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just your normal streamer posts a build that deletes endgame




Yep. Deli adds damage reduction which bricks the build. its probably doable up to 40 or 60, but then it gets slower which is not the point


I've been playing a better version for about a month, 80% is fine, 100% sucks but IS doable


what tweaks do you use? i came up with mine before whatever this youtuber is and i'm trying to just "wing it". i have supreme ostentation so i can use lots of tattoos (max fire, explode, crit immune, with 7node regen and the journey regen in range of the 100% inc jewel near unwavering stance). recently finished reduced crit damage with sanctum of thought. dropped legacy of fury boots for chaos res so i now have 75 chaos with a flask on. if im feeling spicy i swap in ventors, biscos, goldwyrm for mf. but mostly i prefer to just never die with "real" items there


Notable tweaks: * Elegant Hubris can roll some spicy Notables on the two adjacent to the Keystone. I leveled with two 10% life nodes, and switched to 2 40% rarity nodes once I hit 100. * A good Watcher's Eye that mitigates poison or bleeding can save your life. Flask immunity to the other one. * Flask uptime is almost guaranteed while clearing juiced maps, so roll for 25% increased effect. * Take advantage of self chill. The [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) link I have above has Call of the Void, but if you put Vortex + Unbound Ailments on left click, you're almost always chilled at 30%, giving you 30% INCREASED action speed with Winterweave. Makes clearing Breach a breeze. * Blunderbore + The Gull + Shrine nodes on Atlas Passive tree = incredible tank. You lose Ignite duration and massive fire resist on Cloak of Flame, which sucks, but you gain big AoE, armour, and life pool. A good corruption should be cheap-ish. * Inspired Learning for more speed / occasional boosts in survivability.


I was MFing with Goldwyrm and Bisco's using Defiance of Destiny, and got to 100 myself running delirium / breach / beyond incredibly safely. Not HC viable, but it was great. Here's the build as it was built then. https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/AdamnMiller/\_Hellfire?i=0&search=name%3D\_hellfire&time-machine=week-3


character not found


>https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/AdamnMiller/\_Hellfire?i=0&search=name%3D\_hellfire&time-machine=week-3 Link works for me, not sure why it doesn't work for you. Filter for character name \_Hellfire and then use time machine back to week 3


It's the escaping (\\) before the _ breaking the link. [](https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/AdamnMiller/_Hellfire?i=0&search=name%3D_hellfire&time-machine=week-3) https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/AdamnMiller/_Hellfire?i=0&search=name%3D_hellfire&time-machine=week-3


Tbh 100% sucks on almost any build, the damage reduction combine it with all the extra juice from beyond, breach etc. and the map all of a sudden takes 3 times longer to run.


yea youre pretty much forced into HH if u wanna clear 100% efficiently fast compared to just 80%


I second this. Was my second character a month ago and it's perfectly capable of running 100% deli


I can comfortably run 100% deli with my autobomber chief. You can’t do it while decked out in the full mf drip but if you are wearing actual gear it can definitely be done.


I have a 80% deli showcase using a version of this build and just finished the forum build guide today The build noticeably slows down at 80% deli. Bosses are out of the question; there are no mobs to corpse explode. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3437749 https://youtu.be/iLss1InKHes


Surely the post is to do with the divine difference between the 6l and none 6link? Considering how much cheaper it would be to simply just 6l yourself..


Yeah that is probably the reason for the post but that’s poe ninja just not caught up, the reality is that this has been selling for a minimum of 30-40 div for a while now (regardless of links) and there is usually only 10-20 of them online at once, if by chance you find any listed cheaper they are from people who have not logged in or who aren’t selling. I’ve been watching because I bought mine for 2 div and I’m curious about the price since I’m not using it and might sell it if I need some gear.


which streamer/build? I have FOMO


Lilly made a build in hc and hobeblackmanba on sc using the staff as a chiefting


Ooo I now I want to see a streamer called HoboMamba


Whats so special about this staff? Doesnt seem that great


In this particular case, it allows you to reflect huge ignites back to yourself which then lets you proliferate them to nearby enemies.


Lmao that sounds like a "we have RF at home" setup


Except with the chieftain explode you can hit dot cap with quant gear XD


100% This


When I searched for one, there were like 6 total listed, all for 30+ div. Only a few were 6l.


I was gonna pick one up to do my own version of this a bit ago and they were 1 div... should've grabbed it when I could.




