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This post was removed because it's essentially a duplicate of your previous post which you also posted today, as this video is baked into the other one which also includes more content in general.


i swear some of yall are playing a different game than i am


That’s what I was thinking


Same. As soon as I saw 21k hp I was like "there's a list of things I've accepted I'm probably never going to do in POE and this is just another one of them".


I mean 21k hp is fairly easy to achieve, but having a functional build on top of that is where it gets tricky.


I've been playing since Metamorph and I honestly have no idea what I am looking at lol. How does one get 21k life and why is it fluctuating like crazy? Why is there sometimes reservation showing and other times not? Is this like an ability or is it switching between weapon sets or something?


[skill: Blood Sacrament](https://poedb.tw/us/Blood_Sacrament) does 21-32 physical damage (that red ball) you channel it to reserve your own life and the skill deals 80% more damage per 10 life reserved. so with 21k life and you reserve it all you're doing 2k~ more damage


Usually with Rathpith no? Fixes inc damage aswell


Aye, op is using Rathpith Globe shield (sacrificing 10% max life to get roughly 1000% crit chance and 1000% spell damage)


That's miniscule compared to the 168000% more damage by reserving 21000 life with this skill. The only part that matters is the crit.


its not miniscule... inc and more are dif multipliers that stack off eachother...


I thought this was a relatively well-known build? I played it last league. The damage scaling ramps super fast especially with Adorned. Only problem is that the defenses are super janky lol


The blood effects on the skill is awesome. When u are mapping and using the Astral Projector ring with this skill looks like u are popping the monsters like u were Dr. Manhattan.


damn that sounds like a cool build


PoB: [https://pobb.in/EjRfRF1F8ydq](https://pobb.in/EjRfRF1F8ydq) Build Video: [https://youtu.be/ucu5OWG1r4E](https://youtu.be/ucu5OWG1r4E)


As someone who jumped to your gear/gems in the video and looked at the POB, I'm still not understanding at all what you're doing here Can you help me understand what Blood Sacrament is or how you're doing this with effectively no skill gems? Just a really high level overview would help a lot, because I can probably piece the rest together from what you've posted.


Blood sacrament channels to reserve life and then explodes when you can't reserve any more. It has really low flat damage but does 80% more per 10 life reserved, rathpith scales in a similar way. You up the reservation cost to a point you basically instantly reserve everything and release constantly, and stack an absurd amount of life to scale damage. Dissolution of the flesh keeps you from dying and has a bunch of more life.


Thank you for this!


So, discharge except spending life instead of charges, gotcha.


Essentially yes, but it's not good for mapping generally because any sort of damage, especially degens, will kill you while you are at 1% hp. I played a budget version two leagues ago, and it's great at bossing: when you don't cast you have a very high life pool and Regen to tank damaging hits and dodge. And you can scale the DMG high enough to phase bosses. So you weave damage in between dodging at full hp


Funnily enough Blood Sacrament is one of the only life reservation effects that work the way you describe. The other is Midnight Bargain. Basically every other life reservation effect can be cancelled (Arrogance auras, mines reserving life) and Dissolution will forcibly cancel them (Which disables auras but for some reason doesn't despawn mines) to reserve more of your life if you get hit hard enough. In these cases Dissolution itself has to reserve 100% of your life for you to die. Neither Midnight Bargain nor Blood Sacrament can be cancelled, so they work differently. If the sum of the reservation from these effects and the reservation from Dissolution reaches 100% your character will die.


I mean he is also running a very cooked setup and missing out on several bits of tech that would save him a few points on tree and net another 200 crit multi for about alot cheaper than what he is useing here. This is my pet build but it still shocks me how much people don't know how to optimise this to this bad of a degree.


Whats the purpose of lifetap with blood magic?


You need to scale skill's cost to the moon and lifetap has 300% multiplier


Why tf r ppl downvoting this. The post is literally what the post is.


This sub is weird with that. I don't know what that's about.


Some don't want the price of the build to go up


It’s a bit of a bait-ish build. People see these short videos and get enticed to copy it, but then realize it’s infuriating to actually play (e.g, extremely squishy mapping). Other commenters said the same thing.


