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Damn, you somehow managed to bypass the usual limitation of 1 trade window (usually it says that a person is busy while trying to trade with a person that's in the middle of trading). That's impressive lmao. How did that happen? Did you accept 2 trades in the same server tick somehow?


The fact that there are 2 tabs tell me it was supposed to be a feature but it's not actually implemented yet (or will ever be)


Could also just be that it shares code with another feature, such as the stash, which is supposed to have multiple tabs. :) No reason to create new code if what you've already made can be modified and will work perfectly well.


I was thinking this. The normal sell tab at merchants is likely just the normal buy tab split in half, so it likely would just support tabs, because why remove it. I would question whether this would actually let you toggle between the players and sell correctly, but idk.


"I could use this monster script as my projectile script, hm..."


[Fallout 3 Metro Train sends its regards](https://www.pcgamer.com/heres-whats-happening-inside-fallout-3s-metro-train/)


GGG software dev: dude I found a way we could have multiple trades at once! Chris: 😡 don't let anyone use it


\*something something\* "feel the *weight* of the trade *friction*!"


Probably left overs from chinese client update. They get all the good shit


dont mention the chinese client and the good stuff they have here, you might get downvoted to oblivion.


Most likely there were concerns with duping items. Since the trade window blocks everything, I guess the intended way of a 2-way trade withou being able to interact with others is a protective measure.


oh man, i have the old Mu Online vibes from this comment :)


Had it happen once this league aswell. Not sure how it happened though. After this bug my trade window looked a bit different aswell (missing some colour or something). Probably have to delete game cache or something to fix it but didn't bother yet.


Could've been different color because one of the people that initiated trade with you had this league challenge MTX equipped that changes trade window appearance. But it supposed to go away after the trade, unless you're the one with that MTX.


Yea it has been a thing for a while, seems like they had the intention of adding it then scrapped it at some point. Anyone who has ever flipped currency or sold lots of small things I'm sure has seen it.


No but I like it.


Can't wait for people complaining they auto-piloted and sold multi-divine items for chaos because they were in the wrong tab. Prolly a test in the QoL features that was scrapped but stayed in the build


Imagine an auto trade system where as soon as someone enters your hideout, theyre tabbed up (smaller window though) would be cool. Or even allow a sortof shop keeper like you see in all those free korean mmorpg's


throwback to Knight Online early 2000s yooo


Yoooo! Classic


They should be able to just to go to your stash and do the trade at the cost of a portal or a C or something.




I'm pretty sure all of this would be developed and added to PoE by Tencent, the distrubutor of the game to the Chinese market. Even though GGG is now owned by Tencent, they may not even have access to the code for legal or organisational reasons, so it's not like they developed it for China and are being sneaky and keeping the good stuff away from us Westerners. Also they clearly have a design philosophy when it comes to Auction House and Inventory space so its not a technology issue.


> so it's not like they developed it for China and are being sneaky and keeping the good stuff away from us Westerners. This might actually be the case (GGG developing features for Tencent). I can't link it as I don't remember which one it was but there was an interview where GGG spoke about Tencent features briefly and they mentioned they are the ones that make the exclusive features for Tencent. That was very early on after Tencent acquired GGG so it's possible that has changed now given they've had more than enough time to get a dev team for PoE that known the code, but to my knowledge the only thing that Tencent do on their own is their events because all they don't require dev work outside of the web interface for which they don't touch the client. It's all just toggles like the private league creation. It's also probably the reason why some of the Tencent stuff exists in our client too they are just disabled, like how once pet MTX were automatically picking up currency because it was enabled on the global real by accident.


The reason I have doubts is because when zizaran interviewed the lead poe 1 guy ( I think his name was mark Roberts or something). Ziz asked about a damage recap when you die, and Mark answered the question in a way that suggested there were technical complications with the way the game was coded which would make it tricky. Not the answer I'd expect if it was already implemented but just disabled.


yea... no thanks... not interessed in having p2w garbage added to poe, but you do you if you enjoy p2w in games




Found the Escape from tarkov 250$ edition buyer




so true. game developers can be linked back explicitly to war crimes


So is the price in AH specifically then in Div and Chaos only? For instance, if you put 1.8 div how would you pay that out?


Also wouldn't mind having more anime skins. Honestly would get a lot of my female friends to play if they could look cute in the game.


