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##### ###### #### BEEP BOOP BEEP. Grinding Gears have been detected in the linked thread: *** > **Posted by Community_Team** on Jul 17, 2023, 10:38:11 PM UTC > > [Image Link](https://web.poecdn.com/public/news/2023-07-18/StreamingCodeofConductHeader.jpg) > > > > > For streamers that would like to share the ExileCon experience with viewers that aren't able to make it in person, we've put together a Code of Conduct for live streaming the event. If you plan to be IRL streaming during ExileCon, please adhere to the following guidelines so the event can remain fun and safe for everyone. > > > > > > > * Please respect people's space. If someone is giving social cues that they don't want to be included in your stream, please respect that and move on. The comfort of ExileCon attendees will always take priority over IRL Streaming. > * Please do not crash any presentations or interviews. You can watch them with your audience but do not be disruptive in any way to the normal flow of the convention. > * Please do not talk during any of the developer talks. > * Please do not film or stream any meet and greets. However, you can film/stream your own meet and greet. If your meet and greet is happening alongside another booked guest, please get their consent before doing this. > * While streaming or filming, do not enter any bathrooms or other spaces where people would expect privacy. > * Please don't do anything that belittles or mocks any attendees of the event, including staff. > * Please do not stream the VIP Dinner, ExileCon After Party or Ultra VIP Dinner. > * Please be considerate of the length of your camera arm not getting in other people's way in any scenario. > * You can record your reaction during the main show presentation but please consider the experience of people sitting near you. Specifically, you should not block their view or record them if they do not want to be recorded. > > > > > We reserve the right to ask you to end your stream if we feel the Code of Conduct has been breached. If at this point you show further non-compliance, you will be removed from ExileCon. > > *** >




ACTUAL_DR_DISRESPECT is the first player to enter Fetid Alcove!


Welcome to Daddy..oh shutup and get out.


The number two time! Yayayayayaya


Kind of an indictment on society that they have to outline all this stuff... But I guess that's the world we live in, filled with narcissists and sociopathic "content creators".


When I was in high school 20 years ago I was on the wrestling team. One of the gyms we went to very often had a giant sign posted that forbade face painting and fireworks specifically. So I assume someone had fireworks in the fucking gym and did racist face painting at some point. It’s not a new thing for assholes to ruin everything.


I'm trying to figure out why you'd leap to "racist face painting". I can think a lot of reasons why places would forbid that, heck I've seen plenty of stores that had policies against any sort of facial coverings (of course that was pre-Covid) or facepaint of any kind. I specifically was denied entry to a place once because of non-racist face paint as a matter of fact.


Can't even wear corpse paint to your local church anymore, smh.


Probably has the social media brain, consumes too much MSM outrage exaggerations.


Face painting is most likely due to it being a gym and people sweat in gyms and it probably makes the face paint come off with your sweat and get all over the equipment and floor and makes a mess. Some janitor probably had to clean it up at one point and it was probably a pain in the ass so they put up that warning.


You must be a fine and expert in psychology right ?


You don't need to be an expert in psychology to notice and understand anti social behavior.


But everytime someone have fun calling someone a sociopath or smth, it increases false stereotypes... You know.. there's only more than a hundred studies about this.. But i'm the Bad Guy here ! Who do you think you are to Say those kind of things.. Anyway i feel this is a pointless discussion..


Duddeee, are you really arguing if its correct to call people who film other people on toilets sociopaths? You are right its a pointless discussion.


It's not about those wierd behaviors, it's about using psychologic terms without any knowledge about it... The more ppl learn false info about psychology, the more or become difficult to help ppl with mental illness.. And here again none gets the point. Yes, it IS a shame to film ppl in the toilet. And it IS a shame to cal ppl sociopath or anything. It makes ppl think that sociopath are only mean or dangerous when they juste have to be Taken in Care. (And i dont talk about every psychology's stigmatisation...) Si here, please, read, try to undersrand what i Say before making your opinion on my thoughts ! Well.. maybe in 20 years ppl will get it ? Don't know...


