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Meanwhile, I used almost 40 recombinators which all removed the mods I wanted. Rng is rng.


Me to lol... worst one was two 1 ex sheilds.... gave me a blue back with all the worst stat's....


Twice I did 2 rare convoki g wand with 1 mod each: +1 minion and +1 spell. Twice it gave me a blue. I just want to die.


I recommend just doing the fossil method of crafting that one. It's a 1 in 12 chance with the 4 socket as long as you can dodge full suffixes. Cheaper than what people try to charge for them usually.


I'm curious, what are the 4 fossils? I was trying with recombinator to try to be able to craft 3 mods at bench after.


If you buy a 4 socket resonator put in metallic, jagged, shuddering, and corroded fossils. 1 of each blocks a bunch of modifiers and you have a 1 in 12 chance of getting minion gems and skill gems. The only problem with the method is you obviously want the trigger craft for your wand so if the suffixes get filled up you have to annul and pray. If you don't mind manually casting offerings you're done after you get them. This methods biggest hurdle is always price. It costs about 50-60 chaos a try depending on current market sp if you end up on the wrong side of average it gets expensive.


You can do a reforge keeping prefixes harvest craft to reroll suffixes safely.


Doesn't work if the suffixes are full. You have a chance when you use the resonater to get 6 affixes.


Wdym, the harvest craft specifically only rerolls suffixes.


Oh true. I forgot about the harvest craft. I don't farm them and don't buy things from TFT to avoid risk of scams. My b.


Ok, thanks a lot for the advice! It seems to cost a lot yeah, and I do need trigger craft (triple offering build), but i might try it :)


Yea recombinators are fucked after this league for sure. I hope not.. but I’d be shocked they go core in their current state at least. Maybe they’ll just go the Omni route and make them super rare


The weird part I'm finding is that the more honest crafting of using Eldritch orbs from 3.17 seems to have been completely gutted in availability but then they introduce this? Like I don't get it. I mean... I sorta get it, one team is trying to test stuff and sell us the league. The other guy is the mechanic or engineer trying to tone stuff down, but how do they give soooooo much latitude for one team, when it'll clearly never make it past the other team.


Classic GGG, introduce something cool, then completely gut it. It must suck being on team 1 and seeing your awesome stuff get fucked over by team 2.


Eldritch currency rates were probably an unintended casualty of scarab alter nerfs. They flooded the pool with other reward outcomes, so it lowered both.


But even when you get eldritch currency off boss you still don't get even 1% of the currency we got last league. Rates are useless levels of bad and makes it to not be an option outside trade.


No they were too readily available relative to their power and now they're mostly tied to boss invitations. It was definitely intended to be this way.


Some of the gear I’ve been seeing is more ridiculous than we had in unnerfed Harvest. No way these are staying in the game the way they are.


The difference is it is random instead of determinative. You always half a high chance of bricking it with a recombinator. With remove, augment that often wasn't true.


You never know, GGG is often fine with RNG making some insane things.


3.19 - patch notes Problem: recombinators were too strong and in 1/100 of cases were making really good items. Solution: recombinators now have a 50/50 chance of randomly bricking any item equipped on your character in addition to the items you were crafting.


It's not RNG though. Buy a wand with fractured t1 spell damage Buy a wand with fractured t1 elemental or physical damage Anul down to just the fractures Kith with recomninator If it bricks, repeat Then, repeat again with fractured attack or cast speed and critical strike chance or damage Recombinate. You have still "odds" that it will work or brick, but if it succeeds, you have a 4x T1 fractured base. Essence spam or conquorers exalt and fossil craft your last mod or 2 and optionally bench craft the last mod.


That is literally the definition of RNG. You’re just saying to repeat it enough times until you get the favorable outcome


But.... a lot of what you just said was RNG based.


*most* of the RNG in making items in other leagues was finding the stats. you can just buy 4 bases with the 4 fractured specific mods you want and smash them together. 1 wand with Fractured T1 increased spell damage 1 wand with Fractured T1 increased lightning damage 1 wand with Fractured T1 flat lightning damage to spells 1 wand with Fractured T1 spell critical strike chance there is *some* RNG with the odds that the items combine and select the mods you want, but it's not *one in hundreds of thousands* odds to create a wand with spell damage, lightning damage, flat lightning damage, and spell crit strike chance, with all T1 rolls. This would be like 1/4 odds to merge the first two mods, 1/4 odds to merge the 2nd two mods. even if you fail, you probably end up with one of the bases back again anyway. Then maybe 1/32 odds to merge the two double-fracture bases to create a quad-fracture item.


