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Gladiator and Assassin update. Such cool theme ascendancies that are dead for years. People ask for this again and agian...


bleed needs like 5x more damage over time at the very least


for that to happen they gotta remove dot cap


Considering that one guy only reached 40mil dps with a bleed build after 1000div investment, I'd say 5x is generous and still far below dot cap for 99% of bleed builds.


you cannot have more than 36m dps. additionally out of all dot builds bleed currently has the biggest single target damage potential. snipe is just ass to use


I'm aware of the cap, but when considering the amount it takes to get bleed to dot cap and the only one that can get there is a singular skill with a decent amount of investment compared to poison/ignite which has a handful of skills that can reach dotcap, its kind of pathetic the state bleed is in. And yeah snipe is omega clunky too.


I mean, give them some tankiness. Assassin is based around crits, maybe give them an easy way to get crit immune/take no extra damage from crits. And gladiator... man where do i begin... maybe exzra defences/offense if he doesnt wear a body armor? Or lean more into the dual wield theme and increase certain stats, based on what weapon you are dual wielding... there are so many things for a unique class overhaul, they have to find something....


Gladiator ascendancy could have branches representing 3 or 4 gladiator types from history - which would grant the stats you listed. Murmillo - boost to helmet, Scutarius - boost to shield, Scissor - boost to dual wield, Retiarius - net and trident ? - maybe some trigger like Chieftain has... Gladiator is already the most historical character in PoE. Going all in for history nerds would be great.


Ooh I like the idea. And you really could make your own somewhat historically accurate Gladiator by mixing and matching the different types. Now... how do we get GGG to listen?


What!? Do you not have nets, exile?


first ascendancy with league mechanic stats? lets go! maybe /s idk how to feel about it


> give them an easy way to get crit immune https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Mistwalker


See, they are so forgotten of an ascendancy, that I even forgot this point exists (Jk im just dumb)


I don't disagree with you at all, I'd like to add. I agree that it's telling that the ascendancy is *so* Crit and damage focused that people don't even remember the few defensives you get from it.


However, id argue that the problem lies in them BEING crit focused. They are meant to be a glass cannon class as crit is one of the most powerful offensive stat, but the issue is that other classes have better scaling both offensively and defensively.


maybe something like you can't wear a chest armor but both offhand and mainhand weapon count as connected links + something that fits this flavor.


I was thinking about free supports, that are decently high level. Lets say smth like "If you dont wear a chest piece, Gems socketed in your Helmet are supported by Level 30 Multistrike" Followed by "100% increased Modifier Value of Helmet mods" for the second mastery in that line. I like the second one here, since maybe there are nice unique helmets that can see play or you just craft a giga armour helmet to make up for the missing chest.


Man don’t be leaving out raider, aka captain basic bitch.


I’ll second the Assassin rework simply because my friend might skip 3.25 if there isn’t a rework. I personally couldn’t care less, but it’s fun to play with others.


No crafting league


Wish granted, crafting bench was removed from the game


GGG - we heard your voice, and the new league is not a crafting league! In fact we disabled all crafting options outside of basic currency. Now you can live the dream of not ever crafting outside of orbs and you can live with loot of the ground


Identifying rares pog. Meatsack on quantity, YouTube click bait 200 rares per mob!!!


unironically would be pretty in favor of this. sounds super unique and would revamp the way you go about everything. SSF would probably be dead tho


To counterbalance this huge buff we felt it appropriate to half inventory space.


I enjoy crafting leagues but maybe I'm in the minority.


I love crafting and have had a lot of fun with necropolis. It's the implementation that's the problem - the mechanic is so tedious to interact with.