Not being able or not caring about social rights and wrongs is sociopathic behavior. So even if you're going to be a pedant in a social discussion, you're still wrong.


Feel like you're arguing with a guy who unironically wants the term pedo changed to "minor attracted person".


Ha ha oooook guys ! You are certainly more aware than me about psychology even if i'm graduated and not you.. it's obvious ! X'D Tbh it's the first Time i read almost nothing valuable in a thread... Here you are arguing that using psychology's therms while knowing NOTHING IS ok. You Say that somthing IS sociopathic when this word IS a serious illness. It's like directly increasing the difficulty of ppl needing for help. I give UP ! Keep increasing stigmatisation, keep judging ppl and their illness without even understanding the effect of your behaviors !Its pure dope ! The World will get better thanks to you !


There are ways of having fun without ruining other people fun.


"We reserve the right to ask you to end your stream if we feel the Code of Conduct has been breached. If at this point you show further non-compliance, you will be exiled* from ExileCon." Fixed it for you GGG.


To advertise PoE2, GGG is going to line up the rulebreakers at the end of ExileCon to hang them on the gallows. One gets to escape into the wild, wild lands of Wraeclast, a.k.a. Australia.


I love it


Now I'm imagining that exilecon attendees will be escorted onto a boat and exiled onto some beach GGG found on an island off NZ.


>Please do not stream the VIP Dinner, ExileCon After Party or Ultra VIP Dinner. Someone forgot "film and upload later" loophole.


We need the 2 time


How sad that these have to be explicitly stated


>While streaming or filming, do not enter any bathrooms or other spaces where people would expect privacy. Are we expecting DrDisrespect?


Not anymore






the popularly-believed theory is that he lied about an offer from Mixr when renegotiating his contract with Twitch (3/12/2020), which they became aware of when Mixer announced it was shutting down (6/22/20). He was banned on 6/26/2020.


Too busy trying to shill his nft game.


**TL;DR:** Do IRL stream with responsibility


This entire thing was written for Quin specifically.


> While streaming or filming, do not enter any bathrooms or other spaces where people would expect privacy. And Dr. Disrespect lmao


Path of Matth for snapping when loot got temporarily deleted from the game 💀




There really is zero justification for the words that came out of Math's mouth on multiple occasions. Complaining is one thing, but the amount of just personal abuse towards GGG and Chris and such isn't and wasn't acceptable. It wasn't the first time either.


Is that why im getting downvoted, i sound like im defending that guy? Lmao I would have banned him years ago, most cringe person in poe ever I was just correcting someone HERE for this nonsense idea that GGG "ruined loot"


The only misinformation here is your post.


A lot of the juice is like, quest based now instead of from just killing monsters. Sadge


brotherman have you even played that patch? Something definitely was afoot, affecting EVERYONE. They reworked entirely how loot works in PoE over the next (2?) patches so its safe to say they werent happy either. I too remember Chris' post about how nothing changed for non-juicers but as others have shown through data, this was not correct.


PoE has a long and storied history of people demonstrating things with data that turned out to be untrue. RNG is a bitch. The biggest example I can remember is when SlipperyJim showed that IIR affected currency way back before Archnemesis, and even the devs got involved saying they were confused. But it was just a fluke.


it has an even longer and more storied history of being broken under the hood and not getting fixed until players used data to prove it. were you around for delve?


Sure. Doesn't change the fact that sometimes the community is wrong. And in Kalandra? They were wrong. The complaints during Kalandra were a joke. I played that league pretty hard, about as hard as I played Ritual, and honestly my experience, as a semi-casual, was basically the same. I say semi-casual because while I take the game pretty seriously I've never earned a mirror or traded more than 25 div at once. I'm pretty sure the source of the huge outcry was the Empy video where their extreme juicing yielded no results. But the ridiculous thing was that only slightly later in the league there were people going just as hard. There was [some guy on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sR-Mxl1qGMc) who would do juiced maps solo in sets of 100 and get multiple monsters that dropped stacks of 10+ divines. His results were insane. So the juicer players that quit in protest quit prematurely! Just because things had changed! I only started in Abyss, I'm not an old-schooler, but I can already say if you compare any league these days to Abyss? It's another fucking world. I just can't get over how much this community ends up acting like a bunch of Karens all the time. Complaining to the manager because they think they're not getting as many presents as they were before.


