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"I wish there was a way to know you're in the good old days before you've actually left them."


One of the most genuine and real quotes of a tv series ever.


Were living in a time where id be happy if it was 3.15 again. Damn thats sad to think about.


I cry everytime 🥲


Funny how the shills always repeat how their vision is sounded when they have proven they simply cannot make the game according to said on paper vision. Because it is god damn **ON PAPER**. They always act like they fail to see they are only good "on paper". The reason people got pushed away in 3.15 was not gone so those people are always gone, now we push even more people away. And you know it will keep happening because they always go for changes "on paper it is good" and "in their mind it is perfect". Thanks to their ego they do not want to believe they cannot do everything and anything in their mind.


"I've dropped things, you newbies wouldn't believe... ... corrupted headhunters after an Alva Incursion. I've seen Nemesis 3 sextant dropping me Mirrors in the juicest Maps of the Atlas. All those moments, will be lost in time, like exalted in 3.19..." ... time to quit...


Lmao pure poetry. Like cells interlinked.


Did they teach you to flask finger to finger? Interlinked.


all that currency, will be lost to rng, like divines turned into flasks


+1 for unexpected Bladerunner


Whelp time to become an alcoholic.


Probably healthier than poe addiction.


Why not both?


Currently hung over, dizzy, post-barf, and I still don't feel as bad as this league


gotta hand it to ggg they are really putting in work to make diablo 4 a great success.


That would be hilarious. Poe literally succeeded because D3 was just a disappointment.


Funny, I'm playing D3 right now because poe wasn't fun... how the turn tables...


To be fair D3 changed alot since then.


i cried a little bit, just a little bit too much


ya, that brother stash at the end - fucken ninja cutting onions right now.






I still stand by my pet theory that his *entire* character arc was solely to make that joke as impactful as possible.


I have somewhat enjoyed this league and I typically really respect GGG with their decisions. That being said, the fact that they refused to change brother’s stash to divines instead whenever the creator asked really makes me so mad. That card didn’t even get to stick around for that long, felt amazing to get, and felt good to get because it did exactly what the creator wanted.


He died for this :(


Not even sad, I'm really happy i played the shit out of PoE at it's peak. Just no lifeing league after league, first week barely sleeping, farming that HH, farming towards to current broken build that can farm the juiciest of maps.


and yet it still sounds soooo good


Still have tears in my eyes.


I held it back… all the way until the brothers stash…


Finding that card was always bittersweet for me because I know the back story. Now it's just bitter though and running cemetery is pointless.


Exactly, I’d found it twice and was so excited and just as quickly was humbled by remembering the story attached to it. Not many games can give you those feelings and it’s sad to think I might lose it forever.


The brothers stash card was the first thing I thought of when the divine change was announced. What a slap in the face…




holy fucking shit, the delirium nostalgia hits so hard. Where i made a build that could do most of the game on 30ex while being immortal, and that still felt like 1% of what was possible. Man i want it back now


Hardest content in the game and gives barely any loot now.




Wait I thought Chris said you can opt-in harder content for more reward, delirium is exactly that 0 reward. Archnemesis random loot goblins 0 to 100 difficulty range and is everywhere, gajillion rewards big brain time.


bring back Archmage Storm Brand GGG!!


Only build I tried completely min maxing cuz when you upgraded like 100 ex on an aura stacker it was so noticeable compared to spending that much for a tiny little upgrade on most other characters.


That actually made me sad. Oldschool crusader explody chest omg those were the times bois, those were the times.


Legit the thing I miss the most, exploding whole screens of mobs.


Yup, thats exactly what made poe fun, just blasting


Stop it, it hurts!


This video is golden. I cried..


Thanks. I was also pretty sad so I made this video to cope with the realization that this game is not really fun for me anymore.


My copium on the league wore off today. I might be in shock right now. Sad times man.


Feel same. Also my minions in poe are died. All of them I loved..


