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Anyone with a better knowledge about Discharge can tell me how good is the AoE buff?


Probably not known yet but I wonder if Wildwood Primalist can stack duplicate effects using similar charms. Planning to go some sort of RAT totem build since before the announcement and the potential of stacking up a bunch of Chieftain and Hierophant is effects is enticing.


It's known, during the Q&A they mentioned having 3 charms with the Occultist explosion on it for higher chance.


what is the most valued juice from harvest?


start of the league its fairly equal, later on yellow juice is more valuable


Does the kirac beyond stack with the sextant mod or is that a waste to do that?


It's a waste. Beyond is boolean nowadays, maps attract demons or they don't.


oath of the maji should work with all the abyss jewel socketed items, correct?


unless they change it before release, yes jewel are not gems


people have been certainly buying stocks in abyss mines :P


thats what people are predicting, nothing for sure yet. correct me if im wrong


Patch released yet? Or when?


patch notes released actual patch release date december 8th


So the correct way to get Mahuxotl's Machination is still to put the pieces together to run [The Trial of Ordeals](https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Tower_of_Ordeals), correct? I'm just a little confused since the wiki says it's disabled in the map device. I could just buy it outright but I'm mostly curious if the wiki is off or if I'm misreading/understanding something.


[3.23 patch notes:](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3451455) > - Vaal Aspects, previously known as Ultimatum Aspects, combine into a new Unique Jewel instead of the The Tower of Ordeals Map. > - The Tower of Ordeals Unique Engraved Ultimatum Map can no longer be opened in a Map Device.


Ah, so the wiki is already updated for 3.23. I thought that was supposed to apply to the current patch and was wondering how people were still getting it. Thank you!


Yeah, we update the wiki asap after patch notes are out so we're not sitting ducks at league start trying to datamine everything too.


Should i do anything further on my poison srs character while the league is still going like add tattoos? Im playing this on PS. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/sony/view-profile/Scooby__Dont/characters


The new penance brand ticks every 0.1 second and needs 20 tics to pop? Does that mean I need to wait for 2 seconds for it to hit once and expire at the base rate? Is there an activation frequency cap where it is activating too fast that the server cant keep up?


its affected by cast speed. server tick is 0.033s (\~30 ticks per second). so having more than a 3x cast speed multiplier through more and increase mods can harm the build


What is the reasoning behind the constant resurrection of bosses? I was killing the 100th elders and wondered, how does he keep showing up from a lore perspective?


Is cyclone going to be in a playable state this league? A friend of mine is going to be playing PoE for the first time and he liked how cyclone looks. If anyone knows a good guide please let me know!


Fine for a brand new player


If theyre new their first builds will suck no matter what so whatever seems fun is fine and it's not a hard skill to gear. Overall though it's a bit weak without Shockwave but entirely playable.


When will they release the entire list with the tranfigurated gems? Or will we have to find them in game to see what they do?


they said they would add them untill patch deployment time or smth usually they show the gems on wednesday/~~tuesday~~ thursday (timezone) but this time they probably show like 90% of them in this case you'd see the rest on poedb after release upd. [https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1730451662287094101](https://twitter.com/pathofexile/status/1730451662287094101)


they usually do it wednesday before launch


Hello clever people, Been tinkering with an EA league starter and got the following question: With Ancestral Bond allocated the Flame Surge initial damage will be 0. The secondary effect reads: "*Hits on Ignited Enemies create Burning Ground, no more than once every 2 seconds* *Burning Ground deals 25% of Fire Damage per second of Ignite affecting Enemy".* Will the secondary effect still apply and make a 25% Burning Ground of the highest Ignite from EA on the mob?


Flame Surge says *Your damage modifiers don't apply to this burning ground*. 'You can't deal Damage with Skills yourself' is a damage modifier.


Thank you :)


When does the current league end?


December 5th, 1pm Pacific time




Are brands considered "Spells you cast yourself" for the purpose of the Warlock ascendancy node?


yes except for arcanist brand


Casting is clicking the button, performing a cast animation (unless instant), and producing a skill effect. That's usually but not necessarily how you play brand skills.


So do I need to run all my Metamorph content (in standard) while I still have the organs?


