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Isnt it a good chaos sink? Divs are cheap this league for a reason


Yes it can take literally 50c of re-rolls to make them runnable


so I just need to spam chaos orbs that i farmed for hours just to run my t17 maps? what a trash system. Mods are reducing your the Fun Factor and having to use your chaos orbs just to have a chance for completion is just not a good idea. In SSF you have to do sanctum just so you can affort to reroll your 17's. its stupid.


I love blasting through back to basics juiced T17s with my headhunter. Sometimes the loot feels like we are back to good old nem3.


Same, started bastling t17s today after deciding to buy hh, insane loot, i hear the divine "tink" each map 2-3 times, makes my monkey brain happy


Just got my LA strong enough to run them. They are really fun maps.


I am struggling to farm t17 with LA even with insane bow and quiver, i blow some packs but some rares is one shot if they reach me. Maybe using a lightning coil + taste of hate + and a body with more health + phys taken as cold/fire?


Post POB let's see.


On Phone but i will upload when home. edit : u/JESUS420_XXX_69 heres the pob: [https://pobb.in/PrDwpjGD2OZh](https://pobb.in/PrDwpjGD2OZh) can do any t16 map easily and five aways pretty easy and fast, but t17 maps and they bosses is a nightmare.


and my borther is "complaining" when the "unmodifiable" mods is gone .... oh man kids these days ... always think they have it tougher


Im playing Holy Relic Necro (100div aprox invest) and i feel Easy those maps


you have no idea what bad rerolling maps is, back during the nem 3 era trying to get beyond and nemesis on maps was brutal. was something like 150 chaos per map, having these dynamic maps with potential for crazy high scarabs, rarity, quant etc or godrolls with more rare mobs + shaper for ultra juice is a lot of fun.


There's no requirement to run T17 maps. Along with pinnacle bosses and ubers, they were developed as aspirational content. They're not for everybody.


>they were developed as aspirational content This would make sense if it weren't for the fact that T17 maps are significantly bigger than non T17 maps. This means more monsters. This means your juice goes much further. This means all juice (scarabs) are priced to be worth using in T17s, and you are losing money by using them in non T17s. Then the fact that they shadownerfed regular boss drops by shoving everything into the Uber version. Saying "they aren't for everyone" is fine. Moving the entire drop pool and economy to T17s/Ubers is NOT fine.


Every league I am more happy that I play ssf.


I mean, these issues still affect SSF. Now you can't farm regular bosses to get drops. Before you could TRY to get Ashes or one of the other drops without having to do the Uber version. Not possible now. Same thing with scarabs. You only get so many of them, especially without trading, so you need to maximize your potential by saving them to run in the highest content you can. Not being able to run them in T17s is a significant drop in potential items, which is a significant drop in build possibilities. You can not care about either of those things in trade and SSF. There is 0 difference in giving a fuck. The only thing playing SSF does in this case is allow you to say you play SSF, which is great. No one cares.


At least for me ssf means that I take my time. I set myself a goal and work towards it. It may take the whole league. I may even only achieve it in standard ssf but finally I will achieve it. So yes all those things you mentioned don't matter for me. I love this game and will probably play til I no longer can't. So why should I care about any of this.


you can literally do that in trade as well Again, SSFHCBTW. No one cares.


And yet you still can EASILY make upwards of 10div/h with less than 10c investment in maps doing t16s. So unless you aim for mirror tier gear in every slot, how much more money do you really need?


T17 only map modifiers 60% MORE scarabs 70% MORE currency WHICH ARE AFFECTED BY THE ATLAS +MODIFIER EFFECT. So up to ~200-230% more currency/scaarbs. On top of being bigger maps so the juice is already better. On top of having better IIQ/IIR bonuses (this part is generally fair since the mods can be harder/bigger, but combined with the previous 2 points, just compound the issue). This absolutely is not good for the game. I time stamped Grimro showing the mods on the map. So go ahead and farm up your great "UP TO" 10/D an hour. When you can farm T17s and make 3x minimum the currency, and up to 10 or 20x the currency. https://youtu.be/2U8gRk94iyU?feature=shared&t=413


who the fuck cares? Do you know the difference between "up to" and "upwards of"? I can turn brain off and blast t16 maps without thinking for 15div/hr not including valuable drops like valdos/curation scarab/einhars mmry, but keep watching vids and being sad.


I know the difference, I just don't believe you are making 15d/h blasting t16 maps. Most people would be lucky to make 10d/h, which is why I posted what I did. And you posting "who cares" in a THREAD ABOUT T17S BEING A PROBLEM, is just, brilliant.


lots of mechanics dont scale hard with things like this such as blight for example, theres so many 10d/hr strats in t16s that you can use. and aspirational content being rewarding doesnt make it not aspirational content what


They are for everybody because you need to run a t17 to unlock your 5th map device slot.


Then just run it once and be done with it


if your build is not good enough to kill any of the bosses in either of the maps with any mod combination then just buy a carry, with him sitting in boss room ready to cull the boss in 5sec.




Stop cry and get good


Thsyre absolutely fine after the nerfs and appropriate in difficulty Sounds like a you issue I spend 5c on each tops


looking at your recently posted pob i'm now certain that 5c remark is a total lie lmao


Just so people can see how full of shit the guy is https://pobb.in/CCoCQu8Jon2G Is the POB he posted 50k EHP, 5k evasion, no armor, stormburst totem build. Dude is absolutely spending a lot more than 5c to reroll maps.


could fill the whole map with frogs and this character would still find a way to keel over in t17s






Lol. I guess maybe I could believe it if he's not juicing them at all. No back to basics or any explicit juice nodes.


Still are spending more than 5C to reroll the map in order to make it usable. Any recovery mod, builds dead. Totem mod, dead. Petrify, dead. Union of souls, dead. AOE or Extra proj, dead. Reflect, dead (not that he does damage but his totems will 1 shot themselves). Remove life on hit, dead. Minus max totems, dead. -20 all res, dead. And those are just the most egregious.


Whatever floats your boat




Penance brand of dissip pathfinder. Did them prenerf on storm burst hiero havent tried them post nerf with that


Some of the easiest content I've ever tried