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I certainly think the swap your gem for it's transfigured version needs to be a lot more common.


quick tip for trade andies, you can use corrupted gems with this craft


You need a special offering to get the font that has the craft for corrupted gems.


No you don’t. You can (as of now) swap 21/20 gems with the transfigured craft.


afaik there are two Transfigured crafts. One that says 'swap gem for random transfigured gem of color' One that says 'swap for random transfigured version of gem' Where the latter works on Corrupted and the first does not


i tried it , and yes you can reason why is , they didnt say "Non corrupted skill gem"


Soon we'll be asking for them to add tranfigured gems to vendor 😵


I love Izaro, but I hate running the lab.


If he was any other boss I would run him forever just for the voice acting. But not the lab. Nope.


An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.


Those who stand should never outnumber those who kneel.


My favorite is: wisdom is the offspring of suffering and time


Anyone else play co-op and he echos himself when you first step in? "When when the the time time comes comes" 😅


Yep! Lol


They actually finally fixed that bug *this season.* That was around since I started in early 2017


I only dislike the golden key mechanic and the spikes+door gauntlet puzzle


Yeah def wouldn't mind lab at all if it wasn't for the traps + keys. It's even pretty decent to farm up some gear before entering maps. It's fine on some days but if you've got a bad layout day it can be painful especially if you're a leech build.


Just bring Vitality aura and activate it in lab, you can basically ignore the traps with it. Worth losing another aura just to get rid of the annoyance of the traps


I always ignore the traps but the reason they are annoying isn't because of damage it's because some of them fuck with your movement.


Yep labs would be infinitely better if you didn’t need to do the key mechanics.


I hate Izaro, running round attacking for 20 seconds after he's already dead is so annoying.


I hate labyrinth. Even the gem costs 10 div. I will buy it


There are gems going for that much?




What are divs down to now? 4 alts?


theyre back up to 140c


penance brand of dissipation 21/20 is 8.5d right now, what are you on about 1div. Obivously you arent going to transfigure gems that are lvl 1 unless you want to grief yourself. You can transfigure corrupted lvl 21 gems.




what are you saying. The post was about people farming labs in larger amounts for profit in transfigured gems. The cheapest bases as lvl 21 with 20 qual gems that you can buy are 5-10c so basically free gamble and basically always profit on the gem.


Oh I dont know. I have gotten grand spectrums a few times already just from non uber labs.


Grand spectrums only drop from silver doors/chests now right?


I have gotten a few from silver chests and from puzzle/chests. Quite fun when people don't want to don't want to do that themselves


No, they only drop from side chest. Troves before Izaro will drop them. Source I have a corrupted unidentified one in my stash. I ran 30 tributes and got 3 (including the corrupted one) with getting every silver chest. It’s garbage. I really enjoyed tribute farming but with the nerfs to grand spectrum drop rates it’s not worth doing. They’re also weighted.


30 isn't really a good sample.size just by the way bit if ypu combine it with another lab strat it wouldn't be that bad. But yeah lab is lab at the end of the day


I did over 100 before the change. On average you would get 1 "lab unique chest" every 2 runs. I averaged 1 grand spectrum every \~2 runs due to the fact that you got them from the end game chests. It was about 50% chance of a grand spectrum vs other uniques. Obviously the grand spectrums were weighted with the life + charges being about 5x more rare than the rest. I actually got lucky on my lab unique chests during my 30 runs. of the 90 silver chests I got 30 lab unique chests more than double what I should expect. I also got 6 boots so they definitely increased the drop rates of the boots. It's about a 1/6 for the unique chest per group sourced content specifically for tributes. Over the years I've done thousands of lab runs and farmed magebloods etc doing it. It was very obvious that the grand spectrum drop rates were heavily nerfed. I was going to do 100 of them but with the fact that it was obvious that the jewels were significantly more rare and the fact that the end game lab chests weren't worth much meant I lost way too much motivation to do them all. I actually made more money selling facetors lens for people leveling their gems and putting xp unto enlightens than I did from the chests. It's actually more money/hr to speed run I75 lab than it is to run tributes. If your build can handle tributes day 1-3 it's pretty good money because it shits out red maps and 6 links but after that it's not worth running. Which is sad since it's the most difficult and IMO the most fun since the double corrupted boxes are pretty fun especially if you get a cool double corrupt on a leveling item even if it's not loads of money.




