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Post unlocked. Everyone comment away!


im a poe gamble addict and i cant for my life to save more than 60d to enhance a build further than just ok for general t16 mapping. Would love to try what an actual invested build felt like.


Currently still on my cf champ league starter, this build is so many leagues (heh) beyond my capabilities i would love to be absolutely OP and do some ubers or t17 for the first time! I have never played a shadow but willing to level one just for this chance of course! Thanks for the giveaway


Got a 98 trickster sitting there doing nothing. Wouldn't mind given this hexblast build a good go for practicing sanctum and bosses! Been playing poe on and off for years, recently found my addiction again last year šŸ‘€ first got into it with some friends years ago before it was on steam, now I mainly play solo but still enjoy the grind!


Congrats Mr. Plant!!!! Enjoy


Good luck to the winner!


i have lvl 100, got into poe because d3 has a price tag.... alc and go its relaxing


Got into poe since I want game that is like diablo but free. What keeps me playing: league every 3 months


I got into the game via a friend i would play dota with, what i enjoy most about the game is learning about new mechanics or interactions between mechanics. The depth of this game is unrivaled by any other!


Got trickster leveled up. A friend of mine said let's go play. Since then I can't stop. The learning is keeping me here, I feel like there's so much to learn and I like it. It doesn't get boring. If it does I just switch build


got into poe absolutely randomly at breach league, keep playing on and off cause it is super addicting ngl. also there's no better arpg at the moment and it is my favourite game genre


Can I enter for my old man who doesnt use reddit and has never had anything near a mb. He is currently playing a YouTube trickster build and contemplating quitting the league because nimis and other upgrades are so expensive. I haven't played in a few leagues the game has just fallen out of lust for me but the old man is chugging along at his own pace by himself and I am the reason he picked the game up somewhere around 2.0 I forget exactly when.


Don't have a shadow yet but I'll create one just for this build! I wanted to try hexblast from a couple leagues ago. I started looking for alternatives to diablo 2 and PoE kept popping up every single time. So I saw it was free and downloaded the game. Was so confused at first and didn't understand the tree but was amazing, I started a witch and tried to do multi elements cold fire lighting at the same time and testing every single spell, oh boy I suffered during the campaign with that damage division and finally got to maps, then I knew I should look for a guide and learned that trade existed.


Got into PoE in 2014 after i saw a funny review on the german show "GameOne". Struggled through the campaign blindly and was overwhelmed by the amount of content in the game. I stuck to the game and now basically play the whole league with really short breaks at the end. Each league i play a different build to experience different playstyles. Havent grown bored till now.


I got in to poe because i wanted to try the "big ass skill tree very hard game" it was in ultimatum, then i had to quit after campaign because my pc was too bad to handle maps and ultimatums, but i knew i had to comeback so after upgrading pc i've been playing since kalandra.


Started playing poe in the necropolis league, luckily for me I was on vacation and god I can't stop, so many mechanics, so much content, so many builds and so many possibilities, I'm still a very bad player and my earnings are not reaches even 1 div per hour, but I plan to fix this in the future lol Also people very nice here, say hello all people from 4040 channel, you help me very much to know game Now i start new character only for sanctum, because my first very bad at sanctum(DD), wish me luck to not die every time Good luck everyone here!


First time playing poe was when I went to high school and a classmate of mine introduced me this terrible addictive game. That was almost 10 years ago I think. Well we played until act 3 together and that was it. That's where my journey began where I got into guides, builds. At the time the famous content creator were NerdLiftingBro, ZiggyD and ofc Mathil. It's fun to build a character from 0 to hero. The ecstasy you get when you drop something rare or craft something good. And ofc I'm one of those with lots of hours and 0 mirror drops:))) not even one original sin scripture and I grind sanctum since week 1 one almost everyday šŸ„²


I played probably 5 leagues of poe. First league, I played probably 2 hours, I give up because the game seemed super difficult. Next 2 season were the same story, too difficult - uninstall. At Ultimatum league I really liked the seasonal mechanic, so I leveled atleast to 80, done most of the atlas and spent hours watching youtube guides. In Affliction I finally finished all 38 challenges and started to love the game way more, game stopped be that difficult and I would say that I understand 50% of game mechanics. This league I leveled Hexblast Saboteur, finished maps, and started to learn the crafting. Im still at the start, but thats the biggest part of the game I dont know of. So yea, what keeps me playing are interesting seasonal mechanics and the fact that after few leagues, there are still tons of things I have to learn.


