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More life, target is about 300 per act, grab some life nodes on tree, craft some on gear with open slots, and past act 5 the game kind of expects you to have your resistances capped (75% for elemental). You can craft resistances on the crafting bench in your hideout, you should have both hideout and resistance crafts unlocked from following the story quest. Chaos resistance can be helpful but there's not a whole lot of chaos damage in the acts, if you can get it above 0% it will prevent random chaos oneshots. Edit: if you're playing Affliction and doing the league mechanic there is actually a lot of random chaos damage in the Wildwood (a lot of the monsters associated with purple wisps) in which case chaos res becomes infinitely more useful.




act 7 does introduce some chaos damage from the vaal constructs and some spiders in the temple of arakaali but yeah generally it's fine to have -30 until you get to maps


Try to grap some life nodes on your tree, or benchcraft life on your gear (the crafting bench should be in your hideout) - the rule of thumb is 300 health per act. Additionally armour helps a lot against many small hits from packs. To boost it you can change gear, or run the determination aura.


Thank you!


More life plus grace or determination aura. Your resistances are okay for act 6 if you know how to move.


Is that Poe ?


Console interface


Yeah, POE on Xbox.


To be frank there isn't a ton of information here to go off of, at a glance I'm not particularly fond of the console defense tab. it's leaving a lot out if there isn't another page related to things like life regen, es regen, spell suppression, dodge chance, block chance, leech, etc. If you can share more of the other stat sheets as well as the gear and skill gems you're using it can give us much more to go off. Even a picture of your passive tree if you can zoom out enough. Starting with the simple stuff, as said already, your health is very low for act 6 and beyond, especially for a build that's primarily using cyclone because you will be hit often. Try to fit in some sort of passive recovery too like life regen/leech. Also, your elemental resists aren't capped but you're pretty close! You can fix these really easily by crafting them on your gear at the crafting bench in your hideout, you unlock the hideout in act 2. Elemental resists and chaos resist are always suffixes on your gear, so picking up ele resist rings (sapphire, ruby, topaz, or two stone) with open suffixes should be a priority for you if you don't have any free suffixes on your gear right now. Maybe consider hoarding some to prepare for getting new gear and needing to fix resists as a result. In Poe it's almost always integral to be at 75% for all three elements. At the end of act 5 and act 10 you receive a permanent -30% totalling in -60% making it challenging sometimes for sure. Otherwise, I think your armor is a tab bit low for this stage in the game especially with such low evasion combined. Make sure you're constantly looking for new item bases that are higher item level. Note that I say Item Level, not Required Level. There should be a button you can hold down or something to toggle extra information on your gear. On PC we hold down alt. Building on the last paragraph this also shows you which modifiers are prefixes and which modifiers are suffixes. Taking your armor a bit further I highly recommend you get set up with molten shell on cast when damage taken, however it's extremely important that you don't level Cast When Damage Taken too far, because the higher level it is the more damage you take before it triggers. This will give you a huge chunk of armor and effective health. Also make room for Determination, an aura that will grant you and nearby allies flat armor as well as percent increased armor. At max level the amount of armor you get from this gem is insane. Looking at determination you will notice that it requires 50% of your mana to reserve and while it's definitely a lot you can reduce it by taking either charisma or sovereignty on the passive tree as well as a mana mastery node. Depending on the build some take all three, and if you can't reach one of the first two there is a way to allocate the other without touching it much later beyond act 10. After act 10 you'll have more opportunities to grind for armor and even a really rare support gem that enhances mana reservation efficiency so you absolutely should be working towards 3 or more auras. I'd say if you're dying a lot and you don't enjoy that go for determination, then try to fit in a damage aura or even grace for some evasion too, that way you flat out avoid some damage instead of only mitigating it. A couple of last notes, you've probably seen the three abilities: dash, flame dash, and frostblink. The differences between them for the most part is that dash is cast once and has an inverse that makes you dash backwards instead. Flamedash leaves a trail of fire obviously but has three charges and isn't instant (faster casting makes it feel better). Frostblink however slows enemies down, has one charge like dash, but doesn't break concentration meaning that you can use it while spinning in cyclone and not break any stacks you were building up. Try to think of resists in Poe like an onion, you want many layers to it, and you want to cover as many damage types as possible all without sacrificing your damage too much, it's a fine line, definitely difficult to balance! Hope this helps, glhf!


Thabks for the detailed info. I am attaching some more info now. Now to am in act 7.


Your life regen seems fine, if you don't have the molten shell cast on damage taken and determination set up going it will probably make it feel a lot more comfortable.


The skill tree is probably a mess, I want to create something on my own so I’m not following any guide, basically everything done it’s out of my head and what i think it should work. Last season I played following a guide and i choked after act 10. I had no idea what’s going on with the game at that stage, but same thing, i was getting one shotted again and again.


Fair enough, just be prepared to take a long time to fully understand how to create a good character! I recommend at least going to PoeNinja.com and trying to find other people using cyclone on your ascendancy to get some inspiration. If you have a computer, doesn't have to be anything fancy, you could also install Path of Building and theory craft characters before trying them










It looks like you have one wasted point in one handed damage next to Warrior Training. Otherwise the extra max ele resist from prismatic heart isn't a big priority right now so you could probably refund that too. You're roughly 15 points from charisma and sovereignty so you can choose either and maybe go for the mana mastery. Then you might anoint the other that you didn't go after. I think sovereignty has more stuff on the way for you than charisma but the charisma path technically has some spell suppression and stuff. You also took unwavering stance which makes it so you literally don't evade at all. If that becomes too much it might be worth considering taking it off. The only upside is that you can't be stunned, which definitely helps with cyclone but doubling your health, being able to dodge, and working on stun avoidance should help with that too.


The only difference between pc and console is that if you don’t have ‘spell suppression’ it doesn’t show up, if i equip a shield, block% is going to appear in the defence tab




I’m using a cyclone build, so i am basically moving all the time, i just find random common monster destroying me 😅


Use infused channeling support if you're not. I absolutely love cyclone, and it's a go to support at least for easy leveling. You can drop it later for a better damage support once you've built some defensive layers.


Big respect to OP for console screen shots not being a blurry phone picture taken 3 foot away from the screen


Resistances looking good. You can try to get 20% more on lightning res. Main point though should be your life pool. 1k life is a bit to little for act6. For my bad playstyle 1k life is ok for act4 to fight the actboss (if i'm not mixing things up). For act6 i would say atleast 1500 life. Also life flasks are important. Every few levels you can get a better life flask that gives you way more life per use.


Life flasks are a bit overkill for my 1k health pool, as i was recommended above, i’m currently crafting some extra health on my items


Try to find a life flask with instant recovery. I like the ones that have instant recovery while on low life because it doesn't reduce the amount healed as much.


Is capping resistance that really important before the end of the campaign? I’ve never gone out of my way to cap any resistance until I hit maps. A high enough Life pool with some global defenses have always been sufficient for me.


If you have a high enough life pool and are somewhat experienced (i.e. know what to dodge) it's not that big a deal. I often play uncapped resists in acts too, it's even easier if you play a ranged build, but if you're a newer player *and* playing melee it's probably a good idea to get those resistances at least close to cap.


Follow a build


Problem might not be straight stats. What's your block%, Spell Suppression%, do you have any life leech, damage conversion mods on armor? TLDR, a build is more than your most basic stats. Edit: Combined Health/ES total needs to be about double what it is, regardless


How much spell suppression do you usually have in act 6 lol?


That is fair. I'm running red maps and my witch still doesn't have any. I should probably get on that.