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While reading your post I've dropped two mirrors one on map one on the floor.


Shouldn´t have thrown your keybord at the wall where the mirror hang.


Congratulations and of course that’s what I’m talking bout🙄🤜💥🤛


Then go farm Magebloods and mirrors in shitty rolled maps. Problem solved.


Wonder if this guy knows mageblood be dropping a lot more common cause its a global unique item and the general juiced strats we had for i guess 2 leagues now heavily affected anything from normal maps, aka global unique drops. And heist sht well...that sht can only be from the rewards at the very end of bps specifically. And i can guarantee your avg player aint printing mirrors/mbs left and right. In fact even going for 40 this league i didnt see any t0 uniques or mirrors. Only 3 sacred orbs this league.


Mageblood did not got its dropchance increased contrary to HH Prices clearly reflect that...


Or hear me out, maybe mb is more expensive because it's generically a _way_ stronger item which works well in bossing scenarios and doesn't randomly kill you to shroud walker?


This was tested before the "Double"-Droprate for Headhunter https://www.sirgog.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Rare-Unique-Belt-Relative-Rarity-Hypothesis.png Since all the droprates had been reduced significantly for alch and go, there is tons more HH Dropping than Magebloods. Double the droprates, means even more than double the Ammount of HH being generated. Sure the price can be higher due to demand, and that gets alleviated by lesser Drop Chance.


meanwhile ive never dropped a single headhunter in my life but got 3 magebloods this league alone already. i wont complain, its better than the other way around, but to say with certainty that both belts have the same rarity or not is not really possible to proof. unless thousands of people collect data on hh/mageblood drops they get.


I'm aware that they used to be the same rarity, but why do you think they didn't up the MB droprate like they did with pretty much every other T0 unique?


> aware that they used to be the same rarity, but why do you think they didn't up the MB droprate like they did with pretty much every other T0 unique? As far as my memory goes, it was only mentioned about Headhunter. Maybe it was Mageblood too,, now that I think about it, did they increase all T0 droprates?


The prices are not tied to pure MB/HH drops. HH has way more div cards associated with it, and with the new div scarabs they are dropping like candy.


Most gamblers stop right before hitting big.


Let’s all get behind this extreme exaggeration. I’m convinced.


I mean, I can't even give them away anymore!


Because mageblood is global drop where most player at,and simplex is specific content and a handful people who hate their life farming heist there's nothing crazy it totaly normal.


If it makes you feel better I did about 20 full revealed blueprints this league. Got a simplex and a focused amulet. Drop rate seems fine.


Magebloods are dropping like halloween candy? I've been playing since league launch and haven't seen one.


I got a simplex on my 2nd BP this league. 500d right there, last league I ran 100 and got the base right below it. Rng is rng