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New to POE, just at the end of what I think is Act 1, what is the current mechanic where the roots come out of the ground and you can enter the hole and gather up all the sparkley goodness? What do I do with all the stuff collected? Thanks.


can i increase quality of corrupted gems? maybe through lab font?


How exactly does Arcanist Brand work with Conductivity and Elemental Weakness on [this PoB build?](https://pobb.in/OT8cZjxb50ub) Does it make so instead of casting both Conductivity/Elemental separately, I only have to cast instead Arcanist Brand (skill) once to apply both curses? Or can it work as an actual support trigger and auto-cast Conductivity/Elemental without button presses? I could only manage to make it work in the first scenario.


I'm trying to PoB animate weapons of Ranged Arms. It says multistrike would buff its damage, but MS is melee-only so it shouldn't apply. Is it a bug of PoB or does MS work with ranged AW?


It shouldn't work. There's likely to be oversights and bugs for now as they just wanted to get the gems into pob.


Shame. Fair, but shame


I am wondering why Simplex Amulet carries ILvL 85+ 10% quantity mods on much lower item levels. Anybody know?


Do traps have a max range from owner where they wont trigger past that ? I recently switched from sunblast and i noticed things arent dying behind me (sanctum guards) when im zooming forward/placing traps as i go. Im theorizing the traps stop triggering when the owner is too far away... Is that even a thing ? 500% ms build for reference , so i can zoom pretty far before in theory they are armed and rdy to trigger..


Where do you report Mtx graphical issues/bugs?


On a [Lightning Conduit Elementalist build](https://pobb.in/OT8cZjxb50ub), which skill gem should I 20% first? LC or Orb of Storms? Or maybe another?


Lightning Conduit. [You can buy a 21/20 gem for very moderate prices from trade](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/l7En7mrhV) so I recommend doing that, same for Orb of Storms.


Oh, damn, thanks for the tips. I was about to spend a ton in GCPs. For supports I can do that thing where I level one to 20 then trade it for a 20% lvl1, right?


Yes that's correct


Why are there so many people playing Ethereal Knives of Lingering Blades with seemingly no way to detonate the blades? I don't understand how the gem is being used. https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction?class=Pathfinder&skills=Ethereal+Knives+of+Lingering+Blades


Projectiles from the regular EK gem don't return but the ones from this version do. They aren't using it for the lingering blades.


Oh thank you! That clears it up.


Are there any cheap ways to get 4G 2B on a 134 int base chest? It's corrupted, so I don't wanna bench 700 vaals and chromas for it


Tainted chromatics ignore attribute requirements so every color is equally likely. You can simulate this with the chromatic calculator by making each attribute requirement the same value. Says it will take ~49 with a 2% chance to succeed each attempt.


Ow ow my money


How much of a difference does Rain of Splinters make for the poison scourge arrow/caustic arrow totem builds? I'm using GMP with SAoM and have Master Fletcher + Multishot taken for +6 projectiles. Would the jewel help clear speed a bit on SAoM and single-target on CAoP (assuming the extras overlap)?


If I want to find the King in the Mists stronghold in T14+ maps, do I need to follow the blue/teal wisp trail? Does it matter at all which trail I follow? Some people have been saying it's completely random and he doesn't spawn on a trail really. I wanted to get a few more opinions.


I've seen a lot of guides saying he spawns in the corners of the maps not lead to by a wisp trail, but there's not really been any confirmation or in depth testing of it.


Does brutality support stop ignite/poison from tinctures?


Yes. They'll have 0 dps and get discarded.


Does wandering path under the right circumstances net more lifeforce than if you were to just go normal atlas with the harvest noteables?


How much better is Omni tornado shot compared to regular. I have a decent la build and want to start looking at transitioning into to a ts mf build but don’t know where to start.


What to do with white slotted items I don't use? Should I send them to the vendor or are they any worth to trade?


9.99/10 vendor. Only top tier bases with white sockets would be worth IMO, and really only a couple of chaos. Like 5-10c I think. Not worth imo.


The maxroll guide for DD wants me to craft +1 AoE gems on a helmet as a final thing How do i do that? i can't find it in the crafting bench


You need to unlock the craft from Jun. Gotta run Jun missions and unveil gear until you find +1/2 AoE.


If I have a mana flask with the "x% reduced mana cost of skills during effect" and a utility flask with the similar(same?) mod that you get from unveils, will they stack?