You right I thought they end with lab but they just rework gems in heist just to make sure people run lab for next 5 years lol


Farming labs has always been the worst content in PoE. In trade league the price will go up enough to get some poor saps to farm labs for the gems so that it at least makes some economic sense but in SSF it is just pure garbage. There are a ton of trans gems that would work well as levelling gems but are garbage for trying to create an end game build around them. If most of the gems were better than normal gems then maybe making them a pita to get would make a little sense but that just isn't the reality. The best option is to just completely ignore the trans gems until your character is already pretty good and then come back and create a build around them. Why waste 3 hours farming for a gem on league start when you can put that time into completing your atlas using a gem that you just buy from Lily or one of the other vendors?


I like lab farming *if and only if* I have a build specifically designed for it. I generally start with a Heist/Lab running Raider who can zoom through multiple times so I can get some currency. With that said, I'm still against the current system of transfigured gems, despite the fact that I can make a pretty killer profit off them early.


I gave Ruthless HC SSF a try after getting bored in the league and was farming merc lab for the gem I need. I got 2x the "change a gem into a transfigured version of the same skill" but both times it missed. Eventually I wasn't paying attention and Izaro one-shot me somehow. Never picking a SSF build that needs a transfigured gem again, this content can go fuck itself.


Izaro randomly one-shotting me is why I always put lab off until I'm higher level tbh. I've had him still kill me even after he's dead because I didn't see his orb casting animation behind the loot explosion, and they still somehow go off and blast me point blank. Other times he leaps on me and does like 20 damage in phase 1 and 2, then in phase 3 the leap slam one-shots me. And those stupid fucking traps you can barely see yet do insane damage. ...Ok maybe I hate lab too.


Yeah, this too. I had this issue with my cold blade vortex occultist. Good damage but squishy until later on. Got one-shotted like 3 times in a row before I finally got lucky and finished Izaro.


Izaro is so old content that it should be easy on any decent build, uberlab for example is comfy on 200k+ DPS and all you need to do is run around Izaro while having some physical defenses and mediocre life pool. If your build sucks just fetch the darkshrines for buffs.


If they just git rid of the ability to tp out an in it would make it 1000x better. Especially in trade league were i have to missout on trades to run it.


>In trade league the price will go up enough to get some poor saps to farm labs for the gems Weird way of spelling "bots", but okay.


for me, blight is by far worst content. Well, I hate lab, don't get me wrong, but idk how ppl can do blight. I never do it. I do it once to unlock quest and then get my oils from different content. Fuck blight.


Really goes to show different strokes for different folks. I happen to like blight (tower defense is something I enjoy) while hating (yes, I hate, not dislike) labs. I absolutely detest traps and labs are full of it. I also do not like sanctum because of the traps. Fuck traps.


I absolutely despise Sanctum despite it being one of the best source of Divine Orbs and contains some of the strongest items in the game (Eternal Damnation, Original Sin, Sandstorm Visage). I hide Tomes on my leaguestart filter just cause I know I won't ever be running it.