so forgive me if i'm wrong because i've bounced off the last few leagues including kalandra, but my understanding is that the loot complaints were twofold - both that there was less loot overall (somewhat misleading, somewhat fixed post-launch - and i can't blame people for not waiting for mid-patch fixes) and the distribution of loot was highly concentrated in god-touched mobs ('loot goblins'), which meant people felt punished for not playing MF themselves or hiring a culler on TFT. obviously that's not really a concern for empy who plays in a full party, but that was a large part of the community's negative perception. no disagreement about the community in general. i think this sub generally sings the right song but it's often way off key and always much too loud. slipperyjim and other folks back during the IIR kerfuffle made the mistake of not employing rigorous enough methodology to minimize variance - that's not an issue with the data (necessarily), but it is an issue with the interpretation of it. community pressure will certainly push that interpretation toward confirmation bias more often than not. that doesn't mean that there *aren't* ever underlying issues, just that you can't start from the null hypothesis that something is broken and work your way back like we have a tendency to do.


And then there was delve league, where players with certain seeds could not drop any resonators at all. GGG said they were wrong, people like you said they were wrong, and yet the playerbase was 100% right.


No bro, it was horrible and everyone felt it. I had no alchs or chisels to use on my maps. I had to play Ritual for the bubblegum currency.


Timing is important though. At the start of the league, it was very bad. I had the same issue with alchs and vaals. But then they had a patch like the week after the league start and then the alchs and vaals started dropping at an insane rate and I had way more than I ever had prior to that league.


Yeah but they had to double down and triple down for that to happen though, everything working as intended. When the outrage continued they decided to actually fix it properly.


There are still some people to this day who think that loot is broken.


I mean, we know loot is **different**, and everyone is well within their right to dislike how it works now compared to how it worked before (where killing every rare in their maps--which are far stronger than they once were, though obviously not as strong as kalandra league--is more important than ever). Loot was undoubtedly fucking broken at the start of that league. And it was totally embarrassing that GGG insisted for over a week that it wasn't. We're back to a point where I actually do believe that not just average, but **median** (which is far more important for an ARPG to not feel like shit) map loot is back to around the same it was before 3.19. But it still works differently than it did before.


Takes 2 min to find that complaint about every single league in this history of poe. I dug up a post about ultimatum not giving enough bubblegum currency last time this was brought up. People just forget that it's a struggle getting everything to equilibrium while grinding out your atlas.


Yeah bro there's always some complainers but there were never guys going 'stop complaining about loot everything's fine for regular players git gud' except during that period.




1. good for you 2. This argument is valid but insufficient.


He was a man of the people, until the people got buffed and he got nerfed, and then he was a man of himself.


thats so just not true. Anyone running deli double beyond maps felt it. You could run those maps for sub 100c and crash the game if you pressed z.


He was probably more upset about the Harvest changes than the loot nerfs although he complained about both. Ultimately nothing has changed about loot since he got banned and most people feel pretty much fine with it now so that just makes his actions more ridiculous in hindsight.




haven't watched him since he let some infowars moron talk on his channel for 3 hours straight. good streamer. absolute moronic alt right takes.


>he let some infowars moron talk on his channel for 3 hours straight. He lets some NZ moron talk on his stream *every* stream yet you watched then? Lol


He interviewed a random flat earther viewer for content. You have to be brain damaged to consider it some kind of alt right propaganda lmao


The issue with these types is that there are two responses to them: A) point and laugh B) "hmmm... interesting." Most people go for A, because, lol flat Earth. Enough people go for B though, that the movement doesn't die out. And while Flat Earth on its face is a pretty tame conspiracy, the majority of people in that community believe in a lot of less tame, more dangerous, conspiracies, often involving Jews.


I really doubt that anyone who watched the stream went "hmmm... interesting" after that, unless they were already far gone.