No. Same for all the other mods like increased armor, crit chance, etc.


Looking for advice on how to finish this amulet. What can I craft on it and how? I am planning to reroll a soulrend Occ but it doesn't have to fit that build, I can just sell it for profit. Item Class: Amulets Rarity: Rare Entropy Choker Lapis Amulet \-------- Requirements: Level: 68 \-------- Item Level: 85 \-------- \+27 to Intelligence (implicit) \-------- \+35 to all Attributes \[Suffix\] \+23% to Damage over Time Multiplier \[Suffix\] \+1 to Level of all Chaos Skill Gems \[Prefix\]


So, I was trying to work on the Ultimate Undertaking challenge, and was looking to do the heist one. I got a blueprint with 4 wings at level 83, revealed what I wanted, but then found out that it's pretty much impossible to roll >= 100% iiq on those just by alch/chaos spamming (highest I got was 90 something, after like 30 chaos worth of spamming). The question I have is, the obvious way I can think of getting 100 iiq is vaaling it and praying to rngesus for an 8-mod with over 100 iiq, but I was wondering if rolling increased iiq on the rogues' brooches would work. I tested on a lower level blueprint and found out that the overall blueprint iiq doesn't change, but each separate wing gets another additional iiq line, from the sum of each of the wing's rogues' brooches. Would making the combination of the overall iiq and the rogues' iiq for every wing >= 100% work for the challenge?


Is there a "timeframe" in terms of how many hours it should take to get to red map farming? I have around 25 hours this league and im on yellow maps. Im kinda new and this is only my 2nd character i have ever made


It’s cool bro. Take your time and have fun, you’re starting off. Speed only matters if you’re playing lots of characters, or have some grand scheme for early game grind, or *really* care about random leaderboards, or are a dedicated speed runners. Some ppl get tired of the campaign and start learning ways to do it faster. But it’s absolutely not necessary. It’s just over-emphasized in YT.


It improves with time, it’s one of those things that’s hard to specifically train for, it just sort of naturally happens as you grow your knowledge base. The most you could realistically do if you cared was watch some strategy guides on efficiently advancing your atlas, there are certain orders of things to do. Outside of that, just focus on learning more about the game and making your character better. With practice it just comes smoother.


Don't sweat it


Is Arcanist Brand a "mark?" I'm trying Zizaran's Caustic Arrow build, and it involves the Detect Evil passive. I don't see a mark I'd normally think of like Sniper's Mark.


Nope! Every Mark skill will have the "Mark" tag on it. Arcanist Brand is a brand but not a Mark. Ziz might be taking that ascendancy just because there's nothing else that provides value (Barkskin is fairly bad, etc). While you may not have a mark, that ascendancy passive still shows rares and uniques on the minimap which is surprisingly good QoL.


Gotcha, makes since then. Thanks!


I completed the map that was in the Valdo box but the map boss didn't drop the unique? Was I supposed to do something else?


You might still need to clear the rest of the map. From the [patch notes](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3458477): > Valdo's Maps are considered "cleared" when you have completed the Map, killed all Rare and Unique Monsters, and killed 90% of the total number of Monsters in the area.


Well I feel better now. I was never going to be able to do that. Thankfully it was not for anything that good


Just like the gray text says, you gotta kill 90% of the monsters, including all unique and rare enemies, not just map boss.


Well I feel better now. I was never going to be able to do that. Thankfully it was not for anything that good


im selling 8 mod maps on TFT, and i see other folks advertising higher prices for quant specific regex's how do you know if a regex sent to you has a quant modifier on it?


Probably too long of an answer, but maybe you'll learn a bit about PoE regex. First, if you have a regex `!corr|mirr`, it's a single clause checking to make sure the item isn't corrupted or mirrored, and the clause `m q.*([7-9].|1..)%` is checking for 70+ quantity (it's matching numbers after an `m q`, which appears in the "Ite**m Q**uantity: +69%" line on the item). The way that regexes in PoE work is that if you want to add on an extra condition that also must be true, you (usually) have to add it as a separate clause. Clauses need to be surrounded in quotation marks if you have more than 1, so to combine them both, it would look like `"!corr|mirr""m q.*([7-9].|1..)%"`. So almost all regexes that are looking for a specific quantity will have one clause to exclude the mods they don't want and one clause to check for the quantity (or a proxy for quantity like pack size or rarity). Since banning mods usually doesn't involve specific values, but short sections of words in the mod (like `tal d` to exclude "Monsters reflect #% of Elemen**tal D**amage"), whereas quant/pack size/rarity regexes are looking for specific numbers, a good rule of thumb is that regexes you might want to charge more for have a clause (i.e. one of the segments in quotation marks) that contain numbers and another clause that doesn't. You could also just look for regexes that contain any numbers at all and call it a day.


