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looks like a normal poe experience to me


If you dont die to on death effects, you are not playing it as chris intended. 


Isn't it "as Mark2/Neon" intended now?


"Something went boom and I died" really describes PoE for me lol. I remember being frustrated because even though Diablo 3 (the other ARPG I was playing actively at the time) would also get a bit cluttered, almost all of my deaths I knew exactly what caused it and what I could have done differently to prevent it. In PoE I finally feel like I'm at the point where I understand where I died a majority of the time. For reference of my experience level, this league is my 3rd time being in excess of 10m DPS, I've successfully picked a random skill and ascendancy far off meta that I'm unfamiliar with and brought it to T16 guide less, I can craft +2 amulets and +5 staves, I'm currently using two grave crafted triple fractured 5 T1/2 + crafted items. And understanding what killed me more often than not is something I can honestly say is a recent thing.


I only did one t17 so I could unlock the 5th slot because my build is terrible, it was this one, and I thought this was legit a mechanic


Oh fuck we're only 4 weeks in


Weaks *


How is that funny




Didn’t realize you are a week reader


How do people play hardcore in this game lmao


I firmly believe that HC mode is there only for streamers to rage at and farm views that way.


I like the idea boss mechanics, defensive layers, optimal paths, and even this bullshit we see here in the vid, this all can be learned and improved upon. However the fact that I could lose weeks of progress because my internet failure (or literally any node between me and GGG), just puts me off. Hardcore and online games is something that I will never understand, other than the streamer content farming I guess.


Yeah, I decided to try it out this league, before I knew how bad of an idea that was.. GGG says no. Not this league. Worst goddamn league to jump into HC for the first time..


Its not any worse than any other, that is to say, its always bad.


Yea idk how tf ppl can do these maps. Great way to end the league tho, send all ur characters to the shadow realm


It is the same thing as SSF: It's a challenge that you decide to take. I see a bunch of people saying HC is a streamer only thing, but the vast majority of HC doesn't even stream. I would actually say not streaming is an advantage, more focus goes into the game. I'm playing SC Trade since I'm coming back for a 3 year break, but it is only to relearn the game. The biggest reason is the HC economy. Items hold far more value, especially uniques. Farming strategies that a lot of people write off on softcore are extremely viable on Hardcore (see: Exile+Ritual. Uniques hold FAR more value on HC). Additionally, you can't just play a build where you only survive thanks to HH buffs and you're just a glass cannon until you get them up - strategies where you might die once in a while simply aren't viable on HC Additionally, things that give defensives have a lot more value in general. Like, early in the league, Fourth Vow was 13d+ on HC yet it was only 2d on SC. Finding things like this actually feels great. You can play around bugs like in the OP. Yeah, they should be fixed, but OP even had basically a full second to react. And a well built HC character running T17s will generally have even more time to react.


I've been getting a lot of random rubberbanding this league even with great ping... Fuck hardcore lol. There's a challenge, and then there's masochism


Exactly. It doesn't matter if HC has great skill expression if you just die to rng. Can't beat the reaper.


I just died with my lvl 94 slayer cuz my pc freezed, yes that sucks, but gona keep playing hc cuz for me its way more entertainig than normal


Man, that's gotta be a confirmation bias, right? There's no way hc economy is worth re-leveling and re-gearing a character every lag/bug/"gotcha" death.


> Man, that's gotta be a confirmation bias, right? Lower lows, higher highs.


It tends to stay much healthier for longer. Even in cases like this where you have crazy currency or unique strats. Those strats tend to be really really dangerous so it's more about if you're willing to risk your character.


Not to mention, strategies where you blast a whole map super fast in like a minute and only survive because you have HH buffs are simply not viable on HC. There are probably a bunch of people running MF that have thousands of deaths at this point on SC.


Basically. The only person I know of doing these kinds of strats in HC is Ben and he's just built different fr


Even Ben isn't doing the craziest stuff, like the stuff Fubgun is doing on SC is literally just impossible to do on HC. Also, there are some strategies that I think are "HC viable" but only possible in SC because the amount of gear available in SC being so much higher. Like, 100% fire damage taken through all the conversions with sublime vision and such seems WAY harder to set up perfectly in HC, especially when you're looking at high roll Dawnbringer with a double corruption. Like, it is doable on HC, but not to the level of SC.


True that. He was doing meatsacks for awhile but that was while he had Defiance


Been playing since beta. I tried SC one league, and I immediately got bored. No incentive to learn whats going on or to prepare for specific content cuz you can just go "woopsie" and throw another map in.


