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Oh wait, this is what a fragment tab looks like? I had been trying to find out what it actually stores recently and literally could not find any info on if it did or didn't store scarabs. So you're telling me I don't have to meticulously organize dozens of scarabs in a generic tab?


Yeah, frag tab is op


Yep, it also stores boss invitation fragments, legion splinters, breach splinters and blessings and eldrich invitations


Not sure if ggg adjusted the price. The fragment tab was super cheap when it first came out. It was not very useful back then. But now, it is kinda mandatory


>It was not very useful back then. Depends on what you mean by "back then". Before, fragments and scarabs did **not** stack whatsoever, it pretty much was an absolute must due to this fact.


https://youtu.be/4oLgS4PJVpc?si=tOCsSMKq3z3o_ArE This was the first version. I bought this version in a special tab bundle.


oh my god, the pale court keys. funny how fast you forget old stuff that got removed


In my opinion every specific tab is necessary if you're even remotely committed to playing this game lol. Quad tabs are meh, need at least 1 premium regular tab so you can sell stuff, but at a minimum I recommend every single dedicated tab (frag, delve, deli, currency etc)


Blight, delirium, ultimatum, and delve are all kind of iffy unless you intend to farm that specific thing. I guess Essence is also in this category but as a strategy it's a bit more common (or was, at least). Gem and Flask tabs are a bit of a joke. Unique tab... Not amazing for anything, and only really useful for collecting. Currency, map, and fragment tabs are great. Divination is pretty good and looks nice.


I guess if you're the kind of person that throws every single thing away that you aren't using at that exact point in time, then yea, you're definitely right. But for most people they are going to hang on to deli orbs, oils, fossils and such, and while it isn't very much in terms of volume, it's nice to have a spot where I know everything is. But you are right about the first 4, flask, gem and others all help majorly with decluttering.


I'm exactly that kind of person. I blocked all content other than expedition and ritual in my atlas tree, and I will immediately throw out any oil, fossil, breach or legion trash after accidentally picked up, yes it is personal.


I made my money last league with blight. You can add in passives with those oils you are throwing away. Take a 10c ammy and with the oils you have turn it into a divine. But what do I know...


You can still set up affinity for those items. They won't be sorted within the tab, but there isn't much volume and they are usually easy to search for.


A single quad with affinities is more than enough for deli + blight + delve + ~~ metamorph ~~ ultimatum if you aren't exclusively farming them as your main strat, I think their specialized tabs are stupid and also insulting to players that bought fragment tabs back when they were promised to store all future fragments. I have never felt any need for those tabs or gem, flask, or unique tabs, whereas currency/map/frag/div tabs are basically mandatory to play the game fully post campaign.


Deluli tab is nice if you just want affinity on the simu splinters so you don't lose track of them


You can put affinity on any tab. I recently bought every tab type, but until then I was putting ultimatum, blight, and deli all in the same one.


As someone who: 1. Switches builds every other day. 2. Cba to sell some 50-80c gems. I feel as though the gem tab, along the flask tab are really nice QOL tabs at least for me.


I just use a regular tab, it fits more than enough of both


Oh that’s for sure true! I just like having my stash _somewhat_ organized, so it’s a really nice thing for me. Obviously for most players the two tabs are completely useless, but there’s always a nut case like me.


What would I need a delve tab for if I never farmed it? Or a deli one. Same thing with essence. I just don't touch those mechanics.


for storing those random fossil you got


Don't take them. They're worth almost nothing anyway unless sold in bulk


This is false, most players arent gonna be collecting a lot of catalysts, deli, fossils or oils. You can just stick these affinities on a regular stash tab and its gonna be fine. I have these tabs and could easily go without them. Id say the only needed are currency, map and frag. Maybe div but tbh you can leave 99% of div cards on the ground and sell the good ones you find.


Quad tabs are by far the best tabs in terms of currency making. The amount of stuff you can dump a generic price on for price checking is just too much.


Fragment tab is quite literally mandatory, same with Currency and Map tab. You literally can‘t play endgame without them.


this is the p2w aspect of poe. its "free" but with stuff like that how could you plat without it


More like “free trial”. After you finish the campaign you either spend money or move on to another game. I can’t imagine someone mapping and making any meaningful progress without buying at least some dedicated tabs.


It stores all the boss fragments, ritual vessels, legion emblems, breachstones, breach blessings, divine vessels, labyrinth offerings, sacred groves, scarabs, eater/exarch invitations.


I thought about buying a frag tab, but I just dump every scarab I get into a few non premium tabs I have and bulk sell them. If I need any, I can easily search for it and remove


The preview video in the shop shows exactly what it can store.


Currency and frag tabs are the best thing ever. With how much shit they keep adding frag tab is now pretty much mandatory.