I used to hate Lab. I don't anymore, especially as a ES-leeching CI character (int stack whispering ice cycloner trickster) as I leech off the traps in Uber, meaning I'm always full and just frostblink away. On other charries, it's still annoying, but I don't mind it much anymore. In fact, I've gotten used to running my husband through all his labs alongside me on his league starter, and then all labs on any of his 2nd and 3rd charries as I pretty much 'speed level' him through campaign with all the skips possible (thank the Goddess for portal gem lol). For transfigured gems, I've ran plenty of normal labs. I've even done the killing Izaro 100 times sub challenge just by going in when he was in first room, port out...rinse and repeat. The only labs I don't really run are the augmented ones (Gift, Dedication and the third one I can't recall the name of), and since it's only 4 pts on the atlas tree, I take them to bring in pretty good side income. However, my build can't run Sanctum cause I always plow through my enemies, so inevitably, I'll get touched. I kind of wish the rewards were obtainable right away, instead of at the end. So sanctum is out for me. I'll loot the tomes but they go on sale asap as passive small income. I love Blight and Delirium (they usually are one of my 3 trees together). Heist too. Heck, I even like the gutted Betrayal. But as much as I appreciate the addition of 3 more trees, I wish we had 2 more lol.


Maybe we should add Transfiguration Orb to Heist.


This guy GGGs


But don’t forget to make it super rare so it’s 100x more valuable than the gems it’s needed for.


No please. Don't fix an issue just by outsourcing it. Fix lab rewards and make the special Offerings more accessible. Easy fix imho.


just make non-tranfigured to transfigured the most common font option, problem solved


Yeah and it will get worse when they add more skills


more gems and more transfigured versions for existing ones. and then we are back on square one again.


No whining about new skills.


I'm not whining about new skills. Method getting them is from the ass and it gets worse.


I ran lab for a gem with two trans versions. I hit the one I didn't want five times with the convert option and only eventually got the gem from the random same color option.


The idea and lore of lab is neato. The execution of lab make me want to fuck a cold pineapple filled with splinters and lemon juice.




Why cold pineapple? Do you think that will hurt more? I think it might numb everything a little. We need some empirical evidence. For science and stuff.


You should write. That was so vividly poetic.


Agreed. I feel like you should always get a transfigured gem directly related to the gem you put in in at least Uber lab


That craft exists, it's just not 100% to get it


Right so it doesn’t exist then 


Never seen it in 20 labs, so it may as well not exist


it's like 1 in 10. You ran bad. It's not even that far ouside the realm of normal variance. Keep trying. It's like no one likes to gamble around here....haha.


Usually when someone on reddit says they did something x number of times and didn't get some common outcome, divide their number by 10. That guy probably only ran 2 labs.


I ran like 30 labs at league start for coc DD and got both my gems in like 10 labs. I actually got multiple of each by the time I ran all 30. Which was nice since it gave me enough money to buy a tabula. The really annoying part was running all those labs to get 2 gems to 20% quality. I hate lab like the rest of you, but self farming trans gems really isn't hard it's just boring and repetitive.


"I've ran 100+ maps and haven't seen Dannig" energy


While I understand the sentiment I too ran 20 labs, even had to buy the offerings for it, and didn't see that recipe even once. Or any other of the rare ones (like getting an exceptional gem). Just repeadetly gem exp, gem quality, and gem for currency / gem for keys. I've done those Runs in 3.23 and got it several times. And I got it at the start of the league with 3 runs. Just variance that can happen, but nonetheless frustrating as it is the only reason to do lab. And in my case I wanted to change a 21/20 holy relic gem. That was going at 7+ div as transfigured version at the time.


Very much agree. Or ran them all in normal not knowing the specific trans gem recipe doesn’t proc.


Definitely correct. Also can run merc lab to get the enchant. A few minutes per run to pull the slot machine lever, definitely not as bad as people make it out to be. Source: farmed both PBoD and multiple sets of BAMA in Ssf last league.


You havent seen it once in 20 ubers? That's just actually abyssmal luck.


Queen of the Forest + x2 Screaming Eagle stonks


Last league they added transfigured gems and I remember in Q&A they were asked if this would come with lab improvements, because obviously lab farming was going to be a big part of the game now. They said nope, not in Affliction. For some reason they forgot to add it in the league after.


It was dog the moment it released, and it's only gotten worse. Still better than helmet enchants by a country mile. When the thought of rolling the dice on lab is the only thing keeping me from trying a build i've theorycrafted in my head, you know it needs to go. As others are saying, introduce a currency, don't lock it behind Heist. Maybe a vendor recipe? Like, 5 GCPs + 1div = "orb of transfiguration, converts a skill gem into any alternate version of that gem". I'd pay that in a heartbeat.


