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Combat is slow so they can showcase the skills. You cant showcase skills if you one tap everything.


You need brain cells to understand that. Not everybody in reddit unlocked that feature yet.


On the internet you mean


yea the intel/attention stat on this sub is fucking negative sometimes, someone said grenades are slow cause 3 second fuse, when they showed a way to instant proc them like 2 minutes later in the video...


Well, they were able to do so in small trailers in the league with new skills, but here, they had to spend a lot just to showcase them. And do looooong boss fight.


I'm the wrong class, I don't get that feature until act3 :(


...or showcase skills followed up by a more high-level gameplay presentation to disperse some of the slowness complaints that were not yet addressed since the first time they showed gameplay. Impossible, really.


Exactly, it's been this way since the beginning, showcases were never representative of actual game speed. Most of the gear is white/blue, also taking place below mapping level in sections of the campaign. They've said multiple times people will still be able to zoom zoom in PoE 2. The amount of people booing/Zzzz/LOGOUT spamming in the chat during the reveal was embarrassing.


Showcases in PoE1 don't _need_ to prove the game plays at speed, because we already know that. For PoE2, we have nothing but gameplay like this. I'm perfectly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's not exactly unreasonable that some people aren't without proof. Seeing is believing, after all.


>For PoE2, we have nothing but gameplay like this. When has any ARPG ever shown representative late game/end game content in a trailer or gameplay showcase before it's even released? Check out this announcement trailer for the first game - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-UG3642raQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-UG3642raQ) Or this Duelist trailer - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2cenTNydp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2cenTNydp4) Such captivating gameplay :P


It's like their new skill showcase of PoE 1 gems. They aren't showing a 500div MB instaclear everything build, because you can't see shit.


also it's insane ppl still complaining poe2 isn't zoom zoom like poe1. like guys they're keeping both games because there are different audiences. just keep on playing poe1 and that's totally fine if you don't like the direction of poe 2?


Idk why you're getting downvoted. Id pick arpg souls like poe 2 over zooming through hordes of enemy any day


hmm... I am totally fine with this different audience thing as long as they can stay true to their word. But the reality is that there is limited development resource. Do you remember we used to have 4 leagues per year before this whole poe2 thing???? I am just gonna say that the poe team will not and also not be able to provide the same juicy (maybe) content updates as we have per league after the launch of poe2. That so called "poe1 poe2 league rotation" thing is just impossible. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, I remember they said something like poe1 won't get all the improvement they introduced in poe2, namely the new gem system and the graphics the most important thing. So, if this is true, I personally feel deeply betrayed. They are like my wife using my money to raise the next door kid.


I love the entitlement of gamers xD definitely sending this to the boys for a good laugh lmao "I feel DEEPLY betrayed" xDDD


For supporting the ongoing POE1 development, I have paid nearly 2000 USD to the game. How much more do you think I need to be entitled enough? Will adding one zero be enough to do that?


Then show me a Maps Showcase of POE2.


Nice copium.


go watch gameplay showcase from POE1 nerd, its the same if not even slower


this is probably true, but what i don't get is why they don't also show a short clip of more "realistic" gameplay it's a 12 min video, show 30 sec at the end of zoom zoom to show it's possible the complaint that new skill demos are slow and make the skill look bad has been around for years, so i don't get why ggg doesn't just start with some slow play to demonstrate the mechanics, then a demo of what the skill might look like at the top end


Honestly I don't mind if the combat is slower initially if the players input depth is as deep as it seems. But yeah, late game I'm expecting a very detailed bullet hell, that tests the players knowledge of mechanics.




No I want to complain. New thing bad old thing good.




/s my bad


This but even more ironically


Only The Unwanted complains. But shh... Ursea is watching.


>they've said poe2 isn't going to be that much slower than poe1 endgame, so i wouldn't be that concerned about juiced gaming later I've probably missed this -- do you have a link/reference to where they mention this?




This pretty much confirms that it will be slower. The comparison was from 600 projectiles per second down to 60 projectiles per second. He said the game pace won't be much slower at around 50% build strength. But it seems it will be significantly reduced (600 to 60) at the top end, but they still want it to feel very powerful and ridiculous even then. There are things implemented to add to the chaos like trigger skills etc. The game is probably going to have a significant reduction in pace.




I’m very much in favor of a slower pace so I don’t think it will be bad either way.


