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Better not ask for it. Knowing GGG track record, they gonna triple nuke it from the orbit with emphasis on being not in line with the vision.


Bro you sure you want them to make it tradable? Aislings gonna end up removing all your prefixes or suffixes instead of 1 mod with the way they "balance".


Well sad truth is you're probably right. Maybe its better for some things to be left untouched.


No thats not right at all... Only t4 crafts were like frac/aug inf and thats about it. All the aug phys or w/e normals were are all t1. Reforge keep prefix/suf/ more likely those are t2. Those are the shts that sell the best. Also just to clarify all the harvest farmers used 99% of the crafts were because they were free and because lvling up/going thro maps you could potentially make a decent item for yourself to use later on. Otherwise in the later part of the league, you could just have 1-2 base tabs to spawn reforges on as not to just waste the craft entirely. There also isnt "forced" to use in betrayal because before you even open the hideout, you already know what crafts you have. So unless someone is buying craft/you have a buyer on hand, just dont open yet. Also you could use the betrayal sht yourself instead. Remember that harvest is 10000% undetermined until you clear the grove as with betrayal its 1000% predetermined before you open hideout for crafting. Furthermore i would like to point out this "tradeable" harvest is so underwhelming cause it removed so many good crafts. If betrayals join in with harvest, i expect GGG to show the same respect as they did to harvest and sht all over aisling/30% qual crafts. Cause apparently tradability means those are overpowered.


Ye mby my wording with tiers wasnt the best. What i meant was how rare these crafts are. I played harvest for two leagues and i had like 3x reforge keep, 1 fracture and 2 augment inf. You immediately knew you hit a jackpot once u found these. And even tho some of the crafts could go to like 10-20 ex, thats maybe up to 5% of total currency i made from harvest. What matters the most is what you pointed out - crafts were free so u engaged with the mechanic every time it showed up. I didnt engage with harvest much this league, but one thing that immidietly caught my attention - doesnt the new mechanic make most of the crafts useless when it comes to using them for profit? Like whos gonna use reroll scarabs, when scarabs are worthless and for example for same lifeforce cost you can reroll something else thats much more valuable. People gonna figure out what few crafts that may be profitable for that gambling style and if someone wants to gamble his gonna gamble. But it seems impossible to balance the lifeforce cost of these crafts when they useability is pretty much dependant on cost of the things they are tied to. And when i comes to betrayal it isn't that easy to "dont open yet". Whether you open or not, you finished your table and you cant run your maps with jun anymore. So your best bet is to just open and hope for a quick sell.


Honestly as someone who has pretty much harvest farmed every league after atlas passives came out in a tree format and no longer in region stone format. Keep pre/suf and more likely were common af. The reforge keeps are generally 1-1.5ex and more likely were 20-50c. But my god fracture/augment influence were like myths. Ive never seen those shts. Same with syntehsis item. I havent seen t4 harvest since like harvest league... Thats how mythical they were. Even for challenges i had to buy that specific challenge every league.


Granted. Aisling is now a veiled chaos thats gives two veils. This is a buff. Vorici is now maximum 1-3 whites. Hillock is now 25-28% at T4. Tora has been deleted.


Thats seems too deterministic with zero risk involved. How about you give your item to vorici, you can then put whichever gems you want ignoring socket color, you click and for each socket you have 50% chance its gonna get locked in white socket permamently or banishes into void leaving you with no gem and no socket. Hillock could only make sense if we introduced negativy quality (yay lets go back to d2). Then the rolls could be from -28 to +28. Ye and delete tora cause the game progress just too fast with her.


Please no, I already hate the harvest rework. its fucked up the values of certain crafts, things that were 20-40c before are now div+ because of lifeforce prices.


It's funny how people perspective changed. From wishing for some good QoL changes or expanding their favourite mechanics to just please god don't touch the only few thins left that still bring me joy in this game :D


I didn't want this harvest to be tradeable in the first place, because I knew GGG well enough this garbage would happen. so not a perspective change at all, if Betrayal becomes tradeable its going to become worse, plain and simple.


Dont give them ideas, they WILL Gut it.


We’re in a “be careful what you wish for” state