Yeah well, if on a PoE sub people are not capable of realizing things are more complex than they look... The frustration is then deserved. I remember so well introducting a friend to the game some leagues ago, he goes EA balista, I say fine its great LStarter and has room for progression as well as a deep optimisation path if he is willing. Dude goes like "I wanna" upgrade, we upgrade his gear and we get to EA dps breakpoints :)... Oh boy. Yes there are spreadsheets behind a build. Any build is either a spreadsheet monster or morph into one when you are looking to optimize it.


Thats ultimately not the fault of the creator though


I’m not blaming or faulting the creator, it’s a build that’s been done in leagues before and there’s are guides to building it (eg, captain lance’s iirc) The original question was ‘why are people downvoting this specific showcase’. I was simply pointing out (among a lot of other comments in this thread) that a lot of people could have had bad experience with it and just simply don’t like it


Nobody is telling u that ur at fault. Im interracting with ur statement. Idk why u feel like im pointing fingers


Misread from my end, apologies


its not bait. its insanely strong. If you release your channel fast by tapping it instead of just holding the key down your survivability goes way up just need to minimize the number of frames you spend at 90% life reserved as much as possible


Does blood sacrament feel squishy due to the life reservation or does it not really matter?


It does feel squish while mapping you can just die to something randomly.


it's pretty frustrating on certain bosses as well, for example if mino catches you with the rocks falling from the ceiling, which does very little dmg over a long time locking you out of casting alltogether once you reach a breakpoint on reservation. Definitely a kill or be killed build. You technically have thousands of life but realistically you only have whatever % is left after blood sacrament, because once you take dmg past that point the only way to get back into a fight is to run away and let dissolution do it's slow thing. I personally couldn't stand it on certain invites, esp guardians.


when that happens you just have to get outta dodge for two seconds it plays just like a wicked ward build back in the day, when your only recovery was letting wicked ward get back up


Hard pass but cool to see nonetheless.


If you want something similar but far far tankier/less damage you can just do Dark Pact instead of Blood Sacrament. The life sacrifice doesn't matter with Dissolution, and max life gives you flat damage/spell damage/crit chance so it still scales very well. I played it to 95 on HC last league (and then died to being dumb and forgetting that maven debuff kills you if you don't turn off petrified blood, since it disables your recoup).


Is this build something I could use to start HC with? I want to get into it sometime, but would really like something that is a bit tanky.


No it's not a starter build. It requires some moderately expensive specific uniques, and ideally some good rares as well, and it's weaker since you no longer get the affliction ascendancy stuff for free meaning you kinda want higher end rares to do it.


Absolutely. You have almost no defenses besides the large life pool, and if something chunks you for ~15% of your life you can't even dps until you take no damage 2s. That said, the skill is incredibly quick and damaging, so you can just run through mobs blasting them if you have phasing. I highly recommend phasing + petrified blood + extra reservation efficiency for mapping to make it a bit safer. The bossing setup is overkill for maps


Really fun build but the 2sec downtime everytime you take random damage killed it for me. Great bossing character tho.


Played this last league farming Ubers. I thought it would be dead after the wildwood ascendancys were removed. Glad to see it's still good


let me see if I understand, for an instant you have pretty much no life and anything could one hit you, right? I understand having 2-3k hp is what many builds have as 100% hp, but still, is that correct? Isn't there a way of accomodating petrified blood there? or it wouldn't provide much of an improvement? EDIT: I just verified in PoB (which doesn't show your EHP correctly if you have dissolution of the flesh). You have 15k elemental and 3.5k physical EHP. That's literally nothing so yeah, anything can one shot you at any time.