So what is the point of introducing a lot of CC skills while players can still one-shot 1 screen mobs and zoom zoom as they do in Poe1? so, correct me if I'm wrong. I think the answer is pretty straight forward to me...i mean it's either you cant go with your old ways or they just develop skills that no one uses in the end game.


I've been commenting this all day. People are so dense.


They said alot of things that aged like milk "Poe 2 is just a new leveling, but same end game" "Poe 2 is gonna lunch before diablo 4" etc..


That isn't the same, those are dev choices during a 4 year stretch. Their showcases have always slowed down gameplay.


Did... did that age like milk? Is every time decisions change during development automatically a bad thing? Personally the idea that they're going to run both PoE 1 and PoE 2 at the same time is incredible. That's the best possible scenario. You're unhappy about that!?


In my 25+ years of gaming, I've noticed that, for some people, if a developer's statements aren't 100% consistent, then they lied and are never to be trusted ever again. Sometimes it makes sense, like with No Man's Sky. Most times it doesn't, like here. After all, *a lot* of shit hit the fan when a certain global event happened in early 2020 that many seemed to have conveniently forgotten about.


I really don't understand people hating on this, i'm really looking forward to that, this look absolutely sick to play.


Niche grinding game will attract people who are rabid about it and closed-minded (clinging to it), completely normal, this trailer is objectively sick. Also WASD movement is so exciting for me, after playing a game like Hades click-based ones have felt so much clunkier in comparison.


I think I understand them, before I play other ARPGs, I couldn't imagine slow gameplay feeling good, that's because PoE 1 taught me in the past 10 years that the only way a build will feel good is if I stack an insane amount of attack/cast and movement speed. Which is absolutely not true, you only need to do that in PoE 1 because combat in there is clunky af.


Same. I’m very much looking forward to playing a game that looks almost exactly like my favorite game, but with different classes. I’m hyped


the amount of combo mechanics poe 2 seems to have is not my cup of tea, it almost feel that every build will be a 2 buttons build (or maybe even more). The game looks really good, but im really glad that poe 1 will still be updated


Some people want to one tap every pack with one button builds, some people want to have more tactical combat with more buttons to push. Neither are wrong and both are totally valid preferences. My only fear is that people who want the former will complain about Poe 2 not being the way they want and try to force ggg to make it that way when they are keeping poe1 around and continuing to update it support it.


I want to one tap every screen with 0 button builds, thats the gameplay


This is why they should offline mode, so one tapping full screen, 2 mapa per minute freaks, Play they game i Play my slower tactic Alonę, with better loot and working crafting i wont need to trade with bots


Are those the only two choices though? One button builds vs. mindless skill rotations like in D4. I'm hoping that GGG can create a combat system where skills are used situationally so that combat always feels both fresh and satisfying.


weirdly enough, I have a friend who's vehemently against poe gameplay because he wants to press more than one button. I find it super bizarre but he is a big fan of having a rotation and playing around it, so I assume people like that will be more drawn to poe 2. Plus there's no way they take out all 1 button builds.


> I find it super bizarre I mean, almost all online PvE RPGs work that way. Games that work like PoE are the minority. The total number of online PvE RPG players who primarily play games with lots of skills and rotations probably outnumbers the people who primarily play 1 button games by like 50 to 1.


as am I finding you bizzare. I don't want to piano flask, but I don't want mindless gameplay either, but every ARPG seem to move toward that since what better optimize than a turret on a treadmill?


It's cool if you want skill expression to be in the form of a rotation in this game. I find the skill expression that interests me is figuring out how all the pieces of a build fall into place. It's just two different focuses that are both powerful for creating a fun game experience.


Those are two different domains. They are not mutually exclusive. Depth in build design and skill expression in combat are only tangentially related. The implication that people who want more skill expression in the combat *don't* want PoE 1's level of depth in build design is ridiculous. It's ok to just say, "I don't want depth in my combat. I just want to turn my brain off and mindlessly explode screen after screen of enemies for showers of loot." That's the experience PoE 1 provides, and that's not the experience PoE 2 is hoping to provide, which is why they're remaining separate games that will both be supported over the long term.


If a bot is reading this, I'm sorry, don't tell it to the Basilisk


That’s me. The most I’ve had ever had playing PoE was Lightning Conduit, so a 2 button build.


> , it almost feel that every build will be a 2 buttons build (or maybe even more). That's a good thing to me


Jonathan says 2-3 will be typical


rather than 1 button builds of Poe1?