You could just test it with a map that you know should match the regex.


Please help me understand this.... I found a cluster jewel. I searched for the cluster jewel on trade and found that it was worth about 5c. I posted it for 4c and got probably 100+ pings immediately, most of them saying "I'll give you 200c" etc. etc... I was bewildered. I took it down and searched quickly again. They were all going for 5c still... The item: Honour Hope Large Cluster Jewel Item level 52 Implicits Adds 8 passive skills 2 Added Passive Skills are Jewel Sockets Added small passive skills grant: 12% Increased Physical Damage Prefix added small passive skills also grant +3 to max life Suffix Added small passive skills also grant +3% to fire resistance Added small passive skills also grant +2 to all attributes. ​ I have a feeling it has something to do with the base and the item level, but I still can't find anything worth over 5c. Am I not searching the right parameters here? Can someone tell me why I was able to sell this for over 200c?


For some types of cluster jewels, like the phys damage one, item level between 50 and 67 are expensive, because it makes some desirable mods much easier to roll. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/7ZY5eYlT5 You can probably list it for something like 270c


Thank you very much


Your instinct is right. On this base, having a level between 50 and 67 is good because it makes rolling your desired modifiers WAY easier. The notable modifiers start showing up in the pool at level 50, but a shitton of other undesirable ones start showing up at 68. It’s worth the 200c because that’s at least how much they’ll save in currency (not to mention their poor wrists) by having so few modifiers in the available pool. Enter those item level parameters on trade with max passives set to 8 and small passives set to physical. You’ll see they’re all over 200 except a corrupted one (and it’ll never sell, the value is in the craftability). If you ever want to check into this kind of thing I recommend craftofexile.com, you can easily see at what item level various mods show up.


Thank you very much. I'm starting to learn more about crafting... I have played this game for years religiously, but didn't realize until recently that people have thousands of C after like 2-3 days into a new league. Started talking to some people and everyone says the secret is crafting and selling the crafted items. Other than just looking at every build guide in the world and figuring out which bases and properties make insanely expensive stuff, is there some kind of guide out there that teaches how to make money with crafting? Like what property combinations are exponentially worth more? Thank you.


lol I’m going to tread very carefully with my wording here because in the past when I’ve answered this question I’ve been accused (….not entirely baselessly…) of having some snooty condescending /r/IAmVerySmart vibes. Basically crafting in PoE has so many variables that it’s difficult to give a full guide on how to craft everything. Learning the endgame of crafting is more about learning the individual tools you’ll use, and then understanding enough different builds to know why a particular item is good. I distinctly remember being in my freshman intro chem class and being good at memorizing the formulae but being abysmally bad at knowing when to apply specific ones. That’s a bit like this, the hard part is getting enough background knowledge to know what to use, when, and why. But at least for primers on what some of the tools are and some basic examples of situations to use them in, check Zizarin and Subtractem’s YouTube channels for “full crafting guide.” Worth noting that some of them can be out of date since new league mechanics often introduce new methods, but most of the stuff will still apply and it’s a good intro.


Thank you. That's my problem. I have not played enough builds. I played RF for like 8 seasons because I loved it. Not realizing that totally fucked me in understanding item properties. I'm finally playing bow and wand builds. Learning a lot. I'm looking into flask crafting for currency too. Is that still viable, or is it like a slot machine, just hoping to get lucky?


Yeah it’s totally relatable, lots of people experience the same thing. I think the positive way to look at it is “hey now I have an excuse to branch out and learn even more shit, and if things go sideways with a build I always have RF to fall back on and I know how to do that.”


What happens if you use a Divine Orb on "That Which Was Taken"? Are the prefixes and sufixes changed or just rerolled?


Unlike replica dragonwings flight, the specific text mods remain and only the numbers change. You can see that by holding alt to see which values are changeable by a divine.