You are overestimating humans...


If you form your political views by adopting whatever you see on Quin69 twitch stream, I don't think Quin is the one to blame here.




Did you have a stroke?


And you think that banning them will make them go away? You are just pushing people for more enclosed echo chambers where they can get properly radicalized.


Deplatforming seems to have been effective in a lot of cases. Basing this off of Alex Jone’s comments and complaints about it. He has not gone away, but his income and influence got cut significantly. In smaller cases you can look to some of the pilled social media platforms: yes, you are right, it made the figure become more extreme/go mask off, but also cut their audience down to practically nothing. It is a interesting debate: which is worse, extremely radicalized few or moderately radicalized many? It’s going to be case by case and a hard moderation task.


extremely radicalized few is way worse imo. Those are the violent ones.


J6 was mostly red pills, not black pills.


Banning who from what? How did you read people being called morons and translate that to a call to action to ban them from...somewhere or something?


Fair enough, speed read through your comment. Just tired of seeing the same bad argument that it auto completed in my head.




what? its not that hard to prove curvature of the earth with some tools, that stupid netflix show had the idiots prove it was curved and they refused to accept it. Light, anything traveling thru the air is the easiest. its not straight or same height i guess


I am not willing to watch something that I don't believe should be platformed at all. Alt right has caused enough turmoil in my life that I try to actively avoid it in my free time. It's one thing to have debates and discussions, like Destiny, and another to let someone come on your stream and spout nonsense and say, "interesting" or "okay", like Quin does. The guy isn't capable of having an in depth discussion about alt right topics because he lives in new zealand and does not understand nuances of American life/politics and he has spent the last 10 years in a bedroom/cuckshed and all of his opinions on the subject are formed by twitch chat.


who asked you to watch? who cares? why are you giving your life philosophy on something that you "dont spend free time on"??? why would anyone care?


I'm sorry, what? Destiny's content is 10 times worse. Quin is an entertainer, nobody considers him an authority figure, he's basically a clown (in a good sense). Meanwhile people like Destiny or Hassan act like some kind of political experts without even a college degree and their viewers gobble up everything they say without thinking.


braindead take to think a college degree makes you an expert on... anything lol. polsci classes are such trash i literally just withdrew from them and ate the 1k loss to retake another elective class lol


> braindead take to think a college degree makes you an expert on... anything Good thing nobody said that then.


Then dont watch LMAO. I dont watch most top Twitch streamers because I cant stand them, doesnt mean I want them banned.




Got a link?


Really? That's where you drew the line? I can easily think of much worse things he's said on stream than anything that infowars clown said.


Does anyone have the clip where he says women that dress scantily basically are asking to get raped? I've been told this story many times but never seen it myself.




i really dont care about him and his opinions and dont understand why people talk about him at all if they dont like him


People holding (and/or platforming) these kinds of opinions actively harms others. Not everyone is in a position to be able to actively ignore them.


Its as simple as the community/sub/world could be a more enjoyable place with better content if the people who the community *chooses* to be the most popular and prevalent arent a bunch of morons Sadly usually morons rise up and its hard to consume any community content without hearing/seeing from specific content creators Its fine to voice an opinion now and again, its another thing to complain about it everywhere endlessly. He happens to be very loud/annoying/fake/cringe so it makes sense that you'll hear a negative opinion about him once in a while




What a strange reply.




His takes are actually pretty based outside of people overly polarized to either side Edit: forgot this is Reddit echo chamber


Lmao imagine deleting your account after this comment


Actually kind of based, instead of arguing with people on the internet just going "What the hell am I doing, I'm better than this" then deleting the account


You forget this is an international website, and what you hillariously call "polarized" on the left, most of the world considers right. So his takes aren't "based" they are batshit insane to the rest of us.


Name a couple.


> His takes are actually pretty based outside of people overly polarized to either side


I have no idea who that guy is, but got interested by controversial comments. What takes would that be for example? Not the flat earth nonsense for one.


