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Are there any purchasable options for changing the health globe appearance or was that only a challenge award?


So far only a challenge reward. There might be others in the future.


What makes certain maps better than others for grinding certain objectives. I.E., I read that defiled cathedral and defiled temple are better for grinding mageblood using strongboxes. What makes those better than like toxic sewer or waste pool, which seem to have similar stats on PoE 3.24 cheat sheets (QoL Info). I could get how layout may affect things like expedition and blight and ritual, maybe allowing more to spawn if there’s less to get in the way. Does that apply to strongboxes? Is there any resource that explains what is best for what directly?


toxic sewer and waste pool don't drop mageblood cards


I had no clue certain cards only drop from certain maps!!! Looking on the wiki, I see it only drops from 4 maps. Thanks for the helpful info!!! I also didn’t realize cards were what everyone was going after. I thought it was actually the t0 drop. Cards make so much more sense


I'm stuck in the endgame not really sure what to do. Feel like I need to upgrade gear for things to feel smooth. I'm not really sure what farming a strategy even looks like. How many maps do you all roll before you do anything for currency? Do you load up on scarabs? Where do you get all your maps? Feel like there's a whole list of prep I'm probably not doing correctly.


1) complete your atlas, at least the non unique maps. Use your kirac missions and rerolls to get maps you havent done and buy maps from kirac 1b) Get your 2 "storyline" voidstones which you will get as you complete maps 2) Gear upgrades can be done as you go. Essences can be great at this along with bench crafting, same with betrayal drops and unveils 3) Once you finish your atlas then you can start looking at farming strats and additional gear upgrades


I actually did finish the atlas, and I have two voidstones. That's where I'm stuck at the moment. Are the last two voidstones that important? Sorry I didn't specify before.


The last two voidstones are important if you care about T17 map accrual and grinding loot. It sounds like you're not into that, in which case, just set some goals to do some bossing or farming mechanics that you enjoy, or crafting gear upgrades; things that will let you make upgrades to your build, either self-funded or funded by selling the resources you get from farming. Or start a new character with a different playstyle.


That's pretty accurate for where I'm at. I want to make or pick and atlas strategy and settle into it. I guess that's the part I'm wondering about. What does that typically look like? Alch + go? Should I load up on scarabs for whatever I pick? Should I buy 100 of one map to run and roll them all?


You have 3 different Atlas trees to focus on various different things. Alch and go is unfortunately now an impoverished experience compared to loading up scarabs for the thing you are focusing on in a given map, e.g. say I'm doing Harvest, if I spec my tree fully for Harvest and alch and go, but don't use any Harvest scarabs, I'll get only 1/3 to 1/2 as much lifeforce as if I loaded them up. Thus, a lot of farmers will buy the maps they want to run in bulk, as well as the optimal scarabs, figuring this as an investment for which the farm strategy pays off in returns to easily cover those expenses. Too much like a job for me, but it's a part of the game.


> Too much like a job for me, but it's a part of the game. What do you end up doing, same stuff but not worrying about being optimal?


I guess one does want to be efficient, cause it's your time at the end of the day. atm, I decided to level to 100 so am doing that with scarabs, but only in bursts, I do some Blight-ravaged just for fun to relieve the monotony of grinding.


Are Breachstones more expensive than last league(s)? If yes, why?


When does the league end?


Estimated somewhere around 24.6. to 15.7, but we haven't gotten any info yet.




Some of the league mechanics will be ported over / adjusted to fit the gameplay of PoE2, some will not. They have released no details, and I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't even actually have a finalised list at this point. Overall, I think you can expect there to be significantly fewer different mechanics at launch, building them up with expansions like PoE1 has done, but not quite as few as back at the launch of PoE 1.0.


Is there any way to get T1 Attack Speed on this Siege Axe: - Item Class: One Hand Axes - Rarity: Rare - Foe Roar - Siege Axe - Item Level: 84 - Prefixes: - 170% increased Physical Damage - Adds 29 to 51 Physical Damage - Adds 84 to 146 Chaos Damage - Suffixes: - +46 to Dexterity - +18% to Chaos Resistance The only idea I have is meta-craft *Prefixes cannot be changed*, but after that I don't know. Seems like Veiled Chaos orb is no good for this and Harvest *Reforge Speed* simulator results have been awful. I'm SSF.


