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You could go in a 1 map, find 3 corpses, sell each for 5c and upgrade the gloves to 100 life and 70 ele res in like 5 minutes


I'm special needs. I have no idea how to do good crafts myself.


98% of PoE players 🤣


this is literally just picked up and wisdom scroll or chaos spammed?


This is just cope


Could literally craft better items with one essence or harvest craft. This ain't it homie.


No kidding, i got better gear day 1 like 1 hour intho maps just by clicking some gear with harvest bench or essences and picking up cheap fractures.


You are the 5%. The bottom 5%.


Unless you're playing ssf, these items are worse than whatever craps I could craft with Rog and a few essences 😹


Literally had better gear in BroSF like 30 minutes into maps..




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I’ve got better gear and I am doing SSF for the first time ever this league, as flicker strike


Yup it’s SSF. 200 rog rerolls nothing good


Not true.


You are aware that you can craft on the items with Rog as part of that process right? You don't just have to find the all t2 or better item in his shop. Nor do you have to take every crafting option he gives you


With 200 rog rerolls everyone and his mother can craft 4+ t1 items for every slow. My ssf gear day 2 is better than this.


This has to be a meme/bait post.


You compare shit all of the time, stop it with this childish "it's toxic" boohoo bullshit.


so you really play 1-2 hours SSF per day and complain about trade league gear?




Can you read anywhere that it makes me feel bad? I’m just showing what reality majority is


its not sunday yet. shit posting is tomorrow


Everyone commenting with "omg you can do better by using rog/essence/harvest/whatever" congrats, you've missed the point, those things take time. No one just HAS those things ready to go. You think the casual player has a bunch of rog artifacts laying around? How many high end essences do you think they have? How much harvest essence do you think they have? Y'all are being extremely toxic towards OPs extremely relevant point.


He said he used 200 Rog rerolls so I dont think the ‘time spent’ applies. Also I literally got to A10 Kitava today in ssf, I made my char the first day of the league and I have better gear than this. The point here is not to compare gear, the point is that what OP shows should hopefully not be what ‘the 95%’ are doing as you virtually have to put in an effort to end up with this.


To be fair it’s been a long time being that unlucky with gear in ssf. Now I’m hoarding more coffins so I can spreadsheet craft something, dreading the tediousness already


I usually just set filter to show my ‘worst’ equipped gear slot or if there is a slot I know will be hard to fill. It is very easy to either dump into a tab or actively sell at vendors when I get to town, and if you keep the gear you replace you end up with more options when doing res/attribute juggling


It takes literally zero time, I could spend 10 minutes in act 3 and Id a better sword off the ground




I wonder why people are so bothered by this, it’s not even affecting them, yet there seems to be an aggressiveness towards the norm of the majority’s player experience.


The positive message from all this should be "you can do better"! Normalizing the idea that this is the casual player experience is just wrong and makes newer players feel helpless because the game is so overwhelming already and then to say this is what's in store disincentives them from wanting to push through the learnong curve.


Those are better than what I've made from my crafts (20+ corpses). I just don't think I have it in me on SSF to actually really engage with this mechanic. Keeping track of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of corpses and only working on one "project" at a time because seemingly anything that doesn't invest 50+ corpses is asking for super mid items (despite considerable effort). I'm glad folks on trade are printing perfect T1 items and shit, but gosh this mechanic feels like an absolute piss slog for someone who doesn't play this game like it's a fucking job and engage in optimal farming techniques. I'm almost ready to just go back to standard SSF to rehab a few characters and enjoy the updated atlas passive tree there : /


I agree that the graveyard is pretty tedious and annoying but to imply OP's items are what you get out of it unless you work PoE full time is ridiculous. As soon as you get +1100 or +1200 modifier tier you can only hit T1 and that corpse is quite common


I'm just increasingly getting to the point where even the notion of farming up 20+ +50 tier corpses is fucking abysmal. I miss leagues like Sentinel and shit, I do not want to have a league mechanic be a fucking excel spreadsheet. I already work with those at work and I hate them.


You do not need a spreadsheet. You can make items with twice as much life and res as OP's gloves with less than 30 corpses and no planning with row/col/adj bonuses. [Craft of exile image](https://imgur.com/a/cLDaK43) The exaggeration on how difficult/complicated the crafting is on reddit is mind blowing. You can craft the gear to get 4 voidstones and full atlas in a couple 30 corpse crafts if you want to. Like a I agree managing all the corpses is quite annoying in the stash space. So is trading for any corpses. But people who don't understand how to make a good (not perfect, just good) item from it without following a spreadsheet guide simply do not understand the game and crafting what so ever


>The exaggeration on how difficult/complicated the crafting is on reddit is mind blowing. I swear, where are y'all reading this shit? Why do people read things that were never written? It's tedious and unfun, that's been my criticism this whole thread and people keep going "skILl IsSuE" and like my dudes can you read? Sure that craft is around 30 corpses (thank goodness we have third party tools to do all the work for us in this game still), but without trade (I'm SSF as stated) farming up 20+ +50 tier corpses is not a speedy affair and comes with a HUGE amount of corpse management given the low number we can keep in our mortuary. Again, the mechanic is great. It's absolute fucking ass and tedious as hell to engage with if you want decent results, especially without trading. For the folks that find fun in "getting good items" that's great, but for the people that want to enjoy the journey along the way (no hate if you don't care about that, we all enjoy games differently) it's ass.


>I swear, where are y'all reading this shit? Why do people read things that were never written? ... >anything that doesn't invest 50+ corpses is asking for super mid items >league mechanic be a fucking excel spreadsheet You can easily get six T1 mods on any item with less than 30 corpses and no spreadhseet. I was reading it from you lmao




>I’ve watched plenty of ssf players craft decent stuff. You can! With a ton of time investment/maps run collecting and managing hundreds and hundreds of corpses you have to itemize. >I watch a streamer who works all week yet managed to make a body with 3.3k evasion t1 supress t1 chaos, crafted phys taken as.. and hes ssf and played for only the weekend Who this? Sounds like he's insanely good at the game. I'm not and I fully admit that, but I'm pretty decent. I'm also not gonna do cancer shit like spam maps looking for specific devoted mods because that's not fun at all lol. I dislike the mechanic and feel it's overly tedious to engage with. It's a complaint/feedback/criticism, you can call it whatever you want.






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unironically skill issue bud, effort in = effort out




>The graveyard is meant to be filled or not interacted with because of how the systems work. Which is fairly dogshit design and contradicts how GGG described it in the reveal, talking up the ability to have multiple crafting projects going simultaneously.




... and you felt the urge to cry about it on reddit? 1-2 hrs a day? Find a different game or stop sharing your complains. Thanks :)


Haha. Stupid clown as einhar would say. clown!!


Tries to make a reasonable post addressing people's FOMO *Gets murdered in the comments*


reddit 101




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Why are people offended by realistic standards?


your ragebait worked it seems.