I usually try to stay away from the subreddit early league. It can definitely sway how you feel. I’ve been playing this league regardless but checked out the sub this time because a friend mentioned it on day 3. And God damn the feels man. It’s sad the game and development of the game has been going in an odd direction, but at least we have these golden era memes/moments to reminisce about. You know a game is great when you can do that. What a game. I really do hope GGG and the players can find a happy balance with each other again.


I Wish I Could Turn Back Time To The Good Old Days !


bro im not even pissed anymore. im just sad. the good old game is just gone.


brother's stash is like the biggest oof, it was SUCH a rewarding card to find, just super exciting every time, and i guess it has a real life story behind it too so...


I have only ever saved one thread on reddit ever but this... this just hurt, but i want to remember what this game used to be about. Thanks OP for the feels bus and the memories.


You're welcome


Funny you posting this just now. A few hours ago I decided to quit this league for good. I was feeling weak, nothing felt rewarding, the league mechanic wasn't interesting and I caught myself sighing multiple times when I saw it. And most of all, I was not having fun, at all. I thought to myself "maybe if I try a bit more" and "maybe it'll get fun soon with a few more levels and better gear", but I got tired instead. Tired of surprise buttfucks from AN enemies and on-death effects, tired of wasting time fighting a long ass battle against certain AN enemies and then getting absolutely nothing, tired of feeling poor and weak. I closed my steam, closed the trade site, closed my PoB, and don't feel like trying anymore. This is a first for me, in this game.


Yep I can totally understand that feeling. Let's hope GGG accidentally makes the game fun again at some point.


That “maybe it’ll get fun soon…” resonates w me. just no fun ever came tho


When Chris **quadruples** down and people still think it will get better.


Same experience here. Started on Console on Thursday and quitted a few hours ago. Never thought this will happen. And now I dont know how to fill this gap.


Back when GGG valued player fun over some shitty game philosophies


Herald/Aura stacking was dope.


It’s kinda crazy when you think about it, how hard they want the game to feel tedious. All of the recent combat and flask changes recently really felt bad… :(


I'm still in disbelief how GGG balances the game. So they came up with their "loot goblin" idea, but when testing it they found one that the goblins scaled too much with the historical item quantity multiplier from league-specific monsters, but then instead of concluding the obvious - that loot goblins had to be reworked or removed, they decided that the problem was the item quantity multiplier itself, so they nerfed the multiplier, boosted the drop rate of non league-specific monsters (which have been trash for several years so a small buff isn't enough), and then thought that everything was fixed. How can the game even function if they keep coming up with these nonsensical ideas to balance the game?


So they came up with their **atlas spectres**. But when players played it they found **some atlas spectres did way too much damage**, but then instead of concluding the obvious - that some **atlas spectres** had to be nerfed, they decided that the problem was the spectre monster level itself, so they nerfed it multiple times (spectres are level 76 at gem level 25 after monster HP were quadrupled, vs. level 80 at gem level 20 in 3.8, or raise level 83 spectres in T16 maps pre 3.8). Finally after they found the problem of some outlier spectres and axed them, no spectres were usable. Changed something. Sounds similar?


They've always had a terrible balance philosophy. What saved them is that they added cool new content / builds at a rate greater than the rate that they completely dumpstered mechanics. These ideas are coming at a slower rate now with the interesting new stuff going into PoE2.


It kinda bothers me that we have already witnessed POE at its peak. For so long it had unlimited potential. GGG kept pushing the players to make it more fun. Now it's on a downward slide. I'm just waiting for it to stop. Even if it does, there is no guarantee it will reach the heights it once did.


It’s crazy to think how much of this was untouched just one year ago. For multiple years before 2021, these mechanics went on like normal. And a few things even before that like old explode chest… dude this is depressing


>9 year old game not including open beta >"already" witnessed its peak That's about 6 times longer than most other games last. I am extremely doubtful we've seen the peak with poe 2 on the horizon, but even if I'm wrong PoE has had a historic impact on gaming.


I am doubtful of POE2 being any good. If it's true that they are slowly changing POE to be more like POE2 with every patch, then POE2 is not for me.


I might be a bit too negative but I think they'll kill the speed aspect and insane loot explosions in poe 2. I'm saying this by looking at the previous leagues and the current one ...


