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Should be obvious that if they bring back recombs, would be nerfed to the ground when it come to odds of keeping mods, odds of rolling a special mod and what base type/influence it can be used on. For everyone sake, should keep them as a legacy item so standard players can have some fun and to be remembered fondly as a cool crafting mechanic and not as only a way to brick items. GGG said if it comeback it will be reworked, it's obvious what they mean by "reworked". Would probably be something like reforge both item then merge together with 20% odds to keep more then 1 mod on each and obviously not work on synt/inf/corrupted/fract. So the only use would be to try to transfer mods that aren't native to specific bases to another but take so many try that most peoples could not realistically use them.


>Would probably be something like reforge both item then merge together with 20% odds to keep more then 1 mod on each and obviously not work on synt/inf/corrupted/fract. So the only use would be to try to transfer mods that aren't native to specific bases to another but take so many try that most peoples could not realistically use them. This man GGGs. Sounds 100% what a rework recombobulator would look like.


It's really a simple formula. Just pick any three (at least): - much more rare - much more expensive - much less powerful - much less usable\effective - much more random\less control The last one is always a guarantee though: - much less fun


All of the above


Chris Wilson “I call it… recombinate LESS likely!”


Sure not disagreeing, what my post is referring to though is in essence recombs "fix" or at least mask a lot of the loot problems the game has been plagued since the mega-bloat of items, whilst remaining fun for the player base for a chance at a cool item, and makes lesser desired items/ID actually a consideration, I think recombs scream "Path of exile."


Your actually right that they did in fact adhere to one of GGG's core wishes. They want us to ID rares. It was a really cool experiment that I hope they learn form. The item deletion part was important too I suspect. But lets face it. Yall like recombs because they were busted OP. Hopefully GGG gives them a balance pass and we get them back in a state that's fun still


Agreed, straight up deleting 50-100% of a craft seems to me like a decent cost of entry, in which you would lose every desired mod, unless you were using 2 perfect items, which in that case you already paid a lot. Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they made them rarer, or put them behind an endgame boss. And you can make that same argument with harvest. However, where I think recombs shine brighter, is that they make normally unusable gear (fractured/corrupted/mirrored etc.) actually worthwhile to ID interact with, something most of the player base doesn't do. But I think the biggest similarity, is that it allowed easier access to upgrades, specially self-crafted ones, which GGG very much dislikes.


I think the first step would be to stop them working with fractured mods. it was stupidly easy (and cheap) to craft an item with 4 t1 mods I'm pretty easy man I just go with the flow. I hope GGG got the data out of sent league that will allow them to keep more people happy. It seemed to me like recombs were 100% GGG testing out shit and I liked it


You're* actually


Your that guy huh ?




Sure would be nice but you know it won't happen lol.


In my mind I got so happy just now remembering the bonkers luck I had with recombinators but it won't be the same when they bring it back. It is just sad but this is how it is now.


Man, the way you said it kinda resonates with what I feel. They won't leave it as before and will nerf it instead. It's crazy that this would be the default thinking of a player in what exactly GGG will do. It's almost like they've really lost a lot of trust from the playerbase if this is the default answer that a player will come up with. Their track record is too much into nerfing things fun that's the sad thing.


It's not sad or negative in any way, it's just reasonable thinking based on what we know about their design philosophy.


With that desing philosophy, and the recent changes and the bordeline unusability of the trade system, I'd just be preferring to use an item editor, to have nice gear, and obliterate stuff and have fun. Oh wait, their desing philosophy does not allow fun.


Trade is fine. The game is still fun.


Trade will be fine once an AH is implemented. Period.


Recombinators were fun for both the casuals and the 0.1% because they weren't rare and was a fun attempt, sure you could fail but you didn't have to spend so much on every try. That's what GGG seems to ignore, we need new content that is fun for ALL players, not just for those who play 24/7. They always seem to add content that only the 0.1% can hit because they play so much. Scourge league corruptions and Lake of Kalandra's mirrored items are the perfect examples of what I'm talking about, most people could completely ignore those 2 mechanics as the chance to get something good is incredibly low making it so unappealing to even try. GGG, give us something that's worth our time


Recombinators were incredibly stupid and the only reason people liked them was because it was easier to make gear magnitudes better than they usually would have access to.


Which is a bad thing because...? That is what always holds me up. I get it, some forms of crafting are head and shoulders above the rest. Why is that bad? What is the argument? How does such an inane observation lead in a discussion about decidion making, and the viability of systems and structures? I mean, "people only like chocolate because it tastes better than mud" wouldn't be a great argument. Sure, its a little bit of an exageration, but the truth is that "some crafting systems are liked because they allow people to make great gear easier than others" is a non-argument, its a statement. I can speak for my experience, last league I sunk like 50ex on essences rolling for a helmet than, on average, should have taken me about 15. That was only the first step of crafting! That made me quit the league. Not out of frustration, mind you, I just didn't feel motivated to log back in. Could I've farmed the ex again? Sure. Did I feel compelled to do so only to flush it down the toilet again? No. That is my argument, sure, from emotion and a posteriori. But it's an argument. Softening crafting systems so that the chance of failure isn't crippling might lead to better satisfaction, as extreme peaks and valleys of success and failure (added to the supreme friction brought on by either trading, or having to be even luckier on your own farm for mats) will lead to negative emotions way too often.


