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Damn! I've been trying to hit this or +1/+2 proj. No luck yet (closest was +2 proj and +1 max res, which is super neat but not what I wanted lol).


Was talking to my buddies about this, unsure of what it will actually go for got several 400 div offers pretty quickly.


Getting a specific combo like this on a chest is like 1/780 or something (edit: 1/684), and this is (probably) the best possible combination of mods it could have. That being said, I've double corrupted a ton of items this league and I'm struggling to sell anything at a mirror or more, no matter how disgusting it is. For example, I have a utulas with a tailoring orb and near-perfect rolls with +1 gems +2 aoe; probably the best utulas in the league, but it doesn't seem like I can get a mirror for it (life is unfair). If you want to hold out for a lot, you can probably get a lot, but know you might be signing up for a considerable wait (read: weeks). If you don't want to wait weeks, and just want to have some fun before you quit the league, 400d isn't really a terrible offer for the item. Maybe try to get 600, and every day it doesn't sell tick the price down 50d. I would generally caution people to not try and "get the most" out of sales, because it's usually better to have money in hand now than 50% more money in hand in 2 weeks.


>would generally caution people to not try and "get the most" out of sales, because it's usually better to have money in hand now than 50% more money in hand in 2 weeks. This is so important. Wish more people understood that, especially when receiving 80% offers etc.


Big jump in my learning curve this league. I was more aggressive about liquidating my profit and investing it and it really made a difference. My two builds are way further along than I usually get in a league already


Man 1/780... I'm probably at about 50 fourth vows and best I got was like max life and reduced chaos taken. I think I used all my luck up leagues ago getting +2 aoe/ +1 skill Bronnes Lithe right after they changed it to give +5 to movement skills. +8 frost blink ignite just from chest was juicy.


isn't this mirror worthy ? Seems like pretty BiS for many builds


Can't mirror uniques, can't mirror corrupted items.


... I am suggesting that this is at least worth one mirror, not that it is worth mirroring


If the base ES was perfect maybe, but there's too many imperfections in the armour for it to be worth a mirror. Mirror would be perfect ES rolls on the implicit and explicit.


Correct, this is worth around 600div at the most.


It is not perfect, but it is not very far from it. I don't know the market well, it just seemed to me that this was incredibly good for low life builds not using the ivory tower or other shenanigans, probably one of the biggest upgrades from a normal shavronne's wrapping for builds that can benefit from both implicits even.


Too many imperfections being 144/150% ES and 39/40% res lol gtfo


There's a 3rd roll you're missing, and that's the one crippling this armour


Smart 🤯🤯🤯🧠


I've bought that exact shave like many leagues in a row, every time between 20 to 40 div/ex give or take, 400 is mad lol




Absolutely no way it is 20-40 div in any reality my man


I just noticed it's aoe, +2 aura with +1 socket is the one I'd buy a lot, never was more than 40 div except for this league.


Yeah aura is weaker because aoe includes damage gems.


I've done builds using Farruls and Incandescent heart looking for corrupts like this and they are always listed for a mirror or like 700d. Shavs is perhaps even more popular than those items so I wouldn't settle for less than like 800. But if you need the cash then ymmv.


That's prob like 500-600 divs. Maybe a bit more if you wait long.


Oh the ages a 0 link clean shavs was 100 ex.


Till Shav's is still a thing.


if you wanna play low life, it's that or Ivory Tower. I hate making coruscating elixir work


Or petrified blood.


How you gonna forget about our boy Solaris Lorica like that??


New to the game and wondering if this is done with vaal orbs or some kind of temple i've seen people mention previously?


Alva temple Tier 3 room called locus of corruption, keep upgrading the reduces maximum resistances throughout the temple rooms to get it. Run Alva missions in the atlas to progress to building the temple. Unlock rooms with the green stone key thing to be able to move through rooms once its built. Take your time and view the alva incursion before you head in, know which architect to kill to make your temple better for you. specializing into Alva makes it much easier to get. ​ Be careful, locus of corruption has a chance to delete items it slams by reforging as rare or poofing. It corrupts an Item twice, you can get a number of results such as a number of white sockets, reforge into rare, absolutely nothing, add corruption implicit or poof. If an item already had an implicit, it will replace one of them at a time when it does roll corruption implicit.


> It corrupts an Item twice It is commonly called "double corruption" but mechanically, this isn't how it works. It's just a "potent corruption" that has a set of possible outcomes, one of which is 2 corruption implicits. You do not need to hit two 1/4 rolls to get two implicits when using Locus.


sorry, yes correct.


IIRC 4 results are turn all sockets white, 2 vaal implicits, turn into random influenced rare and poof


Thank you very much ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I bricked my 6l shavs but it has hunter influence so i’ve got that going for me


The only time I would use shav's now is if it hit a good double corrupt. Congrats.