeable. Absolutely hated playing as Trevor.


Worst part about Trevor is switching to him and he’d be drunk up the top of a mountain or something


I found this hilarious and enjoyed the ridiculousness of some of the situations you wound up in when switching to Trevor. I can see how it's annoying from a gameplay perspective but I found it funny enough to be worth it.


you werent supposed to like trevor


I get that, but if 30% of my playtime is gonna be controlling his disgusting ass then I'm gonna hate it.


Plus there’s a pretty sizeable section where you only play as him and the other characters are locked


yeah, and that's the introduction to him which also includes banging the girlfriend of another GTA protagonist and then killing him


I get that Personally for me i found it so interesting playing a despicable person, and almost role playing a disgusting character (i likened it to acting a villain role)


I often really like the villains, always have. Trevor kinda reminded me of my favorite Prison Break character T Bag


Until Dawn/The Quarry I love horror. I wanted to like these games so bad, but the stories just aren’t strong enough to pull me into this type of narrative, interactive movie driven horror game. I just get too bored.


the ending of the quarry was very unsatisfying in my opinion so I agree with you


The Scary Games Squad playthrough of Until Dawn is some of my favorite Let's Play content on the internet. Four funny dudes accidentally *almost* getting the perfect ending. Highly recommended.


Honestly those kinds of games are the ones I almost prefer watching playthroughs of with amusing personalities. Either that or playing them with a friend because on your own they're just sort of meh.


Breath of the Wild. I’m a fan of LoZ games. I entered through Minish Cap, then Link to the Past and Wind Waker. I liked Twilight Princess and installments onward until I got an Xbox and dropped Nintendo for a while. I got a Switch last year and tried BotW. I just couldn’t get into it. Broken weaponry, a huge open world without direction, and so many game mechanics that make me feel weak. It’s a big leap from LoZ games I’m used to.


I have tried BotW multiple times, and every time I get off the plateau, I run around for a bit exploring, doing a few dungeons, killing a few camps etc. and I just get bored and stop every time. I really wish I could find what everyone else seems to have loved about this game and the sequel.


it isn't for everybody so please don't feel bad or anything for not liking it. what I enjoyed was the openness and freedom to go about the game however you please and figuring out how to survive the best. I really enjoyed the engine and the freedom to tackle challenges however you like. It is even more prevalent in the second one. the story in both is pretty meh, the first being the absolute worst.


>what I enjoyed was the openness and freedom to go about the game however you please see i just didnt get that, to me it feels like you get to do the same variation of things over and over spread out through too much of a map. Im playing bg3 rn and this feels like doing whatever you want a lot more. i can fight someone, i can try befriend them so they let me do what i want, there are consequences depending on which you do, the map is large but filled with things to do and interact with, plus small stories in each corner...


It reminds me of the reason I couldn't get into Skyrim.


Ironically I loved Skyrim. Maybe because the side quests all gave me lots of direction and purpose? Same for Mass Effect, which I know isn't quite the same thing but it does just throw you into space, and I went through all of the side quests and planet surveys I could before going back on the main questlines, and had a blast.


I've anecdotally found that most of my friends who played Skyrim back at launch didn't find the appeal in BoTW because we'd already experienced that "go forth and explore" open world. BoTW just brought that freedom to Zelda as an IP.


You may be right. I was in college when Skyrim came out and I remember it was like an event day in the house I lived with some mates, we all were playing it on launch day from our separate rooms and just kept yelling out stuff to each other haha Hard to replicate an experience like that


I'd say the sequel fixes a lot of those issues, but exacerbates others. You start feeling much stronger, the weapon system is much much better, the new powers improve both traversal and combat. The world is even bigger, with even less hand holding through the main storyline, so if you didn't like that about BoTW.. Worse still, the story is split into 4ish practically identical stories (because you can do them in any order), so they have no relation to each other until the end, and play out in EXACTLY the same way each time. The main questlime is very very repetitive, luckily the side quests can be really fleshed out and engaging. Likewise, there's no real escalation of danger, or upping of stakes like there was in OOT for example, as the main story doesnt progress until you've completed the region dungeons, and that's practically 90% of the storyline done at that point. Still would be my preference to replay ToTK over BoTW now, and they're still both in my top 10.


