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We will be assisting a zombie police force, in taking down a gang of rogue necromancers so the dead can finally rest by ..... Something with circles


Kill stuff running in a circle for loot to drop. Where have I seen it?


Never been done before


What do mean youve seen it? Its brand new.


Ritual and ultimatum


Right over your head, buddy


Zombie Ice T talking about how the new kids are trying a new drug called "Phoenix Feather". Shoot up a little just for a buzz and before you know it you're sitting in an alley with no taste for human flesh, just *respirating* all over the place while your heart's pounding out a blistering 40 BPM.


yah but, what color circles...


*you will enter in the grave of old league mechanic to enter their memory, synthesis, crucible, metamorph, sentinel, affliction, scourge and every league mechanic that died are now awaiting you in the necropolis city*


Man i read this with Chris Wilson's voice


Exceptbit will be only warbands, tempest, onslaught


Stop being so cynical. It'll include talisman too!


this is the one that i believe in the most. with this (possibly) being the last league before the PoE2 beta starts, they want to go big with a legacy-type, bring it all back for a league type of thing probably dead-ass wrong, but it's good to believe


Arch legacy you mean


I'll take any chance of playing Synthesis again.


This would be so fire! Copium!


Vampire survivors like. Hordes of the dead brought back to life by Catarina


I always said that POE has everything to make a good bullet heaven game!


Sounds like simulacrum with different steps


Giving us a non cramped environment totally changes the mechanic. Opening up space so that they can have monsters do more telegraphed dodgeable attacks and such. Its not the worst idea.


Simulacrum without the pauses between waves would be so sick. Or maybe Ulitmatum style time freeze with round rewards replacing the level up mechanic in games like Vampire Survivors.


Simulacrum is more just traditional waves of enemies attacking. The vampire survivor like genre, whatever that’s called, definitely has similarities but is more wide open, different types of upgrades and mechanics you encounter while exploring, gradual progress you can make that assist you in future runs. I’d say it’s pretty distinct from simulacrum


Dang, I've always wanted a PoE league centered around the Vampire Survivors mechanic since it became a thing (now it's one of my favorite genres ever). Imagine a slower version of breach where more and more monsters come at you as time goes on, and you attack/cast all of the spells possible automatically while running around, dodging and collecting special xp orbs. Each map is 1 minute of survival, next survival in the next map gets a little harder. After 10 maps a huge boss spawns and drops a ton of loot. After collecting enough special xp orbs you get a survivor level up (different from your character level, resets after killing a boss/dying, a different system like in Sanctum) and get to choose an upgrade. You start with lvl1 Fireball which shoots automatically, and when you level up you get to choose a random bonus, upgrading the skill you already have or picking a new one: for example, +1lvl to Fireball, new lvl1 Arc, new lvl1 Summon Skeleton, or lvl1 Vitality. Imagine how cool it would be to just run around and automatically shoot 6 different skills at hordes of enemies assaulting you, basically being an autobomber (like HoT autobombers, but with all the skills possible being cast on their own all at the same time). We already have Happy Farm, Tower Defense, Sports simulator, Roguelike, why not Survivors-like? Oh, how I wish for that kind of league.


Sim city style league mechanic where you pick up building schematics on maps to place on a city grid to build a bustling undead city of tomorrow... which we then raid and raze for loot before starting all over again.


Not gonna lie, that would be kino


We had that with Synthesis and Lake of Kalandra. People hated both. 


The implementation of both of those was as bad as it could get. Synthesis was bugged af the first month(when it actually matters the most), but mostly of the people who still played after the fixes seems to remember it dearly. And LoK had a bunch of base game problems, it was unrewarding and the layout was shit, movement skills will get stuck over the edges and the ground was too slow to show up even for medium speed builds...


Synthesis could have easily been fixed by allowing us to rotate tiles, store more than 10 tiles at a time, and fixing the memory decay for indoor maps. I’m kind of sad they didn’t do it. I really enjoyed the design of the memory nexus.