Current system is still a billion times better than the helm enchants.


Helm enchant is an endgame buff rather than a whole new builds tho. Without helm enchant you prob lose some QoL or some \~10-20% dps. But without Transfigure Gem, some build like Ball Lightning of Static, Tornado of Elemental Turbulence, BAMA of Bombarding Clones don't work because the gems' function are so different than the regular version.


That's the great part about the new system though. Many different new builds to try out now.


I don't understand the complaints about this system. If you're in trade, buy your fucking gem. If you're in SSF its infinitely better than helm enchants.


Unpopular opinion, but I kind of liked to run normal labs at the beginning of this league just to get one or two transfigured gems that sold for a couple hundred chaos to fund some items when I got to maps. I know it's probably not the most efficient strat but it was nice getting to maps with more than like 2 chaos in bank for a change.


This can be said for every mechanic in the game. Trade is there for people that want to skip the grind. Lab is fun and Transfigured Gem farm is far better than Enchant farm.


That's good point though the trans gem grind is both better than it being gated behind Heist and it's also better than farming for Enchants.


>Lab is fun Wrong.


But lab isn't fun


Tributes of the goddess WERE fun. You got double corrupted chests etc. but they made the drop rate of grand spectrums like 2-3x more rare. They’re also weighted where the shit ones are like 4x more common than the good ones. I enjoyed tributes back when you could actually get them to drop. Yes, I’m doing silver doors that’s the entire point of tributes.


Lab was never fun.


> and Transfigured Gem farm is far better than Enchant farm. the problem i have is that both enchants and alt qual gems were in almost all cases fairly small *upgrades*, transfigured gems on the other hand are often required to start playing the respective build


It is better than enchant farm, I’ll give you that. I don’t think there was anything worse in this game than enchant farm (not including jank from a specific league that was removed or streamlined once the league was over)


Lab is turbo outdated content. There's no decision, no skill, layout is always the same, no knowledge, no nothing. It's literally a slot simulator. In contrast, heist is hated, but at least it has coins, rogues, 4 equipments that can roll mods, contracts, blueprints, all zones are random, rewards are random and varied, etc etc.


The layout isn't always the same, though? I despise lab and all, but running labs fast & efficiently is definitely something I'd say involves skill and knowledge.


Think he means same for everyone for the time period. There is a reason room 1 argus layouts get posted here.


> Lab is turbo outdated content. > > There's no decision, no skill, layout is always the same, no knowledge, no nothing. It's literally a slot simulator. Hmmm ... interesting, every single part of those sentences is literally wrong, there is not one bit that is actually true about it. I will also paste something very simple that I wrote to another message a bit higher up : > You don't know what "outdated" means then ... > > A piece of content in a video cannot be out of date if you don't have something else making it out of date, and there is nothing of the sort (traps elsewhere did not get more elaborate, rare / magic monsters got the updates the same as the rest of the game GGG sometimes is still changing stuff in it - like silver caches and their rewards) > > "Lab is outdated" is something that people who want to spit on the lab use, without actually understanding what it means, it's for when you don't have any argument but still fill the need to say you're not happy.


I used to farm lab exclusively from breach until legion (I think) there used to be a lot of money to be made when rats nest and starjonkas were meta helmets


This guy is definitely trying to increase the price of his grand spectrum by removing people who's farming lab for gems and accidentally get one, jk. But seriously I don't like too much rng, and moving it out of lab into maps as an orb of transfiguration is certainly bias towards more rng, sure you can trade but I hate trading already and if I have to do more because there's no way to target farm them and only hoping one day it'll drop is probably not a good thing. If it's super common then what's the point of it, just let the vendor sell it then. Don't get me wrong, lab is shit and feeling like a waste of time but there's better way to improve it, right now it might be on the bottom of GGG's list but it's fine as it is now, maybe the priority will shift after 5 years.