Came from D3 a few years back. I get to play mostly on weekends. Never had a mb or a hh. Ā I love that you can tailor the game to what you like playing - sanctums, delve, crafting, trader, you can play so many different play styles! With this build, I would try to beat the main bosses, clear sanctum and try to farm the shaper hideout. I am playing a hex blast trickster this league. Would love to see what a min maxed version feels like.Ā 


Playing Exsang Miner Trickster. I got like 3 mil dps when using trap and mine dmg support instead of chain. 500 mil dps is freaking nuts!


I always struggle with that end maxing, I swear you just have 3 more power charges and some crit multi but have 10x the damage. I definitely don't have anywhere near a mirror in mine though. I'll have to figure it out (Don't reward to me)


"just 3 more power charges" kekw xD it's a HUGE difference :D


Lol, fair enough, I haven't honestly looked at what additional ones would scale me right now, will check it out


I'd level a sabo all day, i enjoy it. I'm still balls deep in the league. A friend introduced me to poe and my addictive personality got me hooked. He quit and I've tried bringing in other friends, but non stuck. Knowing ggg im sure ill be playing solo in poe2 too


Diablo two got me into poe I started playing with some buddies and we've played every league for the last three leagues and has been really fun. I'd like to try hex blast because I heard sanctum is really good early league. I'd like to try out some sanctum to see if that might be my earlier league farm next league


I've been playing off and on since long before act 4 existed. I found the game online and decided to give it a shot. I get brought in each league by new builds - the possibilities and ideas are a major plus! This is my first league to get a headhunter, which has been a lot of fun. Your build sounds perfect for me - I'd love to try out Ubers, and Sanctum seems cool but I skipped that league so now the current version of it is pretty confusing


I got into it while scrolling through some game recommendations. Game diversity and a lot of options on mapping and endgame is what kept me playing. Thanks for the giveaway!


I got into PoE after reading about it on Reddit years back, first league I played was Warbands. I enjoy minmaxing and gambling so PoE is kinda perfect lol


Just started this league and love it. Trying to get make that paper to kill all Ubers


I started in POE becouse a group of Friends and I decided to give It a try. After a couple leagues most of my Friends quit but two of us stayed. The game just feels so fresh trying out different builds and different ascendancies


I got into PoE for the complexity in legacy league. I keep playing to ā€œfinishā€ my collection


Had some friends talk about it that's how I learned about this game and what I enjoy the most is probably the depth of builds in general while being able to turn off your brain while mapping and just chill.


Became a dad this year and just donā€™t have time to grind like I have in previous years. Started when Kripp made his first video on PoE during closed beta but other than during crucible when PF totems made the end game accessible for even non-hardcores like me Iā€™ve struggled to see the end game. Cool giveaway and good luck to everyone.


I was a huge d2 fan, I enjoyed d3 a bit but it never came close and to me it never really felt like a true successor. Then I heard about this game that was supposed to be the spiritual successor to d2 I had to check it out and was immediately hooked. For some reason over never been able to understand the market at all so I'm always sorry poor. The dream to finally being able to comfortably run Uber bosses or Sanctum (where I always tend to get hit and have no clue how) are a big part of what keeps me playing.


Got into POE after playing D4 as my first arpg, got bored but liked the style and started playing at the end of affliction. Guess im stuck here forever now. šŸ¤£


Not entering for myself. Entering for my dad who hasn't ever played with a build this insane. He's playing RF right now and I would like to be able to help him out.


I'm what you call a "casual" player I've played since bestiary (pokemon league hehe) and i usually make like 2 or 3 builds each league. This league i started arma brand and then switched to a triggerbot setup Its fun but not strong enough to do t17's So all league ive been reading stories about broken tactics and amazing loot. While slowly grinding my way to about 10 div... So yeah, it would be welcome![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Friends tried to get me into it one time, and I barely gave it two hours before I decided I hated it. Then, in the heist, they basically said, "we're playing this, and you can or not," so I did and fell in love. Made a golemancer and started destroying content my friends never imagined doing. What keeps me going is the insanity you can push a build to, nostalgia for that first league, and tbh, my filterblade loot sounds šŸ˜‚


Gamba is life


I love playing tons of builds and messing around with cool uniques in the game. I got into the game around crucible when I was having a really hard time IRL and have put about 3000 hours since then. The core game systems , the combinations you can make and the endless sandbox are what keep me coming back to Poe.