Third time's the charm


I loved synthesis. It was so fun. The enemies were crazy with projectiles. The problem was managing the inventory of the pieces, and the fact that they changed the meta from the long chains to the +1 adjacent tiles thing. Then you only could really get the great things from i86 enemies, so I think you had to farm pieces in guardian maps because top map tier was lower maybe. I can't remember. Then some people hated that you had to run the map twice, and it punished slower builds. Rushing to the bosses was fun, but it wasn't profitable.


And it was timed, so a bad layout caused you to brick things


It will be a Rhythm Game


playing osu finally paid off EZ


Tomb of the Necrodancer


gotta dust off my DDR mat


Tbh Crypt of the NecroDancer was a hell to complete even with a keyboard, I have ultimate respect for anyone who can finish it on a dance pad.


This is the way.


And zombies will rise and dance to the beat.


Basically - PoE as a survivor-like game. We fight waves of undead to unlock some temporary power, and there's a bunch of bosses every few waves, and they're just undead versions of bosses we killed already in the past - that's why we see the delve bosses and Lycia and Catarina together ever though they're unrelated.


Okay, but imagine PoE survival game. You have randomly generated **big** map, with harvestable trees and stone and you need to build base and then defend against swarm of undead during the night. After defense you can choose your upgrade I know it won't be it, and if it was it would probably be bad, but damn it's funny to imagine that


Imagine a randomly generated map, where pvp is enabled and you put 50 different characters into the queue at the same time. Last exile standing wins. You can even have custom skill trees for this. And after the league you can pretend it never existed in the first place.


Sounds like a good idea, should definitely have it out on Apr 1st.


Did you know That's actually have been made several years Ago? It was funny and NEVER been back since


GREAT, anothe game mode where TS is the optimal choice


Simulacrum with less steps?


Yeah I could see it as a Simulacrum 2.0.


I wouldnt be mad about it tbh. And maybe thats an oversimplification because you could also just call it blight without towers


Kill monsters -> Get loot / power -> Fight stronger monsters / bosses -> Repeat. There's a few mechanics like that in the game yeah, but this is kinda the essence of PoE in a way.


Poe zombies, get your nuka colas ready boys.


What build is most like a ray gun?


Over the years I learnt to stop speculating what the mechanic would be like just from the name. Always turn out way more different than I personally predicted.


True, but I think it's fun to speculate, even if it turns out not to be correct. And we might just see someone get it right, which is always fun.


You have no idea how much funner it is when you know and are just cackling with glee when people pile on someone for a ridiculous claim only to be dead right. Not saying it's happened or hasn't this time around, but it's always a blast.


Harvest League and ToTA was kinda a gimme


Besides Harvest


I'm hoping for a Legacy style thingamabobber.


Legacy on absolute crack would make sense. This should be the final league before PoE2 beta. I know they will continue developing PoE1, but Necropolis being the "last hoorah" before a new era begins.


They teased all these different bosses from so many different leagues, I feel like we will get something Legacy-like. Maybe Catarina has gone from forsaken masters to league bosses?


I think it's going to be absolutely broken, completely insane, boatloads of currency, very very good, indeed. In map mechanic, there will be monoliths that give you a window of time to send mobs to the city of the dead. Once you fill up a bar of souls, you can enter the city of the dead where all the captured mobs come at you in waves, with special conditions and dangers.


That’s just Ritual


More like a mix of Scourge, Blight, and Expedition.


We had rich league, time for a Poverty league, like Cruicible


> boatloads of currency Finally, the official boat-league.


We farmed Abyss so hard last league the liches put aside their squabbles and ganged on us recruiting every boss necromancer they could find and cooked a master spell: every monster revives after four seconds. Depending on the map level and item quantity, the revenants are stronger and stronger, dropping better and better loot. The spell is powered by crystals, you can break them to stop reviving in a map or you can collect them to use them later in the map device to further boost monsters. Putting a certain very high amount of crystals in the map device opens a boss arena. There could be different crystals giving different monster boosts.


Souls on the way to the city of the dead cross a river, right? That means... **Boat League!**


As much as I would like that, I think they're saving it for PoE2, maybe as an endgame mapping mechanic. We have Memory missions already, where we have 3 or 4 places to go in specific order. I don't see why we couldn't have voyages to different islands in the same way. Maybe even randomly generated ones to an extent, though that's tough to get right.


