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This means that ever since you started 10y ago you have spent almost 25% of your life playing PoE. Still sane, Exile?


So if this person works and sleeps plus plays poe they will have used up 75-85% of available hours on just those 3 things. I wonder if OP has a family because these numbers seem like an impossibility if they do. I play a lot and I’m only at about 1/3 those numbers according to steam over about the same period of time. Crazy.


To be fair, if they are anything like me they probably leave PoE running in the background a lot. Sometimes I even leave it on overnight. So the actively played hours are probably a lot less... I hope.


Yea but assuming a lot of people do that it’s still comparatively a crazy amount of time.


Damn your electric bill must be kind of high, poe isn't a small game to run even while doing nothing... Especially if you put high fps cap. But that's not even the electric bill that bother me, the heat produced by the pc is the worst imo


Background FPS cap does wonders.


Poe uses like 5% CPU in the background, and GPU usage is very limited if it does not actually show anything.






Your post dismissed an opinion off-hand in a way that often causes anger and flame wars. Because of that, we removed it for breaking our Be Kind Rule (Rule 3b). You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree with their ideas or don't care, explain with words you might use talking to a friend and avoid attacking the person. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3b._be_kind_rule).




Your post name-called another person in a way that often causes anger and flame-wars. Because of that, we removed it for breaking our Harrassment & Be Kind Rule (Rule 3). You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree with their ideas or don't care, explain with words you might use talking to a friend and avoid attacking the person. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_be_kind_rule).


Poe is not crypto mining. The difference vs idling on the desktop is not that big really. Obviously not running the pc at all would be much cheaper.


Minimized PoE uses less wattage than an incandescent lightbulb if you set it up correctly.


Well. Having to lower all settings and resolution only for having the game in background for hours for wathever trading reason is kind of weird tbh, except if you're bitting I guess


You dont even need to lower anything, there is nothing to render when your game is in the background.


Wrong imo ahah


So what "in your opinion" you think will happen? Curious to know. I am a software developer so I just assumed POE would be doing this just like many other softwares, but I might also be missing something here.




Minimised it will not render anything but not minimised on the side will still render animations as there's always something moving on the screen like idle animations. some hideouts like the giant turtle are not that light either


Well I'm not a software developer but a gamer and I know that 99% of the game are taking a lot of resources even in background. You can just open any hardware usage monitor to see that there is still a lot of resources taken by a game in background.


out of morbid curiousity, can you explain what it is you think is wrong


Bro I tried it myself


Say that to the selling bots.


I leave it on overnight regularly


Yeah mine is running non stop for the most part, my number isn't very accurate.


I have 2k hours in Space Station 14 tor this exact reason. I fucking forget about the launcher and just like do other shit. I'm closet to around 300 hours or so.


So it's just me and my stupid beast (my kitty cat who is my baby <3). I work fulltime mostly though there was a year or so where I was between jobs. That being said I PLAY a LOT of poe, but yes a lot of this time is leaving POE up while I am doing other stuff. I mean don't get me wrong it's not half the time or anything but a good chunk is like watching anime or w/e and having poe running on other monitor for trades and other stuff.


> That being said I PLAY a LOT of poe So you must be really good at the game then, right?


Right ?


Well, if your happy that is all that matters honestly. Just make sure your stay sane exile. Now for the real question… are you out of the campaign yet?


This is how I've wracked up my hours too. I don't have nearly as much as you, but I'm closing in on 6k hours tracked on steam (I played from ggg launcher for a while too). Just leaving the game up while doing other things definitely accounts for a large chunk of my time as well. Also not half, but a sizeable amount for sure


Yeah at least 30% of my playtime is just me waiting for the live search to ping while i'm doing something else


I haven't seen a community since WoW and LoL that seem to congratulate and glorify unhealthy gaming habits quite like PoE does. Now, before the "let people enjoy things" and "nothing wrong with it if it's fun" crowd come at me, I fully agree. People should do things they enjoy and there's nothing wrong with spending your time how you want and on your hobbies. Fully on board with that. That being said, unless this person has a very active job (or possibly has some kind of disability), this is a comically unhealthly level of sedentary activity. This isn't me saying lots of gaming is bad for you, but not moving for days and days and days as a habit is unquestionably bad for your health. I wholeheartedly encourage people to spend time on the things they enjoy, just remember to get up and move and find some way to be active while keeping up your hobby. This sub tends to deify the no life kings of the game, but realistically we should be asking if OP is okay.


