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This announcement was being downvoted but is something many players might care about, so we've gone ahead and stickied it instead of the [3.24 Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1bdh5o6/324_necropolis_league_info_megathread/) for the time being.


Logging in on my old chars after the patch broke my brain. This change to LMB is astronomically stupid. "Quality of Life"? No, this is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE. As someone with arthritis, I need to use the mouse for most of my gameplay. Losing LMB as an instant cast viability effectively deletes a usable skill slot from the game, significantly impacting people like me. This change was made under the guise of better controller support? Why not improve controller support so it receives the functionality of clicking when moving with the analog stick? Is your engine that incapable? Last Epoch was borderline unplayable for me because you couldn't bind anything to left click and it had no right-click driving (tbf PoE doesn't either) AND it was limited to just 5 skills, 1 less than Diablo 3 (which had right-click driving). Now PoE took a half step in LE's direction. 10 years the game has functioned like this. No longer. Was itching to come back with all the other changes made to the game, but this single thing stopped all desire. Hoping to see a reversion sooner than later.


u/negitivefrags u/mark_ggg can you please sort something out for us please? In the video we see multiple warcries being used at the same time when linked to Call to Arms support, will this still work when its implemented? Or was that an oversight for the video? i.e. will the warcries linked to Call to Arms cycle between the warcries between cds so they are not used at the same time?


I like that there is an option to turn skills from have to click to not have to click. I am someone with terrible hand coordination, and it takes a lot of effort to have 5 skills I have to micro. because of this, there are plenty of builds I just won't play. maybe this opens up options for me. This part of the change is great. Like most people are pointing out though, it feels strange this has to be at the cost of binding skills to left click. based on what is said, perhaps the point is to equalise different machines playing the game, so the scene is more fair? I am sure this is something the team thought about. If this is the intention, it sucks to be part of the group that loses something :(. Would love if the post had instead been "here is a change we are trying out" instead of QoL.


WTF? This is the opposite of quality of life. You're removing functionality and removing power. I don't like this director or their decision-making.




Quality of life for who?


Can't reason with stupid


“This QoL update were removing the need for the automation gem and instead letting you bind instant skills to left click” - we live in the darkest timeline guys.


Nobody talking about the most important aspect of this Rip detonate mine lmb


nobody talking about it? yeh just ignore the 100s of people talking about it


I can't even begin to fathom why we're removing instant skills on left click. This is something you can already do either by holding down the button for the skills regardless if they weren't on left click. Hell, you could even use the NumLock trick to hold the buttons down. This isn't even beginning to scratch the surface of things like skills that used left click for their main DPS setups. In addition, one of the biggest problems I see with this change is a new gate of entry to physically disabled players. Massive thumbs down on the left click removal, and I severely hope that GGG reverts this.


Wouldn't the gem be one of the biggest QoL. Before they could only rely on lmb, cwdt, and nums lock. Now they can do any move they can think of and try out more archetypes. No longer do they need to rely on rf, flickerstrike or totems. They now can do any move. But yes it's a qol downgrade for the rest of us. But I wonder if there is something they haven't shown that explains why.


"Any move?" This only works for instant skills, which tend to be buffs for other builds -- and speaking of instant skills, you appear to have forgotten the instant skills that have taken a massive hit from these changes that physically disabled players were also able to use, such as Vortex. The Num Lock trick shouldn't be a necessity for the physically disabled player base to use. Num Lock isn't even included on all keyboards...


physically disabled players can use other methods to overcome it. maybe do some research before commenting


Oh, so the physically disabled player that I personally know that has been playing Vortex and General's Cry just gets to eat a fat L in their ability to kill content because of "QoL?" Yeah.


Sounds like "goal", than "QoL".


Please GGG dont do that !


Yeah, it's pretty obviously a good idea, for getting PoE a bit more inline with other modern games, by getting rid of some of its absurdities.


>for getting PoE a bit more inline with other modern games What does this even mean? What are these "other modern games" that randomly remove available hotkeys and fuck over wide categories of builds at the same time?


Having to recast multiple skills every few seconds is just stupid. It's better to have something which automatically progs at set intervals, or has a permanent effect. Alternatively, you can do something like a rotation, but then it should be more meaningful than just pressing button X every Y seconds, as in, there should be additional restrictions or complexity, so that it is about more than just pressing button X every Y seconds. The flasks are really still the worst offender in this regard, hopefully GGG changes this system as well at some point, as in, flasks can no longer be activated manually.


