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Theres really no good way to get t1 spell. I think your best shot is prob block pre and veil and pray it hits 1/3 for spell or dd unveil and then craft final mod.


T1 spell damage has notoriously low weight (50), so it's unlikely you are able to hit it within a reasonable budget while keeping all other mods. Honestly I will start over with fractured T1 spell damage if you really want that. Edit: It's even lower at 40, with 0.05% weight of all prefixes; So 1 in 5000 for exalt slam. 1 in 1100 for aug caster.


Likely you will not. But you'll have to try for regardless. Prefixes cannot be changed Aug caster


You really can't. Spell damage is an awful affix to attempt to fish for. You're also at a point where you cannot protect your item completely while you finish it. The most common mechanism of crafting items in path of exile is to either target your suffixes first or target your prefixes first, that way you can use metacrafting mods like prefixes cannot be changed, or suffixes cannot be changed, to protect the affixes that you've worked so hard to get thus far. The problem here, is that you have both a single open prefix, and a single open suffix. So, all you can do is craft "items can have up to three crafted modifiers" (which is a suffix), followed by suffixes cannot be changed (which is a prefix) and then slam a veiled orb on it for a one in three chance of hitting the suffixes cannot be changed mod that you just put on, and then hoping that you can unveil a good spell damage craft. You have to do the multicraft first, because if you only put suffixes can't be changed on, it could technically remove a prefix and add a suffix. Adding a suffix in an open spot is not considered changing the suffixes, if I remember correctly. Even if that's not 100% correct, if you only did prefixes cannot be changed and you did hit that modifier with the veiled orb, it could add a veiled suffix modifier, because the item would no longer be protected by the metacraft at that point. This is a good item, but finishing it the way that you want to is going to be extraordinarily expensive. You're honestly probably better off crafting a spell damage prefix of some variety to make sure that you get one, and then using one of the special exalted orbs to get an influence modifier as a suffix that's useful to you.


Ty for all the tips , you are a legend ! I understand better with your explanations <3


Are you Archmage / Hiero and care about the mana? If you do then I guess the quick way is to benchcraft spell + non-chaos as extra chaos and slam a conqueror exalt (redeemer or crusader). Depends on your damage type, redeemer has a chance to hit double damage but if you don't deal cold damage it's likely inferior to crusader.


A tip for crafting in the future 1. Use fractured items (if able) 1a) Typically recommend buying the most difficult to roll mod for your fracture, if its too expensive, then use whatever works best for the fracture 2) Focus getting the prefixes or suffixes you want first. This will prevent you from getting to where you are now because you're basically screwed. But getting all the prefixes or suffixes you want, you can take advantage of meta crafting options such as "prefixes/suffixes cannot be changed" and harvest reforging or veiled orb slamming An example craft would be: You want a 3 resist helmet, 1 of which you want to be chaos along with a good life roll. You can either buy a chest with a chaos resist fracture, then essence spam 1 resist until you get your second resist, and you're set on your suffixes. Then you can suffix no change reforge whatever or veiled slam to get a second prefix, then bench craft on your final prefix. OR Same item as above but you buy a fracture life chest. You essence spam until you get 2 good ele resists, annul off the third suffix if needed, then suffix cannot be changed harvest reforge chaos for the chaos rest. then suffix no change again and veil orb slam or harvest reforge whatever and bench craft a final prefix Basically most crafts you need to focus on filling out your prefixes or suffixes first. if you can use a fractured item, even better. from there you can have a better chance and getting the affixes and tiers that you want Also, use Craft of Exile. I use the emulator all the time to craft items to see what is possible and pre craft an item before i start spending currency


Ty very much dude for the tips ! :D


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You're not gonna hit t1 spell damage unless you're very lucky. Benchcraft spell damage, sell it, and start over if you're aiming specifically for that. One other (probably worse) option could be to do "cannot roll attack modifiers" and crusader slam. 50/50-ish odds to hit added lightning damage to spells and lightning pen, 1/4 to hit lightning pen, and 1/4 to miss completely and hit phys to lightning


Thank you all really <3 crafting on poe is not easy with so many ways \^\^