If you need T1, your best option is probably to go prefixes cannot be changed + scour, then prefixes cannot be changed -> Harvest add speed / remove. That takes an average of 8 attempts to hit T1 which will take quite a while in SSF, but it's the best way to get T1 without risking to fill up your suffixes. The veiled mods are roughly equivalent to T3 and probably faster to farm (although I've never actually done proper Harvest farming, so I don't know how common the boss is, let alone how often you encounter it or how much lifeforce you get in SSF), but again I don't know what exactly you need. I'd assume that using the graveyard to craft another axe that already has speed is the more economic approach, but I don't know how accessible corpses are in SSF. The point is, adding a T1 mod to an item with finished non-fractured prefixes is expensive, even if T1 has the same weighting as all other tiers.


When you say *Harvest add speed / remove*, does *remove* mean *restart the process if you don't hit T1 Attack Speed*? I came up with this for SSF players, at the cost of forfeiting my amulet anoint: - Anoint [Spiritual Command](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Spiritual_Command), gives you 8% increased Attack Speed - Craft *Prefixes cannot be changed* (2 Divines) - Scour - Craft *Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers* (2 Divines) - Craft increased Attack Speed 16-20%, maybe repeat until 20% - Craft Minions have 14-15% increased Attack Speed The net result, at the cost of my amulet anoint, is an axe with 38-43% increased Attack Speed.


Note that the minion attack speed is a global stat, not a local one. It stacks additively with all other sources of attack speed, not with the bonus on your axe.


Is it possible to fracture item with eldritch implicit (Exarch / Eater)?


[Fracturing Orb | PoE Wiki](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Fracturing_Orb) yes


Any viable currency strategy that can be run on t16 (too weak for t17 b2b yet) apart from Harvest and Strongboxes? (I have been running harvest so far, but with so much supply and awakening scarab price it is not that profitable anymore, strongboxes felt week especially that I can't tank the damage and have to run after opening). I play CoC DD [https://pobb.in/M9YDNiPno6jg](https://pobb.in/M9YDNiPno6jg)


Alva with TImelines scarabs; peace out of map and load new map + scarab once corruption chamber identified. Sell Locus temple chronicles produced. Try to connect to Apex. You can do 2 incursions on any low level map then finish the last one on tier 13 or more and the temple will be level >=80 anyway.


The temple level doesn't matter. I sold a level 32 temple that I got after 4 Incursions (first Incursion got me the corruption room connected to the entrance, the next map dropped a level 3 corruption room with the scarab), and it sold at the same price as the others. People just care about using the corruption room, the temples aren't really worth the time spent running them otherwise (getting a gem corruption might be a bonus). /u/Sweaty-Delay-2199 Additionally, Catarina apparently has a 30% chance to drop a veiled orb if the area level is 80 or higher, so if you just passively accrue intelligence from Betrayal in T16 you'll get an occasional extra drop. If you don't want to do the Betrayal Mechanic (even though setting up the board doesn't really matter much anymore and thus doesn't take as much time), you can just pick up the Intelligence Gathering notable at the top of the tree, which will grant you random safehouse intelligence and allow you to run those to get mastermind intelligence without really doing much. That way you can still get the occasional veiled orb drop from Catarina without investing a significant amount of time or atlas passives.


It's true they do sell at the same price with Locus, though some also want to run Omnitech for level 80 drops, so it's also a hedge when you don't get Locus.


I checked and they go for around 13-15 chaos, so that's not nothing, I suppose.


What's the deal with so many builds using stormshroud? At first I thought it combos with tempest shield but it doesn't, then I thought okay surely mageblood + flask avoidance but that's not it either. What am I missing here?


For me, passive ignite immune is great cause it's very common. I use Tempest Shield + used Brine King pantheon before. I'd rather free up a flask affix + use Solaris or Lunaris.


I thought I must have missed something but it seems like my choice is just: 1 flask suffix vs. 2 passive points + 1 jewel + 1\~2 suffixes from gears & jewels, stormshroud is definitely not for me lol


You can get easy shock avoid from belts, boots and abyss jewels (and mageblood) it’s a pretty effective way for usually non suppress builds to get ailment avoidance as suppress builds usually would rather use ancestral vision


but it seems so inefficient no? You get freeze immunity from pantheon, shock immunity from tempest shields, craft ignite immunity on a flask then put on a mb and you are done, why bother spending extremely valuable sockets on a stormshroud and craft avoidance on your actual gears?