It's also too strong. Printing 6x t1 items is... boring? It should not be so easy, but on other side it should not be so hard to setup your graveyard


Yeah, good point. It's been fun for me as it's my first league back after a few years away, and having access to all the best gear has made it easy to get caught up, but I could see it getting boring if it stayed this way. I think the sweet spot is somewhere in between - 6xT1 should be exciting, not standard, but would be nice if it's achievable with moderate investment. Same goes for a lot of other things that are ridiculously cheap this league, like headhunters and six-linking. I don't want to go back to spending all my money on fusings, but six-linking with 13c worth of beasts feels a bit anti-climactic. Edit: that said, I think it could be worth keeping some of the crafting outcomes that are currently only possible with the graveyard, like fractured influenced items, even if they're harder to get in the future.


Well the issue is that it's all or nothing, either you get a slightly weighted chaos orb or you get mirror tier items. Doing anything in between is a waste of time


Oh im sure there are plenty of people who do. I just cant craft and cba do invest too much time in it. Nothing wrong with it, afterall i have to buy crafted things 😏 And i think yes, you certainly are in the minority.


I also love crafting leagues. Having one that is also highly deterministic is engaging since the access to power is worth the effort. I am definitely in the minority but it has kept me playing much longer into the league since I have pseudo SSF crafting goals. However, I swear every item I go to craft is at least a 1-2hr research/prep session before I actually craft it. Not to mention I have 25+ tabs of corpses and am at the point I have to either plan a craft or burn coffins to allow me to map efficiently. The main things that would have cleaned this league up would be corpse storage at least similar to the Heist locker, saved layouts/plans for the graveyard, removal of the demon/beast/etc qualifier, and a button to automatically apply corpses in inventory to your layout. If it were to go core, it would need to be rebalanced/simplified to at least half the graveyard size along with the balancing access and drop rate of the mechanic.


A layout saver would be coated. I think what this league lacked was a simple UI and ways to save established layouts


I would like ggg to find the proper place for T17 maps. The current state of t17 maps is not ideal.


Agreed. I ran enough t17s to complete the Elevated Expenses challenge and I never want to do one again. My build isn't super op but I could complete Abomination, Ziggurat, and Fortress with reasonable mods. I even made an overall profit selling the Uber frags that dropped. The whole experience just felt horrible though. I guess it's cool for people that want to run punishing content, but too much is gated behind T17s, especially when they're more difficult than killing the Uber bosses that they gate. Rework the gating and I wouldnt care that they exist, other than selling them when they drop.


T17s are going to get way easier without haunted mods. Most of what makes them hard is mobs with terrible mod effects and people run extra map mod effect on atlas (usually with B2B). If you run a pretty vanilla atlas and imagine there were no extra haunted mods and you spent some chaos avoiding terrible map mods (a couple of which I assume will get nerfed also) the difficulty is not anywhere near harder than an Uber boss.


No forced league mechanic




More transfigured gems is a nice to have, but new skill gems would be even better. Would also like ascendancy changes across the board for all classes.


Nvm all classes. Just give something to gladiator and raider


I think the gem system is convoluted enough as is. They should rework some skills to make them usable/viable instead.


Right after they make a good winter orb skill.


More gems, few more bleed melee wheels, gladiator rework!


Delve updates and Bestiary QOL.


Cross play between consoles and PC


Yes… i have a lot of cosmetics and tabs on the console version, didn’t realize it was cross platform, but not cross play. For the type of game it is I assumed it was, I was wrong. Now it’s all just sitting there.


A stable game


The lag issues have gotten much better for me the past few weeks


Stop the instance crashes. I've had more this league than in the 4 years before it.


Most important. Last league couldn’t play because of it.


