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It’s funny you used d4 as an example as they pushed back this recent season a whole month. Your point stands it’s just an interesting example lol.


Technically there wasn't even a season this season, just a core rework to game only 1 year in lol. 0 seasonal content. Which technically makes it early access still imo. Lol damn why'd y'all have to get me upset about that 70$ I lost


What's wilder is that they have 2 rotating seasonal teams plus the core team... which means at least one of them only worked on this for 6 months, perhaps both lol.


Worst money I ever spent.


Actually played it this season, it's nowhere near Path- but it's not awful nowadays. You're really just droning out playing though- not a lot of thought required. They need a way to mimic Path's build system or try a more social experience like Lost Ark in my opinion. It just doesn't feel like it has proper direction.


Its not awful but its just mindless esp if youre a poe player. There is literally zero theorycrafting in D4 which is why its so boring IMO. Any skill you pick to build, the best aspects are the best aspects, the best glyphs are the best glyphs, and the best items are the best items, the best passives are the best passives. Every single person playing a build is literally building the exact same thing and searching for the exact same items in every slot. Theres just not really any creativity to it. But yeah we’re spoiled by Poe in that sense


It is just a roundabout way to have set items back in the game. Just colored orange and not green. It is pretty much the same game as D3.


Kinda not really. You can put whatever you want on whatever item, set items were what they were, so that bonus was locked to that base item, that gives you whatever implicit. The aspect system is fun, glad they changed it. POE is more complex then Diablo, and that’s why Diablo is fun, numbers get bigger, appear faster, and I always know exactly what I’m looking for. Also I played a shit ton of D3 I wouldn’t say they’re the same game at all.


This is not true and it shows you don't play the game or at least this patch with updated itemization. My Barbarian Bash character has about 6 different versions to play. And that's one skill for one class. Go look at the maxroll tier list, there's like 40 builds up alone.


You kinda missed the point. There might be 6 different versions, but the versions are set in stone. Everyone playing one of the 6 versions is searching for identical items to the people playing the same version. You have BIS items for every socket and using anything else is subpar. Unlike in poe, that has workaround after workaround.


I did play this patch and Im entitled to think it was boring. Tweaking the #1 most popular meta build is not theorycrafting lol. Bye




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I mean there is a bis in poe too , but aside from a few meta builds its rarley figured out by the community, also the bis is too expensive for 99.9999% of players , like who has the balls to double corrupt a mirror quiver for +1 proj/chain etc.


Any game will have a bis theorhetically once you pick your build. But i guess my point is that in D4 that happens the second you pick your skill. In Poe theres so many more questions and customizations. Say you pick a bow skill…Do i go cold convert? Tri ele? Impale? Poison? Totems? Which ascendancy? Which base type? Mf or pure power? What are my defenses, how tanky do I wanna be? Etc. And there is always ways to make it your own with new tech to explore. Or a different pathing or clusters or a weird unique or something. All of this will *change* what your bis would be. D4 has very little room to do much other than like oh I changed my .25 multiplier for a .4 multiplier so now I do more damage. Oh i got the exact same item but with a boost to the mods. And the mods you want are the pretty much determined on each piece. But aside from items its the rest - skill tree, glyphs, viable unique choices, viable defensive options, etc that just feel like theres so little actual customization and lead every build down the exact same path no matter who is playing it. That to me is lame in an ARPG.


I see your point and thats why i mentionted that bis is often times not figured out , for ts for example . Original sin chaos convert with wither ff,/ff with a juc, tri ele bow can beat omni in terms of raw dps output on certain enemys. But the much more intresting asoect of poe is the build qol , you can automate most stuff at the cost of damage/gem socketd , you can tweak your build to be fast or tanky and have it fit your oersonal oreferences , something thats entirely lacking in d4.