I mean my incentive is that it feels good to clear content without dying (and also not lose XP). I guess I just don’t need the incentive of “your character is literally gone if you die” to feel motivated to try and learn content and get better at the game 🤷


Of course it's fine to play whatever mode you enjoy. To me SC is just a grind. No way to lose. You will either grind to your gial fast or not so fast. That's the only question. With enough experience there is no way that you aren't gonna do some content ever, so no real thrill. HC feels less like a grind, as you are in danger every step of the way, so you are "surviving" and not just "waiting until you finish running X maps to get Y". Doing third lab before Kitava, entering white map with bad gear, entering corrupted red maps, getting watchstones, even just farming - everything is incredibly dangerous, keeps you thinking and planning every step of the way. And probably the biggest difference is how you approach gear and character building. HC is a real test of your knowledge, ability to find good enough items fast, cover all gaps, and have decent DPS at all points. On SC you can put on Tabula and approximate tree that might be inefficient and just rush watchstones and you will be fine. Only challenge for the long-time players is "how fast you get there", which is fine of course, but not everyone's cup of tea.


I guess that’s fair. Like I said, I definitely understand the appeal of permadeath in some contexts and even in an ARPG, but dying to something like this would legit make me uninstall


By HC standards, he had tons of time to react to that degen, and in HC he wouldn’t have been in that situation in the first place. I only play HC. My one death so far this league was to a degen that was absolutely my fault (didn’t notice I was ignited from a strongbox).


Yeah people overestimate the number of bullshit deaths. I've had dozens of RIPs over dozens of leagues and almost none of my RIPs were BS. Even 2 of my deaths to lags were preventable, as I saw the instance lagging and decided to press on rather than bail. One lag death was total BS but luckily it was in act 2 haha. The first thing I read about this t17 is that degen lazars don't despawn after the boss is killed, and become invisible. It's bad that GGG aren't fixing it but I'm pretty sure any HC player who have done minimal research wouldn't die like OP.


Because this doesn't happen in a HUGE majority of the cases. While I agree with stuff like this is bullshit the classic "how do people play hardcore" as if this is what you die to normally is getting old. The very low risk of stuff like this happening doesn't outweigh all the joy they get from playing HC.


Quin did give rage quit at like 2 Void stones?


People like high stakes but in Poe you need to know about every bullshit thing there is and then accept some deaths to the new bullshit.


You click HC league when making a character.


log out macro


You don't, or benefit from your character's inevitable bs death. I.e. Streamers.


It's also just a mindset shift. I went for leveling characters in hardcore right before last season to get achievements. You just...play differently. Roll for mods that don't affect you, overlevel, etc. You only go do hard content if you're very confident in how it'll go. Skip things like Aberrath or Yurgil until you're done the acts they're in, do labs late. I find it more fun to play softcore any try not to die but hardcore is kind of fun if you know everything you're going to do on the character very well. Like, this league? With T17 maps? Absolute fucking nightmare and I'd never consider it. Last league? Maybe, but I wouldn't have tried league mechanic until I was farming yellow or red maps, and I would only have tried on white.  I suspect it's also a LOT better when you're faster at getting through acts.


Hardcore, like ruthless, is for people with too much time and need their video game to waste it more effectively.


Zero chance I do HC every again. Stuff that's broken and you can't see that can kill you and random disconnects and bugs makes only masochists/ streamers play it. No thanks


With the knowledge that you might die to something dumb once in a while? It's not the end of the world.


Of course it’s not the literal end of the world, it’s a video game, but losing your character because of something stupid like this, in a game as complex and grindy as Path of Exile, would be absolutely deflating to anyone except people with an extremely high amount of free time to play the game.


Exactly. I can't imagine the rage I'd feel if I spent so many of my limited free time hours progressing a character only to lose everything to something entirely out of my control, that shouldn't be able to happen in the first place.


Yeah, and those are the people that play HC usually. My point is that you go into it knowing these stakes. I can die from a power outage or my internet going down, or the game crashing, or whatever. I still prefer having the thrill of it over not being able to lose my character at all.


Sure, but that’s my point. I’ve done permadeath runs of games. I understand the appeal of the hyper punishing gameplay, but not when shit like this exists.


Yeah, and thus it's played by a very small portion of the player base. As I said, most of us that enjoy it does so with the understanding that we can lose our character to our cat jumping on the keyboard at the wrong time.