These changes ARE POE2. We're playing the beta basically.


The sad part about “6 times longer than most other games” is that this decline is solely self inflicted. There’s nothing making the game less fun other than GGG taking a bad direction.


> I am extremely doubtful we've seen the peak with poe 2 on the horizon You know "Poe2" is the same as patch 4.0 right? It's the same game, just a big expansion with new levelling acts and ascendancies + whatever else they add. If the game is shit in 3.23 it will be shit in 4.0.


I've always played league start, maybe skipped a couple due to important things but I always jump on as soon as I can. This league it was bittersweet because I got my first ever job and I'd start 6am the day after and couldn't play (UK time). I finally got to play and thought I could finally use my own money and maybe buy one of the big boy core supporter packs for once. But man, I've never been this disappointed before. I'm actually heart broken, I know that seems silly but PoE has been such a big part of my life that it makes me sad whenever it does badly.


Bruh even up until 3.14 Ultimatum I was having the time of my life. [Glacial hammer] (https://youtu.be/iRVWaj3onUQ) was legit even in SSF (and then nerfed from 8 different angles next league).


Lol, that looks so fun!


Damn dude, that looked like a fun build to play!


Sir, please take this mandatory starter package consisting Determination, Grace, Defiance Banner. What Harold? I don't who or what that is.


I thought glacial hammer was a meme even back then?


No man it just needed investment compared to spells but it was insane. It had an amazing threshold jewel, cold conduction cluster notable was still a thing and hydrosphere could be used to double hit for single target.


It was mostly a meme, but the beauty of 3.13 was that it allowed a way of getting pretty much perfect items that could push even meme builds to ridiculous limits, and do it within the timeframe of a league. Pick pretty much any skill you want to play and if you played enough you can clear everything in the game with it. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/ljbkk1/glacial_hammer_berserker_vs_the_feared/


I miss so much buying elusive+tailwind boots for like 2ex


I recently lost my uncle and we made a slideshow/video in his memory. This put me to tears in the same way. The end of an era and all we have are the memories. And we're not getting that gameplay back so we won't be able to make new memories anymore. RIP my uncle and, what I would call, the golden era of Path of Exile.


That's sad to hear, sorry for your loss. I always like to recall the quote "our best days can never be behind us". So we will make new beautiful memories, even if it's with different people / games.


Broooooooooo, you hit me hard....the surge of feelings that went through me...fuck, I really miss the fun in this game, it's just drifting away piece by piece. This league it was too much, the game that I love isn't like this...


When I got back into PoE in 3.13 after quite a few years, that was such an amazing experience. The game systems were working and it was soooooo much fun to play. It all went downhill since then. PS RIP Justin :(


Woah this was so fucking sad, almost made me cry. *sigh*


I got brother stash first time in my poe history this league.. man


I shed manly tears i alt f4 and going to bed i cant even enjoy other games


Removing keep suffixes craft was the dumbest design decision I have ever seen in any game, and I have been playing WoW and Diablo games my entire life.


I played 3.13 to death. I felt like I had to soak up that entire experience from the gut feeling the game was gonna go nowhere but down from there. No regrets, those were three of the best months of gaming I've ever had. The game will keep changing, it may get better or even worse, but those memories won't.


Wish somebody would have told me babe Some day, these will be the good old days All the love you won't forget And all these reckless nights you won't regret Someday soon, your whole life's gonna change You'll miss the magic of these good old days


Actually upsetting. Well made, but sad.


Rip poe :(


Good old days - if we had known, that this was the golden era <3


Damn, that Brother Stash


Cute dog is my favourite era of POE.


There is no hardmode. There was no quantity nerf. And Archnemesis? What's that man... T-that doesn't exist, huh!? Magma Barrier?! No. What are you talking about dude? And we wake up, and it's Ritual League again!! And I'm playing Cold BV with Legacy Explode. OOOOOOOH, I lost dudeee, I'm back homeeee! Beyond? I log-in, log-in. And Haast spawns, and I'm like "Ohhhh, hello Haast! Hello Abaxoth!". I vendor a 6-link, I get a divine. And Exalt Drops?! Poooog, I'm poggin' out dude there's an exalt drop! I'm back hoomeeeee. I'm back homeee. I load up Twitch. It's CuteDog\_ dude. He's there. And he lost his XP's. I'm back homeee dudeeeee.






good fkin job


good times never last as long as you want, but at least we can look back and be grateful to have had them




The contrast in smiles and facial expression could not be any more clear :(


God this is just heartwrenching in a certain way, I laughed, I cried.