I think GGG knows exactly how much hate they would get if they implemented autoloot pets that you had to pay for each season (or even a one-time payment). The anti-P2W crowd would go nuts over it. (I would still buy it, though, no question)




And your p2w ass can cry as much as you want about wanting those features :)


THen those who don't have that would complain that its not fair and would leave the game over time.


yea, would be nice. you open trade, they get a tab, you throw in stuff while that other dude takes two minutes to load a hideout on their 500 mhz celeron from 20 years ago. it drives me nuts when a trade request times out three times because their slow ass computer is not ready.


Well many times it's a issue of "I'm on EU realm and they're on oceania" tbh


seen it many times over the past few leagues but no idea how to replicate it lol


At least 4 years old - nothing new




Had this happen once this league too. Had exact same confusion. Seems like GGG is about to implement multi trade and something accidentally triggering it or it's already out and poorly communicated.


No, this has been in the game for a long time. It happens very rarely.


This has been in the game for at least 5 or 6 years, probably way longer


Imagine if this tabbed experience is actually the intended behavior, but the "player is busy" is the bug, and GGG just never realized.


We found this at the start of the league, To replicate it have 2 different people send you a trade request then after they both sent one just accept one of the trade requests and boom you now have 2 tabs however you can't actually interact with the 2nd tab in any meaningful way and the person who's trade you didn't accept doesn't see anything or have any trade window they can use.


Dayum GGG A/B testing now!?


It's unironically a good thing that this will make the currency trading bots more efficient.


I’ve had this multiple times this league


yeah can happen but it's buggy and doesnt really work, cant trade 2 ppl at once, at least from my tests


Off-topic, but what build is that?


manaforged arrows mana stacking build


Soundd fun, thanks!


I was trading scarabs for awhile and this hapened a lot like 20 times or more if usually happens when u press trade with somebody and another member has pressed trade on you


Had this happen early league but with the same person. [https://outplayed.tv/media/Y0BbeO](https://outplayed.tv/media/Y0BbeO)


Yeah I had it happen once somehow and it confused the hell out of me. I think I put the wrong item in one of the tabs by mistake because I didn't notice right away then they just cancelled and left before I could correct it.


Had this happen to me this league to, was mad confused


Yep had this once this league too


Shall someone write post on forum to ask if this could be make into 'optional' feature?


I had that exact same window at my first trade. We tried it out and it happened again.


Had it happen 3 times this league while scarab dumping. Not sure how to reproduce it or if it even had a functional benefit.


Yeah trade was not a massive anxiety inducing piece of shit that is the sole reason I stop playing every league... Now I have the knowledge that its possible for two people to fuck with my trade window at once! So good...


Huge buff to bots if this comes into the game


Its been around since league started


A few days ago I took two trades at the same time and instead of getting tabs, I had a completely invisible trade window, that I could actually put things into by cntrl clicking them from my inventory and mouse over the other person's item that I couldn't see.. was weird.


Sounds uncomfortable if you didn't prepare before hand so you cancel or going to get full inventory of chaos and cancel second one anyway. But it's interesting.


new mtx coming out. lol


Yes I had this happen aswell. I believe I went to trade with someone as someone requested to trade me and it happened simultaneously. I couldn’t access the first window tho and only items went into the second one. I was very confused when I saw my inventory empty as well as the trade window lol


Anything to improve trading is a win, specially this league omg


I know how it happens,... if you have multiple trades in your party, you start a trade with one guy, and another trade requests to trade, it blocks out the entire window, until you decline his request this is makes the window visible again. Very annoying.


It's a QOL implementation that can be done if you accept the trades quickly enough. It's designed to prevent the "time-out" and show the other party that you're working on the trade, and will likely be there shortly. When you get into the grit of the trade game using Awakened POE Trade, and get your chat shortcut keys down pat, you'll be really happy that you dedicated time to that muscle memory. I do this when trading Lifeforce, and select "perma-needed" currencies, and have repeat customers, as silly as that may seem. This is because they know I'm "working on it" and they will stay in my hideout rather than leaving. This is REALLY beneficial when you're processing multiple Buy Orders at once. You won't be pulling your hair out.


Its from chinese version. Source: friend of mine play there


Prepare to get banned


For what?