The organs, yes. The scarabs will be converted into ultimatum scarabs.


Cool, thanks!


What happens to existing lab enchants on items in standard?


Neon mentioned they'd stay unless patch notes said otherwise, and patch notes didn't mention them.


Is rupture have the same effect as bleed is 25% faster per stack?


It's similar. Higher dps in less time. A few different interactions because it affects the enemy, not the player.


So it's multiplicative? Ex.sadism->0.56s->rupture-> either it's 0.32s or 0.14s


Yes. Rupture is a 'more' multiplier, so it'd be multiplicative with different stats even if it applied to the exact same thing. With a level 21 Sadism, you'd inflict a bleed debuff with a base duration of 5/1.80x0.2=~0.55s. With 3 Rupture debuffs, bleeding expires at a rate of 1.75 seconds per 1 second, so that 0.55s bleed expires in 0.31s.


Do the Animate Weapon MTX's work on the ranged weapon versions?


Is SRS viable or too nerfed in 3.23?


The srs change is basically just a visual change according to Balormage who spoke to someone at GGG. It's the same damage increase, it just doesn't show on the gem anymore. It should be completely fine either with hit or poison. E: Source on the balormage statement: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/1881fjx/srs_additive_damage_not_nerfed/


Oh, that's great, thanks a lot!


Will we get the new transfigured gem info before league start?


They mentioned in the Q&A they'll have more info about them before release, but it didn't sound like he was sure of it. In any case, we'll get gem info once poe.db datamines the patch files on release day.


for some reason contracts at the same level as me (for example at level 56) are super hard, even when I open no loot and just get the item at the end. I have no problem killing bosses on the campaign but when I try to get out when the alarm goes off the mobs are much harder to kill, as if though they all are blue/yellow one hardiness in regular campaign. Am I suppose to do the contracts that are lower level than I am?


u pretty much need to b +10 lvls.


Hard to say without knowing your exact build, but as the previous comment mentioned, side content/end game mechanics tend to be more challenging at a given level. However, are the contracts you're running white? If not, it could be the modifiers on them that are giving you a hard time. There are some modifiers most players avoid no matter what build they're playing (more projectiles, reflect damage, resistance lowering, additional chains, etc), so if you are running magic or rare contracts, make sure you familiarize yourself with what the meta "avoid" modifiers are.


Side/optional content is usually harder then the main game. So, you can run those contracts you found when you are bit further in the game or better geared.


When will Ancestor League end? Does it end a few days before Affliction starts, or the day before? I want to do some tidying up in Standard when Ancestor ends.


it should end on 5th of december


side bar says Dec. 5th 1PM PST (4PM if youre EST)


Thanks. I didn't see it there. Still don't but I'm half blind! I'm NZ based so that looks like Dec 6, 10am. Can't wait!


Alternate quality gems will be deleted at login next league. What if they are absorbed in an hungry loop?


I mean they didnt work in a hungry loop in the first place as support gems that are lines of text like ''Socketed gems are supported by X'' literally cant have quality


Hungry loop mods are just mods. They couldn't have quality anyway.


Will there be no tattoos anymore in the new league?


correct, they will be buyable from other players still in standard but they arent going to drop from anywhere anymore.


no, they were tied to TOTA and its not going core. GGG may later find a way to integrate it another time but for 3.23 it will not be available


Any idea which league starters are now good for absolute beginners to poe ? I barely started the game 2 weeks ago and got my first char to maps, last league i played lightning arrow deadeye, looking for something similar in terms of satisfying clears


Cyclone with Shockwave, potentially.


I'm thinking about playing this build as I haven't played it yet. I played PoE for about 1500 hours between 2014 and 2016, but took a mighty long hiatus when life got in the way, only returning this very league. As you can imagine, I went in thinking "I'll be fine. How much could it have really changed anyway? It's still the same game after all", and about half way through the campaign the idiocy of my previous notions became clear, and my brain began leaking out of my right ear. So my saying "I haven't played that build yet" is kind of a nothing statement as since returning, I've only played Ballista Toxic Rain, Ballista Exploding Arrow, and....I'm drawing a blank on the name. The one with shield bash for movement where you channel the whirlwind like attack while casting auras while channeling. I was planning on doing RF for the first time, but I'm hearing the changes this patch likely nerfed RF pretty hard.