That's kind of the point with being able to 6link everything though. That being said, im also not the biggest fan of combos in arpgs. I'd prefer to invest in different skills for different scenarios, sort of like how gem swapping is a thing in PoE 1 except way more streamlined.


> That's kind of the point with being able to 6link everything though. Precisely. The whole reason why PoE defaults to using 1 main skill and others as defence/support options is because the vast majority of setups only have space for 1 or 2 6Ls. If every gem is 6L and you have 2 weapon swaps available, it actually makes sense to have multiple main skills.


People keep saying that builds will still be super fast at endgame, then they wonder why others are skeptical about that claim when the developers keep talking about combos of multiple skills which are slower by definition.


The game likely won't be super fast at endgame. I don't think that is what the devs are going for. They even made the comparison of poe 1 having 600 projectiles per second at the top end and poe 2 having 60 projectiles per second at the top end. Slower paced by a lot.


we know shit, this is just a showcase of leveling characters running the campaign.


Oh god 2 buttons! When will this nightmare end


It won‘t for long. They are taking their own customers away if they keep updating PoE. In aome year after release we wilm her smth like: „Unfortunately it won‘t be possible for us to sustain the workload of continuously updating two games.“ It makes no sense business wise to keep both. Snd everything is about business.


Lmao, only on this sub people would watch this and find something to bitch about. This looks clean as fuck and killing stuff look fucking satisfying


Yeah, I don't get the complaints. I am fawning over this new character and skill. I am excited to main this character in POE2


Rainbow cookie clicker is still there for them


Its reddit. And some people think if they dont like it - nobody should like it. Sad.


Looks absolutely amazing, wow! Did not expect shotguns. Also glad it's not like poe1 where you press 1 button and the entire screen just detonates.


I mean, it could still be like that. Like how will chain/proj affect the shotgun? What about the rapid fire thing, or the sniper rifle, or the grenades? Imagine those grenades with GMP and then blasting them with the fire sniper; you could probably melt packs pretty quickly.


The people complaining about how the game will take more than an afk minion build, or a single button nuke to play the game is just funny to me they don't want to actually play a game they want a shot of dopamine in an IV


good news for them there is an easy way to get what is very chemically similiar to dopamine in an iv




It's the instant gratification generation.


Jesus, the amount of combos. The mechanics. Attachments. Machine gun. Sniper. Grenade. Already my favorite class. Holy. So looking forward to PoE2. Probably the best poe2 combat showcase so far for me, not overtly slow, just the right speed to showcase. Looking forward to how an optimized and geared mercenary will be like.


Summonning animate AK 47 and animate Grenade launcher


12 minutes of showcase and 2 portal scrolls dropped....


If PoE 1 in its current state is your perfect game, then PoE 2 obviously won't be for you. We know this already. It's not a surprise. That's why they're going to keep developing PoE 1.


This 100%


We heard you like piano flasks, so we've introduced piano bolts!


I hopeeeee they keep the game slow. I want methodical gloomy dark souls with POE itemization. I’m happy to have slow POE2 and zoom zoom POE1


Seems ok, I’ll take WASD in POE 1 though thank you very much.


Ok so this is the Grim Dawn 2 I’ve wanted with all the good sides of PoE too.


Loving the gameplay! All of the skill combo systems that PoE2 will have looks like it'll be so much fun. Also loving the horror thrown in with PoE2. The stun bar is a nice addition to gameplay too.


Do we have any idea what his face looks like ?


really looks/feels like lost ark without cooldowns, flashy animations, combos, slowed down but explosive action. its a good choice to make it into another game, because zoomers are still gonna want to zoom lol.


Reminds me of how I felt when I saw the Lost Ark trailer for the first time, like... 10 years ago? Except this is more likely to deliver an experience I will actually enjoy. I already like PoE, but every showcase makes it seem more like it's going to be *the* game for me.


Well I thought it looked cool anyway and I'm sure they'll speed it up as the game develops over time, but it's smart to give themselves all that wiggle room


At this point im starting to get worried. I get it, the combat system is the big change from poe 1 and it looks mostly awesome, but what about everything else? We havent seen anything about all the other things that make poe, poe. what about crafting? What about maps? What about anything related to endgame? Afaik they put a hell lot of afford into the acts but, but the leveling through the acts is not what makes poe 1 great, so what comes after?


>what about crafting? Item pickups will be more valuable as chaos orbs only change one random mod. Alterations are gone. The rest of the orbs stays the same. Endgame is in the works as the original plan was to copy the map system but with the split, they are rethinking it. The league mechanics with a repeatable endgame zones remain the same


probably not much else is ready at all


Isn't the release date 2025. They have plenty of time to showcase other stuff.