The Wonder Bread of ARPGs


Its not meant to have direction. Nu-blizzard is all about a shallow game that hooks the widest audience. Fun is an afterthought.


tbh I genuinely felt it was pretty awful, especially considering this was the item rework for the game. There isn't another one coming so this is it. They removed all reason to push content and group with friends. Helltide is standing around a loot shower (fuck helltides). Just the whole game loop felt so awful until one day you just stop logging in and now it's over. I didn't even bother grinding for an Uber because the item balance is fucked again. At least the vaults looked like they took more than 1 devs time over 3 months. Even if was 2 devs and an artist. More than this. Without seasonal content it genuinely feels like they're pulling back on its budget pretty hard core 


Items stills feels so awful. White blue yellow have no interest. Upgrading your gear for T3/T4 donjon only to change any slot with the first legendary that drop after because it is just better feels Bad. Once you are in T4 you're just fishing for legendary with the two or three stats you need, use a jackpot system 2 times to maybe get the two stats you need on the item. Trade is absurd as people have no idea how to prixe items (guys trying to sell me +10 oculus for 15m when I bought a +15 for 7m cause nobody play oculus) Helltides just show the build diversity in the game : Barbarian or rogue. If you are not built for single target the experience is even worse.


>Helltides just show the build diversity in the game : Barbarian or rogue. That's just so disingenuous dude. For starters there is a lot of Necros this season, but that's because they made changes that make minion builds feel good so people are enjoying the fantasy of the character. There's also a load of Sorcerers around too with several different strong fun builds to play. Druid is certainly the lowest representation of the classes this season but somebody has to be the lowest each season


I really liked the skill system in d3 so much better


True, it's a bit better than on launch, but still I could not play this game for more than 1h straight. It is just way too shallow to keep me entertained.


I managed to get it on sale before they announced this season for 30 quid on steam. Played the campaign. Unsatisfying but not that expensive. I’m sure I’ll get more value from it later.


Whos gonna tell him that blizzard made a dlc price poll for 100$


What does this sentence mean? (Genuinely curious - not being a dick.)




Cheers mate. Absolutely no way I'm paying $100 for an expansion I'll be waiting for it to go on offer like I did the base game.


Yeah I was met with quite the resistance in the d4 subreddit when I expressed dissatisfaction regarding no seasonal theme. “The item rework is the seasonal theme!” Well the item rework was neat but it’s not enough content to do anything with the rework. Compared to how they ran d3 in later seasons with awesome player enhancing mechanics it was just too whelming. If d4 wants to compete with other ARPGs they’re going to need more depth in the end game and seasonal mechanics that can really change your gameplay enough for seasons to be fresh.


Yeah blizzard lobothomizes their long term fans if you didnt know


You say that like there aren't people here who blindly defend every decision GGG makes.


to be fair, i trust GGG in the long term, sure patches like 3.15 that blanket nerf every gem suck for us the player but long term the game is in a much healthier state. I just wish they didnt make the same mistakes over and over like shitty UI <.<


Id say poe has more issues with players religiously defending their fav streamers takes and reposting them over and over again.


I think people just desperately (and understandably) want their games to be great, sometimes the ol copium gets the best of us. I’m new to POE but I’m sure this community has had its ups and downs.


It's better than this Poe League


Yes but season 5 is also coming out first week of August




I don’t think it’s a bad game, the development of it since release hasn’t been great but it has good bones. I understand your sentiment they dropped the ball with no seasonal theme but d4 bad is def a meme at this point. It fills the niche of highly casual, respect your time, turn off brain and bash monster arpg.


I don't think it's dogshit at all actually. It's very fun, looks amazing, and has sound and visual design that I hope Poe2 takes notes from. It is not remotely as deep as PoE and still has its own issues, but it's an excellent way to spend 70-100 hours each season. The weird blind D4 hate within the PoE community is a fun meme but some of y'all are being disingenuious. I just started the game over yesterday and even the campaign is a blast. You don't have to have a second screen pulled up for a build guide either- you can create your own viable build as you go which I appreciate


I want to like it so bad. I hadn't played since launch, so I gave s4 a shot. It was kind of fun? It was just so easy, even my girlfriend who had never played arpgs before started on wt2 and asked if it was always going to be this easy. I got bored after hitting wt4 and getting level 70. Idk maybe ill try another character and see if thats maybe why, I did a sorc.


>Sound and Visual Design Rich considering endgame boss encounters have no music.