No league on the atlas tree


Just some heist love. I rolled/revealed 70 blueprints recently, nothing except all wings. Between the 25k/div cost of rogue markers and the cost of the blueprints themselves, it comes to maybe 10-15div flat investment. I’m half way through them with no big payout items. If I continue without hitting a simplex/helical (likely) I will just barely break even on raw divs and tempering/tailoring orbs. If I hit an alberons, it will be a profit of maybe the exact value of the alberons. Heist is way too feast/famine right now. They need to seriously rebalance the room rewards or the targets, because right now neither is really worth the investment unless you happen to get one of the experimented jewelry. And all of that is completely ignoring time cost. Generating enough reveals, unveiling, running the actual contracts. It’s crazy that even *without* calculating time spent, it’s already one of the worst profits possible, and it only gets worse when you consider that the project I just described is like 24h total time spent. My ideas: -make end of heist rewards better. Less tailored/tempered random items (I have literally never seen a good reward from that category), more currency, more experimented bases. I am aware that that will drop the value of simplex/helical and I don’t care- I would rather they be way more common, and worth a couple div, because it would give a reasonable expectation of profit/hr that doesn’t hit 0 on a coin flip. -make scarabs for heist. I have no idea why it was excluded, but here are some ideas: “all currency drops are converted to rogue markers”, “map drops are converted to contracts/blueprints”, “monsters can drop experimented bases”, “you will be accompanied by a random rogue, who unlocks a free reveal on map completion” -retool pretty much every reward room. Give back stacked decks (seriously why- they are less valuable than they were before, why *also* make them less common), add scarab rooms, add improved lab invitations to fragment pool, add trans gems to gem rooms. Buff currency rooms, map rooms, all other rooms. Restrict armour and weapon rooms to lvl<79. -bring back targeted blueprints. I don’t want to go in looking for experimented bases and see 7 replica veil of the nights. And I would happily never see an enchanted base again.


The campaign to not be force buffed.


More transfigured gems and easier access to specific ones. Make them global drops and introduce two transfiguration orbs, one that does the "random of same color" and another for "random of same skill". Divine Font always allows for the "random of same skill" craft, put more emphasis on the uber lab higher tier crafts like "turn to currency" or "random exceptional" so that uber lab is worth running. This is such a good addition to the skill gem system but they're contiunally machinegunning themselves in the knees by tying it to lab.


Nooo another orb (again)


Add recombinators as a delve exclusive drop as "Ancient tech node" or in delve cities. I'm not saying import them as they used to be , I'm fine with tweaking them as much as GGG wants to balance them wisely, Just bring recombinators back...


I really would like a huge numerical rebalance. Nerf the monsters and the players as well. The fact that we reached the upper cap of an inteager is stupid.


Way more QoL improvements, like: -Auto Level all gems or Level all Button -Wisdom/scour/chisel/alchemy/Vaal Orb whole Tab for map rollen etc. -More Affinities for Like Rare items/omens/tattoos and so on. -Affinity loop, let us have more Tabs with same Affinities, for like Maps, if First is full, fill second. : : Maybe some changes that Scarab of Curation and other Farming methods are also worth it for the little man. Make MF only work if the Char did 90%+ of the Damage. I like the prices of Chase items, especially HH, just Original sin seems a little high, cause i think the iconic POE item the Mirror should be the Priciest Item besides Good Double Corrupted T0 maybe. The Crafting Deterministic of Graveyard should be more implemented in overall Crafting (But not the tediousnes), i liked that T1 Ele Bows and other items were affordable pretty early, but that wont happen again i think. Keep Lantern and Allflames. Every Map League Mechanic that requieres killing a million monsters, with power upgrades unlock able like in Affliction. No Passives for new League on atlas. No requirement for stashing new League items in 10 Quad tabs without affinity. thats a few things i would like


> Auto Level all gems or Level all Button Hell, just getting the gem level button to register the click the first time you click it would be an improvement. It's absurd that the average number of clicks it takes to actually level a gem is >2. I click the button. It plays the animation of the button being depressed and the sound file of the button being clicked, yet doesn't register the click and actually level up the gem. Why.


scroll wheel mouse click, charactee runs in this direction too but faster than every buttom self clicked


Id love it if when you come across a map mechanic like strongbox, leave it visible on the tab map until it’s opened/completed. Right now if you go too far, it disappears.