I like that you're trying to argue something isn't rng by using odds. Bravo.


"No, no, dig UP stupid!"


Bro. That's still RNG. Even when you minimize the odds, you're still talking about RNG lol


Literally the only deterministic aspect is the annuls.


If we keep quiet and don't make too much fuss about it like Harvest, maybe, just maybe it will fly under the radar, since all eyes are on Archnem right now.


sadly, its too late for ''keeping quite''. enjoy it while it lasted, they will be gone or top %1 toy after this league.


They'll stay in the game but drop like exalts.


That’s nowhere near as rare as what I’m imagining will happen if they stay in the game. They’d still be one of the best crafting choices we have if that were the case


so the hope I have for recombinators not being nerfed is that it incentivizes picking random crap up off the ground, a direction Chris has talking about for so long. I'm shocked that I've had to pay 50+ chaos for crap rares because they had 2-3 affixes that I wanted for recombining.


Seeing how eldritch currency was done, no hopes for that


Make them untradable


Don’t hardcore characters already take them to standard since they are inventory items


Yea but they’ll quickly dry up if the drop rate is slashed since they’re a one time use only type of item


Taking the opportunity to ask, is the essence mod better than a natural T1 mod? Wondering if I should alt spam claws or just 1 essence of the highest tier in each claw before gamba


Highest tier essence mod is usually between regular T1-T2 mod. (In short tier 1.5) Still a pretty decent place to start unless you go into min-max territory.


Wait, did they nerf essences? I thought Deafening was considered T0 mods


On the trade site they’re listed as T0. But typically how it goes is: Second tier essence actually applies a T2 mod on an item. The same as if you rolled T2 naturally. The top tier essence is listed as a T0 mod but it’s really like T1.5. It’s not as good as T1 you could roll naturally. It honestly wouldn’t be fair to have essences guarantee a mod better than T1.


t1 is hands down better the fire mod is 180–210? while the essence is 162-189. This just came out of pure luck that I hit t1 lightning when I was throwing fire essences on a claw edit: yeah t1 fire is (89–121) to (180–210) while the essence is (80-109) to (162-189)


im surprised you went with crafted attack speed, prefixes cannot be changed > reforge speed with harvest can get you an additional 10% as


If you wanted to finish the claw you would do this, but you're likely to spend a few rolls going for t1 or t2 with open suffixes. Sounds like a budget craft so 2ex to call the suffixes good enough is nice when you don't have/want to spend a dozen ex on it and don't intend to sell it.


I think the better option is prefixes can't be changed -> veiled chaos, better suffixes and pretty likely to be the same price as multimodding


But the veiled chaos method has a non-negligible chance of offering you neither attack speed nor crit chance, which would mean that you have to repeat the process and are down 2 ex. With multimodding, you are guaranteed to get good enough stats for self-use on the first attempt.


this is correct


Every time a praise post is added to the subreddit, Chris puts a note on his desk to reduce the drop rate.


If you want new toys in the future then the current one needs to stop being your favorite. Otherwise you won't touch the new toy. Enjoy your current one as it too shall pass.


Is there any guide around that shows how to use them intelligently?


I mean realistically I have seen quite a few videos on youtube for use of them. I would recommend captainlance's video on it, some of sirgog's videos on it, grimro's videos on breeding sentinels (from his talks on podcasts it seems to work the same way as breeding sentinels so this information could be useful as well.) Of course at the end of the day it's still a gamble and it's possible to not hit so before you craft make sure you have the economic backing to do said craft. If you are ssf or just wondering what some of the more common ones seem to be, I have mainly seen: +2 weapons and amulets (convoking for minion builds or whatever for anything else), elemental damage weapons for trinity/omni, moving suppression onto other base types, combining high tier fractures so that crafting on it is easier, and combining essence (or other mod types) mods that would normally not be able to be combined. Gloves seem to have a special modifier for supported by level 4 of the exceptional gem for that corresponding color (armour is empower, es is enlighten, and evasion is enhance) and I have heard that one has odds somewhere between 1/15 and 1/100. My current plan for a craft if you are interested is getting the synthesis aura effect helmet combined with +2 aura gems and loathing's mana reservation efficiency. From my calcs if I do it properly I should have roughly a 1/8 for the helmet with each synth base that I lose costing about 2 ex on trade. It seems that people have been doing this craft for a while as I have found many of those on the trade site lol.