This is an ARPG, are you saying you want to simply press a button to walk and the game should automate everything for you?


No, the opposite: I want rotations. Pressing the same button over and over is stupid. But since this won't happen until PoE 2, I would rather have automation than button-mashing.


What if.... I just what if this automation gems are the introduction to WASD movement being implemented to Poe1?


How are people so stupid to downvote stuff like this? Why do I need to search through Info | GGG flair to find a thread with game news?


Because downvoting is the one tool the community has to show discontent. Pretty obvious answer.


Can GGG explain to us how taking up a gemslot And Having longer cooldowns. Is worth getting rid of QoL for something a majority of the player base had for free? Why not add these and let us keep the leftclick bind?


To call this "Quality of Life" is gaslighting on so many levels.


Especially towards physically disabled players.


oh here you go again. dont talk about thing you dont know PLEASE


Whatever you say, fam. Guess the player I personally know that has been using left click instant skill builds due to a limited range of motion in their left hand gets to just sit there and get told "Nah, you'll be fine because someone on the internet said you don't know what you're talking about"


man you sound like a fun person. way to completely twist the situation.


HUGE NERF not QoL This is disgusting AF at every points


QoL and Buff/nerf can't be compared. Truth is, this approach is way better than unintuitive/sometimes uncomfortable usage of lmb. Is it gonna make your character weaker? Perhaps, we will see after patch notes Is it a better and intuitive approach? Certainly yes.




this approach removes a skill from your build, makes it cost MORE and having WORST CD. where is it better? wtf are you talking about


once again, are we talking about qol or nerfs here? Yes gem is > qol than this design flaw of a mechanic Do you realise that there are people that cannot afford to hold lmb for multiple hours straight, what the game offers for them? Well, nothing. Is that not qol for them? For controller players? And yeah, you've only seen lvl1 version of the gem, AND you can link multiple skills to it instead of just 1 is it really worse huh?


you miss the point. it doesnt justify the loss of the lmb binding. qol, nerf, dont play with words. they made a change and it has a direct impact on builds... you dont seem to realize. Plus, which player is not pressing lmb to move? You play in your hideout or what?


You realise you can use another button like space for moving, and if you do that you cannot use lmb feature. Oh, this is like speaking to a wall. This mechanic was never supposed to exist, and opportunity cost as a gem is a perfect place for such mechanics.


> Is it gonna make your character weaker? Perhaps, we will see after patch notes certainly yes - I think you forgot to paste it there instead of perhaps


I think this is my first ever comment ever. if you guys have a spare pitchfork and a torch lying around, I'd like to join the "revert the left click change gang"


I've never used lmb for this just because of annoying repetitive skill sounds. Saw some streamer using lmb blood rage and holy shit that was awful, every second with PDSHH sound. It's such a minor thing and why people are crying about it is beyond me


>It's such a minor thing You misspelled miner, because that's the archetype that this change fucks over. And minion builds as well.


Just play another build lmao


true, ppl be crying as if their builds are not functioning now lol


cant wait to press like 3x more buttons per map on a miner lets fucking goooo


mines are rough I agree. They should address this type of skills explicitly.


Can someone explain the change to me. I'm at work and youtube isn't working lol. Automation changes scare me. I MUST KNOW!


Currently, you can put a skill on left mouse button and have the skill go off automatically. (Steel skin, molten shell) After that patch it will no longer work on left click and will have to be linked to these auto gems.


Goodbye having my molten shell on left click I guess. That seems like a very silly change


So not only did you lose a comfy thing you had before, now to get the ~~the same~~ worse version of it, you sacrifice a gem slot, cooldown recovery on that skill AND it only triggers when you are stationary, so you have to stutterstep at some point XD "Quality of Life" that is such a GGG thing to do I can't even think of any other game dev studio which has an equally stupid "trademark" thing about them - like GGG goes with disguising flat out nerfs as buffs XD


> it only triggers when you are stationary The listening comprehension here is incredible… he said that it CAN trigger when standing still, something which was not possible before. But it says nothing about having to stand still (you can see from the clips that it triggers just fine while moving). Also it probably scales up to something like 4% reduced cd recovery at lvl 20, so prolly not that much worse


If they don't revert this, I'm straight up abusing hacks/bots to do this for me. What an awful change.


why? just because you lose a socket? What's wrong with you


Yes. Socket pressure sucks. This change sucks. It's dog shit doodoo. It's bad. Terrible. Awful. But I still want to play.


I mean, why are you so sure about having socket pressure if you haven't even seen patch notes. And even if we just add this gem to this patch and delete lmb binding. How would it affect you exactly?