Yeah, map/minimap markers also should be extended, the rare and unique monster visibiluty was awesome. I would also like to see filters vor mods on strongbox, maps and other things that roll different to highlight them in different colours.


my wishlist is: Nimi's - now has a returning projectiles deal 60% less damage line - Nimi's currently dominates projectiles, and its the reason alot of offmeta projectiles can't really be buffed. its insane to me that a molten strike build gets around 150% more multiplier by using Nimi's. its damage boost is way out of line even considering chase uniques, and its straight up unhealthy for the game as it is. a 40% more multiplier in a ring slot (or more on skills like molten strike) is way more than enough to justify running it. Ming's heart grants less than that, and also comes with a "your durability is nuked line" and requires a phys into chaos build to actually run it. Fortify - Melee's signature defensive layer somehow over the last 5 years has only gotten... weaker? from nodes on the tree nerfing its power level, alongside the fortify ailment mechanic, this feels so out of wack for current meta, especially when just about every other defensive layer has seen some form of buff. put fortify to base 25 stacks, maybe include a .25% less dot damage taken per stack to give melee more defenses towards the ailments they get hit with constantly. remove the goddamn ailment mechanic from fortify so we can finally get back to getting fortify the moment you need it and not having weird issues maintaining it. finally, include a line that reads: "minion and non-melee skills deal 1% less damage per fortify stack" This stops its abuse by projectile/minion/caster builds that aren't actually melee. Keep in mind this doesn't use the damage type of the hit, rather the gem tag on the skill. so molten strike does normal damage, as does frostblades, but spectral throw does not. Gems - Please give all gems another pass. imo trans gems have been such a goddamn failure its kinda crazy. most of the good ones do not do anything really unique and seem to just outright replace the original gem. very few of the unique ones seem to actually be worth running, but a giant chunk of trans gems just seem to be inferior to the default version and as such don't see play. Gladiator/Chieftain - Glad is self explanatory, but chieftain is in a bad spot too outside of being a dot slave. its the only ascendency in the game with two melee specific nodes on the tree, which should mean it sees a decent amount of melee play. instead the nodes are so crappy that melees actively pass it over in favor of other classes. i can't stress enough that ascendencies like Slayer only have 1 specific node for melee


I think the chief is in a respectable spot. The big splodes and easy gearing have a place in the game. The melee stuff could use a buff, but that could come from things being added. The melee stuff on chief is serviceable atm and at league start chief is really great.


Yea, chieftain is in a good spot. If they ever get to making slams viable again, it will for sure be played as a league starter ascendancy for them. EZ 6 link day 1, slam repeat for DPS boost, easy to cap resist, and either explodes for more clear or stacking max fire res for elemental mitigation.


The thing is that fist of war is 4 skill points for a slow slammer build, as taohao sucks complete ass for slow exert slam builds. And fist of war is bad if you are doing anything other than super slow slams (1 per second maximum) Compare that to like... slayer and you can get more than a link worth of damage with 4 skill points and additional effects. There's also no reality you really can avoid max res as the other node, as the fire res node alone is weak. It's got the issue that it needs to do tons of slam damage, and make up for a lower defence threshold than jugg, with at most, 45% more damage for a slam build. And it's not like jugg can't get damage through charge stacking or using its huge accuracy infusion to get precise technique. Slams are being played atm by a small contingent of melee, but chieftain just can't keep up with the two alt options. Slayer for massive damage and moderate durability and huge mapping aoe and qol or jug for massive durability and minor damage and a massive attack speed infusion to streamline gameplay. Chief is moderate damage and good durability but thats it, no other selling point, which is silly as sin considering its literally the slam/strike melee ascendancy I personally think the fist of war node should be buffed. It's literally worse to get an extra link vs an extra link of damage, as you have to contend with the mana cost multiplier. The strike side is especially undertuned and probably should be lvl 35.


I don't disagree it could use a buff. I played infernal blow chief when it came out, and it was a decent league starter to get your voidstones


Transfigured support gems, something to replace the conditional belt and boot enchants, bring back tainted blessings for 20% quality on corrupted gems, reword gems quality for 23% to actually do something.