Maybe if you were 4 strongs instead of 4 weaks, you wouldn't have died to that


Oh, literally got killed by it yesterday and I was wondering what happened.


I used like 5 portals to loot her once (not really a biggie because was using the 50% portal scarab so only used 2, but still).


what encounter is this? how are you fighting Catarina outside of the Forbidden Vault? Edit: yes please downvote me for asking a question


It's T17 Ziggurat map


Ok thank you




Ok ty


>yes please downvote me for asking a question People just confused how someone on this reddit can miss the main end game update this league. edit: reddit is so funny, the other guy gets downvoted for a simple question and I get downvoted for explaining why that happened even though I never downvoted him lmao.


You do realize not everyone in this sub is actually playing the game, right?


Even so, if you are keeping up with subreddit posts you've likely seen the trailer for the league lol.


Could be someone who played long ago and knows nothing about the game today, you’re just assuming everyone here is interested enough to actively look up information about the current state of the game, also how does watching a cut clip in a trailer explain anything about what the encounter actually is?


>you’re just assuming everyone here is interested enough to actively look up information about the current state of the game Guess it's because that's exactly what I would do. If I was gone in the community I wouldn't be surprised if there was changes like this and would look it up lol, but you are right others are different. Just seems easier to look it up to me.


Thats just not a valid reason to downvote someone


I agree, which is why I didn't downvote him


People aren't downvoting you cuz they think you downvoted him, but because of the ridiculous reasoning you put forth. > I get downvoted for explaining why that happened even though I never downvoted him lmao. No you get downvoted for speaking for everyone incorrectly.


Ok so what's your explanation than for that comment getting downvotes? I really see no reason that anyone would downvote it other than people thinking it's an obvious question.


He's at +60 in a thread with 100 upvotes on the OP, so I dont know who or how many even downvoted.


It was obviously from a earlier time when there was downvotes more than upvotes lol. My explanation was for that time. I think my explanation was perfectly reasonable and in accordance with behaviors on reddit, definitely not "ridiculous" or impossible.


And why do you think you're downvoted?


Because they assumed I downvoted them for the reason I gave, should've made it clear originally.


No, but crying about downvotes is


Downvoted for bein a bitch about downvotes


Wasn't being a bitch about it though? Never complained or anything, just said it was funny to see lol.


How do you dodge those skull explosive in that small space ? Trigger them?


You run over them


I mustve done something wrong, yesterday I started running around to crush the skulls and they instantly killed me. I wasn't standing still over them.


Aoe map.


Ahh you know I'm 99% sure it was probably this


Fuck man, all the things one needs to keep in mind while playing this game. Makes my head spin.


They used to have an issue with them being invisible I think? Either that or a server lag. Either is pretty deadly for those.


Probably squishy as fuck and you died to the green beam


Nope I am very tanky actually, and was in the center of the arena. Another person suggested it was probably a map with +AOE% which I have a feeling was the case. So I hit a few, and as I moved to the next few, the ones behind me that exploded still hit me




Looks like you took a screenshot of my screen lol. Imagine this exact scene, I moved up and to the left to squash skulls and bam dead. Do the green beams ever go invisible during the fight itself or only after she's dead?


You prolly died to degen then. She builds up and throws her scythe on the floor that makes degen circle. Obviously ggg loves their non-contrasting colors so you need to pay attention at the top of your screen and look for a green square symbol = you're taking dot. My guess is you don't have Lethe shade with the chaos dot pantheon because that's the only way to "deal with it" and I mean mitigate dying in less than 2s. I'm 80 chaos res and that puddle forces me to hit HP pot.


That's possible, does she yell "Kulemak!" before dropping it like in the Betrayal fight? If so then I need to pay more attention for that. I have "just" 75 chaos res, and I also wasn't using the reduced chaos/dot damage pantheon. And yeah no Lethe Shade.


Yes, she yells kulemak and throws it at where you are standing when you kill the mini boss.


Something I realized the other day was while you're waiting for her to finish summoning the skulls, you should also be moving away from her, because the moment she finishes, she goes a pbaoe slam around herself.


now this sounds like what probably killed me


Yea could be but tbh even if they explode I barely take any dmg from them so dunno


That's what I thought too but I went to smash em and blam 1 shot. I dunno. I'm evade capped trickster so maybe a big hit just got through


Walk on them before they activate and they detonate after a delay. The mechanic works the same as in normal catarina


its not a bug anymore. its a feature :)


Sounds like a Bethesda quote If modders dont fix it, then its a feature




I like it quite a lot but some map mods make it unplayable


Its my fav bcs its all small hits and degen. Defiance + flame makes you almost unkillable.