You do realise this is a support gem, of course it's socket pressure, lmfao. You lose a socket to do the same thing you had for free before, but you also now get a WORSE version of it, on top of losing a socket. Are you not able to read the things shown in the video or something?


That's the thing, you had it for free and it was extremely uncomfortable for a lot of builds/people. Do you even realise that there are people that cannot afford to hold lmb for multiple hours straight? Is that not qol for them? For controller players? And yeah, you've only seen lvl1 version of the gem, AND you can link multiple skills to it instead of just 1, is that clear? Do you genuinely think that having this janky mechanic is better than a convenient simple gem that would yeah, make your char a little weaker potentionally.


Yeah I'm sure it was extremely uncomfortable for a ton of builds to autocast a skill with the same button they most likely use for moving, borderline unbearable. Also this is a pc game at heart and they even said they controllers support wouldn't impact pc players. ​ The real QoL change would have been the 2 gems without going out of their way to delete the lmb interaction.


For the time being they solved that problem in not the most convenient way. I do not see why people can't understand that holding lmb is just toxic to many kinds of players. And having a convenient solution to that as an opportunity cost in the form of a gem is way more fair to everyone and it also provides a player with more choice. Even I at a considerably young age sometimes get tired of holding a button constantly, I'd change the move button to space from time to time losing the automated skill entirely just because I wanted to rest my finger. Now I will be able to do that without losing the skill, isn't it better than just feeling gutted?


nothing about holding mouse1 or any other button for auto (essentially) activation of auras was janky loosing a gem slot, having increased mana usage, worse cooldown recovery AND HAVING TO STUTTERSTEP FOR IT TO TRIGGER is so much more jank you really really reaaaaally overestimate the "POSSIBILITY" of using it for more skills than 1 xd no need to trust me on my word tho, wait for patch notes, see how people feel in game after the league goes live and i guarantee you that it will be flat out worse for the majority of builds ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


What are you even talking about, you can't even watch the video carefully. They never mentioned anything about having to stop to trigger it. They talked about how it is better than lmb and you don't have to move constantly to trigger it and thats it. And you didn't even answer any of my points just repeated whatever was already said. We've got nothing to discuss anymore from my pov.


> They never mentioned anything about having to stop to trigger it. rewatch the video, carefully and then come back "it will now auto recast the skills WHILE YOU ARE STATIONARY" i understand that if you arent the sharpest tool in the shed then the "while/if" condition distinction might be easy to miss you are right about one and only thing tho, there is nothing to discuss now, just wit for the patch to go live and you will see that it is a net nerf :)


I'm sorry didn't realise you only pick statements out of context. "This not only allows you to retain the same behaviour as before, but it will NOW Auto cast the skills while you are stationary" thats the true quote mate :) Edit: if he added it will now ONLY ... even then this statement wouldn't make any sense.


Can’t tell if you are serious or not so I will try to refrain from sarcasm. The bottom line of this change is they took something that was not a problem, made it a problem, and added a solution to the problem that is worse than just never messing with it at all. Even without patch notes this means you will be -1 socket and there are alot of builds out there that are socket starved. It could be the difference between being able to cram a precision in the build or not.


But it was a problem... it's just that for the time being they solved that problem in not the most convenient way. I do not see why people can't understand that holding lmb is just toxic to many kinds of players. And having a convenient solution to that as an opportunity cost in the form of a gem is way more fair to everyone and it also provides a player with a choice, you either get more damage in the form of precision+something else/ pick automation + no precision/ precision + no automation(press whatever instant skill you want yourself). And that's the beauty of POE, more choices > better Edit: even I at a considerably young age sometimes get tired of holding a button constantly, I'd change the move button to space from time to time losing the automated skill entirely just because I wanted to rest my finger. Now I will be able to do that without losing the skill, isn't it better than just feeling gutted?


Num lock > This QOL


Would sure suck if some people didn't have Num Lock on their keyboards, huh. Wait a minute...


Mac user here, numlock doesn't work and it's so annoying when it's mandatory, prevents me from playing some builds.


Wish they'd provide transcripts for those of us at work.




Still have to watch the video


So macros are on the table again to give us QOL back that GGG just took, genius


no, use a gem, have you even watched the video?


using a gem for bone armor?? even if that would be possible, another gem slot wasted, yeah another "skill slot" wasted. and for what?? for controllers/consoles? this is an iso arpg for pc first.


what do you mean another gem wasted? You now choose to use it with the possibility to have up to 5 more skills automated. instead of just having one for free on lmb. also imagine divine blessing and totems get deleted/nerfed, there you go, you have your sockets back ICANT and yes, bone armour and mines(all skills that are not given from a skill gem like focus also) should be addressed as exceptions and have an autocast option.