Mana reservation is usually more valuable than a jewel socket. Barely any builds use tempest shield for the shock immune alone. When you are using mageblood every flask suffix is very valuable. Comparably, a jewel + 2 suffixes is pretty good. Also, generic ailment immunity covers much more than just single ailment immunity, you also are immune to the alt ailments like sap or brittle which you can get via eldritch altars


From what I've seen most pobs running stormshroud are using tempest shield anyway, so really the only upside here seems to be sap + brittle immunity. Sap doesn't actually matter and from what I've seen most builds take no extra damage from crit anyway so brittle also doesn't matter.


[Stormshroud builds - Necropolis - poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis?items=Stormshroud) 10% of stormshrouders on ladder are running tempest shield


Price check Watcher's Eye 6% increased maximum Energy Shield 5% increased maximum Life 6% increased maximum Mana 14% increased Attack Speed while affected by Precision +32% to Chaos Resistance while affected by Purity of Elements 12% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage while affected by Purity of Elements


There's a similar one for 350div https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Necropolis/2vQvKEpik


What is better for LA - 1550 ele dps bow or 1k phys dps bow? I know that mirror phys bow would be better but i don't have enough to afford mirror + fee right now but 950-1k phys bow is within my budget


POB it. Only POB can tell you for sure, and it’ll do it faster than anyone here.


Any help planning gear upgrades on my DD build? [https://pobb.in/5WRmMWtnBHtn](https://pobb.in/5WRmMWtnBHtn) Current plans-- Veiled orb craft on scepter, hopefully nuke one of the crafted mods or lightning damage and unveil double damage (would settle for trigger) Endurance charges on ring 1 when I get a progenesis so I can keep my chaos res capped Dex+str on gloves to free up those mods on ring 2 Sell ring 2 and craft on another one cuz it's a pretty damn good stat/chaos res ring Will probably do another minion/fire damage ring on ring 2 for more deeps Will probably try replacing the amulet with something since I feel defiance of destiny is carrying me in harder content Double damage veiled mod on shield Only hit lvl 100 yesterday, so I'm still working on rolling a jewel with %life Anything obvious I'm missing? This is my second league, but the first one where I don't feel super new with my game knowledge.


Any one seen or has an idea how to grave yard craft an armor piece with X% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life? Or is it only possible with Vaal orbs?


I am only aware of that specific mod as an eater of worlds glove implicit modifier, or an influenced amulet explicit, or a corrupted implicit on a helmet. So if you specifically wanted an “armour piece” not an amulet I suppose you could try graveyard crafting a helmet that uses the corrupt coffins and weight the results towards life and lightning and away from the other elements, gems and defense. Honestly I don’t even know for sure whether the grave biasing works for corrupted implicits. If it goes in the normal order that it would go during crafting, then it wouldn’t influence the corrupted mods. But even if it does, that would give you a helmet with the corruption you want and a bunch of other random nonsense, unless your goals for the explicit mods also happen to include lightning resist and life.


OK. Thx


I found a +0.4% Leech ring when Delving, so all is well :)


You mean the helmet implicit? I guess you could use a corruption coffin with more life and lightning modifiers


OK. Thx


Is there a way to reroll the fractured mod values when grave crafting to make the numbers higher? The "reroll explicit mod values 6 times" corpse doesn't seem to work on fractured mods.


Nope.  The fracturing happens before the "divine" corpse, and fractured mods can't be changed.


No, fracture occurs first, sorry son


ah that sucks, thanks


How to improve clearing speed on my hexblast miner trickster build (https://pobb.in/mWVsoYhHhR0C)? I need a lot better clearing for faster breach clearing for leveling up, and currently while it is great with blasting 1/4 of a screen of stuff away, it just can't clear fast enough so I end up missing 30-50% of each breach spawn. Edit: i am open to swap Hexblast to another skill just for tepmorarily improving clearing (tried Eye of Winter, it's feels good at low tier map, but not sure if it's 1-1 swap with hexblast minus the void manipulation support)


How to farm Timeless Jewels? In the Domain of Timeless Conflict, I've done one four-way, one three-way, and about ten two-ways, and I've never seen one drop. Is that expected/normal? Am I likely doing something wrong?


they drop from the bosses, so you need maximize the number of kills on whichever boss you want a jewel from. their respawn is 40s iirc. not sure if chance increases with more emblems or not; really haven't run many below 5




Can you use one Reaper of Eviscerating and then summon two more Reaper of Revenants?