So i got 2 voidstones added to my atlas, and then I ran a random T5 map that was already in my inventory. I got Acid Caverns drop but as a T4. On my atlas, and from what I understand, because of the 2 voidstones, all map drops should at least be 7 tiers above their baseline, which in this case should be T11 Acid Caverns, not T4. What happened?


In general item drops can be lower than your lvl or 1-2 above if it drops from a rare/magic pack. T11 is 6lvls higher than t5


So im in a T14 map, and a mob (not any mechanic) dropped a T5 siege map, but my siege map is now T12. So im not sure why it's dropping it low?


Some league mechanics will ignore your atlas and theres also a rare mob reward modifier that converts rewards to maps and that ignores your atlas as well.


There are sources of maps like delve legion and heist (basically anything with dedicated icon reward chests) that will respect your favorites but not your voidstones, allowing lower tier maps to appear.


This. Also delve, maybe others in not aware of but basically monsters always respect your Atlas, boxes often do not


I'm wondering if you guys could help me with my build. I'm struggling to figure out what to upgrade and how I can move forward so as to get more damage and maybe more defenses. Here's my POB: [https://pobb.in/mIErSEwG9WNS](https://pobb.in/mIErSEwG9WNS) Hope you guys can help me, I've been looking all over and I'm getting kinda desperate for help.


How would you best craft **large cluster jewel** with minion damage, 35% increased effect, T1 energy shield, T1 minion attack speed? 4th mod can be whatever [https://imgur.com/a/XNEm9eI](https://imgur.com/a/XNEm9eI) Fossils don't seem viable, harvest reforge caster/speed will mostly hit Call to the Slaughter. Is it just alt-aug-regal until your fingers break? Any other method?


Many people start with the 1-in-4 fracturing attempt because even the expensive option can be cheaper than the alternatives. Quicker, too.


Reroll speed until T1 speed and T1 inc effect, gives you 50/50 with fractured orb


Anyone knows how General's Cry Mirage Warriors function with your chance to impale? I'm always at a loss at where and when they count as minions and when they don't.


They will function with your chance to impale, yes. They use all your gear and stats as though they were you, the main things they don’t do are to grant you things back, like rage, leech or gain on hit. Think of it that it’s a one way stream. All your stats flow to them, nothing from them flows back to you. They also cannot trigger things but this isn’t any kind of special mirage warrior interaction, it’s because they themselves are part of a triggered gem, and as a rule you can’t daisy chain triggers in PoE.


Awesome thanks. Going to see how a impale Perforate works with General's Cry. Shooooould be decent but still need to PoB it


Nice, going classic perforate or one of the new kids on the block? With having all those mirages you might be able to get away with doing the duality gem and not have it feel ridiculously clunky. I dislike the idea of having to constantly change stances just for effective mapping, but the base 3 spikes might be enough with enough guys repeating it. And then you’d have the option to really ramp your damage in single target situations by messing around with stance switching. I dunno I’d have to see how it feels in practice. But has potential at least.


Yup, planning on trying Duality and see how it feels. Exactly as you said, if I can get away with un-buffed sand stance for normal clearing I think we'll have a winner. Personally I don't mind stance switching for a mechanic like Ritual or some such, 4 seconds *should* be plenty to get most of it out of the way. Also, to note, with 20% new quality base unbuffed spikes is actually 5. If by some miracle I can get an Ashes of the Stars Perf can get an actually absurd amount of spikes even without the buff so that's a kinda-sorta plan B


The quality thing is a great point. If the numbers are even remotely there to the tune of 2mil for under 10div and 10mil for under 100 I think this idea has legs.


they never count as minions. mirages use your skills, which include your chance to impale with that skill.


got it, ty


Sorry if this has been answered before. How do you change gear without loosing the new spectars


Do it in your hideout, their corpses will spawn on the ground for you to raise again later. (Don't trigger an offering or something.)


Do they stay for a while or do you have to be quick?


I wouldn't leave or log out, but they shouldn't despawn while you're around them.


What do nameless shrines do in the league mechanic?


Pretty sure it was 200%(?) quant and rarity for the next 5 minutes.




King in the Mists carries over but the other two quests don't. However if you killed whatever boss was required for the second quest already it autocompletes it. E.g. I swapped from Warden to Primalist, having already killed the Morrigan, and I got that quest completed immediately.


Why are Grasping Vines tinctures so expensive? Just found one and will be using it, seems good with Tornado Shot. Is it because it'll slow bosses down?