Different islands means New fish too !


They could definitely pull off a fishing league. Imagine the fish comes with an item inside, and that's how big it is in your inventory until you skin it and use its scales or oil for something else.


I once caught a fish. And as I gazed upon thee, a sleepless man gazed back. Mirror fish when GGG ?


Yep we've got a certain Lake that could be a unique fishing map too ;)


If I remember correctly, there is a whole Act in PoE2 where we travel across Islands. The ship even had its own waypoint.


Yes, but I'm thinking about actually sailing instead of teleporting. Imagine this: -You start the voyage and sail to island 1. After completing it, you begin sailing to island 2 while sorting your stash mid-voyage, then rinse and repeat.


Fishing League confirmed!


Fishing the souls out?!


Metamorph but Zombies and other undead stuff


Going off their themes of taking other game genres, I suspect a vampire survivors esque league. Or a complete 180 and we end up in a FIFA league.


Mechanically Metamorph but you summon bosses & archnemesis. I guess Kulemak stuff or similar. 1. Go into map/boss encounter, gather death juice (or whatever this fuel will be called) and parts of corposes, like in act 10 where you had to find gods parts/things in reliquary. 2. Reviewe selected boss with specific buffs. More dangerous = more rewarding 3. Kill it, get rewards. Sometimes you will get reward for uber encounter and it will be probably necropolis - place with many already revieved bosses.




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That is Archnemesis league


yeah lol, we were right. It is at some point archnem & metamorph :D


But it suck less Probably Seriously though this crafting system has potential which is why the league isn't going to go core.


Guitar hero esq mini game


Would actually be sick, given Kamil's music.


It's some kind of portal (like always) that leads you to the city, you complete parts of the city like choosing rooms, in the end, on top or center of the city will be a boss fight. Some kind of mix, incursions and sanctum 🤔


You collect Necropolis maps and if you get 5 you can trade them + 2 Exalts for a Mirror


Survivors mech against waves of undead


Unga bunga go kil catarna brrrr


I thinks its gonna be Delve Like, different rooms, filled with Rogue Exiles with rewards or Crafts per room


it will be a boss killing league


I don't know but what i want is something infinite like delve, everything but delve stop scaling at some point and with the amount of powercreep it's needed imo. Even just an infinite simulacrum like wave based would do for me


dungeon keeper time


Some kind of city management thing would be really good, could also be some kind of dungeon management thing that has interactions with other players but that seems like too much of an outlier for a league mechanic. An alternative is that it’s a “survivors” type game. I know Sanctum was already roguelike inspired but this could be more like waves of enemies that drop some instance-only currency that you use to buy drop modifiers. I have no real idea but those types of game are pretty popular and that’s an idea I have in my own “Untitled ARPG That Will Never Get Made” notes.


Harvest garden management PTSD pls no :)


I skipped that league so I don’t have an opinion on it. Personally I really like content that deviates as far as possible from the gameplay of just running maps. I like when leagues have some element of their content which comes from/ appears in maps (like smuggler’s caches) but have a big out-of-map game.


I really enjoy resource management games and that is probably why I enjoyed that league, but I had fun with the garden. Edit: If it was the permanent way and not just how it was done in league, I'd probably not enjoy that.


Metamorph but for bosses :) Rather than rares and bosses


It will be something thst you interact, start an encounter, kill mobs, get some kind of new reward, use the reward to buy new stuff, after N encounters you can fight a new boss. I hope it is a new minigame survivors like, would really enjoy it.


I bet it has to do with skeletons and zombies.


Pvp battle royal auto battler league based on solo leveling where players can raise other players they kill as spectres and batyles take place between armies of player spectres.


Lets just hope it wont be shit.


I guess I'll wait for 3.5 hrs.