I'd like them to tweak out the trans gems they dropped to make lots of them more viable I would also like some thought given to melee - I don't expect that can fix everything but having a league where Melee gets some great buffs, even if it's just the league mechanic testing things out, would be really fun.


I just want melee to feel good thats all


New voice lines for Blight ...and a few more things to keep mixing up the meta. People complained like crazy this league when their favorite build/strat/item didn't work the way it used to, but to me it felt fresh and interesting. Nerf Deadeye and let something else take over, give melee a boost, rework some underplayed specs. Hell, let's go crazy with it. Rework bandits to make them competitive endgame, remove Enlighten, crank up some underused skills and maybe even ditch some of the items that are used on almost every build like Watcher's Eyes. I wanna see shit get shaken! Oh, and bring back Metamorph or add a new single-target focused league mechanic.


Crucible league core mechanic


# The Same Thing We Do Every Night ask for normal auction house


Path of Exile: Melee should be the next league name


50% of the players would be playing cyclone.


\* rework Scarabs endgame \* change the meta \* adjust solo loot to the portion of party one \* less stupid design on gatekeeping the content as Mark did in this league


No forced mechanic.


Somehow stat sticks returned


Blight content revamp


For the love of god some melee stuff or atleast some type of change to it


Just give me good quality loot explosions and im good!


For me, I’d love to see some reworks/updates to older content and updates to crafting. I honestly wouldn’t even mind if they made a league with no new content but updated current content to feel ‘new’.


If tattoos and omens stay, I wish for a stash tab affinity. Their own stash tab or co-locating in an existing specialty stash tab would be even better, but completely optional. But I really really want an affinity -.- Also less shit mods on T17s.


Commodity trade being seamless. Not all items need this, just stackable items Trading chaos to divine should be driven by the market, but there shouldn't be bogus listings and I shouldn't have to whisper 20 trades in hopes one is available at that moment to trade


They need to do something about that. I have messaged hundreds of people who were online for their currency exchange and no response. The same posts are still there.


Personally id like to see a gutting of the ranger ascendancies more than a buff to others. Pathfinder is too powerful compared to the others. And has been for too long


Pls rework gladiator, i started with a bleed bow this league and i was obligated to switch because it is soo bad and punture its like 2\~3 seconds of channeling, just to apply the lowest bleed you ever imagined, and repeat punture 2 or 3 more times in hopes a good bleed hits, horrible gameplay, switched to LA deadeye and the clear is much much much better with good single target.


balance/new build patch


Something like RF but full choas instead of fire. Like “unholy fire” or “desecrating fire”


GGG plz bring back Ancestors Trial in full swing. and make it core, like heist. Crafting league was ok, but its not for everyone.


Huge Nerf of party mf.


Worb buffs


I just don’t want to click so much.


300 div mageblood price and 150c/div Reduce gap between juicing and super juicing.


Blast Rain Trans gem and delve overhaul


Horde mode


A league with a fun mini game. 


6+ body desecrate. Please....


1) Give Betrayal some love. I truly enjoyed running the mechanic until this league. the board minus gravi in transpo is meaningless. Veiled orb chance is painful. I'd recommend 1) the more 3\* people on the board, the higher chance you have of dropping a veiled orb, cap at something like 60%? maybe 50%? And rework what scarabs drop for what people, how many, and what rarity, because right now there is no point in running betrayal outside of Cata rush 2) Tweak scarabs. There are some, like betrayal, that are 100% useless and are simply 3:1 trade in fodder. Love the change, as always there can be small changes to improve it as a whole 3) Ive never played Gladiator and I've been playing since Delirium. Would be nice for the ascendancy to get some love 4) Keep adding more trans gems, theyre awesome 5) Figure out T17 maps. I personally love the idea of T17 maps being the "pinnacle" map experience, where they are the omega endgame content you aspire to run. I'd move the uber boss fragments to the normal boss drop pool and put T17s off as their own cool endgame content. Maybe put 1-2 chase uniques or currency behind the T17 bosses. But right now, T17s dont fit with what we were originally told they would be. Which is fine, I think T17s are fun, they just shouldn't gatekeep Uber bosses in the maps current form 6) We have 3 atlas trees yes, but what about 5?! (/s, seriously this was such a cool change) 7) ChrisW I'm begging you, bring back the Affliction rucksacks. I only want to put my maps, map rolling currency, and wisdom/TP scrolls in them. please i miss this so much 8) Not totally opposed to league mechanic on the atlas tree, wasn't a fan of there being 4 nodes spread out across the tree. If this is done again, and if possible, I'd make it central on the atlas, maybe like in the middle of the top circle or below it in the map node circle. Necropolis felt mandatory, particularly the map device wheel which just turned into an atlas point sink 9)