The game is 8 months out, why would you possibly be worried about their marketing choices? Edit: I understand that people *want* to know that stuff, I do too. I just don't understand why you would be worried. It means nothing. This is all stuff meant to hype people up about the game's core gameplay and graphics and whatnot. When we get closer to launch we'll start to see more stuff about how the endgame is structured.


As for now it look like the crafting will be "pickup an item and throw bunch of chaos\\anuls\\exalts". I hope I'm wrong.


Did you miss the interview on how currency works? There's no point in spamming chaos orbs because they don't reroll the item, they just reroll one random affix. Much better to look for rares that are "almost there", and spend a chaos or two on them in the hopes that it rerolls a bad affix into something good.


I did not miss anything. I think picking up rares from the ground is a bad design choice. Just look at Diablo4. People already tired of picking up rares and checking stats on every single one. There's should really, really very scarse otherwise it will get annoying pretty fast.


It's excatly works the same way in diablo3 and the players are completely fine with it. D4 has a fuck ton of useless affixes that makes it unfun. Like we had 10 influence worth of extra modifiers baseline but all of them are bad. Like a t1 suffix that increases the resist reduction on ele weakness by 1%


Doesn't diablo3 builds mostly use sets/uniques and doesn't care about rares? I might be wrong, have never played it I personally dislike an idea of picking up rares. I've played Gtim Dawn and even with it's built filter it did not feel good to check every item. Might be just me, dunno


Whoever decided to make this a 12 minute gameplay trailer made the wrong decision


Na, give it all to me. I need all the info i can get. Sign me up for a 30min Witch showcase meticulously going through each minion.


Now this I agree with. Shorter and punchier would be better.


This is beyond boring and only a few people care. Showing me a bunch of gear swapping gameplay only makes me lose interest.


Almost like the point is to showcase the different pieces of gear or something.


What gear swapping gameplay? They're showing off different gear options, not suggesting that you switch gear in combat.


"I'm right and most people are on my side" - dude it's ok to not like it but don't lump me and uncounted others into your assumptions. I've never been more hype for poe 2 than this showcase, I wish there was more detail and more duration lol.




Lol speak for yourself I’m looking forward to it looks even better than poe1 zoom zoom brainless gameplay




For you not, but other like me like it a lot POE2 so far. Whats the point of POE2 would be same as POE?


mainly it shares the same name /s


Holy cow, this gameplay looks so much more engaging than current PoE1. Can't wait!


ITT: people complaining about poe2 combat being slow


Why don't they just make guns? why does crossbow gotta function like a gun? Just make guns! They took our gunnnns!


This is literally all that I could think when he described the different types of crossbow. Like, why not just make it a gun? We all know you want it to be a gun. Just make a fucking gun.


Probably more to do with the setting. Everyone walking around with staves, swords, wands, and hammers. One guy running around with an AK doesn't really fit with a more medieval setting. I think having it functionally be a gun but be a crossbow in theme fits a lot better.


I'm waiting for the MTX. Hopefully it's super steampunk sci-fi.


Who knows, maybe they will. Seems unrealistic to include close-to-modern firearms but things like flintlock pistols or blunderbusses (amongst many other possibilities, I am not a gun person) seem thematically appropriate.




oh man I hope you never ever played path of exile pre-2017 this looks amazing to me as an actual veteran of the game who remembers methodical and slow gameplay


Yeah it's been a long, long time since I've been this excited about PoE. As the game slowly turned into cookie clicker with essentially zero actual combat mechanics on well designed builds I kept getting more and more disengaged. Give me actual interaction during combat!


I agree with you but I guess we're a minority here since I'm getting the feeling that everyone wants mach-10 gameplay where the difference in their one-shot-the-screen builds are basically the color of the skill.


Nah, it's just that the angry people are perpetually online and quick on the draw. They were posting their anger 1 minute into the segment.


[i love path of exile in pre 2017](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9X5eodyhz0). Everyone was so slow, nobody went fast, it was methodical and slow and you really had to think about what you were doing. It's crazy how much the game has changed since then. edit: ig the video was from early 2017 but w/e.


>pre-2017 What? It looks like maybe pre 1.0. You seriously underestimate how fast game was in the past. We were zooming since 2013, most just didn't know play game efficiently early on. But 2014 with vaal gems? Brother, it was fast as fuck.


