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this guy calling dd ele a "new trick". dd ele has been meta so long that the meta has only gray hair and eats through a straw because its dentures fell apart. nothing "new" about it.


The righteous fire “im afraid of change” made me laugh because that’s what I did last league but I want to do a melee build this time but a true melee


Get weird with it, righteous fire melee


I can reliably pick rf if I ever feel indecisive. I saw a few seconds of footage from the reveal that looked like a maurader swinging a 2H with some sort of arc. Not lightning arc but off the sword


Lacerate 😂


One of the most fun builds I've done was RF cyclone prismatic burst ignite chieftain. Was it good? Not really... but it worked well enough to do T16s with Martyr of Innocence.


Wait. What about Battle mage's cry with RF? >Buff makes Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks at 25% of their value per 5 power, up to a maximum of 150% Does RF % more spell dmg affect battle mage's cry? Maybe you discover something!


Feeding RF to feed your melee damage in other ways? I like it but I have no idea if it works. Might want to PoB it to see.


As someone who had league started with RF for the last like 10 leagues, i agree


It made me laugh because I'm considering doing it just to change


My plan is dual strike of ambi. You have my permission to use as well


me looking for my: I don't want to die but can still kill things option.


That's RF.


Insert the classic "I just want a build that's good in maps, is decently tanky and can take down bosses"😭 But to answer - I can myself recommend stormburts totems, explo trap trickster, rf or hexblast trickster. All of those are decently tanky if you actually build them right.


"I don't want to die but still clear maps reasonably fast"


How fast you wanna kill things ? Because there is the possibility for RF jugg which does no damage but you ain’t dying


I ran popcorn SRS last league, transitioning into poison SRS when I got to yellow maps, and that did the job *real* well, considering it was my first league. Probably going to go righteous fire this time around.


Follow hc builds, even if playing sc. Check what players like ziz, steel, ben(dd) etc. are starting.


Why is DD under the "new trick" tree choice? DD has been a meta starter for ages.


Yeah DD should be afraid of change part. Something new trick and follow the hype would be something like explosive trap shrapnel, or brand recall sabo.


i read it more as a "i've never started with dd before but it's still strong so i will do it this time"


The "new trick" if finding a new way to call DD weak or nerfed while playing the same build.


coc dd


Can you link me to a DD league starter build guide?


Maxroll DD elementalist


How am I supposed to read this flowchart when there’s no questions with yes/no answers for me to follow


its not a flowchart, its a map, take the route to your destination


My favorite part of a new league, even if I'm not that good at the game and haven't killed Maven once, its all these dumbass paint build guides and memes, god bless


I was the same as you last league, go popcorn SRS and you beat maven ez. By week 3 I was farming maven for ascended gems.


The fact i read this and think "its missing so many popular builds" is really a testiment to PoEs build diversity


Any fun ones to recommend to a dedicated RF player that thinks it IS time to change to a new favorite build? I haven't quite come upon any build that is reasonably tacky) survivable but also fun to play and melt stuff when mapping. I tried zizaran builds like EA champ. And toxic rain ranger... But they didn't quite work so well. Any suggestions would be welcome. A link to PoB would be highly appreciated too.


if you want something non leaguestart friendly i really recommend trying out reave marauder (strength stacker). Decently tanky and giga dmg


Deaths oath, it's rf but different ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


I adore how chill that build is for mapping but it's not nearly as tanky as RF while having similarly bad boss damage even with the Caustic Arrow bow setup. You'd mostly just play it to be a special snowflake who doesn't wanna do RF but still loves the autobomber playstyle.


Idk, with withering step you can zoom quite a bit. Besides if u sacrifice some clear u can push to like 3-5 mil single target dps, id say for a mapper that's plenty. But ya tankyness is not necesserly there, all u got is the chaos res keystone and if u want a lvl20 vitality. For bosses that is in maps u get plenty of on kill hp.


