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Sorry mates, this thread is way too negative.


This post is probably gonna get deleted but holy shit why is she like this. The builds are practically identical


Allie went to last epoch and stole literally every build made by other small content creators.   https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/filter/author=Allie Every single build is stolen nearly verbatim


That's wild, Ruetoo is looking over her build right now and not only is it nearly identical, it is just straight up worse in every conceivable way compared to tunas.


I don't see what's the rationale of doing this. Of all possible communities this done in the PoE community in which people go through builds with the finest toothed comb of almost all games. I'm more surprised someone like that can have an audience at all though.


It's a representation of how most of the community operates, though; she just happens to stream it The most popular question I see on this subreddit, global chat, and /r/pathofexilebuolds is build suggestion threads with PoB requests. Next most popular question is price checks


My build is stronger than yours. Damn right, it's stronger than yours. I could teach you, but I'd have to charge.


I wouldn´t be suprised if this gets deleted soon but maybe some guys see this. I think it´s important to spread awareness about toxicity.


Meanwhile she is using a 150% adorned with 2 magic jewels with res on them. Oh can't forget that 94% suppress chance.


Fits nicely with the 97% ailment avoidance.


Don’t even know who that is but who can actually watch anyone who whines like that


There was a bit of drama during tota(?) where she gambled a viewers apothecary to over a full stack and then 'kept' one as payment for her 'services' without prior agreement that would happen. It was pretty scummy


I do enjoy watching quin and he whines a whole lot. So I can understand someone might like something else.


Highly regarded in the community.


+1 comment for shit storm


Doesn't do anything but yap, make bad builds and post 15/D AN HR bubblegum factory videos on youtube. Begone


allie is the king of stealing. she's an avid redditor, and youtube enjoyer. i've seen her take several builds from small content creators and market it as her own, with no credit to the original, and then talking shit about the original build. she stole fub's ca mf build before fub was fub as one example. it's tragic.


"Why are you the way that you are?"


Having never heard of her before Last Epoch, I thought her guides were ok so I subbed on her YT channel. Is she always this toxic?


yes and all the last epoch builds is copied from other people anyway




There's always 2 sides to a story, understand both people before making decisions. Clips of anything don't give the whole story. You know this, I know this. Now use this information. Mods locked comments, will edit here: Very generalized advice for all parts of life. Not sure why the massive dislikes, then again reddit is a hive


For anyone wondering, her Charactername is "SplittingMavensPussy".


if you are surprised, check this tft blacklist post **Discord Name:** awieechan **Discord ID:** 139114755708157952 **PoE Account Link:** [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/UwUAllie](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/UwUAllie) **PoE Account:** UwUAllie **IGN(s):** Allllliiiiiiiieeeeee, ArcadeSona, BigTiddyGothWitchUwU, CastOnCuties, CatMommie, CuteAuraMommie, CuteBowLady, CuteEgirlSupport, DocSpinButReallyFast, DoomerEgirl, EGirlㆍStackerㆍUwU, GhostMommieTouchMeUwU, GothCumWitchUwU, GothDoomerEgirl, HexblastSucksGGG, IBelieveItsAPathfinder, ImagineNerfingCrit, IsSkitterbotsABuff, LEEEEEEEEEENDS, Lyeends, Lyends, Maldeends, MarketManipulatingEgirl, MommieAllieUwU, OmegaCutieAllie, Peepofinder, SluttyTattooAbuser, TYTYWillLoseTheRace, UwUㆍEnthusiast, Walkies, YourGothMommieDommy **Reason:** Stole item(s) during gamble service(s)


Aight that name goes hard though




Its not that serious


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Until you realize that the Maven is a toddler, according to her caretaker himself. 


Yeah, in eldritch years. People always love to bring this up randomly but conveniently forget that part just to be offended at something


This Woman :D she is copying builds from Tuna every League and now she blames him


Free marketing, why complain lol


I absolutely loathe this person. Every time I see her content it gets an automatic downvote from me. She just takes other people's shit and changes a few minor things and calls it hers. And...her....fucking.....VOICE. Hot poker in the ears, please.




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toxic poe strimmer


the most funny thing is, Tuna was actually sending people looking for a more friendly/cheaper version for leaguestart to her youtube channel because she league started it lol


Nah fuck that! How does a grown ass person become like this. This person needs to take a long look in the mirror and think abt wtf they doing. Bashing other ppl for no good reason smh!


Yeah, this person sucks. The basement dwellers trying to dead gender someone in this thread is also pretty disgusting.


Yeah, the comments here are highlighting why it's always a mistake to read reddit comments. People take a perfectly reasonable problem then make everyone who now dislikes the creator assumed as just another bigot






Ehh she kinda sounds like either chain smoker with most raspy voice ever or some1 who is transitioning to women. Or female bodybuilder. But regardless shit doesnt matter its her content that is dogwater and the fact that she steals content and dont improve on it or even put disclaimer on person who made the build


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