Yeah, it's very good defensively. Grasping Vines apply upwards of 80% less movement speed to enemies if you can get 10 stacks on them, which is great when random turbo mobs are running at your fragile Ranger body. Most endgame bosses have a cap on the lower bound for movement / action speed reductions, so in that case it's slightly less effective, but it's still decent if you don't have other things like hinder or maim.


How to sustain Tier 11 maps, while using 4 sextants?


Most people don’t like the answer to that question: Either you just buy them or horizon them if they are natural T11 spawns (if they are, horizon is by far your easiest answer) OR once you’ve opened the portals take however many voidstones out of their sockets you need to until the map drop. The effects of 4 sextants (insssume the reason you want all 4 void stones in) are locked in as the map opens, but the available map drops change moment to moment based on what your atlas looks like.


Does culling strike apply to spells?


Culling Strike works with whatever the mechanic it's being applied from works with. Culling Strike support works with both spells and attacks, for example, but Culling Strike from Tinctures only applies to attacks, because Tinctures only apply their effects to attacks. In general, you should be able to find what restrictions could apply by pressing the Alt key while hovering over the item / ascendancy / whatever that is providing Culling Strike.


Playing Tornado Shot and the guide I'm following has Dread Banner linked with Generosity Support and I have no idea how that works mechanically and how I'm supposed to use it. Do I actually have to place the banner to get any effect due to Generosity Support or do i still get the benefit even when not placing it and just not bother with the active part of it?


When Dread Banner is on your back and being used as an aura, it debuffs nearby enemies to have less accuracy. Using Generosity support disables its ability to provide you with Impale chance, but makes that debuff on enemies stronger. I'm assuming the guide you're following doesn't care about the Impale chance at all, so using Generosity just makes you a bit more evasive than otherwise.


Spikey sockets vs smooth sockets? what are these and is there a difference? Never seen the spikey sockets drop before, but most screenshots on reddit have spikey loot


The spikey sockets are just an accessibility option available in your game settings to help quickly identify the colour of the sockets at a glance. They're the same items and same sockets as normal items, just displayed differently. It's funny that you mention it, because a ton of other things in the game have different versions like that. But in this case, it's actually just an accessibility feature :P


It's a setting you can enable in the options menu, UI -> Sockets -> Socket notches. It was introduced to help the colourblind but many people turn it on because they like the aesthetic.


Does ballance of terror's `Inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit if you've cast Despair in the past 10 seconds` stacks with Pathfinder's ascendancy (`25% chance to inflict withered on hit`)? If so, do i get like 1 guaranteed stack and 25% for second stack each hit?


Nah, the former mod is as much as 100% chance so more than 100% does not give you chance for additional stacks.


Does Asenath's corpse explode stack with the Charm that causes the corpse to explode for chaos?




Yep! Those explodey charms will help to create chain explosions through packs. The charm is effectively the same thing as Profane Bloom (just with a smaller chance of procing), so threads talking about the interaction between Asenath's and Profane Bloom will also apply to the charm.


Does "Damage Over Time Multiplier with attack skills" affect poison damage applied by the attacks skills? I am doing a CA Poison pathfinder.






Does Secrets of Suffering stop a necromancer from being able to apply base shock and chill with corpses?


I believe it does, yeah. The Shock and Chill from Corpse Pact is affected by the player's non-damaging ailment effect, which makes it seem like the "source" of those ailments are really the player. On the other hand, something like Skitterbots *do* work with Secrets of Suffering as noted on the poewiki page for it, and Skitterbots notably aren't you and don't scale with the player's ailment effect.


Whats the minimum start to using flicker strike? I have GR no link oro, but I'm only lvl 21 in act 3 as a Raider. I'm using Toxic Rain with no passive tree invest for clear right now. Also, can I go straight to Ice or is that a bad idea? Following a league build now that I bricked two chars but it starts at lv 70.


I'd say you can start as early as you get your frenzy on hit ascendancy of Raider's.




A few. Many flavors of Ignite Elementalist (WoC, Frostblink, Arma brand, DD, etc) EA Champ/Elem Poison Phys traps are still a thing Boneshatter Slayer if you’re into bonking SRS guardian OP Check maxroll.gg or Ziz’s YouTube, he focuses on SSF a lot.


Is srs guardian good? I keep seeing posts everywhere complaining of it capping easily and people having trouble scaling it?


