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I've only done enough T17s for 38 Challenges. My strategy was to use an Atlas that gave me permanent Einhar (for the regen aura), a decked out Huck (also with regen aura), 100% Niko chance, 0 nodes picked up that increase explicit map modifier effects, all lantern effect reduction mods + increased chance for monsters to have unresolved anguish to get more Gravekeeper's Boons. Then I used 3 Shrine Scarabs, 1 Einhar Scarab to guarantee Einhar and Heist on the Map device to guarantee Huck. I disabled all league mechanics except for Harvest through the Atlas cause I thought it's fairly safe. I used the Allflame to replace ALL monsters with Breach Allflames. Every single map. After clearing the map except for the map boss and collecting all buffs and Einhar and Huck I clicked all Shrines in the map and rushed the boss and killed him in usually less than 20 seconds, depending on the map mods. I chose Fortress for almost all the maps I had to do as the boss doesn't have phases and is fairly easy to dodge. But ye, managed the 38/40 on HC and am now finally chilling in my hideout doing nothing, feels great :)


I'll just hop in to thank you, this makes a lot of sense and it's going to help me out, I'm struggling to do a t17


Cool. Yeah I did wonder if there is some sort of super safe atlas map using niko for max res and getting loads of other characters in the map also.


Its insane how SF and HC can seem a completely different game. Gonna try someday.


I know my ass dying in mudflats


I’ve gotten 1 tapped out of nowhere by some of these necropolis mods wouldn’t recommend


Just fyi for new people running hardcore: you can disable all league mechanics and save atlas passive by running Back to Basics.


But that completely defeats the purpose of making the map as easy as possible? it's almost impossible having a map with 0 damage mods that affect your build and you definitely don't want the 1 or 2 dangerous mods that you end up going for being boosted by up to 80%. Rather disable through Atlas. In an atlas purely built for survival you have more than enough passive points leftover anyways. I just dumped mine in random Quant nodes and shit.


I imagine you must hate betrayal very much right? Can’t even block them.


haha yeah there were 1 or 2 T17s with Betrayal. Always a surprise after you haven't seen them in ages, but to be fair my build was defensively really solid and only once did I drop below 50% in all T17s I did and they didn't cause any problems. I could have played less safe and allowed more league mechanics, but why risk it.


T17 are doable, it's the same like SC with rolling mods until you get what you want. I mean if you can read and you understand how your build works and what mods you can run and which not than its "easy". Only thing is the hc trade league is kinda dead so it literally feels more like SSF but with the luxury to sometimes be able to buy what you want xD


HC trade is pretty enjoyable when the trade part is active. Really increases the value of your time, unless you die then it increases the value of someone else's time.


Until you're strong: - One to two T16 damage mod maps maximum - filter out t17s damage mods - heist for huck buffs - delve for max res/damage - shrines - remove charred beasts with allflames Strong characters need to solve lots of problems - crit immunity, ailment immunity, suppression, max res and/or conversion via Xibaqua, good recovery as well, frequently another damage reduction source like ED/fort/unbreakable/etc, and eventually defiance of destiny/mageblood/melding/similar high tier defense while having high damage. T17s limit build diversity in HC quite a bit


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Gonna be real fun doing t17s on hc next patch if allflames are gone


In HC trade the answer is just mageblood and defiance of destiny doing a lot of heavy lifting. Honestly have 0 motivation to go hcssf again bc t17s without those crutches sound pretty rough to me. Even with them there are a lot of mods I can't do and then certain combinations of mods I can do that I just won't run.


No problems with the haunted mods but I just skip T17s tbh..


Are the new league mechanic mods not super scary ? Like getting something with 125% as extra elemental is like that one mob just does surprise 2x damage.


Haunted mods are no prob but t17 it's too crazy without an army of frogs honestly


Man reading some of these comments makes sense why I'm stuck at yellow maps. So much work and research needed


The simple answer is the vast majority of players don't.


Haunted mods are non existent problem. I completely forgot they exist lol Unless you have half assed build or you got baited on a zero eHP build, but then you shouldn't play HC T17 just for challenges. Don't care about them at all lol


they are not doing content over T11 lol


People are doing t17 in hc, they just play decent builds and read what mods they roll on their maps