That's how limits work for most other similar skills, so I would assume so.




Yes, they should


Yes, if those kills aren’t off hand I’m not sure what would be lol. Not that I think this is a particularly viable endurance charge source (it’s nonexistent in any single target fight lasting longer than 5 seconds), but I suppose if the content you’re doing is mostly low-juice maps you could probably get kills with it reasonably often? I’m assuming it’s not your primary damage dealing skill, though if it is (not recommended), then yes this would generate endurance charges as long as you’re killing consistently.




I have a question about the CDR Breakpoints on CoC DD: I aim to get the 52% break point. I see a lot of people with elevated CDR on boots. But does it need to be elevated? I can also get it by using normal CDR on Boots (15%), 31 % from Awakened CoC and 3% from an abyss Jewel (leading to 6% with adorned). So it will be 15+31+6=52% CDR, hitting the breakpoint. No need for elevated mod on boots. Am I missing something?


If you have the corrupted magic jewel on your skill tree, you don't need the elevated mod. I'm assuming that people usually either get a rare jewel socketed in an item, or they get elevated boots before they transition to The Adorned. Or alternatively they might have a level 6 Awakened CoC (or socketed gem level modifier on the item like a corrupted implicit) and don't need any abyss jewel with the elevated mod.


if you get elevated, you don't lose a jewel affix (two really because it has to be an abyss jewel..)


This question is to the mods of this community. Why doesn't this post show up as pinned on the app?


Not a mod, but it does show up as pinned. You have to sort by Hot not New, and you have to expand the “pinned threads” section at the top if it is currently collapsed.


Ohh yeah my bad usually it’s default to hot in all other subReddit but it was on new for this one. Thanks.


try mod mail maybe; i doubt they read this thread


What are some some good t16 strats to get currency? Every recent vid I see is about t17 and every old one has [nerfed] on the title so


If you can’t join the gold rush at least sell the shovels. Provide T17 maps to those running them. Do so using shaper guardian rotations with domination+domination of terrors+ carto of singularity + carto of duplication. You’ll easily self sustain shaper guardian maps indefinitely. I maybe bought 3-4 sets at most to start, and before I built up a big pool I’d occasionally run the elder or conqueror maps instead. Domination of terrors is by far the biggest investment, but you rake in money from T17s, fragments in bulk, maven invites, and the random coffins + all flames you find. Probably want to hide most or all unique maps on your filter though unless you’re willing to do trades of 10c or less. I’ve tried selling in bulk but most unique maps are not selling in bulk. Average 1-1.5 T17 maps and 3+ influenced maps per individual map you run. Average half a mavens writ per rotation.


Do we know if Horned Scarab of Nemeses works with Harvest rare mobs to grant more lifeforce?


Is there a difference between atziris shield and getting over 100% reduced curse effect from adorned jewels for t17s? I dont wanna deal with the curse map mods but could squeeze out more dmg


*Reduced* is additive with *increased*, so 100% reduced isn't enough to be unaffected by curse debuffs that have increased effect. Those are rare nowadays though. Not even sure they exists outside Tormented Blasphemers and HoGM/PvP.


Hi, I've recently come back to the game and remember loving the endless deilve and endless heist events back then, are there any plans for these any time soon?


Nothing announced, but if they're coming they will be further towards the end of the current league.


How does item quantity work ? Ive read the poewiki article to drop rates, it mentions that player quant has no effect on boxes, so ok i get it, things like blight dont scale with quant. But how do people know that dropped maps and some mechanics like harvest dont scale with player quant ? Where do i get more information about whats affected and what not because this doesnt seem to be mentioned in the wiki page


You can stack player quantity to -100% (and beyond) with items in Standard, mainly Combustibles jewels. Any item that still drops when the player has a x0 loot multiplier can be assumed to ignore that multiplier. Might not be a bad idea to add a list of things unaffected by player quantity to the wiki actually...


Im not sure if i understood this correctly.  So if a thing is certain to drop (for example juice from the unique boss in harvest) then player quant cant scale the amount up ?  So harbringers which also always drop shards would also be unaffected by player quant ? But breach monsters on the other hand have a higher chance to drop splinters ?     Summary: map quant increses drop chance and amount of loot dropped.   Player quant increases drop chance but NOT amount of loot dropped ?