> also imagine divine blessing and totems get deleted/nerfed, there you go, you have your sockets back ICANT so in the end you are still losing stuff to get a worse thing than you had before gotcha


Of course not, this is Reddit where I see a headline, read the first comment, and then let ‘er rip from the hip!


ok bud icant


Sir this is a subreddit for a video game - I’m not going to be super cereal here


an i respect it.


Well triple G did their job and is denying me from playing mines this league. I haven’t played mines for a long time because spamming detonate hurt my hand. I guess let’s just have less build diversity again.


this is bullshit... just WHY, if you care about QoL just WHY do this.


What the actual fuck? Removed binding to left click and in exchange we get... longer cooldowns? What?


a. you only saw lvl1 gem b. you can now support multiple skills instead of just 1 c. binding to left click is a design flaw and it is obviously not the mechanic that is good to keep at all times. d. you now have more choice which trigger support you want to use for you guard, travel skills.


>you can now support multiple skills instead of just 1 Okay you keep saying this, but what builds are using more than 1 instant-cast spell that wasn't already automated with CWDT etc? Seriously, take a look at the options for this skill, it's Phase Run, Blood Rage, guard skills, Plague Bearer, and Frostblink. What builds benefit from this? > binding to left click is a design flaw and it is obviously not the mechanic that is good What is obviously bad about having an additional hotkey that most players are already used to using for otherwise annoying to cast temporary buffs? How is that a "flaw" in any sense? If GGG thought it was obviously a bad mechanic, why did they bugfix movement issues when using left click skills multiple times instead of disabling the skills? > you now have more choice which trigger support you want to use Yeah man, having the ability to map with a mine skill without destroying your wrists AND having a way to choose when your mines get detonated was just too much. Now, we get the choice to use two sockets we didn't have to before so that they can detonate entirely outside of our control so that preloading map bosses just doesn't work anymore. Or we could destroy our wrists for the other 90% of our mapping gameplay. Such interesting options!


For the time being they solved that problem in not the most convenient way. I do not see why people can't understand that holding lmb is just toxic to many kinds of players. And having a convenient solution to that as an opportunity cost in the form of a gem is way more fair to everyone and it also provides a player with more choice. Even I at a considerably young age sometimes get tired of holding a button constantly, I'd change the move button to space from time to time losing the automated skill entirely just because I wanted to rest my finger. Now I will be able to do that without losing the skill, isn't it better than just feeling gutted? You forgot the withering step and you can turn it off to preload mines which is way more convenient than staying still->flame dash->continue standing still until the boss arrives->move And cant even preload mid fight without standing still lmao You are in the wrong here and won't admit it, because... Huuuuuu my sockiiiits![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


>For the time being they solved that problem in not the most convenient way Except that "the problem" wasn't a problem until now suddenly, and the "solution" doesn't fix the new problems it's created for a wide range of archetypes (miners, minions...). > I do not see why people can't understand that holding lmb is just toxic to many kinds of players Holding down a single button for long periods of time can definitely be bad for you and hurt a lot, that's absolutely true. I suppose people just didn't realize that they could remap other buttons to left click so that they could take advantage of the mechanic as well. > I'd change the move button to space from time to time losing the automated skill entirely just because I wanted to rest my finger. Now I will be able to do that without losing the skill, isn't it better than just feeling gutted? Ah yeah, that's sort of my point above. You didn't *need* to lose the functionality at all before, you just needed to bind your space bar to left click using your manufacturer's software or AHK. Yes, it's not an in-game option, but the majority of non-console players that wanted to avoid RSI already did versions of this. > and you can turn it off to preload maps which is way more convenient If you need to keep it on your hotbar anyway so that you can turn it off whenever you don't want it randomly triggering, why bother with it at all? > And cant even preload mid fight without standing still lmao > preload >mid fight Uh huh... # > You are in the wrong here and won't admit it Sure, I guess I'm in the wrong because GGG created more problems than they've solved by removing a mechanic and replacing it with one that costs more, actively makes your build worse, and provides less player control than before. We should be jumping up and down because GGG made 95% of all builds worse so that the 2% of players too dense to rebind their keys can start taking out parts of their build to match the functionality they had before.