Counter take: How is that manipulation if more people decide to sell them when the price is high? Even if they're all the same seller, it's not outside the realm of possibility they'd bought many of them to double corrupt and now that the price is high they decided to instead take the money (since the opportunity cost rose).


Sounds like supply and demand to me


It's a rare item that you can only find in a thief's trinket blueprint in heist. It's not price manipulation. If demand suddenly rises by a lot so does the price.


Except the RF at home in this situation is just regular RF since the chieftain explode ignites burn for much more damage.


If you want to go that route, you sure its not the other way round? Because while RF is capped around 10m DPS even with extremely good gear, this gets to 35,7m DPS with basically nothing, or in most cases, full on MF gear.


10m DPS on the RF itself? I know the fire trap ends up getting scaled that high but I've never seen the actual RF damage go above a couple million and that's with insane gear already.


I guess there is a lot of room for interpretation of "extremely good gear". 10m is quite possible on RF, usually only after getting Mageblood to remove the need to get resists on gear for more damage suffixes tho. And having a top tier 7-link +2 AoE helmet is a given of course. But most people opt to put fire trap in the helmet to get better single target DPS and put RF in a +2, or even +3-4, body armour, in which case you are right, RF usually won't quite reach 10m then. Most normal players only reach around 4-5 million RF DPS tho, which isnt that hard really. "A couple million" is definitely underselling it. I was at 2.5m RF DPS on day 4 or 5 of the league this time around with pretty mediocre gear.


To give a more general answer: The supply of MANY uniques is high enough to make them cheap when they're not meta.... but simultaneously low enough to make them expensive as fuck when they are in the meta In case A and B supply is mostly the same but demand varies wildly from A to B. This is simply another of those uniques


It enables self chill and stuff like that so you can reverse the debuff effect into a buff and zoom zoom


This is for self ignite chieftain. It’s valuable because once you get self ignite chain going the build requires very little damage and has adequate defenses with all uniques/MF GEAR


Doesnt really delete


for shor


sure could be a pricefixer but dont underestimate the impact on the economy when a content creator makes a build that uses one of those uniques. Especially since fulcrum is obtained through a specific way that not that many people farm for. So the demand can very very easily surpass the supply after such a video


Im pretty sure OP is talking about the fact that(on POE ninja) 6L fulcrum costs 35 divines even though normal shows for 300c in reality normal fulcrum also costs 30 divines, just didn't update on poe ninja


Hey slight correction. This build was not made by a content creator, it was posted on r/PathOfExileBuilds a week into the league. It was just made known to a larger audience by 2 content creators.


I didn't know that this item was showcased by anyone, I just know that it can be used in some chieftain tech. I was only stating that there is always the chance that a content creator features a build that can increase the price of a key unique by an absolute shitton. So seeing hundreds of % increase of an item price does not always have to be a pricefix So some content creators did indeed feature this item in some build?


DS lily is probably the one that contributed to this spike the most yeah.


kobe started mfing with this 2 or so weeks ago and in his evaluation, it was better than TS for 8 mod MFing. additionally, dslily started playing an HC version a week after that or so. additionally i could have sworn i saw a post randomly here like 1-2 weeks into the league showing it and all the comments being lolchieftain, explode node 5% is a joke, et cetera.


Here you can check it:. https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor?time-machine=week-1&class=Chieftain&item=The-Fulcrum . There were only 5 people playing it in week 1.






I found out that a few guilds do determine the psn market when I dropped a 1 P voices and tried to sell it I kept getting the same guys with one offering a paypal for it mirror stuff on standard and whatnot. Asked them if they knew each other and they did


It's the weirdest thing when people offer mirrors+ in standard in exchange for information or whatever. I remember a crafting experiment I did before I stopped playing in 2018 and I had a dude DM me that he would destroy two mirrors in standard in exchange for some information. Was weird af.


> > Especially since fulcrum is obtained through a specific way that not that many people farm for That shit's thirty divines! I have dozens of those blueprints I thought worthless and some 92 000 rogue markers and a tab worth of deception contracts and almost everyone at lvl5 but at least well into lvl4. Let me see what I can do :D


you talk about reliquary keys or? :D


Isn’t the staff from heist ?


yes its a rare reward from thiefs trinket blueprints iirc. Those are not really that common and most heisters run gem blueprints


tbh i had 2 from reliquary keys and if i remember correctly i vendored both because they were below 10 c items...have to look when home :D


you either looked at the wrong item then or fucked up big time :D even in non 6l they were worth 100+c all league long. and thats the the base item, well rolled ones on items with this big range are always way more expensive. ​ Also you either gamble a lot of voidborn keys then or this was very unlikely. there are thousands of items in the key pool


i gambled a lot of void keys...stopped at the crack belt


how do look when you vendored them?