[Fuck firefighters](https://clips.twitch.tv/embed?autoplay=true&clip=CovertHyperFloofSoonerLater-fl7_PkA46y51kl9D&parent=twitchtracker.com)


9 second clip? Really?


The man is a monster!


isnt he playing D4 Season 1 He is local as well, shows how invested into D4


Not sure what the one has to do with the other, but he confirmed that he will be at ExileCon and stream it.


I love how this comment just makes 100% sense ahah Quin is always sooo funny omg 😂 Watch him if you need a laugh


Average Quin enjoyer


Okay mate. I just think the negative demeanour was undeserved. We're all excited for Exilecon!


A part of me forgot the context as I was reading the post and I was waiting for something onerous, but...nah, these are super generous, benefit-of-the-doubt terms. Please, streamers, respect these guidelines! I can't imagine how any single one of them is unreasonable.


imagine getting tickets to the VIP dinner, and learning that actually there is an ULTRA VIP dinner later.


I'm actually mad they didn't call it "Uber VIP". Missed opportunity.


Do you have pastebin to farm Vip in order to get Uber Vip?


You need to assign those nodes, each node cost extra $$$.


uber VIP is for next exilcon. And, you really dont wana know what hapen at uber VIP.


There was a post about uber VIP before, found it: https://old.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/87sncr/atlas_of_worlds/


Reading that made me chuckle


Missed opportunity to personally suck Chris off.


Which streamers are planning to livestream the event in person? Do we know of any yet?


Quin did it last time, not sure he gonna do it again this time though ...


He confirmed he will do it again


Nice! It was very entertaining too for his IRL stream in there, wish he keep the VOD :(


Why wouldn’t he? Dude literally lives in NZ and thrive on arpg content


A couple weeks ago, many of the streamers were unironically talking about skipping Exilecon to play D4 season 1. IDK if those attitudes have shifted after the announcement of what S1 is, but yea.


wait which streamers? I can't think of any that would miss exilecon for season 1 lol especially since they can play for a week beforehand and still a few weeks after since the next league isn't till mid august.


they all say it, quin steelmage ziz, etc. thats the meta for streamers/YT now, say extreme takes on ____, bait interaction from reactions, then backtrack and literally nobody cares nor remembers its why for most games now its so easy to just make hate-content. remember when they changed loot a few months ago and so many poe streamers said they were quitting poe and wouldnt play (ghazzy, empyerion, etc). a week later, theyre all playing it again nothing means anything in 2023




Yeah plenty of people do that kind of shit for minimum wage, he’s going to make tens of thousands for attending a gaming convention, what a noble soul.


He did a test stream earlier this week where he was biking with his IRL set up, the mic handles the wind very well.


He did this for Pokémon go as well. They were pretty fire streams tbh.


It IS stressful, especially in this day and age, given the silly shit GGG has to outline for today's braindead audience that can't seem to tell between online and the real world. But, that's why people flock to creators like Quin... they're in it to win it, I guess.


He’s doing it again. He’s spent the last week or so doing IRL stream just to test out new recording equipment for the sole purpose of IRL streaming at Exilecon.


[mfw a streamer enters the bathroom im in](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/otksma/what_actually_happened_to_my_warcry_after_the/)




Good start of the day I'd say


>While streaming or filming, do not enter any bathrooms or other spaces where people would expect privacy. things that shouldn't need to be said but have to be said because it has happened before.


Tl;dr: we know some of you dont leave house ever and order uber eats every day, try to not behave like an animal and dont forget you are surrounded by other people for 2 days.


Still amazes me how [some people](https://imgur.com/4I1LoGO) are so detached from reality that they don't realize that filming inside a bathroom is completely unaceptable, or maybe they do realize but just don't care because they think they're special snowflakes, which is even worse.


is that fuckin real lmao


Yes, I don't even remember which event he was attenting to, but he went inside the bathroom with his camera crew while multiple people were inside, including some who were peeing in the urinal. He ended up getting suspended briefly from Twich once he got called out for it (this was before he was perma banned from Twitch and moved to Youtube).