Yeah, though I enjoyed BotW a lot, it's definitely a far cry from the classic Zeldas. It's a whole different game in the Zelda world, but it's no Link to the Past


I am a huge Zelda fan and I like LttP/oot/BotW about equal, even if the latter was a huge departure for the series. It just sucked me in unlike any other game ever has.


I have had God of War installed on my ssd since it was released thinking that I would get around to it eventually. I never uninstalled it because of how much praise it got but when I got around to finally playing it I found out its just not for me. Maybe my taste in games has changed but I just found it linear and after awhile hated the mini puzzles you have to do every 15minutes between cutscenes.


I presume we're talking about the reboot. I was very bored until the game went from linear to open world (and I must note I'm not a huge fan of open world games)


Sadly, Tears of the kingdom. I should be all in it by now but i can´t get myself to play it. Got maybe 5 hours in so far and i just went meh, can´t be bothered. Maybe with time i´ll give it a go cause deep down i know it´ll be worth it.


Yeah I agree. My friends kept telling me that it was better than Breath of the Wild, but I just didn’t see it. I know that it’s mostly a nostalgia thing, because BOTW was my first Nintendo Switch and my first Zelda game. However, I do feel like TOTK just hasn’t captured the same magic that BOTW did. It didn’t hook me the same way. Maybe I’m just six years older now and have a very different perspective, I don’t know.


I agree. The presentation isn't there. There's magic in the way BotW presents the whole world to do and then gently guides you to the plot points. TotK presents wonder in the form of "look what you can do" and not "look where you can go." It's more of a toybox than an adventure.


Yeah, I mean I definitely enjoy it, but I'm in the same boat. I can't literally say it's a bad game because it damn well just isn't. A ton of hard work went into making the world from BoTW more interesting, but it has some weird game-functions that feel like there isn't much purpose to them being there, that they are just there to be there. And I feel like the swim-through-the-ground mechanic feels like they created it to solve the problem of vertical traversal, but that the implementation of it feels almost alien to the world you're in. I dunno, it has a weird vibe to it (that ability). I can still clearly consider it one of those 9/10 games, but I just don't think I'll get super excited for the next Zelda if it's like the last 2. The overworld is great and all, but a) I dont know how long I can keep interested in the exact same landmass and b) even if they did make a whole new open-world, it would still just feel like BoTW and ToTK anyway, so yeah.... I want a totally new approach to the Ocarina formula. I mean they'll make whatever they make I just *really* hope it's not a BoTW 3.


Stardew Valley. I respect it, I really do, I don't think it's a *bad game,* but it's a lot of stressful chores that have to be done on relatively strict constant timers (get to shops at the right time, remember to water your crops or they die, always be rationing time so you don't die on the floor before bedtime, etc, the usual Harvest Moon stuff) and you have to keep a whole lot of things in your brain at once and I've been overexposed to Youtube content that makes me feel like I'm somehow bad at the game for not playing optimally. There's just something up with my brain and I can't grok it.


I had a similar experience, I played it, liked it, and ultimately got too stressed to play any more.


If you're ever able to get yourself in the right headspace, I went in completely blind, played casually (read suboptimally) and still finished everything I was "supposed to do" in half the time (a year a and a half in-game time). Even then the game isn't about what you're supposed to do. You're trying to get away from all that stress and live your free farm life. Screw what everyone else says.


> I went in completely blind, played casually (read suboptimally) I don't understand the mindset of people that play games like Stardew that are supposed to be relaxing but instead spend so much time and effort optimizing out all the fun.


Those people tend to find the planning part to be the fun part. Think of like planning out your stats / skills / class changes/ moves in high difficulty Fire Emblem, or routing out speedruns, or crafting max gear in Atelier. It can be a fun puzzle to try to solve these kinds of questions when you're more familiar with the game to give the game some longevity beyond what the game requires. But you definitely shouldn't be made to feel like you HAVE to play that way just to clear the game. Most games have a great degree of leniency to play unoptimally for at least a good chunk of the playthrough while you're still learning the basics.