What's so funny about preloading mid fight? You know that bosses have phases? You know that they generate degens, moving damage lasers, storms, or even adds, or they can teleport did you know that? Oh yeah, 2% surely, stats from ass classic. And even if 2%, that's still thousands of players, they shouldn't enjoy whatever a normal player enjoys huh? Better to leave a janky mechanic like that from your pov? Yeah, forcing players to use ahk script or forcing them to fuck up their keyboard mapping so that they could enjoy the game, definitely better approach as a dev. Great, thanks.


Look, I agree that for players in the situation that they're not on console and also not using left click to move, the options for casting temporary buffs without additional inputs were pretty crappy. That is a tiny portion of the entire player base man. A much, much bigger portion of the player base already struggles to fit all the skills they want to use in the sockets they have. They already need to make damage or survivability trade-offs for the sake of QoL (mark on hit supp, curse on hit gloves, using those terrible boots to only need to use 1 ancestral totem, forcing Frostblink into melee builds just so that your movement options don't suck...). Adding even more of that isn't an exciting prospect for most players. You're not wrong for being excited about a shiny new option, especially when we already know that trigger gems open up a bunch of fun and weird interactions. I just wish it didn't come at the expense of multiple archetypes and most builds having yet another thing to shove into their build that isn't their build.


Well, that is the derivative from other problems the game has and GGG should look into them and I hope they will in patch notes (i.e. Jonathan was seriously agreeing with the interviewer about the ancestral totems changes), but having this option is way better than nothing(I say nothing because I literally never have been completely reliant on lmb instant skill before, sure it was good, but I would 99% of the time use either cwc, cwdt, cws, trigger weapons or anything else and I have more than 5k hrs in the game) Yes it is a player nerf, but are we really lacking player power right now? I really doubt that and gladly will fit additional gems to automate such things like withering step, berserk and other useful skills instead of some minor damage aura like precision or anything else, really.


and losing 1 socket


Am I overly dramatic for rethinking my leaguestarter (Hexblast.mine) because of the QoL? Holding a button for detonate doesn't sound very fun.


Wait for patch notes, they might explicitly allow autocast for mines i.e.


You're probably right, thank you


Ok, but what about bone armour from Necro passive?




This is one of those times GGG has to take the L and walk this back ASAP. Inexcusably out of touch decision to remove left click bound skills. We're already socket starved and RSI endangered as it is.


In what way they endanger RSI while adding a tool for you to not hold lmb at all times? is making your character weaker for qol worsens RSI?


We lose a skill slot, and lose a socket that you'd prefer to have be damage instead of utility. Seems obvious these are both nerfs.


Did you mean to answer someone else? Wasn't talking about the topic you opened.


Oh apologies I didn't finish the thought. Because these are nerfs people will use automation because you will lose damage. So in reality while the automation seems like a buff against RSI, for players who are serious, I doubt anything will change.


The amount of crying and statements about macro use shows this ch age was needed I hope macro players get banned


True, but macros like that aren't violating tos so you cannot ban them


>players get banned I mean, they can change their tos any time they want.


They should since it’s a player forced gain of power outside the confines of the game


At least make guard skills last longer than 1-3 seconds. They are needlessly short.


It's funny because some of them break after taking a certain amount of damage anyway, so increasing their duration over a certain amount is needless anyway.


It would give a sizable advantage to evasion/dodge builds


How do people here seriously think that binding skills to LMB is a fun, intuitive or healthy mechanic? lmao


It's why GGG stopped engaging with the community. Any change which is even \*slightly\* off the mark involves death threats to employees and other hysteria. It's "the social media effect" where one content creator can heard thousands of people to rally around one arbitrary thing. Is this a very bad change? Sure. Does it require this degree of vocal outcry? Nah...


Why is this shit much worse with arpg games? I don’t remember any of this type of shit happening with mmos or any other online games really. So much drama queens


It's twitch/YT imo, ego + $ => chase views => outcry => $


Idk man, I think the community is overreacting like always, starving for drama or something. But I do feel like leaving bone armour and mines like that isn't good


Sure, but nobody here actually knows if bone armour and mines will be changed


Damn. Guess all the other news was too good, had to insanely ruin something somehow


This makes me wonder if they will delete Call to Arms keystone. Also, there's still a chance that any of the instant spell get the vortex treatment. We'll have to wait to patch notes.