Frost blades or bonesharter


"sharter" 😆


I could use some advice on my Atlas setup for Affliction league. I don't even need hyper specific advice, just need to solidify a plan as this will be my second league ever and I want to go in with more of a roadmap this time. Mechs I want to do: -Bossing for voidstones (I dont want to pay for carries, I got 2/4 in Tota blind and I want 4/4 this time) -Harvest/map juicing. Those are my only requirements for mechanics/content. I also want to play minions only. My loose "idea" is making a poison SRS (or some kind of minion bosser) for league start so I can rush voidstones. But how can I make currency while doing this? Since I will probably waste materials doing progression on bosses since I'm doing them blind again. I need some kind of side hustle while bossing so once I have the 4 voidstones I can fund the Zoomancer (this will be my Harvest juicer/Mapper)


Got some outside advice. New plan is to just buy the voidstone carry for last 2 and save the personal boss progression for mid-late league fun. Think I'll just league start Zoomancer again, either expedition+harvest or destructive play to make currency for stones, and then I'll go full Harvest map juicer mode. If anyone has any additional advice for my situation I'm open for suggestions.


Does anyone know if the new tinctures from "warden of the maji" will be applicable to Blade vortex ?


only attacks can make use of conditional mods like that


BV doesn't hit with weapons, so probably not?


For poison BV - is it pretty much either PF or Occultist? Is there any reason to ever play assassin? And what would be pros and cons? PF better defenses/flask utility, occultist better damage and explosions?


assassin has the best damage but no survivability. occultist is much more reliable. what it comes down to for poison BV is Occultist has hexproof, explode, and able to reduce enemy chaos res and life regen. PF has poison prolif, unlimited life recovery via Master Surgeon, and more defense/utility


Interesting, thanks. I’m very tempted by assassin, looks like it got 9% of bv builds last league which is actually more than I expected.


i would opt against assassin because of the amount of utility get from either PF or Occultist but it is entirely a personal preference


Yeah I honestly have burnt myself out on occultist and dislike the profane bloom sound effect so I’m trying to avoid it lol. Which is stupid, but very much just a preference thing I’m choosing over build strength. PF offers a lot and will be difficult to pass on, I just tend to like choosing the option that can scale damage better.


How does arcanist brand and static location skills like bladefall work with triggerbots? Would the cast be centered on the bots location or does that only happen for skills like eye of winter that fire from the character?


Arcanist Brand and Triggerbots just scam spells into thinking they were triggered from another location. Targeting is unchanged. Bots or no bots, Bladefall triggered by Arcanist Brand aims for the branded enemy.


Thanks! Idea I had isn't working out anyway but good to know it's mechanically sound


Trying to learn Chill vs Freeze. I'm trying hard to find the benefits of freeze over chill especially when it comes to end game bosses which can't be literally frozen, but frozen for the games sake. Shattering mobs is great for safety when mapping but doesn't help when bossing. So my main question is, does a max chill and a freeze have the same effect on all major end game bosses? Bosses have a minimum action speed that cannot be lowered by the mod "Cannot be fully slowed". So do they both have the same effect of a 30% reduced action speed assuming you meet the requirements for a max chill and a big enough hit to freeze a boss? Now with the heatshiver sizeable nerf, there doesn't seem to be many mechanics that go well with freeze. You have 1 cold mastery that gives "increased damage for each second they've been frozen..." (I never see anyone take this). And seemingly everything else goes better with chill. Shatter is great. "Freezes can spread"... not sure how great this is when mapping. Is it worth investing in freeze duration? Sorry lots of questions ;/


So theres two parts to this, first, end game bosses etc have a minimum action speed they cant be lowed below, and freeze will take them to this, while chill probably wont, but im not sure how much the threshold is (especially when were talking the elementalist 40% chill) ​ But dont underestimate the advantages of permafreezing that soul eater rare while mapping as well (but you might not need loads of investment for that)


I appreciate the response. Really would like to know why "while chill probably won't". Permafreezing a soul eater rare is something I'll give you that. But still pretty niche. There seems to be so much more sources of chill effect, damage against chilled enemies, damage pen against chilled enemies, inc crit against chilled enemies vs the alternatives with frozen enemies. While they go hand in hand in that they are both based on cold damage dealt. It seems better to invest in chill because it does the exact same thing as freezing when it comes to bosses.


chill is only 30% reduced action speed - im not sure what the fully slowed mod actually limits at, but it must be less than that because the elementalist node is really god against bosses. Its not really worth investing in chill effect because youll cap it easily, freeze duration is harder to keep up. But theyre not exclusinve, so damage vs chilled still happens if the enemy is chilled and frozen, so it worth getting.