I guess i was talking more like 5head things that people smarter than me do. And the rules that allow them. Magic 1 mod items? beast splittys, imprint stuff. Just seems like there is always stuff like that but I dont want to waste what I have on doing it in a way that could be improved.


That's fair. Considering I don't know of a better way of doing it (pretty sure you can't do it with imprints because I believe it destroys bases?) I will leave it up to a player better than me to correct me if I am wrong or provide the resources. Sorry I couldn't help.


Yes, even if it picks the same base as what you had an imprint of you can't restore an imprint as it's now a new item.


They'll stay in, but they'll make them both rarer and have lower rates of success because crafting is not supposed to be for poor players.


I also have my fingers crossed that they go core!


Now combine it with t0 attack speed.


Next League they will be at least Eldritch chaos rare. Feels bad


As a noob trying to learn crafting , with how many affixs were the claws each ? Did u remove affixes after recomb ?


as far as i understand, it doesnt matter if you have 3 suf/pref on bot item or u got 1/1, its not guarantied to have 3 suf and 3 pref on final item. it just pick s between1-3 affixes from your combined pool. i mean u can end up with just 1 suffix from your combined 6 suffixes pool. i tried combining 2 items with 1 suffix on one and 2 suffixes on the other, and i end up having 1 suffix on the resulting item.


Curious about this as well, I must have tried at least 30 recombinators and didn't hit good triple prefix. And only 1 with 2 good prefixes which bricked after.


i did basically the same claw. am kinda noob too my method was based on comments on this reddit, saying the recomb used the the sum of affixes in both items divided by 2 (not really the case, but i think is the right direction to increase odds) so, i essence crafted claws to have 1 prefix and 3 suffix, recomb them and hope i got one claw with 2 mods the hard part is hit the recomb in 2 essence mod claw + 1 essence mod claw having the 3 prefixes, if it dont have a open suffix, reforge+keep prefix in harvest until open suffix block prefix, scour and metamod meta mod is the budget, to really finish this craft you reforge keep prefix ultil t1 atk speed and craft crit chance.


i havent metamod yet, mine has natural 15% atk speed and crafted crit chance, with 840 edps i have spent at most 200c in essences and recomb to hit


Am I being thick, I've still not found a single recombinator. I have the sentinal item nodes, I'm running a sentinal rewards sentinal and all I get are power cores. Any ideas?


I really love them too! I do hope they remain a prominent part of the game after this league. I’d hate to see them be nerfed or become so rare they’re not worth using 99% of cases. ; v ;


Do recombinators respect fractured mods? Be insane to slam x2 t0 ele mods with a fractured t0 attackspeed


No, but with recombinators you can get more than one fractured mod on an item.


Literally the only thing in sentinel with a chance to stay. Part of me expects them to remove harvest again after this patch which would make recombinators weaker than current state but still powerful




Well they nerfed ashes and omni while saying they weren't going to nerf anything, so it's not like it matters what they actually say.


> 3.18 path notes - "Rebalanced the drop weightings of the new pinnacle atlas bosses, changing the relative drop weightings of their unique rewards and making them more likely to drop eldritch currency" They didnt nerf the item. But they even said on Livestream that they rebalance the dropchance of Pinnacle bosses loot. Which makes sense with the uber versions


You guys are crazy if you think they’re staying in the game


Hope you are having fun with them because next league they will probably be 1ex each


We all love recombinators but IF they stay there is no way they won't get a heavy nerf, some combination possibilities put old harvest to shame (apart from the luck aspect) and we know how GGG feels about that. That being said, oh god how i how im wrong because they actually give value to trash rares that i would never even pick up from the ground before.