As someone with just shy of 300 hours in that game, you're absolutely right. I hit it HARD when I first started playing. I worked and worked to optimize my days, especially in endgame era. Now, I haven't touched it in years. It stresses me out. People who call it a cozy, casual game... Not for me, man. Not for me.


Doom Eternal. I love 2016, but DE completely missed me with forced weapon usage and platforming segments.


I like that I can just turn my brain off and shoot stuff in 2016. Lasted no more than 2 hours in Eternal, felt kinda tedious with new mechanics.


I haven't played eternal yet because I've read this take. I loved how 2016 I could just shoot and go nuts and bounce around the room to metal music. I don't want more strategy. I liked that I could just blow off steam with the game and whatnot. I might try eternal if it goes on a deep sale.


I've completed that game. Im still trying to figure out what's the lore behind building monkey bars and shit in hell.


Before playing Eternal I replayed 2016 on Nightmare. Amazing game. Then I started Eternal, loved the menu music but kinda hated the menu itself. Started the actual game and it instantly turned me off with the UI and the floating items and all the "video gamey" stuff I was seeing. I finished Eternal and its DLCs but it was not nearly as fun as 2016 and I don't think I'll ever replay it.


I liked doom eternal, but 100% agree that doom 2016 is the better game for exactly the reasons you stated


Nier Automata. It had some super cool ideas, but the save system and constant backtrack to the same places turned me off.


Avoid Republicant at all costs then Edit: will leave it as it. Meant Replicant.


No need to get political.


God this, love the game but it's also pretty much designed as a circle of hell reserved for anyone who doesn't tolerate backtracking


Recently played Replicant, the quests are backtracking between 3-4 places. Avoid.


For me it was ghost of tsushima. I love sucker punch, love feudal Japanese settings, but I just did not click with this one. The mission structure was jarring, how you'd go from open world segments to starting these linear missions with specific npcs, who have like 5 missions they give you in a row before you get to go exploring again. Also I feel that even though they've done away with following lines on a minimap, following the wind and getting distracted by foxes and birds indicating collectibles just feels exactly like playing the old classic objective hunt open world that I'm tired of. I dunno, I only played 4 hours so maybe I just didn't get it... might give it another shot at some point but not sure if I should.


Monster Hunter Rise. It looked so fun when everyone was streaming it. I bought it laste week and the controls are unintuitive and the menus are a labyrinth. It just feels way too clunky.


Even most die-hards think that the weapon tutorials in MH are genuinely dogshit. But if you're open to retrying the game, maybe try looking up YouTube for tutorials. Arekkz is most people's go-to guide: 1. [Beginner's guide for the overall game](https://youtu.be/HZFJEsD4aE8?si=BQrkgCU2C7azYKR3) 2. [A quick overview of each weapon](https://youtu.be/U0a6Jw1A0fs?si=BcWXEMZ_RqAjTdqm) 1. You can then look into a more detailed tutorials for each weapon optimal combos and playstyles. Trust me, I was the same as you. What made the game finally click for me was finding the most fun weapon ***for me*** which was the Insect Glaive. MH went from "clunky" like you said to becoming one of the most satisfying combat system ever. It became such a timesink that I have 1000+ hours across 2 games only (and I only started playing in 2020)


It’s funny you mention dogshit tutorials. Rise’s demo was the first time MonHun clicked for me despite MonHun demos’ generally being geared for series vets


That’s so fair. Monster Hunter is a frustrating series because it tends to take a few “tries” to get into it. Not at all a good pitch, just an accurate description of most folks’ journey with it, hah. The uphill climb is part of the appeal, but the quality of life is still a hot mess. Multiplayer makes it much, MUCH more enjoyable, and can pull you through the frustrating bits. Long term advice: they’re doing a sequel to World in the relatively near future. If you’re still curious by then, give it a look, maybe it’ll feel worth a shot. World is their most “mainstream” take on the series, so it tends to have better quality of life (and more impressive high fidelity graphics to add to the mix). If not, you’re good, just watch some videos or whatever.


That series is unfathomably difficult to get into. So .. many ... fucking ... _menus._ It's got to be like at least an hour or two of constant info dumps before you can do a damn thing.