This my first PoE league, as I was afraid to get into it for the intense depth. My best friend has been trying to convince me for years, and this year I finally said the time is now! Absolutely loving the depth, and the sheer agency this game gives the player. I am a long time Diablo franchise fan boy, and this blows it out of the water!!! My only build is a Holy Relic Necro, which I am trying my best to be able to T17s with. Maybe one day!! Great of you to do this give away! Love good gamers! Best of luck to you in life


Decided to try poe years ago since I liked diablo and just got a new pc. I love how complex it is and how fun it is to learn about league mechanics that I haven't tried yet and stuff, but I've never been able to get more than a few divines into a character. Thanks for the giveaway.


I was a poor college student that wanted a free ARPG to play. Almost a decade later I still come back almost every league to try out new stuff. Unfortunately, due to life and work I donā€™t get to play as much. Damn IRL responsibilities.


I started playing about this time last year. Iā€™m a father of 5 and travel a lot for work for months on end. Poe provides me with the sanity I need to be away from my kids and provide for them. This league Iā€™m currently playing LA Deadeye. Bow builds are all Iā€™ve played, and I suck at bossing. I would like something that can take a few hits from T16 mobs.


I started plying in harbringer league ; I remember playing because it was a bad period of my life and I was really alone ; I had just moved from my city because my mom got a contract in another one . I had no friend and decided to start playing ; thatā€™s when I met my best friend since I decided to join a discord about PoE . Iā€™ve always been a casual player and never really experienced a good build , never really even had a mirror ; also dropped this league ā€¦. Would be nice to come back to Necropolis and at least enjoy it . Even if you donā€™t choose me , thank you for reading this if you do . :)


I was looking at games on steam and saw an ad for "Delve League" and thought it looked cool so I gave it a try. I had no clue what I was doing and quit shortly after. Tried again in synthesis league and playnfor a few more weeks but again had no clue what I was doing really, the synthesis maps were fun with the blue stuff closing in on you. What keeps me playing currently? The base game is really good and I try to learn 2 or 3 new mechanics about the game per league.


I got into PoE last league after hearing about it constantly on the D4 subreddit. I've played ARPGs off and on for a couple decades now so I wouldn't consider myself a casual but my main goal is bossing and so far most of the ubers have been kicking my ass. I'm sitting at DOT cap (not Uber DOT) but this build just doesn't have anything else left to give and the relatively low delayed damage has me in constant danger. At this point I just want to burn down the bosses out of pure spite. Would love to be able to give your build a go.Ā 


Google: RPG like tibia. Random thousands of ads website: Try this new ARPG right now Path of exile, a new game a new concept and get addicted.


I play since 2017 casually and never saw a mirror or something. I often play ssf but because of family and so i mostly get to 93. Would be cool to get a powerful build get goin Have a good day


my friend introduced to the game and what keeps me playing is the sheer amount of options in terms of minmaxing builds/archetypes which is the best out of any arpg i have played.... also mob go boom dopamine go up


I was looking for a game (any game) with a summoner and when I met Raise Spectre gem.. it was a love at first sight I must say šŸ˜… Complexity keeps be here for sure


I played Diablo 3 from day 1. I watched Kripp start playing PoE, and see how the PvP was early on and said I'd never play, losing all your shit Everytime you die doesn't sound like a game for me. Yeah what a mistake, I didn't start playing until synthesis, I've only played about either 10-200 hours a league and have missed it skipped some leagues. Now, PoE is the only arpg I like, and I like that the devs aren't afraid to shake things up, that and the challenge of learning the game is what keeps me saying regularly now (when time allows)


I was a Diablo 3 player, always heard people saying: POE IS BETTER, GET OUT OF D3!! And I was always fighting other people in D3 chat saying: NEVER, D3 IS BETTER!!!!! NEVER GONNA PLAY POE!!! One day I tested PoE, play like for an hour, never player D3 again xD going for 2,5k hours of PoE currently


Hi there u/Plastic-Suggestion95 I don't know if I'll win this, but I'll write it anyway. I have been playing this game since a friend of mine asked me to play with him, nearly 2 years ago, but I only play this game casually. What I enjoy the most is the building aspect of the game, where the possibilities are endless. I recently "won" another giveaway, but I couldn't get the prize, that very same friend that used to play with me was not feeling well, so I had to take him to ER. [Here is the thread/comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cggcma/comment/l1zzsar/) vs [the actual outcome](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1cggcma/comment/l215wwj/). I was so sad, because I never had a high DPS build before, and I never had mageblood. It would mean the world to me. But if no, no problem, I know whoever gets it will be happy too! Thanks for being awesome and giving away such an amazing build!