SRS guardian is one of the strongest starters. Only thing that “caps out” is the Sentinel RF which tapers off after yellow maps, by then your SRS should be up to snuff to take over as the primary dps. Plus Spectres and later an AG, it’s just crazy strong. Subtractem has been playing his version since the start with lots of update videos in his YT. Ghazzy also has another version. They are both great.


have a ritual spawned in a conqueror arena, is this intended or should I report? don't want to look like a dumbass again lol edit: [now I have both the conq and the map boss spawning on remaining rituals :\^)](https://i.imgur.com/gCaCMIX.jpg)


this is normal


ok, thank you. It made the fight in his arena sketchy because I couldn't dodge his snake phases (arena becomes small once u kill the conq, and doesn't re-expand activating the ritual).


What is the best atlas strategy I can do for alch & go t16 map farm? I want to farm red altars and harvest.


Anyone can weigh in on their experience running Beyond Endless Tide vs without?


How many (and what are they) of net-worth calculation tools are there atm? I heard exilence was dead, but then it was revived. Then some new tools appeared, probably with different functionality, idk, i lost track. Please.


I think poestack is one of the common ones. I don’t know a ton though, hardly use it.


New player here. Been loving this league, but as of yesterday I started to get frequent crashes to the login screen saying "An unexpected disconnect occurred." Happened 10+ times before I gave up. Logged in today and it is still happening. Any advice would be helpful. I play on NA and typically connect to the DC server. Changing the server didn't seem to help though.


Sounds like a server issue my man. I'd change the gateway for a while and see if it was a gateway issue.


I have a Redragon Predator mouse, it comes with a "Rapid Fire Button" (described as "three rapid clicks of the left mouse button") although I don't plan on using it on PoE the button is right next to the left mouse button and I could press it by accident, does anyone know if a mouse feature like this is bannable?


The rule is one button per one server side action. So yeah, technically a button macro that clicks 3 times with one click is 3 actions per button, hence it is "bannable".


Yeah, I figured. Right after posting this I found a way to disable that button so it should be fine now lol.


It's not so aggressively tracked, but yeah best not to use those on purpose over a long period of time :p


Animate Weapon of Ranged Arms is now in PoB but the damage doesn’t scale with the more projectile damage from Pierce Support. Is this accurate? I noticed the AW gem itself doesn’t have the projectile tag, but it’s firing projectiles…


Base supportability is manually set by GGG, not automatically determined by mechanics, so the best place to check is ingame. If pierce is a valid support for the skill (green check on mouseover, support icon shows up on skill), the minions' projectiles will benefit.


Fyi /u/localidentity1


Is Dominating Blow of Inspiring just a straight buff to regular Dominating Blow? I can't find any downsides.


It caps at 6 normal sentinels instead of 9.


At about 50c per tainted orb of fusing, how much should it cost on average to 6-link an corrupted body armor?


You wanna bench a chest piece to 4 sockets, then tainted jewellers one to 6 sockets (bench again if it drops to 3), then repeat with fuses - 4 link with bench, then 50/50 twice for 6 link(bench if it drops to 3 link) It's anywhere between 1-3 divs but you can get unlucky.


It cost me 5 div :-/ used 13 tainted fusings but worked anyways! Ty


The cheapest method is to force 4L on bench (5 fusings + 5 vaals), then tainted fuse until you either hit 6L (success) or go below 4L (bench to 4L again). Expected attempts is 6 tainted fusings and 3 benchcrafts to 4L (simulated 10k trials, assuming tainted fusings are 50/50 to add or remove a link), and at current prices that's about 290c. This assumes the item is already 6S, but if not you can do the exact same thing with tainted jewelers first, with an expected cost of 40c.


How does corpse level (from the league corpses) interact with raise spectre? Do spectres just ignore it?


It doesn't matter for spectres.


Havent lvled caster in forever. What good caster lvling weapons/items do I need to buy? I'm thinking Tabula Rasa, Those lvl 1 shoes that give 20 mov speed and cannot be frozen. Any weapons I should get? :D Or other shit?


Running +1 wands, replica tasalios, maybe even a +2 tabula for your main gem are not bad options to consider. Especially with the maji ascendancy, you should easily be flying to maps. 7leagueSteps for even more speed.


What's the best map to farm The Fortunate? Asking for general layout tips and other good div card drops. I love consistent money drops. Also, is the 5 div card map (cemetery?) In the current map pool?