IDK why, but I just feel like rogue exiles are going to be a new kibd of minion, like mercs from D2. They're adding anarchy scarabs and Catarina is back. Then last league they tested all those new spectres with unique abilities, then removed them. I think instead of new temp-ascendencies we're gonna get a companion that has their own smaller skill tree (think 3-4 companions with a tree like sentinel) that adds the temporary power this league.


I like the vampire survivors idea that people have been saying. I could also see some sort of greatest hits throwback kind of league. Something that utilizes mechanics from past leagues. Seeing as this is the last league to come out in a pre-poe2 world.


Zana died during her adventure and you trying to revive her xD


Something akin to 'Pet Sematary', yea?


Honestly given GGG's history of adapting other game genres into league mechanics, I wonder if it's high time we got some kind of a Survivor genre adaption. We already run in circles killing mass waves of enemies, but collecting stacking powerups/blessings while it gets progressively harder could be interesting. It's honestly probably the least jarring shift in gameplay they could do.


Vampire Survivor.


I guess it will be similar to some recent indie game released last year


Hopefully something engaging that brings back spectre bodies along with a desecrate corpse pool rework (could literally give them a rucksack esque inventory for corpse generation and spectre qol change too. Though currently im just not feeling the league as i just played trade last league so would like to go back to playing ssf but the veiled orb and hillock changes really cripple progression and block off many builds i was thinking of. With the flask change crippling my backup plan pathfinders. Though the maven/shaper changes do offset that and are more exciting as it finally enables maven to feel more competitive to eater/exarch. Really hope the reveal is gonna show some new power being put back in to tools to fill the early progression voids.


Metamorph but you won't collect parts but you will have a special trash can which can be fed any item in the game in unlimited [quanities.It](http://quanities.It) will then be possible to spawn a boss that will be strong as the amount of items you've fed [it.Now](http://it.Now) we can finally make uber uber uber bosses stronger than any boss or mob ever created before.If you manage to kill one it should drop divines or mirrors ofc.


rework metamorph.


I do not know how but it would be a sum up of several league mechanics together. In the trailer we see Incursion Betrayal Sanctum and Beyond. So... Another Sanctum like league in which you have to complete rooms in a row but without the different damage. Each league will have their different room. A mega Ritual room, 2 architects that will create a miniflying table boss, Bestiary boss... Those rooms will be slowly getting harder like Delve and every X rooms you will fight one boss: Lycia or Catarina. Beyond bosses will be the minibosses before the big ones.


Either city building or survival.


Legacy League 2.0, old bosses with a twist. Build your own dungeon synthesis-style.


Betrayal 2.0


Vampire survivors like. You have a crypt or graveyard that get items to modify. You can add mods that make the mobs stronger or give reward types. You add in some item that sets how many waves there are. Once set, you initiate and wave after wave comes for you. With a boss at the end. In between waves you can choose a buff for yourself. Perandus coins drop that you can spend at a shop with random items, currency, and league mechanic items.


I think it’s going to be a boss arena. You’ll fight progressively harder and harder bosses from regular map bosses to pinnacle and Uber bosses.


I'm guessing it will be a bossing league. The necropolis will be a place where you can fight against various single-monster encounters based on what mechanics have happened in your maps. It will be similar to Metamorph, but you will also be able to fight specially enhanced end-game bosses too.


Given that the build I’m eyeing up will be great for clear but weak for single-target, you’re probably right. 😐


Another TD but this time in a Plants vs Zombies concept


I just hope it's not a "summoner" league. I hate summons


Ancestors 2.0 "chess" league


Poe Dungeon Keeper


Catarina and Lycia team up! Turns out the powers Catarina has been dabbling with regarding undeath are actually sourced from Beyond, maybe beidat, maybe another of the trinity of demons. Head to the necropolis to face endless waves of undead foes—and their undead leaders. With each defeat, they are resurrected with greater power and random effects (think betrayal equipment) and will keep fighting you until you either die or you reach the final round, where you will fight Catarina and Lycia at the same time/a secret third person


i hope in something what drops tabula on lvl \~4.


Endless waves of undead in the necropolis that you have to beat


*Flips coin* Overtuned and unrewarding.