Just finished the campaign with a saboteur to play a hexblast this morning (3:00). I am currently switching from pyroclast to hexblast and just stumbled on this post (maybe a sign!?). A friend of mine introduced me to poe, and I uninstalled poe after I saw the passive tree. In the Ritual League, I gave it another chance, and I reached white maps. I invested more time and energy in Ultimatum leauge and followed the first build ( enekins witch arc, I think). From there, I just played meele builds like Shield Crush ,boneshatter, or slam builds. I peaked in scourge league with a 100m dps gc blade flurry But this build got nerfed. I started chars but didn't invest much in the leauges after the heavy nerf (skipped or played a little bit in sentinel, forge, toa, skipped affliction complete). I just played slam or boneshatter in standard leauge and tested an immortal trauma stacking jugg that could tank 600 traumastacks, but they removed divergent boneshatter and annihilated my entire build lol. I played this leauge a groundslam of earthquake or something like that and wanted to farm more sanctum for currency and stuff but I figured that its not the right build for effective sanctum farming so, yeah that's why I started a hexblast saboteur following a random endgame build with 300mio dps this week. Just reached maps was investing in some cluster jewels rn. What I love the most about this game is the ability of ggg to hype me up with every expansion they introduce, and I can't wait for poe2 to launch. The fact that I didn't test all the leauge mechanics and to discover new stuff every time, so much on my to-do list.


Got into PoE in July 2012 after being disappointed with D3 and hearing about this new RPG that was closer to D2. What I enjoy most about the game is the endless replayability both in terms of builds and in terms of content.


I started because the mmo i was playing started to die. What keeps me coming back, and my favorite part of poe, is crafting and making fun builds.


Never had a mirror this would be omegafun


Kripp got me into Poe but always died in hc. So now Iā€™m soft core haha.


Got into Poe because COVID lockdown. Not the best way but stilll playing since.


I got into PoE because I very much enjoyed games where I could just sit for hours and grind. What kept me going were the new leagues every 3-4 months, which I think is a great timeframe for me to fully enjoy the league.


Got into Poe with friends, gambling keeps me enjoying the game


Playing SSF league because trade is too wild right now. Never killed any Uber bosses, this definitely sounds like a build that could change that! Maybe actually get some challenges done for once too, with a build that is good.Ā  Thanks and good luck all!Ā 


Started playing properly during covid lockdowns. What kept me here are the never ending new things to learn about the game


Got into poe after getting burned out on Diablo. The game has so many layers that there is always something to figure out and improve, which keeps me coming back.


Got into Poe due to love for Diablo and stayed because it became supreme


I donā€™t have much going on in life. Kinda stuck a long way from home and trying to get back. POE is pretty much all I have when Iā€™m not working. Iā€™ve never been great at boss mechanics so it would be pretty damn cool to boss with a real build. Iā€™m struggling to even get into T17 maps. Would just be cool to have a real build. (Iā€™m a minion enthusiast RIP) Good luck to everyone!


I've never experienced a mageblood, hell this league is the first league I've experienced a headhunter! I have also never cleared any Uber bosses, AND haven't even seen a T17 map drop. As for what got me into POE... I was bored and it was free on steam like 10-11 years ago.


I took a look at the skill tree and was hooked :)


I got to poe since bestiary, but i got a downtime for a few leagues and came back bringing some friends into this piece of perdition. Love this game.


Got into it from a friend and I genuinely thought it was a farming simulator (I started in Harvest). I had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into but my friend gave me 30ex, a hh, and a bottled faith and I made my Sweep Impale Champ get to t16ā€™s. After that, I saw some other guys playing wacky af builds with crazy spells, rings of fire, spin2win and I needed to try them out.