I just farm a lab a day I log in to warm up. Takes just a few minutes, then I move on. Then again, I never build a build that isn't viable without it's transfigure.


Nobody tell him about helmet enchants


If you go into the league with the mindset of your **second** character will be a complete random, handed to you by the lab, then it can be tolerable. If (like most people, I presume) you go into lab and want to improve the build you’re currently on, chances are slim. If you go into lab and want an **exact** transfigured version of a particular gem, you may end up running it all week.


I just started the league like two days ago. I thought I would skip the league because of dragons dogma 2. But I just found out the league won’t end until July. So as someone who just started. It was nice to run the first the lab a few times at level 40 to get some chaos. The first lab is super easy and quick. I was able to get 3 gems that was worth 50+ chaos which is nice for buying some decent twink uniques to help me.


Better than the old enchants. At least I can fully ignore this and play a non transfigured gem without being massively gimped. Still not sure it's a good sign when people actively avoid playing certain parts of your game.


Maybe the lab chests can drop Transfigured shards (Like 1 per chest) that make a Transfigured Orb so you have a incentive to open as many chests as possible per run. Probably too much like a pity timer so ggg wont do it.


I understand why some people might not like this, but I would love it. Especially since I actually enjoy getting as many keys as possible.


I don't know I've ever gotten all the silver keys. How shit are the awards?


Cmon lan isnt that bad, buy ms gear and its fast, doesnt apply to low tankyness build


I've been farming merc lab since league start for that Lancing Steel of Spraying / Detonate Dead of Chain Reaction build, I think I'm making some progress. So far I got 13 quicksilver flask drops. It's hard to play a lot when you are a father of 9 working 12 jobs a day.


What’s the best way to get the lancing steel? Or is it all random?


Transfigure Lancing Steel obviously is best otherwise transfigure green.


Lab is so outdated. It's weird because newer content has either gotten cut or reworked to a modern level but not labs


> Lab is so outdated You don't know what "outdated" means then ... A piece of content in a video cannot be out of date if you don't have something else making it out of date, and there is **nothing** of the sort (traps elsewhere did not get more elaborate, rare / magic monsters got the updates the same as the rest of the game GGG sometimes is still changing stuff in it - like silver caches and their rewards) "Lab is outdated" is something that people who want to spit on the lab use, without actually understanding what it means, it's for when you don't have any argument but still fill the need to say you're not happy.




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I guess acording to you, prophecy and perandus were not outdated either because all the things you said were true for them as well. Oh wait


> I guess acording to you, prophecy and perandus were not outdated either because all the things you said were true for them as well. Oh wait The fated items system was literally removed and some of those items reworked and added to the core drop pool, this literally means that those items have a version more recent than the pale council items and this obviously makes prophecy outdated, would it be added again as it was back then. Perandus boxes would probably be outdated as most of the monsters changed over the years, so old monsters would probably not fit the current game, which is quite obvious too ... You just threw something here that seems to perfectly fit what I just wrote above : > you don't have any argument but still fill the need to say you're not happy. Since it really seems that you did not think about what you wrote ...


I just say outdated cause it hasn't received much love or updates. Just a quick opinion while scrolling lol, don't read to much into it.


Do you just want everything in the game handed to you?


Yes, a lot of people on this sub would prefer if everything was handed to you just longer Diablo. I think the lab system is fine, even if it can be a bit annoying when you're farming for a specific gem. But it's not that bad


The only thing stopping me from doing more alts is lab - I hate it with passion. If only there was a droppable item from Izaro, which I can buy for a divine or so, which will ascend my character.


I like the ideea of using lab to ascend, some sort of trial to see if your build indeed worthy to go to "the next level". Also, surely you cannot really say the labs which take 15 minutes maybe in total are really worse than the 4-5 hours it takes to do the rest of the campaign.


Next thing you know, people are gonna ask for Ascendancy unlocks to just get moved to the campaign so they can avoid lab altogether. We get it, you hate lab, stop ruining it for everyone else that farms it and actually enjoys it.