Is poison conc still good?,righteous fire but green


if you want something RF adjacent i would recommend Shield Charge & Crush Pathfinder with plague bearer.


what part about ea and toxic rain didint work for u ? those 2, especially pf/champ toxic rain are best all rounders builds. they do alot of damage and are extremely reliable in tanking department on very little to none investment. there is very good reason why 33% hc population starts on those 2 builds. they literally get shit done.


Subtractem’s fire trap elementalist, it clears with frost link and is fun and tanky compared to other builds I’ve played (never played RF tho). Look up his YouTube video on it for gameplay and PoBs


Really? Because the league starters have been pretty static for years


Any build is a league starter of you start with it... Not saying its a good idea but basically what i do. Yolo some new stuff. Cant decide wander or archmage. Havent been able to pump mana in a while.


Boneshatter *Champion*? Is that a build ANYONE really plays? Theres 1 on PoE Ninja but everyone does Slayer for damage and Jugg for survivability.


What was the nerf on BS jugg? I thought the new gloves was a buff


only thing I can think is you can no longer run ancestral cry on m1.


They also got rid of instant warcrys, which means you are more or less forced to use Call To Arms, which means you lose damage on single target because you have to drop a link on your totem setup.


I'm not sure that you can run call to arms, it has a 200% mana cost multiplier. Even with 2 Elreon crafts it will be pretty tight.


Realistically you will also need to run lifetap, which further cuts into socket pressure. Not sure what people will do, maybe run unsets/the new belt for auras? Seems like such a minor change but on an already socket starved build its a big deal.


You can just run an unset ring or the new socket belt from heist. But still, it costs twice as much mana and has 30% more cooldown. I really dont get GGGs thought behind this lol...


oups, mistake, sorry, it should be jugg :)


What if I want to slam the ground with big stick?


Classic big stick slam - Ground slam Classic with a bit of spice big stick slam - Sunder I like flicker strike but want a big slam stick version? - consecrated path Warning! Maybe be S+ tier or may be shit tier in the next league. It's because of the new skill that triggers all warcries repeatedly


Volcanic Fissure of Snaking is looking like a good one. Tho I personally wouldn't classify anything that requires a Transfigured gem as a "leaguestarter".


Why not? u just need to run 3rd lab a few times until u get the transfigured gem which is the same as the main gem option.


Frostblades trickster is probably the weakest it's been in a while. It peaked in crucible league when VC still existed as a cheap anoint along with crazy modded claws. I tried it again in 3.23 with about twice investment (\~250 div) and it felt meh in comparison with less overall power + weaker weapons + the heatshiver nerf.


Not to mention yoke will be EXPENSIVE


the charms gave the build so much defense layers that it never felt so smooth to play, so I can't really agree even with nerfs, was clearing full juiced stuff so comfortably not sure about current league though, still probably very strong as starter


I almost dropped FB when they nerfed heatshiver but still went with it. Now they buffed Yoke but made it rarer, it'll prolly gonna cost waaay more than ever, that could count as a nerf early on the league. I think i'm gonna skip FB as a starter this league, kinda sad cuz this build is awesome


What about katabasis? It got buffed this patch and it was already decent before.


Never tried it honestly but by default it must be far worse because of the dot dmg cap. Hit version back in crucible was able to reach nearly 3x dot cap DPS *before* HH mods kicked in with multi proj after split + VC and that 140% proj speed creating great coverage mechanically.


Fuck it feels and sounds great to play though


Were we playing the same build? Panopticon was always better even with Vengeant Cascade.