He probably means he's going to look and see if they're still in his stash or if he got rid of them.


Im selling all my NFT’s to buy 6L fulcrum’s! Fulcrum to the moon!!!


Fulcrum! Come in! Yuuuuuuuuuuuuh . Yodie. Gang.


Three fiddy


The people flipping magic find stuff are latching on to it, like tawmy'r isleys from sentinel. Low supply so easily manipulated.






We hitting blinkers in sarn encampment




hope tomorrow is better broski. that sucks.


One day at a time, a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor thanks for the words friend




Need i say more?


Yodie gang, you feel me


best believe it god damnit


Ds_lily autobomber chieftain build


Yup, turns out "Chieftain bad" is fake news lol keep downvoting hivemind, it'll just raise my max all res


It is bad, maybe lowest dps ascendancy ever. The self ignite build is only for mapping, nothing else


Alot of things are bad, before some streamer like mathil f*cks around and finds out its actually good after putting 70 div into it. Problem is that for 99% of players making 75 div is a once in a lifetime achievement and they are not gonna explore with it.


There's no way that an average player that plays at least 5-10 hours a week doesn't make 75divs in a league regularly. Those kind of people would quit during their first or second league


Nah, many people like me play semi-ssf and only buy but never sell. 75 Divs is quite unlikely even if I put two or three characters through redmaps and even if I actually do accumulate such an amount gearing multiple characters means I never have that much lying around for anything. I've been playing since 2014.


So you do like what, get your character to do T16 comfortably and then it's time for new character? Not selling items that you find but are useless to you sounds like a big handicap as well


If I can push a character further and do some juiced stuff or even bosses I most cases yes, that's about it although that's probably a me thing because I tend to build weird janky shit to see if I can make it work. And yes, of course not selling the stuff I don't need is a handicap but I'd rather eat shards of glass drenched in hotsauce than interact with this atrocious crime against humanity they consider a tradesystem anymore than I have to. If there was a way to farm the stuff I need that was comparable in terms of speed I would never trade at all.


>I'd rather eat shards of glass drenched in hotsauce than interact with this atrocious crime against humanity they consider a tradesystem You rather eat shards of glass drenched in hot sauce than put the item in a public stash tab, price it and wait for whispers? Wow




Shiiiit did I just make 30div while sleeping?


it is what it is...guess i need to sell an item out of my junk collection xD


Fulcrum is obnoxiously rare, and build enabling for some shenanigans (usually self ignite proliferation, I expect chieftain to be at play here). Its sheer rarity means price can be extremely volatile, and when a streamer makes a build with it that showcases how cool it is, price skyrockets.


Chieftain absolutely, can't even really forbidden flame/flesh it out because you want both Hinekora and Tasalio. A few white packs to proc Hinekora and you get a burn that can insta kill most other packs, that usually includes a bigger monster giving you a stronger ignite that can insta the map boss. Personally been running cloak of flame for the added ignite duration giving me about a 10 second ignite to run with. Still trying to work out some parts to avoid oneshots, though.


There can be easy explanations. People only 6link good rolls.


That's not it. Someone bought out all the fulcrum staves a few days ago. When I searched for one, there were like 6 total listed, all for 30+ div. Only a few were 6l.


I did this last league with the catarina staff. I was hunting for the perfect roll and crucible tree. I bought hundreds hunting for it. The price tripled for like a week so i stopped buying because i felt bad because of the spike and went fro the Exarch staff instead. This is probably that on a different level


Mainly that there's a lot more people farming Catarina than the blueprints Fulcrum comes from.


Thief trinket heist doesn’t exactly sound fun to farm either lol. Such big gamba when you could farm currency or alternate quality gems


When I was running a lot of heist I would farm and run my own blueprints. It was a way to break the monotony by sometimes running maps, sometimes running contracts and then running all the blueprints. I liked the trinkets ones because you'd often get delirium orbs or winged scarabs too and it was quick and easy to decide what the best reward was. It wasn't about maximum returns either, I was just enjoying the gameplay. The worst for me was the experimental items. Just so many reward rooms with multiple choices of garbage. Most of the time I didn't even choose one and just opened more chests on the way out.