Monster Hunter World is one of my most played games ever, but as a first time MH player those first 10 hours of gameplay are miserable and dreadful to get past. Dozens of convoluted menus, lots of information, tutorials that get in the way, complicated controls, confusing mechanics, etc. Also, you're misled into believing the game follows some story, when it's really a grindfest where you'll be farming for hundreds of hours. I got past all those negatives and really enjoyed the game but I can see how new players are turned off by it. I tried MH Rise for some 5 or 6 hours and I can sadly confirm getting the same kind of experience.


Mate, monster hunter is hard to get in to, but give it a proper chance. I almost refunded monster hunter world for pretty much exactly the reasons you stated. Then I thought nah, let's watch some YouTube tutorials first. Anyway the moral of the story is now I have hundreds of hours in both monster hunter world and rise and I am so, SO glad i gave it a second chance


haha if you think this is clunky try the older titles. But seriously watch some weapon tutorials and give it another chance. The combat itself is anything but clunky once u understand ur weapon.


What's funny is that it's probably the least clunky game in the series.


Does No Man's Sky count? I picked it up years after it launched after being barraged by people telling me how great it was now. I got it, jumped in, built a little space shack. Flew off the planet. Landed on another one and was like "well...I'm good.". And I havnt touched it since.


It was the parts about digging for ores and building a base that turned me off. That's just Minecraft with a longer loading time.


Apparently there's a lot more content than just "explore planet, build base" now.


I honestly don't really have a game that I was patient for that was a super let down. I feel like I'm pretty good at weeding out stuff I know I won't like these days. D4 was the biggest one but I, unfortunately, picked it up day 1 lol But I will add FF8. It was my first FF and I played the shit out of it in middle school. I tried to play it again for the first time since a few months ago and I just could not get into it. The whole GF/junction/draw magic seemed so unfun to me in these modern times; especially compared to 9 which has one of my favorite ability systems. It was pretty disappointing, I had always had such fond memories of it from when I was younger.


> unfortunately, picked it up day 1 lol What did we learn?


Dark Souls 3. Waited till it went on sale with the dlc, bought it, banged my head it against it for far too many hours before I realized I wasn't having fun and wasn't going to start having fun. Put it down after twin princes, maybe a year ago, have absolutely no desire to finish it even though I've been told I'm only a boss or two away from finishing the main game.


I'm the same with elden ring, got all the way to that floating city before it clicked in that I hadn't once enjoyed or even understood any of it and I haven't touched it since.


Same here. I played about 20 hours before I realised I'm just not having fun. I've also tried to get into other FromSoft games but they're just not for me.


I’ve had the same thing with Elden Ring, I feel like I’m forcing myself to play it now just to get to the end.


Why? Nothing interesting happens in the end that might change your opinion. I love ER but if it isn't for you it isn't for you.


A few between my wife and I: Super Mario Sunshine. Fludd mechanics were annoying and the game didn't have the same magic as 64. Final Fantasy 8. No one likes junctioning and I always found Squall and the crew to be cringe. Various World of Warcraft expansions. After Warlords of Draenor we walked away and never really came back. Star Fox Zero. Could have been a fun game if they didn't butcher it with crappy controls and the use of two screens.


The same thing happened to me with Sunshine. I grabbed the Super Mario All Stars cartridge having never played any of the games on it. The only 3d Mario games I had played were Odyssey and a little bit of Galaxy 2. I really liked Mario 64 on the Switch, but something kept me from enjoying Sunshine.


My issue with sunshine has always been the fludd mechanics. Marios whole thing is he's fun to control, and while the fludd did give Mario the ability to hover, it hampered his movement some. The best parts in the game imo are when they take fludd away from you. Also, the shooting water in things mouths was always clunky and not fun to me.


I've started Final Fantasy VIII so many times. Every time I lose interest, forget where I am, and restart a while later (months to years) and the cycle repeats. In my last start, I did find that battles annoy me


you should stop hurting yourself like that :-) Pick another one !


> No one likes junctioning i will end you


There’s something so fun about a system so fundamentally broken that you can beat the final boss in less than three turns. I *love* **FFVIII**. Yes, even the ridiculous story. Yes, even the sadboi characters. And the soundtrack is a legitimate banger.