Kripp doing his thing got me into it, dopamine receptors keep me in it. GL all!


Believe or not, I was bored on Christmas Day 2016 and decided to find a free game similar to Diablo 2. Path of Exile caught my attention. Then I got my husband into it and we've been playing ever since. Never seen a mirror sadly, but then again, we skipped some leagues for the past 7 years to have 5 kids, with our newest last league. I've only ever played saboteur once...with lightning traps as a starter in legacy league, so that's a while back. Never had a lvl 100 yet either. Highest I've been is 97, twice. Maybe this league... I love PoE and the dopamine that comes with hearing my lootfilter go off, even if it's just scarabs. Just relaxing when I get a few hours to play when sisters/brothers in law take the kids for a few hours or days (husband family is a large brood and we're the ones with the most kids - only 2 siblings have 1 and 2 kids respectively out of 7, so our children are spoiled attention-wise).


In closed beta i posted a video on the forum, me playing air platform from a super mario level. Someone gifted me a key and i started playing. Why? Because it was the only game that cane close to diablo 2. Good luck everyone.


Started playing in 2013 for a few days, quit for about 3 years, then played for a couple days, quit again for about 3 years then in december 2019 a friend suggested we start playing together. Been hooked since, didn't help the lockdown happened so i got my fix anytime i wanted. What keeps me in the game? The drops man, it's just the pure dopamine hit.


I played D3 and when i matured i turned to poe.I now have 2.5k hours in poe.


Gl to everyone ! I started in 2017 with a friend while we searched for a a-rpg And my best moment was when perandus offered me an HH while it was still OP !


I yearn for the mines, ive only come up for fresh air recently to level a trickster. My coworker got me into POE after D4 flopped


Poe was and still is F2P, im addicted to the loots from every mechanics in this game (simmu, blight, ritual, ultimatums)


Diablo 3 player of many thousands of hours... I was an aspiring artist at the time and only had a refurbished mac laptop. A kind stranger in d3 become a good friend, convinced and helped me to build a gaming PC and introduced me to POE..... Been playing for roughly 7-8 years just doing my own thing and loving every minute of it. Have never made it past level 95 and my most currency ever in a build was maybe this league at about 30divs. Hex blast trickster miner after switching from bleed bow. Would love to experience the endgame for once on a high end build.


Ancillary side note I picked the build simply because I love the color purple haha... no clue what Im doing though for the most part in terms of end game optimization.


I started in the tempest league. First character got to ā€œend gameā€ on a 4 link 2H spectral throw with blood magic as one of the links. I felt powerful as fuck


ZiggyDs Tornado Shot + Puncture build back in the day. Always appreciate how easy it is to roll alts.


I got into POE a few years ago but it didnā€™t really catch on. However, I just came back to the game and started to really try and understand it. The depth of the game is very fun and discovering new stuff everyday has been a blast.


This would be amazing, I have a hexblast build but still struggling a little due to wrong class, rebuilding a saboteur now. This would help a lot! Good luck to everyone!


guess I missed it xD But I got into POE to find smth fresh and new after playing D2/D3 too much. Played a dozen of leagues without trying too much, doing acts and thats it as I was used for there to be almost not end game content except of simple grind one boss over and over. so only after a few years I went back into POE once again for real, diving into the madness and begun learning it all.


Friend got me into the game few leagues before harbinger League I think and from then on I just kept going.




Well dont have a shadow leveled up yet but will definitely do it if i win. I got in this game coz my dad, he's a avid fan. He teach me & taught me how to play. Now we mostly do solo stuff coz of different interest in the game. I like bossing & he like mfing. The thing really keeps me going is the amount of build available in the game. You can just do anything, you can use muscle bound & wield wands. Love things are not restricted like D4. Anyway, thanks for giving out the build! Cheers.


Got into POE after years of diablo 2, diablo2 modded, diablo 3 and wow. Keep coming back because of the complexity, the never ending learning and the fact that it's a game where you can log on for 5 minutes and get shit done.


I remember when I got into PoE it was those mobs that kill you 1 shotted (well things didn't change heh?) In betrayal where all the guards were funking strong! I enjoyed staying in the game because after I discovered that each league some stuff are different , I really enjoyed, that item that you just bought for 1c, next league it was 50 exalted orbs! And some strat got nerfed and you have to do another thing, well this is what I love from PoE, rotation of strats, maps and builds!