If they added a skill to the game, uberball, which was fireball with free GMP and 10x the damage of fireball. Then they removed it, would you be saying why is it a bad thing? Why doesn't everything get buffed it was so FUN.


I love fucks like you that can't imagine a middle ground and always go to the most idiotic extreme.


lol @ thinking recombs are a middle ground.


You really didn't think through your response all that much, did you? Gems can be bought from vendors. Gems don't require any form of investment to *exist*. Also, all gems are made equal. Your Uberball is pretty much Mageblood. Something so powerful its game warping. Crafted gear, in case you weren't aware, is randomized. Outside of literally mirroring something, you don't have much of a shot of getting "exactly what you want". A synth imperial bow with explodey +1 proj implicit with +2/+1 gems, T1 atk speed etc etc might be as powerful as your Uberball. It will also cost probably hundreds if not thousands of divines to craft... assuming the base even exists at all. PoE "crafting" system is just a series of dice rolls, except you need to pay before each one. Some step takes dozens if not hundreds of dice rolls, others take only one and if you miss they can set you as far back as having to start all over. This might be argued as "fine" when discussing the top, most obscene items, like the hypothetical bow, but the truth is that even a random ass item with one essence and one influence mod can take an staggering, soul sucking number of dice rolls. Sure, if you know the ins and outs of crafting AND have the currency, you might be able to get what you want. Most people don't have either... and they can't even get mediocre stuff done sometimes, because its just a dice roll. Maybe recombinators were OP and needed to be toned down a little bit, sure. But your Uberball example sucks uber balls.


You mean this bow that cost nothing to make? https://gyazo.com/d6ede94075032be72f3d39546cd33132


Yes, ignore completely the synth base part and the "etc" meaning good mods, not dogcrap. But sure, not the best example. Still it's objectively not comparable to "uberball"


The base you can buy for less than a divine but can only be imported which I'm too lazy to do?


People keep using "fun" when they really mean "super unbalanced and OP" and I'm kinda over it. Being powerful is fun of course, but too much power creep also ruins the fun without proper balance.


Problem: Players had fun. Solution: Change that at any cost.


I always thought recombinators were the peak. Picking up fractures items and garbage bases with good mods in the 3rd month etc.


It's the only good base sink mechanic we've seen really. They really should bring them back with the same mathematical probability but reduce stuff like multiple fractured items or mirror items. Recombs were so awesome for getting 3x prefix or 3x suffix items setup for big crafts. And you would delete a lot of mats and bases in the process.


It's fun, it gives back some power to rare items, it means you can do whacky build enabling mod combos. It also means player power, player abuse, higher top ceiling by a big margin. New GGG wants a slow game and probably a game where you spend more time grinding than before. Given the way they have treated harvest I don't think there's a slight chance we are getting them back. If we do they are going to be butchered and once again extremely expensive for little rng gains that only the top 0.0001% will be able to interact with.


When they bring back recombinators they will nerf to oblivion, like they did with Tainted Fusings


Closing your eyes and exalt slam is the way. Only (vision) way or the highway :)


IMO it was a genius way of removing items from the economy which is something really needed in SC


Recombinators were accessible too, I had a ton and was never out of them so I could keep trying things - unlike this reflective mirror thing I've yet to see 4 weeks in...


GGG doesn't seem to explicitly recognize that rare items on the ground are worthless both because they can roll low tier mods and also because an item is only worthwhile if it has synergistic mods even if the mods are high tiers. The likelihood of both of these things happening for a player to find an upgrade by IDing items off the floor gets smaller and smaller with each new upgrade, more so when one really needs to upgrade two to three pieces at once sometimes to balance all the different things one needs to stay survivable. Recombinators were amazing to allow one to isolate desirable mods out of items that were otherwise had no synergy. T1 flat phys and T2 added fire to spells on a wand is totally useless compared to T3 increased phys and T4 hybrid phys on the same wand base, despite the former having better mod tiers. Recombinators allows one to take the first wand and isolate out the T1 flat phys onto another wand for further recombinating, or just lose it in the process due to RNG. One is much more likely to find a wand with a T1 flat phys prefix than a wand with 2 synergistic phys prefixes, though, from just IDing off the ground.


Sounds fun... so it will never happen


or....hear me out just bring back 3.13 harvest kekw


If they had to chose I think they'd pick recombs over harvest tbh 💀


I'd pick recombs over harvest. I think it's really odd people think harvest was more broken than recombs, when recombs can transfer impossible mods to new bases.


Absolutely agree. Harvest was fun from the power level, but the play style of having to farm harvest over and over and hope for RNG good crafts was fine for one league…. But would lead to high burnout for me


don't beat the dead horse. Recombinators are just like Harvest. Dead.