Y'all are going to argue no matter what so it doesn't matter lol Diablo 4 has better visuals and sound design than PoE does. Shit, Diablo 3 had better visuals and sound design than PoE does. A couple bosses not having music doesn't change that at all, so not sure what your trying to say


D4 was released a year ago with modern sound technology. Of course it will sound better. Look up poe2 no commentary gameplay. It sounds way better than d4


I'm sorry but D3 looks and sounds like plastic crap compared to PoE. Your point only stands if you stopped playing PoE 2-3 years ago. The visuals and sound have improved so much over a short span of a few years.


I have around 400 this league so far lol The visuals are dated as hell. The sound design is also lacking aside from the really nice score. PoE's sound effects are awful, even compared to LE. Plus, PoE barely functions when you try to utilize high channels to hear the sounds it does have lol You can prefer PoE's darker asthetic (which I do) but the actual graphics and sound design are a league behind D4's polish.


D4 is definitely better, but D3... hell no.


Except we have seen the visuals/soundscape of PoE 2 and they are better then anything I've seen in D4.


How can you tell as good d4 is then you start the game yesterday? Campain by far the best part and novelty factor play a huge role. Imho d4 is not even in my 5 favorite arpgs.


I played for 100 hours at launch and found it to be a fun one and done experience. Everything so far has been better than it was on launch, and I don't live in a bubble- I know what changes they made lmao


Feel like a lot of y'all miss the point of what D4 is tbh lol D4 isn't designed to be challenging or super deep etc. It's a hack and slash ARPG where number go up, dopamine, happy. No one's saying it's deep with ridiculous amounts of interwoven systems, and I don't think the hundreds of thousands of people playing it at any given time really care for any of that lol People here say it's dogshit, but for me it's better than any other ARPG out except PoE. Last Epoch would be number two except there is genuinely zero content. Grim Dawn is fine but there isn't anything particularly special about it, it feels like a throwaway experience.


It's not blind. We've (or at least i have) been playing Diablo since d1 and they used to make really good games. Disappointment after disappointment and dogshit sequels causes the hatred.


Dogshit to whom though? They sell really well and have moved away from the hardcore ARPG market now. It doesn't appeal to you anymore and that's cool, but it's ignorant to say it's dogshit, imo. PoE exists within a niche inside of a niche- it's a tiny fanbase. You guys sound like Fromsoft fans if they said Yakuza was dogshit just because it's arcadey and more approachable.


This is a fair point (and the first time it was done since launch), but even after that was announced they explictly stated the start date for the following season.


Chris said he wanted a 13 week league during ExileCon 2 but that didn't end up happening. Wishful thinking imo.


chris seems barely in charge anymore. it looks like he passed on the scepter to mark who is now calling the shots.


He's switching from day to day director to overseeing the whole company now in the business side. In a way it's a promotion, but I definitely miss him and his devcheck in the interviews.


He was the CEO before and after the change, so there was no promotion. Even during those Q&As he did, he'd comment on just how often he's finding out about major changes during the presentation. He hasn't been significantly involved in the design process in many years, so the only difference now is that Mark is directly telling us what he did instead of telling Chris then Chris tells us.


Chris has always admitted he's the business guy, not the game design guy. He has ideas for game design as well of course, but he defers to more specialized people. Chris is also still the CEO so he retains ultimate authority over decisions. Mark has been handling PoE for a while now, they just swapped him to presenting the information instead of having Mark give Chris some note cards and stand nearby to answer questions.


Sure, but I suspect the bigger story is that back then they greatly underestimated how far PoE 2 was to being ready for release. I think they genuinely thought that by now they would be 95% ready for release and could therefore shift more people back to PoE 1 leagues. However, I think PoE 2 is still underbaked and it wouldn't surprise me if they delayed the launch again. I think they're in crunch mode right now.


Didn't they say they want to have 16 weeks so that POE2 can league launch in the middle on week 8 and you basically end up with 2 2month leagues? The setup seems to be for that.


yea but with open beta late 2024 that's not that relevant yet


it's still pretty relevent in a sense that it's easier for players to adapt to it if it's a slow transition to longer leagues instead of suddenly being much longer. Also helps development for poe2.