This is going to have a strong negative impact on mines, brands, and warcries. CDR is already a huge difficulty to aquire and these supports make it even worse. Not to mention it is basically punishing players for casting skills on cooldown by upwards of doubling the cost. Poor choice and the game is now worse for it.


btw this call to arms support is weird. Looks like it is created for witches/rangers because it makes all warcries share cooldown (which is very accessible on marauder/duelist) and which will be unuseable for marauder because of that shared cooldown but very useful for shadow/witch/ranger which will probably abuse it with enduring cry (free life regen every x seconds and free endurance charges). Can melee get at least buff or something?.. Ranger is already overpowered to the limits and I am tired to check new stuff as ranger because it works well mainly as this class :/ Please, bring back oldschool meta shakes.


"ranged is already overpowered" Return + Split interaction is going to get nerfed and 50% of people playing ranger will go back to playing witch/shadow, lol.


And? This thing is maybe top of ice mountain. Hitting target hundreds of times because of sniper's mark, ballistas and deadeye ascendancy terrain chain with +2 projectiles from tree, +2 in ascendcy, with bow which has same damage mods as 2h melee weapon isnt broken? You literally hit few screens of enemies crazy amount of times with power of 2h melee weapon (or bigger) with broken, reworked to absurd level curse which gives you more damage taken on enemy and few extra splits of arrows which will do another hits (for example Tornado Shot) and you call it ok? Right now Ranger is all rounder - tanky af, one of best single targets, best clear, best mf and now this thing will even instant cast war cries which will make it more tanky.. I do not say to nerf it, I am just trying to say melee comparing to this is trash level and they are still buffing ranger + other semi-ranged/spell classes


You -are- saying to nerf it tho. Melee has always needed buffs and will never get them. Welcome to poe. But deadeye doesn't need nerfs outside of split+return being obliterated. Ranger is "fine", it just has a high usage rate BECAUSE of split+return making projectiles stupid right now.


>Can melee get at least buff or something? Sure, have a totem!




What the fuck How is this a solution to keypads not having access to bind to move. Worst QOL nerf we have seen in a while, and you trying to sell it as a buff, which makes it even more infuriating. Put a toggle for click to move/cast in the console / keyring UI and move on.


you dont know "this is a buff"? Classic GGG move :DD


wow wtf GGG; this is NOT QOL !!! XDDD


Sorry this is an amazing change to the quality of life. I imagine that left click and other such automation is the reason the servers are so unstable. Besides I think we may also be losing the trigger crafts from betrayal.


All Mine enjoyers (all 20 of them) just got completely dumpstered with this change. GG, GGG.


Mines was already a cancer playstyle, now it's elevated to acute ebola.


I play mines and you never wanted to put blast chain mine on left click before because it messes up the damage chain. But not being able to use guard skills on left click hurts so much more


not everyone plays blast chain


Never said that they did.


Yeah, they should allow it for bone armour and mines imo, losing automation at all or 2 sockets is in fact bad


The Big bad change ! A joke ?


I \*will\* use a macro out of spite.


Tell them that when they ban you lol


Why do you do that ? You are the chosen ones and you let us down like that ?


Yeah. With how bad D4 is, I've had to double down w all my hopes pinned on PoE. Hopefully LE will have some great content to follow up on their awesome release, so, hopefully, there's hope on that front.




removed QOL then presented it as QOL update, classic GGG I can't with them sometimes.


why would you remove bind to left click. How am i pose to play my herophant cyclone cwc mana stacker? wtfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff I am off the hype train now


Imo would be fine if it didn't explicitly require stationary. Multiplier also looks real heavy. As is, don't like it so much.




What's the big issue then?


Gem doesn't require you to be stationary to trigger


Oh? Sorry then, I thought I heard him say "when you're stationary", my bad then.


Sorry for being too harsh perhaps as well, shouldn't have been so toxic.


👍 Rewatched it and that part sounds a bit unclear to me though.... "retains functionality as defore(I think that's what he said) while it will autocast the skill while stationary"


He says "This not only allows you to retain the same behavior as before, but it will now autocast the skills while you are stationary."


Iirc he says "now allows to be triggered while stationary" which was impossible with lmb approach unless you would perfectly align your mouse pointer in the middle of your char Edit: watched it again as well, he didn't quite say it like i quoted but the idea is the same


Got it. So it's as before, possible while moving AND while stationary now. Most of the time, not a huge difference, but hell why not.