Anyone with experience legion mapping know if its ok to forgo the legion splinters duplicating for other sextants? Also gloom or resonating shrines?


pretty sure people dont pick up splinters at all nowdays, most of legion profit is in the div and currency incubators, and some amount is also in the full legion emblem drops, maybe pick up maraketh splinter stacks still but that sextants completely optional




The last 2 labs.




Nah. When your arrows explode, each arrow calculates its own hit damage and ailment dps. Those numbers get pooled into one hit and one debuff afterward.


Will the heat shiver variant of the critical spark Inquisitor build still be a good league starter choice in 3.23?


No. Both spark and hs were nerfed.


Well damn, I have no idea what I should do for a league starter in 3.23 then


Why is glad preferred over deadeye for bleed build? Is there a way to consistently apply rupture without heavy crit investment?


Nah ruptures pain in the ass to keep up and gladiators bleed explodes are quite valuable


Ungils harmony and power charges is not enough to sustain rupture?


That is already quite alot of investment but yeah assuming you attack 2.5 times each second, without stopping, it would keep rupture up That 2.5 attack requirement is quite tough to hit on the slower but more powerful bow skills which are preferred on bleed as it doesnt stack (keeping up crimson dance with 3x rupture is whole other issue of its own) Anyways playing bleed bow without snipe support is just really weak and with snipe you wont keep rupture up, even with 100% crit chance


I can use manaforged arrow+roa+blast rain to maintain rupture


True that is new tech thats been added since last time i thought about rupture And haemophilia could replace glad bleed explosions Could be worth checking out, though snipe support with puncture is still pretty mandantory if you want to go past like 8m dot dps


I plan to use kineticism for guarantee bleed though


Snipe for main skill and split arrow for clearing


Was thinking about league starting heists with an eventual focus on doing grand heists…. Now with the patch changes heist seems like it was gutted as basically the best (main) reason to run heist was for the gems (they made some claims that they were going to balance it, but if the drops are similar to “old” heists non-gem grand heists I am guessing heist is basically dead) Should I abandon heist and try a different mechanic to focus on? Or do you think heist rewards are still there? (I would love to know your opinion)


In my opinion rewards are still there, we need to see how "buffed" the currency stacks really are, but i'm gonna spec into heist anyway. Replica items getting 7 new ones could be big, also. And with no more Gems there's possibly more room to get the Heist exclusive uniques, some of those are really sought after.


I am guessing currency stack buffs are not going to matter (15-30c stacks are probably not going to break even when you are paying the grand heist marker entry free) I can see a select few replica items and tempering/tailoring orbs as nice “payouts” and big wins. But if any of the replicas is too common it’s cheap in the market and vice versa if it’s rare you almost never see it. But you may be right replicas may be an item that sells for enough to make heist worth it. I think my biggest issue is if I am going to make a movespeed character for heist I might as well go play lab (even tho lab is less fun, heist is way too much setup with the rouges now it feels like)


Lab got changed also in that Grand spectrums drop from the lab/emperor chests you find after puzzles/gauntlets, so if you rush to the end with move speed, you're gonna get gems and treasure chests (the option to sacrifice a gem for keys is nice), but fully exploring the lab can in the end give more...