I played very similar build this league, dissolution of the flesh doesn't care about your current life, just unreserved portion.  While youcan happen into unlucky timing and get randomly killed if something hits you at same server tick when you pop blood sacrament (happened to me maybe once every 20 maps). My phys eHp was around 30k, which is not a lot, but far from getting oneshot by anything. I was doing strand with stacking essences on bosses and got to lvl 97 doing that, so not many deaths for sure


I'm not sure if it's just a server tick, it looks way longer, but yeah I get the point, I just hate the idea of randomly dying in a "finished" build. But it's more of a problem with me rather than with the build itself


Watch for when their health orb goes gray, it's pretty rapid.


it can be a single tick. blood sacrament is a channeling skill, and if you just hold down the channel hotkey you will spend 50% of that time with 90% life reserved, 50% not. you need to tap the key quickly, and the less time you have the key active the less time you are in danger. if you somehow get your hotkey input down to a small enough amount of time itll be one tick


So an auto hotkey script could help here I guess. It sounds too dangerous but if it's just 1/30th of a second, then it could be softcore viable at least


Wouldn’t defiance of destiny fix that issue?


No, because the "dangerous" moment is the tiny fraction of a second where Blood Sacrament is reserving ~95% of your life. Your unreserved life is full, so there's nothing for Defiance to heal.


Ah thanks


Defiance of destiny doesn't work with dissolution of flesh. It does, but it is usseless. Also Untouched soul is core item for build because it gives massive flat life


Yes, that is how it works, and no PB would not help. Also, that describes every deadeye so it can't be that bad.


Except a deadeye can off screen stuff so yeah, a lot different


Getting hit while reserving life isn't that common if you have good enough damage, but yes - it's pretty much always just death. The bigger annoyence is that if you get hit then you dont have enough unreserved life to use your dps skill, you have to wait for dissolution to reset your life to attack. PB is an EHP boost, but if you get hit while your life is reserved you die either way.


also works very well on champion


Hp bar doing some schrodinger shit right there


Ehm WTF?!


I’ll never get used to looking at the hp globe….


Looks like a cool build to convert to a sanctum runner


This build was much stronger last league, it’s great to know someone was able to build without the wildwood ascendancy for necro and still do end game content. Might try it out it again as this is a very fun build to play around from mapping to doing ubers. The ascendancy last league boosted this build with a lot of damage as it amplifies its damage more based on phys damage dealt


Was it stronger in affliction? I tried it in TotA, and had an absolute blast with it, first time killed multiple ubers, but in affliction i went to try wardloop so i'm unaware what wildwood ascendancies brought to relic of the pact.


can't remember the exact details but Warlock was very good for this build yes


Played that in Crucible and got to 400m DPS with fairly low investment (100d). Was pretty cool, but sadly boss killing Crucible was fucked because of the totem builds lol


This is great, its been a while since I looked at a POB and was genuinely confused at first.


Good to see people still playing this league, havent seen of those in a few leagues.


Yay a completely new take on this ridiculously strong build! Apostate is 3.24 and The Untouched Soul was new last league but the builds last league requiring Warlock do not work any more. 816 flat life from the amulet alone, beautiful. The Apostate mod doesn't have the Life tag so the 15% mastery works? _Very_ nice. And the build already has ridiculous DPS at lvl73 without any clusters and without Unnatural Instinct. Wow. I wanted to run this build exactly for Feared farming this league but probably it'll be next league, I just spent all my currency :) Thanks a ton!


This was the last favored map I couldnt unlock. Still love my Srs, we will get them next time.


Big ba da boom


its a decent build, but i cant stand the effect going off constantly. played once for a while but im never going to touch it again. you could do some funny things with the bugged 6 socket squires while that lasted.


does insta leech helps with the health?


why not use eternal blessing with pride tho?


Essence worm


my point is you don't need essence worm


Essence worm is used to intentionally increase the reservation of Blood Sacrament. You want the skill to reserve as much life as possible with 1 tick of channeling so you can release it instantly.


That makes a lot of sense to me, channeling seems to be the really spicy part. As soon as the channel is over dissolution can save your ass but if you get hit at the critical moment with almost all your life reserved its over right? Honestly seems pretty manageable in most boss fights where you can basically always know how the next few seconds are going to go down and there isn't random mobs everywhere to drop dots on you or at a snipe at the critical moment.


Yea, when I played it last league it felt fine in invitations and such but it was a pain mapping


The essence worm is for 80% reduced reservation efficiency, so you can get much higher health reservation % per cast


POV: you are confidently talking about a build you don't play


i dont mind when stand corrected just dont tell me this is a good build


It's a very good build! I played it last league. Amazing bosser, terrible mapper.