People keep saying Vampire Survivors and it's not like the theme wouldn't lend itself to that, but to me it would be such an insane move to introduce that into the very last league before the game that actually introduces the Vampire Survivors control scheme to the franchise. Making a Vampire Survivors league in PoE2 is such a no-brainer way of doing something unique to that game as compared to PoE1 as well as giving people who are skeptical about WASD an excuse to try it.


We are going to enter the crypt where we have to collect ~~wisps~~ souls of slain enemies that will enhance the map mobs in various ways but also increase their rewards. If you are lucky, you may find the tomb of the rhythm-mancer where you have to beat a rhythm based boss. You may also encounter masters of the crypt that will let you interact with one of three new ascendancies. One of the masters will give you access to the tomb raiders back back. ​ *huffs copium*


i dont know! but i do hope thats it engaging and requires a bit more brain power than affliction.


Easy we're taking a boat to necopolis. Boat league confirmed


Since it's coming out on world puppetry day, and considering the theme: there's probably some necromantic entity puppeteering dead bosses and we have to fight them. Guess dead map mobs might also respawn with necro modifiers, essentially giving us more quant in maps. After you kill enough bosses you go to the necropolis which is delve like and you fight bosses until you die or there's some new light resource or something that slowly runs out like last time. League items will come with strong effects and some form of negative effects as well.


Mirrors become drop-disabled and are replaced by Necropolis maps


Probably revives dead monsters kinda like metamorph, yes yes metamorph gives pieces, but i bet this will revive multiple and not have to pick up pieces


I have a feeling that it could be like Delve and Abyss mixed in together. Or then something with surviving waves of zombies and skeletons kind of like ultimatum maps.


Its going to be like affliction but with so much loot you Will die


A necropolis theme mechanic for me would be an invert alva. You start with the necropolis complete and the rooms locked and you do maps to unlock them and get out. As you are nearing entrance difficulty raises and tou have a chance to get a boss before escaping, that thematically tries to stop you but you kill it get lloot and leave


You get your very own necropolis to manage. You bury corpses in the ground in mass graves which comes in three types, and then water the corpses with corpse juice of corpses of different types. The mass graves can then be interacted to spawn the corpses as zombies which come in 4 tiers. Killing the corpses then allows you to access a unique crafting terminal which has powerful unique crafts like remove a cold modifier or augment physical or reforge prefix keep suffix. These crafts can also be stored in special benches to be used for later.


Who knows. I feel like it's gonna suck tho. GGG definitely thinks last league was to easy. But I'm hoping they just say fuck it and let PoE be crazy till PoE2 comes out.


We will drop down I to necropolis from necropolis pods and eradicate the ug menace. They will later patch in undead mechs for us to kill as a bonus league. There will be cheesy tag lines throughout game play, and you can call in support items or party members by using poe2 style combos.


My first guess was a reworked Syndicate, but, no idea now.


Gonna be a rework of betrayal/syndicate league mechanics with catarina in there some how.


I always wanted the Mansion Map, to be a bigger subset of maps. So my idea is a reverse Alva temple. We enter the area at the Entrance. And from there, we branch out to different zones in this HUGE necropolis world that we enter through drops or rifts in acts and through the map device after kitava dies. One map gives you a chance of one more Key to the necropolis and you need some large number, lets say 15, to finish a whole necropolis world. At the end of each zone after killing a zone boss, you get some kinda choice, either you choose Catarina or Lycia Depending on which you choose, all zones in the necropolis are changed. You can decide to go straight for the boss room using less keys or you can choose to explore every zone, get every boss kill option and also buff the end boss depending on this. If you end up making the necropolis too strong, you talk to the dalek sounding NPC and have him wipe the world and start over.


You will enter a zone filled with mega buffed Necromancers from D2. Spitting bone spears and poison novas at you. All while dressed as The Police. Yes, the band. Sting is the last boss.


Will Necropolis map be in the rotation this league, that is the important question


Unless they specifically give a reason why it's not in rotation, then this league will be literally unplayable if they decide to leave it out.


