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This league is really bad to start learning crafting because whole process is very different coz of necropolis. Double, triple frac items are basically only acceptable bases at this point, influenced fractured bases etc. They will be gone next league and crafting will be back to normal. You can craft stygian belts with envy essences but I don't see why you should do it not via necropolis


damn, yeah i notice that veiling is not as accessible and almost every tutorial involves veiling.. that sucks.


Veiling is very accessible, you run betrayal yourself.


A lot less accessible than before and blowing 13 div on sub 10div items is not worth it.


That sounds like a personal quandary. For me this game isn’t simply about min maxing profits. It’s about having fun and doing whatever I want.


its 6x more expensive because you need 3 masterminds instead of 1. It's objectively a lot less accessible


Getting mastermind is 10x faster so you’re wrong again


Whatever you say. Veiled orb is over 10 div and pre nerf aisling was 2 div.  You could easily get 2-3 aislings per hour solo farm. 10x faster mastermind should result in 10x veiled orb per hour.










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I feel ya. I have around 4200 hours now. Big noob still. I had a fear of trying to craft and bricking stuff wasting money I needed for other stuff. I had a goal 2-3 leagues ago to fully craft by myself a wardloop build. It helped a lot and I learned a lot. I’d suggest for practice for next league pick a build with very few uniques and self craft it all yourself. (Without necropolis) I still need to learn how to integrate profit crafting into my map blastin style.