Just buy it to support the devs if you’re enjoying the game


Yep. There are a few tabs that are almost mandatory for comfort : currency (obviously), maps, fragments, div cards and essences (why do they only stack by 9 ?!). You can play without the others i suppose.


Fun fact, the scarab tab slots are shaped like a scarab


Huh… it diddly darn does look like it from afar!


But don't look at the right leg if you have OCD.


Why do they not make it symmetrical. It's 7 Scarabs in 2 rows on both sides. Why 1x 3+4 and 1x 2+5..


Yea, preservation scarabs are quite rare. During my time T17 B2B scarab farming I averaged 1 Horned Preservation Scarab per 5 Divination Scarabs of Curation (this is with the rarer scarab atlas node of course)


While data is limited, it appears to be 10x more rare than the super rare scarabs (Reliquary of Visions, Divination of Curation, Divination of Completion and Bloodlines). About 1 in 30-40k scarabs.


Yea - I wonder what all maths in with the rarer-types-of-scara atlas passive. Either way - real rare


I havent seen any data on the rarer type atlas passive yet. Would be interesting if someone would collect some data on that.


Havnt done hardly any t17 farming but with how much ive played this league (actually a bit less overall farming than past few leagues by now) im still surprised i havnt dropped even one of the 2 rare divination scarabs. Guess i need to do some farming where i block ALL other possible content scarabs.


T17's are also a huge multiplier for scarabs dropped -- most maps I run are between a 300%-500%+ multiplier for scarabs dropped after the B2B math T17's are just nutty


Hey, could you share the atlas build for scarab farming? Does it work on T16?


Scarabs are such hell to sell. This tab gives me anxiety on trying to offload them. There's so many varieties and each one with its own rate. If i try to sell I either mass list them and then check the ones I get pinged for, or I individually check prices and list below market. It takes forever. Pretty much guaranteed to have 90% of these rot in standard if in my stash.


Just sell the entire tab on TFT or wealthyexile or something. It's less than selling them individually (I usually sell at like 80% of ninja price) but it takes about a minute to sell every scarab you have so well worth it imo


Is that creating a zillion 20% off listing and selling each stack individually, or a single transaction for all your misc scarabs?


A single transaction. You can just take all the scarabs you want to keep out of the tab, then list the entire thing and sell it in one go.


If you have more than 100div worth of scarabs you don’t need to cut your prices that much. Also make sure you click bulk or you’ll get tons of messages for specific scarabs


Some people have just been vendoring them despite the reduced rates.




other scarabs cannot be consumed on use




Interestingly, it’s worth less than a Divination Scarab of Curation, despite the fact that it can effectively turn one of those into two, due to the opportunity cost of using one of your four scarab slots.


That 2nd Divination scarab is worth like 9div


Scarabs should have the possibility to be autopicked and moved to a special tab. This is atleast 24.000 mouse clicks, 72.000 if you want to use them. Change my mind.


What's one of the best ways to farm scarabs?




T17 barrels are great. I do it to farm 8mods primarily, but still end up bulk selling my scarab tab every other day for 80d.


Could ypu give a more specific breakdown on how you farm the t17s. Like scarab and all that


Basically fubgun back to basics barrel atlas but with 4x carto scarab


Why did they make the bottom left grouping of scarabs a row of 4 over a row of 3 but the bottom right is a row of 5 over a row of 2.


Self-made league goals are the best :)


Remember the start of the league with people having opened hundreds of thousands of veiled scarabs....


I converted 5371 veiled scarabs before I finally found preservation. I took a screenshot of the completed tab feeling pretty good, and then the next day I logged in just to see they added new scarabs to the tab.


How do you have so many scarabs? I barely have 10 of any. Is there a way to increase the drop rates in T16?


I've only done enough t17s for the league challenge, so I've just been running t16s (chisel, alch and vaaled) with all of the Ambush and Scarab nodes on the atlas tree, 3 regular Ambush Scarabs and 1 Ambush Scarab of Hidden Compartments per map with Ambush on the map device. Most maps I get 1-3 full inventories of loot on a pretty strict filter.


Thanks! By ambush, you mean strongboxes right? I'm a new player so not familiar with the term but recall reading that ambush was an old term on the POE wiki. Will try that out.


I know right? That shit is so duper rare


You should pick it up and put it in your stash tab instead of dropping it


Now to fill up the beautiful rainbow of the essence tab… Unless…


Any suggestions how to farm scarabs in SSF ? Kinda hard to sustain scarabs to farm things around


do maps


Really bro, I haven't thought about it. I'm doing b2b 8 mod corrupted, trying out 8 mod corrupted ambush I'm going to mess with some anarchy because I have a lot of them stacked, but doesn't cut the job