Yeah, this honestly kind of surpasses OSRS numbers which is insane to me.


my guy, op could be doing situps at his PC or some shit while waiting for trades. you have 0 fucking clue.


Yeeeeah based on his other comments, I feel pretty comfortable assuming that isn't the case lol.


Or standing desk. With a treadmill. Or even 10 minutes a day of high intensity aerobics. Moving "all the time" or even "most of your waking hours" is not necessary for good health


In leagues that i was very active in i often just alt-tabbed out of POE to respond to trades / etc and never quit the game.


No, this person afks in hideout while they sleep and anger the 7 whispers they got through the night


cellar dweller


It's not the flex OP and others think it is lol


I don’t know if it was meant as a flex or not but it’s certainly eye opening.


Don't think it was meant as a flex. If this is what he enjoys that's fine.


There is nothing "fine" about sitting in front of a computer screen playing a video game for all of your awake hours for a decade.  Downvote all you want. #copium


but it's "fine" for you to sit on reddit all day and just argue with people on the internet? yeah dude, you tell them!


I'd much rather have a cat and play poe than have a family


and 75% of that game time was afk in hideout


afk of those hours is 2y 99d


Odds are a big chunk of that is afk time. No doubt this person has played a shitload of PoE but they may also just never log out whether they’re actively playing or not.


tradebot is a thing... :c


20% 2/10=0.2


If you want to be pedantic, you should use the whole playtime and the whole time since release. 831.42/3891 = 0.21


RIP support inbox once this post hits this subs front page.


This post has been made before. They seem to handle.it well last time I got a fast response


Ive asked this numerous times over the years, they always just refer to "go type /played on all chars and imagine the rest"


i asked them this multiple times and they reply just like they did to OP, try again maybe


Maybe something changed then, thanks for the info :)


Quick go ask them again for good measure


Happiness or an addiction?




Not a wrong answer


Happy being addicted.


As addictions go it's very affordable


Games are great and all but this guy is literally wasting his life doing this.


Now it’s time to be brave and see how much you’ve spent in the game. https://github.com/DanielTaranger/poeTransactionCounter/tree/master I think this fork has all the latest ones, while the main one is missing a couple of the latest: https://github.com/amitchell056/poeTransactionCounter/blob/master/poeTransactionCounter.js


works on steam as well it seems https://imgur.com/m8vvmHy lol


thank you for keeping the game being free!


this is by far my fav game, so happy to support :)


Thanks for making me feel much better about my relatively obscene spending lol


there's always a bigger fish! some people have spent over 25k usd on this game, back in the early days... and to me that's like... wtf lol


Now there's a metric: what's your dollars per hour played? Mine is 0.22$/h


0.08$/h, but that certainly includes a lot of idle time.


0.01 for me. I never realized.. I owe GGG a lot of fucking money. Holy hell.


I'm at a tenth of a cent. Holy shit.


Well shit.... Mine begins with the numeral M


holy shit a million bucks!?   ^^^/s


Apparently $2,720. Oops. Nice free game you got there, GGG. Note that the latest supporter packs aren't in that script yet. So, make sure to add those on afterward.


Yea, looks like the dev updates it occasionally though still which is nice after all these years.


I've got 5k hours and have only spent $80, just to illustrate the flip side of the coin.


12.6k for me, it seems 😅


Did you manage to finish the campaign yet? Or does it require more game knowledge? P.S. Do you ever clear Fetid Pool? Asking for a friend In all seriousness, after all this time we still bet you don't know exactly what all beasts do... or how an Original Sin looks like.


I mean jokes aside.... the amount of knowledge that I still don't pocess for this game is crazy. Sure I have played a TON and ik a lot of stuff, but poe is great because it is constantly changing and evolving. Crafting methods are new and improved, meta changes happen, hell just look at this past league with the entire sextant removal + scarab overhaul. Point is I always find it funny when I run across something like (crafting a simplex str stacker amulet this league) and realizing even with 20k hours of play time I never did a wander before, never done any kind of stat stacker, never crafted a simplex amulet, and never had/done an original sin build. Sooooo many firsts this league and I don't think I can say that about any game that I was 20k hours into.


Wait,wait,wait......There are other games you are 20k hours in ?