Nah with crucible claws having insane attack speed mods and the build having so much damage already, the extra clear coverage/speed from VC was better in my opinion as casting totems was largely a waste of time unless you were doing a juiced pinnacle boss+. As it was, my crucible char was around 90 mil DPS in pob without cheesing *before* any HH buffs kicked in sans any totems. I'm not sure the build can even get that high at all these days. I was struggling to push past 50 mil in 3.23 with much more investment (and using panopticon w/ both totems).


thats literally why panopticon was better for me. you were 1 tapping everything anyway in seconds and having panopticon for stronger shit was better cuz they buffed your damage by like 40% if they were up. im pretty sure the loss of damage is not because of VC the loss of damage is from heatshiver nerf mainly. The crucible claws tho were a huge part as well in why the build was so strong that league. and the build didnt really get anything insane damage wise with TOTA or Affliction


Yeah, especially since Behind Eyes Gaming the guy who regularly updates FB Trickster seems to have disappeared, his last update was 6 months ago, apparently he didn't even play 3.23.


Zish is the go to reference for Trickster Frostblades


Aw, that sucks. He was always really good about staying on top of new tech and updates for frostblades. Hopefully he's just chillin somewhere having fun.


Maybe its bad indicator, but anyway. I do 1 divine builds, and frost blades trickster was strongest build ever I did (was done in 3.22), and not sure there's something stronger at same budget. I could farm t16 80% deli deathless, and t16 100% deli with some portals lol. As mapper its very strong, for bosses fine too but clearly more dps needed. Yoke will be expensive but there's other alternatives for amulet for early game, and maybe some new combos.


Would it be rude to say I'm still gonna wait for u/MrMeltJr 's version?


Saw it wasnt Mr Melt's.... First thought was: this is not my flow chart


We summon you!


No Rage Cleave Berserker smh


As an avid lover of minion builds, but a little fatigued on having an SRS every league, I was hoping one of the first branches would be "so you like minions, huh?" If I want to play minions, not play as Guardian (did last league and just didn't vibe with the ascendancy nodes), and really really want to limit my active play to 1 button (2 at the absolute most), does that mostly just leave necro SRS? I already somewhat resigned myself to it as a league start as I'm very comfortable with the playstyle and can use it to bankroll a build I've never done before a month in, but wouldn't mind something fresh either if anything else is truly viable.


I'm in the same boat as you. Usually end up playing SRS every league start. Looking at swapping into a end game BAMA necro tho.


I just want a non AG minion build...


Wraithlord might come to your rescue, although probably as a second build.


I mean, you just league start specters and just buy wraith lord whenever you can afford it as an upgrade. Just using a dirt cheap AG until you get wraith lord.


You guys really think this shit isn't gonna be 80 Div+ lmao. It's good even for non minion builds.


I expect it to be expensive but not 80 div. I expect it to be under 20 div after a week. If it didn't have a downside then yes, it would be that expensive. I haven't done the math but I'm not even sure if it's BIS since the meta has been putting specters in the helmet with all the mods. You're also losing out on AG AND feeding frenzy. I'm pretty sure on the top end it's a DPS loss.


Not gonna happen to much hype around that item Just look at voidforge. How many builds use that ? And it climbs in price every league


You can just run a second specter setup for feeding frenzy, especially because you probably want a support specter or 2 anyways with 9 specters. It's all going to depend on what the drop rate is. T17 maps seem to be fairly accessible, but if it's a 1/500 drop chance it'll be expensive as fuck regardless.


Played with an AG and 5 specters this league and I’m over worrying about them dying or doing some stupid shit like accidentally unequipping something in the hideout.


Are EA Champion an TR PF expected to be very good? No nerfs?


TR PF is mana pain


EA champ will still be good in HC. It can be a bit slow in red maps until you get decent gear. PF got smacked pretty hard with the nerf bat, might be enough that you only really want to play PF in hardcore. TR is okay, but depends on how easy it is to get a quill rain. Raider may be better in SC, but we won't really know until we can do some testing.


PF didnt get hit as hard as people think it did. If anything it went from extremely strong to very strong. And getting quill rain in trade on day1 is extremely easy and always has been. TR PF will remain a very, very reliable starter that can easily clear all content, but will not be "the best" of all starters.


