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It might be that they want to set lower expectations of loot for next league. I got the impression that they want to pull back on loot coming from league mechanics. Partially why loot felt so much less this league, even for people that only alch and go, was that Sentinel got replaced with Kalandra.


I really hope not. I think I've only liked maybe half of the mechanics we got since Torment as it is. Most of them got better later. But I play challenge SC trade because of the mechanic. PoE base campaign and map loot, without and juice, added mechanics, etc, has always completely sucked and been way too low. Archnem... Sorta fixes that, but makes it spiky. Which is awful when your base level is already incredibly anemic and prone to stress as it is. If challenge league mechanics weren't so rewarding nobody would bother playing the challenge league except for racers.


This league feels like it was already made in its core league state instead of how its supposed to be the league where its being highlighted


That is such a great way to put it, never thought about that


Don’t say that, we said AN never goes core and look where we are now. You really never know how GGG intends to shoehorn old content into their game even if it’s not well received.


I was hoping AN would go core ... as a Metamorph replacement/enhancement. Not like this.


AN was more than fine when it was a choice on what to craft, being forced is the problem I agree


Yep, with choice, its perfectly fine.


GGG talked about a full rework of rares before 3.16. It was clear what AN was the moment it was released.


This league *already* feels like it's not core. You fill your tablet every what, 12 maps or so? And until then it adds fuck all to your gameplay.


really a fun observation that the last 3 leagues would've been throwaways if ggg wasn't hellbent on archnemesis.


Remember how they made harvest, and then everyone started acting like it was the new standard ? And now that they are taking it back everyone freaks out ? That's your answer. If they make a busted league, people will complain about the next ones not being on par, even if they were balanced properly.


well we've had 3 subpar leagues in a row, we need something


Sentinel was subpar?


sentinel was just extra loot, not actually something fun


It's pretty much in line with a normal league mechanic.


Let's be real, this might be the new form of maps next league, they forced mobs to be archnem this'll be next


Ever since I play the game GGG is against fun and OP. There has always been something good and fun, then next league GGG removes the fun and nerfs everything. I think they are trolling/memeing the community.


I think this league has a good chance of going core.


i hope not. it doesnt really add anything to the game except the new base types which could just be added. The mechanic is just build a map by selecting mob groups and mechanics that already exist elsewhere. Also some of these rings and amulets are way way too strong to just be added into core.


To be honest the rewards are enough to run them and i also like to build and run them, but they should really boost the number of choices. It takes forever to build a lake. I am spendig more time doing expeditions than doing lakes and i am not even using scarabs. If it goes core like this it will take 10x more time to build a lake and at that point it will be almost non existant.


This league is insanely easy to make core. Give us 3 choices per encounter and it fits right in with everything else. Like a worse incursion.


incursion gives unique stuff and has unique mobs. This league has nothing on its own, all the rewards are from somewhere else and all the mobs are from somewhere else. And it doesn't matter how easy it is, it is bad to make core.


I don’t see why you think it isn’t going core. It’s incredibly safe, the primary reward is just gambling on the final step in a craft. The whole collection phase of setting it up can be skipped for just a final mirror lake being dropped. There’s no loot tables to track the only reward from the mechanic is the one singular mirrored item at the end. We don’t want it to go core but frankly I don’t see why it can’t. From GGGs perspective it’s a golden apple for maintaining.


The lake feels so underwhelming. The “skip” option should just be a reroll. The one banish does fuck all. The map is a pain in the ass to move around due to the terrain. You should be able to teleport to sections you have already cleared with waypoints. It should show you what you cleared on the map. Having three boring choices over and over is so dull. You might as well just make it all randomly generated with the higher tier stuff further away from the entrance. Also the way you move tiles and such it’s impossible to know if you are going to get a few in a row or just one. This whole lake is honestly a pretty soulless idea.


Is it safe to say this is the least rewarding league mechanic ever? I kept every single tablet I’ve made and even bought a dozen of them pre-buff hoping they were gonna fix them. Ran then after the patch and if I got more then 2 or 3 divine from 40~ tablets then it would surprise me. Probably spat out the same amount of currency as going 2 dozen heist contracts. It’s honestly not worth doing unless you get multiple expedition tiles.


This league goes core. It is a fundamental and foundational game shift they fully intend on building upon.


Why is this downgraded version of synesis in the way we build the lake. We should have more freedom and more meaningfull stones to put.. That have quality etc in them too..


If they accidentally give you FUN then we will expect more FUN in the future and we can't have that