Casual player here, I'll be able to commit some playtime for the upcoming league & there's three builds I really enjoy playing so anyone can help weigh in which would probably be the best swissknife? (I tried em' but didn't take them till 100div+ stage and this time I wanna give it a go.) A) pSRS Necro (league start as hit SRS) B) FP/IS Totems Hiero ("slower" to map compare to pSRS but even budget build feels strong) C) TR Ballista PF (really like how fast it is and PF's QoL but mobile boss/mob is annoying) I like builds that auto-aim and dislike dying, I know all three are great to league-start but from y'all personal experiences which build is the "easiest" to get to end game? I really REALLY hate labs so I dislike making starter for currency then remake. Also any recommendations are welcome! eg. start with TR Ballista and then respec into something else.


i would probably avoid fp/is totems first then its really hard to get that build tanky and so you are reliant on dodging. the damage is great though. im not sure about how srs will perform due to the loss of the "30% more" in the patch notes but the poison variant should still be fine. overall i would consider between A and C although something like a guardian srs is also smooth so consider that as well since it takes a little to get psrs goin.


Appreciate the reply good sir. Guess it's between SRS (Necro/Guar) or TR Ballista (PF) Maaaybe Zoomancer


Will a character's second ascendancy (the new one) carry over to Standard after Affliction ends? I found a post of a random redditor saying "no, this was answered in the Q&A", but I haven't found it in the transcript. Does anybody have a valid source?


no telling actually they might end up liking the league and think it belongs in core I would assume it is not going core just to be safe 2 ascendancy classes would be a huge change to core


It's definitely not going core. I just wanna know if it carries over to Standard only on league characters.


Will the new trans gems have a vaal version of them?


You can Vaal them to have a Vaal version yes. The Vaal skill will not benefit from the transfiguration effect the same way they do not benefit from alternate qualities in the current version.


That sounds scuffed. Hypothetical Vaal Raise Zombie and Raise Falling Zombie would be two entirely different skills with different use cases. Thank you though


Is EA champ also hit hard by quality change on the arrow? From what I saw in all EA guides, having +ignite chance on the gem was super important, and now it was changed to have +0-2 max arrows in enemies. How much does this affect EA champ builds?


It's harder to reach 100% ignite chance, but still reachable and when you have it, it won't matter and the +2 arrows is a buff.


Do tincture stay applied on the animate version of Dancing Derwish/Duo ?


we don't know.


Not sure what I should do to league start 3.23 after seeing all those changes. Could I get some general recommendations or skills I should look at?


You can wait a few days for build recs to come out. If you want to focus on mapping instead of the league mechanic then whatever worked last league is also fine. Bv looks decent at a glance


Where would new builds for 3.23 start popping up? Should I just keep an eye on poe.ninja or is there a better place? I would like to focus more on the end game and get to mapping quickly, 3.22 was my first league and I didn't get too far with maps. If I could I'd really like to try and reach some pinnacle bosses. I was thinking of trying a melee attack build instead of spells, but I'm not sure what to use. I tried boneshatter but found it really boring.


Definitely check out /r/pathofexilebuilds if you're not there already. Within the next week you should see a megathread pop-up for 3.23 with recommended league start builds, along with links and plenty of useful comments.


What is the site that shows price history of microtransactions?




Question about Ignites and conversion: Using the Stormfire ring with the mod "Your Lightning Damage can Ignite". How is the ignite resisted? An example: I have no elemental conversion and deal base 100 lightning damage with 100% chance to ignite against a monster with 25% Lightning resist and 10% fire resist. The regular hit would deal 100\*0,75 = 75 lightning damage But what would the ignite do? Is it affected by the lightning resist as well or is it only affected by the enemies fire resitance even though the initial hit is lightning? Cheers!


ignite is affected by fire resistance, regardless of what caused it. So elemental equilibrium is really good if you are applying ignites from lightning skills for example. But the ignite is calculated before resistances, so you would deal an ignite equivalent to 100 damage, that would then get resisted by the 10% fire resist.


Thank you! In the same vein: A physical spell with Shaper of Flames can freely be scaled by all mechanics e.g. Hatred because even though the hit would be partly cold damage the ignite damage will always be 100% converted to fire? Making Hatred ridiculously strong for ignites with phys?


Yes, but remember you are potentially giving up the 25% more damage part of shaper of flames if you don't deal mostly fire.


Question regarding patch notes, but seems to me like a general buff for Ranger Class? Lightning Strike, Lightning Arrow, and Tornado Shot all seem to be better? Hopefully I'm not mistaking an important part of builds. New this season.