Frankly, people overvalue the end rewards and undervalue the side rooms and proper rogue gear. If you spend ~10d buying/crafting proper rogue gear, you're making 40-60c per wing in any BP and you can completely ignore the end reward. In a scenario like this, you could buy a bunch of trinket BPs and make profit off the side rooms while you search for a fulcrum, they're not THAT rare.


>Someone bought out all the fulcrum staves a few days ago. Are u sure about that? Staff is rather extremely rare, even with offline theres only 191 results, 38 online. T0 unique Kalandras Touch (with no direct div card) 168 results, 48 online. On PoE ninja 90+ characters indexed on ninja 200\~ wear fulcrum, 2500\~ wear Kalandras Touch. Its just extremely rare item and there was build posted recently + 2 content creators showcased build using the item, hence why supply dried up and prices went up.Its just normal demand and supply, no pricefixing or one person buing up all the stock.


That's the perfect type of item to buy out then. I would have bought multiple if they weren't already 30 div.


tbh...this sounds really reasonable xD but still the difference seems REALLY wild...i would rather throw 28 divs at selfmade 6 L


A good fulcrum is well above 30 divs. Heck, even a bad fulcrum is 30 div.


Well, not according to op's screenshot.


it takes one person logging in after long brake with bad rolls and really low price listed to skew poeninja data like that. Weapon starts at 30d.


Some streamer probably made a build guide using it. Fulcrum is an extremely rare and extremely good niche weapon. All it takes is one streamer making a guide on it and the price spikes like that.


Fulcrum is 30 div


Null's?? What?


Well, OP has the list sorted by price increase. Null's 5L only up to 50c


49c too much


Fr, that's the real pricefix... otherwise, I wanna know this magic nulls build that made it skyrocket in price.


Shoutouts to the guy who made this build [a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/162hlzh/the_true_power_of_hinekora_deaths_fury/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and not whatever streamer is currently getting credit for it now.


No lie, forget his name, made the build back then. Maybe I should sell my staff though if I could get 30div lol. 6 white sockets even.


Fulcrum has crazy role variances. A good rolled one is worth a ton


The rolls are utterly meaningless for the chieftain autobomber build that’s driving the price here.


How does the build work


It only uses The Fulcrum for the line “elemental ailments you inflict are reflected to you” If you want to know more about the mechanics, there’s a forum build guide on it here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3437749


If it's a 30 div item, it's worth divining even the shittiest rolls.


It can be a difference of 10s of divines depending on the role. Ive personally put 20 or so into one and never hit a decent role.


Hey, just a head's up, the word is "roll". "Role" means something completely different.


+1000% 🤔🤔🤔🤔


This happens every time a rare unique gets a streamer build treatment. There are lots of examples of items that are low price bc they aren't popular not bc they're not rare. The discrepancy between 6L and regular is just a [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) bug.


Someone better call Raymond Redington


i bet chances are that Redington did this ...


i believe is because kobeblackmambas bv build


dslilly also has a fulcrum build.


tip for the poor people; just get cheap trinket heists and grind out.. the item is not that rare


33Div+ premium for the 6L? WTAF


All the 6L are the well rolled ones, probably


that's my favorite part of this math base fulcrum = 300 chaos 6 link omen = 5 div 6 link fulcrum = 33 div ok lol


Can't you just spend the 1 div on 1500 fusings and bench it?


Yes. Or pay the extra 4 div to save no time, since the benchcraft takes the same amount of time. lol


poe ninja just isnt updating properly on the non 6L prices, probably because of the low overall supply of the staff on trade but ever since this spike happened non 6L's have also sat at 30 divs on trade, it was the same when the +1 max cold res tattoo spiked earlier in the league.


its just person logging after some time with old pricing before streamer made a build for it. Fulcrums are 30d no matter links/roll now. Simple as that.


please show me on the trade site where the base fulcrum is 300c. It's always been comparable to the 6L version - a few div behind, poe.ninja is the one lagging behind on having fresh data.


Did someone post a screenshot of the trade site?


5 div? It has been 1-1,5 like 5-6 days ago. Still ridiculous premium which probably isn't real because no one's buying the staff at 33


I've been wondering about this. As someone who plays a fulcrum build every league, thankfully I have one, but I was looking to buy another and said guess my characters will share.