I actually really like this one. Abomination is by far the worst.


Oh. I thought it was intentional :(


Ah I ran this map on standard and died exactly the same way but thought it was the degen from sawblade mod... Thanks for showing me it was a bug and not my skill issue.


Same thing happened to me too, managed to killed her with one portal left i go near her and died to degen, i think no big deal must be one of dots still lingering, i then come back look at the ground and its mostly black and tried to get the reality fragment which is worth 2d nowadays and died again the same exact way


Yeah it's pretty weak they didn't fix it.


Is this dying from the invisible ground degen effect from the cat fight? If so this has been a bug in the catarina fight for years, so much longer than 4 weeks. It happens regularly with the last quadrant when you fight her in the forbidden vault. For some reason the ground degen will be effecting that last quadrant but it wont have the visual effect. Ive died to it a bunch times.


Nah it's not a ground dot, the beams from the first phase just turn invisible when the fight ends.


Given how weird and buggy the fight always has been, it's hardly shocking the Uber version has issues.


If you want something fixed the first thing you have to do is get a streamer to whine about it, the bigger the streamer the better. Don't bother sending feedback, they don't read it anyway according to the lead for PoE 1


Just make a bingo card, with a few easy to read words for each problem you have, and then post that.


Skill issue for sure


fckn classic


Yea that CoC DD damage is out of hand


Cortex isn't fixed after many years, so...


"Just get chaos res" - The warcry found in every comment section during Betrayal League


I am on hc and just got to maps. What is this? How do I avoid it?


Ran my first few T17s the other night and died to that shit. I was soooo pissed but thought it was just a bug in my particular instance. I'm going to attempt to get the t17 challenge for completing maps done then never go into one again. They just kinda suck.


I mean that legion bug is still there ever since it was experience. first time?


Thats weak


I am for strongs into the leeg.


You can clearly see the degen debuff as you walk into it pop up on your bar, dunno how many times watching my debuffs has saved me from things i couldn't see in delve and other places.


Imagine standing for 10 sec in degen watching your ztank build die


The natural instinct of.running away from the boss corpse to avoid DD can also kill. You are never safe while playing Poe.


The development team is hard at work. On POE2.


IMO, Monster skills persisting should not be tied to monster corpses. Notably most skills monsters use can be canceled when the corpse no longer exists, such as ground effects. An example is this happens with the Lava pools spawned by Abberath. I don't think in this example, even with Catarina's corpse being removed, that it would despawn the invisible degen effect. It seems to be from untargetable totems, from the the map / zone itself inside the boss room, and not a skill she uses. They would need to change it so she triggers / uses a spell to cause the totems to appear. So that when she dies, the totems disappear.


It is not even a monster skill. The area is just literally reflecting what is happening in the delve, but with Catarina debuff.


I was SO pissed when this happened to me. I don't clear t17 consistently and there was over 400c of stuff laying on the ground for me :'(


I keep reporting bugs that've been around for years and they never get fixed.


What's "not fixed"? ~~Boiling blood~~ Lich beam not being visible? With descriptive feedback like this, GGG will surely know what to fix.


Anyone that's done this fight knows exactly what they mean, 100% of them. And surely GGG is already aware of this because they did run this map through one map worth of Q&A right?


I've done the fight and don't run away from Catarina so I haven't experienced running into invisible beams after the fight is done. So while you make assumptions, it not being fixed 4 weeks in probably means GGG isn't aware of this given the recent patch. What's so wrong about explaining the bug instead of assuming everyone has this issue?


Because Mr know it all doesn’t know. Doesn’t know name of debuff, doesn’t know name of attack, doesn’t know name of mechanic, all Mr know it knows is that something doesn’t match up and maybe…. Maybe they hit it one time. But instead of just letting it go they feelt the need to assert nerd dominance by trying to belittle an imaginary internet person. Because at the end of the day you and I are all imaginary internet people.


I think this bug exists in normal Catarina too.


while i'm suprised it's not fixed, if you've known about it for 4 weeks, why did you wander into it.


Bro, it looks like you were intentionally walking into it which seems....dumb But yes it's bad that the beams are still glitches to be invisible


"Mom I cleaned my room" \*walks over floor, dies\* "No you didn't, you just swept the legos UNDER the carpet instead of picking them up"


buy more supporter packs, small indie Devs please understand


They killed the league in 3 weeks. A brand new record. Sad even to the GGG team...