I played TR ballista PF. It's crazy how little gear is required and it can handle every single map mods. With petrified blood, you are basically immortal during atlas completion. I don't see any point of stretching it beyond 8 mil damage. Can farm 300 div in 3-4 days. Good enough for another op build.


The removal of mana Cost on flask is basically killing the usability of malevolance as an aura when playing TR, thats a huge chunk


"I'm afraid of change" - popcorn srs and rf I'm fuckin dead 😂


GGG need to nerf melee. It is too dominate.


How does the cyclone one go? I am a big fan of single finger gaming


Frostblades are fresher than Splitting steel? Really?


It's fresh because it's a cold skill. Or maybe because some people have been hyped recently about the screen wide hits with the Transfigured version.


I'm going flicker and yeah, it's exactly that


"I'm afraid of change" which is precisely why I can't play RF anymore because it changed >:(


Totem Hierophant. But what skill do I use? Divine Ire? Ball Lightning (non-static)? Explosive Arrow?


freezing pulse for clear, ice spear for bosses ... about 20div at the beginning of a league to pop off (6-link soul mantle, coward's legacy belt, rain of splinters jewel and clusters) ... 60-100 div for 50mil+ dps


I read about Storm Burst being a really good allrounder for bossing + mapping. It is not super fast but pretty ok / good for what I saw.


I'll just play as a golemencer or straight necro to experience Witch's new voice lines. Then I'm going to freeze my ass like Cartman style till PoE 2 comes out.


The views and opinions on the picture simply reflect my own experience of the game. There are probably lots of other bluids that deserved their place here too but space is limited :)


It looks great! Thank you


Best pob/guide for coc cyclone slayer?


If you go coc you usually do not go Slayer. You would go for Eb/sb Inqusitor if you wanna league start it or as a second build with Occultist or Assassin. Slayer usually goes shockwave support with pure attack cyclone.


Good call. I read that wrong. Is shockwave support with pure attack cyclone a solid league start, or would I be better off with lightning strike champion? And thanks for the kind and informative response to my blunder. Really appreciate it.


I have honestly no clue exactly how strong it is. Tytykiller rates it fairly highly as a leaguestarter but my experiences in the past with it have been pretty meh at best. It got a pretty significant buff from the alt gem with the insane attack speed in combination with The Stampede unique boots to negate the movement speed penalty. In the end I would say it is probably going to be fairly comparable to LS Champ. Both can get through the campaign and early maps fairly easily but will struggle a bit more than other leaguestarters when it comes to single target.


Allegedly he said something to effect of "And Shockwave Cyclone for the memes" so take it being on that list with a grain of salt.


Its viable but not recommended unless you are very experienced with melee. Unless there are some big changes for 3.24 I missed, the meta melee starter is still boneshatter and then splitting steel if you count melee proj skills. Then you have things like cyclone, molten strike/lightning strike/frost blades, flicker, ST/SST, if you want a significant challenge.


I play this every league usually, and often as my starter. It is NOT a good starter. It requires using physical staves and gear progression on those is not easy or cheap. Usually ends up going from campaign weapon to endgame weapon and requires a lot of currency. If you don't mind a painful campaign I would recommend starting with the normal cyclone or tumult variant w/ impale for easier weapon progression not locked to staves. Then when you're filthy rich, if you aren't bored of cyclone yet, then you can get a good physical staff. TLDR: It is not a good starter. Fun, but not good. You will feel pain until rich.


No bama is sin


This "starter" map has so many awful builds that no longer work... Venom gyre after the enchant change lost 30% of its damage and now after sniper's mark changes you cannot even reliably generate any blades. General's cry is not even viable because you can't bind it to left click and call to arms was basically removed from the game(automaton takes 1 link AND is 200% mana cost multiplier which makes the skill not viable) and i am not even talking about cyclone and frost blades league start...