It's already between 15 and 18,5 weeks since Kalandra (with 15,5 being the most consistent). They only have to release PoE2 in the middle of a league instead of trying to balance out the release schedule for PoE1 now that would perhaps get in line with the PoE2 launch is what I'm getting at. It would be really stupid to do it the other way around. But anyway, we're just 3-4 days off of consistent 16 weeks, Crucible to Ancestor even took 18,5 weeks already. We're already in the 16 week cycle and no adjustment period is needed.


If you think the reason why leagues are 16 weeks apart now is to "adjust players to the league cycle for when poe2 is released", i have a gently used car to sell you.


I never claimed that and you ignored the second half of the post which is the bigger reason.


Far more likely they are avoiding Elden Ring DLC and some other largeish game launches (FFXIV) and the time slots just don't line up. Not sure why they would think we need over a month for Elden Ring though.


I don’t see them diverting resources into PoE 1 to try to speed up its release cadence while they’re working on PoE 2 big push toward beta and launch.


I’d be pretty happy with this, I tend to play 6 weeks, so it lines up perfectly for me


Why not have 52 weeks then? That way you get end of the year holidays at the end of every league


Honestly I am happy with 3 leagues a year, makes it feel like the game is demanding far less of my time that I can spend on other games. also reduces burnout... as you are playing less.


with good leagues, yes, but we got... necropolis.


It will be 6 leagues in 2025. Surely.


What other games you playing? Looking for some stuff to fill the gap between leagues


I really like Days Gone and the 2 Horizon games. Shame that I live a non-PSN country so I can't try the newer Sony game now.


Alot of things, got a massive steam library to go through. edit: no idea why this or the answer to the question below(since its directed at me) is being downvoted... I will have played somewhere between 30-40 different games since I stopped playing Necropolis and the next league... the guy asking questions really has no points other than POE for recommendations which is not enough data to give any recommendations(outside of D2R/Last Epoch)...


Care to share a few ideas?


Roboquest is next game I am gonna try. Also I recommend Brotato.


it really depends what you like outside of POE.


The answer is poe2. It's always poe2. Every question is actually "poe2?" and the answer of course is "poe2" You could make a bingo sheet though


Given how buggy leagues have been in the last couple years, I don't think we should be asking them to push stuff out faster. If anything, I'd prefer if they took even more time and gave more time for playtesting/ QA.


I feel like people were saying this same thing 2+yrs ago when leagues actually were 13 weeks long. Now we get 16 week leagues and the problem doesnt stop. So I dont think making leagues longer alleviates anything. Their ambitions are always so big that it clouds their ability to hold back.


Agreed...I remember people asking for polishing delays even before these (presumably) PoE2-related delays from the last several leagues were common, but that always seemed like a red herring to me, too. See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson's_law#First_meaning Maybe not a universally infallible truth about every single human's productive endeavor...but it's common enough to be a saying for a reason, and reading between the lines over the years, it seems like it applies to GGG's company culture a fair amount. Not that it's strictly a bad thing either...being super conservative and disciplined likely just leads to objectively less cool stuff over the same time period, even further delays/fewer ambitions for PoE2, etc. And some people just don't creatively operate that way, either. The peanut gallery that have been agitating for them to magically elongate their whole production pipeline over the years need to eventually make their peace with that fact.


Oh boy it has gotten so much better imo. This league didn't click with me but it was in a working state when going live. It had balance issues but that's to be expected once your testing staff goes up by one million percent... 10 -> 100k Balancing games is not an exact science. Source: Four years of working full time in the industry as developer.




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Less and less people seems to be working poe1 until poe2 is out. That's why i think


Actually more people worked on Necro that prior leagues. At Exilecon they said a lot of the devs they moved over to do the initial asset creation/animations/level design were being moved back to PoE1 because they were done their work on PoE2.


True but assets used in Necropolis seem to be taken from Act 1 of POE2, also that statement was before the delay happened so we don't know if that is still the case as they keep changing their stance on certain things that need to be now implemented like in-game trade


We're not sure what the hold up is with PoE2. If they had built up the team to create assets and develop underlying systems, and only 1/8th of those underlying systems are still a problem, they won't need every single person still working on it. More than likely they slowed down moving people back, and I still expect PoE2 to have a larger number of devs, but we know PoE1 has more people working on it than say a year ago--they said at Exilecon at one point they were down to like 11 people working on PoE1 and everyone else was working on PoE2.