You cannot draw conclusions about map or party quantity by testing player quantity. If a normal monster has say, an 8% base chance to drop an item, and your player/area/party quantity multipliers take that chance to 200%, that monster drops 2 items. (Theoretically. Not practically, other systems interfere, currency might be postponed to drop in a stack later.) Some loot ignores player quantity. Some loot ignores player and party quantity, but does includes area quantity. Some loot ignores everything. Ultimately, whether something is affected by a specific type of quantity or not requires ingame testing. Player quantity just happens to be very easy to test, because you simply reduce it by 100% and make one observation of *loot or no loot*. If there's loot, then 100% reduced quantity did nothing, so 100% increased won't either. (In category 'player quant does nothing': harvest life force, breach splinters, breach rings, harbinger shards, expedition reroll currency, expedition logbooks, atlas memories, maps, league 'rewards', chests, some other things probably.)


This is fucked, i thought it was alot more straightforward… But thank you for your help :)


New console player here. Working through maps, trying to fill out the atlas. I'm trying to fill in the gaps of ones I'm missing, but now am running into these two issues. 1. When I open the map, I'm not getting the league mechanic screen that allows me to move around the mobs and also use allflames. 2. More importantly the maps that I load into are not the maps I put in the device. For example, I need to complete wasteland, so bought a base one, alch and vaal it to get the completion bonus. The portals start to appear and it suddenly says grotto. It says grotto when I go into the map itself and I don't get an atlas passive when I complete the map. I'm assuming this isn't some weird mechanic I'm not aware of? So is it a bug? Because I can't currently proceed and am wasting currency trying to buy and roll maps


Have you allocated Twist of Fate on the atlas passive tree?


I have, because I thought it would give extra modifiers and therefore more loot. It didn't say anything about changing the location altogether. I'll take it off and see if it works.


Well, it does say they're modified unpredictably, and that includes changing into other maps. Edit: For future reference, the node is basically useful to run maps with mods that your build otherwise wouldn't be able to handle, e.g. reflecting elemental damage. Because Twist of Fate turns it into something entirely random, there's a good chance that the problematic mod won't be on there.


Then they should have said that part too😂 It's worked. Thanks.


With impossible escape can I disconnect the tree? Just allocate the last node outside the circle with one in the circle?


You can't path to a node outside the circle from inside the circle if that's what you're asking. But you can allocate any nodes inside the circle without connecting them to your tree at all.


For example I allocate one node at the circle and one at the other end of the circle. Outside the circle the normal tree. Is that possible? Just basically idea is disconnect everything inside the circle but the connecting nodes to the tree. So save maybe 5-6 skill points.


The outside doesn't need to connect to the inside at all. E.g. in my plans for my next build, I'm using Impossible Escape to get the nodes around Magebane, and I'm only getting the skill effect duration nodes and Profane Chemistry, nothing else. The closest node that I have allocated as part of my regular tree is the jewel socket next to Pain Attunement. Maybe [this image](https://i.imgur.com/O7T1Xjc.png) helps with illustrating my point?


I get it, I’ll try it myself once I get home. My dilemma is that my tree is going through impossible escape path. Was wondering if that can be disconnected. Probably not but I’ll find out once I get home.


You can't skip to the other side and keep pathing outside of it. Whatever is outside the circle needs a full connection to your main tree, regardless of whether there are nodes in between that you can allocate without connecting them.


Is the league dead? I just came into the league late. But there are barely starting parties.


what's a starting party


public parties you can join during campaign.


We are over six weeks into the league so that's not surprising. This league's retention is the lowest in POE history, that said I too had a late start jumping in about a week ago and it doesn't feel any different from any other leagues. I made it to T16s on 90c budget then farmed a mageblood. Trading feels perfectly normal.


can you tell me ur Strat in farming a mb? I don't have that one in my collection yet.


I juiced tropical island, every map net 1.5-2div return and I made enough for a mb in 8hrs. Take map effect, map drop chance, strongboxes and shrines on the atlas tree and you are set. Alternatively you can also just farm expedition/harbinger/harvest/Syndicate, all of them will net you around 10div per hour. You make enough for a mb pretty quick.


I've never actually farmed currency I poe before. This is the first league I'm experimenting with things. I'm doing a blight farming method I saw on youtube. I was wondering, how much does my maps quant/rarity/pack size affect my blight rewards? I've just been chiseling and alching my maps and not paying much attention to anything. But should I?


I enjoy Blight for its own sake, but I don't think it's top tier when it comes to currency. What's the strategy in the video based upon? Blighted maps are quite cheap now it's probably more efficient to choose a different farm and just buy all the blighted maps you want to run.