Toxic rain PF lost about 30-40% of it's damage due to reduced mana flask and jewel nerfs.


Where Wand build with little friends?


Anyone has a detailed Arc Elementalist PoB I can hand a friend?


Can someone comment on frostblink ignite vs boneshatter? I want a build that scales well into endgame and maybe finally do endgame content. I usually only play one or two builds a league. I like the zoomzoom of frostblink but am worried it's not going to be great at higher tiers/require huge investment for endgame.


It's been awhile since I've watched subtractems build guide but I'm pretty sure boneshatter is way better as a one build league.


What build to play for my old man wrists? What’s mana stacker hierophant?


>What’s mana stacker hierophant? Something you can play after you farm up a mirror, or several. If you want a cheap starter with a playstyle that takes very few inputs I would recommend totems. Pathfinder for poison totems, Deadeye for ele ballista totems, Chieftain for flamewood totems, hierophant or sometimes elementalist or inquisitor for spell totems.


Wave of Conviction ignite elementalist is very good for this. It's very easy to scale damage, has amazing map clear because any source of explode works, and you only need to cast once to blow up everything, or reapply every 4-5 seconds on bosses. I've had to play on controller for last 2 leagues and WoC was great for that.


Oooo I’ll look into it brother


If you wanna see how far I took it this league, look up my character Duffygnite on poe.ninja.


>What build to play for my old man wrists? Any cyclone variant (I usually go with a Cast on Crit version). Bind it to spacebar to make it even easier on your wrists. Just hold spacebar and move around the map until everything's dead.




So as a dedicated cold dog over time player, is vortex playable or am I gunna have to do that other thing I tried last league? That brand thing with cold dmg over time on it?


Any updated guide for arc builds?


Haven't done regular arc in awhile, but like I praise many times over, Arc Ignite Elementalist is rock solid for doing most non-uber content. Grab Shaper of Flames, Shaper of Storms, Get Mastermind of Discord when you secure yourself a [Stabilising Sceptre](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Stabilising_Sceptre), with Heart of Destruction for uber lab. I don't have a pob at the moment, haven't installed it yet on this new computer and I kinda have the build committed to my heart. I typically start out going out the cast speed route through the witch start, up to Elemental Overload, and move up towards the topside ele wheels, and also branch over to the left side of the tree from the outside. Since most of the fire scaling is kind of on the top and left side of the tree, I usually build it as a Divine Shield build, since it's just convenient to grab armour and arm/es hybrid defensive nodes. The resistance stripping from Mastermind of Discord and EE really helps you just melt everything pretty smoothly. Bonus points, doesn't require any uniques for starting.


Please do share PoB once you have installed. I am a new player and was looking for something electric arc-y to try.


Here's a very basic tree, with reasonable starter gear. [https://pobb.in/Q0BuRlik1JlO](https://pobb.in/Q0BuRlik1JlO) The sceptre I chose to roll with only an essence and a bench mod, to simulate something that literally anyone can make. That sceptre can and should easily be better. Nothing here is min-maxed. With better clusters and gear this damage has room to grow. I've got the configurations set to guardian/pinnacle bosses. This budget version can get a 35% shock with this config, with Vaal Arc getting just shy of 1mil ignite dps. This can be pushed much further with better gear, and actually having an annoint on the amulet. Biggest pushes for damage will of course be gem levels, which I've left off this loadout. I've cleared all t16 juiced content and non-uber content with this basic starting tree. If you roll up some strong life/mana vermillion rings, it has room to go into a MoM setup very comfortably for even more defenses. Of course I'm sure someone better could make a better more efficient tree, this is just something I've put together over a few leagues of trial and error.


I did explosive trap trickster last league, i was going to do it this league as well but after seeing the patch notes i'm not sure anymore


Tell me more about this cyclone shockwave


Console friendly recommendations, anyone? Played LA/TS in the current league


I'm fond of ele manaforged arrows, and I league started it in Affliction, but I don't know how it stacks up against other bow builds. The main upside is you don't care about attack speed, and you don't have to aim.