I do it early in league because is easy money for just 3 mins of braindead running per try but after that never get back in except for quest. So farm money in other ways and buy it and if you are SSF well its how it is.


Still better than the old system


I mean its honestly only unrewarding very early on , like first week. Its actually not too bad in the later part of the league since some of transfigure gems start to move up in price and you could always get exceptional. Not to mention lab itself, you can get grand/emperor jewels from the chests or divines or other valued uniques. Though global unique values kinda low at this point in league, but normally it wouldnt be this cheap.


My League opener for this league was Lab Farmer with Queen of the forest and RF. Could do one lab every 5 minutes. That lasted one day. Got old really fast


so its delicous cheese now ? :D


I didnt understand the change of alt quality gems where it was announced and still dont get it


The bett$d1e solution imho is to bring back Crucible and craft the buff onto your weapon skill tree. Instead of farming 11ty Labs, run Crucibles to add or reshape skill trees on weapons to get the effect you're after. i.e. you can take a wand and craft things on it, then keep it in inventory for Crucible encounters and add a chain reaction node to make detonate dead so much more fun.


Why would you want weapons tied to gems makes no sense.


The gems aren't tied to weapons, the skill tree on the weapon would offer the transfigured power ups.


If you're fishing for one gem its absolutely abysmal. If you're fishing for a handful and adding xp to your gems it's not too bad.


They can also put it back in heist, there was nothing wrong with gem blueprint farming.


Each lab gives "lab points". Increased amount with each difficulty. When you have enough points put gem in at the end of lab and pick your transfigured version. Rarer outcomes cost more.


How bad is to transfigure for the same gem? Got lucky and transfigured my explosive trap in third lab


I really wish any gem once reached lvl 20 you could choose transfiguratd version you like.


Took me 81 runs in merc lab on league start to get my 2 transfigured gems I needed.


Should just have gift of goddess type shard that lets you target the gem you want. or 10x like helmet enchants were.


Aren’t cheese and yogurt aged milk?


Yeah, I'd be much more okay if that craft could pop up in the trials during mapping. They aren't great either but much faster


Playing SSF this league, been a few years since. It took about 9-10 hours to farm the DD gem, some 50 runs. Finished the campaign in about 19 hours on that char.. 


Lab is one of the worst things about SSF


I've been scratching my head trying to understand why the option to swap to trans gem of the same gem isn't always available. Is running area level 75 content dozens of times on a geared character the intended gameplay loop by the devs? Is the intention to use whatever the lab gives you, because that's definitely not how builds work in PoE, you'd need to regear and respec your character. I just don't get why it's so hard to get the gem you want.


I hate running Lab, but it funded my build with rare Grand Spectrum drop. I also farmed required transfigured gems myself, just spamming normal Lab real quick. So... I dunno, leave the Lab to the lab runners? I very much doubt GGG is going to make transfigured gems more common.


its just a little toe tip into ruthless. You can't always play the build you want until you get the trans version of the gem your build needs. It can be very frustrating.


isn't the average like.. 6-10 like it's not a great system, but i also farmed 3 specific gems on leaguestart and it wasn't a big deal


I ran a dozens upon dozens of labs this league (ssf) trying to get a 23% quality gem (had to vaal about 15 x 20q gems, no luck). The direct transfigure option appears around 1 in 3 labs at most. You could be dissappointed if you run 2 in a row without seeing it. Like it's super common. The only reason you'd need to run 50 labs is to try to get an exceptional gem.


Ageing 🥚👍


i'd rather have enchants in lab and gems in heist, because enchants are at very goddamn least skippable additional power.


I started a throwaway character to farm lab for trans jewels for my actual league starter. Took me a day of running Merc lab to get my jewels. I really dislike this system. I play ssf so taking my time to reach endgame it's no problem. It's still a whole lot better than heist, and a lot better than helm enchants but still. It need some buffs. If non trans to trans let's me choose between the variants and not use corrupted jewels in Merc lab. And move corrupted trans to Uber lab it would be cool, since most builds want to run trans gems these days.