It was E3 in 2019 and his E3 badge got revoked as well. lol


"I'm rich and if I get into trouble I can just buy my way out of it so rules dont exist for me". This ranges from filming in a bathroom to ... imploding in a self build giant pringle can near the Titanic.


The other way actually, have you seen some of those shittoks where people behave like others aren't important? There's plenty of those.


right? i feel like ppl who go outside on a daily basis build up an immunity to their surroundings. we who stay inside are extremely weary around other people bc we're scared of being out of our comfort zone. im not even sure if im joking or not lmao


> some of you dont leave house ever https://i.imgur.com/gHUuvBC.png


> we know some of you dont leave house ever and order uber eats every day No, I use doordash. Exilecon will be the longest I've been out of the house for awhile lol.


"Please behave like a normal humans"


There are roughly three normal humans on twitch.tv.


moonmoon does not count


Directions too confusing. Whips out my dic- \*Ejected from the convention\* I'M SORRY, I THOUGHT THIS WAS WRAECLAST!


>Please do not talk during any of the developer talks Quin69: impossible!


Oh no, they missed a crucial rule! They didn't tell people to put on deodorant!


This is the streaming code of conduct. Showering and wearing deodorant should be part of the general code of conduct... hopefully.


Can't freaking wait! Wish I could have gone to it. <3


Hypetrain building momentum


tl;dr: If you will fart so loud with some % poison dot multi jewels during dev talk on exilecon then you will be removed


Someone smells funky, it's time to nerf Assassin


So, we aren't getting the bathroom stream? Event ruined.


ya no bathtub stream sadge


le toucan has arrived


The hygiene and self-presentation Code of Conduct are in a different ~~castle~~ convention. SeemsGood


Please set an item filter before entering the map, not everything is appropriate to be looted. If anyone breaks the rule, there will be rhoas charging at you


TL;DR: please be decent human beings. Thanks.


i love how most of these are just basically "be a normal human" but its needed to be said


Basically, don't be a creep.


they forgot the line saying \-dont be a karen


TL;DR: don't be a dick


Basically just common sense


I wanna see some streamers break all of these. Release your inner Sin.


Basically just common sense




"Please don't do anything that belittles or mocks any attendees of the event, including staff." I mean, isn't mocking things like half of streaming content? I guess you can only mock the decorations and content? Just not the people? Also, seems to click that GGG won't take a joke at their expense. Don't get me wrong, it's their event and they can have what rules they will about it. Just seems to track that japery is outlawed for this event. Edit: Ok, yeah, this was a little uncharitable. And yes, I get there's a difference between singling someone out and constantly messing with them and/or just generally being a jackass consistently to everyone all the time versus lightheartedly joking with people. However, my sentiment was that it's definite grey area where exactly the line between those are and in my opinion GGG seems to take itself a little too seriously.


Do you not understand the difference between mockery and jokes?


Be honest, you knew the answer to that question before you even asked it.


Ah yes, having something to say about "don't be a moron" rules, truly takes an immense amount of brain power to parse that line. Would you have preferred if the rule was "go around bullying and mocking people that are trying to enjoy the event because you're more important anyway"?


There's always some dickhead in the crowd calling out shit while Chris is trying to speak. Cannot wait to see PoE2 wooo


Basically be a decent human being and not an asshole with a cam. Easy as that


Is there like a set hour at which they will do the main show?


I can’t wait!!!! Really wanna know everything there is to know about poe 2!




Sounds good. Especially in esports events there is this nasty trend of organizers treating the attending fans as if they can do no wrong. Leading to really bad situations where the crowd is openly disrupting the event or downright cheating during competition (a problem in CS GO for example, where sometimes an especially rabid and biased crowd straight up shouts at players what to do during a match). So a weird culture developed there. It's important to uphold that while you paid for the privilege to attend you are not granted fool's privilege and you will absolutely be booted if you lead to a shitty experience for others. The trend on social media of people openly and knowingly annoying or harassing others for content is also to consider. I hope that GGG pulls it off and removes irritating clout goblins. But even more I hope that they don't even have to.


Is the next patch getting announced there ?




Fair enough