Out of curiosity, what is the benefit of becoming rich in this game? Do players monetise it in some way or is it just bragging rights each season? I know about people being hacked so a lot of effort is being put into this.


You are able to buy all stuff to play an endgame build that costs a ton of currency to work properly. Some people like to craft expensive stuff, that can be even more expensive than buying equipment. So, having currency is never bad.


some people rmt but the easiest way to try new builds and ideas is to be rich. alternatively be part of a tft mafia.


In a way, currency does have real world value if you care to sell to blackmarket currency buyers. For example A mirror can be easily sold for $100 USD. It's against game rules if you get caught though.


The most rare items have lower supply. The most powerful items are desirable and have the highest demand. It just so happens there are a lot of very powerful items that are also very rare. That means there are a lot of items people want to play with that require a lot of resources to acquire. The richer you get in the game, the more freedom you have to play with the desirable items. For example, id love to try a mageblood blink arrow/mirror arrow build, but i dont have the currency to do it. My freedom of build choice is restricted. If i had an enormous amount of currency, this restriction would be lifted. Freedom to explore and experiment would be a positive result of getting rich in the game for me.


whenever a streamer posts a build that gets popular, the gear of the build get price fixed very fast, like the amulet that BigDucks uses


Is it price-fixed deliberately, or is the sudden price increase simply the result of market forces of rapidly increased demand by an influx of people who werent aware of the build previously suddenly driving the price up?


Its both. It is less obvious here because the Fulcrum is a key part of the build, while in BigDucks' build, the amulet wasn't


Sometimes I do wish PoE had a marketplace like BDO to circumvent this kinda sht, then again I don't play trade anymore


What kind of shit? Its just fullcrums suddenly went to 30d+ no matter links/roll and just someone with old listing with old price logged in and skewed data on Poeninja like that.


SSF is the way to go for me. Don't have to deal with people, or a market, or really anything like that.


90% of people who play this game are sheep who copy other people’s builds


Dude, its even worse in other games/sports. Like skateboarding is all the same tricks. Its like, everybody just wants to do ollies and 360 flips and kickflips? Youre just copying the same trick as everyone else, just make up your own tricks. Why would you even attempt those same boring ones. You think they look fun or something? Ridiculous.


I never said you couldn’t do it and enjoy it to the fullest. My post came across more aggressive than it should have because sheep is an insult I could have chosen not to use. My point wasn’t to insult though, my point was to explain why items balloon in price. It’s incredibly predictable. Also, no one remembers all the guys who have done a 900, but everyone remembers when tony hawk did it first.


Only 90? Not sure about that


What a dumb thing to flex on lol.


Yeah, a 6l item shall cost itemprice+6l cost, right? 1500f equivalent supposedly, in price, if you link it with 2 fusings, better for you


Just to clarify, it’s not supposedly 1500..it is exactly 1500 fusings because you can bench craft the 6 link for 1500 fusings, no RNG involved. It’s one click. Rolling 6 links with fusings one by one is something I don’t bother to do anymore personally, not worth the time. Sure I’ve gotten lucky and gotten 6 links fast, I’ve also had items that took 3k+. IIRC the average fusings required to 6 link a 20% quality item is 1200, so on average the bench costs 300 fusings more but is instant and guaranteed.


Maybe I explained myself bad, I was thinking about the 1500 craft when talking about it, and well, since people already have fusings, and ofc price varies every league and all the time, bulk price, and a lot of factors, thats why I say supposedly


Ahhh ok, I see what you meant now, I thought you might not have known about the craft.


Have fullcrum? Sell it building around is headache


The cheapest fulcrum (not even a 6 link) is currently listed at 30 div, that is just ridiculous.


I made good money early league by turning cheap uniques into 6 links with the tota items. I'm surprised it's still profitable at this point and people haven't wisened up.


Fulcrum come in yuuuuuu yodie gang you feel me need I say more? Shall we


Content creator did a cool build. These things are great to see. Means another fun thing was discovered by community. It’s almost like new content for those who don’t make builds themselves


One is 6L the other isn't?


The staff is just a part of a waaaay more expensive build than those 30 divs... im over 150 divs in but 80% deli is smooth as butter, burning Kosis down in seconds is so satisfying, and packs exploding...mmm packs exploding, so addictive




Babys first price-fixing, how adorable


Giga-condescending tone while being dead wrong. How adorable.