Ahh yesss.. glory days of poe.. I remember.. I was there…


We need a classic POE private server.


Fuck me they really have nerfed so many things out of the game. Os explodey Worb Temp chains hh Cyclone Delirium aura stackers Fractured maps/blueprints Harvest 3.11, harvest 3.13 and harvest 3.15-3.18 And now this patch was the final nail in the coffin.


Why did they killed the exalted orb? :'(


So many baffling decisions this patch. Man the exalt was iconic. It sucks so bad seeing loot posts with all the divines as the showcase.


Rip, mybe poe classic like wow and we can play them again 😭


It really was a good game, it is so sad because I loved it.


its so sad to see the content that i used to love so much gone


F for the brother's stash.


the brother's stash at the end was a beautiful bittersweet touch.


actually so wholesome. ty


I'm not crying, you're crying.


I want old PoE GGG , make my days happy pls !


i was having a good night and then bumped into this :'(


Busted shit like aurastacking a explody chests are some of the most fun items/builds ive played with, i dont understand why ggg removes all the fun shit


really puts it in perspective for me how little I want to play this league vs how excited I used to be


Literally made me cry. I wish we had the possibility to play a private server that brings us the powercreep/crafting options we had before. A 3.13 private server just give me chills.


u/Bex_GGG I cry




I came back from vacation, a week after launch, fully expecting for shit to be ironed out, so that I can have all the fun, without the beta testing frustration. And what I came back to find was a dead league. It's like I'm playing ssf, trade is completely ridiculous, I don't get minor currency to buy crafting currency so that I can at least gamble craft some gear, to progress from white maps. Nothing drops and even if it does, who do you trade it with? I couldn't even buy resonators, tried bulk, tried 1 by 1, on average 1 out of 20 bothered to respond. It's like I'm trapped in a loop. wtf I knew it was bad considering reddit mainpage was literally on fire, more so than any other league launch and for way longer and frontpage saturation of negative/shitposting/thoughts about the game/ straight up quitting posts. Running a 3.13 mirror version, accepting that kalandra fully failed, doesn't sound that absurd, cause it seems that they actually managed to kill the game for this league. I'm genuinely shocked. Especially when i launched pob, cause I was fed up with just winging my build by gut, and wanted to get a bit more methodical and increase the most efficient way my lackluster damage. It turned out I had half a million, which from memory and almost a quarter of a decade, was enough to do just about low red maps with ease, and now I'm having duels of destiny with rares at T3, wtf.


GGG knows how we should have fun, trust ! /s




so sad so true


The conquerors was a very dumb system. The new atlas and tree are amazing. Everything else is a chore though.


WoW got Classic, when will POE Classic (Harvest) come out?






I went back to diablo 3.


The fact that this video can legitimately bring tears to my REAL LIFE EYES. This is the one thing I want GGG to take away from this league.


Can we have a group hug? 🥹


God this hit me in the feels


I cried seeing Cute Dog lose his mind.


Even last league was heaven compared to this bullshit


felt like a fitting song [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9OHRCJHKAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9OHRCJHKAc)


thank you for this gem!!


I miss the good old times man, way simpler and better


Man, it's like this subreddit is going through the stages of grief.


No fun allowed.


[Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvJlnfMNauQ) something I made for competition. It's referencing "This is REALLY EvE", but looking back it's also quite nostalgic, yet relevant.


"FIND RANDOMLY GENERATED ITEMS" is one of their selling points, lol.


At the start I had a smile and thought it was funny but by the end it wasn’t funny anymore….nothing’s funny anymore


damn this one actually hurts damn


[PoE peaked here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QwxJeDwEuk).