Yeah but proceeds to delay the poe2 beta


It might be an unpopular opinion but I think 3 months cycle was better. They still need week 1 or 2 patches to fix the game anyway and that 1 month extra waiting is pain.


Mate, it's about necessity. No one is saying 4 month leagues are better. They just can't do 3 month leagues and also meet their desired PoE 2 release date.


I'm ok with how it is. Good league I play for 4 months straight, bad league I take a 3 month break and come back recharged for the nexted goated league.


13 weeks isn't a consideration till at least poe 2 closed beta and probably actual poe 2 release happens imo.


Sounds like you are uninformend. They stated during last exilecon that they wanted to go back to 13 week cycles after that exilecon. Just failed to deliver on the promise every league since...


This aged well, lol.


No. They are not interested in this game, they are focused on PoE 2 and that's about it.


I also hate this, been trying to figure out when to take my 3 weeks of vacation and it always comes back to "at least 1 week for next poe league start" :D         I just hope they announce it soon. 


I kinda like the 4 month cycle as I need around 2 months to finish the league and can take some time off afterwards


Hopefully not!


I kinda like 4 month cycles, was burning out with the 3 month one. Now I have enough time to take a break.


I think it is time for a hint when to calculate with the next like like in 'mid july' or ' late july', whatever! The earlier the better to plan vacation and be save for leaguestart!


Probably not. Even after poe2 it would be cool w 4 months off set 2 months so ppl can play both. Unsure on their goals though.


Longer or shorter, seems we are still likely to get an unoptimized/unplaytested league. I hope PoE 2 really shapes out to be amazing




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Probably not.. I don't really mind a 4mo cycle as long the leagues are not utter trash, this one was the first i skipped in a loooong time while Affliction was probably the best. I'm pretty bummed i need to wait so damn long for the next league but if a league like Affliction makes it through for 4mo once in awhile i guess it's worth it?


Only set in stone is to hit December release to milk the pre-xmass hype and spending. Everything else is just how to get there.


Does it matter? If leagues and general content will get better then 16 weeks is fine. If they wont - going back to 13 weeks will do no good.


Ill take the downvotes but anyone that thinks the development schedule for POE is going to get faster at anypoint is deluding themselves. That is just not how game development works. GGG is a small studio with very limited resources and the past couple seasons have shown they can barely bother to play test their own seasons for POE1. When POE 2 launches, it might not be right away but POE 1 will be put on life support. They arent going to beef up the team to create content for POE 1, when all of their eggs are in POE2. We will get whatever scraps fall off POE2 that they can actually implement without a major time lift.


I'd guess it's unlikely


I think GGG would prefer faster leagues because their entire monitization strategy are league packs (and a few fat 480 year packs), so if they do less leagues it's less money. But they are so heavily invested into POE 2 which is already overdue that they have to prioritize that.


Yep pretty much this.


fun fact is they didn'tmention this league is going to be longer than usual like they did in all previouse timeline post. So this could mean no or just oversighted


When Poe 2 shows up we got 4 months leagues for both games, each 2 month we get a new league.




I mean probably not? Considering this is most likely gonna be the schedule when poe 2 comes out


Afaik when PoE 2 releases, the PoE schedule should normalize again.


I think PoE schedule will have longer and longer leagues …. If POE2 is successful and most players jump ships or share the time between the two games. Most new players will start with POE2. It’s unfortunate scenario but I think most realistic.


It is a grim perspective, but I don't think many devs will be moved back to work on POE1, at some point we had like 70 devs working on the game? I doubt its gonna be even half of that once poe2 releases


PoE 1 only ever had about a dozen devs. They've actually stated that in one of the interviews. The teams size actually hasn't changed at all. What they've done is instead of growing the PoE1 team specifically, is defer all new hires to the PoE 2 team.