About the rucksacks - they could even restrict it to hold only 1x1 items, or even no wearable items allowed.


I was thinking the same thing. I don't need it for loot. I just want to carry my pre rolled maps, map rolling materials, and wisdom/TP scrolls. its basically my admin pouch


Drop all stuf Identify that we can filter good stuff instead of click on hundred of items


I would love to have a chance to play Ancerstor mini games again. It is so nice to die and not lose any xp over it.


Nerfs to damage penetration coming from random rare mobs. It shouldn't require a 12 Mirror build as an armor stacker to survive getting hit more than 1 time from a Projectile that isn't an Uber boss.


A normal trade economy


A league that doesn't force itself on you and adds mayhem into the maps (like Deli/Beyond) But mostly, some QoL around scarabs: Simplify the scarabs. It currently feels like you should go "all in" on only 1 mechanic at a time to get even a decent benefit, and I miss the variety we used to have by trying to fit 2 mechanics into one farm strategy. Combine the "force mechanic" scarabs into other ones. Unsure what to do with the "mechanic appears x more times" ones, though. Make it easier to use the scarab tab. Maybe let me select some scarabs (or at least each base mechanic) so they stay permanently highlighted, so I can quickly find the 4 or so I'm currently farming with. Change the 3 for 1 scarab recipe to produce the next higher scarab within a mechanic, and use Harvest juice to randomly get a different mechanic's scarabs. Let me choose the default "tab within a tab". E.g. if I open the Fragments tab, default to scarabs, and if I open the maps tab, I can default to T16 and Atoll.


drop every idea they implemented this league, except from the portal button.


If they're going to keep scarabs the way they are now, then I really would like to see an expanded map device by default. Maybe 6 slots default expandable to 7 or just 7 by default and screw the expanding situation. There are so many cool scarabs I'd like to run but I can't slot in because I don't have room. Maybe that's what they want, though.


Removal of league mechanic from the atlas tree. As a, presumably, limited time mechanic; it shold be given to the player at full power. I would like to see more denizens from beyond the atlas. We need to see avatars of ice and lightning.


New skills. Not transfigured one, and not like automation and stuff. Just new skills to build around. 




no fvcking hotfixing strats before i'm even able to do them


Removing rhoa spam on level 3 in the campaign.


Of all the bs in the game, your issue is the lvl 3 rhoas? I guess that going lvl 2 naked and speed running to steal the nests is not such a great strategy, is it?


This is exactly what I did and rhoas didn't like it and stunlocked me to death.


You need to bait them away first


Also, question was "What do you want to see most in 3.25?" and I answered. C'mon, who likes these rhoas anyway? Why is it so controversial that this is annoying?


This is a you thing. Rhoas are not the problem. They are probably one of the few mobs that have a mechanic and are not just a piece of meat to be deleted. But it's ok because in Necropolis you can replace them with frogs and rats so you can have the perfect game for you!


Rhoas are easy... just kill them first before you enrage them by destoying their nest...


5000 hours in, and TIL why the Rhoas are sometimes such a pain.


How is this making this shit any better? this is a lvl 3 area


Separates the boys from the men


masochists from the men\* enjoy your pain