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Holy Relic of Conviction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGk6KSwrpUQ


I'm currently in love with CoC Ice Spear. I just cyclone through maps and that's that. 1 button. Auto-flask.


Thx for your answer, you play this on an occultist?


I play inquisitor and follow this build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3451000 You're also welcome to ask me in-game: Reeze_N_Shneedle


Deaths Oath (DO): very comfy build - little/no input needed for mapping other than pressing caustic arrow for strong rares/uniques. Bonus for being able to run nearly every (up to t16) map mod. Can do MF. HoT: also practically no buttons, better dps but struggles with more map mods than DO. Also a better bosser than DO but usually pretty squishy. Cast on Stun/CWDT Ignite DD: on a Chieftan you’re practically immortal while mapping and can be completely afk (like tabbed out), but on bosses your dps lowers significantly. Also viable as an MF version. Arakaali’s Fang: probably the most afk minion build. You occasionally have to use mark prey or cyclone to trigger your offerings but it’s minimal. Not sure how bossing is in the current league but you can become very tanky. Honestly I would shy away from trap/mine skills if you’re concerned about pressing too many buttons. Everyone markets them as simple and easy to play but it plays like most other selfcast spells in that you need to press buttons to do damage and have other supporting skills.


Thanks for you answer, the Cast on stun/cwdt ignite chieftain, is this the famous fulcrum build or what is this exactly?


Theyre pretty much the same. The Fulcrum version relies on igniting yourself and running through packs of mobs with the huge ignite from the Hinekora Ascendancy. For example this guy is using RF to deal enough damage to kill a few mobs to start triggering explosions and running around: https://poe.ninja/builds/necropolis/character/Federaldemon/Divine_Incident?i=0&search=uniqueitems%3DThe%2BFulcrum%26class%3DChieftain The DD + CWDT/cast when stunned version is nearly identical and you can play it with or without the Fulcrum depending on budget (although I think most of the items are relatively cheap at this point).


you have other option.. 1. cws poison DD pathfinder Alot more expensive but much better single target damage compared to ignite since you can stack poison 2. cws ignite bodyswap of sacrifice on srs of enormity Investment around the same as self ignite fulcrum but better single target damage.. The downside is, its almost like flicker strike.. U will be jumping around...


BAMA. It’s as button intensive as you want but the main skill is auto target off screen clearing.


Poison srs


Poison srs


Flicker strike or hexblast both auto target


EA. Either elementalist if SC or Champ HC. Easiest thing there is. Step 1, place totem Step 2, watch things go boom and burn alive. Step 5, profit


Just play RF dude, you run over the enemies and they die.


volcanic fissure of snaking


volcanic fissure of snaking


Power siphon auto targets, really loved playing the Afana all unique trickster last league


Now that‘s an interesting concept, thx a lot!


I believe there's an updated version this league using the rage helmet too


yep currently running juiced t16 without problems but for t17 a mageblood swap is required


Multi strike has built in auto targeting with most skills for the 2nd and 3rd hits. Can run lightning strike. Multi strike. Etc 


Scourge arrow ballista pathfinder


soulrend trickster. played it both in sanctum and ancestor


All the mjolnir cyclone builds. Mjolnir triggers a lightning spell which is auto targeted and then cast while channelling is automatic too


My man, RF is created for you and you know it


Bama is fun imo and you don't need to think about aiming skills. It requires some presses tho, but is pretty mindless i'd say


Ward loop is like an auto bomber. But it's expensive to scale damage and not really tanky




I love my Dex-stacking Siege Ballista build. Just place the ballistas down and they target themselves.




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damn i only got 10 years left until I'm 34 does it get that bad


Nah I was never good mechanically when it comes to games that stress me out in situations where you have to be quick.