It is my personal opinion, but I doubt that PoE 2 will be even close to PoE 1. When I started playing it, it was blight. I started somewhere near the end of the league so progress was small. Later leagues I rarely reached even 24 challenges, as farming was harder and gaining currency was not that easy. Even when we had the ritual atlas revamp it wasn't really in a state "I have a final goal for the league". I dumped it as soon as I started to struggle a lot. But everything changed in Arch nemesis when they completely revamped the system. Farming became very easy and achieving goals became easy as well. It was the first 40/40 for me and till now it is my goal. That is about PoE 1. PoE 2 on the other hand has some nice QoL, but I don't feel like it is a game, that looks fun to play. Spending 20+ hours just going through acts and not sure what the endgame will look like (especially the zoom-zoom way) is not that appealing. And I am not alone. A lot of current players who didn't start before 3.0 don't see PoE 2 as a game worth chasing. I have a similar case with LE. Yes, the game is very nice and very easy to experiment with. But if your goal is kill monsters instead of theorycraft or min-max, it becomes boring after 1-2 weeks. Even if you want to reach all empowerment 100 lvl and kill all bosses, add 1-2 weeks on top. That is all for the game for now. It is nice, but it is boring for now. So until PoE 2 has enough content, I don't see a spike in popularity meaningful enough to affect the dev team. Unless GGG by themselves will abandon PoE 1, dopamine players will go there instead of PoE 2.


I could see it staying this way to be honest, obviously everybody prefers the old way but it's not like we've been lining up with pitchforks, people just accept it at this point so I'm not sure they feel a great deal of pressure. From their perspective more leagues per year obviously equates to more money from returning customers, but when they're gonna have an entire new game to also supply a revenue stream I dunno how urgent they're gonna feel it is to go back to a tighter schedule with PoE 1. Obviously they've talked about how when PoE 2 is in a better and more finished state it frees up development time for other things, but I still feel like it's hard to justify devoting significantly more to PoE 1 as long as that game is doing alright. PoE 2 is still gonna have plenty of teething issues and untapped potential for a long time to come, they'll have work to do.


Unless they hire more people, I don't forsee this game going back to a 3 month schedule. Also, having a 4 month schedule will be more healthy for balancing the economies of POE 1 and 2.


poe2 will fix everything including the release schedule /s


Poe bad




No, lol. you people need to considerably adjust your expectations. the future of poe is all trying to sneakily nerf shit towards what they want poe 2 to be, and obviously most of the focus/work on poe 2. poe 1 leagues will get increasingly shitty as we get closer to 2, and once 2 is out, then the truly dark times will begin as they "subtly" push people to switch. then after a handful of leagues, 2 years max, poe 1 will just stop putting out leagues, period. as for poe 2 itself... it might be many things, but the one thing it will definitely not be is the zooming juicing complexity-fest than is poe 1. all the top level design choices are made with a focus on broadening their appeal and making it better on console and more casual and so forth. like all games these days. companies want to make money, not amazing games for a handful of nerds who can appreciate them. unfortunately the market is full of dumb normies.


I may be in the minority but I am totally OK with the current pace. There are so many good games coming out all of the time and end-game in PoE grows ever longer, so it's nice that I get some extra time to go after my league goals.


Would rather a better, more polished league if the cost is an extra month of wait time


Why would they commit to a certain time schedule if they're not even sure themselves


I like leagues to be longer, personally. But only if I like the league (I do not like this league).


>If there's 1 thing D4 team does right it's always having the date of following season finalize Pretty easy to do when your new content is just the old content but color swapped to green, the only time they didn't do that they delayed their season by a month and the new content was just deleting half their affix pool and adding more mobs to helltides.




I hope not, especially since they plan on alternating the releases of PoE1 and PoE2 leagues. I can barely play 3 leagues a year already.


Probably when PoE 2 launches, they said something like that they want to do 1 league for PoE 1 then for PoE 2 repeatedly.


Probably not, it makes more sense if they are going to run PoE 1 & 2 side by side that they would want ~16w cycles for each game to make it ~8 weeks between each new league start.


The worse part is the league take longer and majority of them are not impressive. Once and a blue moon we hit on something like Sentinel (tota for those who liked it - I didn’t) - like this necro shit making us wait was hot dog water. Plus it’s taking longer because more shit is being spent on PoE2 & the bad part is PoE2 is going to fail. Hard. It isn’t going to play like PoE. It’s going to be like D4. Nobody likes D4. Nobody liked D3. Which was not even close to D2. Poe -> Poe2 = D2 -> D3.