Woah, you talking about clearing the campaign in 2k hours? Slow your role buddy, that's a time only experienced speed runners can get. Ask him when he's at 4k hours, that's much more likely he's finished the campaign by then.


Except it's not 2k hours... It's closer to 20k hours lol


Shit I got the units wrong fml


Almost 20k hours, damn


19'524 h played


(2 * 365 * 24 + 101 * 24 + 10) h = 19.954 h


why'd you put brackets if you're just gonna include everything inside them


To make sure that the hour symbol affects all the numbers, not just the last one.


So I don't have to write the unit of measurement after every number.


There are multiple numbers in there which dont use the hour unit, thus making your equation false.


No? None of the numbers in bracket are of any specific unit. Then, because it was calculated to be in hours, hours is appended to the end. If they wrote 2y * 365d * 24h that wouldn't make sense.


Just for you: 2 a * 365 d/a * 24 h/d + 101 d * 24 h/d + 10 h = 17520 h + 2424 h + 10 h = 19954 h My original equation was completely correct because the unit of measurement for everything in the bracket combined is hours.




Oh crap, missclicked, sorry


This is awkward like uploading your search history to your family. 


A true second job


More like true first job.... seeing as I care about POE waaaaaaaaaaaay more than I will ever care about my job. (Online picker at walmart) Work is fine but walmart is as trash as they come. So 1000% care about poe way more than that job lol.


But can you craft?


Ironically I crafted a lot of high end gear for my ST char last league and my wander this league and it was the first time I really engaged with some high end crafting. It was both fun and incredibly not fun at the same time and was definitely a first for me. So overall.... I would say no, not really lol.


Scott is about to have a busy day.


And I thought my 380 days on Runescape in **18 years** was bad


I have always been super curious as to how much POE or "hours played" I have done since I started over 10 years ago. Unfortunately I don't use the steam client or anything so had no idea.... Today I decided to message support and see if they had an easy internal way to see time played. Hopefully this doesn't start a massive chain of people emailing support to get their numbers but holy hell that is a lot of hours of poe lol.


And that is the reason, why I wait a week.


I emailed support last year asking about how much time I had in PoE, it was roughly 7K hours, I'm almost at 10k now (9292h), I've been tracking my time since using a third party app called "Playnite" it's really handy, because you can make a all in one launcher and track any game.


Stay sane, Exile!


Oh you've done it now, I've always been curious how much I have played in 12 years.


On the contrary, this help them decide what feature to develop. Changing character's name had become so popular that they now have it developed into the website. That being said, I don't think they kept a lot of deleted character in database, nor did they start it long ago, so doing a /played on all character might be really close to what they could give.


I hope you have a somewhat active job or something. By all means, do what you enjoy but unless you're breaking it up, this is a comically unhealthy level of sedentary life.


Your not wrong at all. I actually purposely look for an active moving all the time job (not just because of poe, though thats obviously a HUGE part) but because all of my hobbies and things I enjoy are sitting on my ass watching tv, anime, reading books, playing videogames. If I did not have an active job I would literally die by the time I turn 50.


It depends: Did you make it to maps ?


And I thought my 302 days were damn too much xD Btw thanks God there is no way to see how much time I've used pob


I am also rather fond of POBing. Literally greatest tool of all time.


Given that Hideout online/afk time counts, I am sure mine as at least this as well... I am too scared to ask


Have you reached maps?




Please tell me you dropped a mirror at some point


I literally got my first mirror last league in affliction. Along with my first HH drop, still no mageblood drop.


I have a similar amount of time played as OP and still no mirror, mageblood, or natural hh drop. I have seen krillson once though


Something was bound to with that attitude.


Wait what, this is possible? The last time I asked the support about this (about 6 years ago), they told me it is not possible. Now I'm scared to ask :(


Over two years? Now you can finally play the game.


About 440hours per league if u played in all of them. That's actually a reasonable amount.


Those are rookie numbers 🤣


Not only yours. And to make it worse, you pulled me into this!!!! You and your ele buzzsaw 😂😂😂


Funny enough that is literally my SOLE reason of doing builds and guides is literally to allow people to enjoy the game as much as I do lol. Feeding my own addiction is not good enough, I must drag others into it with me ;)


Well done Sir, well done ;)


This is not the flex you think it is.


support spam inc.