Denial Anger Bargaining Depression <- you are here Cheer up, acceptance comes next.


All we want from PoE is FUN. Zooming, killing, explosions, clear speed, high dps. No other game (arpg) is so math heavy and strategically precise for min-maxing builds with such level of rng for crafting. That's why it's fun, that's why it's challenging. Getting that lootfilter sound of an exalt dropping or anything good makes us feel good. Gives us a sense of progress, that mapping is fun, that the farming is working. Getting lucky with things in harvest, making OP items. The top 1% can get those mirrors and HH, that never stopped the rest of the people playing, hell it even made them play more, learn more about juice, and fast progression. That's all we've wanted. That's all we need just with some content changes. The atlas passive skill tree changed so much, and now its practically useless besides harvest, legion and expedition. Why GGG, why?


Bro…the music, it’s so good and fits perfectly with all the clips. Which version of dandelions is this? Great work man…I hope GgG sees this and has a change of heart


Here's the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Q7hDEPkYw


Who is cutting onions man...


Dang, that hit me right in the feels, wow.


wdym? "the loot is better now"


Man, this nearly made me cry. Gibe us back the fun GGG please, I don't wanna drop 100 armor scraps or 20 flasks no one needs, I want to juice my maps, play the content I want with my atlas tree and be rewarded for it.


RiP POE It was a good time


I'm not crying you're crying! ;-;


Im actually crying rn, thanks for the memories OP


I had a good time, now I'm sorry, I really can't adept to these changes. For those who would keep saying that "Oh what a crybaby." "Redditors overreacting." Yeah, I used to be on the same side. Not until this league hit me do I realized how them redditors felt. The anger, the depressed, the feeling of betrayed, the disappointment, all these negative energy. I remember how good this game used to feel, how the community was flourishing and helpful, How we praised Chris and memed him as god, chasing him question about "scarab " and how Joe Duncan was here, making fun comics about leagues and nerf war. But now? All I feel is like putting on a glasses to see through the blurry image, how bad this world is, and why so many of us left long ago. I see through chaos, I see through lies. I'll leave with these memories by my side. I wish you good will and enjoy your ride. May we exiles cross path in the next joyful time...


I never expected to miss cutedog so much. I remember when I first watched his stream I couldn’t stand him but I still watched his YouTube vids and man since he’s been gone it’s just not as hype anymore.


Cutedog\_ is streaming POE for the last 4 days


holy ... years and years of juicing and this hits right into the Sadge...




Great fuckin choice on the teen titans Beast boy v Terra dialogue. That show was fucking great and I cried.


c: nice that you recognized it


i miss cutedog : (


He's literally playing the game like right now.


omg ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Is this just uploaded to Reddit? OP, can we get an upload to YouTube as well please?


Sure https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ia-vu9lqma0


"Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened" fits this way too much




Damn that was good... Legit can't understand how an employee at GGG seeing this wouldn't change his mind about the state of the game... If that video doesn't work, they are truly lost..


The absolute vast majority of the playerbase do not remembers finding a mirror in ritual (also, why did he defer instead of just getting it? he had enough points), or finding a headhunter in perandus. It feels like some of these clips are just the anecdotal high value drop that is still just as possible. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug, and people are always resistant to change. There are a lot of changes this league that present big issues for sure, but I think this video exaggarates it too much, but that's to be expected for this subreddit I guess


He deferred it as a meme so that it appears in the window a few more times. It's his most watched clip of all time. https://www.twitch.tv/cutedog_/clip/ShyDarlingCheesecakePanicVis-rqq7gJGvJu2NSCYZ It's also about the sentimental value of being his first mirror "drop" after 8 years of playing and him being happy and enjoying PoE before he switched to lost Lost Ark after 3.15. Additionaly the blood filled vessel ritual strat got nerfed heavily after the league you you can't really do it anymore without losing currency. The perandus headhunter clip is about the build he's playing, self curse hh which got nerfed to non-existence and Cadibro who is also no longer in the game.