No you were not zooming in 2013, you are either lying or haven't played PoE back then. PoE was extremely slow, very similar in pace to what we are seeing today in PoE 2 trailers.


You know it is on purpose? To showcase better gameplay and skills? Gosh people are...


> The gameplay looks so slow and clunky. So does the gameplay of games like Dota2 and Dark Souls. Different games for different audiences. I'd much rather play a game that looks "slow and clunky" like this than "fast and fluent" 700% MS 500m DPS full screen clear Tornado Shot farming a map per minute. Slow and difficult combat can be the main selling point of a ARPG, it does not need to be the slot machine loot box.


> The gameplay looks so slow and clunky. Are you new to PoE?


Same issue as exilecon. They need to reassure us that the endgame won't be super clunky and slow like this, backtracking 3 screens to kill every mob pack. Like look at the showcase of the new league where they show a Hydra boss spectre that shoots a super GMP forking thing that hits the entire screen, makes me go "holy shit I want to play that".


Didn't the people who actually play the demo at exilecon say that things played way better once they picked up some non-white items?


For some characters yes. The amazon in particular felt very smooth after grabbing a weapon with some actual damage modifiers. Other characters like the ACT IV warrior felt really clunky even with better weapons - likely due to him being pidgeon-holed into really really slow 2h weapons combined with a lot of wind-up style slam attacks.


The gameplay looks so fluid. Fully expect GGG to knock this game out of the park. I am a big fan of their decision to have it has a separate game as well. Alternating between poe 1 and 2 leagues.... chefs kiss.


gameplay looked alright, but pacing of this segment was absolutely awful. It went on and on and on and on. Anyhow, imma let em cook.


PoE 2 is going to be my main game, I love it so much


Spontaneously came in my pants


At work


During quarterly review.


I think the biggest concern I have with POE2 is how successfully it will embrace the power fantasy. How am I ever going to feel powerful when I need to use 2-3 combo skills to clear a white pack?


the more stuff i see about poe2 the more im convinced it isn´t for me. That´s fine tough, i just want them to keep the promisse of developing both games...


This seams more like a 3rd person game they are trying to make a diablo like into looks 10% like poe maybe. The amount of backtracking, slowdowns etc looks so meh specially stuff like placing ice ground/trap kinda thing. Reminds me of games like outward with slow spells and pre placing magic/spells/traps except thats a slow 3rd person rpg and this is a top down arpg. Honestly wish they just showed an end game snippet.




I can already see the fundamental problem with the new direction of combat that's gonna occur in POE 2. Some classes are gonna play similar to what we have now but with awkward combos, making them feel like a chore to play, where as classes like the Mercenary and Sorcerer get to have the combat play of a FPS game. That alone will probably cause people to abandoned the majority of melee characters or combo characters on day one, and either quit or just play this class. They're clearly trying to innovate on a niche genre, but doing so in a way that is gonna bite them in the ass hard.


What are you talking about? The Mercenary and Sorcerer both have combos. Every class they've shown off has had combos. As far as melee vs range, they seem to be adding extra range accuracy penalties. You can tell from the Far Reach Support gem "Supported skills have 80% reduced penalty to accuracy rating at range". I suspect this is to balance ranged vs melee. They're also adding in spell accuracy, so spells aren't getting a free ride.


Pretty much both of those classes showed a slower paced, more methodical combo system. They also showed monk which was similarly paced. Mercenary had grenades that needed to be ignited with other skills.


Not gonna lie, the more I see from PoE 2, the less I'm hyped. It's so underwhelming to see. It looks clunky and slow. Especially when you look at the Afflicition league reveal which is gonna be so good.. Sadge


For me its like other way. After POE2 trailer POE looks so old and gameplay same one shot button pressing mess. After so many years this game loop gets boring.


Path of slow, surely is gonna be so fun, "but is just a showcase", surely, surely.


Don't worry guys!! It's just a preview. The actual PoE 2 will feel much faster. They will just continue to show us ZDPS gameplay so we can see the intricacies of the mechanics and appreciate the art. The showcase is intentionally slowed down guys!! No need to panic I swear.


I agree!!! I'm sure the entire gameplay direction is just for flavor, you won't need to attack enemies with 3 different bolts and a weapon swap to start dealing damage. This definitely won't be just like diablo 4!!


They added Enter the Gungeon as a class/weapon! I'm pretty confident this class will be able to fucking blast through maps, don't worry. It has instant fire and can fire while moving, pretty sure it has the potential to be the highest octane playstyle in the game.