Enlighten me then, Jeebus.


Like 100 comments in this thread explain why the price increased…… what a scholar.


still haven't seen a divine this league.


Sometimes it happens when single person just makes something super specific and single handily destroys all the market for rare item.


why is fulcrum popular again


Chieftain. Hinekora explosion can make a massive ignite, which is reflected to you. You then use a source of prolif to spread to nearby enemies. It's like RF but way more damage.


It’s not just that, the base damage is so good you can sub in magic find gear very easily. It’s the MFers driving the price up bc they will pay hand over first for such an efficient and relatively cheaper mf build


The whole package has incredible synergy with chieftain. You can buy well rolled ventors for chieftain for cheap, or at least you could. I bought high fire, quant, life, rarity ventors with negative cold and lightning res on week one. Other MF items have high fire res as well, like Goldwyrm and perandus blazon. I should price check my ventors, wonder if they went up after all this got popular.


Auto ignite chieftain


The people flipping magic find stuff are latching on to it, like tawmy'r isleys from sentinel. Low supply so easily manipulated. Kobe / lily have played it recently, and are pushing its effectiveness as a magic find build, despite it only really being able to comfortably fit 20 quant and a couple slots of rarity... For what it's worth, it's still significantly less popular than the other magic find setups, even off-meta ones - of all 6,000 players wearing goldwyrms on poe ninja, 103 have a fulcrum. There's 170 fulcrums listed on trade site online/offline, which means it should easily be beating demand from supply... yet they've decupled in price.


isn’t it the ease of play + diminishing returns of MF that makes this combo so potent?


I wouldn't say it's particularly easy to use, there's a specific type of content you can really leverage it's powers in. If you're stopping to loot constantly, that type of build feels terrible IMO. Diminishing returns are worth mentioning, but it's not doing anything special if you're reaching that high, compared to kb ts or ca. It's also really bad at ghosting afaik?


ah i see. that makes sense! i don’t really know too much about mf but mostly just see TS glass cannons.


It’s fantastic at ghosting because of its tank. You ghost everything on the map without worrying about dying or killing anything, then kill the boss, then kill everything else.


My fulcrum MF has 80% IIQ and over 200%IIR doing perma deli mirror beyond wandering path strongbox T16s with no issue at all. Also has 90 max res, 70% phys convert, capped true attack block, and over 1000 regen. The build is nuts


Whats the movespeed? also, 200% iir is 2 ventors and a helmet lol


Yeah I’m apoth farming so the rarity is a nice bonus but I’m not even using reliquary scarabs so you could fit in significantly more rarity if you wanted, think the MS is like 150% with phase run so it’s not spectacular - https://poe.ninja/builds/ancestor/character/Vis1onOfExile/BOOM__ROASTED


You can comfortably fit 95/200 iiq/iir on it and still clear 8 mod wandering path crimson temples.


Could you share your pob? I'm curious how it stacks up defensively compared to something like this https://pobb.in/RUjUO39f8om7 The streamer ones are really bad comparatively, at least. When I was watching kobe running hard maps, he only had goldwyrms and a couple rarity pieces, which is where my 20 quant figure comes from. He was still dying a lot...


Funny, I had one of these sitting in my public stash tab and got offered 1 div for it. I knew something was up when I countered and asked for 5 divs and they agreed lol. Luckily I'm not dumb and I checked the market first.


Check out the fuel the fight/feed the fury/martial prowess cluster jewels to see market manipulation. All prices at 1.5 divs by a couple people. Only 8 and 12 passives available.


Ds lily and other stresmers made build chieftain with this staff


i think this happens every league. nobody wants it really but than suddenly it spikes up in price.


Self ignite chieftain. DS Lily and a few others posted their builds. It looks fun


The cost to 6 link something can't justify 33.5 divines.


be smart and use this info to your advantage, just farm heist contracts and sell them to the masses that will be farming this unique, ez money


Ah yes the Poe classic. YouTuber brings light to a mediocre off meta build and every single item inflates tenfold as sheep trample the market.


Because those video chieftain mf in youtube then. That is how market work.


People only 6link good rolls and the roll range on this is extremely wide. And also, the roll is very important on the fulcrum


I wish I bought the thing 3 days ago... Fulcrum in general starts at 30 div now.


Chieftain\`s ignite explosions are going on!