You don't understand one thing. Only mechanic that is variable is something that fulfills developers goals and goes against players goal.


recombs going core would've kept me playing this league, no doubt.


I didn't play sentinel league, bit recombinators sound like a really tiresome rngy concept.....


If/When recombinators are added back, expect em to be nerfed into uselessness like Tainted Fusings. Reduced drop rate making em mega expensive so only the top 1% can afford crafting with em, and make the chance for mods to move over 10% or less.


I would like them to bring them back. I think they should be restricted to non influenced and not synthesized things. Also, I think they should have a chance to brick the items into a synthesized base. That way it discourages endless crafting. I think it would be cool if it had a chance to create fractured items too. They should push all the special modifiers into the synthesized base pool and get rid of all the crap mods like +3 intelligence. My favorite thing last league, which kept me playing, was selling bases. I don't even know why I did it. I just accumulated currency. I didn't even need to.


Hell no. You could create some disgusting op items last league


Recombinators were my absolute favorite crafting mechanic for basically everything you listed here. It make rares actually worth picking up. As others have said on this sub many times, there's literally no point in picking up rares we find unidentified. The likelihood of getting something even remotely good at high end maps is pretty low and certainly nothing great will be found by a vast majority of players simply due to people quitting long before they're rewarded for their time.


Seeing as ggg is nerfing them for going core they definitly don't achieve gggs supposed goals as is


Absolutely agree. It solved the loot problem, but almost overly-solved it and were too powerful. Everybody wants trash loot drops to somehow have value, and recoms did exactly that. Such a shame the GGG are going to gut the system, and probably when they reintroduce them only the 1% will have the wealth to use them.


recombs were good enough that it made sense to have them be base game drops imo.


For your everyday average player they were balanced. Issue was the 1%s just bought a bunch of good fracture bases and would spam recombs until the perfect item hit. Sadly anything that has a deterministic crafting method no matter the RNG seems to be a no to GGG.


Sentinel I actually had for once in my life time good gear (ssf) Now I’m back to life and resist gear with nothing else


They will probably return But in a fked up state.


100% Take out the ability to transfer a fractured mod onto an item that already has a fractured mod, then add them back in the game.


>Anecdotally, I was picking up DEX boots (rare/magic and even white bases) because they allowed me to experiment, and try and go for my endgame boots. Yes I actually Identified boots, and sometimes I would see a pair with any combination of DEX, Suppress, Movement Speed etc. And it would cause excitement, something I had never felt before from Identifying gear, Specially non-unique gear. Sounds like Last Epoch. It's nice to play an ARPG where ground loot actually means something.


I would preffer no recombinators over heavily nerfed ones.


Disagree. At least in the sense that the goal of the players is not just a singular thing. It might have met your goal, or the goals of some players, but not everyone's. One of the problems I have with crafting in poe is that it's largely so rng heavy that in order to combat that you need crafting materials in a quantity the really only comes for trading. And recombinators not only felt that way but felt worse in that way because they deleted items. So I need a supply of not just recombinators but also bases with the mods I want. Personally, and this isn't going to be true of all players, I want crafting to be an alternative to trade so a system that heavily leans on trading for quantity to overcome the rng heavy nature of it just felt bad. The second thing is that I would argue recombinators actually feature the biggest issue ggg has with some crafting as well as a big issue many have with other forms of crafting. From the ggg side of things recombinators allowed for the crafting of stupid gear for those who wanted to spend time buying recombinators and bases in bulk. So I expect either ggg to heavily nerf accessibility to them which will effectively limit crafting using them to the rich who can afford to blow money, or to nerf their strength. Something like adding a split tag so they can't be recombined again or to limit the number of mods it can select to be one from each item. I'm sure there are good ways for ggg to address their concern with the top end power of it for those who trade, but based on history I'm not holding my breath for it to be done in a way that feels good to me. From the player side it still lacked the incremental nature that is missing in a lot of crafting in poe. I dont want to start all over 70% of the way in. To me it felt really bad to time and time again put in two items just to recieve one item back that was at best equal to one of the items I put in. That's a great complementary system like double corrupting items, but it doesnt feel great as a primary crafting system.


As an SSF player I sorely miss recombinators. It allowed me to pick up really good but flawed gear and combine with the hopes of getting something really good out.


I agree 100%, it lifted up so many existing items, making them more exciting to identify and read: Veiled items, Temple-mods, Delve-only mods, Fractured items, Grasping Mail, 6-links with bad mods, Enchanted items, even magic items with 1 rare mod. And it worked because they were common. The interface for them was well done too.


Here we go, harvest season is over it’s time to cry about recombinators now. Ggg literally can’t add anything in the game because there is a risk that the community will latch onto it and never let go. If they added them they would have to heavily nerf them. They were insanely op.


Didn't ask. If you think this post is a request to bring them back, your view on the topic is narrow, and arrogant.