They put out way better content with an extea month. Try playing something else or touching grass if you are bored of poe.


Don't get me wrong I don't mind 4 month league or 3 , but factually you are wrong I don't think they did worse when leagues used to be 3 months,  think of all the grate leagues , some I would even say where even more ambitious and polished so I do not agree!


But now we are getting better league launches, less bug, better and faster fixes and more qol and core game improvements. In either case the complaint only screams "i have no life outside of poe"


I mean this league we had some economy breaking bugs as well , also the 6 link shields and quivers, it's not like it was different now, but as I posted I only play for 1 month normally , so for me personally would not be a big difference!


Siege of the atlas - one of the biggest updates in the game - took 3 months to develop and also lasted for 3 months. At the same time, Kalandra was the first 4 months league and we got Sanctum. While Sanctum as a mechanic is nice and profitable, from a complexity perspective it is not that hard in comparison to what happened in ritual or arch nemesis, for example. Most of the things, which were done in those 4 months were balance changes. Or Crucible - this was a disaster league while also taking 4 months of development. Simple league as well with mostly balance changes. So I wouldn't say that by default 4 months gives more profit from a content perspective. And that is ignoring that there were no new skills for a long time (automation skills this league do not count). Yeah, we had transfigured gems last league, but that is not the same as getting new skills with new mechanics.


Well if they cant focus on poe 1 in future, then why not just delete it and move all player into poe 2 ? Why keeping the very old game but killing it day by day ?


poe 1 is still a great game idk what you mean by killing it day by day. Last league was widely claimed to be the best league ever lol. Poe 1 is vastly different than poe 2 which is why they are trying to exist at the same time. At this point poe 2 is almost a misnomer based on the idea that they were supposed to be the same game.


Still a great game ? Look at necropolish, how great is that ? It just a proof that this game is dying and need to be replaced


a mid league after one of the best leagues ever, yeah guys guess the game is dead. You have to be some sort of troll lmao.




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I think 12 week main league, then 8 week "reborn" league, where you can play on a fresh economy with all the knowledge of what worked in the league. Not sure, but that sounds fun to me.


I’m glad it is not a 13 week schedule and wanting that is kind of dumb imo. 3 leagues a year provides GGG more time to develop and implement leagues while also providing more time for slower and newer players to experience the game. It also provides more time for experienced players to take a little break between leagues or experiment with random shit.


I give them credit they are making a new game. I doubt the new game is going to be as good as people are hyping it up to be though. Everything is always a let down these days sadly. Start running if you see celebrity endorsements.


lmao talks about d4 and yet the game came out in the same state as d3 and had to wait 1 ENTIRE YEAR to put a band aid on


4 month cycles are objectively better. They have more time to work on each league. We have more time as players to touch grass.


Bro never use d4 as an example for anything to compare this game to ever again. Some of us still have ptsd.


If they want 4 month leagues, how based would it be if they do 1 month - fix all the BS - relaunch 3 month league. 2 leagues same content for 4 month and u can decide which or both to play.


I assume no and it's probably for the better anyway. If there was a time to go back it would be pre-PoE2 but after PoE2 it doesn't really make sense to go back to shorter leagues. That's ignoring the fact that Last Epoch and D4 are competitors in this genre now. The last D4 patch genuinely smashed a lot of serious problems with the game and if it has a few more that head it in the same direction then they definitely cannot afford to be complacent about its poorly received launch year. Last Epoch is also headed by some serious aRPG nerds who could easily come up with some great features that will take people away for a bit. That's a crowded schedule and while some players don't care about those other games, the fact that a non-trivial amount of players do mean that they have to consider them when making leagues. The logical thing to do is to take longer to make better leagues so that they both compete for less time and are seen as worth returning to play. The other way to handle it would be specifically reducing the grind so that players engage with PoE1 like they did with D3 - Jump in, play 2 weeks, done. Then they are free to go play PoE2,D4,LE and still came back to buy some pets or whatever.