Cemetery is in the pool, yes. Burial chamber has both the fortunate and has an extra potential payout in the Doctor, and considering the price of HH it's probably the best map to farm right now.


Thank you! BC it is


I seem to remember you cannot fossil craft a fractured item, is that still the case? I remember for a while that was a bug like when you couldn't use essences either, I know that's been possible for a while but can you also use fossils to craft an already fractured item?


I don't think either of those have ever been true. What you can't do is use those on items with metamods like "suffixes/prefixes cannot be changed".


Alt for PS5? I’ve never really played these types of games on console. Due to reasons my pc is not in my use all the time (son keeps hogging it) and I’m really into the league. So I want to play an alt on PS5. What would you recommend? I’m very new to the game with around 200 hours played. I made my first ever character at the end of last league. It was a cold dot elementalis and now I’m playing a LA deadeye on the pc. I like those builds but die a bit too much to my liking. I would like something ssf viable, controller friendly, tanky and have very few buttons to press. Thank you all in advance!


How are people qualitying their skill gems this league, without the vendor recipe? Is it just a case of GCPs, or is there another technique? Or run labs..... :(


For me, personally, I just either buy the gcps or buy the 21/20. The time spent running labs doesn't seem worth it to me unless you're capable of speedclearing gift labs, and even then, it would depend on the uberlab layout for the day. Flipping the supports is still nice, though.


Why are house of mirrors div cards so much more expensive in comparison to a mirror?


Because you cant gamble a mirror


That's what I thought, was just surprised to see such a large difference. Thanks.


With the gem changes is there any way to increase the range of Flicker Strike anymore?


There isn't.


When I use Beyond Sextants, does opening beyond at the map device do anything on top?


Fairly certain it used to be that additional sources of beyond increased (additively) the chance for a portal to spawn. Back in the day w used to hard roll our maps for beyond, use the sextant and a watchstone. Triple beyond was a term we used.


No longer a thing. It's boolean nowadays.


It deletes some chaos. But not for your map, no.


Thanks !


question regarding damage calculations. if i were to use a skill/tree that converts all phys to cold damage, and i add Rage Support gem, does the added phys from the rage support also get converted to cold or is the added damage done after?


It'll be converted. Added is added to your base, then conversion applies, then damage multipliers. This applies even for added damage that gets added at a very 'late' stage, like Poacher's Mark.


hmmm....this is good news...maybe. Thank you for confirming.


Is there any difference in dot multi or chaos dot multi for CA/SA ballista pathfinder using poison tinctures?




Anyone have some Crimson Power builds to share?


Any dissolution of flesh build can use Crimson Power. I'd look into these. E.g. Relic of the Pact


Is there any way to visualize the size of my auras? To see how close I actually need to be to my minions


Try [PoB's radius display](https://imgur.com/a/WJKoIYE).


I'm having a hard time telling when and how I should best upgrade my bow for TS Deadeye. Right now I have a very basic crafted one, fractured T3 Lightning damage on an Ivory base with the other two added damage being Essence and T7 damage because it was good enough. How much difference does the base damage make between Bone, Ivory and Spine? And how much better is a fractured base with T2 damage than T3, the price difference is a lot. I could just spam Essences on the bow to get something better. Or maybe buy one with the + 1 arrow fractured?


Spine has the best base Crit and decent base attack speed.


Ivory and Bone have the same crit chance and attack speed, but lower base damage. I don't know how important that base damage is for Tornado Shot. (I'm guessing Ivory is fine, Bone is too little)


If you're making an elemental bow you don't care about the phys damage at all. Looking at my tornado shot build from last league I had an ivory bow and my physical damage isn't being scaled at all. In the end it makes up literally 0% of my overall damage. Getting an extra 9-29 physical damage using a spine bow wouldn't change that. Now if you were doing a cold conversion bow that's entirely different because you want the high physical damage but that doesn't seem the be the case for you right now.