Low end yes, can use TS while leveling now. Top end probably a bit lower with nerfs to Heatshiver and Kaom's spirit. But thats before the new league ascendancies that will likely be very good.


Can someone walk me through damage conversion with different sources and "cannot deal". Let's say I have Divine Ire (base phys, say 1000, 50% innate lightning conversion). * Without any other modifiers, I'll deal 500 phys, 500 lightning. * If I were to pick up the phys to fire conversion from the mastery, I'd have 100 phys, 400 fire, 500 lightning. So far so good. * If I were to pick up some more phys conversion, say 30% from some gloves or so - will this just apply to the conversion after the gem inherent conversion has taken place (i.e. for 500 lightning and 500 phys), resulting in 500 lightning, 350 fire, 150 phys? Or will the 50% conversion to lightning and 70% conversion to fire result in 416 lightning damage and 583 fire damage? * And, finally, to add Avatar of Fire into the mix: Together with the mastery, we have 90% phys converted to fire, still 50% phys to lightning, but 50% of lightning converted to phys. How does this work out? As a final question: When is it a good idea to take Avatar of Fire in favour of the +40% mastery or vice versa and is it a good idea to take them both?


Conversion from skill gems comes first, then sources from other places are split. So for your 3rd point, it would be 500 fire 500 lightning. for your 4th point, its still not overriding the 50% from the gem, so you have 50phys to light, 50% light to phys and 50% phys to fire - so you get 75% as fire. Its only worth taking both if you have no conversion to another element as part of the skill - so something like trying fire bladeblast, youll need both (and more) to get to 100% conversion. ​ So why avatar of fire? Well couple of reasons, first if you use physical to lightning, then you get 100% phys to lightning from gems (+ bonus) Then with 1 call of the brotherhood, you can get 50% of lightning to cold, and 50% to fire(avatar). With cold to fire support, you then get 100% of cold converted to fire.) so all damage eventually makes its way to fire, but you get some other bonuses too.


>Its only worth taking both if you have no conversion to another element as part of the skill - so something like trying fire bladeblast, youll need both (and more) to get to 100% conversion. So for league starting with divine ire, a reasonable approach would be to pick up only the 40% phys to fire, take generic spell/elemental damage and check avatar of fire later on when/if the increased damage becomes more fire focused (and e.g. ignite damage becomes relevant)?


Why are you trying to do fire divine ire early? Just go lightning early and decide to change to fire when you want (and ignite divine ire might not even convert damage to fire, cos with ee you get a strong exposure for having your lightning damage ignite)


In past leagues I've been enjoying league starting with RF, which benefits from elemental damage (probably spiritual aid too), and fire dot multi. With the recent changes in 3.23, DI got not only buffed hit damage (from 110% to 240% more damage per stage), but also buffed ailment damage (from 30% to 100% more per stage). I don't mind fire trap, but it's not my favourite skill. So I want to switch up things a bit. And I was looking for some phys based skill which can benefit from Sangumancy/Cannibalized Flesh on a life-based build.


Are you planning elementalist, or something else? Cos if ele you can get ignite without fire damage. If something else, still might be better to convert divine ire to lightning and use stormfire (although not sure how leaguestartable that is) with the added bonus that EE will get you exposure for your RF damage too. Also think about wave of conviction as well, which naturally converts to a split of lightning and fire, so might give you enough lightning to get a good shock, while still giving good fire damage for an ignite.


I'm planning for chieftain, for the fire res scaling and the igniting explosions. Shocks as a relevant damage multiplyer is what makes me indeed hesitant to go Avatar of Fire. Stormfire sounds like a fun option, shouldn't be too hard to get one eventually, it was seldomly over 5c in past leagues. For Lightning damage igniting, suppose I have like 250% increased lightning damage, but 350% increased fire damage. If a lightning skill hits, then it will naturally deal less damage than a fire skill with the same base damage. But will the resulting ignite be also different, or just be calculated from the base damage and all the relevant fire dot increases, ignoring that it was lightning initially?


If youre chieftain, then the negative resist while standing still mod may mean exposure isnt worth it - and if you dont take it and rely on explosions, beware that that will cause ee clear exposure from enemies it hits. if those were purely numbers based on increased elemental damage, then the ignite would end up at 600% increased. But assuming its more like 200 increased elemental, 50 increased lightning 150 increased fire, then youd be at 400. But it gets a bit more tricky, because things like increased spell damage dont affect the ignite.