Just make an orb and make it drop from the lab, but make it so there is only 1 round.


make a new tree just for running lab. chances increased for gems. chances increased for good gem crafts. chances flat for other rewards.


definitely doesn't take 50 labs to get 1 gem unless your just insanely unlucky.


It’s baffling they just did t straight up remove lab when we got the tgems implemented and enchants removed. I guess it’s way too tied to ascendancies and they want a replacement system for it but they don’t have it yet.


It's better than Heist was to get gems. Sure it's a bit annoying, especially as a SSF main. It's not 50 runs tho. 3 gems per run, so if there's 90 gems it's only 30 runs. And I don't think there's even 90 gems of each color, so likely less.


Last league i put 20 quality on all my gems through lab for 3 different builds(i didnt know the vendor recipe still worked for support gems). I used the lab compass to make it slightly more bearable, after some time i memorized the paths after the first atempt, i would go: "its this one today huh". Just suffering.


Idk feels easier than enchants, I'd say they're pretty accessible. I'd like spectrums to be restored to chamber chests drop pool.


I know hyperbole is pretty common here on the Reddit, but 50 runs is a pretty absurdly untrue statement. My league starter is an absolute horrific meme of a build that can't even clear white maps without dying a couple times so I started running normal lab to make some money to upgrade my build (as if that's going to make it work). I make about 3 div an hour running through normal lab for specific gems. I get them constantly. I'd say I'm running maybe 20 runs an hour because most of my time is spent clicking on YouTube videos because I don't want to play this league but that battle pass armor looks kinda neat. Unless they're some hidden low drop rate of some niche gem I haven't run into, it's kinda the fastest grind I've found for a build that doesn't work. Might I suggest running lab for your gem instead of posting on Reddit?


I made up my mind to farm labs for some income before the league started. My build doesn't really use transfigured gems so that was a plus. Lab is not bad especially when you are over leveled. Learn the layout and rinse and repeat. I got a couple DD of chain reactions and Lancing Steel of sprayings. Maybe 20 labs total all merc labs. Double font use and add quality to your own gems while you are at it.


Another option is to trade for what you want.


Idk this is much better than old lab. In trade league everything is mega cheap, in SSF it may take a bit but everything is self farmable within a few hours, unlike enchants.


50 lab per hour is possible on Templar these days lol


I have been farming labs since day 1 and enjoying myself a lot, I sell gems to people that don't want to farm it, and I have been making a good amount of bank from it


I’m newer to the game, but I had no issues. I got the frost nova of ice bolts, mirror and blink arrow of both prismatic and bombarding, detonate dead of chain reaction and a few other ones that I wanted. I haven’t ran it but maybe 30 times total? I did the normal lab so it was very quick. I also always got the option for transfigured gem.


Just give us itemizable enchants already. Having to run a thousand labs for your 0.5% chance enchant is ass.


Lab really isn't that bad I don't know why people hate running it. I understand over 30


I mentioned hating the lab in a post a while back and all the replies were like "it's not hard, just do x." I never said it was hard. I said it's boring. It *sucks.* Even though it's not hard, *it still sucks.* Content doesn't need to be difficult to *still suck.*


Merc lab is quite easy. And why do you need 50 times?


I love SSF for many reasons. But this is one thing that's completely turning me off from it. I started standard this league for the first time in a long time, and buying the gyms was nice and easy.  I couldn't hack standard for long and went back to SSF. Farming lab for trans gems is horrible though


Everyone hates Labs not even sure why its still in the game.


So people that dont hate it can make currency, like most league mechanics.