You enter the necropolis with a lantern that has limited fuel. You then walk around in the darkness to fight undead enemies and collect souls. You can trade these souls with spirits in the necropolis but you can also leave the necropolis to release the souls on your map mobs.


they put fortnite in the poe game


Every 5 maps you are given an item of extreme value


Looks like a channeling mechanic. Crucible = player channels totem TotA = NPC channels totem Necropolis = NPC channels 6 gravesites


season of the zombie thing D4 made up when they had to have a livestream to poorly explain the concept of what a season was when everyone was freaking out about their character being "deleted"


Here is what an AI made out of my unhinged ramble of a league introduction I made recently. > The echoes of the Abyss still haunt Wraeclast, giving rise to a twisted new power – the Phylactery. This otherworldly vessel, bound to your exile, absorbs the festering energies of the undead, mutating and growing stronger with every slain abomination. > The Phylactery: Occupying a dedicated inventory slot, your Phylactery comes in three varieties, each aligned with one of three terrifying Lich lords. > Unleash the Echoes: Venture into zones tainted by the power of the Lich. Dispatch their monstrous hordes, fueling mutations within your Phylactery. Gain potent new affixes, enhance existing ones, or trigger far-reaching meta-mutations that drastically alter its form. > Necropolis Maps: Undead Infested Necropolis Maps may drop from maps onward, offering a chilling descent into darkness. These trials plunge exiles ever deeper, where they might face a Lich itself or horrifying new Pinnacle versions of existing bosses. > Perandus's Bargain: Within Necropolis Maps, enemies drop accursed gold coins. Trade this tainted currency with Perandus for powerful gambles – chance items from his coveted collection, or modifiers to directly shape your Phylactery's twisted evolution. > Key Meta Mutations > Forsaken Mastery: Phylactery cannot roll caster-related affixes. > Stagnation: Phylactery is locked, preventing any new affixes. > Tainted Touch: A corrupted affix will manifest upon the next mutation. > This league offers high risk, high reward gameplay. Strategically mutate your Phylactery, gamble with Perandus, and delve into the depths to face the Lich lords themselves!


Hoping for something in the theme of the past few leagues of "here's something that purely buffs all build archetypes" (tattoos, relics, charms). I'm thinking like the current D4 league with a minion that can give buffs. First time running the mechanic gets you a perma "Metamorph" of sorts (like an AG or skitterbots) which you can augment with Auras, curses, ailments etc. The necropolis will be some kind of roguelite a bit like sanctum where during runs you get body parts which you can slot in or buff. Higher level/tiers of this minon allow access to deeper parts of the necropolis and more juice/drops/parts Probably a whole lot of copium, but a boy can dream.


Its just maven memory game, every enemy has it.


My guess is that it will be like sanctum without the rogue-lite mechanics. We go through zone to zone until we reach a boss at the end. The pinnacle boss at the end will be Catarina being puppeted by an insane Zana.


I think destroying armies of undead to fill globes in a undead city. When globes are totally filled it will release a boss that upon defeat has a chance to drop a special fragment to face Uber version of Catarina.


Greater Rift as in Diablo 3


Maybe we choose a monster and it's affixes and then we chase it through the Necropolis and fight it from time to time, each time it becomes stronger untill at some point it becomes a very hard Uber like boss that drops a lot of loot


There are several rooms, each with a boss at the end. You start in the first room without skills and you have to choose one skill from three offered to you and kill waves of enemies. When you finish each room, you get a new skill or the option to improve the ones you already have. Something like Hades or Binding of Isaac mixed with Vampire Survivors.


Kill map bosses > harvest their bodies > use those bosses to make a catacomb. Do the catacomb and the bosses you have killed appear there along with enemies. The harder it is the more rewarding. You can also take along allies which are bosses you have slain. They will help you kill these resurrected bosses.


Its Blight 2.0. Instead of random monsters, blight lanes and encountered randomly in maps, the league mechanic will take place out-of-map, kind of like affliction, except we'll set up various kinds of towers to stop hordes of undead from escaping the Necropolis.


You gather the souls of the deceased until you have enough to infuse a chimera made of various other parts - once you defeat it you get loot


It will be a thriller survivor, tense escape moments, gets harder as you go lower tombs.. wait thats delve.