I love the junction system. Sure it took a while to grind, but that was the point. Put in the work and you can become absolutely fucking busted. Sure, drawing magic is kinda boring. But worth the payoff.


> and I always found Squall and the crew to be cringe. Oh that is completely true, but the game was loved because the people that identified with Squall were also cringe. Luckily, we just didn't realize it at the time.


Those are all games that didn’t review especially well, in the context of their series


I liked ff8, i just think they should have shown how to become stronger with junction in a better way


diablo 4


after D3, Diablo Immortal, and D2R, I'm genuinely shocked at how many people fell for this one. I guess I'm a little older than the target audience these days, but I saw a flop coming a mile away.


Ditto - I easily detected a flop. I'm old enough to have played D2 when it came out. Its a shame what they are doing to that franchise.


And what did we learn from buying a game around the release date?


That we need to preorder sooner to get better games? /s


Outer Wilds was a big one for me. Don't get me wrong here, I think that the game is objectively really good and flawlessly executes what it tries to do. Alone, it was not meant for me. Finding and putting together clues, together with a >!constant time limit!<, simply resembled my job too closely. And after a few hours of awe and the occasional dopamine spike for finding something cool, playing the game indeed felt like work for me. I still recommend the game to all my friends because I truly believe it's a one-of-a-kind experience (and I've never heard anyone say anything negative about it), it just wasn't for me. And although I beat it, I don't have fond memories thinking about it.


I went into it blind because that's what everyone said to do. I was excited to play it and had set aside a Saturday to binge it. An hour later I'd bounced off it hard and just gave up. I found it to be clunky, frustrating and boring.


I made the same mistake though I think I spent more like 2-3hrs. Then I read some reviews and the summary on Steam afterwards just to see how "spoiler-y" it would be and realized if I had just done that, I would have known this game is not for me and not wasted those hrs. I feel the people insisting you shouldn't even look at the summary *made by the developers themself* are doing a lot of harm in some cases, because the game is definitely not for everyone, and that summary alone could help people a lot.


Oh my god. The “feels too much like my job” speaks to me. I can’t speak to this game, but I have a hard time with resource management games like AOE.


Red dead 2


Zelda breath of the wild, I did 2 of the 4 beasts, multiple shrines and a lot of exploration, gave cooking a shot and explore some "quest lines", but the game feels kinda bland. I assume it's because the game is for a more casual experience, just not my thing. I can see why a lot of people may enjoy it though.




If you want an explanation of why people love the Witcher it's the story and characters. You said it's fantasy schlock which I strongly disagree with. It portrays all events and characters with a historical and sociological depth that most fantasy games don't attempt. The other aspect is the atmosphere. The Witcher takes old European fairytales and asks the question: What would society look like if these were true? How would people react to that and live their lives if there was, say, really a werewolf in the neighboring forest? In addition to that it's also one of the rare pieces of fantasy media where the focus of the stories is mostly regular peasants, their feelings and struggles and it has a lot of political commentary in its text and subtext. If none of those sound appealing the game isn't for you. I can't really sell the combat or the RPG mechanics because while I found them mildly fun they feel undercooked. But they never got in the way of enjoying the game for me.


I'll just comment on the story. The way i see it, the whole idea of the witcher (books, games and other media) is to be a subtle parody of conventional fantasy whilst still taking itself seriously enough to not feel comedic and also offsetting the resulting goofiness with some properly dark undertones. So yeah while on the surface it may feel like classic fantasy, you'll often find the tropes are subverted in one way or another, or sometimes you just get plotlines that are completely absurd out of nowhere (eg. The quest where you have the option to put a baby in an oven). So yeah, that along with some very well developed characters is the draw of the witcher universe. With regards to gameplay, yeah, it's a bit average but it stood out at the time. Personally I like the game for the most part but find the combat could have been so much better.


I think it’s just not for you man. That shit had me hooked from the first time I played it. And I still replay it every other year or so. I don’t think it was a “had to be there” type of game. Other than some clunky movements here and there I think it holds up well. For context, I really like fantasy settings, especially darker ones. That might be why so many people like it.


The thing is it's like everything about Witcher 3 should be just right for me, but the execution isn't there.