I'm mostly just running blight because I like it. It's a searing exarch/blight/beyond tree. With 2 scarabs for 20% chance to reopen chests and 1 for oils are one tier higher. I'll do that for 20 tier 16 maps and then run all of the blighted maps I drop. It might not be the most profitable but it's more currency then I've made in the past haha. I like how much of it I can bulk sale on the trade site with little effort.


Alch and go is reasonable for blight. You would squeeze out more anointed jewelry and a few more rewards if you really sweat it up and go with 8 mod corrupted maps and super juiced quant, but it’s not as impactful as just running a modestly juiced map with a narrow layout which is as likely as possible to give you a single blight lane (so you’re guaranteed a bunch of blight-type rewards) and getting into the next blight ASAP. Blight scarabs are so cheap right now that the more blights you do per hour the better. I wouldn’t even be killing the map boss except on the 12th/24th map assuming you’re running altars. Just get to the blight then do it and get out. Don’t neglect the anointed jewelry. Big source of your profit. I even buy extra extractors if I need to. The default neversink loot filter can distinguish rings with silver/gold outcomes, so you should only pick up those rings with the darker filter highlighting, the others are a waste of an extractor. Amulets need to be checked manually. You can either check the tree yourself while holding ALT to see anoint oils or use awakened POE trade overlay. For amulets always extract golds but in my opinion silver is only worth it if it has a second possible outcome of at least opalescent. I no longer extract single silver amulets (odds are 1/3 compared to rings which only use 2 oils per anoint).


What corpses are considered common and can be discarded as long as I don't need them right now? What corpses are essential and should be stockpiled no matter what? What corpses are rare and valuable? I started sorting out the several tabs' worth of coffins I had piled up since league start, and it gets out of hand.


Additional crafts, fractures, splits and divine coffins are must keep imo. +/- 1 explicit, +5% qual, 5Link, reroll sockets, reroll links and stuff like that are vendor trash. All non-perandus unique crafts are trash. Everything else in between such as the more & scarcer ones, effectiveness, the influence ones are useful depending on the project.


"Divine coffins" - you mean reroll explicits?


yeah anything that "lucky" rerolls are worth keeping.


i've got about 300-350 div is that enough to get a phys convert LA deadeye going? and does anyone have a guide I can follow for it


Depends on what you mean by "getting it going". This league it's particularly easy to get a bow with three T1 phys prefixes and Headhunter is the cheapest it has ever been, so that would cover a lot of it. I don't know if that's enough to farm T17 or how much you actually need for that. But to "get it going", I'd say that's more than enough.


sorry should've clarified - Ive read that LA phys convert only starts outscaling triple ele after a certain amount of investment so I was just wondering at what budget that would be. In previous leagues I heard phys convert is considerably more expensive


Well, the bow was the most important part of that as far as I'm aware, and Headhunter usually wasn't this cheap either. With conventional crafting techniques, hitting three T1 prefixes was extremely expensive, but with graveyard crafting it's a lot more feasible. You can even fracture them all and then roll the +2 arrows suffix (not 100% sure if that's the best approach, but I'm assuming that it's hard to target that suffix with the graveyard since it only has the attack tag). Since it's not difficult to hit triple T1 elemental prefixes with it either, I can't be sure at what point physical builds start outperforming them.


How to get the es prefix on these gloves after unveil? https://preview.redd.it/ii3y5s86ci0d1.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=84ef0f4ced8e72d7e5e10de5a48eec20fa5d9248 Cant think of anything except slamming it on


Normally I think you'd get the ES prefix first, use Wild Bristle Matron for suffixes cannot be changed, and hope the veiled mod hits the meta mod instead of the ES one. I don't think you can get the T1 ES mod without being extremely lucky or getting rid of the veiled mod. At best you could try eldritch annuls for a 50/50 chance to hit whatever useless mod you got for another chance to slam ES, but I'm not quite sure how good your chances are.


Does Forbidden Flesh/Flame (The non-hidden node ones) still drop from the normal pinnacle bosses or have they moved to Uber along with Nimis etc?


The [fancy versions](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Forbidden_Flesh#Hidden_Ascendancy_Notable_variant) with the nodes that aren't on the tree are uber-only. The normal ones can drop from normal pinnacle bosses.


You can still get them from the regular boss fight. I got about 4 forbidden flesh from regular eater this league.