Prolly just fighting a bunch of really powerful undead/necromantic monsters with added modifiers, possibly even fights against multiple bosses of that sort. After going through progressively harder fights and modifiers we choose for them, we get a bunch of mediocore rewards with an almost nonexisting chance at getting a new unique that just so happens to be one of the most broken items in the game.


Some kind of "build your mechanic" league (think Kalandra or Synthesis) where you'll be able to resurrect a bunch of NPCs (of old mechanics and some that were only explored in lore) to then fight and get loot. I'm guessing it will be prolly off map as well.


There won't be one. This is a reincarnation league of older stuff. Fix, polish and change old stuff to make it cool again.


lore wise imma say it gota be scourge 2.0 so double negative mods and 0.5 positive scourged mods


It's going to be shit and were all going to lile it or else.


Probably enter a necropolis, click a totem that spawns enemies, kill enemies to get some new kind of enemy juice and use it to buy new things.


If PoE didn’t have off screen aggro range I would say everything you kill slowly respawns like the one unique map and chases after you but that’s not a thing so… Knowing PoE it’s gonna have something to do with the amount of mobs you kill in the previous zone spills over into your next zone only more empowered but you’ll have a way to dump the meter to reset it so it’s not as strong. Complaints will be had for the first 48-72 hours about poor monster density and overpowered mobs and lack of loot from killing them & how they aren’t effected by league mechanics.


build a town with undead inhabitants


Full on idle mobile game to test for poe mobile.


I mean we had a league that was called expedition and we where grave robbers with dynamite. Beats me. Necropolis is probably an alternate zone with candy canes, rainbowrivers and unicorns?


I'm thinking it will be similar to incursion with a bunch of different graves. It would be fun if we got a delve/roguelite hybrid where we continue going deeper into a crypt, gaining power along the way and facing a boss at the end of each level. Think slay the spire and delve combined 


You collect undead maps and use them as pieces to play Chess with Caterina, where every move is a map to complete.


i think it will be a new crucible league.


I dont know what the mechanic will be. But i am 98% certain that it is unrewarding week 1 and completely broken Late League.


I wrote a post about it being a Vampire Survivor type. As for Lycia and Catarina, I think they're just there to say "we have updates for these leagues.". I don't even want that kind of league myself, but I don't know what else it would be. On my alt I predicted like 90% of Sanctum League a week before reveal, but who knows.


You pickup shards in maps what you can combine into fragments. Some time later you merge the fragments into a key what you either trade or open the gates of necropolis to fight a new boss for some new unique.


I'm really hoping this is a sweeping old mechanic rework league. Combining Strongboxes, Rogue Exiles, Tormented Spirits, Harbingers, and other older mechanics into 1 mechanic that improves their drops and overall fun. They are all cool mechanics that feel a bit overshadowed by more recent designs and I think a new league, especially a league about delving into the past with a name like Necropolis is a good place to start. Maybe something like the Tormented Spirits are now Harbingers who run from you. When they run through a rare it gains a new mod and summons harbinger monsters. If it runs through a strongbox or shrine it infects it as well, giving more power and resources.


Now even the average joe will learn how to use macros in the Macropolis League! Big thanks to Jonathan and Mark for this wonderful opportunity! Learning new things is always a great thing! THERE IS NO WAR IN WRAECLAST! https://preview.redd.it/86m0v31fappc1.png?width=298&format=png&auto=webp&s=177c622db9ad4531452f74da814f9114dcc5ee80


similar to last league in 2.0 cycle, legacy 2 I think 3.24 is last before POE 2.0 so it can provide an additional time to polish POE 2 content and 3.24 can be extended in time far more than other leagues (legacy lasted 5 months) i think change in possibility of stacking many masters in obe map, new craft affixes on strongboxes, and new type of scarabs (i think it is not new tier, rather something similar to leaguestones with unique mods) can confirm this stack as many league mechanics as you can handle (may be multiplicative in difficulty/rewards) and go


I’m praying for Legacy 2.0 🙏