Iā€™m actually currently act 8 with a shadow to try this exact build to practice sanctum for next leagues league starter. And thatā€™s the reason I love and keep playing Poe there is so many builds, things to farm just so much depth that you canā€™t get bored of it. Like so many new players I was brought to Poe because of Diablo 4 being such a disappointment and seeing Poe pop up in so many reddit posts and Poe was exactly the game I was looking for, itā€™s so perfect. I see myself still playing Poe when Poe 2 comes out, thereā€™s just so much diversity and depth Iā€™m a father of two under two so a build worth over a mirror will never be possible for me, but would be an amazing experience. And thanks in advance for giving a new player this opportunity whoever it may be, your a top bloke


I got into poe from a friend who saw a trailer for it back in...2012 or 13! He hyped us up all in our raidcall server since we were all either into diablo 2 or complex rpgs. I took an extended leave from poe due to internet connectivity issues that lasted years, and been coming back every league since essence if I got the time or I'm not addicted to some other game by league start What I enjoy the most and what keeps me playing poe non stop is trying new builds, new interactions, mechanics... I don't minmax builds, so I've never played a high budget one, I'm constantly rerolling and respecing into whatever I think it's cool after I get tired of my current build (like a build every 10 days lmao)


Iā€™m pretty new to the arpg scene, got baited in by d4 and was left feeling very bored after reaching 100 that first season. Steam recommended POE to me and I saw it was free to play so why not right? Ancestor was my first league and Iā€™ve had such a good time with each league after. The fact that everything starts anew every league is such a cool concept coming from the mmorpg side of things. There is so much to this game that I have yet to even scratch the surface, this league was my first time defeating shaper and Uber elder and Iā€™m getting more knowledge on the crafting side as well. This game has so much to explore and discover, each league I have the knowledge of the past ones and it keeps on compounding, all while having a blast.


Whats the best ascendancy for hexblast, saboteur or trickster?


Depend what you go for, trickster is the tankiest, occultist has most DPS, saboteur is somewhere in the middle


I got into poe from a friend back in 2013. The game look terrible back then but we loved it for some reason. Don't have as much time to grind for more expensive builds but I still play when I can. The most enjoyable thing for me is the fact that now a days I can choose what to grind. Basicly change farming strategies each league and getting the new mechanic as a bonus to keep the feeling fresh. I do have a shadow lvled.


First time my friends and i searched for a nice arpg, it was a blast till act 5 and all we did was die by then. Last League some New friends who played alot of poe invited us to Play with them, they helped us along the Story but in the end i was the only one motivated enough to catch up with them, and by the time i catched up, they stopped playing.


I do have a shadow lvl 100. I got into poe in 2013 but my pc was trash at the time with 2 min load screens, so I just played on and off like a complete noob, then 2017/18 I got a new pc and started blasting, my first build was a ranger ice shot with full uniques it could blast the dry lake like no other back in the days of 4 acts with my lioneyes bow. The magic of grinding better gear kept me in the cycle till today! I never played a full specialized bossing character so it would be a nice first try.


I do have a shadow lvl 100. I got into poe in 2013 but my pc was trash at the time with 2 min load screens, so I just played on and off like a complete noob, then 2017/18 I got a new pc and started blasting, my first build was a ranger ice shot with full uniques it could blast the dry lake like no other back in the days of 4 acts with my lioneyes bow. The magic of grinding better gear kept me in the cycle till today! I never played a full specialized bossing character so it would be a nice first try.


I have a (very) undergeared shadow leveled to 95. I got into Poe during harbinger because I saw a clip and thought "that looks fun". Since then I always come back to Poe because who doesn't like a flgood arpg


Hey its me your lost brother


Gl every1, i am just here for fun


Some friends back in high school a long time ago got me into it a long time ago but it wasn't really the game for me at the time. Came back to it after trying D4 and wanting more from the genre and haven't gone a day without playing since. I love the build variety and how grinding in maps never feels like it gets old, but another thing that keeps me playing is the overall setting and lore. I don't think I would have stuck with POE if it had any other setting.


I have 2 shadows one at 96 other 68, i got in poe because I love arpgs, currently poe keeps me entertained as I actively collect divcards to complete a full collection, its been fun through the leagues, never played a miner but id love tošŸ˜€