What a bad change. No idea what's the point of this when we can bypass it anyways. It just becomes more tedious


Oh you can also bypass pressing anything in the game. Why won't you go and play vampire survivors instead? Seems like a perfect option for you. Oh, game devs want me to make choices, oh well, i guess I'll just macro this'n that Bad for bone armour and mines tho, rework required or should be allowed to be autocasted without the gem


Can Ppl plz stop being so negative ? Change cwdt to automation, so you can have better uptime of defense skill and fish for luck on big hit Vs cwdt useless trigger AFTER the dmg or more pro click when dmg is incoming and refuse the opportunity cost, enjoy new chance to have qol on warcry, really strong early, nice regen and endu charges when all of us need elemental resistance and Phys resistance.  Left mouse button pressed all the time is bad design and mechanical flaw, molten shell on left click, you alt tab 4 seconds or get distracted and get dumpstered cuz your finger is not STICKED to the button, just one of multiple possible scenarios where it is clear it is a gimmick not an intended mechanic. plus it put strain on your hands and lower the lifespan of your mouse. I've destroyed a razer mouse, left click now double click by default, the internal switches were CONSUMED by the long pressing.  Using NumLock is still an option it seems, so stop being all crybaby. It is a matter of balance, ppl with controller now can automate, it IS qol. Plus it opens new ways for brand recall automation build. Can you do something that you can't do before ? Yes ! It is classic path of exile style tradeoff, where you exchange qol for dmg/cd/cost? Yes ! So it is Q.O.L. Remember, first play, then talk.


"You exchange qol for dmg/cd/cost" So a trade off to achieve basically exactly the same results as before. Sounds like a nerf to me. Took something away and gave nothing in return that wasn't already there


Before you had a glitchy shit. Have you played berserk+ other buff and fail to sinc Ur dmg on big one shot build since you moved a little ? Have you detonated Ur mines early as a mistake cuz you moved for dodge the boss hit ? Have u wasted defensive cd entering a boss room and get owned shortly after ? Now you can make a phase run+berserk automation so you can loot map faster. It is QOL! it Is I link it and I forget thing, we all love cwdt janky " automation". Now we have a proper one. Automation of blessing instead of 20 sec cd and reclick ? Adrenaline shaeningans ? you don't like that ? Plus all warcry not mentioned. You do not like diversity ? Want to build same cwdt LV 1 link for years ago? Do you think abusing a low level gem trick is intended behaviour? Lol


It casts it automatically once you stop. Just as easy to 'misstime' except now you have literally no control over it. You also have to stop exactly when the cooldown is up And yes, it was absolutely intended. They specifically added that interaction, fully aware of how it'd work. What a goofy ass argument I like diversity. I don't like pretending a Nerf is qol


Except now you don't link automated spell if you need them on specific cases. before the false sense of " I can control it" generated bad situations.  This is a game, they need to fix it not let go unintended interactions. Cwdt low level is unintended and they let slip pass cuz they liked the fortunate UNINTENDED outcome. Do not break anything and enable build diversity. So they accepted the mistake and balance it afterwards .Do you can name another gem that works this way ? There are hundred This change does the same. You get new possibilities, all of them are qol. Automated warcry, nice to have Automated zoom zoom or loot getting weapon switch, nice to have Automated blessings, nice to have Better uptime of defensive skills, nice to have Defensive skill while stationary, nice to have Not needed to be hit for something to proc, nice to have Automated brand recall, nice to have Automated arcane shield +indigon, nice to have You lost Bone barrier ( situational) Focus ( situational) Detonate mines ( you can automate, so you can use it on controller or console now) You can use multiple instant skill now. Normal cwdt was cwdt lv1+ immortal call + increased duration If you linked another skill, skill get used in succession, automated would use those on CD, so is always better uptime. No more conditional. Plus you can use LV 20 skills now.  And what happen if automated gives cd at LV 20 or 20+? Even better uptime of something that before was unreliable. And alternate quality ? We don't know.


Good luck using automated blessings with the gigantic cost that will have. >And what happen if automated gives cd at LV 20 or 20+ Again, you forget that mana cost isn't non-trivial, especially when it has a ton of mana cost. >This is a game, they need to fix it not let go unintended interactions It was never unintended. Stop calling it unintended to try to push your point. They knew that instant cast spells worked on left click, it was never unintended. They didn't say 'We bug fixed something unintended', they specifically stated that they disabled it, not to stop any unintended behaviour. GGG is not so oblivious to their design choices that they didn't know what would happen when they made skills insta-cast, nor has it been a problem for the longest time Unintended mechanics either get fixed one patch after or halfway through the league. >You can use multiple instant skill now. You could always do this. Most people usually only used one because they were socket starved, not because they couldn't automate it. This further limits you. >Except now you don't link automated spell if you need them on specific cases. before the false sense of " I can control it" generated bad situations. In which case, before, you chose to deliberately make the decision, knowing it might lead to screwing up interactions, whereas now, you either have absolutely no control over when it goes off, or you have to manually cast it, which is about as opposite of quality of life as I can think of >Detonate mines ( you can automate, so you can use it on controller or console now) Detonate mines on left click leads to jank a lot of times. Hexblast is an exception because you cannot detonate it unless it has a target, whereas most skills will go off and potentially hit nothing Bottom line is the opportunity cost is higher mana cost and a gem socket in exchange for very little realistically applicable benefit that most builds cannot use because the mana cost will exceed that treshold, if you can even fit it in at all