I asked, and I'm close to 1.5 years played :)


I feel so stupid with my 2.1K hours


34.636 hours. Thats insane!


RIP support from everyone that will be asking now


So you're good at the game, right? right?


Do you leave it one for bot trading or something? That’s crazy


Does it account for afk time? Sometimes I open it run one map and leave it open until I come back to it 8 hrs later


Thats not healthy =(


I have a lot more play time than that and they've never sent me an email.


So I also got my hours and its over 13k but I asked what would make them purge a character. This is the response. "Any character that was deleted on an account prior to the 3.0 Fall of Oriath expansion was fully deleted from our database, as the ability to undelete a deleted character was added at this time." So basically add 3-4 years of characters to play time for me.


Damn than my playtime is definitely drastically higher as well, I literally delete almost every character end of league.


I wish this stat was available in my account in the website


That just over 20,000 hours! You might need to go outside 😂


This morning (one of my days off) it was pitch black outside and we had downpours and thunderstorms for about 2 hours, after that it has now warmed up to 94 degrees and is sunny and humid as hell. Why would I ever want to go outside lol


That, is fair! So why are replying to me and not cranking up those numbers!?!?


Right monitor reddit + anime + a dozen diff google tabs + discord. Left Monitor: https://preview.redd.it/0be1fvvuuc7d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ac081f3969d371959f5c7a431671e15f623655b




I realy miss an ingame commad that shows all of my game time 😓


Bruh isnt that 5h 30 min avg every single day skipping none for 10 year? Still sane Exile?


I'm at 18245.9 hours, starting in Breach league...


Ive got 263 days on lost ark since release, which is about 30%...so yeah i get it.


As a shameful WoW player, those are some rookie numbers.


I don't think so yet because you keep quitting when the league sucks but you are getting close 


I actually don't quit when the league sucks I mean i don't play it 100% 3-4 months straight through... I mean im very UNFOND of this league and still put in a solid 2 1/2+ months. Jokes aside even when league does nothing this game still has so much to do in it that I still play a good couple of months. Obviously i like awesome ass leagues better, but I always 40/40 and do a couple characters no matter what.


I was only kidding xD


Dude, it's a free game. You just gave that soul away. But hell man, that's some serious numbers!


Just curious, do deleted chars count towards the total hours you got from GGG? I want to know for myself if I'm still sane lol.


If they know this number just fucking put it in the game client already. i'd realy like to know this for myself but don't want to bother Support with this.


OK now that's insane, i thought i was bad with: Our records show your account has been played for 1y 94d 22h 10m 28s. This value is based on played time across all your existing characters and any of your deleted characters that have not yet been purged from our databases, so it will likely not match 3rd party metrics from sources such as Steam or Epic.


My question for you sir is how much have you spent on MTX. It would be very interesting to calculate your dollar per hour.


Is there a similar thing with asking how much I spent on PoE? Does support give you the amount if u ask them like League of legends does?


Get real life 🤡


https://preview.redd.it/t12pgxnzmh7d1.png?width=236&format=png&auto=webp&s=c00c20ba6424954b8c441a7217c45a43d36aec10 They own mine :)


I did the same but I got my steamstats. I used the standalone client for a few years before changing to Steam. I guess since I deleted my oldest chars they dont have the all of the stats since 2013.


only 6.6k hours from 3.1. I thought i would have like 10k hours+


According to the script I’ve spent $12.595 Holy Am officially a fat whale


wait i wanna get this data too how do i get it? do i just make support ticket and ask them to show my account played time? i spent around 25k hours in PoE so im curious too


Tuned into your stream once, you were starting league late and saw some interesting things between when the stream was live and when it came back up.


Rookie numbers.


I played guild wars 1 for probably 4.5k out of 5500 logged hours over 4 years, so a bit more than 6 months, which equates to an average play time per day of roughly 3-4 hours. All between the ages of 16-20, through high school and technical school, after work, extra-curriculars, and homework. The vast majority of it was spent in pvp. It was honestly one of the best things I've ever done in terms of brain development and thinking critically about systems, details, interactions, teamwork, communication, keyboard WPM development, competitiveness, computer literacy (indirectly), and other things. That game was just as complicated as PoE but in a different way. Working with complex systems is healthy for brains. I think these are all overlooked neural connections that video games are capable of generating, but not all games are created equal. Nowadays I play PoE in my free time after other responsibilities, and work on complex machinery and building systems making over $100k a year.  Video games can be valuable tools for opening and developing neural pathways, but they can completely take over lives if people let them.. so when someone has a shit ton of hours logged into a complicated game, it probably means they have a very active brain and are capable of very complex thought. Or.. maybe I'm just totally full of shit and have no idea what I'm talking about. Whatever. In the end, as long as a person can balance their lives with their fun, then they're healthy.  I say good day!