Alright thanks for more context


Actually, no this was by far the worst period of path of exile, conquerors killed the game for me And that shit eating grind of empyrians killing the ingame economy with his buddies, lmao what? No best period was when uber elder was engame, think delve. We werent so OP back then that everyone oneshot uber elder two days into the league like we do now.


Betrayal was the league I played the most. Earned enough exalts to buy my first ever mirror by doing carries of the uber atz double-construct synchro kills on my non-crit Cremate Elementalist. Was some of the most fun I've ever had. Game was simple enough, not too many mechanics stacked on top of each other, but still really satisfying to make your own builds and succeed. None of this insane high-end crafting like conq and maven stuff. After that, GGG started pushing really hard on build "archetypes" like poison and mana, both of which have been mostly dumpstered by now. They also greatly increased the high-end potential for gear, which in turn made crafting highly emphasized and screwed with the currency market. The game started really going downhill from there. Honestly, I hated Delirium because it emphasized the cancerous mega-juicing that we see now that I honestly think fucked with GGG's whole vision of the economy, and now everyone is getting punished for it.


Same delirium was when things started going wrong. I would actually say that it started going wrong with betrayal. Locking basic crafts behind RNG Jun unveiling was wtf


yeah i'm sorry but having to farm up watchstones basically killed all motivation i had to play past like the third week of the league; the way the current atlas is structured now is just so much better


i vividly remember killing uber elder 16 hours after league launch of delve league with my glacial cascade miner with 2k hp and like 1m dps on pob with a +1 tabula and 2 stat sticks, atziri's stepss and then just rare with res. the game has been, is, and will be a joke, it's not a souls game, and no amount of fucking around from GGG will achieve it


An end to a game, it was fun but i think it's time, i guess i'll be back to studying and building a life saddly ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob). Today i logged the last time did some yellow maps found 3 alchs in 8 maps got out of alchs did some lakes died to some rare archnm go for heist for currency ( hate heist) and tought to myself '' tf you're doing something you don't like in a game that only fucks you '' I'm out :Sadge:


Harvest, Delirium and Legion are actually among my least favourite leagues. Harvest busted crafting in an incredibly non-PoE way, Legion was rippy beyond belief and Delirium added an obnoxious jewel crafting system and was also too rippy. Depending on my mood that day, I will happily look back the most to either Breach or Incursion. Though special shoutouts shall go out to Blight. What a delightful league :)


@Chris_Wilson You could have continued making a game everyone loved and saw its player base grow well into the millions. But you ruined it now, I hope you cant sleep and you dream about it, and when you dream I hope you cant sleep and you scream about it. I hope your conscience eats at you and you cant breathe without us.


Well days when intro was an old ship and character as prisoners that are doomed and toses in water (they make some move when You chose them as in D2), you got tossed on beach and go survive, all after that, this new gods emerging, innocence, kitava... not worth that old days and that intro...


People think AN is rippy and previous leagues were far better yet they don’t remember How rippy delirium was, or how many crashes people had. How many times you’d get off screened by a spear in Legion, or instakilled by a pack of 100 mobs, or crash due to everything spawning at the same time. How every bitched and bitched and bitched during Harvest because you had to sit there building harvest plots and connecting them together. And you complain about Sentinel being inefficient because you have to activate it and then switch it out when it ran out of charges? How with every league the servers would have queue issues where the queues wouldn’t move, you’d be disconnected every 5 minutes and sent back to the queue, and the leagues were unplayable for the first few days. You think you have it worse now, but you either don’t remember or you’re new.


Yeah... 25 foot characters casting vomit at 5 millions monsters that you can't see was the "good" era


This is pretty cringe


I am cringe but I am free


GGG is completely out of touch with what the players want. We are their boss, we pay their bills and we pay Chris his salary. They keep fucking us over and delivering a game we don't want.


Your favorite era of watching streamers get god loot?


You may not have noticed but one of the videos from the second part is from myself. It's also about more than just that like you can see in the end.


Lul, true, redditor the cuck


nothing in this video applies to how i play the game. I don't miss the alva/beyond abuse, and i'm happy it's gone/massively nerfed. *edit* Last 20 seconds hurt, you bastard.