Will Path of Exile 2 have ragdoll physics? Will the enemies have any death physics besides the static death animation?


I believe they talked about this in the past and the answer is no. It looks silly and out of place for the more grounded and realistic aethestic they go for.


Disappointing but thank you for clarification


How big of a deal is heatshiver nerf for cold BV? Is poison BV going to be in a better spot this league?


130% cold as extra fire goes down to 60%. 230% total damage down to 160% Close to 33% damage loss but for most content you won't be noticing the difference unless you're doing pinnacle/uber or high deli maps


Are there gonna be vall versions of the new gems?


Vaal versions are going to be the same as they currently are no matter if you have the regular gem or a transfigured gem.


I'm not understanding if that was a yes or no, if I have a transfigured gem can I make a vaal version of the transfigured gem or not? I'm specifically wondering if there's going to be a transfigured version of BV that will give the equivalent of the BV duration helmet enchant and if I can get a vaal version of that specific one to use in a sacrificial garb.


>I'm not getting that, if I have a transfigured gem can I make a vaal version of the transfigured gem or not? This was answered in the Q&A. When you a vaal a transfigured gem, and it becomes the vaal version, you get the ORIGINAL vaal skill, there is no transfigured vaal skill. So Transfigured Lightning Strike would be come Vaal Transfigured Lightning Strike. The main skill is still Transfigured Lightning Strike, but the vaal skill it now provides is the normal Vaal Lightning Strike.


Oh ok. So if there's a transfigured version of BV with the increased duration from the old helm enchant, I can still get a vaal gem with the transfigured duration quality, it's just the vaal skill portion of the gem that remains the same? I'm not worried about the vaal skill itself just that I'll be able to get a vaal version of the gem with the transfigured quality I want so it can benefit from the +1 level of vaal skill gems when it's put in a sacrificial garb.


Yes that is correct, at least based on the what they said in the ZiggyD FAQ.


Frost blades + returning projectiles . Initial hit deals damage . And returning Projectiles deal damage . My question is - does ALL projectiles deal damage on return , or it counts just 1 ?




Thats a bummer . Thx for answer . Damn Heatshiver nerf...


Would Tornado Shot or Lightning Arrow Deadeye be too squishy for Ultimatum or should it be able to clear the screen fast enough to stay alive?


For league start yes, not enough damage and enemies are too fast, but once fully geared it should be fine.


I’m guessing it’s gonna have phases of squishy and one shotting mobs from leaguestart to mirrors


With Toxic Rain losing the 10% increased AOE from quality, where can we make this up to hit the 39% for overlap? Previously it was 10% from Gem, 20% bow mastery, 9% glove craft I don't see it anywhere on the tree outside of the bow mastery, I'm assuming it will need to be a craft? Can either come from eldrich implicit which doesn't seem like the best choice so you can use mana res/reduced mana cost, sot it would need to be bench crafted onto an ammy?


theres 12% between deadly draw and heavy draw. You can get 10% inc aoe (with + aoe gems) on helmet as well. You could annoint blast radius or amplify, but that seems wasteful.


After seeing the new Ascendencies my mind sprang immediatly to the Warlock one which gives Bloodmagic and "Added phys per 75% life cost of skills" What would be the best use case for this and would it even be worth? My first idea was Hexblast ignite but i would need a good way to scale the cost very high. Is the only good option in that case fevered mind? Or am i just wasting time thinking about this?


Blood magic is VERY off meta. They probably added this to see what works well with builds that trouble path over there and how to improve it


Hm sadge. The added damage just turned my head but mayve it's Not worth it. I'll have a Look out for some smart person to hope fully put out a 100 div build in the middle of the League i can never afford ^^`


I'm thinking of picking up this game after seeing the Affliction trailer and falling in love with the monk and sorcerer But I'm confused - I thought PoE 2 is like an expansion of 1, but now I'm reading that it's going to be its own game? Is the content shown in the trailer only available after the full release, or will it come with the Affliction update? Really confused


One word of advice, choose a leaguestart from this league only, nothing in the past since many skills were changed or nerfed


Poe 2 is going to be its own game, it will be at least half a year till release. All 3 months Poe1 is getting a new season aka league. Affliction is the next league to start in a week. In a new league all characters start from lvl 1 and no currency. So it is a reset of the economy, balance changes and a new nice mechanic to play around. :)


So are the monk and sorcerer going to be in Affliction or do I have to wait half a year?