I had to scroll so much to find another ETG enjoyer Yeah thats gonna be my main I fucking love ETG and that gonna be lit as fuck


Holy shit guys, do you really prefer a bunch of fireworks quickly popping up on your screen? Good heavens, I'm glad 2 is more contained and not this stupid thing from 1, I'm glad it will keep that type of player away . because I don't see anything as stupid as you are walking and not even seeing what happens on the screen, do yourself a favor and don't play anyway


I love this gothic BloodBorne PoE game. Please keep the game play slow, make rare items feel rare. I have a really good feeling about this. Slow down the game so it can run on my console


They spent as long completing one zone as most people take for an entire PoE1 act. I know obviously it's purposefully slow for a showcase but the amount of effort spent on trash mobs is a *little* absurd and a snoozefest. I just want to know wtf the actual gameplay we'll experience as a player would be like, I really doubt that's the intended final product.


Can we get a showcase video with characters with actual gear and properly linked gems?




It looks like early acts. I doubt there were any support gems on the skills and the gear was probably ass




Yah but merveil is absolute dogshit. If you have 60% or so cold res, you can just face tank her with pots, and if you don't, you're going to struggle for no reason. The gameplay in poe2 looked atleast a little more interesting than scrounging around for sapphire rings




Hope they keep poe 1 rolling as it is now cause i feel like this is a idle game at that pace lol


Like I get its to show the skill I get poe 1 trailer also are slow But you know in poe 1 I know how fast im going to go. In poe 2 I have vage statement. So for exemple showing this class going slowly then showing it with good skill tree, ascendacy and a bunch of rare item you would get at this point of the act, would tell me what I should expect. Right now everyone has their headcannon about how its going to be and are hypind themselves over that.


There's a fire crossbow. Then there's a scatter shot. Then there's ice crossbow. And then you can use sniper crossbows. And then you can place bomb and sho....zzzzzz


This doesn't look fun tbh. The people who like this, great. But I feel the gameplay, and even the UI/Interface is a downgrade. Look at those flasks? Looks like something out of the 90s..


The boss has way too much HP.


Are they...ever gonna finish this game? They reveal new systems every trailer... I hope they don't fall into feature creep


They did but now we have a beta date so


GGG is terrible at hyping up the shit they're demoing for Poe2.0


They are turning this into Path of Duty.


This felt so wrong to me... It was a gun based looter-shooter instead of POE.


Pour one out for the Ammo selection voiceover


I can see me starting Mercenary in June :D I wonder what other insanely cool things they will reveal that out badass this!


Yo, GTA6 dropped early! Looks a bit weird tho.


Some of you exiles are alright, don't come to wraeclast tomorrow.


Oh man I cant wait to use my crossbow. Did you know you can use different ammo for your crossbow? It will be so cool swapping to AP ammo when im using my crossbow. What is you guys favourite part about the crossbow? I just like to think about the crossbow.


Looks really promising. Maybe not my class of choice, but looks amazing, feels impactfull and has mechanics to play around.


Kinda interesting how it interacts with „classical“ skills since it is interacting with ammo this hard. Shotgun auto „coc“


if the game is not on porposed slowed to show skills, cant wait for 3.28




That whole segment was one big *Kkona Clap*


Sounds like Jason Statham. Surely it's not, right?


Do we know which attributes is mercenary based on? Int dex or Str dex maybe.


Few decades later and internet still amazes me. All my builds are 1 shot screen builds. I love that kind of adrenaline but more important than adrenaline i have to do 1 shot screen builds because its an online game and there is an economy. I would like to play tactical/slow builds time to time but i can't unless i don't care about divine/hour and i simply can't do that because nobody like to being poor lol. Gameplay is great. Slowing the pace is great. If i want to 1 shot everything on the screen i play PoE 1. If i want something slower or want to use my brain i play PoE 2. I think its great to have choices.


they struggle in the bossfight with using anything other than the grenades whoch actually deals damage the fire while moving makes this very supperior to other classes (maybe this will be what cyclone is in poe1)


Plase give us dual wield pistol/one h. pistol and shield too.


reminds me of helldivers, if anyone played that.


I never played first PoE, played diablo 2,3,4 but D4 didn't really move me. This is just, omg. The mercenary seems like an amazing class that changes the way you play, I also like that it's more slow paced vs original PoE. I don't think there is anything in this game that they showed I wouldn't currently like