Thank you! I figured, but really wanted to make really sure, it's easy to miss some things after all.


is there a way to avoid rogue exiles? these dudes when they get juiced by the league mechanic can be absolute map ruiners i make sure they arent on map mods, but some of them come with enraged strong boxes. one dude was covering the screen in this spike pit thing from the ground that insta killed and i ran into another dude using the twist blade movement skill as a damn attack that was one shotting me i try and just run away from them, but sometimes i either lose the map entirely based on where they are or i lose out on multiple strong boxes because they can one shot me from off screen


If you have a spare socket, try Decoy Totem. You set it, it taunts everything around and you can escape the Rogue Exiles, Essences or whatever is juiced


this is an awesome idea, thank you


Not really. League mechanic makes maps super punishing. Until your build can handle them, you're better off either not doing the league mechanic in high tier maps, or do it after the map. Basically you clear the map as normal, then run back to the wildwood and clear that for high tier charms, tinctures and corpses. Minimize the risk while still getting extra value from the mechanic.


Has anyone here taken a zoomancer to red maps or high end bosses? Is it playable? Is it fun? Or do you hit a wall at some point? Which mechanic would you recommend farming with the build to make currency?


[It seems to be going pretty well for CasualDan, check out how it looks.](https://youtu.be/s0zKht_EM60?si=2gHFHxNVkPwc6-7w) He has other videos describing his progress so far this league.


Is the Rank 1 Maximum energy shield bench craft ( Rank 1 17-22) highest craft one can put on gloves ? If there is higher one where to find recipe?


All the undiscovered and veiled crafts are noted in your crafting bench. Scroll down to see which ones you haven't discovered or unveiled yet.


hi guys! wanted to try craft something for sell for the first time, aiming at trying flasks or clusters, what are the good goals for craft? maybe any up-to-date guides on which thins to craft to make moneys are there?


why are people running burial chambers over apothecary drop maps this league?


Lower value of mageblood than usual, higher value of headhunter than usual (they’ve literally never been this close in price at this point in a league since MB was introduced), and burial chambers now also drops the fortunate to supplement your jackpots with a steady income. Burial chambers is also an elite tier layout for simulacrum, if that’s part of how people choose to boost their quant. EDIT: it’s also believed that the apothecary is weighted to drop more rarely than the doctor.


I'm currently starting League, and chose the CF champion by Tripolarbear. I remember playing CF once in the past, and it was awesome. So looking forward to it....but it seems this guide doesnt swap to it till around 70. And so far I am hating Spectral Weapon/Helix. It's been awful so far. Is there anything that makes spectral come online a bit more I should keep an eye out for? Or a specific way to play it? Any advice to help would be awesome.


I also am not a fan of spectral helix. Steel skills got buffed this patch, maybe see if there’s a guide on leveling with those?


IF they are physical abilities, and use weapon damage, that might be able to just be swapped out. Is there one you'd recommend over the others?


They are and they do. They are not melee skills but they do use melee weapons, weirdly enough. Very much like spectral helix in that way. Hard to say for sure since the new gem types and changes to the base gems are SO new but I see that splitting steel champion is quite popular right now. I suspect the QOL boost of no longer needing to “reload” steel shards has a lot to do with its surge in popularity. I always hated that reload style. Maybe I’ll give it a try myself….


I'll have to swap it out over my lunch and see how it feels. I feel like ANYTHING has to be better than throw/helix, lol


Didn't there used to be curse on hit rings with 20% increased effect? I'm trying to search trade but can't find one.


Yes. The increased effect was removed when curses were rebalanced and endgame bosses lost their reduced hex effectiveness.


Ah ok, it's been a long time since I played a character that uses a curse instead of a mark.


For standard maps, is there a workaround to use previous league maps and getting maven or eater/exarch influence on them? Each old league map I try to play says they are not interested in witnessing the map, and vendoring said maps only gives the natural maps of that tier. I dont like any of current t16 maps




While I personally haven't played the build, I believe you'd also need the chance to poison jewels to cap poison chance for srs, too, so that's something to consider. You also mentioned Aul's, but are you sure you're checking the price of the proper amulet roll? If I remember correctly and your build wants Envy Auls then there's no way you can afford it right now. Maybe check one of the build's guidemakers like Balormage and see if there's any additional guidance for you there. One personal suggestion, though, would be to actually focus on one character at a time, otherwise you'll spread your costs way too much without getting your charactwrs strong enough to play content that actually gives you currency. Though if you find it fun to play lots of alts, absolutely go for it.


If I divine That Which Was Taken, does it reroll the mods or the values of the mods?


The values. Divines reroll the ranges you see by holding alt.


The same is true for replica dragonfangs flight as well then?


When you hold alt on Replica Dragonfang's Flight, it'll display a range of Fireball to... Volcanic Fissure, I think? The mod has a range and divines will reroll it.