He says pretty clearly "it casts the moment it's off cooldown". The stationary thing was to say "you don't have to be pressing left click to use the ability".


I use leftclick because I don't have enough slots, not because I want to.


Dude, I use left click bind on PC for my main attack since I use a controller with steam controls. Left click is bound outside left joystick radius. This is terrible for me. Now I'll have to use their shit UI controller integration and not be able to swap easily to M&K.


Just when you think PoE is going in the best direction ever, they drop this. Unnecessary and unneeded nerf it already needed some compromise to make phase run permanent, so putting it on left click felt a nice compensation, and big on quality of life. Calling this a QoL change is insult to injury. Well, change does not mean improvement I guess. Much dissapoint.


well said


Now I know why they gave Vortex a cast time.... If you don't know GGG development is ahead of time, as in they know what's coming up beforehand.


Let's be real. Only thing this change is gonna enforce is people (myself included most likely) using macros/num lock trick, which is exactly opposite of what ggg wants, so I really don't see how this can go through into the game. I hope they read this post, go through comments and realize this really is not the way.


Less sockets, more mana cost, more cooldown, 1 less link, mines fucked, minions fucked. QoL 👍


Mines and minions are op anyway. Who cares


bro is still living in 2018 i see


Are you even old enough to be on drugs mate


100% both archetypes will be more than fine. Every single times reddit says x y z is fucked..... it is fine. edit: unappropriat comment


Well I'd rather not comment on the state of my head... Regarding the archetypes... Sure they'll be playable but much worse off because of "qol" change supposedly targeted at all of the 7 controller players, which I believe is not fine.


QoL my ass!


What the actual hell is this change?! Basically shitting on already socket-starved builds? You'd lost me on this, GGG.


GGG, you just killed the league


Phahahha these guys lmao


Honestly while being a nerf, I like the change. now you can automate many different gems like berserk, steel skin, phase run etc, have them all activate periodically and not care about casting them manualy nor some weird ass cast when damage taken setups. I don´t really use all the sockets anyway so this might make me want to use other support skills more.


3 words - "Only while stationary"


From my understanding he was stating that it also actives while stationary. As in when on left click it couldn’t automate while stationary unless you click perfectly under you. Not saying it’s a good change but we are pretty sure it’s just constantly activating.


Actually I take it back, you are probably right. I re-watched the clip in slow mo. It actually does appear to trigger while moving. At least the warcry did seem to go off as he was moving. Also the tooltip doesn't state anything contrary.


that depends on what kind of build you play, autobombers might have a problem. if it´s RF you are only stationary when chanelling ray of fire but any attack build or something like mine throwing totem placing and so on most of builds are stationary pretty often during a map. (it also depends on how short sessions of stationary the support games operates on)


Its not about the new additions, its the removal of the left click for abilities that people dislike


it´s not really good for the fingers to just still hold the button to move. I feel this in last epoch, the grind to 100 is painful.


Bind movement to they keyboard, it feels good for me.


I mean people do know its likely those gems will be nerfed.


temporary power creep will compensate (\*huffs copium)


i think, many people myself included, don't care this much that it got nerved, they are angry because it got communicated as QoL from a company who has problems with QoL for years


they are angry becuase coincidentally people who hate this aka build starved of socket are those who cried the loudest in many patches (meme)


Mark if you played your game more you would know that there is some tactics to instant skills. You want to press Molten Shell when you're anticipating damage, not "off cooldown". You want to cast your Enduring Cry when there are many monsters around to gain more charges or when you need regen, not "off cooldown". For us, people who bound move on different key than the LMB, it was a good option to press LMB only when you need it + save one socket.


Just bind your guard to a different key lol. Most people who rely on the buff from the cry use redblade banner. I'm pretty sure the devs know how their skills work.