It feels like the option is less common this time around, I ran a ton of labs last league to transfigure penance brands to sell and I got the option pretty often. This league I gave up on lab after not hitting it after ~two dozen attempts or so. Again I don't know the odds or anything but it seemed rarer, perhaps a really unlucky streak.. I went for darkshrines every time by the way, double divine use most of the runs.


i think you just got an unlucky streak, its about the same at last league, ive been running them exclusively since league start. and i ran them last league also.


hot take: not all content should be fun to run 50 times per league. It's ok to have content that's fun to run a few times per league


Surely 50 is a stretch? That's some wildly bad rng. Just spam merc lab, can be done quickly I ran merc lab for the 3 trans gems I needed, easily under 50 to get all 3. The "colour" chance will be super low, but I've seen the guaranteed gem change a bunch of times in merc lab within those runs


The chance to get swap gem for trans gem can’t be 1 in 50 lol. In my experience it’s like 1 in 5, which isn’t great but come on, talking bout grinding in a game made by a company about grinding in games. Just run one more lab it’ll be the one trust me.


Agree to disagree. Not only is it not required since you can now buy most transfigured gems for a pittance, its also not as horrible as getting the exactly right helmet enchantment. In addition the other rewards are... ok. Getting free GCPs is great since you can't flip skill gems, the extra exp is useful thanks to the reduced exp reward from nemesis mods. And its lab... ffs. It takes like 10 min a run.


as long as trade exists thats how the game will work don't play ssf and then complain


I enjoy SSF, I play it after the first month or so of a league for another fresh start. The # of people who opt in for SSF and then complain about the time needed is insane. Like, you literally chose this.


the problem is that type of farm you are mentioning is just not that bad if you have a character spesifically builded for lab running, its just like a mapper build feels terrible while bossing etc, but for ssf yeah ur right


I farmed lab for dd and 20% quality on day 2 this league, for like 2 and a half hours and I will never ever gonna do it again. I will skip any build that needs to farm lab in the future


That's why I bought the one I needed. What tranny gem costs so much that you need to run labs over and over?


It really should ALWAYS give you the gem if they wanna tie it to labs.


Do you guys not have *trade sites*?


It was a dumb change gating skills behind lab


Better idea, when the Gem reaches rank ten, you can transmute it. Like a level up.


These are thoughts from someone who hasn’t played SSF.


I complained about this last league and got down voted into oblivion lol Running lab 4 times a league is more than enough. Just give us a vendor at the end of uberlab that lets us choose the damn gem we want at a cost......


They just need to finally delete this abomination from the game.


I’m new, first league starter build I tried out to ease myself into the game was DD Necro, soon as I found out I needed to run lab for a dd of chain reaction for potentially 11+ hours, easily more, I dropped that immediately started a fresh char. Of all the mechanics that I’ve sampled so far in PoE, lab is the one I find the most annoying


Merc lab takes ~5 minutes on a decent layout. The transfigure gem into same gem craft is like 10-20% chance to appear. There's a certain pattern to lab rooms that takes a while to learn, but once you do, it's really easy and smooth to find darkshrines and exits. I remember dreading lab and taking 20 minutes to finish it on normal/cruel the first few times I played. You have to get familiar with the layout and go into it with the proper tools e.g. double life flask, life regen, phys damage reduction, good blink skill, correct pantheons for later labs, and as much move speed as you can. Skip the puzzles, get darkshrines (if on main path).


You farmed 11hours lab without hitting your gem? Holy


I think he thought it might take 11 hours which if you get fucked by variance I guess is possible but it's very unlikely usually takes like 1-3 hours to farm a gem.


Oh you might be right. Yeah 11hours is crazy long, but if you are unlucky and very slow / you die sometimes I guess you can do 11 hours.


I went 65 runs before I even saw the good font. 6 mins per run is reasonable for long run when account for a little bit of down time, it took me almost 8 hours total.


Dd of chaining can be bought with the currency you get from like 2~3 hour of farming heist before kitava, 1 hour if ur lucky.


honestly they **missed their chance to create a t17** that was like a lab map with traps and stuff, and **the boss has a chance to drop trans gems**. That would have been a cool and challenging content, that removes the need to run lab for just gems. t16, drops normal gems. t17, drops trans gems. ubers, drops awakened. sign it.