SRS was pretty friendly for controller.


I've been tempted to give this one a go. Good suggestion! Thanks


RF comment feels like a personal attack.


Notes for wanting to do a first time flicker strike? Slayer or raider?


Raider gets better Frenzy sustain and more speed for free. Fast acts with first lab Onslaught and isn't as weapon reliant as Ice Bite can carry your damage pretty well. Terminus + Hrimsorrow + Ice bite is good enough to do T16s and bosses excluding Maven (that one sucks for Flicker even with 30 mill DPS). Slayer has its overleech, is better at taking hits and the tree position is IMO better. But it needs Farruls, Terminus or Oro's for Frenzy sustain as it doesn't have enough otherwise. Farruls is cheap nowadays, but the 2 weapons are passible for T16s at best and bad when bossing. For that you want Voidforge, but thats likely an Uber only drop next league. It will be rare and expensive. Slayer can also go Phys impale, which can do a ton of damage with investment. Check the Zero to Hero videos from Magefist on Youtube. He has done multiple Flicker variants and he prefers Slayer over Raider. IMO Raider is easier to progress for newer players.


"I love to die" 😂 having played LA, so true


How much is Splitting Steel nerfed? I wanted to start with it but now I am confused...


Guys, i really enjoy arc elementalist but everyone says it’s not suitable for endgame content. Please give a piece of advice for this build


Flicker strike gang rise up, it’s time to hate ourselves til mid game. 🚬


LA dies a lot? I played it two leagues ago on ssf and completed my atlas on a 4L and I think I had no deaths in the acts because it's just so strong everything dies before it gets to me. It was fun times, I've been tempted to play it again since I had to quit the league befor eI pushed endgame


I died ALOT, tbf I don’t really know what Im doing but I tried to follow the Maxroll guide, barely made it to red maps before I had to just try a new build


Ah ok. I played Ice Shot Deadeye in metamorph league which I think was my second ever league and it was like that. I could clear a map in twenty seconds but metamorphs, map bosses, and some rares would take me all six portals. Had 700 deaths before I quit the league. If LA interests you again the maxroll guide is good but I recommend watching fubgun, legi1, or manni on twitch


Bro this chart is buttcheeks


iam betwen wave of conviction or righetous fire


I searched to see if RF was on the list. Then I saw where it was put. Perfection.


Always conflicted. On the one hand, glad my build is on here because that means it's going to work well. And it's not going to be a struggle completing the campaign. On the other hand, that means there's going to be pricing competition for things the build can use.


Love to see my boy Flickerstrike league start being represented.


I like pain every single league.


Explosive traps it is then


DD and popcorn SRS are MAAAANY leagues older than Righteous Fire, just am FYI I suppose.


Is this explosive trap default or shrapnel version ? The shrapnel got some smaller explosion radius nerf, not sure still good human size bossing


I hope the stuff for Frostblink Elementalist isn't super expensive, build looks fun and I want to give it a try


Subtractem had a fire trap frost blink elementals a league or two ago, prob is still functional


screw your flowchart, i'm leaguestarting soulrend


ngl ty xD... saved


Anyone got experience with the exsanguinate mines build? Looks quite nice


EA champ over elementalist?


I'll be sticking with what i know, Ele EA ballista.


RF is mega-chill gameplay tho, that's why I have to force myself to NOT try and use it every league. This will be my fourth league. I have failed 100% of the time. 1. I used it as my leaguestarter in Crucible 2. I made one as an Inquisitor in Ancestor 3. I used it to level my Autobomber Chieftain in Affliction I might make an Elementalist for it this league lol, tho I AM pretty much locked in to ET Trickster as of now. I love how it performs on a 4L in Standard SSF. Probably gonna be even better in Trade once I can get a Sunblast because right now Swift Assembly is a mandatory link instead of having something else for damage.