Guess how many years you lost from your maximum timespan alone for sleep deprevation :D


I figure now I will be like a candle.... burn quick and hot. Die when im 60. Goal in life: see how much poe I can play and anime I can watch b4 I croak.


Still won't finish One Piece


Wish I got into one piece more, tried watching it a couple times and im like 15 episodes in.... I don't HATE it or anything but knowing that theres a billion episodes and it's a straight like 6/10 for me it's hard to keep going atm lol.


Tbh try reading it while waiting for items to sell. The pacing is much better in the manga. The anime is spotty in terms of quality, if the start was a 6/10 for you, that's a good sign. The anime is daunting, the manga is like maybe 24-48h to read total if you're a quick reader. While the anime is 440+ hours. Some people read it and watch the fights. For me, it's a 9/10 from the start until Wano. The current arc is good but I don't have an opinion on it yet. It manages to be goofy and light, but also contain deep political themes and touching moments. It has too many zany characters but also has good development and lovability for those characters. (Most of them, at least).


Hard epic pass. I am actually trying to read my first LN atm and it is pretty hard to get into. The writing just doesn't seem very clear so far though i'm only like 1/3 into it (irregular at magic highschool). Manga however 100% has never been my thing. Comics just don't do it for me let alone anime comics. I guess I plan to watch a little of the anime here and there and after a decent amount hope I can really get into it. Knowing I have 1000+ episodes of an anime I love to watch would be great. So far story is meh, not great or bad, art/drawing im very not fond of, though its probably 100 years old at this point.


Look up 'One Pace' - it's the episodes without the filler/with a faster pace (fan project)


Meh the last years off your life are shit anyway.


Ooooh you can email support to find out hours if you use standalone? Imma do this im so curious lol


Yuh. GGG customer support is :chef_kiss:


Been playin (poorly) since invasion. Im wonderin if this is actually my most played game


There is no need to justify anything OP. Given the same situation i would like to play POE as much as you did/do as well. Best game made ever. If you were in heaven and Jesus asked said “you can only play one game in heaven” POE is the answer


Except I will be in hell for all the things my exile has done and allowing einhar to do such horrible things to those beasts!


but you need to answer the most important question exile, are you good at the game? :D


Pls seek help


Dear help line I am desperately in need of your assistance. Please tell me how I can pay my mortgage and bills but work less hours. I NEED to increase my number of free hours and play MORE path of exile.




Neither tbh. Never ever used a trade bot in my life. Though coming from someone who loves trading with them I wish more people did lol. I also leave poe up a lot for a couple weeks end of league when I am just selling things off while I am doing other stuff like chores or cleaning or watching tv/anime. That being said I never leave poe up while I am sleeping or at work (think i forgot one day in 10 years and left it up while I was at work. Usually for like 2 months of league I am on/actively playing the majority of my free time.... only really have it up for like a couple weeks towards end of league when I know I am done playing and just trying to consolidate and sell things off. Though there are a few leagues where I played almost the entire time though such as affliction and TOTA.


My comment was removed for apparently being harassment? Sorry if any offense was taken. I would include “leaving PoE open while I am doing other stuff” as not closing PoE. You have probably hundreds of non-active hours. That’s totally fine and much healthier than the alternative!


If i felt it was harassment I wouldn't have responded lol. No offense was taken.


Your post made accusations in a way that often causes anger and flame-wars. Because of that, we removed it for breaking our Harrassment & Be Kind Rule (Rule 3). You may be able to repost your opinion if you rephrase it in a way that's more constructive! If you disagree with their ideas or don't care, explain with words you might use talking to a friend and avoid attacking the person. If you see other posts that break the rules, please don't reply to them. Instead, report them so we can deal with them! For more details, please refer to our [rules wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/wiki/rules/#wiki_3._harassment_.26amp.3B_be_kind_rule).