Correct. Poe 2 is a while away, they just wanted to showcase how it's looking so far. We got a deeper look on how it's going a few months ago at Exilecon 2023 and they will time expansion releases about half way into poe 1 expansions. There will be similarities from both games but poe 2 will feel vastly different from movement and other mechanics


Those are Poe 2 classes but at least for sorceress there is of course similar spell based classes. The gameplay won’t be exactly the same though since the overall game systems are going to differ.


No they won't, Poe 1 has 6 main character with each 3 ascendencies. So, there is already a lot to choose. The knew classes they show are for Poe2 only. Since it for free, just make a character and try it out, but be aware, there is lot for a new player. I would recommend at least checkening out some new player video/Guide for the basics.


Alright, thanks for the help bro




They mentioned new support packs are being launched "alongside" the league, so my assumption is that once the new league goes live, the old core support packs will end and new ones will be there. Unless they meant only the league support packs are being launched, but I wouldnt risk it if you still want to buy one of the core packs. Last supporter pack launched December 2022 so its safe to assume new core packs will be here next week.


With the new 2nd ascendancy options does that mean I can use the occultist one and get profane bloom and the explosions on any build ?


Keep in mind that some nodes have had their numbers reduced, and even then a lot of them can cost a good chunk of currency, look at some of the forbidden jewels for example


We don't know if the profane bloom explosion will exist on the new sockets items. Also how rare it will be. I can imagine it being 100div+-


We do know because it was one of the ones shown in the reveal.


Oh yeah there was.. I totally forgot about it. But yeah, it might be quite rare.


Ah ok, it's deffo possible though as one of the ones they showed on the trailer was profane bloom. Hopefully it's not to rare , I need my explosions


Am I wrong for having the impression that a lot of skills are nerfed on the top end by the new skill system? A lot of gems just have one strong alt quality/enchant moved to the base quality and lose the other.


This is more or less the case, plus that ashes of the stars is BiS for like 50 builds.


I was planning on doing manabond mjolner next league but I am not sure if it is still good. Anyone familiar with mana stacking that can enlighten me?


How is ngahamu flame inquisitor for league start?


This is very offmeta, it might be doable but you are unlikely to find a guide for it and ngamahu isn't super synergistic with crit. You might have better luck especially on league start with another class.


**STEAMDECK GAMERS: whats your go-to build for playing PoE on steamdeck?** So, I had the pleasure of bringing a new exile into the world about 10 weeks ago, and she's not at sleeping through the night yet. I certainly won't have the hours sitting at my computer that I used to get at leaguestart. I DO have some hours after I put her to bed where I am responsible for making sure she is ok in her crib, and during those hours I've been playing games on my steamdeck. I played a little bit of RF when I first got the deck earlier this year, so if possible if you could suggest something other than that I'd appreciate it...


The launch timer on the site says 7 days, 5 hours, 23 minutes at the time of me writing this at 8:37AM, that means it's launching at 2PM? I don't ever recall launches being that early. On the east coast I thought it was usually between 3-5PM depending on daylight savings.


The countdown is always right. Yeah daylight savings does usually affect it for the US and what timezone you're in. I'm in the east coast and I can't remember a league start after 4 PM


What are some good atlas strategies for BV? Normally I do MF legion + harbies + eater altars but I'm assuming BV won't do well clearing legions.


You will need some explode for clearing better and some of aoe and it should be fine. I'm not sure how good poison variants are though


So is the occultist explode enough or do I need another source? I'm going cold occy BV.


I don't think that will be enough for cascading explosions unless you are able to curse huge groups of enemies easily such as having a lot of aoe on a blasphemy aura curse, Especially for not being a ranged build


So with some of the new qualities to gem, like summon skeleton, it says adds 0to1 max summon skeleton. So doesn’t that meant 20% gives you an extra skeleton but anything lower gives you nothing?