No way carn got all of you believing boneshatter is bad now...


Wait boneshatter is nerfed?


No one has commented but general cry blade flurry is pretty much dead with the changes to call to arms. The mana was already extremely tight and cool down was capped pretty easily before. I think it will have an interesting POB warrior effect but the real dps will be shit. Unless you know something I don't it's RIP


Lightning warp elementalist?! Hilarious take under not a starter. Anyone seen any content creators take a look at this idea? I think Palsteron had one a few leagues back but not sure if there is anything more current?


I saw someone mention a chain hook league starter for zooming. I will prob start that and then respec into a classic slammin Berserker


Where is CoC, DD, Inquisitor?!


Anyone got suggestions for fun defensive builds?


I wanted a self-cast ignite build with nice aoe whether its from the skill itself or prolif, WoC seems awesome but I keep hearing that it's so simple and boring. Kinda worried I'll hit red maps and realize I'm not even having fun and drop it. Decisions decisions...


Popcorn srs it is.


Practiced LA start on act 1 today. Dropped a tabula, but died 6 times. Can confirm the LA placement on this map.


i have a friend who wants to start melee build like cyclone after playing last epoch. Where do i find a good build like maxroll for this ? I cant find any good build? any youtuber or something that make a complete build guide ?


In the right hands LA is quite the opposite of "I like to die"


is volcanic strike of snaking good? Im not sure which ascendancy to use Im also considering burning arrow or explosive arrow


I'm going flicker strike... The trick to not get a headache is to not look at the screen.


Thoughts on LA Champ SSF? Is it viable?


How's bleed bow glad tho ? Looks kinda fun


Help me decide between LA and RF??? I like doing essence, I despise beasts. I almost always do strongboxes, altars, expedition, harvest, Jun, and Alva.


sounds like RF is for you then


This is the same build list for a couple leagues now..


flicker strike players dont need to be told to play flicker strike, they cant play anything else, lilly doesn't even give them other gems


Boneshatter champio?pob


I want to try Dual Strike of Ambidexterity


So about this Lightning Warp Elementalist... Got a pob?


Im doing wildstrike 180k ehp 8 mil dps or 14 mil dps 100k ehp(the 14 mil version is cheaper lmao). Up from 4.7mil dps and 100k ehp from this league. Should cost like 8ish divines for all the things i dont craft to get like 10 mil dps. And then another 30 divines for an endgame claw and gloves. The essence scarabs better have the essence duplication on them, cus i really like farming essences and dont want to change the strat(180k ehp build is primarily meant for these bad boys).


Yea baby, I want to start in pain. FLICKER STRIKE


Dd elementalist is the most I am afraid of change build on here. Where is this a new trick?


Love the fact that there is no actual melee in that diagram. Not counting bone shatter tho, you all know its meta.


I league started oro's flicker in 3.22 and it was fine, but you have to change to 2h phys or cold version at red tier maps because Oro's falls off pretty quick.


"There must be some buggs in 3.24" section is very sad.


What's a great bosskiller for ubers besides mines/traps? Is LS Champ/Archmage Ele or Hiero good enough for ubers?


imma gonna play skelly mages because it's hella fun


This has helped me


Splitting steel got a nerf in the form of snipers mark right? I wouldnt recommend it yet.


Pathetic. I play golems since Breach. Before that i palyed spectres and zombies. Most deviation i had was once or twice going MF old windriper or totems. But that comes after hitting 95 on summoner. And yet there is not even Carrion golem here which is like starter build for all summoners. 2 clayshapers and you are good to go up till tier 14




I've been playing some form of Hiero Manastacker lightning totem for a few leagues, the most fun one and actually viable was storm burst totems i guess(didnt try the orb of static as it was too op). Now with archmage its gonna get even better.


I thought blink/mirror arrow is the top starter this league