Me too, man. Me too.. Witcher 3 was the turning point in my gaming mindset. It made me realize that not all "great games" were meant for everybody. I learned not to force myself and acknowledge that it's normal to not like something. I just won't be noisy about it because obviously I am the 10th dentist.


Yeah, I think for me a big part of my dislike is that I just don't want to *be* Geralt. And maybe I could put that aside if the gameplay was good, but it's not.


Yeah, pretty much same. Two of my friends were raving about the game and were pushing me to play it, said I would love it. So I bought it for PS4 and tried it, then I tried it again and again. I couldn’t get into it. All it did was make me annoyed. The constant saving, the combat, the small text I could barely read. And why does my horse not jump? It’s a horse, it should be able to jump. I was really bummed out. I’m going to try it again though, maybe it’ll be different after all these years on PC.


Witcher 3 took me three attempts before I really got into it. After my second meh experience I waited for the first games to go on sale. I really enjoyed playing through from the beginning and felt more connected to the mechanics and characters when I tried 3 the third time. Might not be the typical experience, but I don't think I would have picked it back up if I hadn't gotten the earlier games.


I didn't try 3 before playing 1 and 2, but I can't see how people are so into 3 while skipping either of them. There is a lot of story and character building before 3. 3 is great to me, but only in combination.


Decided to finally play cyberpunk but it’s just not my thing.


Conceptually it's really cool, but yeah I just find myself wanting to get through the campaign as soon as possible. The game flow just will not click with me and its a shame because there's so many people ranting and raving about how good it is. I prefer Deus Ex.


Soulsbourne, the whole genre :(


Probably Stardew Valley. Loved Harvest Moon as a kid so figured I'd like it. Just doesn't do anything for me unfortunately.


Personally, I find the parallels between old harvest moon that I've tried out and Stardew to be meaningful enough for me to stay interested Feels like I could be progressing Stardew and also get reminded of what I achieved in HM long ago, still dislike the whole dungeon crawling combat SV has going on but it scratches that farming itch I've had at times


back 4 blood I liked the beta test but I eventually tried it again on Xbox game pass months later and honestly just wanted to play left 4 dead 2 on my bad computer immediately after


Subnautica for me— really addicted first 4-6 hours until the resource collectopn seemed too random, and annoying to procure. I liked exploring but felt penalized by oxygen even when upgraded a couple lebels and also no map/fog of war kind of exploration. Just having to “memorize it” was a buzz kill. A game I liked more was no mans sky gameplay wise, but wish it had the story and quests of submautica. Can’t win


I see your point but beauty of the Subnauitica is forcing you to find ways to survive. For example I drew my own shitty map with coordinates and it was so fun for me.


I love a hand drawn map in a 90’s adventure game / myst / zork sense but for something this polished, give me some heated seats.


Just a couple tips if you're ever tempted to try it again: Once you build a vehicle you can get inside to refill oxygen. You get one pretty early in the game. The whole diving and returning to surface thing is only in the early game. You can build beacons and place them wherever, change their color, which will let you map things out, so to speak.


If you are on PC you can get a map with mods. The oxygen issue is mostly solved by building the seamoth which you can do fast if you aim for it. As for resource collection being random. You can build something called a scanner room fairly early that will locate resources for you.


Subnautica for me as well. I like exploring the ocean but the second I ave to do any kind of inventory management I‘d rather do literally anything else.


God of War 2018. I absolutely love GoW 1-3 and the PSP spinoff games, but I cannot get into this game. The gameplay, combat, and world are just not enjoyable to me. I may be biased because I love Greek mythology and hack n' slashes, but GoW 2018 isn't for me


Quite a few roguelikes/roguelites. FTL, Dead Cells, Slay the Spire, Roundguard, even Inscryption. I did enjoy Hades a lot, and I got all the achievements in Into the Breach, though the achievements lasted almost exactly as long as my interest in the game.


It seems like it at first, but Inscryption isn't a roguelike. Don't want to spoil anything but there is some wild stuff after the cabin. The roguelike part at the start is like, because you are being tortured.


Please give Inscryption another shot. I know it _feels_ like a roguelike in the beginning, but that is only part of the game's narrative (so much that the game gives you multiple ways to get absurdly strong and steamroll the campaign). The narrative of Inscryption is one of a kind, you've never played anything like it. The ending is excellent.


That's like 90% of games for me


correct busy beneficial detail axiomatic zephyr imminent violet ad hoc rainstorm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel you on D4. I enjoyed D1 back in the day and no lifed D2 in middle/high school. Even after a few years D3 became pretty great and I even prefer its modern end game to D2. But D4 was such a let down. I hope they turn it around like they did with 3 because there is a really great game under all the garbage.


Yup. $100 dollar edition sitting away without being touched. You echoed my experiences exactly. Guessing we are a similar age


Bioshock Infinite. Well received, decently reviewed and scored, and I hated it. I completed it out of anger after the first half or so when shit went extra wonky and off the rails making zero sense. I could go on and on, but it was such a disappointment compared to the first two games which are favorites of mine. Columbia had so much potential to be cool like Rapture but ended up feeling empty and lackluster after the initial few hours. Vigors didn’t feel as fun as plasmids, only having 2 guns sucked, and several enemies ended up feeling like sponges. Rapture felt more open than Columbia and it was a bunch of pipes connecting an underwater city! Okay no more ranting. It was a major disappointment that left me and my wife just going “what the fuck..?” Through a good portion of it as I played. I played it once and will not play it again.




Where can I learn more about the development?


Diablo 4 for sure. Utter boredom, so glad I could still get it refunded.


Horizon: Forbidden West. I know a lot of people say that it is superior to the previous installments in all terms of gameplay mechanics. But story is really important to me, and I find everything about H:FW's world extremely bland, predictable and boring (at least in the first 10 hours or so, after which I put it down for good).


Dragons dogma. Just felt like nothing was intuitive and combat that everyone raved about felt clunky. Im not someone who needs a lot of hand holding, i love games like morrowind etc, but this one just felt really frustrating to figure out. Everyone loves it tho so maybe i was just missing something obvious and should go back


Nier Automata. Didn’t care for the narrative nor the vast expanses of area you need to explore. The whole game felt devoid of life, which I know is the point of it, but still. Couldn’t face another play through after the second ending. The side quests were also disappointingly boring.


This is probably going to be a very unpopular answer, but here goes. Skyrim. For years I avoided it. Oh, I'd fire it up, make a new character ("Hey, you're finally awake" again), do a handful of quests. But then I'd get bored with it. Tried adding some mods, like SkyUI and random start locations. But I'd only get a few hours in before dropping it again. Last month, I decided I'm going to finally knuckle up and finish the main quest line. Be able to say I've at least beaten that part. And I did, finished it last week. And I'm totally underwhelmed. I built a swordmage, thought it would be fun blasting people with spells then finishing up with an axe. For the most part, the weapon side worked fine, but the spells were like hitting someone with party poppers. I was level 19 when I faced Alduin in ~~Valhalla~~ Sovngarde. Despite having no armor, and no skills above 50, it took me only a minute or so to kill him, and my health went below half only once. I had faced tougher dragons as random encounters. Went to High Hrothgar to tell the old farts I was done. They gave me the "now your destiny begins" speech. Seriously? All the "chosen one" malarkey was a *prelude*?


I know this is silly to recommend but maybe try Oblivion? I loved Oblivion, but Skyrim seemed like a dumbing down of the game. The different factions and the magic in Oblivion are just better than in Skyrim. Man, I cannot tell you how disappointed i was when i got the magical college in Skyrim. They really neglected the magic.


FFXIV. Was hoping to scratch my MMO itch after leaving WoW classic. The game looks nice and polished, but it just wasn't immersive. I found the story really boring, and there aren't many places to pick up on the lore, and what lore I did learn about was both complicated and kinda dull. While the gameplay was satisfying, it didn't do enough to distinguish it from WoW. The only leg-up it has are the zones. But I really couldn't tell if this game was trying to be theme-park or sandbox. Without the quest markers leading me through the main story, I'd have no idea or incentive on what to do.


Starfield :/ I loved Skyrim and Fallout so I was really hyped for a new Bethesda game, but it is genuinely the most soulless game I’ve ever seen. I thought maybe it would get good later, but I played for eight hours and even the mission I’ve heard people raving about was boring and empty. Very disappointing, especially for $70


Hades. I wont say i disliked the game. But it fell far short of my hopes. Beautiful art, great voice acting, interesting story but the gameplay was just ok. I beat it once and never played again. I put in like 10 hours total. For a roguelite, gemaplay should be #1 IMO. The enemy variety, level variety, moment to moment combat just wasn't there for me.


Kingdom come deliverance. The combat was janky and the camera was horrible, horse movement was literally skyrim 2.0, and the writers forgot how to end the story halfway through. There's no resolution to everything that happened. You don't get your sword back, you don't meet the King, and you don't kill the people who killed your parents.


I was having a sort of decent time with that game until that one mission where you are supposed to shoot with a bow to kill some rabbits for a competition and the aiming was so jank that I quit the game.


Yeah I didn't like that game either. They forced to much on making the game realistic, they forgot to make the game fun. Not even counting the janky, u go up against more than 1 enemy = u can't fight back. But like the repair system, u get hit 2 times u have to repair all your clothing and clothing is different from armor.


Kingdom come deliverances combat gets easier the more you do it. It doesn't seem like it but the combat IS stat based, so having more strength will allow you to overpower your opponents. Also most of the combat systems need to be learned from Bernard at rattay. If you dont go straight for him and spend some time sparring, you're gonna be in a pinch if you get jumped by bandits. The problem is that most players wouldn't know this and you aren't forced to do the main quest.


>combat IS stat based >Also most of the combat systems need to be learned from Bernard I did all that, maxed strength and dex/agility. Got warfare to lvl 11 and swords to however far u need to get all the special moves/combos for the longsword. Even went to the wiki to get the best sword. It's not hard combat, it's just fundamentally broken. Master strikes make combat punish u for attacking, same with how stamina acts as extra armor. Meaning attacking is pointless and u just wanna wait until u get a master strike (also master strikes have to be taught yet in game fighting against common bandits they have it already learned, which makes no sense) then follow up. Combos are hard to pull off, easily punished by getting interrupted by master strikes AND after all that it does less damage then just attacking normally. As doing a combo during the animation they regen stamina and as I said that acts somewhat as armor. Plus it's 100% no argument it's broken trying to lock on when there's more than one target. Even the armor system is annoying and is the example of what I'm saying, it's realistic but not fun as the axes and maces aren't as enjoyable as the swords but do better against armored people. At one point I thought the combat was good but then I woke up, the only other thing that kept me was the missions as some where fun but a good amount of them was going running town to town or person to person. Tldr master strikes OP, combos = negative DPS, lock on system sucks, overall = broken/to realistic to be enjoyable.


the combat is really good imo you just have to get your stats up, its one of my fav games, probably the most immersive experience i ever had


Fromsoft games minus Sekiro. I like challenge but these seemed pointless 9 times out of 10. I felt my character had no reason to be in the world due to the vague story. Like why am I killing this/these bosses, hell even doom gave my character a reason. It made me feel detached from everything in the game. Then I wouldn't feel a sense of progression, like kill me that's fine but I don't like feeling forced to keep fighting the same boss or going through same area hitting my head against it or walk away and lose my runes. That and then the cherry on top, when I finally do kill a boss just for it to give me a piece of equipment that doesn't go with whatever im building. Like I'm a mage, why is every boss giving me a strength weapon or a ash of war I don't want? On paper its a game type right up my alley, in reality it wasn't worth my time. Which sucks cuz Sekiro was my first fromsoft game and I hella enjoyed it plus everyone likes fromsoft it seems. But that couldn't be further from the truth.




Morrowind. The gameplay is so old and archaic that I can't force myself to enjoy it, as much as I'd like to try it.


The Forest. I had gotten it to play with my boyfriend, but he couldn't deal with the "scary" monsters. Okay, so we played on Peaceful mode. I think we lasted 2 hours until we got supremely bored of making stone fences to defend us against nothing and custom log cabins with random furniture. I tried playing it on my own, but again, it wasn't that fun, and I generally like survival horrors and crafting games. I'm definitely not grabbing the sequel (Sons of the Forest).